#darude ft. sebastian rejman
Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Finland to Eurovision with a meme icon and his side-kick
“heeeeeey what is that song on that video???” Definitely not Darude - Sandstorm. Grow the fuck up.
I mean that they basically threw off the open call for songs from Finnish artists, instead opting for having one artist national final, usually one very known but very gettable-bored-of name so that they could get some more viewership rather when they pick a random nobody from a bunch of other random nobodies. Last year YLE got themselves an artist whose Eurovision ticket was long overdue, but this year they went the extra step and brought us HIM.
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No, not that HIM. They can't go anyway as they've already disbanded. I'm talking about HIM.
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Yes, THAT HIM. Meet Toni-Ville Henrik Virtanen, which thankfully has a pseudonym to publish his music with - Darude. Almost 20 years ago he published this beautiful techno single "Sandstorm" with lyrics like "du du du du du du du du du du du du". And now it's become the big-ass target of memery for the past few years on the Internet, with Darude being very well aware of it all - I don't think he has escaped questions about "Sandstorm" now that the Eurovision interviewers media is on horizon and interviews literally every single representative, no matter if they're shy or unpopular with the bookies at all.
And even if "Sandstorm" was the only thing to shake his tiny little Finnish world, it did not break Darude to be just a one-hit wonder (well he still looks like one but yeah) and he's got more music out ever since. And it probably sounds a little too tragic when YLE resorts to just nagging and begging Darude to represent their nation, even kinda secretly hoping that thanks to him Finland can have a qualification just solely for the meme factor. Darude even said so that he at first rejected their calls, but this year became THE year for him to go, and he's not alone obviously - his credited vocalist friend for this ride to Tel Aviv became Sebastian Rejman, a bit washed-up media star who already did some collaborating with Darude.
So the format was basically the same for this year's UMK - artist announced separately, then each of their 3 songs gets published every week on a specific weekday, with single cover art and a music video already, and the Finnish people together with international juries vote for the best track. Simple as that. Unlike with Saara Aalto though, all Darude & Sebastian songs were barely even distinct from one another in sound - just techno songs that have a piece of "Sandstorm" with themselves. Well only 2 do anyway. But still, techno/house songs to listen to on the radio when you're driving and minding your own business. And I had hard time picking favourites but all of them were alright I guess. Yet somehow my least favourite happened to win... and that was "Look Away", very much so inspired by natural disasters and how do we all ignore everything around us. No matter if it's a storm or hurricane or tornado or wind throwing sand at our eyes.
I don't know why the song didn't click with me all that much at first, I suppose it was because it's just a mindless gloomy techno song that raises global awareness (we already have Denmark talking about that, but they're insisting that "love is forever", while Finland is just... getting up more seriously in all this), and besides that, it's just incredibly repetitive. It consists more of the pre-chorus-ish chorus (I mean the line "is it in my head? Am I the only one?" and that other line preceding) and the actual chorus that mostly goes like "look away, look away, look away...". Even to the point when the song ends with some additional “look away”ing but under a different drum beat. What's it with Finns having a passion for the word "away"? We already had seen them sending a "Sing It Away", which was basically a cheer-up tune telling you to sing your problems off... while this year? We're trying to NOT look into the problems dead in the eye. We're looking... erm, uh, away.
But now I do have to say that I somewhat like it. Tell it to ya - the B minor chord is possibly one of my least favourite music keys, so I might as well be a little bit more negative on it if takes the song with itself to sound incredibly dull and painfully meh. So thankfully we'll be hearing it live half a step lower (idk if that's what it is with most EDM singers in Eurovision that shit like this can be possible, as well as idk why are they allowed into Eurovision in the first place. But seriously, why can't you just choose the same key you sang in in studio for Eurovision...), which made the song sound better to me - as a Nightcore junkie, I am passionate about hearing songs in different keys all the darn time, to see in what key would a certain song sound the best. It's usually the song's key that makes me like a song better or worse live rather than a live performance itself (though in some NFs I can see which of my favourite acts are DoA by not even emoting towards them - my emotion has to be evoked, and if I evoke it on purpose, well then, I'd just rather stay motionless completely on anything and only yelp if a song causes me to do this unexplainedly). We'll see how Sebastian will execute his singing live. As for now, he's the captain of this sinking ship that hit a small iceberg (another one of the disasters we usually "look away" from until it's found in our history books). Not Darude. Darude's just merely a musical hold-up of the disaster. It all has to depend on the vocalist and if the staging clicks with the audience. Sure, Darude can put on a red wig and green sunglasses so that he could click with the meme audience, but that won't get the Finns far.
So I like this song, it actually has some cool musical moments thrown in (I like the piano for one), I can enjoy this off my free time. But Estonia does it better at the "Finno-Ugric EDM-ish entry about Mother Nature's tantrums" category and I ain't even sorry for saying this. But I gotta be sorry for Darude. This year's UMK had the lesser care about it because... well, these songs weren't exactly inspiring or anything, and with people wanting something groundbreaking, their hopes kept on vaning away with each and every song release of the UMK entries': "oh so the next 2 two songs will be good right?" "oh so then the last one will be the best one, yeah right?" "...oh, okay then .-." And him, as the Finnish meme king, should have deserved a better year for a better Eurovision stint, so he could have become something à la Epic Sax Guy. Right now I mostly see a middle-aged DJ with 2 kids, not a redhead dude with green sunglasses looking shadily on us. And that's okay sometimes because memes don't necessarily need to be remembered for memes (just like I mostly remember Kanye West for music, and then memes come second), but Finland's gonna take a miracle to get through, and I hardly see any. That's an aina mun pity.
