#data data data you can not make a brick without clay etc
the way in which this team of apparently highly trained police officers goes about researching their cases is so frustrating. like what do you mean you're only checking whether kao used his phone after he left art's place after you found out he left at all. why did you just. assume. kao died there at the studio. and why has it taken you literal days of thinking of 'hey maybe we should find out if kao has anyone he trusts he can stay with while hiding'. all of these things should be at the top of the list. full phone records, lists of family and friends. you've got a missing person who may or may not be dead and you're just kind of winging the case as you go???
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amateur-deductions · 2 years
Observation, Assumptions, and Biases
Note: This post is based on another post I made years ago and later deleted, I thought it could still be useful, so I updated it and here it is
I’m sure most of you have already read a lot of posts about observation, and are now thinking “God, not this again”. but I’ll try to make this one as different as possible, let’s go through the basics quickly.
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Observation is the first step in the deductive process, and its purpose is to gather as much information about the subject being observed as you possibly can. It doesn't just consist of looking at something, but using all your senses, (yes, sometimes even smell and taste). Now most people tell you to focus on getting all the small details about everything and don’t get me wrong, this is very important and you should try to acknowledge any small detail you can find, but the important part of observation is realising that the smallest details are just as important as the big obvious ones
/B U T H O W ?
I know the frustration of being told to observe and not knowing what to look for, I’ve been there myself. The answer to that question is everything, and this is what people don’t tell you. Observing is as simple as noting qualities about a subject, the more details you can find, the more qualities you can point out, “clay” you have to build your “bricks”.
There’s nothing specific you gotta be looking for, this is just observation, this is just getting the clay for your bricks, and it’s as simple as thinking “what can I see?” (or smell or touch, etc.), it just consists of raw information. For example, statements like "the man has a red tie" or "the tie has a small coffee stain" both count as perfectly good observations, and that’s all you have to do while in the observing stage. 
My advice would be, don’t overcomplicate it, you have to observe, just do that, no conclusions, no deductions, nothing, just observing, just gathering data. But obviously, you’re not a computer, you can’t store unlimited amounts of observations and information all in 30 or 40 seconds. If you try to observe and take note of everything you can possibly see or smell or touch, etc. About a subject, you’ll end up very confused, and probably exhausted (unless you’re writing them down). So my advice is this: take it step by step, object by object, if you’re looking at a tie, stick with the tie, if you feel you can move to another section without getting mixed up and remembering all the things you took note of, then go ahead, but don’t mix more than 3 or 4 sections, this will come later on in the process of deduction. You should take it bit by bit
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/A S S U M P T I O N S
When we observe we must remain impartial, there's no room for baseless assumptions or jumping to conclusions automatically, this may be quite dangerous as it they, more often than not, are wrong. Unfortunately, the human brain makes rushed connections all the time, it's almost impossible to stop it from forming assumptions, after all an assumption is simply an idea, and you can’t kill an idea, you can, however, disprove it. When faced with an assumption, don’t try to forget about it, it only makes you think about it more, like telling you not to think of a pink elephant. Instead try to look for evidence that points towards or away from said assumption, if the evidence doesn’t point towards it, just discard it, and mark it as incorrect.
An important thing to note about assumptions is that just like what we call "hunches", they're simply your brain making some kind of connection between something you’re seeing and a piece of information you already have. This means that while they can be dangerous if taken as fact without a validation process, the fact that your brain made a connection between two things might still be worth exploring as an idea, why did you come to said assumption? what triggered? is it wrong, and if so, why? could some other element of it lead you down a correct path? all things to keep in mind, but always with the intent to find evidence that proves your ideas, and if you fail to do this, discarding them
/B I A S E S
The nightmare of every deductionist, a bias is basically your emotions and opinions playing a part in the logical process. While there is a part of deduction that requires emotion, the logical aspect of it must be kept away from these.
The way to approach biases is similar to assumptions since you need to check the reasoning behind every conclusion you reach to see if your deduction or observation is being affected by a bias. If a purely logical train of thought cannot be followed from evidence to conclusion, in other words, if at any point there's an emotional or illogical explanation for an observation in your train of thought, the process is being affected by biases and should be discarded.
Following the example of the tie, if you think the tie is ugly you're forming an opinion. You have to check the facts: do people seem to have negative reactions when noticing or talking about the tie specifically? if you can read that on people (for example, through the use of micro expressions in specific situations), and it seems to be an existing trend, then you can integrate that as a fact, but if it's simply your opinion it has no value in deduction
And that's it for this very simple but quite essential topic, as always if anyone has any questions or comments feel free to send them over and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
Happy Observing!
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ffwriteradvisor · 4 years
On discovering your characters
A lot of times, you don’t get a lot of say in what your character becomes. It’s not for a lack of trying, but sometimes they just seem to... grow into something more than the collection of character traits and quirks you put together at first. Or maybe it’s like archeology - carefully unearthing one fresh detail at a time as you go along.
Now for the first few points I’d like to make about discovering your characters.
1) While you should know a bit about a character once you start working with them, you don’t have to know everything about them right away.
Obviously, there are a few things you should know about your character to start with, otherwise you wouldn’t have a character in the first place. Names, age, gender, hometown, appearance, personality, tastes, hobbies, motivations, ambitions, skills... you have to have a few of these established before you can start building more.
You don’t have to have everything, no - this isn’t a resume or a comprehensive biography that needs to come with sources and a bibliography card, but the more important the character is, the more you have to know about them. You’re going to be spending time with them in the story after all and going on a journey with someone that stays a stranger the whole way just isn’t done.
A guy who shows up for two, maybe three scenes has to have just enough of a sketch to carry him through - a main character? You’re not only going to want an idea of their personality and general likes/dislikes, but their backstory - where did they come from, where did they go, what happened to them, and why?
However, for all this information is important, that doesn’t mean that it’ll come up for sure in the story or even that most of it is true - as the character comes to life in your mind, you might find out that the first things you thought you knew about them were lies, half-truths, and misdirections.
I had a character that I’d come up with almost seven years ago reveal himself as trans two weeks ago when I started getting ready to rewrite his story and was taking fresh notes on the original. This same character had previously failed to tell me about his medical knowledge until chapter 14, but it ended up being both a useful ability and a peek into a backstory I hadn’t elaborated on at all before that point.
It happens. That’s why it’s important to keep an open mind about what your characters are and could be.
2) Your audience doesn’t have to know everything that you know about the character. At least, not right away.
The thing about writing is that you have to strike a balance between too much and too little. Description, personality, plot, words... too much or too little of any of those things can make or break your story.
