#daemon x reyna
houseofthescrolls · 1 year
Midnight Rain
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Daemon Targaryen x Reyna Targaryen (OC)
You were my midnight rain
Angst - Slowburn - Fluff
Pt 1 / Pt 2 / Pt 3
I expected many things to happen this morning such as having breakfast, reading letters sent from my kingdom’s advisor Talia, and having tea with Alicent.
What I did not expect was to be standing in front of my son who sat in a chair, blood running heavily down his nose. I tilted his head back gently as I pressed a cloth to it.
“Everyone, get out.” I demanded the guards and physician who stood nervously about the room.
They scattered like mice at my tone and no sooner did the door close, I turned my attention back to my son.
“Explain. Now.” I demanded him wondering who I needed to hunt down.
“I was training with Aemond and Lucerys when the both of them got into an argument. They started fighting and when I stepped in to stop them, I was hit.” He flinched at the small bit of pressure I applied.
“I’m sorry.” I caressed his head with my free hand, “I am proud that you tried to dismantle the situation, but it was still very dangerous of you to do so. What if they had a knife? Who knows what those boys are capable of.” My brows furrowed at the thought.
“I know and I am sorry mother.” He glanced away, “They did stop fighting immediately after they realized what they did and apologized.”
“At least they have some mind to own up to their mistake.” I huffed.
“Daemon…” His voice trailed off unsure if he should keep this tidbit of information to himself.
I tensed up at the sound of his name, “What about him?” I asked.
“He helped me after…” Viserys waved his hand towards his nose, “Ripped a piece of his shirt to help stop the bleeding. He walked me here.”
“That is…” Kind of him. Was what I wanted to say, but cleared my throat, “Did he say anything to you?”
Viserys shrugged, “He asked about my father. I told him I didn’t know much. He also said that my fighting style reminded me of his own.” Viserys clenched his fist, “I wanted to tell him then. In that moment I wanted to yell or fight, I don’t know.” He sighed, “I didn’t.”
I placed my hand gently on his cheek, “You did well. I know that this must be difficult for you, love I know and it tears at my heart. The rogue prince is an ass, but he is smarter than he lets on.” I took a calming breath, “I asked you before we came here if you wanted him to know who you are. Have you-”
“No.” He went to shake his head, but I held him steady, “I still hate him.” He announced, “Never will I chose him over you. You are my mother.”
Tears filled my eyes as I let out a shaky break, “And you are my son.” I laughed lightly, “Look at me, I’m getting all emotional now.”
“You’re emotional for the both of us.” He joked.
After some comfortable silence he spoke up again. I could tell he was worried when I looked at the damage of his nose again now that the blood was cleaned up.
“Is it broken?” He wondered.
I shook my head, “No, the gods were kind to you. Your nose remains as beautiful as the day you were born.” I smiled pulling the cloth away and putting it in a dish filled with red tinted water.
His nose was swollen and bruised naturally, but it looked better than the constant flow of blood. If this was more than a bloody nose, those boys would feel the wrath of a mother.
Viserys rolled his eyes with a huff, “Stop coddling me mother. I am not a child anymore.”
I pressed a kiss to his forehead, “You will always be my child.” I pulled away to see a smile on his face, “Now come, you will be spending the day with your grandmother and I.”
“I don’t think I would count Alicent as my grandmother, she’s as old as you.” He muttered, but stood up nonetheless.
“Hey,” I lightly scolded him, “I’m not that old. Now let’s go before I change my mind and have a word with those two.”
“I’ll be miserable sitting there.” His pleading anything eyes shimmered as he begged not to go, “I promise I’ll be fine on my own mother. This wasn’t even a big deal after all.”
I sighed, “Oh alright. Just be careful and if I so much as hear that you are in trouble… I’ll be there alongside Solaris and you know she will set the entire kingdom ablaze to keep you safe.”
He chuckled, “I know mom, I will see you later at supper.”
I swiftly walked down the hall, not wanting to miss out on our first afternoon tea in years. It was the one time of day we could tear down our walls and be ourselves. Plus, I knew without a doubt that she would know all of the secrets and whispers running through the castle.
“I’m sorry I’m late Alicent, you wouldn’t believe what our boys have been up too. I also told him you were technically his grandmother. I know you hate it, but it’s still funny.” I giggled shutting the door.
When I didn’t hear a reply, I turned around to find the lack of curly red hair in her usual seat and instead platinum white that reveled the moon in the night sky.
“Oh…” I said surprised before straightening up to give him a neutral expression, “It’s you.”
His gaze was surprisingly kind as a soft smile grazed his face, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like this.”
I didn’t greet him in kind. Instead I crossed my arms with a pointed look in his direction, “What are you doing here?”
His smile morphed into his usual smirk as he raised an eyebrow, “Is that anyway to talk to your uncle?”
I scoffed, “It is. Now get out.” I motioned towards the door, “I’m waiting for my friend.”