Approval factor: Eh, it's alright, but I would certainly not hold it up to high regards post-contest? lol.
Follow-up factor: it's kiiiiinda bleak knowing that after giving us probably one of the most favourable dark horse efforts for Eurovision they're now going down the dancier route, with one entry after being a banger, the other being a dad banger. Ah well. It doesn't flow so neatly in my eyes, it seems.
Qualification factor: almost dead in the tracks. Finland flows anywhere they can, having a lot of bad luck for 3 years this decade, and I doubt that the juries will be supporting this heavily, considering they are better at rating good vocalists over bad ones, so I don't think this will sail through. But I secretly have hopes in this. It's not that bad, but Estonia is in this semi too, and it's a friendlier EDM track, so I don't quite think that repetitive will out-compell the good formulaic. Plus, Sebastian has a lot to fix vocally, and I doubt that he will carry Finland any further if he doesn't fix anything, so so far the chances of Finland aren't looking up imo. Bottom 5 at the semi is more likely if not already the actual outcome. Maaaaybe 10th in the semi at best, but I doubt it.
The more this section pops up in my works, the less I wanna recap national finals anymore. I hope there’s more breather moments with me having to review a lot of internal selection songs in between the ones from NFs, because this whole season was an utter disaster, and it’d help if the next one isn’t. So let’s check in on Finland's selection’s best:
• But seriously, did anyone ever see Darude as a Finnish representative coming??? No??? Me neither. I was just sitting there, waiting to see if there's a hope for Mikael Saari (you know, that balladeer guy from previous UMKs - I do believe some audiences love him just as much as Saara Aalto, who only was on one UMK and one Euroviisut) to be announced on this special separate programme. Nope - the trilingual hosting trio of the programme that included Krista Siegfrids in it as the token Swedish speaker just happened to happily proclaim Darude as THE Finnish hopeful... and the world was s h o o k e t h. Just look at him go. His smug grin is still iconic on here.
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• During the wait for all the UMK songs to pile up, the excitement for Darude faded away and everyone moved on to support other countries. I can't blame them, because I have found like one decent song this UMK that's still worth listening to twice a year or so - "Superman". Where Darude becomes the everyday hero for ordinary people that have difficulties in live to do mundane stuff. Maybe this song would have made him look like a better meme than his current entry would have? Just watch him go on his DJ booth dressing like a knock-off superhero because EBU doesn't allow blatant advertising. A way better gimmick than Gromee's snakey hands. Alas, no one will have to hear "Superman" anymore. Granted it's just an EDM song just like any other, but somehow I liked it best, end of.
• There's at least one memorable screenshot from UMK as well, so I'm happy with that. I saw this pop up on my Twitter time line and I could not stop laughing inside. Seriously. Krista and this other guy should host ESC provided Eurovision is ever coming back to Finland. They had a lot of iconic outfit changes during the NF itself (and the NF itself had "Look Away" with some dancer on a cube but they scrapped the tall cube for Tel Aviv entirely), but those floral onesies are my favourite.
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Now I kinda hope that there’s something that will alarm YLE in the meantime that Finland needs a better approach for Eurovision and we’ll see another fully-fledged UMK in the works next year, and then Finland can be great again. For now, I’ll just wish “onnea” to Darude and Sebastian, with hopes that people don’t look away from their song at all! (but most likely they will so what’s the point.)
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tofuingho · 5 years
Weird performance. HE just got on his knees and looked directly into the camera. 
And the constant camera changes are making me a bit nauseated.
Song isn’t terrible though. Not great either.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
ESC2019 Preshow: Masterpost
Hello everyone! April is almost upon us, so you know what that means: Ranking this year’s batch of desperate, fame-hungry dilettantes by mocking the shit out of them. For your convenience, I will put use this post to store links to all of the 41 write-ups as I post them. I’ll edit it once per day, usually after the second write-up has been posted. Best to fave this post (or reblog it) if you want to stay up to date with the ranking ^__^ And yes, you read that right, 41 write-ups. Ukraine withdrew from the competition after choosing their entrant and it was a huge mess. I suppose I’ve got to address that?
The most concise way of putting it is: Winning singer MARUV’s record label rejected the EBU contract she was obliged to sign, while *simultaneously, but independently from this debacle* Ukrainian politicians made statements about how Maruv was “unfit to represent Ukraine” because she had toured Russia.
This caused the false impression that MARUV, rather than declining the contract under pressure from her label, was actually disqualified for touring Russia by the broadcaster, which the broadcaster... did not deny somehow? So, as it turned out literally *all* of the Vidbir’s finalists had scheduled concerts in Russia (as does EVERY ARTIST FROM UKRAINE), so when broadcaster UA:PBC approached the other finalists all of them declined the offer, leaving Ukraine with no choice but to withdraw.