You as the writer need to have as much as possible. You cannot make a house without bricks, can’t make bricks without clay after all, and have to make sure all of those bricks are built on a solid foundation.
But your audience? Like how your character might have lied and misdirected you about various facts about them, you too can do that to the audience. Lie, misdirect, give just enough kernels of truth to make the ultimate reveal one of those ‘Ooooh-my-gaaAAHD! I should have known! It was right there!’ moments.
You don’t even have to give them those things directly in the story either. If you’re the kind of person who likes to make character profiles, just make one of those and put in something like (this is a recent example from One Piece that I saw recently).
‘Favorite food - curry, Least favorite food - curry made by someone he doesn’t trust’.
Like that kind of shit will drive your readers nuts because - I mean look at that. That’s a whole backstory you just got exactly one clue into, but damn if that clue isn’t a doozy. It’s got drama, it’s got mystery - who hurt you, Franky? I want to know - and you don’t ever have to explain it if you don’t want to.
Just because you know your characters blood type and zodiac sign doesn’t mean that your audience needs to know that. You can show it off if you want, but it has to work in context - maybe one of the characters is a big believer in horoscopes and zodiac compatibility, so they introduce themselves with their star sign as a matter of course. Maybe another character has a bleeding disorder or, as a medic for a group, constantly anxious about having enough of a given blood-type available, so they constantly needle people for information on their blood-type and any possible conditions that might affect them (anemia, hemophilia, etc.). Or it might only show up in side-data - a character profile thing that is sort of a bonus to those interested in such things.
3) Not every discovery is going to be good and that’s alright.
So imagine you’ve gotten really far with a character you have a lot of energy and faith invested in. They’ve got most of a backstory with room for new developments, defined personality, a well-balanced skill-set...
And then they showed off something bad.
Maybe their egotism just flexed in a way that makes them out to be a bigot, legitimately or not. Maybe their risk-taking behavior just took a turn for the self-destructive or, worse yet, put other members of their cast in danger in exchange for a cheap thrill.
That’s bad on their part, but not necessarily bad for your story. You might not have total control of your characters, but you can control how their story reacts to them.
Prove that the bigot’s views are wrong - not because of an exception on the part of the people they slighted, but because of their own failure to see past their own failings. Educate the ignorant character, not in a way that sounds like they - and the audience - are being preached at, but in a way that would encourage a person to learn instead of react with resentment, unless that’s what feeds your next plot development. Make the risk-taker experience an adrenaline rush built entirely on terror once they realize what they’ve done - and then push themselves past the limit to try to fix it. Or have other characters punish them appropriately.
You can use these things... and you should use these things, really. A character can’t just be good all the time - they have to stumble and fall in order to rise above what they were... or make the final descent to villain.
There are limits, obviously. The characters belong to themselves as much as they belong to you - if you force them to be something they’re not, they’ll change into someone else when who they were won’t fit into the new box. But sometimes that’s what you have to do - and don’t worry if the new version is different from the old. They might just work with you better than their previous incarnation, even if you have to discover them all over again.
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calljueu-inca · 7 years
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The house of Can Monroig
Text: Guillem Planells i Reus
Can Monroig is situated at 22 carrer de Can Valella and has also been known as Can Móra. This building is located in the Inca’s Jewish neighbourhood which was formed within Sant Francesc, Virtud, Can Valella, Pare Cerdà, Call streets.
The current two-floor house is dated from the 16th century and it has a smooth façade decorated with little stones, similar to the façade of Can Siquier. The openings are formed by multiple windows, except for the main entrance which is finished with a round arch made of stone similar to the bottom of the façade. As well as in the mentioned Can Siquier, inside Can Monroig there are some remains of Baroque style as handle-shaped arches.
This house was closed for many years and with the passage of time it had deteriorated. Some years ago it was bought and its new owners restored it which came to light many architectural elements which highlighted the medieval origin of the house. The gothic elements of the building that can be seen today are formed by some pointed and rounded arches, and an entrance and a window both right angled. Thus, the inside of the house consists of two bays. In the first bay, there are three rooms which are perpendicular to the front separated by arches. It is in the space that can be considered the entrance of the house, where there is a Baroque handle-shaped arch and another round and white arch that leads to a room where there is a pointed arc, currently it is bricked-in.
The first bay is separated by a second wall which opens an access formed by an angle right entrance between two bays, and on its right, a window formed with a round arch can possibly be dated from the Medieval Age because of the resemblance to others entrances and windows from other Gothic buildings of the same time (Palau de l’Almudaina in Palma, Palau dels Reis de Mallorca in Sineu, Torre dels Enagistes in Manacor, etc.). It is also possible that in previous time these windows would have been an entrance.
In the second bay on the left wall there is a stone entrance with a right angle and a wooden lintel, then a square window and another entrance, now finished with a right angle, but originally it was finished with a rounded arch, like the one situated in the separating wall between the two bays. For its shape and situation, we think they are also medieval remains.
At the back of the house, is found a courtyard, ant to the left there is a space opened by a handle-shaped baroque arch, which in its interior we can observe the remains of another older handle-shaped arch. There is a previous one, much older, one can still be seen in its place which is made of stone and it was pointed. In addition, to the right, you can still see the start of what must have been the beginning of the nerve crossing of the remains vault. On the opposite of the arch, the remains of the pointed is still visible and with the width of the space, one might think that it was a space covered by two tranches of vault.
Once discovered, these architectural remains were taking dated back to the Jewish area in the 14th century, where the house is located. It is easy to think that we talk of Gothic that probably date from this century or even from the 13th.
In addition to these findings, the restorations of the house has replaced all the stone floors and made a number of interesting findings. Also, note to the right of the entrance, is found an old oven placed below the level of the street, as well as a whole series of stone vats and tanks scattered throughout the house connected through clay pipes. In addition, we know that the house also has a wine cellar and a cistern is still conserved.
In the courtyard there are two tanks, one larger than the other. Inside the smaller, some steps were discovered by which it was possible to access into it and inside there is a bronze tap with anthropomorphic decoration (two eyes and a nose).
Unlike the various arches formed by the architectural remains, in the case of the findings of the oven, the various tanks, cisterns and wells, we are unable to date them, because until now they have not been studied by archaeologists and, therefore, we have no convincing data that allows us to know what its use was or when were built. Also, keep in mind that Can Monroig is a house that has undergone many changes and additions over the centuries, which makes further study necessary.
But, however repeat some dates are important enough which, in the future, and after a good archaeological study, could help to decipher these different findings.
