#dave and bambi devillious chronicles
masaworkdesignfan · 26 days
why are you calling bandu a she
She's a women.
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Picture 1 : before becoming satan
Picture 2 : litteraly being Satan (demon of wrath)
(update he's now updated as transgender)
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Judgement of corruption
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(coming soon may 1st) [preview] (gonna private this in April 31 to continue)
Daronilia asalina celesenderelia was a judge who tortured his own son and nobody knows that he was the one who killed him
Warning:Nfsw,impr3gnate,giving birth
Daronilia being the worst judge as possible gaining it's money by himself, intrigued by money, addiction devoured his own body. Daron was offered a money to sent guilty the person who killed 4 people and the witness are an child name trestle, daron who was fallen in guilt for killing his own son tammerinilia, daron would easily say yes for that piece of huge amount of money, as soon the police asking other people in the kanojo town near the Biden sayne lake. People has been suspicious through the women name mukolilia kakasen jutsuno, the famous tailor shop on the city, people know she has been envious throughout the livings. So then they discovered the remains of dead bodies that skin has been teared off. Realizing the tan kimono was a human skin. For that mukolilia Gets arrested for 4th degree murder and also forcement of cannibalism by feeding the residents a real human meat without knowing that they were been eating a food of their own kind. In the court room mukolilia was gonna be sentence to public beheaded but finding out she was pregnant. Well daron declined the execution. then daron decided to marry her since he killed his own husband because of divorce.after marriage mukolilia giving birth (it was like a 3 hours birth) to a child name daikal asalina jutsuno. While for that. Daron was so emotionally crying for seeing the child that has born. (Psst. Mukolilia give birth in her house) mukolilia in the bed hugging the child softly crying too..as times went by daron was viciously in the court again. Sentencing bambi chan innocent but knowing that he killed Kuna in the war of lands. Regardlessly Bruno brusette need to leave the project : ir and ot team to join daron's.
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ladycracker · 24 days
Hey everyone! Good news!
Me and @masaworkdesignfan are now working on the devillious chronicles series together! But we need you're help for voice acting! (This doesn't accured money givings when voice acting, this never will cost around any money, this voice acts for free.)
List of characters:
Bandu : @masaworkdesignfan (the creator itself/artist)
Expunged : ???
Daronilia asalina celesenderelia (og Dave) : ???
Mukolilia(muko) : khansa (on WhatsApp)
Maikal barisol celestial(muko): ???
Bandarina moonlit(bandu) : ???
Daikal barisol celestial(Dave): ???
Archonite : me (movie maker)
Cameo : ???
Tamari (cameo's mother) : ???
Bampal Conchita : @pina (the creators sister)
Banjex oshiddous avvvudts gsrtert : ???
Satan (bandu hell form) : @masaworkdesignfan
Spike : ???
Garrett : ???
Bamberina(bambi) : ???
Dakua dali magi dinda (David) : ???
Daren clockworker(dandi) : ???
Darlyn clockworker(wesden) : ???
Tristan obituary altur : ???
Tramae asalina celesenderelia(Tristan) : ???
Girl in a red robe (bamberly) : ???
Reggae (recurser) : ???
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jillibean06 · 2 months
Give me one Dave and bambi character so they will be the person who stabs expunged (devillious chronicles au expunged)
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masaworkdesignfan · 6 days
Since you're the creator of devillious chronicles.
Please do art request about the Devillious chronicles characters.
If yes. Draw mukolilia in a lady from resident evil outfit!
Fine. But here is you're art
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Eat up bitch
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masaworkdesignfan · 8 days
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April 22 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
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Can you show mukolilia's design? People are down bad for her
Wait what. okay here is her design
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Project ir : Who will survive?
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Heaegav sumanto. The founder of emerald. Decided to trick the whole world but he didn't know that the trick doesn't work that made the twins of devil trick him back.
Sumanto made potion for twins. Sumanto learned that twins the youngest one will be a potion maker. Sumanto advertised it on tv. maikal and daikal was interested and goes to the place. The place is an alley way. 12 twins showed up. And the first twins are maikal and daikal and the last twins are Dave and David. Sumanto decided to convince them to fight. Each of twins dies. And the last one standing was maikal and daikal. Maikal decided to make a celebration potion if they win. So then he throws the potion to sumanto making the glitters and acids consuming his own body. And sumanto died. But not to worry. Maikal transferred sumanto soul to a tree. Called an birch wood tree. So as the other dead body. Both of them put them inside the Redding hood tree. A red tree..as for that. Maikal and daikal noticed that it doesn't really look like sumanto. But found out that was an artificial intelligence. So maikal and daikal was winned as the project ir and ot..for that. Sumanto gives them Vivian potion a potion for people to lead them to being a sin. But maikal and daikal refused for it and then left without a word.
