#dave looks handsome and cool AF
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Eurythmics - Don't Ask Me Why (1989 12" Vinyl Album Single)
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kipsbay · 7 years
Key meet car Pt 2
It’s finally done. Not happy with it at all, but hey, I wrote again!
Pairing: Daveed X Reader
Words: ~1380
Note: Holy shit, the response has been really cool! Thank you all!!! Here’s part two! I put it a bit in the past, during Hamilton’s Public days. I reference a date with a female cast member. I don’t know her sexuality, nor yours, but this is self-indulgent AF so I made the reader bisexual (yo!). I spent WAY too long finding the name of a bar they could go to… Ah well...
Warning: Some cursing
Tagging: @soundsgaebutok @ballerinafairyprincess @apandawithcookies @moistpotatobear @nadialinett14
Daveed got up as well, following you to the living room, his eyes on the pictures on the wall again.
“Thanks,” he said distractedly. Suddenly he pointed at one of the pictures and turned to you. “You know Oak?” he asked, sounding surprised.
You in turn looked at him weirdly and said, “yeah, we went to Rutgers together.” You handed him a note with your name and number before narrowing your eyes. “How do you know Oak?” you inquired.
“We work together!” Daveed laughed.
“You’re that Daveed?” Your voice had risen to a near yell.
“And you’re that Y/N!” Daveed shouted. “He tried to set you up with half of the cast. Talking ‘bout how pretty and smart you were, how your previous partners all sucked, how you’d be way better off with someone he knew and trusted.”
“He said that?” You felt a blush rise on your cheeks again, together with a sense of shame for being talked about, but also fondness for Oak, who was looking out for you after you’d called him crying about your ex.
“Yeah. Never mentioned you were capable of keying someone’s car, though.”
“I told yo- You know what, I deserve that. I already feel like shit about it, might as well rub it in,” you said, looking down at the floor, frustrated tears returning.
“Hey now,” Daveed said, walking to you and grabbing your arm. “None of that. I’m sorry. I’m not even mad about it anymore. Honestly, between how my day’s gone and you keying my car, I just need a drink.”
“God, me, too,” you sighed. You glanced at the clock. It was nearing 8 and you hadn’t even had dinner yet. A couple glasses of wine sounded perfect, though.
“You know what? Let’s call Oak and we’ll go out. Do you need to change?” Daveed asked, before glancing at your outfit. It was nothing special, a skirt and blouse for work, but you honestly couldn’t wait to get out of it. You’d taken of your heels as soon as you walked in the door.
“Not that you don’t look good!” Daveed added. “I mean, ya know. Maybe you’d want to wear something more comfortable?”
You raised an eyebrow and looked him straight in the eyes. “Allow me to slip into something more comfortable,” you said with a suggestive tone.
Daveed’s eyes went wide and shot to yours, his brows nearing his hairline.
“I didn- I mean, you-,” he stuttered.
You couldn’t keep a straight face anymore and burst out laughing. “Your face! Oh my God, that’s hilarious!”
“Jesus, Y/N… For a second I thought I was in a porn movie.” He pitched his voice to make it sound like a woman’s, “I’m sorry for keying your car, mister. How can I make it up to you?” He fluttered his eyes, causing you to laugh even harder.
“Shut up, you’re gonna make me piss myself!” you laughed, whacking him on the arm. You sobered enough to turn to him. “I’mma go change, I’ll be right back. Can you call Oak?”
“Sure. Where do you wanna meet him?”
“There’s a bar downtown we usually go to, tell him to meet us at the Swift Lounge.”
“The Swift? That's where we hang out after rehearsal. How come I've never seen you?” Daveed asked.
“Probably because it's been a couple of months since I've been there,” you said. “I'm so busy, I've only spoken to Oak through texts.”
You walked into your bedroom and opened your closet. You started taking off your blouse when you heard Daveed’s voice from the living room. “So you haven't met any of the people Oak works with? We need to change that!”
You glanced back at him, remembering Sasha and the coffee date from hell.