So one again, we note that the house is located in the area which, in the 14th century, was the Jewish area of Inca. Therefore, we believe it necessary to note some bibliographic data on Jews in Mallorca, Inca and on the erection of our Jewish area, without forgetting Palma’s Jewish area too. Inca’s Jewish Quarter
We must seek the origins of the Jewish presence in Mallorca in the fifth century, both in Mallorca and Menorca, as well documented by a letter from Bishop Sever in 417 BC. Also, thanks to several sources, we know that during the Islamic domination of the island (902-1229) there was also a significant Jewish community. So, when Jaume I conquered Mallorca in 1229, he not only found a significant Jewish settlement in Palma, but also in other parts of the island including Inca, Petra, Montuïri, Felanitx, Sineu, Alcúdia, Sóller and Pollença.
The Jewish community of Inca was already in 1232, when Jaume I granted remuneration to the Jews of Inca, Almudaina de Gomara (Palma), Petra and Montuïri. A 1240 document confirms the presence of Jews in Inca. Moreover, the Conqueror gave his support to Jews of Mallorca granting them the privilege of Royal protection confirmed by him in 1247.
We have more information about the Jewish community of Inca comprising the fourteenth century. This data is documented in the Morabatí books of 1329 and 1336. We also know that in recent years the Inca Jews still didn’t have an area to live together, but they lived scattered over different parts of the town. Instead, they had a good organisation under a Jewish institution known as Aljama, which was approved by the king and had counsellors, secretaries and attorneys, as well as enjoying some public independence.
Due to the significant and constant clashes in 1346 between some members of the Jewish and Christian communities King Peter IV of Aragon gave the order to raise a Jewish quarter within the town of Inca. Despite the royal decree, and because of the large decline in the Jewish population after the plague of 1348, it was not until 1372 when a Jewish quarter was definitively settled in Inca. Although in 1353 the Judges had asked the governor where the Jewish quarter would be placed and it was assigned in the district of Sant Bartomeu, specifically in the carrer de Martí Metge, but the Jews did not like the site because of the poor condition of the houses, many of them in a state of ruin, and appealed to the king to grant them another place to settle. Finally, King Peter IV of Aragon, as we have seen, in 1372 gave them the new and current, place located in carrer d’en Pascolet found in the district of Sant Francesc. The assault on the Jewish quarter in 1391
The Jewish quarter of Inca, similar to the case of Palma, was surrounded by a wall and closed by two gates, one of them was in the carrer de Sant Francesc. It is confirmed in the documents of 1372 where the Jews asked for a gate to be built on the carrer de Sant Francesc. However that, Jews were told their own district be as closed to the rest of the town was enough to stop the fighting and assaults on Jewish houses by Christians and in 1391 they assaulted the Jewish quarters of Palma and Inca. Christians brought out by various disturbances which perpetrated numerous acts of looting and destruction, the killing of a large number of Jews (regarding Inca; the documents speak of an almost total extinction) and the set into fire to houses and shops within the Jewish quarter, leaving the entire neighbourhood devastated. Retouring to Can Monroig...
As a conclusion, and having the house of Can Monroig located where the Jewish quarter once was, one last observation leads to the pointed arch that places us at the entrance of the house. In this arch, at the top, it is still possible to see the remains of burnet stone and a photograph of the same arch made just before cleaning, shows us the remains of a fire had. In the second bay of the house, even after a post that gives access to the left, there is another entrance showing the wooden lintel completely burnet.
The burnet remains must have been the result of a major fire suffered by the house and the fact that they are in Gothic architectural remains leads us to think that they could be directly related to the assault on the Jewish quarter in 1391 (as which is documented in the Història de Mallorca, by Pere Xamena) and during the riots, houses and shops were burnet. Also noteworthy, is the first volume of the Història de Mallorca published by Editorial Moll, which states that “the lower classes of the city joined with the peasants storming the Jewish quarter, burning houses and killing 300 Jews {...} the same attack suffered by Jewish quarter of Inca.
Text: Guillem Alexandre Reus i Planells, “L’art gòtic a Inca. Arquitectura civil”, a: XIV Jornades d’Estudis Locals, Ajuntament d’Inca, Inca, 2013, p. 167-170.
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nexaeliya-blog · 5 years
What is important a roof or a quality roof? Quite obvious "a quality roof." Let us first look at what we really we want in roofs, it's durability, strength, and more importantly quality materials. People construct their houses to keep things safe, and it is more important to install quality roofs for further protection. When we talk about the cost, sociability, and quality, we mainly talk of quality roofs that people want when installing a new roof. At present, technology is growing very rapidly to cater to people what really they need at reasonable prices. Everyone wants to have a house that looks modern and attractive. When we compare the all parts of house with one another, roof is one that plays a vital role. Roof is considered as an incorporated part of a complex building system that includes foundation, house walls, windows, and structural components.
The lifespan of any roof, whether it is of your house, hospital, commercial buildings, malls, retail shops, schools, etc depends on the quality of installation job, climate conditions, and quality material. Roofs are considered as complex structures and sometimes require many featuring layers to install. A little mistake can be a cause of heavy destruction. If you think of installing a roof of your house without any knowledge and experience, it can be very dangerous. So, it is important to hire a professional who has the ability to take care of all the details from start to end. An experienced roof installer can help you choose the best material for the installation process. They have the quality to do their work with keeping your things under proper safety and cleanliness.
It is usually easy to ensure that roofing installation and roofing repairs are executed on time before they become big problems. This will make certain that life period of roofing is improved while you are able to save money on the constant repairs desired due to neglect. When it comes to the step of roofing installation, various materials are required like tiles, metals, bricks. When you talk about the commercial roof repair, the popularity of installing metal roofs has grown in the past few years due to various advantages. Various materials are used when it comes to the roof installation such as titles, metals, bricks, etc. When you talk of commercial roof repairs, the popularity of installing metal roofs has grown in the past few years due to various benefits.
When you are installing or repairing a roof, it is important that you always try to apply the latest technologies to it. This will ensure that your roof will be compatible to all weather conditions. Before you install a new roof, you will need to tear off the old roof and dispose of the subsequent waste and then apply the new roof. Moreover, if you need to install a quality roof that protects you and your family for years to come, then it is important to hire expert and talented professionals who are experienced in roof installation work.
Article Source: http://trademarkroofingpros.com/
About us
In business for over 10 years, Trademark Roofing Company is located in beautiful Myrtle Beach, SC. We offer a wide array of roofing services for large and small buildings. Below you will find information to help you determine if your roof is in need of repair or replacement.
