#dammit sangwoo
rinnisbetterthanyou · 2 years
So let’s just say that I never really got into killing Stalking back in 2020-
but now let’s say I’m kinda I love with the plot line and overall story that the author has portrayed. Sooooooooo here’s my fan art of Sangwoo and Bum🥳🤩
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buncoreclown · 4 months
Me: God I love Sangwoo
Also me: you manipulative mother fucker god dammit
Also also me: Yoon Bum baby 🥺🥺🥺
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zeros-palace · 6 years
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Sangwoo control yourself
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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koevnkult · 3 years
Omg y’all so
1. I fucking cried
2. Im actually sobbing
3. did i mention that im fucking bawling my eyes out?
Yeah fuck squid game, this shit hurts
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lemonandbread · 7 years
Reading KS chap 27
Me: Wtf just happened.
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afuckingtoastaddict · 4 years
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 I only ever looked like this 3 times.  (EDIT) FUCKING FOUR TIMES NOW
1.) Jason Grace (FUCK YOU, LITTLE BOOTS)
2.) Oh Sangwoo (I stan, a handsome [crazy] killer.) *Fuck you old lady
      MY. PAIN. 
note on that last one, I wanna go to N.Y. city’s Library and put some roses down some day. UwU  BUT DAMMIT JASON WAS JUST A BOY AIUDHKDHK
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mrpenguinpants · 5 years
I did this instead of sleeping (it’s 4 am)
Wondering something. Is it too late to post stuff on Killing Stalking? Cause I’ve spent a good hour writing some Killing Stalking stuff but I don’t know if I should post it. Cause it’s kinda fucked up but KS is fucked up in general so it should be fine right? 
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pastelpinkyoru · 7 years
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I think it’s kinda funny how Sangwoo has no idea how to act after Bum nearly killed himself so he’s like “Dude you want some cake?”
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philomaay · 3 years
Sooo I just found your acc and you're really good!
So I was wondering if you would write for number 218 a.k.a Cho Sangwoo? Just him secretly getting furious at you for no reason then at one game he just realize he don't want you to die and realize that he grown to like you but having a hard time on it.
Ooo tension.
Only I can.
Character: Cho Sang-woo x gn!reader
Summary: Why should he care about your life? You're nothing but a block on his way to success...then why does he want to protect you so badly?
Warning: Yandere sangwoo, uh, some brutal thinking, delusional sangwoo who thinks that the reader needs him.
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Sang-woo grunted under his breath, nose flaring angrily at the people that survived the game. Somehow, they managed to scrape the form out of the sugar cookie, probably because most of them have done it before when they were children. He remembers when he was younger, trying to win over his friends at every game they played.
He needed to be the fastest. The greatest.
Sangwoo needed to win.
He had his eyes on one particular person that wins with ease. His new rival in this rotten place.
Sangwoo went over to where Gi-hun and the rest were sitting, their conversations were muted to his ears because his focus was on something, or rather, someone else. You sat alone, a little farther away from where he was sitting and you were staring at your hands. He raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior, needing to know why you were staring at your own hands.
He heard you wince, and he began to put the pieces in a puzzle. Your hands were bruised, probably from the first game. He had seen you fall to the ground, scraping your skin up pretty badly.
“Hey, Sang-woo, something on your mind?” Gi-hun nudged him on the shoulder, knocking him back into reality and his head turned back to where their small group sat. Everyone was looking at him with concern, especially Ali.
He shook his head, trying to ignore Gi-hun's stare.
The room suddenly filled with darkness, and nighttime had approached.
Of course, this time, with violence.
The light flashes weren't helping with Sang-woo's already bad eyesight. It made him extremely dizzy, but he luckily managed to protect himself. He didn't know where the rest of his team was, not that he cared really. If more people die then that piggy bank will get filled with more money, which he needs.
“I'll fucking kill you!”
He heard the voice of a man, which he recognized easily. Number 101. His loud, raspy voice was easily known, especially the way he screams and shouts at everyone and everything. Sangwoo turned around, only to get a glimpse of number 101 shoving you on the bed, a small knife close to your neck which you were trying to push away with the little strength you had in your body. 101 was larger than you, his muscles held you down easily but you struggled with all of your might.
