improvised-chaos · 1 year
renewed! renewed!
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Alla scoperta delle MOTIVAZIONI dello SCRIVERE! Tre passi nel buio, di Massimo Carlotto, Luca D'Andrea, Maurizio De Giovanni, a cura di Luca Briasco, Minimum fax. Una lettura decisamente stimolante! #malo #malowriter #mauriziolorenzi #minimumfax #libro #leggere #carlotto #degiovanni #dandrea #giallo #thriller #spystory https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9JmmEopXQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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emelyanov · 2 years
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#КостянойМедиатор #РучнойРаботы #DEmelyanov #РемонтГитар #СпецЗаказ по вырезанной форме из стандартного медиатора #DAndrea. Кстати, это именно эта фирма выпустила самые первые пластиковые медиаторы, чтобы удешевить производство, так как медиаторы из натуральных материалов были дорогими ☝️😎🎸 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 При оформлении заказа на сайте http://strunki.ru используйте промокод DEmelyanov и получите скидку 5% @strunki.ru 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #медиаторы #ピック #bonepick #coconutpick #woobenpick #metallpick #guitarpick #plectrum #plettro #plectre #guitarservice #guitarrepair #handmade #шаманизм #naprawagitary #serwisgitar #GitarrenReparatur #Калининград http://DEmelyanov.ru http://vk.com/DEguitars https://t.me/DEguitars http://instagram.com/DEmelyanov http://fb.com/DEmelyanov http://youtube.com/DEmelyanov http://g.page/DEmelyanov (at Ремонт Гитар Demelyanov) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfWoWnYMhrH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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measuredmotion · 9 months
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Jonah’s Upcoming Projects 🎬
RICH FLU (dir. Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia) - thriller (post-production)
Explores how far people would go to save themselves when the wealth that made the world go round then becomes its most dangerous commodity after a strange disease threatens to kill anyone with any sort of fortune.
A BEAUTIFUL IMPERFECTION (dir. Michiel van Erp) - drama (2024)
🧍‍♂️Giacomo Casanova
The passionate story of the life and love of Lucia, a renowned veiled courtesan who is the exception to the rule.
THE TATTOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ (dir. Tali Shalom-Ezer) - drama (May 2nd 2024)
🧍‍♂️Lale Sokolov
Based on the eponymously titled novel, this is the powerful real-life story of Lale Sokolov, a Jewish prisoner who was tasked with tattooing ID numbers on prisoners' arms in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during World War Two.
FABIO D’ANDREA: ONE SMALL STEP - short (Jonah plays The Astronaut)
WILLIAM TELL (dir. Nick Hamm) - historical film
The film is set in 14th Century Switzerland, where a once peaceful hunter leads his people to rebellion after his family and country are threatened by a tyrannical Austrian King. The year is 1307 and the Holy Roman Empire is crumbling. As its grip on Europe loosens, new dynasties such as the Austrian Habsburg Family encroach on new lands, desperate for power. In Switzerland, the once peaceful country is overwhelmed and bows under the Austrian might as it advances and upends the quiet lives of the Swiss peasants
THE THREESOME (dir. Chad Hartigan) - a romantic comedy (date TBA)
🧍‍♂️Connor Blake
The movie showcases the story of a boy, Connor, who gradually begins to find his way into a relationship with the girl he’s been in love with his whole life, Olivia. That sounds great and everything, except he’s just had a one-night stand with someone else… and that may complicate things. That’s only the beginning of a complicated yet funny journey that explores trust, responsibility and the true nature of love.
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drrubinspomade · 1 year
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#tatiana dandrea photo
We post pinups daily! If you dig this pic we’ve found  online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the above work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks. Greetings from Los Angeles.
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allcnaprograms · 1 month
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Visitor: Elayne DeSimone, PhD Host: Lisa Dandrea Lenell, PA-C, MPAS, MBA Lisa D’Andrea talks with Elayne DeSimone about the DNP and how it will alter the nursing occupation.