The roofing industry is fairly straightforward, what is often confusing are the differences between residential and commercial roofs. Most people assume that roofs are similar, but a roofing contractor knows that there are very unique challenges between a residential and a commercial roof. Not only are the roofs themselves different in terms of size and shape, but the materials used are quite different as well.
Commercial Roof Challenges
The biggest challenges posed by a commercial roof is its slope, or lack thereof. Many commercial buildings have flat roofs, which is a major concern for water drainage. If the water isn't drained properly it can accumulate and cause significant water damage and problems with mold. Commercial buildings also have a larger surface area than the average home, making it more difficult to maintain over time.
Commercial materials are quite unique and not much has changed over the years in terms of procedure, but the composition of materials has evolved. In the past, commercial roofs tend to be coated with a hot tar substance that essentially adhered layers of fabric by melting it with a hot tar. These materials were generally water proof and moderately durable. However, over time this procedure has evolved to include the use of a more flexible rubber like material applied in layers. Some of the newer techniques may even apply a layer of gravel over the top to better protect the roof. The biggest advancement in commercial materials is a type of roof coating that is used to increase insulation and energy efficiency. Typically applied to the top of an existing structure using layering or even spray foam, many of these coatings can save old materials and eliminate the need for complete roof replacement.
Residential Roof Challenges
The average homeowner knows very little about their roof. Mostly left up to the professionals, the challenges associated with maintaining a residential structure properly can be quite complex. Homeowners rarely inspect their roof or even look for signs of damage until a problem becomes easily visible. One of the main challenges in maintaining a residence is the shape of the roof. Many homes carry unique lines and shapes that make it difficult for the materials to stay in place or perform properly. Homes can carry steep slopes, sharp peaks and deep valleys. Valleys are problematic for collecting debris or pooling water, which can quickly create further damage to the underlying materials. The steep slopes often bring problems with ice or snow buildup slipping to the ground and make it more difficult to adequately secure the flashing around inlaid objects.
Residential challenges influence the type of materials used for homes compared to that used in commercial buildings. Asphalt shingles are popular because they are flexible, affordable and moderately durable. The majority of homes in America carry asphalt shingles due to their versatility in use. However, there are other materials that many homeowners prefer that could offer better protection against some of the more specific roof challenges. Clay or slate tile roofs are generally used for their long lasting durability and aesthetic appeal. They are great insulators in both hot or cold weather, making them idea for a wide range of climates. Metal roofs are becoming more popular among residential homes for their ability to deflect the sun's rays, withstand high winds or even snow accumulation.
Article Source: http://trademarkroofingpros.com/
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This is not a Sci-fi novel, this is an experimental short story.
  Take all notion of time or possible dating out of it!! IT should just be, time has become timeless, no more history. Fukyama.
 This story is about 9/11, this story is about conspiracy, collective unconscious, genetics, memetics, humanism, nihilism, the universal, neo liberalism, primeval regression, death drive.
 Add segment about the solar economy ( bataille), this is absolutely necessary, linked to the two collective unconscious segments, one relatively recent, 9/11, and one thee deepest of primeval, the sun, the universe etc.
 9/11 is the main point of this story. The deep trauma, the sleep walkers, turning up outside peoples houses, realatives of those involved, relatives of victims and perpetrators. Their young menstruating daughters then taken under hypnosis, their psyches filtered and deciphered, fragments of 9/11 found in them. All of them menstruate at the same time, all try and walk to 9/11, all walk to different clues in the lie. WRT 9/11 the subconscious just knows something’s not right, because the people that perpetrated the killings are still alive and thus are still effecting the group collective consciousness. Without being able to control it a guilty partys unconscious will project it to those around him, and they in turn will know that something is not right, they will then pass this message on, until it eventually travels from human to human. The lie is known, we unconsciously know the truth. That is why we cant stop making the 9/11 memes, cant stop revisiting the trauma , the scene of the crime. The perpetrators start to try and avoid society, kill off any unnecessary members of the group, lead line their clothing, lead line their house, use special creams to interfere with the collective unconscious transferring from person to person.
           This could also be linked to the collective unconscious of all people in all time and more specifically ancestors in your own lineage. My grt grt grt grt grt grt grt….. caveman grandfather was a passionate killer and his conscious will cannot stand the idea of such a bastard thing happening, so much so he causes these unconscious take overs of the self .
           Perhaps people who want to uncover the truth, drug themselves, hypnotise themselves to find out what the collective is trying to tell them.
 Perhaps these sleep walkers become more and more aggressive, start to have the characteristics of zombies.
 Free will needs to be fully explained as in where it stands right now, peter watts. should be pushed more, Varley should be more representative of the madness of humanity, its obsession with dominance over collective unconscious, genetics, memetics and eventually even consciousness itself.
 Varleys character should be unrecognisable perhaps? Unhuman, everything that we think of as human is gone, cut up, sectioned off. All that’s left is a slither of conscious thought, which is then useless on its own, what could be the purpose of life after that?
     The guttering woke Varley, water spilling over the edge, louder and louder. It had been coming away from the brickwork, it spilled out onto the dustbin 2 floors below.
 All the fastenings coming loose form the house, mortar now rotten, just sand, washed away by the heavy showers. 400 year old house, polymer upgrades would be expensive, and none of the tradesmen would want to touch it. The display systems flickered, audio splitting with cracks and stutters. The bricks glowed slightly, something about the clay, about the nature in them. It seemed to effect the wattage to pieces of hardware, increasing in areas, only a fraction, seemed to change the way things were processed, things take the long way round, a certain unpredictability within the cores.
 Not a bad time to wake, Varley prayed, forearm fizzed, leaped out of bed, the bedding, completely shocked, flung itself across the room. Its materiality, suddenly becoming strange as it crumpled against the wall, falling to the floor it resumed its regular physical properties. Stopping in the landing, placed their hand on the wooden balustrade and felt its vibrations. There was noise, the bin room, back of the building, the sound drifted up, stillness now, right hand against the plaster board wall, resident moisture met the specks from the skin.
 Varley switched on the Articles, started where they’d left off, volume 569, 4.5 billion years of natural, cosmological, cultural history shuffled and on loop.