Sangwoo hadn't even realized that he was making his way to where you were pinned down. His body worked without warning. His mind is completely blank. He stood behind number 101 and grabbed him by the shoulders, throwing him to the floor and the tattooed man let out a groan of pain.
Before he could land a punch on number 101, a shout of a very familiar old man was heard in the room.
And everything stopped in an instant.
“W-What just happened?” Gi-hun was breathing hard, eyes wide and his mouth was dry.
Somehow, the young girl Sae-byeok joined their small team. Not that Sangwoo had an issue with it, but he'd rather have little to no contact with the girl. She had many secrets that made him want to know about. He had a hard time reading her, which was frustrating.
Suddenly, he felt a soft hand placed on his shoulder and he quickly whipped around, grabbing the person's hand in a tight grip, making them gasp.
“Ow, I-I'm not gonna do anything.”
His eyes widen when he got to both see and hear you. This was the first time you've talked to him, he's mostly been thinking about your voice in his mind. It didn't feel real. He let go of your hand, his breathing got slower and his chest was heaving.
“What do you want?”
You gulped at his cold question, holding your hand which he has gripped with an inhumane strength.
“I just...I wanted to thank you. For saving me.”
His chest filled with pride, the kind of happiness that he hasn't felt in a long time.
“It's fine.”
You nodded, wanting to say more but you suppose that he didn't want to talk to you. Especially with the way he spoke to you. He even looked annoyed at you.
You opened your mouth to talk, but he was quicker to speak.
“Don't trust people so easily. Maybe I'm the one who's going to try to kill you next time,”
He didn't look at you when he said those words, his eyes were looking down at his hands. That were bruised. Then, he turned around to focus on his group, getting the urge to smirk but he kept it low. Gi-hun was still shocked over what had happened, complaining about needing to build a fort and protect the group.
“O-Oh...” You said, staring at his broad back.
He felt your presence behind him, he had expected you to leave but you stayed still.
“Come, stay with us.”
Sangwoo was shocked at what he said. He said it quietly over his shoulders, half scared that you'd hear him, and you did. Because you went to stand right beside him, your arms almost touching.
“Who...Who are you?”
Gi-hun was first to speak up, and everyone else turned their attention on you. It made you stiff, feeling a little embarrassed to have joined them so quickly without even talking to them.
Sangwoo watched as you gulped nervously before introducing yourself to the bunch of strangers. A new feeling popped up in his gut. One that told him to be more...guarding. Protective. Wary over you.
You need him. You need him to protect you. He can feel it. Everyone is a threat, they all have the desire to see you killed. But he will do anything to make sure you two make it out alive.
Even if it meant to kill everyone.
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lydiais-dead · 3 years
Gi-hun: Anything, honestly, but I find people who wear glasses attractive!
Sangwoo, desperately, as Gi-hun bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE DAMMIT!
Gi-hun: Oh! B positive.