It was a wicked, toxic confusing mess. It’s a shame though, because I’d rather be in a position where I would have to write about how good MARUV’s entry was and about the many other talented musicians which participated in Vidbir 2019. It’s what it is, I guess. I have included MARUV on the elimination table below,  to indicate she is part of the 2019 Canon, even if she won’t be featured on the ranking. and because 42 squares is easier than 41 :-)
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01. SLOVENIA (Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - “Sebi”)
02. ICELAND (Hatari - “Hatrið mun sigra”)
03. NORWAY (KEiiNO - “Spirit in the sky”)
04. PORTUGAL (Conan Osíris - “Telemóveis”)
05. BELARUS (ZENA - “Like it”)
06. FRANCE (Bilal Hassani - “Roi”)
07. POLAND (Tulia - “Fire of love”)
08. THE NETHERLANDS (Duncan Laurence -  “Arcade”)
09. ITALY (Mahmood - “Soldi”)
10. ALBANIA (Jonida Maliqi - “Ktheju tokës”)
11. GREECE (Katerine Duska - “Better love”)
12. AZERBAIJAN (Chingiz - “Truth”)
13. SWITZERLAND (Luca Hänni - “She got me”)
14. RUSSIA (Sergey Lazarev - “Scream”)
15. BELGIUM (Eliot - “Wake up”)
16. CZECH REPUBLIC (Lake Malawi - “Friend of a friend”)
17. ARMENIA (Srbuk - “Walking Out”)
18. ROMANIA (Ester Peony -  “On a Sunday”)
19. SWEDEN (John Lundvik - “Too late for love”)
20. MALTA (Michela - “Chameleon”)
21. SPAIN (Miki - “La Venda”)
22. IRELAND (Sarah McTernan - “22″)
23. AUSTRALIA (Kate Miller-Heidke - “Zero Gravity”)
24. AUSTRIA (Pænda - “Limits”)
25. HUNGARY (Joci Pápai - “Az én apám”)
26. LITHUANIA (Jurij Veklenko - “Run with the lions”)
27. CYPRUS (Tamta - “Replay)
28. SAN MARINO (Serhat - “Say na na na”)
29. LATVIA (Carousel - “That night”)
30. NORTH MACEDONIA (Tamara Todevska - “Proud”)
31. GEORGIA (Oto Nemsadze - “Keep on going”)
32. UNITED KINGDOM (Michael Rice - “Bigger than us”)
33. SERBIA (Nevena - “Kruna”)
34. FINLAND (DARUDE ft. Sebastian Rejman - “Look away”)
35. ESTONIA (Victor Crone - “Storm”)
36. GERMANY (S!sters - “Sister”)
37. ISRAEL (Kobi Marimi - “Home”)
38. CROATIA (Roko - “The Dream”)
39. MOLDOVA (Anna Odobescu - “Stay”)
40. MONTENEGRO (D Mol - “Heaven”)
41. DENMARK (“Leonora - “Love is forever”)
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hyunllx · 5 years
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Eurovision 2019 (5/41)
Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away (Finland 🇫🇮)
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akihsulkaz · 5 years
My Eurovision Top 41 Pre-Show
Hey look Eurovision is in like less than 5 hours and I realised I haven't posted my top 41??? Sooo here's my top 41 pre-show (meaning these are just based on the song itself and the studio version uwu; I have a separate top 41 for the contest itself w/ staging so look forward to that after the finals)
Good luck to ya'll from the Philippines ❤️🇵🇭❤️
41. Finland 🇫🇮 : Look Away - Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman
40. Estonia 🇪🇪 : Storm - Victor Crone
39. Lithuania 🇱🇹 : Run With The Lions - Jurijus Veklenko
38. Israel 🇮🇱 : Home - Kobi Marimi
37. Croatia 🇭🇷 : The Dream - Roko
36. Austria 🇦🇹 : Limits - Paenda
35. North Macedonia 🇲🇰 : Proud - Tamara Todevska
34. Moldova 🇲🇩 : Stay - Anna Odobescu
33. Montenegro 🇲🇪 : Heaven - D-moll
32. Czech Republic 🇨🇿 : Friend of a Friend - Lake Malawi
31. Denmark 🇩🇰 : Love is Forever - Leonora
30. United Kingdom 🇬🇧 : Bigger Than Us - Michael Rice
29. Latvia 🇱🇻 : That Night - Carousel
28. Ireland 🇮🇪 : 22 - Sarah McTernan
27. Belarus 🇧🇾 : Like It - ZENA
26. Poland 🇵🇱 : Fire of Love (Pali się) - Tulia
25. Georgia 🇬🇪 : Keep on Going - Oto Nemsadze
24. San Marino 🇸🇲 : Say Na Na Na - Serhat
23. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 : Truth - Chingiz
22. Sweden 🇸🇪 : Too Late for Love - John Ludvik
21. Germany 🇩🇪 : Sister - S!sters
20. Cyprus 🇨🇾 : Replay - Tamta
19. Spain 🇪🇸 : La venda - Miki
18. Armenia 🇦🇲 : Walking Out - Srbuk
17. Switzerland 🇨🇭 : She Got Me - Luca Hänni
16. Australia 🇦🇺 : Zero Gravity - Kate Miller-Heidke
15. Hungary 🇭🇺 : Az én apám - Joci Pápai
14. Belgium 🇧🇪 : Wake Up - Eliot
13. Malta 🇲🇹 : Chameleon - Michela
12. France 🇫🇷 : Roi - Bilal Hassani
11. Iceland 🇮🇸 : Hatrid mun sigra - Hatari
10. Slovenia 🇸🇮 : Sebi - Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl
9. Italy 🇮🇹 : Soldi - Mahmood
8. Serbia 🇷🇸 : Kruna - Nevena Božović
7. Greece 🇬🇷 : Better Love - Katerine Duska
6. Russia 🇷🇺 : Scream - Sergey Lazarev
5. Romania 🇷🇴 : On a Sunday - Ester Peony
4. Norway 🇳🇴 : Spirit in the Sky - KEiiNO
3. Albania 🇦🇱 : Ktehju tokës - Jonida Maliqi
2. Portugal 🇵🇹 : Telemóveis - Conan Osiris
1. Netherlands 🇳🇱 : Arcade - Duncan Laurence
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euroblog · 5 years
ESC 2019 so far
First semi:
Cyprus: Tamta - Replay Czech Republic: Lake Malawi - Friend of a Friend Finland: Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman - TBA Montenegro: D-moll - Heaven Australia: Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity Belgium: Eliot - TBA San Marino: Serhat (represented San Marino in 2016) - TBA
Second semi:
Armenia: Srbuk - TBA Austria: Paenda - Limits Albania: Jonida Maliqi - Ktheju tokës Macedonia: Tamara Todevska (represented Macedonia in 2008) - Proud Malta: Michela Pace - TBA Netherlands: Duncan Laurence - TBA Russia: Sergey Lazarev (represented Russia in 2016) - TBA
The Big Five:
France: Bilal Hassani - Roi Italy: Mahmood - Soldi Spain: Miki - La venda United Kingdom: Michael Rice - Bigger than Us
this seriously is the year of comebacks...