“Unless you don't wa- WHOA!” Daveed shouted, seeing your state of undress before quickly turning around.
“Oh, c’mon,” you laughed. “It's nothing you haven't seen before, being in theater. Oak has seen me in my underwear loads of times.”
Daveed raised his chin and, looking at the ceiling, said “I might be in theater, doesn’t mean I’m used to people casually undressing. That part was always weird to me. I’m a rapper, too.”
“A rapper, huh? So you're used to seeing girls in much less than a skirt and bra. All those gorgeous girls, damn, I'm jealous. Unless you're more a man's man?”
“Nope, definitely a ladies man,” Daveed said, still looking at the ceiling. “Are you decent, yet?”
“Never decent, but I'm dressed, if that's what you meant,” you replied. You were surprised by how flustered he had gotten. This handsome man, blushing at the sight of your plain black bra. You'd put on a sundress, knowing the Swift Lounge was going to be warm, even if it was a Wednesday. Daveed slowly turned around and you heard a muttered ‘thank god’.
You quirked your eyebrow at him and he started sputtering.
“No! I just… Uhm. I was afraid you were gonna be completely naked this time. Not that I would really mind. I mean… I- you're very pretty. Gorgeous, even. I wouldn't have minded at all,” he kept stammering, the blush on his cheeks spreading to his ears and neck.
It was strange how this man, who you met not even an hour ago, could make you fluster with only a few words.
“You haven't called Oak yet, have you?” you asked, changing the subject.
Daveed shook his head, so you said “I'll text him,” before grabbing your phone from the coffee table.
To: Oak Tree
Met a friend of urs 2day, wanna meet up w/ us @ Swift?
You locked your phone and saw Daveed with his in one hand, the note in his other.
“I have another Y/N in here, believe it or not,” he said.
“As long as you don't put me in as ‘weirdo who keyed my car’, I'm sure it'll be fine,” you said, knowing he would do just that.
“Don't give me any ideas,” Daveed laughed. He put his phone away and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Now we wait,” he muttered.
“Now we wait,” you echoed. “Did you want to invite anyone else?”
Daveed told you about the group chat and shot out a quick text.
He put his phone in his pocket and squinted at you. “Didn’t you go on a date with Sasha? She told me about a date she went on with a Y/N.”
“She told you about that? Oh god.” You hid your face in your hands. Oak had set you up with a beautiful girl he worked with. You’d met with her at a coffee shop, but you’d been so nervous, you spilled your latte all over the table and knocked her drink over as well. You had apologized profusely and Sasha had been so sweet. She told you to call her to set up another date, but you’d been to scared to. You told Oak about it, hoping she would call or text you, but she never did.
“Yeah, she did. Hoped you would call, but you never did, did ya? Sat by the phone for days, poor thing,” he said, ruefully shaking his head.
“Really? I thought she’d call me if she wanted to see me again…”
“Nah, I’m messing with you,” Daveed laughed. “Said you were cute, but awkward as fuck. She wanted to call you, but Oak told her not to.”
‘The fuck, Oak,’ you thought.
At that moment your phone buzzed with a text.
From: Oak Tree
Sure! Its been 2 long! There in 20. friend = Daveed? ;)
To: Oak Tree
Yeah. I’m angry @ u. U told Sasha not 2 call me? >:(
You put your phone in your purse, even though it buzzed again. ‘Let Oak stew for a bit,’ you thought.
“You ready to go?” you asked.
You looked at Daveed, who had his phone in his hands again.
“Sasha’s coming,” he announced.
“Fuck me,” you muttered.
“Really, Y/N? We’ve only just met!” He started laughing. “I thought you were a ladies lady?”
“I’m a both lady,” you chuckled. “Well, more an everyone lady, ya know?”
“Sounds like low standards to me,” Daveed said. “Willing to sleep with everyone?”
You gave him a playful glare. “I mean,” you began, “That I don’t really care or mind what’s in somebody's pants. Especially not when I’m in them, too.”
