#dandy plays stardew
dandyshucks · 4 months
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cozy :]
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maxwell-mtv · 9 months
Sleepless Nights with Morris and Pierre (Stardew Valley)
Heyo! Do you have ✨insomnia?✨ Do you frequently find yourself up at all odd hours of the night, no matter how little sleep you get the night before?! Well boy, are you not alone because I wrote some handy-dandy headcanons of how those sleepless nights might go with the businessmen of Pelican Town! I included both perspectives of whether it is they who are having troubles sleeping, or if it's you who may be struggling. Here's a little disclaimer (as is usual from me):
[Disclaimer: As with all my headcanons, they're all based off my game play which involves the Stardew Expanded Mod and Marry Morris Mod (and possibly more I don’t remember downloading). In this scenario, Joja is still in business but Pierre and Caroline are now divorced. Trigger warning for alcohol, smoking, and hinted marijuana use. Please enjoy and let me know of any headcanons you'd like to see from me!]
🌆 Morris:
It’s sad to say there’s more nights than not where you can find Morris up at all odd hours of the night
Sometimes he’ll simply be pacing while other times you’ll find him slumped on the couch with a book he only can reread a single page on
Whenever you find him it’s one of two things: general anxiety or stress from his job
“What are you doing up this late?” He’ll ask you with a concerned scowl
“I could ask you the same.” You’ll retort.
“Fair point.” He never likes talking about his problems outside of surface level, everyday stuff. But when you can manage to catch him in his most vulnerable state, which happens to be on those nights where he’s especially distressed, he’ll confess what’s on his mind
With worried eyes, he’ll list off all that ails him and more, eventually divulging into a rant about how “kids these days never want to work! Back in my day…”
And so on and so on, until one of you stops him mid sentence to take a few deep breaths and calm down
“I have to do inventory with half the staff because Claire has some odd appointment to attend to and Shane is out on medical leave! How do they expect a staff of three to inventory an entire store and submit the numbers by tomorrow?” He’ll ask you in an exasperated tone, putting his head in his hands
It’s never easy to repeat the same routine nearly every week, but it’s what needs to be done. On the bright side, you now know how to decipher between whether it’s a non-caffeinated-tea or a classic warm-glass-of-milk night.
Although you may sometimes find him with a glass of scotch or whiskey in his hands when he goes through these spells, you try hard to shuffle him away from the potential alcohol dependency (thus the tea or milk being a frequent solution you provide)
On that note, if Morris is the one to find you awake with insomnia, he’ll quickly rush to the first solution he’s always known to work
Coming to your side, he’ll hand you a glass of something potent and tell you it’ll do the trick
After a sniff and sip, you’ll quickly realize what it is and you’ll scold him for trying to give you a stiff drink as a solution
“My father used to give that to me growing up and it always did the trick for me!” He’ll defend himself with that mischievous smirk of his
After his rejected solution of drinking till you’re too dizzy to stay upright, he’ll finally ask you what he can do to help, which usually leads to him simply sitting with you.
Sometimes he’ll take you on a walk around your farm and other times he’ll just do as you do with him so often and make you some tea to calm your nerves
Either way, he’s encouraging you to talk to him, if there’s anything in particular keeping you up
He will not push you to go back to bed but rather stay up with you, no matter how tired he is, until you’re ready to go to bed yourself
When and if you manage to feel ready to try and sleep again, he’ll walk with you back upstairs and make sure you’re comfortable and don’t need anything before he climbs back into bed with you
He’ll persist through his own exhaustion to make sure you fall asleep before he does
On the rare occasion, he’ll even gently trace the shape of your face with his finger while telling you stories from his work
If you ask him why he does this, he’ll try to avoid the topic, making it seem more ominous and creepy than it is
Eventually, he will tell you it’s simply something his mother used to do for him when he was a little boy to help him fall asleep
As soon as he knows for a fact that you’re out for the night, he’ll often say something more tender and sweet to you than he typically does. Some form of an “I love you” but with some extra vulnerability
🌇 Pierre:
It’s not often Pierre has a night where he feels completely incapable of sleeping at any point
He’ll often stay up later, yes, but he’s typically passed out by 2 in the morning
But on those rare, rare occasions, you can find him on the balcony, smoking a cigarette you didn’t know he had. Is that skunk you smell?
