louisminyard · 3 years
DO TELL about the Andrew has friends outside the foxes hc *covers Andrew’s ears* please
OH YES... okay so idk if this is OOC 🙄✋🏽 i dont think it is! but my only aftg hc is that andrew has friends outside the foxes and the foxes are so surprised every time they meet one. and it’s like a Thing™️ to be walking somewhere w andrew and someone just like . head nods him or says hey andrew and andrew never responds but the other foxes are like uh ??? do u know them ??? or someone will come up to aaron thinking its andrew and aaron is like ???????? I just think it’s funny to think that people see andrew and his attitude and they’re like new friend ?? new friend w knives that’s a little mean ?? and I think it’s even EXTRA funny since most of the foxes think andrew is like this person incapable of human relationships lmao so its like a GOTCHA! moment. so here’s a list of people andrew has a begrudging friendship with:
- the girl at the ice cream shop near campus that knows his usual and adds extra brownie pieces with no charge. andrew will literally walk out of the shop if he realizes she's not there that day
- one of Andrew’s mandatory tutors whose a bit of an Asshole but really he’s just matching Andrew’s energy ,,, andrew notices this and is like well ok fine i guess ill listen to what u have to say even though im never wrong ever in my life. they have a p good understanding of each other
- The girl who sits next to him in one of his GEP classes and does Not shut up but andrew glares at anyone who shushes her,,, andrew cant help but adopt people that are persistently nice
- three ex group project members after andrew did zero (0) of the work but presented so monotonously and without missing a single beat. the eidetic memory is like a party trick for this kind of thing
- the girl who was crying in the stairwell while her (ex) bf was being a little too aggressive to her in public. andrew would've kept walking, but he saw the twisted smile of her bf and decided to make someone else's problems his own without anything in return (she ends up following andrew around despite andrew's silence and andrew ends up caring about her more than he expected to)
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liaisun · 3 years
Hi hope you don’t mind me asking but what is the monster therapy Au? Is it different from the other monster Au? It sounds cool whatever it is!
omg thank u for asking!!!!!! i love talking abt my aus its always welcome<3 when i saw u sent me an ask i got so excited JSJDKF also because i feel like you'd like it 👁️
yes!!! they r 2 different aus. so the monster therapy au is based off of this prompt: "You're a psychologist. Your speciality is monsters, who lack the self-confidence to actually scare anyone." and as soon as i saw it i was like BEE @ KEVIN!!!! it just clicked. honestly it does kinda have monsters inc vibes LOL, but in the sense like monster society values how scary u are.
so kevin is recently turned and undead; he's Tall, he's Intimidating but……. he's not scary. once you get to know him, what's there to be afraid of? HE'S the one who's scared. always. he's terrified. he's a coward—
once i read this thing about vampires going through the 5 stages of grief after theyve been turned and i kinda applied that here!!! even just being turned into a monster, thrust into this world u don't understand, really messes u up. most monsters are just born of the void, some are abstract and incomprehensible to the eye (powerful), some can switch between those forms and more corporeal ones, others are seen in various folklore and/or are human-like, but with other characteristics. then, people can become one after they die, either by being turned by another or being unable to rest, usually due to trauma. humans and monsters Don't coexist, so u lose everything and everyone you've ever known… compound that with some very traumatic experiences leading up to kevin's death and the death itself courtesy of one Ư̵͙̪N̵̺̲̊T̴͎̒̽H̸͎̔̉Í̸͓N̶̝̂́Ǩ̸͇̅Ä̵͕́̍B̸͇͐L̷̻̱̈́É̷̗ ̵͙͈͑̃Ň̶͓A̴̡̼̎M̸͊̊͜Ě̶̹͠ (UNTHINKABLE NAME) and bam. monster therapy time for kevin day
fear is a really big part of the story. it's what kevin tells bee is the defining characteristic of a monster; those who create it (everyone else), and those who feel it (him). ANDREW <3 his friend??? protector? small threatening omnipresent companion no one dares to cross after he devoured 4 higher souls on his first day undead? is someone who kev aspires to be. to him andrew embodies what a monster should be.