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
M'illumino di meno, venerdì 16 febbraio monumenti spenti e iniziative a Vicenza e nei Comuni contermini
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M'illumino di meno, venerdì 16 febbraio monumenti spenti e iniziative a Vicenza e nei Comuni contermini. Vicenza e i Comuni contermini di Caldogno, Costabissara, Dueville, Monticello Conte Otto, Arcugnano, Torri di Quartesolo e Creazzo venerdì 16 febbraio spegneranno le luci di alcuni dei loro monumenti in occasione di M'illumino di meno, la Giornata nazionale del risparmio energetico e degli stili di vita sostenibili ideata nel 2005 da Rai Radio2 con la trasmissione Caterpillar. Per promuovere l'iniziativa, volta a diffondere la cultura della sostenibilità ambiente e del risparmio delle risorse, sono previsti anche le visite guidate al Planetario del Liceo Quadri, l'apertura straordinaria dell'osservatorio astronomico di Arcugnano e un convegno sull'inquinamento luminoso ai chiostri di Santa Corona. La Biblioteca Bertoliana proporrà inoltre dei concerti al buio in collaborazione con il Conservatorio di musica Arrigo Pedrollo. Il ricco programma di eventi sul tema del risparmio energetico, che verrà richiamato anche nella domenica ecologica del 18 febbraio, è il frutto degli incontri tra i Comuni dell'Agglomerato Vicenza realizzati negli scorsi mesi su impulso dell'assessore all'ambiente del capoluogo Sara Baldinato. L'obiettivo è quello di promuovere iniziative ambientali congiunte, come già fatto con le domeniche ecologiche, organizzate da ottobre dello scorso anno negli stessi giorni e con temi comuni. Per presentare gli appuntamenti di M'illumino di meno erano presenti oggi a Palazzo Trissino gli assessori all'ambiente di Vicenza Sara Baldinato, di Caldogno Paolo Meda, di Monticello Conte Otto Cristina Zanini, di Arcugnano Gino Bedin, di Costabissara Andrea Lanaro, di Creazzo Massimiliano Dandrea, di Torri di Quartesolo Elisabetta Tescari e i consiglieri con delega all'ambiente di Quinto Vicentino Sabrina Pertegato e di Dueville Italo Poncato. «Da questa estate sono partiti gli incontri che ogni mese coinvolgono gli assessori e i consiglieri delegati alle materie ambientali dei Comuni della cintura urbana - ha sottolineato l'assessore all'ambiente Sara Baldinato -. Tra le prime decisioni c'è stata quella di fissare per tutti la giornata ecologica nella terza domenica del mese, ma non ci siamo fermati qui. Grazie al lavoro di squadra siamo riusciti ad ottenere da parte della Regione lo slittamento ad ottobre dell'entrata in vigore nella nostra Provincia del dispositivo per il monitoraggio dei veicoli inquinanti, denominato "Move-in", con l'obiettivo di permettere alla cittadinanza di recepire al meglio questo nuovo sistema. In occasione di M'illiumino di meno abbiamo organizzato insieme diverse iniziative, oltre a concordare lo spegnimento dell'illuminazione di vari monumenti e luoghi significativi nei propri territori. L'obiettivo congiunto è di stimolare, anche con azioni simboliche, una riflessione sulla sostenibilità ambiente e sull'importanza del risparmio energetico, temi che non sono circoscritti ai singoli Comuni ma che riguardano l'intero territorio. È stato inoltre ideato un logo rappresentativo di questo lavoro di coordinamento, gentilmente realizzato dalla grafica Antonia Varese, che nella scritta "Giornata ecologica" riproduce il nome di tutti i Comuni della cintura urbana coinvolti». Monumenti spenti Dalle 18 alle 20 a Vicenza verrà spenta l'illuminazione della Basilica palladiana, del Santuario di Monte Berico di villa La Rotonda. Niente luci dalle 18 anche per Palazzo del Colle a Creazzo; il municipio di Torri di Quartesolo; villa Caldogno, piazza Europa e piazza Cresole a Caldogno; villino Rossi e piazza Schondorf a Dueville; piazza Vittorio Veneto a Costabissara; piazza Mariano Rumor ad Arcugnano; piazzale del municipio, piazza Trieste, piazzale del Palazzetto dello Sport, parco dei Cedri, un tratto di via Roi, di via Pini e via dei Cedri a Monticello Conte Otto. A Quinto Vicentino è previsto lo