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mexicaneurolover · 5 years
Eurovision 2019 my top 41 before the shows
So hey!!! After many many months of NF’s, internal selections and lots of eurodrama, finally I’m able to write about my first impressions about the 41 (SHOULD’VE BEEN 42) participating entries in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. I’ll write short opinions of the entries and the full tea will be here after the live shows, so let’s begin:
1st Place: THE NETHERLANDS/Duncan Laurence-Arcade: Hands down, this is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard in my life, the music is pretty, the lyrics are amazing and I cry while listening to this, which is a good sign. Praying for Amsterdam 2020. 
2nd Place: SWITZERLAND/Luca Hänni-She got me: Switzerland... another pleasant surprise, and with one of my fave artists, this song is fire and C’MON EUROPE, PLS DON’T IGNORE SWITZERLAND. 
3rd Place: AZERBAIJAN/Chingiz-Truth: Azerbaijan... you really surprised me this year, the music is stunning, he’s so charming and it’s one of the best songs IMO, and I’m expecting this to be a dark horse. 
4th Place: ITALY/Mahmood-Soldi: Even if he wasn’t my fave to win Sanremo, the final night changed my mind with this one and it’s such a bop, and I’d like this to be in the top 3 in the final. 
5th Place: ALBANIA/Jonida Maliqi-Ktheju tokës: This entry has a very powerful message and Jonida’s voice is simply a delight, the music is so good and this has a lot of potential to do well, with the right staging. 
6th Place: ICELAND/Hatari-Hatrid mun sigra: If my 2013 self watched this, he’d die, but yeah... WHAT A SONG!!! This usually isn’t my cup of coffee but I don’t know why I like this, must be the music and the chorus, yeah. 
7th Place: POLAND/Tulia-Pali się (Fire of love): Folk rock? In my top 10? YES!!! This has everything I like, a powerful melody, nice voices and it’s so catchy, my fave Polish entry in the 2010′s.
8th Place: MALTA/Michela-Chameleon: Usually I put Malta in my lower spots, but this... is... an IMPROVEMENT, this is the best song they’ve sent in years and I hope this to be big in Tel Aviv. 
9th Place: NORWAY/KEiiNO-Spirit in the sky: What a good song!!! This is a very schlagery song with ethnic elements, this song is pure perfection and it warms my heart. 
10th Place: RUSSIA/Sergey Lazarev-Scream: King Sergey is back!!! And with a nice ballad, which he delivers so good, this might not be You Are the Only One but this has it’s charm, and I’m expecting this to do well in May. 
11th Place: SPAIN/Miki-La Venda: OH POR DIOS!! Spain this year has a very amazing song, and it was the one who stood out the most at Operación Triunfo, he has a lot of charisma and power, and i hope they’ll finish outside the bottom.
12th Place: CYPRUS/Tamta-Replay: Another queen with a bop, even if this reminds me a lot of Fuego, this has a lot of charm, the music is good and if she delivers it good on stage, this will be a contender. 
13th Place: ARMENIA/Srbuk-Walking out: Srbuk is not half a goddess, she’s a full goddess, and this entry is perfect, nice music, the beat is powerful, and I hope she does well.  
14th Place: GREECE/Katerine Duska-Better love: This entry is very amazing, and with every listen it gets better and better, the music is cool, her voice is so special and it has potential to win the contest. 
15th Place: SWEDEN/John Lundvik-Too late for love: Me having Sweden outside the top 10 before ESC is something new for me, but still I like this song, his voice is amazing and the music is good, certainly it will do well. 
16th Place: PORTUGAL/Conan Osiris-Telemóveis: This entry is magical for me, the music is very avant garde and he has an amazing voice, and if this doesn’t qualify I’ll be so sad. 
17th Place: SLOVENIA/Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl-Sebi: When this won EMA I hated it because it beat Raiven, but time made this grew on me and it’s so cool and... wow. 
18th Place: NORTH MACEDONIA/Tamara Todevska-Proud: A big big ballad, but it’s very good, I love how this builds up and I want to see this live.  
19th Place: DENMARK/Leonora-Love is forever: A cute entry, this is sweet, nice, her voice is good and I loved the chair in DMGP, nice indeed. 
20th Place: SAN MARINO/Serhat-Say na na na: WHAT A COMEBACK FOR A KING, this is very funny as well and I’d die if this qualifies, and i’m bopping so hard to this. 
21st Place: BELGIUM/Eliot-Wake up: This guy has a nice voice and this song is in the line of City Lights which was my 2nd in 2017, so i’m so eager to see the staging and appreciate it’s beauty.  
22nd Place: LATVIA/Carousel-That night: This one when it won Supernova was one of my faves, then it slipped out and now it’s recovering places, a very moody song and it’s very cool. 