when i say kevin is recently turned i lied JSHSJF he was turned a while ago, but he was stuck as a little ball of fright (imagine the soot sprites from spirited away) in the shadows. one day andrew came across him and took him in, kept him safe and eventually…. kevin started changing. (inspired by the invisible children from moomin, kids who turn invisible after abuse but can become visible again with love and care and safety). kevin is a full being now, an actual monster, but he doesn't feel like it at all, which is where our story begins, with him talking to bee about this.
also because i am incapable of not including all three boys - neil! he is a complete shadow, dark and quiet and always moving, never taking any specific form. he's very interesting in their — kinda a mix of kandrew both. neil isn't frozen with fear like kevin was; he has bite and he isn't afraid of other monsters, has great power like andrew, but he's controlled by the past. even in a new life, he's still running, still invisible for the sake of survival.
the story isn't a romance (QUEERPLATONIC ROTATIONS) but it is full of love and trust. for example, kandrew: the dynamic between them is so important!!!!! foundation of thr au. the parallel and contrast of the times where kevin was vulnerable when a powerful person came 2 him; it destroyed kevin the first time, but now, with andrew by his side, it allows kevin 2 heal. also i think andrew became stronger while taking care of kevin in the beginning because his power wasn't running on anger and spite anymore, but protection 🥺
kevneil relationship: for kevin, i think neil entering his life in the same position kevin was/is in (but now having drew by his side) gives him new perspective . understanding . compassion too.
for neil, having people, tethers, support even in the smallest ways, makes him more real. brings him out. not in a physical sense— having a body most of the time is weird for him after changing for so long. he'll never choose or stick to one form, either. but overall, he's more settled in his existence, starts to see himself as an actual being, find his identity. even if he is Nothing, he's Nothing in the sense of a void, a black hole, and neil's been collecting bits of the world for years.
and although this au is kevin pov, i think a 2nd part with bee's pov and her different monster patients, the foxes, would be super fun :] (and more fitting of the prompt) so who knows.. . and if u want 2 know anything abt Other monster au (or any other monster au i have. so many) as well, i am here ;>
finally, here is a tidbit that doesn't fit the tone of this at all but i couldnt keep 2 myself LOL - there is a human-monster hotline u can call to speak to a liaison if u suspect monstrous activity in ur area! the number is 1-666-3005 and the Monster Identification Listing Force (MILF) is the organizer and even has an infomercial on human TV. for a generous donation of YOUR SOUL (ahem. 50¢) u can buy monster repellent. is it holy water? no, that's a common misconception - it is actually just unfiltered tap water because that stuff has so many metals in it the monsters take psychic damage near it<3 works like a charm
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louisminyard · 3 years
Hi sorry to bother you but did you know that circa 2016 a semi popular Grishaverse fandom nickname for the Darkling was Darkles Sparkles? I just suddenly remembered you only read the books recently so you probably weren’t around for that, it was a wild time.
an ask from u is never a bother love <3 but that is actually the Best thing I’ve ever heard and I will now be referring to the darkling as darkles sparkles I think it’s fitting ....
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louisminyard · 3 years
Okay but here me out: Nikolai is objectively Andrew’s type (a little cocky, chaotic, clever and and spontaneous and can be quite ruthless but kind etc.) and Andrew is objectively Nikolai’s type (like Alina in the sense of very defiant and authentic ISFP, would punch him like Zoya in terms of being both mean and protective, competent and badass, a warrior, analytical/calculating , like both in terms of blunt loyal as hell but can also be very ruthless and underrated sense of humor. So what (1/2)
(2/2) I’m saying is Andrew x Nikolai slow burn arranged marriage to broken engagement to coworkers where Nikolai has a crush to rivals to friends to lovers when ?
IM OBSESSED W THIS CONCEPT…. ur MIND …. honestly I didn’t even think abt this crack ship im very 👀🤔
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