spegnimento, simbolico, per un minuto delle luci del centro e delle frazioni. Eventi Venerdì 16 febbraio, alle 19 e alle 20, si terranno due turni di visite guidate al planetario del liceo Quadri con il professore Aldo Pegoraro. È necessaria la prenotazione scrivendo a [email protected] (massimo 30 persone a turno). Sabato 17 febbraio, dalle 19.30 alle 23, con l'evento "Così buio non c(i)elo ricordavamo. Osserviamo il cielo a luci spente" ci sarà l'apertura straordinaria dell'osservatorio astronomico di Arcugnano. L'iniziativa, organizzata dal gruppo astrofili vicentini "G. Abetti" sarà ad ingresso libero. Martedì 20 febbraio, alle 20.30 nella sala dei chiostri di Santa Corona, si terrà il convegno "Inquinamento luminoso. Vecchi adempimenti e nuove opportunità". Interverrà Adamo Bellini del Dipartimento Rischi tecnologici e fisici di Arpav. Biblioteca Bertoliana La Biblioteca Bertoliana aderisce a M'illumino di meno con due concerti al buio realizzati, il 16 febbraio alle 18, in collaborazione con il conservatorio di musica Arrigo Pedrollo. Nella sede della biblioteca di villa Tacchi Giacomo Tripoli e Raffaele Trovò eseguiranno al clarinetto due brani di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart e Michael Yost. Nel chiostro della sede di Palazzo San Giacomo Alessia Calvi e Marilena Mongillo proporranno al flauto delle composizioni di Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Johann Joachim Quantz e Ludwig van Beethoven. Per maggiori informazioni: https://www.comune.vicenza.it/vicenza/eventi/evento.php/365310... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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lemagcinema · 4 months
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From Hilde, With Love d'Andreas Dresen
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Un film de Andreas Dresen Avec: Liv Lisa Fries, Johannes Hegemann, Alexander Scheer, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Emma Bading, Sina Martens, Lisa Hrdina, Lena Urzendowsky, Hans-Christian Hegewald, Heike Hanold-LynchA couple who fall in love and spend a joyful summer until they are captured by the Gestapo.
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/microcritique/from-hilde-with-love-dandreas-dresen/
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chikoshoes · 1 year
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deliciouslytoolove · 1 year
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improvised-chaos · 1 year
... do you wanna hear about the deal that i'm making?
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wadapacad · 2 years
Architektur konstruieren deplazes pdf files
           BEARTH & DEPLAZES DURISCH + NOLLI. CARUSO ST JOHN BOSSHARD VAQUER Das Projekt des Basler Bildhauers und Architekten Walter Ma-. Trad. de : "Architektur konstruieren";Autre tirage : 2010;Bibliogr. p. 537. Index. Kenneth FRAMPTON, Grundlagen der Architektur. Studien zur Kultur des Tek- Andrea DEPLAZES (Hrsg.), Architektur Konstruieren. Vom Rohmaterial zum Bauwerk Téléchargez comme PDF, TXT ou lisez en ligne sur Scribd paru dans le manuel Architektur Konstruieren dAndrea Deplazes publi aux ditions Birkhuser. Download Free PDF fouillé de la plume d'Alois Diethelm, paru dans le manuel «Architektur Konstruieren» d'Andrea Deplazes publié aux éditions Birkhäuser. fouillé de la plume d'Alois Diethelm, paru dans le manuel «Architektur. Konstruieren» d'Andrea Deplazes publié aux éditions Birkhäuser. Architektur konstruieren : vom Rohmaterial zum Bauwerk : ein Handbuch, Bearth & Deplazes Programme : Ecole primaire et secondaire (env.Andrea Deplazes ist Professor für Architektur und Konstruktion an der ETH Zürich. Als Mitinhaber des Architekturbüros Bearth + Deplazes in Chur/CH, besitzt er
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ef-1 · 2 years
“Daniel has shown in the past that with the right car and the right team he can pull off race wins, so there is no reason why he should not be able to fight for world titles if we deliver from our side.”
- Andreas Seidl
@ andreas can your wife fight?
