#danny kaye hook has more of weird uncle vibe
jihef03 · 2 years
Gonna sound weird but I kind of see Peter and Hook being brothers rather than Hook being a parental figure to Peter.
I mean, Peter *was* inspired -in part- by Barrie’s own brother, who died at 13 and also happened to be their mother’s favourite. When came the time to give Peter a rival, Barrie made up a neurotic english-educated man, gave him *his* first name James, and set both characters in a competition to win the approval of their “mom” Wendy with Hook as the clear loser.
Not saying this was intentional of anything (probably a bit intentional, but no so much), but yeah this definitely influenced my view of Peter and Hook’s relationship. I’m not saying it negates the parent thing as well, it’s more about what i personally took from the works.
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