Getting up to see what was on the man’s mind, you’ll have to approach him gently, Yoba forbid you sneak up on the poor man and make him drop his smoke in surprise
“Oh hey,” he’ll glance down at you with a soft smile, “sorry, I’ll be back to bed in a minute. I just… need a moment.” He’ll turn his attention to the town square below
It’s almost a guarantee that the reason he’s up is something related to his sinking ship of a shop and Joja Mart’s hand in its downfall
Some nights he’ll just go off on a tangent about how big corporations shouldn't be allowed to exist and basically how it's not fair to more sustainable businesses like his
But most nights you two will just take in the night air of the town, taking in the serenity
After Pierre finishes his smoke he’ll come back to bed with you, holding you close as some form of comfort in an otherwise harsh reality
Sadly, if you’re the one up with insomnia, Pierre will hardly ever notice as he’s (for the most part) a heavy sleeper
But if he notices your absence from the bed, he’ll wait a few minutes before looking for you
He’ll first look in the bathroom, then the kitchen, and finally outside
The moment he finds you, he’ll put a hand on your shoulder and ask you why you’re not in bed
If it’s from anxiety? Buckle up because he’s going to sit you down (if you aren’t already sitting) to talk it out until he is sure you are okay
Believe it or not, he was the parent to stay up with Abigail when she couldn’t sleep at night
His dad-ishness sort of shines through in these moments
But he’ll talk you through things and calmly assure you everything will be fine
Once he manages to get you back to bed, he’ll hold you close if you let him
Despairingly, unlike Morris, he won’t be able to stay awake, let alone have the idea to stay up, until he knows you’re asleep. That man will be out like a light the moment his cheek hits his pillow and he pulls you into his arms
Rest assured, in the morning, if he even knew you had a sleepless night, he’ll be up early with breakfast and coffee ready-to-go!
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kozykricket · 10 days
all of the time related things in stardew do not stress me. its one of the most joyous and satisfying chore-games to do the stuff i wanna do in, without feeling stressed by my many plans ...except when i start to think about organizing and decorating my farm layout. theres too many ways to do it, and i kinda end up doing what i do IRL or in minecraft, which is telling myself a billion different WAYS to do things and not knowing where to START and like which starting point is the Best starting point like . a canvas revolves around a focal point. but where do i want that focal point to be... etc theres many different aesthetics i could go for that im not decided on its like writing an essay, when im told i can make it any topic i want.
that is what stresses me not having tons of things to do (though i can easily stress myself irl because uh. its way different than stardew)
stardew valley just. i am so grateful that i can enjoy it in the way i do, i cant even explain in words how it feels just. lovely to play and to make todo lists and follow them but in any other context? todo lists get so messy and daunting for me in stardew they're so reasonable. its not todo lists that get me in stardew, its the... factor of deciding how to go about something that has many different equally awesome approaches, that makes me overthink or something. i dunno. i dont get stressed deciding how to approach OTHER stuff in stardew its just darn farm layout. too much decision making with being able to move the farmhouse AND greenhouse as of 1.6
but surely some people feel me on how time anxiety is a thing irl but absolutely isnt in stardew valley. how yes, i make lists of what i want to do, and theres many different things i wanna do, but it all feels. fine n dandy n fun i dunno i dont really wanna psychoanalyze myself on this, i dont wanna ruin my experience with the parts of the game i do consistently enjoy and find peace in l ol
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mickeyjo10 · 2 years
There’s so much more to Emily in Stardew Valley then I’ve heard people talking about.
Emily is one of those characters you’ve gotta look deep to find out more about her. On the outside she’s fun, responsible and works at a bar. But let’s look at what she really does/is. She’s an extreme workaholic. At the Saloon she puts in 56 hours a week. Alright, not bad right? A little much but a lot of people put in a lot of work at their jobs. Yeah? She also takes of two days in the entire year.
She’s also extremely independent. Let’s look at those heart events.
2 Heart Event: You pop up in her dream for all of 5 seconds. She deems you important.
4 Heart Event: You watch her rescue a parrot.
6 Heart Event: You watch her dance.
8 Heart Event: You go to her group clothing therapy event.
Now this is all fine and dandy but notice it’s a lot of the player watching her do things. She doesn’t really ever do anything with the player until her 10 heart event.
Her independence and workaholic-ness have to indicate something. I mean hell, even when she’s not working she’s sewing or at aerobics or crafting at the community center. She doesn’t take a lot of chill time.