 Article 8437:3894.1 Birdsong deciphered, 17 year research programme at the U.C.L.A COMA Institute of Animal Welfare. 97% of their language is directly translated as verbal abuse (bigoted, racist, death and rape threats), 3% is used to talk about shitting and the colour of shit. Their social structures seem to be some of the most bigoted and brutal to have been discovered. The Common Sparrow inspects its young within 3 minutes of birth, checking for ‘weak’ or ‘disloyal’ features. A male with the wrong shade of brown, the father will scream ‘Faggot’, the mother will push her beak into its soft chest to crush its heart. The father will scream ‘Faggot’ again before tossing it out the nest. Females deemed ‘un-sexy’, the mother will scream ‘Cunt Faggot’, the chick’s eyes gouged, raped by father, womb ripped out by mother before being thrown out the nest. The sparrow community is enraptured by these birthing rituals, adult females are raped repeatedly, and many males are killed in a frenzy of fights.
 Varley pushed off wall and banister, padded down the stairs, information was arriving, the monitor clicked on, messages piling up. Varley sat, chair towards the glass, a plane passing, 8 miles out. Its image starting and stopping.
 Second monitor clicked, dimmed as they focused. 1 pending job, Governmental, Financial, Swansea Council, Welfare and Pensions, 60mb/s, a Latency of 478, CPU share of 17%, a minimum 25% partition and an hourly of £73. Accepted, share was high but money was good, sat back to adjust to the new measures, prayed to account for increased latency, skin in between fingers itched. Via Sydney took a look at the work, data transfer, 7,643 seeds, so boring it had to be legitimate, disconnected and burnt the trail through the proxy. Head lolled from side to side. Four hours was worth it, you don’t even notice.
 Tingling in the groin and gut, designated a subconscious porn loop to restrain, tingling stopped, looked for nutrient levels, all fine, a spluttering hiss as the plankton paste regulated itself.
 Closed eyes, shallow in the animal brain, echo of an orgasm and breakfast, barely started. Gone now, pray, face washed in basin. Ever soft features. Neat teeth, tongue soft purple, gums grey. Micro genitalia, a clitoral penis, vaginal opening, universal anus. A prayer, tingling in the belly, soft colours around the tips of the ears, left eye shaking.
 The universal arsehole, the cosmic leveller, the purity of the squirting little squid in your pants, make me some putty now. Come brother come sister, stare at the sun, clean your retinas. Crouch, bend forward and shit, heels lifting out of our shoes, hands clasped to one another. The democracy of the arse hole, the point at which we can all meet, I know you a bit better because I know my own arse hole. Our best kept secret, we’re all the same, we all have a horrid little squirmer in our pants, let’s hold hands now.
 Noise from the bins, swivelled towards the doorway, palm up, sends a push down the hallway. Push loped round the corner, down the passage, through the larder and hitting the back door, dissipating in ripples through it. A cat, the cat pushes back, Varley prays, the cat pushes again, this time softer, watching as its colours tumbled and died away in the hall.
 Varley closed both eyes as the sun broke through the clouds, irritated at first, then thankful for the warmth and the delicate pink light making its way through the lids. Each nano second an eternity, you are here forever. An ever-dying eternity of the sun. Eternal entropic existence, warm and fuzzy. The solar economy, one way in, one way out. In between things, between states of entropic dissolvent, no fighting.
 Self cauterising laser surgery. Swivelled, legs outstretched, Stood, pulled a length of tissue from the roller. Covering the mattress with it, pulled the wheely from the corner. Laying down, starting scan, 0.25% growth, minor subcutaneous tissue near hip. Awkward ruptures between Tibia and Fibula on right leg. Display stutters, showing a helix of calcium spiralling up out of the bone, Varley could suddenly feel it. Fatty growth around the liver as usual.
 8.40am, a third of the way though the Swansea seeding, Varley paused the Governmental partition, always recommended full CPU when self cleansing.
 Room temperature boosted 5 degrees, undressed, reached for wipes and prepped the work areas. The wipe dissolving the hair and colouring the skin bright white, white for clean and white for display pickups. Liquid gathered between the fingers, painted their calf, around the liver entry, checking the display, painted left hip also. Droplets gathered and dripped, tracing down the leg, a glowing trail, speeding down the side of the foot and staining the floor. Liver area a patchwork of bleach, the skin especially soft from all the attention would split in funny ways, elastic mesh to keep the skin together. Petroleum lubed skin, hooked up pressure pads on calf, liver and hip, hissing blood pushed out of tissue.
 Article 4588:9379.6. Proven links in underground gene/meme warfare that leave the human suffering in the middle, hurt by both parties. The gene, the original replicator, the maker of the survival machine that is human, the maker of the brain. The brain, the birth place of a new, more efficient evolutionary force, the meme, each with it’s own blind agenda, each their own stubborn will to live. The human left confused between their blind squabbles, each pulling in a different direction, always towards suffering.
           The genes role was to best adapt to it’s physical surroundings, this in no longer necessary. The meme has created culture and society, a new environment for evolutionary survival. The pace of adaptation and change reached dizzying speeds. The parasites that are meme and gene fighting over the body and damaging it in the meantime. The body is just the vessel, the vessels only purpose is to carry the genes , it’s purpose now is to propagate memes as well as partially genes. Consciousness and the ffeling of self, agency, is just a mistaken by product created in the conquests of meme and gene. It has been allowed to stay as long as it is behaved. Consciousness, a transitional product between gene survival and the birth of memes stuck in the middle.
           Consciousness became involved in the mess, the growth of memes invading consciousness, the rejection of religion, the  fear of death, the adoption of memes that tried to comfort one of that reality.
           Part of the weaponry created by this mix up was cancer, a fumbled offspring of two blind, deaf and dumb mad scientists, part gene, part meme and part consciously willed. The gene losing the fight, the  meme wanting immortality, the gene responding, adapting as fast at it could, started to propagate cancerous cells, cells that were in blind short term understanding immortal. Constant reproduction, constant growth, but with the unforeseen consequence of killing the host.
 It began by redoubling it’s efforts to squash both, increasing violence, sex drive, selfishness in a bid to destroy culture and society. Trying to push humans back into small tribal pockets, back into the dark ages where they can forget their memetic pararsites and the plague of consciousness that had infected the brain. But memes and consciousness fought back, vying to stay alive and the cancer war began. It lead to millennia of backward stagnation, the strange hypocritical, contradictory projects, capitalism, communism etc etc. Strange societies, run on contradiction and obfuscation, fuled by memes counsness and a voracious genetic code. The war had begun and it was a foul state to witness. Memetics and genetics only know the primeval, they only know the brutality of the universe, the systems they make are ones of blunt trauma and self serving vice, this is what human society had followed for thousands of years. Society became a ritualistic place of genetic and memetic role-play, a strange stage for us to express our memetic and genetic desires, to enact our unconscious drives.