Daveed laughed and threw his arm around your shoulders and walked you towards the front door. “Y/N, I think this the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
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the-mayor-of-space · 7 years
You want a whole bunch? D O T H E M A L L . . . jkjk 1-37, 45, 56, 89, 99, 103, 104, 108, 122, 125, 135, 147 + 148, 155-169, 171, 176, 195 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), 200
34: State visited:oh boy here we go
its a little weird that the asks are in reverse order in the post huh. i thought so at least.
the first part is all favourites so here we go
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? : see like look at this. question one is about how i answered all the questions i havent answered yet. the answer will be yes though, because otherwise whats the point.
2: Dog breed: i looked up a list of dog breeds because i dont know anything about them really and shelties are my new favourite kind of dog. at least aesthetically. [look at this doggo shes so good]
3: Comedian: dan avidan, gabriel iglesias, louis ck, various internet funnymen, etc.
4: Talk show host: tbh i dont think ive ever w=been a fan if talk shows.
5: Color: p u r p l e
6: Flower: every flower that has a pokemon character named after it.
7: Perfume: anything subtle enough to not send me to asthma-ville
8: Yankee candle scent: man lots of these are just things i dont know really anythign about huh
9: Radio station: mojave music radio ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵃᶰʸᵇᵒᵈʸ ᵉᵛᵉᶰ ᶫᶦˢᵗᵉᶰ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᵃᶫ ʳᵃᵈᶦᵒ ˢᵗᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰˢ ᵃᶰʸᵐᵒʳᵉ﹖ ʰᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵉᶰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᶰᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵗᵃʸ ᵒᵖᵉᶰ﹖
10: Restaurant:  five guys, my dudes. that shits so good.
11: Food: all sorts of generic shit. pizza, pasta, poutine, suchi, you know the drill
12: Thing to cook: mmmm. im not honestly sure. i cook a lot of stuff but im not sure anythign in particular stands out as my favourite. i can tell you for certain it isnt griled fucking cheese. such a pain in the ass to cook and the customers always get upset that it takes so long and its like im fucking sorry that you have 3 goddamn children who all need grilled fucking cheeses instead of a food choice that isnt trash and it takes up the grill so i cant make food for any of our other 30 customers in line right now and we’re always out of fucking vegetables to give you on your plate to go with it jesus fucking christ
a job where i had to deal with customers all day was not well suited to a lowkey misanthrope like me.
13: Concert attended: tbh im not big on concerts. ive been to a few but its not my jam.
14: Beach: cannon beach in oregon is pretty great if i remember, but its been like 10 years since i went. also i didnt dislike beaches back then.
15: Day of the week: friday. because of course it fucking is. or monday/tuesday was pretty good when i was workign because that was my weekend
16: Book: the book thief was the last thing i read and particularly enjoyed so lets go with that
17: Magazine: i mean like i said with radios, magazines arent really a thing anymore are they? like i get that theyre technically still around but does anyone buy them? ive honestly never seen someone reading a magazine for anythign other than lack of proper reading material onhand.
18: Sport to play: eww gross.
19: Sport to watch: FOOBAW. ᶦ ᵈᵒᶰᵗ ᵏᶰᵒʷ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵃᵐᶰ ᵗʰᶦᶰᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶠᵒᵒᵗᵇᵃᶫᶫ ᶦ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵉᵐᵉ⋅ ᶦ ᵈᵒᶰᵗ ᵗʰᶦᶰᵏ ᶦᵛᵉ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵍᵃᵉ ᵒᶠ ˢᵖᵒʳᵗˢ ᵃᶫᶫ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ⋅
20: Holiday: h a l l o w e e n ,   b a b y. i fuckin love to get s p o o k y
21: Theme park: there was this one waterpark i went to a handful of times as a kid, but i heard it got shut down recently.
22: Animal: i like cats and crows. i swear im not an edgelord, i just dont think about animals that much. ᵖᵒᵏᵉᵐᵒᶰ ᵒᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ʰᵃᶰᵈ⋅⋅⋅
23: Website: i was gonna say tumblr and then i realized i actually fucking hate this website
24: Movie: ive said it before and i’ll say it again. detective heart of america is the best goddamn movie of our modern era and i will fight anyone who disagrees dave
25: TV show: rick and morty yo
26: Grocery store: any of them? i heard the owner of one of the grocery stores in my town died recently so thats something. i also heard he was a dick though so whatever.