It was his turn to scoff, “You mean Alicu-“
I cute him off, “Call her anything but her name and I’ll gut you for the pigs.”
He smirk returned, “There’s my girl.” The warmth in his voice left me feeling how I did all those years ago.
I shook the feeling away as quickly as it came, “Enough games uncle. Why are you here?”
“The Queen had an important meeting to tend to. I offered to pass this message along.” He took a step towards me, “Does that suffice?”
“Why would you offer to do that?” My brows furrowed and I stepped towards him, “And why would you help my son? I am grateful that you did, do not get me wrong, but you never help anyone aside from yourself. So tell me what you are up too.”
“Isn’t it obvious, my little flame?” He took a step closer.
I matched his with a step back, “Do not call me that.”
Another step forward.
“I would call you nothing, but what you are.” He muttered.
Another step back.
“You have no right.” I held back the shakiness in my voice, “Not anymore.”
Another step toward. He was close enough that I could feel his breath on my face.
“I have every right because you are mine.” He whispered as he gently lifted my chin up.
I glared, the sting of oncoming tears burning my eyes, “I will never be yours again.” I pushed against his chest and he took a step back, “You made that very clear.”
“Wait-” He reached his hand out towards me , but held himself back.
I made a beeline towards the doors, “Don’t talk to me, stop with whatever scheme you have in that thick skull of yours and heed my words. I don’t need nor want you. All I want is peace for the rest of my stay here, preferably as far away from you. Good day, uncle.” I seethed as I grabbed the door handle.
“I know.” He stated causing me to stop in my mission to get as far away from him as possible.
I sighed heavily already done with his antics. I don’t understand what game he was trying to play or why he wants me when he’s left me alone for almost fifteen years.
“Know what?” I turned to him with a dramatic wave of my hands, “That you are the biggest man child in this kingdom? No, scratch that, in the entire world! From here to beyond the seas and every piece of land and sky to ever exist!”
“I know the blood of a dragon when I see one.” He spat.
My blood ran cold. He couldn’t possibly… No. remain calm and don’t let anything slip.
I hid my uncertainty with a scoff, “And your intelligence is far from superb as well.” I rolled my eyes as I turned to flee.
“You, my little flame are the only person in this worlds who can insult me this much without me removing your head from your body.” He was too quick for me to escape the grip of his hand on my arm, facing me towards him.
I shrunk away from his intimidating gaze as he leaned down to my ear, “But you know very well that I am not stupid.” He seethed, “The boy is mine.”
I used my queen voice as I spoke, “I don’t know what could possibly make you think such a thing.”
He large hand easily cupped the side of my face making sure that I was looking directly into his gaze.
“Do not lie to me.” He spoke lowly.
I rolled my eyes, “I am not-”
Technically it was truth.
“I know you are lying!” He cut me off quickly, “He is my son then he belongs under my house!”
I blinked slowly at the audacity of his tone, “Do not raise your voice with me.”
His temper died down slowly as he regained his composure, “I know he is mine. You wouldn’t sleep with anyone else.”
I quickly pulled away from his grip, “Wouldn’t sleep with anyone else?” I scoff, “You think I would still be fawning over you after all these years? That I would wait day and night for you to grace me with your presence? After what you did to me?”
“Yes.” He shook his head, “No… I…” He was once again left speechless by the woman who consumes his thoughts, “We are meant to be consumed by each other. Tell me the boy is my son and you both will stay by my side forever.”
I ignored his words just like the burning in my eyes. He was right, I haven’t slept with anyone else… Not because I was waiting, but I’ve been too busy with regaining a kingdom of my own and raising my son. Would I ever tell him that? Never. My trust for him was burned since that day.
“Have you heard the news my princess?” My handmaiden Lyra asked.
I turned to the girl confused, this stopping her from finishing the braids in my hair.
“What news might that be?” I asked with a soft smile.
“It appears that something big has happened back in the kingdom.” She said softly and I could tell she was unsure of how to proceed.
“Really?” I wondered, “Surely my family would have written to me by now. It has only been a few years since I’ve stepped foot in my father’s kingdom, but my uncle was here only a week ago. Surely he would have said something.”
“I am unsure of why your family has not informed you yet.” She stated a nervous tone settling in her voice.
“Is it about my sister’s courting season? Alicent wrote to me about the possible prospects for Rhaenyra… I would like to visit her as soon as these dignitary meetings are over to help her through it. Except the southeast of Westeros is anything, but sound.” I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. My gaze focused on the necklace from Daemon resting around my neck and my heart swelled, “At least my prince won the battle of Stepstones, I’m beyond proud of him.”
Lyra combed back another piece of my hair to braid, “I know my princess.”
And she did in fact know… About everything that went on between Daemon and I. She was my most trusted handmaiden after all. Daemon was the one to invite me to come along with him and of course I would bring her along. She was one of the few who approved of our love even if she was a bit skeptical about the prince.
Though my prince and I have been more than content with our little piece of the world. We were happy together. Truly, blissfully, and utterly happy.