This war created conditions experienced in the 21st century, this bizarre unstable situation, 2 blind megalomaniacs and a scared confused consciousness. The ‘self’, believing it was in control of its actions, believing that free will existed, when really it had nothing, no say in anything, pulled this way and that by it’s unconscious masters. Until it was all revealed, genetic behavioural code revealed, consciousness becoming aware of what its master were. Fooling us all along, unconscious areas of the brain making decisions well in advance of any conscious process, the feeling of free will and ‘agency’ produced is a retroactive construction, protecting the mind from the feeling of helplessness. A key feature in genetic and memetic survival, the vessel must understand little to nothing of it’s actions while believing they are in full control.
 Cancer was a desperate attempt for the gene to take back control of the situation. It had started to feel the presence of the invaders, consciousness and the memes. Now the genes were turning on their own creation, desperately trying to pare it back. Cancer was it’s weapon, the body need not live that long anyway, only for enough time to reproduce and protect the family. The life cycle needed to be addressed, too much time for consciousness and memetics to start interfering in matters.  
 Memes and genes however lacked one thing, that was foresight, the ability to imagine. This allowed humans to retake control of the body, the brain. To regulate both gene and meme and allow consciousness to take back territory. Humanity unified by consciousness, the one true leveller that is shared by all, everything else is just memetic or genetic behavioural systems, race, gender, class, sexuality.
 Laying down on the bed, face to the paper towel. Turning over, best to do the calf muscle last. Scanned again, local anaesthetic injected around entry point, Varley began the clean at the liver, using hands, head to the side at wheely’s monitor, small claws pinching the skin, tension, pressure pad off, skin quickly parted, no blood. Pushing stomach out the way, fascia snipped, parted just enough to allow access to bottom of liver, 0.18mm shave, fat sucked and vaporised, liver shines, light colour of new cells, quickly pared back to the darker red. Exits, sealing partitions and skin, rearranging stomach, skin pulled together sealed, 1 inch opening when the clamps let go, final seal. Second cut at hip, cells on inside of subcutaneous tissue, more anaesthetic, pressure pad removed, small skin door opened, shaved and sealed, no longer than a minute. Unclips screen, flips over, drops pressure pad into sterilising bucket, suction skin, the layers peeling back, new pads sucking and holding. Small robotic arms from the wheely work calmly, anaesthetic, muscle split, calcium spiral bored out, bone saturated with inert solution, sealed, exits, layers back in place, sealed and finished. Varley flips over, reattaches screen, a pink droplet runs from the liver stitch, wraps midriff with surgical compress. Sits on edge of bed, flushes guts into bucket and wipes down body. Skin tingles, some potential energy. Varley prays and fingers itch.
 Washes face, features so soft, nose barely rising out of skull, soft dome eyes, wide slits, tiny lashes, hairless body, micro genitalia
  Article 4588:9379.6 Genetic code regulation, neurochemical inhibitors and digital brain stem attachments were now the standard. Consciousness was now the unifying factor for humanity, consciousness was the only way out of this ruinous situation that genes and memes and lead us. It was discovered that consciousness comes in and out of human society, sometimes it is necessary for both evolutionary parties, other times it is a hindrance and must be stamped out. The process of genes removing consciousness could be done in as little as 5 generations. This didn’t leave the world governments much time to act to try and save consciousness.
 The understanding of our genetic sequencing enabled society to quickly back some control of the genes. Reproduction for a time became a state controlled procedure, given the circumstance people were relieved, the current position being that 38% of the population was dying before the age of 45, with the age decreasing year on year. No one wanted the genes to be in control anymore.
 The memes were dealt with brain stem attachments, the aim being to overload the brain with information and then while it is distracted to try and let consciousness make unencumbered decisions. Artifical free will. Brain stem attachments developed, to confuse and hinder the animal brain, to lead it into a complete state of confusion. Just background noise. The Brain stem attachments, digital hyper loops for media projection techniques. The unit running constantly, updated remotely if more effective loops found. The loops floods the memetic holding areas of the brain, leading to saturation, this saturation temporarily dissipates the ability for memes to hijack consciousness and propagate themselves. The synthesised loop using imagery, sound, music, many different sensory devices. This part of the brain has been partitioned so they are not noticed by the user. It did cause headaches on some of the earlier models. The loops are updated and refreshed daily, the memetic receptors quickly learn the loops and began to operate outside them, refreshing them never gives them this option. The saturation of this part of the brain gives consciousness a chance to respond to reality without the constant pull of the memetic agenda.
 When first experienced, users felt rather empty, especially after v.2293747 of the genetic code, with many genetic behaviours removed. People’s heads all of a sudden felt empty, this feeling was worrying for many. Used to the comforting totalitarian drives of the gene and meme, now suddenly alone, left with no one to guide. People felt empty and life became very abstract, many suicides, it took a long time to get used to. Life suddenly, became a quite bizzare experience, where as before ‘things made sense’ but for no reason apart from delusion of agency and delusion of purpose.
 Artifical Free will, free will is never possible because synapses can never fire on their own. Need to stress this! One media loopto saturate the memetic ares of the brains. One part of the brain stem attachment fire synapse’ in the brain. When firing, the brain would be active and then thoughts upon this platform are slightly freeer than previously. We are reactive beings, we take information from the outside world and then respond to it, we are not proactive, we cannot create thoughts out of nothing. Our brains can only react to what we feed it, it cannot create anything of its own.
 Neurochemical brain levellers, brain chemicals regulated, remove all fluctuations, to reduce the chances of acting based on genetic hormone releases. Everything was flattened out to give consciousness the best chance.
 The cancer though was a continued problem, genes had seemingly become more sophisticated, something hidden to us was going on and the labs were in a constant battle to irradicate its cancer spreading, age of death had bee rescued and now stood at 85, still 45 years off what was once the average age of death, 135.
 Then go into brain rape, brain stem attachments, articial free will and the conscious trying to outplay genetics and memetics to gain some sort of control over their reality, this is the purpose of genetic control and brain stem attachments, to forcibly take control. How to supress memes? Overloading the brain with ideas and then from that point of total knowing make a ‘free’ choice, not allowing any one meme to take control, not enough space for all memes, just a little taster of each to create artificial free will.
 A reminder pops up as Varley is towelling the last of the pink saline droplets leaking from the incisions. All surgical rinsed at the wheely, then placed in it’s central autoclave for sterilisation. Wheely pushed under the mantle piece where a fire place would have been.
           The reminder was a Rotation notification, Varley stepped into stores and found the freeze dried samples. Once every 3 months sperm and eggs samples were given, for research and also reproduction.
