miratenebrarum · 1 year
for dismas: equip the cursed coin. it was a lucky coin once upon a time. [ ACCEPTING ]
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...you're not sure you want that, but, you know. It can't get worse. Cursed or not, maybe it'll help.
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Maybe it still has some luck in it, after all.
 +8% CRIT
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tardif · 1 year
" you're for hire? "
a familiar face -- regulus approaches the man with the axe boldly and with little self-preservation. there's coin set in front of tardif, his head tilted quietly.
" i have need of someone who can kill a great beast. "
A familiar face indeed.
This time? A familiar face that absolutely and utterly had no fear stepping into his shadow, stretched from the inn fire back to the mounted creature heads to the wall.
"... Long time. Ain't a yellow belly any longer, huh? Yer offer this time?"
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bloodriven · 1 year
“  i don’t actually enjoy killing.  it’s messy.  the blood gets everywhere.  it’s just necessary sometimes.  ”
Blood Related Prompts || Accepting!
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"Good. One should never get to a point where they enjoy killing. It should be a necessity, not an indulgence."
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reynauld · 1 year
reynauld pls come back if i have to keep tardif from strangling sarmenti again im going to lose it
I'm in the mountain LOST COME PICK ME UP.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
❝ these calamitous times bring out the worst in people. ❞
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" Their strongest selves you mean. There is no wrong in this. Calamity breeds resolve and culls weakness. Welcome it."
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yellowfingcr · 1 year
𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ?
behind the mask
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you aren’t slick about whatever you think you’re hiding. glass shatters in your midst, blood spills, children scream. like some of your friends, your personality of choice is entirely artificial. the difference between you and them is that you can get away with it. you’re unknown, perhaps even to yourself, and your goals are complex and unknown. anyone stupid enough to fall for you is setting themselves up to be frustrated and confused, owing to your being ultimately unknowable. i hope you can find an identity that makes you comfortable.
tagged by: @scarletrotted (thanks!!)
tagging: @of-forossa, @yeleltaan, @starcaller-scholar, @hexenjagd, @tacetnix, @darkestheir, @eternalconquest, @bloodrosebriars (both!), @irregulator, @neschastnyy (any of your choice!), @casketdweller, and you!
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altarofhope · 1 year
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women and men; soldiers and outlaws; fools and corpses. all will find their way to us now that the road is clear.
a darkest dungeon multimuse sideblog, tied to the lore of @darkestheir & @stygianestate.
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darkestheir · 2 years
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@DARKESTHEIR, an independent roleplay blog for the heir of the darkest dungeon. written by vladimir, est. may 2018.
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thiefcant · 6 months
if anyone cares about darkest dungeon, i have my heir-based oc over on @darkestheir. he's got a dnd / bg3 verse so! come on by.
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huntsfirst · 7 months
people interested in following my other brainrot projects just know im bringing @darkestheir back bc of the trailer today
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tomepact · 1 year
I'll do replies tonight but if you like sorcerers making bad decisions and also darkening some dungeons may I interest you in @darkestheir
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miratenebrarum · 1 year
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"Eh, they'll walk it off.
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They're breathing, aye? So it's fine. Will teach 'em not to test their luck."
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bleakfates · 4 years
@darkestheir | REGULUS.
it wasn’t for the coin.
at least not primarily. when word passed of a noble taking up governing their humble, backwater township, ashlyn waited for the inevitable punchline. it never did land, the outrageous yarn continuing to be spun about their alleged connection to the previous heir, their efforts to rebuild and restore the territory and... well- 
the fact that he had very few scruples about hiring known criminals. 
which shouldn’t matter, not when ashlyn made a fair bit of coin poaching game and fleecing whatever denizen was desperate enough for proper meat in this wretched hellscape. even considering the dwindling population of healthy animals, she had made enough money to pay for a stagecoach and leave this hamlet behind her. but then the stories spoke of the war the heir was waging with the cultists, the beast men... the bandits. 
 the raging fires, the frantic screams, the gleam of sharp teeth that only reflected her own wry smile. the blood on her hands. her hands. HER —
her hand took tight hold of the door handle, squeezing it with an unnecessary bit of force before opening and walking past the termite bitten frame. “Ser-” she wanted to believe that there was more to it than fragile sense of mortality, the possibility of a bounty on her head and how the move to ally herself to a man of wealth and influence was nothing more than pragmatic. the fact that her ‘working’ relationship with the bandits was already shattered so she may as well ally herself with their newfound adversaries. benefits that were better off unspoken, really.
“They told me to see you about getting sorted for the... job?” 
uncertain pause besides, ashlyn’s sharp eyes already took careful stock of the room, what visibility the windows allowed, the scattered parchments and journals on the desk, the letter opener in his hand. she sniffed. “Ash.” 
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bloodriven · 2 years
“ i’m terrified of becoming the monster I sought to destroy. ”
Braund’s arms were folded over his chest as he listened, a thumb tracing the neat stitches keeping one of his recent injuries closed. He shook his head, silently exasperated but forcing himself to show patience.