23rd Place: CZECH REPUBLIC/Lake Malawi-Friend of a friend: Awwww one of the biggest growers in me, this song is fun, catchy and it makes me dance, I want this to qualify so badly
24th Place: HUNGARY/Joci Pápai-Az én apám: This is a very lovely entry, and I know how is his voice so I’m expecting a lot of this one.
25th Place: BELARUS/ZENA-Like it: It’s nice for me because it reminds me of the late 90′s-early 00′s songs, and it’s catchy, I like this. 
26th Place: SERBIA/Nevena Bozović-Kruna: Woooow stunning voice, she has a lot of stage presence and it’s a pleasant song, a very good one indeed.
27th Place: ROMANIA/Ester Peony-On a Sunday: He is where my “top 10″ starts, this is a very very great song, I like the melody and the performance at Selectia Nationala was so good. 
28th Place: ISRAEL/Kobi Marimi-Home: He certainly has the voice, but this song is a bit flat and it bores me after a while, it promises a big deliver but nothing comes, but not a bad song. 
29th Place: IRELAND/Sarah McTernan-22: This is one of the songs that I need to be in certain mood to enjoy, not a bad choice but yeah, a bit off putting 
30th Place: FINLAND/Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman-Look away: Again, another song that at first I was crazy about but then I realized this was a bit flat, not what I was expecting. 
31st Place: MOLDOVA/Anna Odobescu-Stay: Not a bad ballad but IMO it’s just there... still I enjoy it more than the songs below. 
32nd Place: LITHUANIA/Jurijus-Run with the lions: As with Estonia, I had a soft spot for this one, but it’s not longer one of the songs I listen the most from this year, let’s see how this entry delivers on the big stage. 
33rd Place: UNITED KINGDOM/Michael Rice-Bigger than us: Not a bad song, it’s just middle of the road for me after all the songs were released, nice voice but it’s missing something. 
34th Place: FRANCE/Bilal Hassani-Roi: Okay, having in mind what France has sent in the last 3 years, this is a big letdown, it’s a nice song, I don’t hate it as I did back in January but still, I can’t enjoy this at all. 
35th Place: ESTONIA/Victor Crone-Storm: This when it won Eesti Laul was a nice choice for me, but then it slipped out and now I don’t find it special or good, it may qualify but it’s not a nice option. 
36th Place: AUSTRALIA/Kate Miller-Heideke-Zero Gravity: Well I have mixed feelings with this one because there are parts that I like and parts I don’t like, but she has a nice voice so let’s see how this will do. 
37th Place: AUSTRIA/PÆNDA-Limits: Hmmm... I was expecting something else from her, but this doesn’t go anywhere sadly. 
38th Place: MONTENEGRO/D-Mol-Heaven: Also this one is very very very dull, the only thing I want to say is that the videoclip is stunning. 
39th Place: GERMANY/S!sters-Sister: Nope, this is also a big no for me, with the first notes I knew this was going to be a snoozefest, so let’s see how will this do on Tel Aviv.
40th Place: CROATIA/Roko-The Dream: Ehhhh... nope, just no, you missed a chance here with me, he sings nice but no.  
41st Place: GEORGIA/Oto Nemsadze-Keep on going: This entry is... not very good, and he wasn’t my fave in the National Final so when he won I was surprised, this song isn’t anything special
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duskadawn · 5 years
My pre-show top 41
hello clowns! as an indecisive bottom, ranking all 41 entries of this year’s esc into a definitive top was a challenge but I think I’m finally decided on my ranking! read below the cut for clown certified bad takes
the stan list:
1. Greece / Katerine Duska - Better Love
yall already been knew but its Athens 2020 babey! her voice...the lyrics...the chorus....the visuals...the production.........talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular, never the same.......the power it has......the international implications.............god we stan
2. Italy / Mahmood - Soldi
the clapping in soldi is mahmood applauding himself for being That Bitch because god soldi Slaps. probably my favourite italian entry of this decade if not ever. its just gay rights 
3. Netherlands / Duncan Laurene - Arcade
if amsterdam 2020 does actually happen it would be so fucking deserved becuase duncan really snapped on this one......he really did that you know what i mean
# Ukraine / Maruv - Siren Song
really wish UA weren’t such clowns because siren song is scientifically proven to smack...it just bangs! 