Heaegav Sumanto. Pendiri zamrud. Memutuskan untuk mengelabui seluruh dunia tetapi dia tidak tahu bahwa tipuannya tidak berhasil sehingga membuat si kembar iblis mengelabui dia kembali. Sumanto mengetahui bahwa si kembar yang paling muda akan menjadi pembuat ramuan. Sumanto mengiklankannya di tv. maikal dan daikal tertarik dan pergi ke tempat itu. Tempat itu adalah sebuah gang kecil. 12 anak kembar muncul. Kembar pertama adalah maikal dan daikal dan kembar terakhir adalah Dave dan David. Sumanto memutuskan untuk meyakinkan mereka untuk bertarung. Masing-masing anak kembar mati. Dan yang terakhir bertahan adalah maikal dan daikal. Maikal memutuskan untuk membuat ramuan perayaan jika mereka menang. Lalu ia melempar ramuan tersebut kepada Sumanto yang membuat kilauan dan asam memakan tubuhnya sendiri. Dan sumanto pun meninggal. Tapi tidak perlu khawatir. Maikal memindahkan jiwa Sumanto ke sebuah pohon. Disebut pohon kayu birch. Begitu juga dengan mayat yang lain. Keduanya dimasukkan ke dalam pohon tudung merah. Sebuah pohon merah..seperti itu. Maikal dan daikal menyadari bahwa itu tidak benar-benar terlihat seperti sumanto. Tapi ternyata itu adalah kecerdasan buatan. Jadi maikal dan daikal dimenangkan sebagai proyek ir dan ot..untuk itu. Sumanto memberi mereka ramuan vivian, ramuan untuk membuat mereka menjadi dosa. Namun maikal dan daikal menolaknya dan kemudian pergi tanpa sepatah kata pun.
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masaworkdesignfan · 18 days
This mother fucker got depressed after his brother died (she ate her own brother due to hunger is her fault not someone 😒
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masaworkdesignfan · 22 days
The envy of the tailor
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ムコリリアの仕立て屋は決して廃れてはいません。人々が今も自分のファッションにぴったりの服を探しているにもかかわらず、ムコリリアさんは、仕立て屋の顧客の 1 人が、ここの衣装には無料の申請が必要ないにもかかわらず、時々無料の衣装を要求していることに気づき始めました。 ある時、客がいないときに、自分の中の嫉妬の悪魔を追い出すために体を入れ替えてほしいと頼んだ男がいたが、ムコリリアは騙されるとわかっていてその男の握手を拒否した。 そうすれば、魔女は反応し、体を変えることを拒否したことに気づき、魔女は失望し、不思議なことに姿を消します。それでも、ムコリリアは魔女が街中でアテを捕まえようとしていることを知りません。糸屋にて。ムコリリアは、貧しい人々のために針を刺すための糸を探していました。彼女は夫に会うまで、なぜ夫が家に帰らないのか疑問に思っていました。次の日まで、彼女は彼が洋服店で洋服を買っているのを見て、彼がプレゼントした女性たちにキスをしました。つまり...嫉妬が彼自身の体に吸収されました。彼女は「えんじ色の着物ですか?信じられない!」と言いました。怒りと羨望を感じながら、深夜に着物の衣装を作りながら働いているという。終わった後、彼女は少女を溺死させ、その後、彼と一緒に歩いているのを見た3人の少女を溺死させ、翌日、彼女が夫に近づきながらも溺死させた。彼女は「私はどう見える?」と男に言いました。混乱した。 「あなたは私と取引したくなかった人ではないですか?」ムコリリアが自分が演じられた魔女に屈服していることに気づいたとき、現実が襲います ムコリリアは自分の夫として、ハサミを持って魔女を脅迫し、心臓を刺して殺害した。良い。彼女は彼の肌を町で最も珍しい色として利用しました。たん。彼女が衣装を作ります。彼女の子供たちが学校から帰ってくるとすぐに。彼らはキッチンから血の跡が流れているのを見て母親に気づいた 彼らのために食事を作る。
Mukolilia's tailor shop has never gone out of style. Even though people are still looking for the perfect outfit for their fashions, Mukolilia began to notice that one of the tailor's customers would occasionally request a free outfit, even though the outfits here do not require a free application. On one occasion, when no customers were present, a man asked for a body swap to exorcise the envy demon within him, but Mukolilia refused to shake the man's hand, knowing that he would be deceived. When the witch realizes that he has refused to switch bodies, she is disappointed and mysteriously disappears. What Mukolilia does not know is that the witch is trying to catch Ate in the city. At the yarn shop. Mukolilia was looking for thread to sew for the poor. She wondered why her husband never came home until she met him. Until the next day when she saw him in a clothing store, buying clothes and kissing all the women he presented to her. I mean... The jealousy was absorbed into his own body. She said, "A dark red kimono? I can't believe it!" He said. She said she worked late into the night making the kimono costume, feeling angry and jealous. When she finished, she drowned one girl, then three other girls who saw her walking with him, and the next day she drowned her husband when she approached him. She asked, "How do I look?" She said to the man. He was confused. Aren't you the one who wouldn't have anything to do with me? Reality set in when Mukolilia realized she was giving in to the witch who was playing her! As her own husband, Mukolilia threatened the witch with a pair of scissors, stabbed him in the heart and murdered him. Good. She used his skin as the most unusual color in town. Tan. She makes the costume. When her children came home from school. They saw a trail of blood running from the kitchen and noticed that their mother was cooking food for them.