“I count the days until we are wed…” I muttered as I twirled the jewelry in my hand, “Seven children he begs me for.” I laughed at the memory, “I do not know how I will manage.”
It has been quite a time of secretly pining for each other and now he was within reach. All he needed was his brother’s blessing.
“Even so, I hope that it is soon.” I continued, “I pray to the gods that he will return to me with my fathers blessing. When my prince hands over this territory then surely my father will agree. Then we can finally start a family of our own.”
I felt her hands stop moving my hair. It felt too long of a pause to be normal.
“Lyra? Is everything alright?” I asked with deep concern.
“My princess, there is something you must know…” Her voice trailed off.
I looked at her through the mirror, “You know that you can tell me anything. What is it?”
“The prince was seen in a pleasure house this week with someone.” She bowed her head.
I felt as if I had lost a battle, on my knees as a sword plunged through my chest. The darksister twisting my bones and bleeding me dry as Daemon towered above me.
He wouldn’t… Would he? Uncertainty settled in the pits of my stomach. A feeling of guilt washing over me because a part of me believed it to be true.
“With…” I cleared my throat to keep it from breaking, “Who?”
“He was with your sister.” She answered, “There has been rumors about the two of them, that they had…”
I shook my head in denial stopping her from continuing, “No… It couldn’t be true, they wouldn’t do that. This must be a mistake, a silly rumor.” I smiled lightly trying to think posisitive, “He will be back and he will confirm that it was all just petty gossip.”
“Of course, my princess.” Lyra spoke and continued on with braiding.
But it wasn’t small gossip that would flee from everyone’s minds within a week. No… That gossip grew louder and louder until it was a wave swallowing me whole. Alicent confirmed my worst fears through her letter, a letter I chuckled into a fire after reading as I screamed to our once shared bedroom.
Lyra entered my bedroom chambers where I looked anything, but presentable. I looked up at her from where I sat on my bed in the rumpled sheets. My nose was red and my eyes watery yet that slight sliver of hope kept me from drowning.
“Have you…” I coughed trying to clear my throat once again, “Have you heard any news? Has he finally come back?”
A month I have been waiting to see those silvery locks once more, dreaming every night that he was here with me. He hasn’t written or come to offer me any answers. His presence here was only, but a ghost. A faded memory of someone who held much power over my heart.
Lyra shook her head sadly, “I am afraid the prince will not be returning. The prince has taken a bride… I am truly sorry to be the one to burden you with this news, but he has wed another woman. It is your cousin Laena, my princess.”
I nodded wordlessly. The sharp pain in my hand brought my gaze down where I realized that I had been digging my nails into the palm of my hands.
She bowed her head, “The people are also talking… Rumors spread of the kindling you had with the prince my lady.”
I took a deep breath before speaking, “They are moths drawn to a flame. Please tell my guards and anyone who wishes to join me that I will be leaving the stepstones by the end of the week. If you wish, you may return to my father’s kingdom. I will not be cross if you do not want to join me.”
“I will stay with you and your heir until the end, my princess.” She stated sincerely.
“Thank you Lyra.” I smiled grimly looking down at the bump forming on my stomach.
“My lady… Where will we go?” She asked.
“A place that we can make a change…” I placed my hand over my stomach, “A place where we can start anew.”
She nodded in understanding, “I will see to that everything is prepared for our departure.”
“Thank you my friend. That will be all, Goodnight Lyra.” I bidded her Goodnight.
“Goodnight Princess.” She said as she shut the door.
It was then that I finally let the waves pull me down.
“No one will harm you.” I whispered to my unborn child, “I promise.”
I will be strong on my own.
The memory consumed me in feelings of despair and defeat, but most of all anger.
“I was already hated in the eyes of the court and the people for my lack of dragon blood.” I stated my mind coming back to the present.
I looked him dead in the eyes, “You knew this and yet you still perused me and then you left me for my sister.” My eyes slanted into a heavy glare, “They mocked me… Shunned me. I was a laughing stock. The little girl who weaseled her way into the Royal court and seduced her step-uncle only to be tossed aside because I wasn’t good enough.” I stepped towards him in rage and he knew his only option was to step back, “My name was tainted because of you. Unfit to marry they said, not pure they whispered. I was casted out and what did you do? Nothing. You left me on the stepstones to rot.”
I let him soak in those words. His hurt gaze looking at me.
It was only when I saw regret fill his eyes that I finally said, “His father is dead and he was a far better man than you are now. He is not yours. He never will be.” I spat at him and slammed the door shut behind me as I left.
The crashing sounds that occurred shortly after behind those heavy doors only fueled my anxiety and anger as I rushed down the hall.
Never… never… never… For as long as I live and breathe he will never be his. My child is my own and my own alone.
I screamed as I enter my bedroom, hot tears stinging my face.
“This was a horrible idea!” I yelled throwing the nearest thing, a vase towards a wall.
I paced the room in growing anger, “He won’t take my son away from me, he can’t! He has no proof, no claim, only a theory.” I said, trying to calm myself.