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shondamarie1977 · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @fashionableemeamanda #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #ragbone #dandrea #bvo: https://posh.mk/qV7lXS8Le1
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dandrea · 7 years
The 2016 Election
by Hal Lindsey
The election of Donald J. Trump remains largely a mystery to the political class.  They said, “He made a fatal mistake, on the very day he announced his candidacy, one from which he could never recover.”  A few days later, he said something else that they were sure would sink him as a candidate.  He ran as a Republican, but alienated the last two Republican nominees.  Then, he alienated the last two Republican presidents.  
The television networks quickly realized that he was ratings gold.  Talk about him -- good or bad -- always drew an audience.  His actual appearance on their programs sent viewership into the stratosphere.  
During the Republican primaries, the mainstream media gobbled up the money they generated from covering his candidacy.  They also gathered ammunition against him, should he actually win the nomination.  
When he became the Republican nominee, the media games turned into a blood sport.  In the fall, they released damaging tapes and information they had been withholding all through the Republican primaries.  They not only expected to destroy him, but to give Hillary Clinton an overwhelming victory that she could use to finish “transforming” America.  
Then came the great surprise: He won!
But, if you think that ended the war, think again.  In Washington, fights don’t end with single elections.  
In 1968, American elected a man that the political and media establishment fully hated: Richard Nixon.  Their hatred was not just political, but personal.  They should have loved him.  He did all kinds of things that they wanted him to do.  He ended the military draft; established relations with China; and created detant with the Soviet Union.  He negotiated the SALT agreements that limited key components that the nation’s nuclear arsenal.  Nixon advocated for universal health care.  His justice department integrated more schools than all other presidents combined.  And, he established the Environmental Protection Agency.  He removed America’s money from the gold standard, and he created the petro dollar.  He was not able to end President Johnson’s war quickly, but he did get it ended.  
Those were accomplishments that the liberal mainstream media should have loved and applauded.  Whatever the reason, during his administration, a level of vitriol entered Washington politics that had long been absent.  
To one extent or another, it has been there ever since.  Nixon won an unprecedented landslide re-election in 1972 taking 520 electoral votes to George McGovern’s 17, but it didn’t matter.  The political establishment ferreted out crimes that Nixon certainly committed, but that had been tolerated in certain other presidents.  And, they used them to drive him in humiliation from the White House in 1974.  But folks, compared to what Donald Trump is facing, Richard Nixon had it easy.  
One member of Congress, California representative Maxine Waters, started calling for Trump’s impeachment before he had even been inaugurated.  And, that’s only the beginning.  Her solo will soon turn into a chorus.  The media, Hollywood, academia, and the political establishment are all arrayed against him.  
Trump’s election is no reason for his supporters to relax.  Just the opposite.  Now, the real battle begins.  The battle to roll back the damage that has been done to America
First Timothy chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 says,
“I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving, be made on behalf of all men; for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” (NASB)
If ever we needed to do as the Apostle Paul admonishes, it is now.  
Representative John Lewis of Georgia refused to attend the inauguration ceremonies.  He said, “I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president.  I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected.”  
Representative Lewis’ role in the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s and 60’s make him an authentic American hero, but it does not mean he can’t be wrong today, or that he should not be criticized when he is wrong.
Before we look at what the Russians did or did not do, it is important to remember that the first wave of emails that embarrassed Secretary Clinton were not leaked, they were released by the state department because a federal judge ordered them to be released.  The emails leaked later were the ones US intelligence agencies believe were stolen by Russia.  
Assuming that that is true -- and it’s by no means conclusive that it is -- did Russia’s actions alter the outcome of the election?  
There are no allegations of foreign hackers getting into voting machines or county election computers.  Numbers were not altered, contrary to what you have been led to believe as a matter of pure fact.  Technically, no one was even hacked.  The Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, gave the nefarious individuals access to their email accounts.  Podesta and friends were not hacked, they were fooled.  Duped.
Podesta fell victim to what is know as “Phishing”.  He received an email saying that someone had tried to change his password.  The email said:
“Google stopped this sign-in attempt.  You should change your password immediately.”
The email included a link labeled: “Change Password”
One of Podesta’s aides clicked the button and the “Phish” was hooked.  
The button link to a fake Google page designed to steal passwords.  This happens to millions of people.  You probably have received similar emails yourself, but you would expect the chairman of a major presidential campaign to be more careful than the average person.