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“What is fear but a key to piety? If it terrifies you so, then turn what you have learned to the service of the Light. Let it illuminate the dark corners of the world– in aiding others, you will find yourself kept to the proper path.”
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reynauld · 1 year
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Every cause needs a champion, a hero to rally otherwise common men to a righteous cause and lead them to victory. The Crusader is that champion. With holy blade in hand he smites the wicked and sends them back to the darkness from whence they crept. While his armor restricts his movement it affords him great protection, allowing him to stand in the frontlines to take the blows that his weaker comrades cannot.
No matter the pressures he faces he will remain strong, finding strength within himself to keep fighting on while inspiring others to do the same. Even in the midst of battle he can galvanize his allies, giving them the strength to fight off madness for a little longer. When the Crusader is leading the charge, all of hell will know to fear the flame.
------------------------------------ Your name is Reynauld, of Avignon.
You came here when your campaign ended in defeat, and dismay. Not the staunch insistence of your commander nor the declaration of victory was able to erase the bitter memories of your dead friends, and dead soldiers. Among the many corpses that fell for zealous purpose, there was your own. Not much can assuage the bitter taste of war, the back of your throat used to the scent of fire and molding flesh. 
You had a wife, and a child, but you could not face them outside of the helm that you wore at first. When you did try to reach them, they seemed to wish nothing to do with you. And thus, you took to older roads, in different countries far from the Light.
And then one day a man met you at a crossroads dive, looking for people to help him on an impossible quest
❝A mighty sword arm anchored by holy purpose - a zealous warrior!❞
Name: Reynauld D'avignon Age: 32 Lineage: Reborn, (Undead, Light Touched) Class: Paladin (Oath of Devotion ), Level 10 Background: Crusader Occupation: Hired mercenary under employ of Regulus von BockRank: Excommunicated Knight Commander/ Former High Paladin of the Flame  Height: 6'4’’ / 185 cm Weight: 222 lbs / 100 kilograms
Strength: 16 (+3 ) Dexterity: 18 (+4 ) Constitution: 16 (+3 ) Intelligence: 13 (+1 ) Wisdom: 10 (+0 ) Charisma: 16 (+3 )
Status Conditions: Undead
Characteristic Spells/Abilities: Light, Divine Smite, Divine Favor, Branding Smite, Thunderous Smite, Heroism, Lay on Hands, Beacon of Hope, Aura of Protection, Aura of Devotion, Bless, Hallow
Proficient in: Religion, History, Sleight of Hand… *whistles*, and Intimidation
Reynauld is a dexterity-based Great Weapon Fighter, whose montante great sword is aptly named “The Last Crusade”. He focuses on dealing and taking as much damage on the front line as possible, using his extreme endurance and quickness to distract the enemy from his allies. His offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as his experience in battle and healing capacity, make him an invaluable pick for expeditions into the dark corners of the Earth. 
Positive: Warrior of Light, Prismatic Force, Luminous, Prismatic Calm, Irrepressible Negative: Kleptomaniac, Ruminator, Risktaker, Witness
Hi. I’m Cas, (any pronouns). I’m 29.
I’m here with @darkestheir
This is a ttrpg analog blog.
Canon storyline. Reynauld arrives to the Hamlet with precious few clear memories, meeting the soon to be heroes of the Hamlet and the valley beyond it. Under Regulus’s beckon, Reynauld descends into twisting dungeons and dangerous forests, fighting beside his companions and friends. The horror grows as the truth of the Hamlet, the surrounding area, and its people are revealed, and not only that truth, but the truth about himself as well. With the defeat of the heart of darkness, the darkness itself is now the enemy to fight ever onward.
A religion that pre-dates the Crusades. It is a pagan religion, with focus on balance, sacrifice, purity of spirit, and human willpower to achieve these things. The Light in its simplest form can be explained as the worship of daytime, the sun, stars, and celestial bodies. There are many different sects of Light worship, each sect having its own particular set of beliefs. The Light is a benevolent and demanding entity, and understanding it is to understand one’s own self as well.
As if confirming the existence of such an entity as “The Light”, there also exist what are called “Light Touched”. Light Touched individuals seem to bear a piece of the Light itself inside of them, being innately attuned to its powers and will. 
📖 Light Touched Template
The First Order of the Light believes the light is like pure essence of life and they are the taps in to that stream. They have means to open that tap wider, and do so with caution, lest they be drawn in and left no longer as an individual but part of the whole.
📖 Of the Light
The Third Order of the Light/The Order of Tephos’, teachings focus on curating and protecting the already present light in all creatures.
📖 The Third Order’s Beliefs
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menyoroi · 4 years
“Is this a cure, or a poison?”
“These are two sides of the same coin, Lord von Bok,” he says, depositing the bottle in his hand with a gentle bow. It’s not well known that he is a mild physic- though he could never claim the title of doctor. He’s handy enough with salves and curatives to gently assuage most ills.
“Whatever ails your liver will be quelled by this at the small cost of lethargy. I do think you should leave the bottles during the Carnivale, well alone.”
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