I don’t have a conclusion on this really, but there’s so much more to her than the community sees I think. I truly wonder about her. What was her teenage years like? What’s her relationship with her parents like and how does Haley play into it? I don’t know lots to think about.
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daisynik7 · 5 months
i’ll have you know that i’m crying because of how spicy dinner is, not because you’re actually the sweetest- ok you caught me 😭 hoard my love confessions all you want, you truly deserve it<3 your joy and happiness fuels my own 🥹
also, i think it’s just that brand because my dad grew up eating shrimp crackers as well but it was a japanese brand as well, but i’m keeping my eyes peeled but i definitely understand the nostalgic sentiment! 
i was trying to leave my opinion open-ended in case you’ve tried it and liked it, it’s not bad i do prefer other flavors but overall i’m just not catching on to the truffle trend, thus far i’ve tried snacks and condiments with truffle but maybe it’s something that needs to be consumed when freshly served on pasta? or maybe it’s just bad and overhyped 🫠 who knows. i do, however, find it amusing that they use pigs to hunt for it tho lol.  
and cutie patooties! and i’m not just talking about the pups 😌 (🫵🏼) hope working from home is going alright for you, made some spicy braised mackerel with rice for dinner and watching youtube, the one thing i would like to say is i got free house slippers from hmart because they were doing some promotion for shoppers who spend over $100 which our cart easily was *sighs* inflation lol 🫠
i love you, and i hope you get a good night’s rest and sweetest dreams my precious snookums 🤍
you are the absolute cutest!! I'm wiping all your tears away and snuggling you so hard right now. ♥️
oh I LOVE shrimp crackers as well. we used to buy this filipino brand (it's called dandy's) and just devour them in one go. too addicting!
I'm the same as you! I've also tried a few truffle flavored snacks and condiments, even some cheeses. It just doesn't do it for me! But freshly serve on pasta is definitely something I haven't tried yet. I think you're right, and it may be a totally different experience like this. one day, you and I will travel to the best Italian restaurant and hopefully have the most amazing truffle pasta 😋 Also, yes! it's fascinating how pigs hunt for them! I'm not sure if you've ever played the game Stardew Valley, but that's exactly what the pigs in that game do: dig up some truffles. And they sell for a fortune lol.
Yum! Spicy braised mackerel sounds amazing!! My wifey is the best cook, I swear! And I'm such a sucker for those types of promotions! I will go out of my way to spend a certain amount if it means I get free slippers or a tote bag. I mean, you're going to buy all those groceries eventually anyways, might as well get it in one go to get a free item right? 🙈
I love you my darling thea! I had a great rest, and I hope you did too! enjoy your day today, whether you're working, studying, or relaxing. ♥️
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Stardew Valley!Luthien AU
So I've been playing a lot of (guess what) stardew valley lately (amazing game, totally recommend) and me being hyperfixated i made one of my characters/farms Luthien! I named the farm "Doriath", she has a german shepard named Huan, and if I'm remembering right I set her favorite thing to nightingales.
But this sent me down something of a rabbit hole to make it make sense. So I have a(nother) new AU! Luthien's deal with Namo goes a little wonky, she and Beren get sent back but as immortal humans. I will not be exploring the implications of this. Anyway this is fine and dandy and (several millennia later) we get to ~modern day. Every couple of lifetimes B+L like to split up for a little to explore the world separately and this is one of those times. They trade off on who takes Huan (because he comes back too, he deserves it) and this time it's Beren's turn. Luthien misses them and names the stray Marnie brings her after her dog, rather than her human. But before that Luthien sets up her new fake identity as the granddaughter of a farmer who lived in a lovely place called Stardew Valley. She buys up the deed to the farm and moves in!
Right now it's early summer. She has a hen named Maecheneb (sharp eyed) and is attempting to aggressively befriend everyone ESPECIALLY everyone who doesn't really want her to/care. (Sebastian, Shane, Haley, George, etc) I won't be having her romance anyone unless she lets me know that she and Beren have an open relationship and she wants to, but somehow my highest relationship at the moment is with Emily? I guess they do vibe together. She hates mining, apparently, since I never seem to get there in time to make good progress, or something else comes up. This is frustrating to me (who likes mining) but could be worse. At least she doesn't mind fishing (primary source of income my beloved).