4. Iceland / Hatari - Hatari -  Hatrið mun sigra
ok so at first i couldn’t really get behind this because i didnae feel the verses at all but they’ve really grown on me and i appreciate them as part of the package a Lot more now. however if the entire song was as good as the chorus it would undoubtedly be reykjavik 2020 but it be like that sometimes
5. Romania / Ester Peony - On A Sunday
i know the nf was shady but i’m so fucking glad this won over little miss i hate gay people. its just so unqiue and mysterious and moody god i’m so emo x. really hope this is a dark horse this year but i’m Worried 
6. Portugal / Conan Osiris - Telemoveis
i don’t entirely get what hes serving but bitch i’ll take it. really appreciate conan’s artistry and the musical diversity hes bringing to the semi and europe better fucking treat him right or there Will be consequences 
7. Norway / Keiino - Spirit in the Sky
this is the fun eurovision bop we all deserve this year and i would die for all three of them. also really love the sámi representation!!! take notes sweden
8. Spain / Miki Núñez - La Venda
while I preferred the original to the revamp, i’m also don’t really care because its still the best song spain’s sent since pastora, its just so fun and warm and full of energy and god miki is a lad!! main reason its so high in my top tho is because i want miki to choke m-
9. Albania / Jonida Maliqi -  Ktheju tokës
time to put on my clown suit but i preferred the original cut. that bein said jonida maliqi is a queen and ktheju tokës is still the masterful ethnic banger it always was. my crops are really watered well this year. also if this dies because of its running order position i will Snap
10. Armenia / Srbuk - Walking Out
before i even get into the actual tune the piano intro to this song that lasts for a maximum of 5 seconds is better than half of all eurovision songs to date so that’s that. but also the song itself is real powerful and modern and god the last chorus sent my wigs to yerevan immediately. srbuk could step on me and i’d give her the esc trophy 
11. Azerbaijan / Chingiz - Truth
im so glad azerbaijan let go of their sweden of the caucuses look because it wasnt a good one but this one really is!! shes serving
12. Malta / Michela - Chameleon
does malta finally deserve rights? maybe so! to me this is the best, most original of this years fuegos i just love that drop. really smacks. hope it looks as good on stage as it does in the mv tho
13. Hungary / Pápai Joci - Az én apám
its not as good as origo but can you really beat perfection? joci may be back but my depression is nowhere to be found
14. Poland / Tulia - Fire Of Love (Pali Się) 
best polish entry in a while if not ever. i get why its polarising but to me it just fucking Slaps. feel like storming down the street and robbing a pierogi store. queens. also the bilingualism really works some revamps should really take some notes
15. Belgium / Eliot - Wake Up
this feels like the sequel to city lights and while it may not be as good its still a great installment. the chorus could be more impactful but i still love it we stan the belgian renaissance  
16. Slovenia / Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - Sebi
at first listen i thought this was one of the flattest, most monotone entries in a while and was completely puzzled as to how it had stans but turns out that was just the live oof. in studio its a really magical tune but im not sure they’re gonna be able to make it work on stage but here’s hoping! also gasper and zala seem really sweet so we stan
17. Latvia / Carousel - That Night
not to be romantic on main, but this song is just one of those that makes you feel like you’re sitting around a campfire staring at stars playing tunes in the wild west you know what i mean? while it may be repetitive as fuck i just really love its chill atmosphere 
18. North Macedonia / Tamara Todevska - Proud
i’ve stanned macedonia since 2017 but they always fucking let me down with the staging However this is the dramatic ass female ballad i’m stanning this year and i just feel at home in a clown suit 
19. San Marino / Serhat - Say Na Na Na
never in my life did i expect san marino to actually snap this hard. this is genuinely good while still maintaining that san marinese campy charm and i want nothing more than for serhat to be my kind caring uncle. if europe lets him down it will know nothing but Pain
20. Serbia / Nevena Božović - Kruna
we always stan a good balkan ballad. best one in a while and i hope europe treats her right she deserves it after the tragedy that was moje 3
21. France / Bilal Hassani - Roi
at first i was not feeling this song at all but its really grown on me! bilal loaned me his best clown wig and i feel really pretty
22. Cyprus / Tamta - Replay
this one the other hand has very much grown off me. while it slapped at first when most of the songs out were disappointing nf songs, coming straight after fuego it just feels a little stale. kinda wish cyprus had changed it up more rather than go for more of the same. but ill probably be stanning once may 14th comes around because im a clown
these are also good:
23. Ireland / Sarah McTernan - 22 
this isnt quite good enough to stan but its still a lovely lil pop song. its gonna get absolutely murdered at esc but its cute
24. Sweden / John Lundvik - Too Late For Love
swedens best entry since 2014 and i guess this is sort of a break from the trend However i still have some issues. it does bop but as always it feels like i’ve heard it all before you know what i mean. It slaps in a completely safe way which is fine but I just want sweden to change it up just Once it’s not asking much
25. Czechia / Lake Malawi - Friend Of A Friend
unstoppable force: friend of a friend slaps and is one of czechias best entries. immovable object: making loOooHrve
26. Australia / Kate Miller Heidke - Zero Gravity 
at first the terrible over the top nf staging made me dislike this song a Lot but after I took the time to detach the song from the performance it grew on me a lot. However i still find it a little bit underwhelming but its a nice break from the complete jury bait snores they’ve been sending every year after guy sebastian invented music 
27. Russia / Sergey Lazarev - Scream
this is clearly a song made for a live performance and there’s no doubt its gonna do really well with whatever they’re planning for the staging but that’s kind of my problem with it. while good, it feels incomplete. like a lot of it feels like its leaving room for a live performance moment so as a standalone song it feels lacking you know what i mean
28. Belarus / Zena - Like it
this songs fun and catchy you guys are just mean!! yes its basic but that doesn’t mean it can’t bop. I’m not gonna stan but i’m gonna enjoy it. billie eilish is shaking in her boots
29. Switzerland / Luca Hänni - She Got Me
sorry to be heterophobic but i’m not in love with this song. I was never a fan of his discography and while this song is a massive upgrade from his other songs imo, and extremely catchy, it also feels like hes trying so damn hard to convince everyone hes straight you know what i mean. no song with the lyrics ‘getting rowdy rowdy’ deserves 3rd in the betting sorry sisters. i just cant take it seriously but it still bops and when it does well its not gonna be undeserving, i just like a lot of songs more