I sat on my bed with a heavy sigh, “He has no proof… No proof.” I whispered.
I looked to the balcony out to the clouds that are calling me home.
“Just a few more days.” I fell back onto the silk sheets made of red.
“Queen Reyna.” A knock alerted me to a maid standing behind my closed doors.
I sat up and made myself more presentable.
I cleared my throat, “Yes?”
“Is everything alright? I heard noises.”
“Of course!” I called out to her, “I knocked over something on my desk, no need to worry!”
“Alright. I’d like to inform you that the king requests your presence.” She stated.
“Of course!” I answered, “Thank you. Inform my father that I will be there in just a moment.”
“Yes, your highness.” She took my answer in kind and I could hear her footsteps leave.
“Great.” I muttered as I straightened myself up, “How do I explain to my father that I wish to murder his brother?”
I stood in front of my mirror, checking to make sure that I was the proper form of a queen.
“You will not fear the dragon’s den.” I stated before I left my room.
Stay tuned!
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@shipheart @this-is-a-bad-idea @dragon-in-a-kettle @hadthemapplebottomjeans @danielle-leah1997 @animelover18 @hc-geralt-23 @moni-cah @stargaryenx @wisdomofthebrain @beggarsnotchoosey @jcpenneyyy @sunmoon-01 @green-lxght @jackierose902109
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armoredspirit-old · 4 years
     iv .    dynamics .
iv.    x.    :     dariss  and  nyria.
iv.    x.    :     dariss  and  valeria.
iv.    i  watched  you  put  on  a  brave  face ;  i  wanted  so  badly  to  be  brave.    :     dariss  and  dyana.
iv.    x.    :     olyvar  and  jasper.
iv.    x.    :     olyvar  and  rowena.
iv.    two  caged  birds  who  found  the  sky  in  each  other.    :     olyvar and  katherynne.
iv.    x.    :     olyvar  and  daemon.
iv.    certain  his  salvation  will  be  found  in  the  arms  of  his  wife.    :    ethaniel  and  orsyla.
iv.    x.    :    ethaniel  and  benjicot.
iv.    x.    :     ethaniel and katherynne.
iv.    certainly  you  are  mine  but  you  are  not  my  king.    :    derran  and  daemon.
iv.    you  often  save  me  from  the  way  i  tend  to  be.    :     eliar  and  erik.
iv.    x.    :     eliar  and  freyja.
iv.    x.    :     eliar  and  reyna.
iv.    x.    :     toman  and  daemon.
0 notes
houseofthescrolls · 2 years
Midnight Rain
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Daemon Targaryen x Reyna Targaryen (OC)
You were my midnight rain
- Angst - Slowburn - Fluff
Pt 1 / Pt 2
The ball was in full swing and I could hear music blaring loudly as I walked down the castle halls alone. It was an exhausting discussion, but I forced my father not to assign me a guard. I was weary of who to trust in this dragon’s den and I can protect myself.
My thoughts drifted to my son, wondering if he was having a good time. Viserys requested to go to this event with his cousins Jacerys and Lucerys tonight and I welcomed the bonding even if I felt highly uncomfortable around my sister.
I stopped by the open archway, peering up at the night sky. My growing nerves preventing me from entering the lively ballroom. Last time I was at a ball like this, Daemon had just returned from another victory in battle.
“I have watched you sulk your night away. Why are you not dancing?” Daemon asked as he leant back against the very wall I currently rested upon.
“My father thinks I am old enough find a suitor.” I answered glumly.
“And you are not happy of this news?” His tone was mocking as he took a drink of his wine already knowing the answer to his own question.
“You know very well why I am not, uncle.” I half heartedly glared in his direction.
Daemon nodded, “I was like you once.”
“Once?” I teased turning my body fully towards him now, “Do you forget that you are still are not married?”
“Hush,” He smiled matching my movements, “This is your suitors ball not mine.”
My smile faded at the teasing reminder, “I want to be more than just a wife and child maker.” I sighed.
“Then let me lighten your sorrows with a dance.” He set his glass down and held his hand out towards me patiently.
I smiled softly, the butterflies in my stomach always managing to appear when he is around. I placed my hand in his.
That was the first time he showed any interest in me. An interest that wasn’t the fleeting glances and cordial hello’s as he passed me by to greet his blood. Though no one would dare question my adoption out loud, the feeling of being an outcasted sheep was felt sourly.
But I remember… I remember his warm hands pressed against my waist. I remember our smiles that mirrored one another. I remember that night as if it were yesterday. He stayed with me, refusing to leave my side as he shooed off any suitors with his hard gaze. His hair was shorter then too. I mused.
“Alright.” I spoke to myself as I pushed aside my thoughts, “The past can’t help now and neither can he. I can do this on my own.”
I can entire the dragon’s den as force of my own for I am not a dragon… I am a wolf.
I entered the ballroom with stride, my dress made of ice blue silk and diamonds this time as it glittered from the lights.
