#damn u tobias 😭
driftwoodskeleton · 1 year
finally learned some Ghost Lore™️ and now im having a lot of feelings:(((
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archaicbluefire · 2 years
honestly same, i would rather have her end up alone than w jameson. but ISTG if she ends up w anyone but GRAYSON imma throw hands. i mean why would u say that thing where he's the embodiment of that denial (something like that, im sorry i can't remember 😭) and not make them endgame. also i just want grayson to have what he wants and think abt himself for one damn minute, my boy deserves it.
Grayson NEEDS to end up happy in the end.
The late Tobias Hawthorne can rise from the grave, Avery can squander all of her fortune on gambling, Alisa could turn out to be a mastermind villain who orchestrated the entire will and has turned everyone into puppets FOR ALL I CARE.
But I swear. If Grayson isn’t happy with himself, or his choices, or his life, at the very least in the finale, I will chuck the book all the way to Alaska.
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