30. Denmark / Leonora - Love Is Forever
this song is sweet and i appreciate the multilingualism but its also a little too sweet. Its perfectly fine but i just prefer other songs
31. Austria / Paenda - Limits
i don’t actually dislike this but it really is missing something. hopefully that something is in the staging because as it stands its got the elements of a good atmospheric ballad and shes a great singer but it just never reaches any sort of memorable climax
the whelmed list:
32. Lithuania / Jurijus - Run With The Lions
ok so when i first heard this i really was slapping but with every listen it just gets more and more average to me. when i listen to it i feel like i’m underrating it but then immediately i’ve forgotten lithuania’s competing. but honestly this years too strong we in my bottom 10 and i’m still bopping
33. Estonia / Victor Crone - Storm
this isn’t terrible but it really is just an avicii throwaway from 2013. nevermind that there were much better songs in the nf, its just way too safe. I don’t hate it and i can bop to it if i try but at the same time-wait why can i hear a plane oh god oh fu
34. United Kingdom / Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us
why are we always such a disappointment? michael is a legend but when we’re sending a song that sweden outright told it’s entrant to not use, There’s a problem. when we send a song in welsh it’s over for you hoes
35. Finland / Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away
like storm this is just a very average piece of edm. it’s not terrible but it’s not great either. eh
36. Germany / S!sters - Sister
this is a song called sister by a group called S!sters, who aren’t even remotely related. that’s all i’ve got to say
these aren’t great:
37. Israel / Kobi Marimi - Home
look i will forever stan kobi for calling out wiwi but i can’t deny that his song is absolute paint by the numbers toilet break. pass
38. Montenegro / D-mol - Heaven
it does sound like a bad throwback to the 90′s but i guess its at least catchy. which is more than i can say about some songs. its kind of ok if im feeling nice
39. Croatia / Roko Blažević
forget about greece. there is no doubt in my mind that croatia’s gonna win for the second time following jacques houdek’s momentous win in kiyv. and no i am not being held at gunpoint
40. Moldova / Anna Odobescu - Stay
this just sounds like a nq from 2010. anna deserves a better song. next
41. Georgia / Oto Nemsadze - Keep On Going
a day or so i decided to listen to this for once and found myself going ‘this ain’t that bad’. just as i was applying my clown makeup, the song finished and I realised that I could not remember a single second.
so there it is! that means my qualifiers from each semi are:
Semi 1: Greece, Iceland, Portugal, Hungary, Poland, Belgium, Slovenia, San Marino, Serbia, and Cyprus
Semi 2: Netherlands, Romania, Norway, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Malta, Latvia, North Macedonia, Ireland
im in danger
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jackqulenmusicblog · 5 years
Eurovision 2019 🇫🇮
Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away
Finland brought one of the biggest shocks to the fandom this year when they announced the legendary Darude would represent Finland at Eurovision this year. (oh come on don't say you didn't think it was a prank for a minute before you realize it's actually real). Well, but all the hype was gone. I don't think Darude was the problem though. Yes, reactions were that all 3 songs that Darude composed for UMK was "mediocre", but my attention was that Sebastian Rejman was probably not the best voice as the singer. His rather raspy voice do not fit well with Darude's edm in my opinion. I think Finland has the capacity to create a spectular performance, but whether this performance can connect to juries and/or televoters will remain unseen until May.
Jackqulen's controversial ranking: 22nd out of 41 songs
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anotherescsite · 5 years
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Look Away - Darude ft Sebastian Rejman Selection method: Internal artist; national final Has it been heard live? Yes Semi final # 1 Drawn: 3
The music video for Look away is really boring in some ways and interesting in others. If you ignore the fact that each of these people is standing in front of a blue screen with a wind machine/big fan blowing them, you have interesting imagery. But there isn’t much else to the film. Attractive people, nice scenery, wind, looking away off to the side.
The song isn’t remarkable. It has interest, but it’s not special or very original. It has a nice beat and the lyrics are inspirational, but the film isn’t doing the thing any favours.
Finalist?: Maybe not.
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usstatesofsong · 5 years
ESC 2019 Reviews - Finland
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Semifinal 1, #3 - Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman, “Look Away”
Finland barely qualified last year, but at least they made it back to the Final! I was pleased, although I will forever believe that Norma John should’ve gone through. That song still makes me feel things and gives me goosebumps.
Anyway, I wonder who they are sending this y--
*rubs eyes to make sure he’s reading that name correctly*
*doesn’t look away*
Ex-cuuuuuuuse me… DARUDE? Like… memery, techno-laden ‘Sandstorm’ Darude??
Yep. Here’s your token already-famous person for 2019. And it makes sense: Darude is Finnish. He’s always been Finnish. Most people didn’t know this, but then again, there were no lyrics to Sandstorm, so you could go without knowing that fact.
When he was announced as the act for Finland, I was truly excited: finally someone who’s (kinda) a big name is doing ESC this year! Joining him for the obligatory lyrical content is Sebastian Rejman, who had already collaborated with Darude in 2016 on a song called “Moments,” and that song is lit.
So imagine mine and many others’ utter disappointment when the song selected by the Finnish public for Eurovision was the only one not written by Darude. Not only that, but after the first listen, it was… utterly forgettable.
The problem is it’s not a very dance-able song, nor is it a very relatable song. It’s just kind of there, in a nice sweet zone of inoffensive electro-influenced pop music. ‘Look away’? What am I looking away from? Something that’s in my head, apparently. I’ll point out what others have already -- the chorus is just ‘look away’ repeated over… and over… and over. There’s no big drop, and Rejman’s vocals haven’t been consistent in most live shows - the register of his voice is so low that it makes zero impact.
There are a few parts I like, admittedly. The futuristic plucks of the piano at the beginning of verses are awesome. He takes it down pretty low during the verses so that you feel some buildup. The light shows and themes around the performance are cool, so the staging should be fantastic.