“My king! The Queen Of Nox has arrived!” The page announced.
Those nearest to the door greeted me with a bow and a good evening. I smiled in kind before walking towards my father and greeting him with a bow.
“Thank you for joining us my daughter.” The king welcomed me and the party commenced.
“Thank you for inviting me and my son.” I smiled, “Speaking of, I must seek him out.”
“Last I saw he was by the food.” Alicent said and I smiled to her gratefully and went on my way.
I was thankful for the parting crowd as I walked throughout the ballroom and soon found Viserys by a table filled with a variety of food brought out by the butlers and maids. It warmed my heart to see him talking with his cousins, a wide smile on each of their faces.
“Mother!” Viserys waved me over as soon as his gaze landed on me, “Jacerys was just telling me about his time learning our mother tongue.”
“Oh that is quite lovely! I’m happy to know that the language is still taught within these walls.” I smiled towards my nephew, “And how are you finding the language?”
“Difficult.” He chuckled, “I’m not sure the difference between what is attack and what is a potato.”
“Tricky indeed.” I mused with a nod.
“I offered to help him learn while we are here.” Viserys said.
I nodded at the proclamation, “That is a wonderful idea! I am happy to hear the three of you getting along.”
“As am I.” I heard my sister say behind me.
I turned and the smile on my face settled to a plangency as I greeted her and our uncle, “Good evening sister… Uncle.” I greeted them both in kind.
“How are you my sister?” She asked.
I glanced towards her attire, fitted in black and gold, “I am alright, thank you. How are you?”
“Sore.” She humored, “I’ve been on my feet all day.”
I nodded in understanding, “That is understandable.”
“Are you sure you are alright?” She continued, “I haven’t seen you since the night you arrived.”
“Quite.” I stated pressing my lips together in a thin line, “I’ve just been busy. I have been with father, discussing some business between our kingdoms.”
“What kind of business?” Daemon spoke without so much as a hello.
I rolled my eyes refusing to look at him and instead directed my attention to a certain pastry I would like to have later, “Wouldn’t you like to know, prince.” I said pronouncing that word with mockery.
If I were looking at him I would have laughed at the glare he sent me, “I have every right to know, I am your uncle, niece.”
“I am a Queen to you, address me as such or get out of my presence.” I waved my hand towards him and moved to leave.
I could hear my son and nephews chuckling. They were in awe at the guts I had towards the rogue prince, but I don’t fear him. I never had.
“I was hoping we could talk.” Rhaenyra pressed as Daemon scoffed. She wanted to diffuse the tension to keep me longer, “I haven’t seen you in years, let alone heard any word from you.”
“A reason you surely know.” I tried to take a step back to turn once again, but she quickly stepped in my way.
“Please.” She pleaded.
“Viserys.” I looked at him silently telling him to leave.
“Why don’t you tell me how to say sky in old Valeryan.” Viserys guided his cousin away.
I turned to look at my sister sharply, “What is it that you truly want from me sister?”
“A truce.” She said lowly.
“A truce?” I raised an eyebrow at her praying to the gods that I wouldn’t punch the man with the stupid smirk now standing in my peripheral.
He was wearing black attire tonight with silver trims. If he wasn’t such a deceitful, lying, pompous prick I would find it quite handsome on him… if only. If only he wasn’t such an ass.
“Yes. I was hoping we could clear up this pathetic fight about the marriage between Daemon and I.” She stated appearing as regal as ever where as I was on the verge of drowning.
Pathetic? She thinks this is pathetic? Does my heart mean nothing to them?
“Then it is cleared.” I said without a care, “Now if you would excuse me.” I nodded and tried my escape again, but Rhaenyra had different plans.
“Just let me explain, please. I want you to understand that I never wanted to hurt you. You see, we have been on and off for a while.” She began and I couldn’t help but stare blankly at the array of roses just past her head.
The sooner she finishes the better. I don’t want to hear about how I was deceived, hurt, and betrayed. I have already found peace, I can—
“And while it may seem new to most, this attraction started when you began your courting season and so—“
My eyes snapped to her amethyst ones in disbelief, “What?” I could barely get the choked words out, “When did this start?”
“Never mind that—“ Daemon spoke up, but with the fire in my eyes directed toward him, he quickly shut up.
“Your courting season.” She stated again before her rant continued.
I couldn’t understand what she was saying as my world caved in once again. My confused gaze fell onto Daemon wanting him to explain himself, to just say something, anything, but he didn’t far speak a word.
That year was one of the only happy memory of us. I held onto it with my life, every time I tried to imagine what our future could have been. Even if he fell out of love with me when my sister came of age, at least during that season he saw me instead of her… That he chose me… Not her.
My confused look turned to sorrow as I watched his gaze fall from mine. In intimidation or guilt, I do not know, but I looked at him trying to understand his reason behind all of it.