           The door buzzed as Varley padded back down the stairs towards the front door. Opening as they neared it, the bright light pouring in, Varley moving feet to avoid it’s heat. There was an awkward whirring outside, the wheeled drone, stuck on the upturned bin lid. Taking a black umbrella from the hall, Varley slipped on some flip flops, opening the umbrella as they stepped out, the heat of the sun still making it through the shield. Being out in the sun all morning the bin lid was hot, it’s shiny surface reflecting the light back onto the pale legs, skin itching from the irritation.
Varley soon freed the wheel, unable to pick the lid up, kicked it to one side of the path. Indifferent to Varley’s presence, the buggy carried on it’s journey to the front door where it tooted it’s chirping electronic horn. The mother drone waiting in the middle of the street, the little bays opening up for its returning kids. Varley made their way back inside, scanning the packages on the front sensor then placing them into the open hatch, its cooled interior air a huge contrast to outside atmosphere. The lid closed and the buggy whirred back through the front gate, down the curb and back into its designated bay in the mother drone. Last back the mother drone now sped off, back to the regional facility. The facility will process the specimens, apply any new updates to the genetic code (normally 10-20 alterations found made a month), some samples kept for research, viable stabilised code sent on to a randomised facility, where all the worlds modified genes were kept. There the lottery would begin, the whole worlds sperm and eggs, randomly chosen to create the next generations. V.8402893 was the current genetic base, our own gene pool, now consciously controlled. No parents, no tribes apart from humanity at large. (platos republic idea?, Sparta’s societal structure). Becoming a sole agent within society.
             Varley was back upstairs, already had a universal credit payment from the Reproduction centre. Sat down at the screens,
   Perhaps adding something to say that games were the future of all social interaction and experience.
      Sleep walker 9/11 article. The weaving of the collective conscious and unconscious into video form, film editors, the new order of priest soothsayers. Reconstructed from hive mind footage, which is exctracted from collective consciousness, sleep, hypnosis, young girls on mentrals cycles. A girls first period (girls monitored for this, as first period arrives they are examined for fresh collective memoris, passed down from generations, secrets, loves, stories, horrors.
 Collective conscious starts to get heavy, get saturated, starts to obsess over traumas, over guilt. The consciousness becoming more sensitive and more powerful. Sleepwalking was the first instant, people would begin walking, end up at ground zero, massed outside people houses (guilty people).
  Article 4588:9379.6. Senen Cove, 14th March 2014
 Without disturbing the covers, her bare legs slipped out of the bed, her feet instinctively finding the slippers. Her husband snorted at the slight disturbance, turning over awkwardly, his t-shirt catching in such a way that would eventually lead to his arm going numb, upon waking he would realise his wife had gone.
           Her feet had pushed all the way into the faux fur slippers, her night gown falling to just below the knee. She was now seated on the side of the bed, hands massaging the mattress, all the muscles in the face relaxed, eyes shut, still sleeping. She stood and made her way across the room, she crossed the landing, walked slowly down the stairs, hand on the bannister, at the bottom she slowly unlocked the door.
           Senen Cove was a small village, deep south west, Lands End, England, it was 4.12am and dark. The wind was blowing bitterly as Claire walked down the central road through the village. She turned sharply, through the pub car park, over the knee high timber bar and down the shingle embankment.
           Halfway down the slope she twisted her ankle, falling head first into the loose rocks. An automatic groan as the wind was knocked out of her, rolled onto her back and stood, carrying on her journey towards the sea. She hobbled down the rest of the embankment, clearing the shingle and out onto the sandy beach.
The sun was just pushing up over the land behind her as her slippers touched the cold water. Her pace unchanged as she proceeded into the sea. The blue black darkness calling her forward, her head held transfixed on the horizon, her eyes shut, still sleeping.
The dark water was now chest height, breathing now short, her footing lost where the sea bed fell abruptly away. Her head underwater, she breathed in, filling her lungs, the cold salty sea funnelled into her lungs. Chest convulsed, partly retching the water back up, with her head still under the next breath drew in more water, this continued until she was unconscious, each convulsion gentler than the last.
   Were part of the unearthing of the 9/11 myth, through a hive mind, collective conscious investigation. Groups have started to investigate the past, freedom of information of the past, the agencies tried to disrupt this but the hive minds managed to stop this. (think of Peter Watts at the beginning of that book, the government systematically killing the hive minds, against anything that goes up against them). They were able to contact spirits within the atmosphere, or troubled spirits from the actual locations of these traumatic events, these investigations are recorded, fragments of memories stored. Different spirit perspectives brought together, edited to work out what happened, moment by moment. Video editors, are now almost soothsayers, spiritual, their practice is magical as well as technical.
 The spirits are haunting the world, not being released into the cosmos where they are meant to join the flux/wind of the universal, the universal. The guilt plagues the spirit, and is spat out upon death only to travel within 8 km of where the death took place, given the size of the universe, 8km is like being stuck in a shoe. As you can imagine, in New york this was difficult, given it’s size and a human propensity to trauma and guilt.
 They unearthed the memories from the people, not only could they interact with the spiritual they could also tap into relatives of the people, particularly the daughters, particularly while menstruating. They did this with the help of drug inducement and hypnotherapy, stored memories deep in their unconscious.
 They also find fidden footage of the actual event, the inside of these rooms and the stair wells as they were being boarded up. Gassed, sleeping gas. They find this buried in the back garden of someone home, he never knew what his father had done in his life. He had himself always had an inexplicable fear of the garden. The package was sealed, and secured in special containers. It seems we never want to die with these things, we always want to leave some sort of trace, some way that the truth can still be got at somehow.
 The hive minds and Editor Shaman have got together with surveillance to set up detection posts across the lands. To detect these restless, ‘Grounded’ spirits.
 They depend on these conspiracy theories, they depend on terrorism, they depend on prejudice, cold war, racism, sexism. They depend on all forms of bigotry and self interest. All of these Narratives have helped the retainment of the status quo and the oppression of the masses for the world over, everyone has been fucked by this, everyone. Everything is a smokescreen for economic oppression, there’s no way that without these things people would put up with the lack of social mobility etc etc etc etc. The more the consciousness of the people grow, the more desperate the agencies get. Greater amounts of force is necessary, greater spectacles, the more outrageous, the more unthinkable the more believable and also the more open to conspiracy theories. They actually aim to make the false flag scenarios as complicated and outlandish as possible, of course they could have just blown up the twin towers on that day, but that would have been to easy, not enough of a spectacle, they needed the whole world to tune it, the whole world to see the fantastic display of badly masked planes supposedly hitting the towers. If it wasn’t so unbelievable no one would have believed it.