But the song itself is just not written very well, it’s cyclical and repetitive, the chorus leaves you feeling limp like a wet sausage. I want to like it so much because of who represents it, but I’ve lost nearly all interest. Perhaps Europe will vote for this because it’s Darude, but something tells me that it won’t be enough to save juries from burying this one in the soil. Sebastian Rejman is boring as hell, and his writing is half-baked. What I’m saying is I wanted a banging anthem and instead I got ‘looking away’ 26 times.
My Rating: 5.5/10 Rank: 29th of 41
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lowkeyescfan · 5 years
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🇫🇮 darude ft. sebastian rejman - look away
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mjeurovision · 5 years
EUROVISION 2019 - MY RANKING FROM WORST TO NOT TOO BAD 11. Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away 🇫🇮 It may be nowhere near as good as the one song Darude is actually known for but it's still a dirty banger. Plus there's some lass fannying about in a green dress and some typically shit Eurovision graphics. From start to finish, this is just amazing. Read my initial reaction to the Finnish entry and all of the songs from this year on my blog by following the link in my bio. #finland #eurovision2019 #eurovision #daretodream https://www.instagram.com/p/BxLFuf_nHzY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dbp3guevhhjz
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borisbubbles · 5 years
ESC2019: Preshow: #34
34. FINLAND DARUDE ft Sebastian Rejman - “Look Away” SemiFinal 1 #03
I would I could look away from this song...X So a few weeks back, I had a particularly boring Tuesday lunch break and since I knew Finland would unveil their ~UMK ENTRANT~ I decided to tune in between writing my lesson plans. I had no expectations, but it’s always welcome seeing Krista Siegfrids again!! Imagine my reaction when she chirpily announced DARUDE OF SANDSTORM FUCKING FAME as the Finnish entrant for ESC this year (and also some random dude who would do the singing).  I got chiiiiils, they multiplyyyyyyyying. 😍
Finland then continued to reveal three average EDM songs as their possible entries, all of which reduced Darude to a mere stage prop and any excitement I felt instantly evaporated lol. 
Entry Analysis
The main problem we’re faced with here is basically the same as the 7 previous songs. “Look Away” is just a... -what was the term again; ‘A deeply uninteresting slice of schlock?’ 😏 So unintesting in fact I’ve already turned it off (which I normally don’t do when writing my reviews). Just cannot be bothered with it anymore!
In a bizarre twist of irony however, I’ve found that “Look Away”'s drabness actually works for it, because by picking it apart I have realized that it’s secretly-not-so-secretly really fucking obnoxious lol. 😬 Take a look at this:
There's something you should know I can't sing a love song anymore There's something going on And I can't turn my back on it anymore How can we go to sleep at night And lay there in our beds? When we know what's going on With the world today Is it in my head? Am I the only one? Is it in my head? When the war has just begun We look away, look away Look away, look away
Yep, *THOSE* are the lyrics. Yes, the world is a shit place, tell me something I don’t already know, *DAD*. Gooooooooooooood the Condescending Father vibe of this is why I’ve decided I may dislike this song after all!!! It tries way too hard to be W0KE about.... about... about what, exactly? The staging indicates climate change, but the lyrics imply generalist social issues. Get these Basic Bitches OFF my ESC experience!!
Fortunately, the song is soooo bland and forgettable I can just ignore it at my leisure, I guess? At least Darude seems to enjoy himself: I would too if I got what is basically a free vacation.
“Look Away” makes several fatal errors: A of all: Reminding people that they’re callous pieces of shit is not a good way to convey any message (and neither is telling them to “look away”).  B of all, Slapping meaning onto songs for the sake of it doesn’t work if the meaning doesnt match the vibe of the genre. Who listens to EDM for the poignant social critique? EDM is supposed to be fun and excitable and “Look Away” is Not.   C of all, his vocals are only a slight step about Victor Crone’s. :X And also, um, it’s a boring song from Finland lol. You’d think the 03 Slot murders them, but let’s face it Finland’s chances were *already* beyond deceased even before the draw happened, so I’m glad *they* got a death slot over, you know, an act which can actually qualify for the finals (prayer circle for ZalaGašper and Zena now that they’re received good draws!!). But always look on the bright side of life: None of us have to listen to “Look Away” again until it’s eliminated in Telleraweave. ^__^  Projected placement: 13th-16th in the semifinal. 
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Link to the masterpost
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tirsu · 5 years
Oh, Darude (ft. Sebastian Rejman) is Finland’s ESC participant. Cool cool. Darude is okay and I like Sebastian’s voice.
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#PDMB 571 codinome=fatamorgana
Part#1 Avicii - Heaven Kokiri ft. Joe Killington - Friends Komodo ft. Michael Shynes - (I just) died in your arms (Alex Shik Radio Remix) Jewelz & Sparks ft. Pearl Andersson - All i see is you (DJ Afrojack Extended Edit) Exid - Up & down (Areia Kpop Remix #166) Ava Max vs M83 - Sweet but psycho midnight city (DJs From Mars Bootleg) Tom & Jame ft. Alice Berg - Never look back (Bonkerz Extended Mix)
Part#2 Sidney Samson, X-Tof & Bowman ft. Mr. Pig & Zafra Negra - Bomba latina Bobina ft. Denise Rivera vs Vigel x Hardwell & Dr Phunk ft. Jantine - Siente us down (Denis Nebo Mashup) Outrage & TBR - Here tomorrow Maurice West - In the zone Van Halen - Jump (Armin van Buuren Extended Remix) Grimix & Onderkoffer - Fata morgana Jimmy Clash x DJ Junior ft. Da Knightshiftah - Third eye
Darude ft. Sebastian Rejman - Superman
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