I still remember when he confessed to me. The love he held for me could revel the strongest of seas or so I thought. For the first time since I came to the palace and met Daemon, he seemed so happy. I was so sure that it was going to be him, that he was going to be my forever. I refused any other suitors because of the way he looked at me.
“You are the first woman I have felt this way towards.” He said taking strides towards where I stood.
“Felt what way?” I asked turning to face him.
My room began to feel warm as he pressed his forehead against mine.
“Love, my little flame.” He answered.
His honey words had me reeling. My heart growing ten times bigger as he brought his lips to mine.
I was his first love. That is what he said, but I wasn’t was I?
“You…” Was the only word I could say in the moment, my throat constricting to get anymore words out. He looked back to me, waiting for me to continue, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to say the truth that was clearly in front of me.
My gaze fell defeated in a twisted understanding that he never loved me, he only used me.
“But, what we have is love.” Rhaenyra stated bringing me back to this moment.
I nodded desperately wanting to get away from here, “You can keep your love. I do not want it nor do I wish to ruin it. Now please excuse-”
She grabbed my arm, “I don’t want to have you as my enemy. This jealousy and resentment will get us nowhere. You know that we are stronger together so please for all of our sakes, can you put this behind you?”
It was that flicker, that spark that ignited the anger inside me as I ripped my arm from her grasp. My shoulders squared back as I used my height to tower over her, even if it was just a few centimeters, my crown made up for the rest.
“Do not.” I started, my voice stronger than before as it took on the role I was meant to be, a queen, “Ever assume that I would stoop so low as to resent either of you for a simple marriage, let alone be jealous of it.” The bile rising in my throat proves my emotions towards this, but I refused to be the sad and pitied Princess who was cast aside all those years ago, “I have a kingdom of my own to rule, a son whom I love deeply, and a life that keeps me content. In no way have I ever been jealous of you, little sister.” No one is going to know how I feel and I refuse to be the newest gossip of the kingdom.
“I did not mean any harm by my words.” She pleaded.
“Oh I know exactly what you mean. Do not worry, I will put this so called petty fight behind me as I fly back to my kingdom in a few days.” I glared at the both of them and turned away, this time I did not try to excuse myself as I left saying, “I’d like to enjoy the rest of my evening with the only friend I have in this godforsaken castle.”
I found Alicent, the only other person who knew of my failed engagement with Daemon though she didn’t not know of Viserys’s birthright. My rage burned hotter than dragon’s fire though I hid it, Alicent seemed to see right through my facade as she looked at me worried from her throne.
“Are you alright?” She asked.
“I don’t understand why these white haired, purple eyed jerks think they are so righteous with whatever they do.” I stated angrily and was happy that my father was not around in this moment.
Her eyes widened at the proclamation, but in she nodded in understanding.
“She implied that I was jealous.” I continued sitting beside her, “Of her marriage to that tantrum throwing teenager. That this feud between us, no. That my feelings towards that humiliating rejection he gave me is petty.”
“I’m sorry.” Alicent reached over to place her hand on mine.
I looked down, “They didn’t even apologize.”
“They are Targaryen. They never apologize.” Alicent stated.
She was able to draw my attention away from the horrid topic for a while with gossip of her own but my gaze always seemed to find them in the crowd. It was getting late when I decided to part from the celebrations.
“Are you sure you want to stay up?” I asked Viserys.
He nodded almost immediately, “Yeah, Aemond has some cool things he wants to show me.”
“Alright.” I nodded before looking at Aemond, “Please keep my son safe brother.” I said the word lightly in case he would be offended.
He seemed caught of guard, but nodded, “Of course.”
“Have a fun night you two and stay safe.” I wished them both farewell before taking my leave.
I took my time getting back to my room, trying to stir off all the unpleasant feelings before I fall asleep. I almost made it… Almost. I could feel his presence behind me like a looming shadow.
“You can stop following me. Ive had enough excitement for today.” I spoke.
“Reyna.” His voice was gentle and my body straightened up a bit. It’s been a while since I heard that tone of his, but in the end I knew deep down I couldn’t fall for anymore of his tricks.
I rolled my eyes wishing that I could be away from his dramatics, “What is it uncle?”
“Do you refuse to say my name?” He asked tensely.
“Why should I? Do you not like uncle? Shall I call you rogue prince instead?” I challenged as I turned around, he was further than I expected, treating me as if I were some wild animal.
It was quiet for some time and I couldn’t help but turn around to see if he disappeared, but no. There he stood with a look on his face that reminded me of a small boy who knew he was in the wrong.
“I…” His voice trailed off and my ears perked up.
Was there a chance he was going to apologize? Say those simple words that held so much meaning? I waited now a bit more relaxed and as patiently as I could.
He cleared his throat and stood up straighter, “How are you doing?”
I sighed knowing that it was too good to be true, “How am I doing?” I stared into the sparkle his eyes possessed, “Our entire love was all just a cruel joke.” I watched his gaze fall as he looked at the wall beside me, “It is clear to me now that you never actually loved me, didn’t really care for me at all really.” I couldn’t help but scoff, catching his attention, “All an act to get closer to the one you truly cared about… Rhaenyra. Well you two can live happily forever without me.”