           They left too many clues though, the money, the bonds, the hijackers, the drills, that amateur masking.
 This was all revealed by a secret silicone valley group The Hive minds ended up unearthing all of this. Elon Musk  managed to get one up on the world agencies and set up an independent bureau of investigation.
Elon Musk is himself the centre of a conspiracy theory, he tactically nuked himself apparently after writing a digital suicide note. The tactical nuke became a favourite of the authorities as it handily enough vaporised all evidence and made the crime scene un-investigable for many months. I wonder what lengths someone such as Musk must go through not to be assassinated by the authorities, how careful does he have to be not to be framed, self suicide etc. What securities does he have to build up, personal, physical, technical, governmental, international. etc etc.
 There are some who say this has been planned for a long time, and that for years it has been forced into our collective conscience. Through imagery, 911 emergency, all these things, so when it does happen we’re already comfortable with the idea, we’re already halfway to believing it. ( talk about precognitional memory, the shadow government already have a deep understanding of this, they know that propaganda just needs to be maintained through ought the present and into the future to make us believe it right now, they know it’s a 300 year old plan that started yesterday.
 There are now inbuilt programs that can detect possible precognition patterns, like an antivirus. Every person now has their own defences, their only checks on everything, food, water, information, everything is checked, double checked.
   Need More Varley -Varley Gaming here, alternative economy, brain power used to organise economy (like bit coin harvesting). Neo liberal capitalism modelled on 3.5 billion year old genetic survival, need an economy for the future.
  Conscious Rape , started with the hyperfrontality epidemic, all forms of stimulation. This brought about the unification of the sexes, the unification of gender, sexuality, classes, nations. We were all suddenly seen as one thing, one being, slight human consciousness. The forever misguided human consciousness, forced, coerced into nearly all actions. Consciousness became the unifying force in all of this, all of us,
This first led to big crack downs on all visual, audio, media stimulation that could be seen as collaborating with either genetic or memetic survival at the detriment to the human subject. For billions of years the human consciousnessn the human being had always come second, now with memes on the scene, it was trailing in third place. There needed to be a rebalancing.
The brain was deemed woefully out of date, out of touch with the new world. The Brain is a 3.5 billion year old piece of hardware, only getting a firmware update every million or so years, it could not keep up with the alter, alien devices that proliferated around the world. Consciousness Rape clauses aimed to stop companies and media preying on us. Sex, Fear, Violence, Death, all these things were part of the problem. The populations of the Centro Western States came together and agreed to try and limit the constant inseccessant attacks on the struggling consciousness. All sexualities, all genders, all classes came together for this.
           Devices were developed to single out animal, or knee jerk brain responses. People were notified in real time when they were making decisions based on a limited free will or their animal instincts. There can never be free will, but the closest thing to it. Discuss free will, Peter Watts, how can there be free will when everything is a reaction, you can only ever react you can never assert yourself, you can’t make yourself think, full stop.
   Genetic Code roleplaying as humans, memes also roleyplaying as humans, consciousness stuck in the middle of these blind , waring factions. Memes and Genes also trying to get rid of consciousness, it wan’t good for either of them.
 Culture is a tool for genes and memes inject the illusion of agency upon a being. Culture/society as stage for us to role play within. Memes and genes needs consciousness in order to survive, it holds this consciousness, maintains it through culture. Society/ Culture is all an unconscious creation of these survival systems.
           All areas of human life just a performance to enhance reproduction of these entities. Different genes and meme sets , with different skills put together different showcase areas to highlight their skills in order to impress mates and engender themselves within the social structure. Sciences, arts, government, money, banking, finances, nature, these are all tribes that are vying with each other in order to promote their gene/meme sets.
  Reciepts (gang of murderers)
Gang of people murdering high ranking officials on their death bed, 40 years after their offence. The list of damned people is public, so they know it’s coming. Will kill you 5 years before your estimated death.
       End on the sun, the solar exchange, varley looking again at the outside world, the hot rays, perhaps he decides to spend the rest of the day on the roof sunbathing, building up his relationship with the mother of existence, his true parent. The Sun is our immediate provider, our immediate creator, we are her offspring, she is our mum. We can only learn from her example, for ever giving like the sun, even unto our own destruction.
 Perhaps elaborate on the idea that once we leave this we become part of the universal, then the universe dies and becomes a part of something else, then that dies and becomes part of something else. Where is the end point of this? Ballard, voices of time!!
  Fish all fucking the wrong types of fish. Both chemical and sound pollution began interfering with fish migration and breeding patterns. The high levels of mercury inducing bouts of clinical schizophrenia and mass hysteria amongst many species of fish. Oceanic disturbances first reported off the Costa Rican coast, the Gulf of Nicoya’s beaches and inlets clogged with rotting fish carcasses. A group of marine biologists with the help of local fisherman soon found the source. A shoal of cod, 850,000 in number, a gluttonous whirlpool, its exterior surrounded by adult males, the interior a prison to females and the young. At night the shoal would surface, their furious circular swimming creating a whirlpool capable of dragging under smaller vessels.
            The Cod seemed to be systematically dismantling the oceanic ecosystems. When their prey was bigger than them they’d devour it, when it was smaller than them they’d rape it. The death of 37 researchers over 4 years led to many countries not allowing scientists in the water. The swarm had developed a society of constant hysteria and manic bloodlust.
They came to have a semi religious cult following by some fringes of society. People thought it was the end of the world, hundreds sacrificed themselves to the shoal, large boats, full of sacrificials would head out after nightfall. Cutting off the engines upon approaching the shoal, the sacrificals would then enter the water, the current from the whirlpool drawing them slowly in. Satilite images of whole families sucked into the swarm of fish, the blood swirling round, in the anti-clockwise motion of the swarming fish. Simultaneously drowned and eaten alive. Underwater footage of these mass suicides were often leaked from military vessels monitoring the swarm. The fish passing the sacrifices down the walls of the shoal to the bottom of the tornado of fish, the limp bodies, clothes delicately stripped off, cartwheeling down the outside of the throbbing structure, pushed and pulled downwards. The bodies were almost completely  stripped by the time they reach the bottom the structure. The flesh prepared perfectly for the young of the shoal at the bottom, meant tender, ripped into manageable strips. The fish were seen as Satanic, the coming of the apocalypse, their steely dead eyes, looking into the camera, indifferent to existence.
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