She took one look @ Joja Corp and decided that she Loathes it, and is making good headway on the community center bundles. She's also prioritizing all the Help Wanteds in town. I will probably post more about this.
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here she is! I also gave her a hat.
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butterfrogmantis · 3 years
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This is very heavily inspired from Stardew Valley again XD Leah's 10 heart event to be exact - her ex comes back to try and convince her to come back and so either the farmer or Leah herself punches them. Only they're super rude to the farmer - kinda made me imagine Tailor having a bit of a gross ex he'd defend Farmer against. Enter Julian - a self righteous fairy Tailor dated as a teen. Julian was impressed with Tailor's dandy sewing skills - mostly because it meant he could pawn off fancy styled clothes to show off to his friends but he didn't actually value his relationship with Tailor, there was no meeting the parents or hanging out with friends, Julian was kinda a POS about that and Tailor eventually saw through the bs and dumped him. Cut to 50 years later where both of them are adults (I imagine fairies don't have as long a lifespan as Smurfs but still longer than humans) and Julian turns up out of nowhere to harass Tailor again since he was passing by and all his other exes saw through his shit too. If his personality before told you anything he wasn't exactly impressed with Tailor's choice of new relationship - not that Tailor was gonna take it, Farmer's 10 times the gentleman Julian ever was and that's just for starters. Plus I imagine Julian was a bit demeaning - he'd always try and convince Tailor to keep up with his fashions when the Smurf didn't want to, in human verse going as far as to demean his looks in general, tell him to change his hair and pull on it etc. Farmer loves every inch of his tiny tailor just as he is - he especially loves playing with or stroking his hair (with Tailor's permission) :3 Farmer and Tailor (c) The Smurfs Julian is a throwaway oc lmao don't expect anything more
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zombies-apocalypse · 7 years
I need to find a new colour to dye my hair because this neckbeard has made it awfulllllly uncomfortable for me.
I’m not sure if he’s MEANING to, but it’s sickening and unsettling. It makes my skin crawl.
So, ya’ll know Stardew Valley? Somehow or another we have it on Xbox 1 despite never having shelled out the green for it. Fine and dandy, but the neckbeard started playing and decided he’s going to romance Abigail.
ABIGAIL. Girl with purple hair and a goth style.
It’s just faaaaaar to similar to my own hair and style. Enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. 
I hate, hate, hate the idea of changing my personal style, but goddamn I can’t stand this. So, I’m dying my hair ASAP to get it away from purple. I don’t know what the fuck I’ll colour it. I don’t care. Anything but purple to put that much distance between me and Abigail. The last thing I want is the goddamn neckbeard looking at me as a potential toy. UGH. I feel like throwing up.
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dandyshucks · 25 days
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why does he say "hehe" 😭
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Oh really? love fall out boy, one of my favorites of theirs when I was younger was of all the gin joints in all the world and grand theft autumn. Like fr with that song where is your boy tonight I hope he is a gentleman. Where I was at we called them the mo tab for short I always thought it was weird and funny. Those mormons are an interesting bunch. Doom Eternal is so much fun though it's a lot easier than 2016 Doom with the new weak spot system. Also good morning friend I hope your day is good
i ain’t gunna lie to you chief i mostly listened to Save Rock and Roll. not even good fall out boy. and yeah we call them motab here i just didn’t know if you knew what i meant lmao. and yeah no i love in the literal heart of mormonism it’s kinda the worst!!! 🙃 i’ve been thinking about getting doom eternal??? but it’d be on the switch and i’m still playing so much stardew valley and animal crossing it can wait for now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my days been just dandy my friend. i’ve been listening to a lot of old tunes with my sister who’s like my best friend. how are you? tell me about your dreams
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romanofastora · 6 years
Honestly guys, farming games are the most stressful games I have ever had the displeasure of playing
I picked up Stardew Valley out of a friend's recommendation. Everything was fine and dandy, but I realized I hated it. I had to wake up and water my crops by hand, which left me without energy to do anything else, so I couldn't get minerals to improve my harvesting, which meant I had to slave away in the farm to try to get money to buy more crops. My ROI was abysmal.
Then the people, it's a pain keeping track of everyone's routines and tastes, but since I spent a significant portion of the day farming I never had time for friends
Tldr, farming games are legit not my thing
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dandyshucks · 4 months
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