With that I left the rogue prince to stand there alone as I went back to my room.
I need some sleep.
Stay tuned!
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@shipheart @this-is-a-bad-idea @dragon-in-a-kettle @hadthemapplebottomjeans
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houseofthescrolls · 2 years
Midnight Rain
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Daemon Targaryen x Reyna Targaryen (OC)
You were my midnight rain
- Angst - Slowburn - Fluff
Pt 1
Love… Love. Love. Love. What a cruel thing the gods could give us.
I burn for you
You promise?
I promise my flame
I love you Daemon
And I you
Fifteen years since I have stepped foot in my father’s kingdom. Fifteen years I have been without the aid of my father, sister, Alicent, and my uncle. Though I shared letters with my father and Alicent, I have worked hard on my own to gain the crown upon my head. But, I wasn’t alone either, for I had my son.
“Do you think they will be furious to see me?” I spoke my worries to my son.
His white hair reached above his shoulders, half braided back with strands falling lose to accent his purple eyes.
“I don’t see why they would. You had every right to leave after what that beast did.” Viserys muttered cruelly.
“Just remember please.” I grabbed onto his arm and leaned to his ear to whisper, “They do not know you are from him. I do not know what would happen if they found out.”
He nodded and I gave him a smile. I gave him a quick hug before regaining my regal stance.
“Now shoulders back, chin up and let’s give them an entrance to remember.” I turned to the guards motioning for them to open the doors that let to a room I would eat at constantly when I was young.
My dress, as white as the snow cascaded along my skin like silk as diamond drilled like tears along the intricate and silver lace. My crown sat upon my wavy dark locks as if it was made of the sharpest ice crystals.
“Your highness, Queen Reyna and her son Prince Viserys have arrived.” The knight announced before stepping back to his post.
I made my strides towards my father, my face made of stone and my eyes made of purple flames, “Father.”
A smile broke out upon his face as he cheered, “My lovely daughter has returned!” He struggled to stand and I quickly made way to give him a long overdue hug.
He smiled pulling me back arms length and looking at the crown upon my head, “And as a Queen no doubt.”
I motioned for a servant to bring in the silver platter which held a bloody crown, “I have come with a gift.”
“And what might that be?” He asked directing his gaze to the crown that now sat on the table.
“I have brought you the crown that once belonged to a tarnished king.” I motioned to the crown before looking directly at my once king, “I have also brought peace between your kingdom and mine.”
He was quiet for only a moment before he nodded, “I have heard what you have done to prosper the Kingdom of Nox. I am very proud of you my daughter.”
“Thank you father.” I smiled softly before turning to the rest of the family, “I see that there are new faces joining our bloodline since the last time I was here.”
“Ah yes!” My father laughed and clapped his hand to resume the gentle music playing, “We have been quite busy. Fifteen years has been a long time.”
“Quite.” I agreed my smile growing at seeing my old friend, “Alicent.”
“Reyna.” She met me in a warm embrace, “Gods know how much I have missed you around. Letters have done little to ease the distance of my friend.”
“Well I was the life of the party.” I joked pulling away, “I deeply apologize for not visiting sooner, but I would love for all of you to meet my son, Prince Viserys.”
“A name fitting for a king. It is lovely to finally finally meet you my grandson.” My father pulled him into a warm hug.
“And I would like you to meet my children Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond.” Alicent introduced her three children.
“I know we don’t know each other, but I hope in time you will see me as a sister for I already see you as my siblings.” I smiled at the three.
“As long as you sneak me some ale then fine by me.” Aegon lifted his glass.
“Love is never lost, only blood sheds tears.” Helaena murmured.
Aemond gave me a nod in hesitant acceptance.
“Sister.” A voice I haven’t heard in years called out and I turned to find her standing.
“Rhaenyra.” I greeted her quietly.
I refused to bring my gaze down to the ring shining on her hand. Neither would I look at the man sitting beside her. He had yet to say a word and I prayed to the heavens that he wouldn’t.
“Congratulations.” I motioned to her ring, “Apologies for not being able to attend though the invitation was kind.” I said barely being able to contain the real curses I held for them both.
“Thank you. I’d like for you to meet my children as well.” She motioned to the four sitting at the table, “These are my sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys and these are Daemon’s daughters, Baela and Rhaena. Though I treat them all as my own.”
“I love your name.” I smiled at Rhaena who returned my smile, “It is lovely to meet all of you. I will try to be the best aunt that I can be.”
My thoughts wondered if maybe he named her after me, but I knew better then to think such hopeful thoughts. If anything he named her after Rhaenyra.
I looked towards our Targaryen’s bloodline, “My son and I only come here to be apart of our family once more. We do not seek your throne nor do we seek malice from you. We have our own kingdom to rule and that is enough for us. We just want to be a family.”