Toko penjahit Mukolilia tidak pernah ketinggalan zaman. Meskipun orang-orang masih mencari pakaian yang sempurna untuk fesyen mereka, Mukolilia mulai menyadari bahwa salah satu pelanggan penjahitnya kadang-kadang meminta pakaian gratis, meskipun pakaian di sini tidak memerlukan aplikasi gratis. Pada suatu kesempatan, ketika tidak ada pelanggan yang datang, seorang pria meminta pertukaran tubuh untuk mengusir setan iri hati di dalam dirinya, tetapi Mukolilia menolak menjabat tangan pria tersebut, karena ia tahu bahwa pria itu akan tertipu. Ketika penyihir itu menyadari bahwa dia telah menolak untuk bertukar tubuh, dia kecewa dan secara misterius menghilang. Yang tidak diketahui Mukolilia adalah bahwa penyihir itu berusaha menangkap Ate di kota. Di toko benang. Mukolilia sedang mencari benang untuk menjahit bagi orang miskin. Dia bertanya-tanya mengapa suaminya tidak pernah pulang sampai dia bertemu dengannya. Hingga keesokan harinya dia melihatnya di toko pakaian, membeli pakaian dan mencium semua wanita yang disajikan kepadanya. Maksudku... Kecemburuan itu merasuk ke dalam tubuhnya. Dia berkata, "Sebuah kimono merah tua? Saya tidak bisa mempercayainya!" Dia berkata. Dia berkata bahwa dia bekerja hingga larut malam untuk membuat kostum kimono tersebut, merasa marah dan cemburu. Ketika dia selesai, dia menenggelamkan seorang gadis, lalu tiga gadis lain yang melihatnya berjalan bersamanya, dan keesokan harinya dia menenggelamkan suaminya ketika dia mendekatinya. Dia bertanya, "Bagaimana penampilanku?" Dia berkata kepada pria itu. Dia bingung. Bukankah kamu orang yang tidak mau berhubungan dengan saya? Kenyataan mulai muncul ketika Mukolilia menyadari bahwa dia menyerah
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masaworkdesignfan · 22 days
They look shit
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They found out the word "AESTHETIC" so that's why their outfit change
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masaworkdesignfan · 22 days
Update y'all, bandu is now transgender in the au
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masaworkdesignfan · 26 days
Wait if bandu has a deer legs. And does that mean she has a tail?
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Yeah. But big deer tail.
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masaworkdesignfan · 1 month
(short novel)
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[at the graveyard]
Maikal and daikal the siblings of devil, at the graveyard they were digging the dead people's body only one person. Bambomerina fendomana x'usoc Ak'gan'harta'm..who died because a man raped her and then shoot her in the heart. As maikal and daikal digging. The body was...destroyed...so they grab the body and then an police saw what they do. As the police blink their gone. But left an empty digged out grave with blood trails...sibling of devil reach home...their mother..mukolilia saw what they both were carrying..
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masaworkdesignfan · 2 months
Dares for the devillious chronicles au!
(I know you from yt)
1 : maikal roast bandarina to ashes.
2 : mukolilia kill's darron
3 : archonite gets bullied by everyone! (Spoilers : we all know we hate her because of she just only wanted her daughter came here to kill her)
As the creator of the au I will do.
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masaworkdesignfan · 2 months
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"come, let's start working"
Devillious chronicles has released an new short pv! Now go to the MASAWORKDESIGNFAN channel on YouTube aka my YouTube channel!
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