Something similar happened to the Democratic National Committee.  Also, some of the DNC emails were exposed by outraged employees [see  ] who felt that the Bernie Sanders’ nomination had been stolen by the DNC.  
I have not seen the CIA’s data implicating the Russians, but neither of these attacks required great sophistication.  They were simple and unfortunately too common.  
It is also worth noting that no one has disputed the content of the DNC or Podesta emails.  They were real and included messages that could be considered embarrassing to the Clinton campaign.
But that’s not so big a deal.  We all know that none of us are as careful in our private communications as we are when we’re speaking in public.  Did they have an impact?  Outside of Washington, very few people can describe the contents of even one of these thousands of emails.  I seriously doubt that they changed the vote of a single American.
So, no.  The Russians did not alter the election.
Then there are those who claim that Trump is illegitimate because he did not win the popular vote.  Consider this: The Super Bowl 50, just one year ago, the Carolina Panthers had 315 yards of total offense, and the Denver Broncos had only 194 of total offense.
So, Carolina won, right?  Wrong.  The rules of the contest don’t say that you win by having the most yards.  You win by having the most points.  If you don’t like that, then try to get the rules changed, but in the meantime, total offense is just an interesting statistic.  It does not decide who wins.  
In the United States, the Constitution is designed to keep states relevant, and with some power, in the face of a strong federal government.  One of the ways the founders did that was by putting states at the center of the process for selecting presidents.  
If you think they were wrong, then work to change the Constitution.  But don’t say, after the fact, that the contest shouldn’t count because you don’t like the rules.  Both sides tried to win as many electoral votes as possible by winning as many states as possible.  
Neither Trump, nor Clinton, was trying to win the popular vote.  They would like to win the popular vote, but it was secondary.  I’m sure the Broncos would have preferred having more total offense than the Panthers in the last year’s Super Bowl, but it wasn’t required to win the game and the championship.  
In the election, if the rules had been different, each side would have employed completely different strategies, and we have no way of knowing who would have won.  Speculate all you want, but don’t call the winner illegitimate cause you don’t like the outcome.  
Either we have a Constitution or we don’t.  Either that Constitution means something, or it doesn’t.  If we cease to be a nation of laws, we become a nation where only the loud and violent have a voice.  
Jesus warned that in the last days “...lawlessness will abound.” (Matthew 24:12 NKJV)  And, that’s what people who want to ignore the rules, after the fact, are calling for.
In reflecting about the Obama Administration’s time in office, it struck me just how much change has taken place in such a short time.  Most of it is bad.  I don’t mean this strictly as an indictment of President Obama.  He made plenty of mistakes and many wrong choices, but some things went badly because he was president near the end of the period known in the Bible as the Last Days.  
President Obama has always been a favorite of political liberals, but today, if anyone took the position that Obama took eight years ago on the issue of same-sex marriage, political liberals will call him a bigot.  
It became the law of the land.  Not in a referendum of voters or by an act of the legislature, but by edict of the courts.  
The day the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, President Obama ordered that the White House be lit up in the rainbow colors of the LGBT community.  As massive -- as precedential -- as that change was, it didn’t take eight years, it took only five.  
Romans chapter 1 describes this as a symptom of a society in the last stages of its own self-destruction.  
Eight years ago, ISIS did not even exist.  Since then, the nations of the world has spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to fight this radical Islamic organization.   Eight years ago, Egypt was considered one of the most stable governments in the Middle East, but that was before the US backed “Arab Spring”.  
Since then, two Egyptian governments have fallen in coup d'états.  
Iran was at peace eight years ago, and seemed to be on its way to becoming a stable democracy.
Syria seemed stable.  
Libya seemed stable.
In eight years, chaos in those three nations has changed the face of the world.  It has driven millions of their former citizens into a Europe that will never be the same again.  
The former president claims the Iran Nuclear Deal as an example of progress during his term.  But I believe that deal actually ensured that Iran will get nuclear weapons, if they haven’t already.  
In eight years, Israel is closer to war and further from peace.  It has been damaged immeasurably in the United Nations in just the last month.  Russia and Iran now sit on Israel’s doorstep in Syria.  
Three years ago, the president dismissed Russia as a “...regional power.” (President Barack Obama)  But that regional power now threatens the peace of the whole world.  It makes you wonder what will happen in the next few years.  