27: Clothing store: anywhere where i can buy stuff with space on it immediately becomes one of my favourites.
28: Band: lemon demon / neil cicerega, same guy. also ninja sex party.
29: Singer: ditto, dan avidan and neil cicerega
30: Actress: i kind of dont know any?
31: Actor: same deal. im not a particular of any of the ones i know in specific
32: Athlete: world famous pugilist: tommy ray handly
33: Cellphone provider: i mean im not partial to any of them. i use telus but also their internet isnt great sometimes.
34: State visited: oregon yo. that shits aesthetic af. for reference im canadian so ive only been to a few of the states.
35: President Prime Minister: new trudeau is new so he hasnt really done much yet but boy howdy is he a handsome chappie or what
36: Vehicle: i dont know a thing about cars.
37: Candy: starburst. toffee. caramel.im sure im forgetting lots.
on to the next bit, this part is miscellanious:
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: having my hair played with. i love it so much
56: Favorite web site: hey cool this is the same question as 23.
89: Who makes you laugh the most: probably @brannysweetnuts
well that was short. these next two are “the last time i”
99: Went to a movie theater: when i went to go see rogue one. it was good shit sassmaster robot is my favourite.
103: Hugged someone: like a week and a half ago. i think.
alright up next is “heres what i think about”
104: The future: probably its not gonna be much better than it is right now. i certainly dont have one.
108: Designer Clothes: tbh i kind of dont have any thoughts on them other than that they kind of seem like a waste of money?
122: War: im glad/lucky as fuck i dont have to deal with it. also a lot of them seem kind of pointless.
this part is “this or that”
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate
135: Burried or cremated: i want you guys to take my skeleton and make it into a statue, put some cool sunglasses on me, and stand me up in a lobby/foyer somewhere. and failing that, cremate me and shoot the ashes into space. or better yet: put cool glasses on my skeleton and then shoot that into space.
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn, baby
148: Summer or winter: A U T U M N
these ones are “do you believe in”
155: Magic: nope
156: Orbs: of course i believe in orbs, i main zenyatta
157: War: i believe it exists. i dont believe its that useful most of the time.
158: Gay Marriage: oh come on, we all know the gays dont actually exist
159: Ghosts: no :/ i wish they were real though that would be rad as shit. i love ghosts.
160: Soul mates: i hope
161: Horoscopes: no, but theyre still fun
162: God: nah
163: Hell: nope
164: Heaven: no
165: Aliens: yeah. but theyre probably super lame and single-celled. and even if they arent theyre way far away and itll be unrealistic to ever find them. the universe is a big fucking place my dudes.
166: Yourself: my biggest “ N O ” of all
167: Fate: i like to think the many worlds interpretation is true. but even if it is, we cant travel between timelines, so fate may as well exist.
168: Luck: rng exists, so yeah. thats what luck is.
169: Love at first sight: objectively not. thats physical attraction, thats not love. if you dont know the person at all youre not in love with them, theyre just cute.
ʰᵉʸ ᶦˢᶰᵗ ᶦᵗ ᶜᶫᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵒᶰᵉ ʷᵃˢ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶫᵒᵛᵉ ᵃᶰᵈ ᶦᵗ ʰᵃᵈ "⁶⁹" ᶦᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᶰᵘᵐᵇᵉʳ
this is the final stretch of questions. theyre miscellanious again. because talent.
171: Do you play an instrument? no. sometimes i pretend i can sing, but i cant do that either.
176: Last YouTube video watched: [this]
195: My shoe size is: i cant remember off the top of my head and i dont want to go downstairs to check.
200: My crush’s name is: uhh. this is pretty bad, but im actually not sure how to spell it.
admittedly, norwegian names are tough. we can all agree on this.
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