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Oh Sangwoo Aesthetic Board
(Made By: Me)
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readymades2002 · 3 years
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spoilers again BUT
SO many parts of this game are built on being kind to each other and it drives me absolutely mad. even apart from ali, ali whose compassion allows gi-hun to win at ALL, il-nam experiences the kindness of so many players!!!!!!!! gi-hun does so much to try and take care of him and show him respect and allow him dignity, even sae-byok offering what aid she can when she doesn’t trust anybody, it’s just so fucking *MOTION BLUR* he just doesn’t even consider it at all. it is all a game to him!!! HE’S not gonna be killed here and he would’ve just watched them all die anyway! STUPID man. WRETCHED man. i am GLAD he is dead
i really think this show does a good job at conveying how heavy this whole game is. winning is not something to look forward to, it’s not really what you want anyone to achieve, you know? the VIP episode (which i do have some qualms with but i will overlook them <3) where you get like. that one dude going GOD DAMMIT YOU IDIOT over a man committing suicide drives that feeling home i think. viewing it all as this game, this unreal thing that people just do and you just watch, its like. how the FUCK could you do that! how could you enjoy the theatre of desperation unless this was the circumstance! i might just be a wuss, i know i’m already seeing tweets like “heyyy who do you think would win squid game of ___” and i think that that is divorced from reality to ask that, but i am kind of a cream puff. but like. the whole time the gravity of the situation is HEAVY and it never stops being heavy and i think that that’s something really incredible to pull off. and so seeing how the rich people watching treat it like a game is sooooo so so effectively revolting. god
ah. okay. speaking of ali: he is very good. and i think his participation shows the game for what it is, past all the Equality talk, and you see that mostly with his relationship with sangwoo. even before episode six really Starts (which, by the way, one of the best episodes of television to ever exist, one of the most brutal things i’ve ever had to sit through, christ) sangwoo is lying about having a family to earn ali’s sympathy. ali is like. sangwoo pays for him to go home and he spends the rest of him life grateful for that. he looks out for everyone, but it really shows when he’s with sangwoo. sangwoo doesn’t really see that as being grateful or compassionate, though. i don’t know if he’s ever really capable of seeing ali as an ally, as much as someone who is indebted to him. someone who needs to hide his hands when finding teammates. (which i think is also related to il-nam not seeing ali as an example of goodness, because For Some Reason some people just don’t see him as capable of it. GOD when mi-nyeo is looking for the name of a movie and ali goes “the matrix! :)” and she goes hm! this dude is the first person to be even remotely kind to me the entire time i’ve been here! time to treat him like dogshit. come on) when he starts losing the marble game, his first thought is that ali is lying about not knowing the game. which is...revealing. the front man is pretending to the workers that the game is about Equality or whatever, but it’s just not...true! ali dies because this investor weirdo, with no other reason, doesn’t trust him. its so. sangwoo you are going to HELL. i am sending you there
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tsunderemami · 7 years
Y'all gon stop calling Sangwoo garbage, trash and basura
It's actually Gar-bitch
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shanneene · 7 years
Killing Stalking Chapter 26 - My Review.
[Warnings: Rant, Language, Spoilers]
Chapter 26 was hard for me. For numerous reasons. The bastard uncle. I ain’t gonna use cuntle anymore. Someone gimme a different name to use for that piece of shit. Anyway. The uncle I hate so much. I want him dead. I want someone to chop that fucker’s penis off and force the uncle to eat it. I don’t really wanna talk about the rape. I think all of us are feeling the same way about the uncle at this point, so I’m feeling the same thing as the majority of ya’all.
Nope. What I wanna talk about is Sangwoo’s reaction. -cracks my fuckin knuckles- BITCH ARE U KIDDING ME!!!!! SANGWOO, U STRAIGHT UP CUNT! I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT!
You just said to a fucking RAPE VICTIM that ‘he had consensual sex’!? You callous piece of shit between a whore’s toes! How could you say that!? You, out of all people should never have said that. When you were beaten by your old man, I suppose that was consensual too? Way to fucking put the blame on the victim! 
And THEN Yoonbum, who is so fucking traumatized by Sangwoo’s callous reaction, again cut his wrist! LIKE! DON’T! WHY CUT YOUR WRIST OVER SANGWOO!?!? OMG SOMEONE SEND SOME HEALING TO MY SMOL CHILD NOW! DO YA SEE WHAT YA DID, SANGWOO!? HUH? U HAPPY NOW, U MOTHERFUCKER!?!? >:(
I fuckin swear an oath right now, that if Sangwoo doesn’t grow a fucking pair of balls by the next chapter and make things right with Yoonbum, then sorry, but he’s going straight on my shit list. And actually, no I’m not sorry! Sangwoo (that hoe) gonna be the one whose sorry! ARGHHHH! -smashes keyboard-
*sighs* But yeah. If a chapter can get me worked up like this, Koogi’s doing something right.
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chemdoodles · 7 years
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Bum in shorts :) wish i could’ve drawn his legs ohwell
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