What will happen to the European Union?  What will happen in the Muslim world?  What will happen to Christians in Africa and in South America?  
Pope Frances has pushed the Catholic church far in the direction of liberalism.  What will the next pope do?  Will there even be another pope or US president?  Or maybe onrushing events will now slow down for a while.  
Jesus compared the endtimes to a woman having contractions while in labor.  They come with intensity, and they ease up for a while.  Maybe we’re in for a lull.  Or maybe this labor has gone far enough that the contractions will be so close together, that we can’t tell where one ends and the next begins.  
That is why it is so important that all believers in Jesus Christ stay spiritually ready for His coming, because we do not know when it will be.  And Scripture shows that it could be at any moment.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Ala, in arrivo il primo trofeo Rari Nantes Ala – Memorial Ermanno Patorno
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Ala, in arrivo il primo trofeo Rari Nantes Ala – Memorial Ermanno Patorno.   Oltre 500 nuotatori, tesserati presso 22 società provenienti da tutto il nord Italia: sono i numeri del 1° trofeo nazionale Rari Nantes Ala – Memorial “Ermanno Patorno” che si terrà alla piscina comunale di Ala il 4 e il 5 febbraio. Adesioni sopra le aspettative da parte di tanti atleti, con l’ambizione di conquistare le prime medaglie di questa competizione sportiva dedicata alla categoria assoluti. Una competizione di alto livello con la presenza di tanti giovani atleti che vantano un palmares eccellente, tra i tanti citiamo a caso Massimo Chiarioni (Hydros Oderzo) che ha conquistato l’oro ai Campionati Italiani a Riccione nei 200 stile libero oltre a un argento nei 400 e nei 100 stile libero. Massimo Chiarioni ha anche ottenuto tre convocazioni con la nazionale Junior mettendo in bacheca un Oro europeo , un oro e un bronzo mondiale. Anche tra le fila della società organizzatrice sono alte le aspettative. Nella Rari Nantes Ala (guidata dal direttore sportivo- allenatore Claudio Massei e dall’allenatore Luca Molina)  militano giovani promesse come Elisa Fiorini diciannovenne ai vertici della rana nazionale e Sofia Dandrea fondista indiscussa affermata nella nazionale giovanile, che nello scorso ottobre ha dominato nei 5 chilometri della Coppa Comen a Belgrado salendo sul gradino più alto del podio. A far ben sperare la Rari Nantes Ala c’è anche Marcello Massei, un delfinista di grande carattere già qualificato ai prossimi campionati italiani di categoria. Ma anche Aurora Amicone, Luca Bonivento. Martina Casillo, Nicola Micheli e Matteo Zanfrognini si fanno notare da tempo nelle competizioni nazionali. Una manifestazione che oltre a proporre sport agonistico di livello eccellente, porterà visibilità al territorio: sono attese ad Ala oltre mille persone, molte in arrivo già venerdì 3 febbraio. Sono circa 400 gli atleti e i tecnici sportivi che alloggeranno negli hotel della zona e a questi si aggiungeranno molti spettatori (principalmente famiglie degli atleti). La dotazione tecnica sarà all’altezza del livello dei nuotatori, con un cronometraggio con doppio sistema, manuale e elettronico con piastre a contatto. Risultati e start list si potranno consultare in tempo reale attraverso il portale natatoria.com e vista la quasi totale provenienza da fuori regione dei partecipanti, l’evento sarà trasmesso in diretta streaming sui canali social della società organizzatrice. Il trofeo è intitolato alla memoria del tecnico lombardo Ermanno Patorno che ha dedicato la vita al nuoto agonistico nazionale, scomparso nel 2009 all’età di 81 anni. Patorno, formò un gruppo di atlete specializzate nel mezzofondo che arrivarono più volte in nazionale: Laura Bortolotti, le sorelle Pandini, Roberta Felotti. Ma tra i tanti atleti, il professor Patrono allenò a Milano anche Claudio Massei e Luca Molina (ora allenatori della Rari Nantes Ala).  E proprio per il carattere, le competenze e per il rapporto del tecnico sportivo con Claudio e Luca, la società ha deciso di dedicargli la manifestazione sportiva.      ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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