#dave monolith
candyparalysis · 27 days
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check my wares
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
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It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage.
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He craves for something that isn’t a poteto
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glazeliights · 9 months
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I am sooo soso normal about them. blinks innocently at you
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horrorknife · 10 months
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*haunting music*
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⏳️//either way of this it’s just an interesting concept//
“Have you been here this whole time?”
Frank was shocked. He was confused. Most of all, he was sad, but somehow still relieved. So… fate didn’t just mess with one of us, he thought.
The man before him acted like a trapped animal, much like some of the veterans Frank had met when he was young. But… despite his changed appearance, it was most certainly David Bowman.
But how had he survived this long? They told him it had been a thousand years since his death; nobody could live for a thousand years. But still! Here he was, in the midst of some inescapable alien trap.
“Are you…?”
He couldn’t say it. Are you real? That’s crazy!
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Would it distort this reality to order a black coffee?
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stuckasmain · 1 month
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I’ve approached this topic before and now I want to return to it after finishing the book series. The author himself has basically admitted you can pick and choose what’s ‘canon’ or not due to the books being slightly different universes- that’s a ramble for another time but I still want to go over the sad shift that happened with Dave. I’ve said it before and I’ve seen others joke about it but it’s very clear when you’re reading Clarke did NOT want to write more than 2010. I’m not saying he got spiteful but there is definitely a disconnect.
To me it almost feels like Dave looses his Starchild status as how he’s explained in the last two books is in a stark contrast to his initial transformation. He’s near omnipotent, a child in the scheme of things— eventually he has responsibility but for now he’s sort of left to flounder and chooses to watch earth. Now I am a fan of the dog metaphor of 2010 where he’s occasionally used but has a lot of autonomy.
In the first part of the series to me it seems that this is expressly Dave just transformed whereas later he’s a mind copy tool. (Though still Dave in a lot of ways that autonomy and ability to move freely is GONE he’s tied to the monolith). Again I think a lot could be done with this concept but it goes back and sort of rewrites where he’s not “ascended” but a slave.
It’s just so sad because there is a lot going for both concepts but little payoff ultimately, however enough of me complaining… here’s some angst.
There’s something so tragic about Dave in that we know him more as a legend than we ever did know him as a man. He’s young, ambitious and great at his work- he hopes to go to the beach when he comes home, he wants to live comfortably and looks out for his crew members. He had a sad life but found joy in his profession and then he has the worst few months of his life and dies- and depending on which you follow is reborn or copied.
He becomes a name to be invoked. A missing astronaut. The “Bowman thing”. Starchild. Hell! He’s basically the local cryptid of Ganymede.
He is a constant throughout the series because he haunts the narrative. Not fully gone but a ghostly god figure who wants so desperately to remember himself - who’s attached to his fading humanity.
It’s a shame because this haunting is a light one. I wasn’t looking about invoking his name as he’s basically a helper god. What’s sad to me is that it isn’t explored as a genuine loss or charecter trauma but instead he’s just a plot device.
Halman is more of a plot device than a character (and I fully believe it was also Halman in 2061 just there wasn’t a name for them yet. As it’s just ‘yeah Hal’s here say hi Hal’ and that was it)
It’s just such a shame as David Bowman is a character filled with trauma and potential. While I would’ve preferred to follow the initial Starchild being, as him watching over earth and discovering what he is and you know like thematic significance of clinging to humanity etc. The tool idea is also fascinating but I would’ve preferred to explore it more… unfortunately tool was taken a little too literally and he’s a plot device.
I don’t know- canon is what you make it in this series, it’s not like I can’t write what I want to see (and I’m going to). It’s just a shame is all.
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withoutalice · 5 months
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POV: You're Dave Bowman in the Monolith
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egg-on-a-legg · 1 year
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celebrating hals birthday by combining my interests
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candyparalysis · 2 months
putting a "keep reading" thing to avoid flooding my bog any more with the MN-LTH posting
Favs: Herd, Redundant, Maintenance, The Hustle
Definitely classic Dave, though less hard hitters on this one. Redundant is a great opener, Herd is really great, uses that same synth/whatever on Box 9 that I really like (since some of these are demos maybe Herd is a precursor to it...?)
Favs: Lamb, Metal WKD, Garrowsdance, What's Your Mids, Soul Equity, PD Stomp
A few of these are taken from a Photodementia record from a couple years ago, however I feel like they perfectly on here just as they do on IMG000. As for the new tracks...
Lamb is so massive, just utterly huge. And then immediately into Metal WKD... two very hard hitters, right at the start. That's how you know it's gonna be good. The rest of the record is all pretty solid, probably the best of the 3 albums imo. I wish Soul Equity went on longer though, feels like it could have been fleshed out a lot more.
Favs: Milan (obviously), Charity, Break Rip, We never lied
I know I said MN-LTH-103 was the best of the 3 new albums, but man this one is a pretty close second. This one definitely has the best breaks of the two.
Milan (Madrid Track) is, as many have said before, possibly a masterpiece. The synths, the melody, the drums, everything - perfection. Not sure which version I like more though, the live version is just as good as this one.
Charity is chaos, nothing but pure leftfield goodness, a very close second favourite. We never lied is also very cool, great closer.
Not much else to say for this one, very solid listening experience.
ive been listening to nothing but dave monolith for 3 hours, I feel physically tired, I need to collapse into tiny particles, like the liquefy tool in Teardown
im gonna go lay down and sleep and snooze and listen to fuckin idk ASMR Your Slimegirl Boyfriend Turns You Into The Worm From Portal
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
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They’re on honeymoon
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Nap time 💤
Headcannon: Hal loves to sleep on Dave’s chest, so he can hear his heart beat. It makes him feel comfortable.
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silveragelovechild · 3 months
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Illustrations by Joe Wilson for 2001: A Space Odyssey- a special of the book published by the Folio Society
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cantsayidont · 5 months
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January 1976. Jack Kirby takes Dave Bowman through the Stargate in this spectacular sequence from Kirby's tabloid-size adaptation of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. Another one that could really stand a proper remastered reprint (with flat colors, thank you), if the undoubtedly complicated rights issues could be sorted out.
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ryan-the-thing · 1 year
3 things the Space Odssey fandom NEVER TALKS ABOUT. (As if there iS a fandom, I can't even find people)
• What the hell happened to the dead hibernating crew? I know they got thrown out too but like- where are their souls? Why didn't starchild help them out 💀💀💀 They're probably so lost & confused--
• IN THE BOOK, Dave eats blue food at the end, and it apparently was like spicy jello that tasted like dried fruit, meat and bread or something. LIKE DAMN I WANT SOME-
(I love how they described the ending<3)
• If being around the monolith makes you evolve... WHY DIDN'T DR. FLOYD EVOLVE. HE LITERALLY FUCKING TOUCHED IT?? 😭😭😭 How come the manapes evolve but not him-
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