“Then join us for dinner.” My father motioned for us to join the table.
I chose to sit beside Alicent while Aemond called for Viserys to sit next to him. Chatter livened up the dining hall as dinner resumed.
“So tell me.” Alicent began, “What have you been up to these last few years.”
“Nothing too interesting I suppose. Taking care of Viserys, a lot of boring dignitary meetings, and peace treaties. I only hope that I am being a good ruler towards my subjects.” I explained.
“And why have you not arrived with the boys father?” My newest sister Helaena asked, “Has he stayed back to attend to kingly duties?”
“His father is dead.” I explained to her like I had explained to my father and friend through letters.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She replied.
In half truth, he was dead, at least to us, “He was killed before Viserys was born. It has just been Viserys and I ever since.” I looked towards my son, a small smile on my face seeing him get along with our family.
“Oh, my apologies.” Alicent spoke and I shook my head turning my attention back to her.
“No, it is quite alright.” I smiled, “I have mourned my loss already as has Viserys. I know who I am and what I must do now and that is to raise my son to be a kind and righteous king. Though he can’t help but accept almost every challenge offered to him.” I joked, “He has defeated every knight who has challenged him to a duel much to my anxiety.”
Alicent returned my humor with one of her own, “Neither can my son Aemond. Perhaps they’ll be the best of friends, if they do not kill each other in a duel first.”
“Did his father have white hair?” The man of my heartache and turmoil finally spoke, not a word of hello, but a question I did not want to explain. His steady voice made my heart race and my blood run cold.
“Yes. He was a Targaryen.” I answered but I refused to grace him with my gaze, “Though his family lineage was long diluted for any chance to the throne.” That was the most believable answer.
“It seems that the bloodline is strong for young Viserys carries the look of a true Targaryen.” My father stated proudly and that brought a smile to my sons face as he glanced over in our direction.
Though it was kind and I knew that my father didn’t mean it as a jab of any sorts but it still stung.
I turned to my father, patiently waiting for him to continue but he did say anything more. Daemon however seemed very talkative and too interested in this subject.
“Where did you meet?” He asked.
“In Nox surprisingly.” I said, “He was a noblemen there.”
“Was he a good man?” Alicent asked.
“He was.” I smiled gently recalling a time where Daemon was everything I dreamed of.
“Niece.” He said, his smile warming my heart as much as the sun gracing our skin.
My dark hair whipped my face as I looked towards the voice, “Uncle!” I exclaimed as I stood up to greet him, “You weren’t suppose to return for another few weeks.”
“I finished my tasks earlier so that I could find you.” He stated.
“Me? But why?” I asked now standing in front of him. I had to tilt my head up to see his shimmering violet eyes due to his towering height.
“You are still in participating in courting season are you not?” He asked simply.
The blush rose to my cheeks before I could will it away, “I… I am, yes.”
“Then let me present you with this.” With that he brought forth his hands that were hidden behind his back and with it was a neatly wrapped box.
Nerves flittered through me as I tried to understand his meaning.
“Thank you for this gift...” Nervousness fill my voice, “You wish to court me?” I asked, barely above a whisper.
He nodded with a swoon worthy smirk that followed him wherever he went, “I do, princess.”
I took the box from his hands, it being the first gift I accepted since I was thrown into this courting madness, “There are plenty of other women looking for a match this season. Why would you wish to court me?” I asked.
“Because I would never try to take away your fire for you are my flame.” He answered as if he were telling me the weather, “I only want you to be my wife.”
I didn’t stop the smile creeping on my face nor the gasp that fell from my lips as I looked upon the bracelet he presented me. A red ruby shaped as a heart, wrapped in rare Valyrian steel. It was small and delicate but held so much more. Like me… He moved to put it on my wrist, his fingers grazing softly along my skin causing a shiver to creep along my skin.
“Yes.” I said, a smile adorning my face, “I accept your proposal.”
“He is gone now.” I sighed wanting to push the memory behind me, “I suppose all good things must come to an end eventually.” I twiddled with the bracelet hidden under the sleeve of my dress.
“At least the Targaryen bloodline found its way to you in the end my daughter.” My father spoke with a content smile.
If only he knew. He would have his brothers head on this table. I thought grimly.
“Yes, I suppose without that miracle you would continue to be an outcast to this family. You are are not a true Targaryen after all.” Daemon stated and the room fell quiet.
“Excuse me?” I finally turned my heated gaze to look at him.
My gaze fell to his hand clasped around Rhaenyra and quickly looked at his face to see he was smirking and it was then I relises that I have fallen into his plan. I internally cursed myself and him for getting riled from something so trivial.
“I am every much apart of this family as you are.” I continued my voice calm.
“Your looks would beg to differ my niece.” He motioned towards the lack of white in my hair and the brown eyes I had instead of violet, “Is that why you had to claim a kingdom of your own? Because you would never inherit this one? Is what you claim of the nobleman to even be true?”
I rolled my eyes at my so called uncle, “Yes, bravo uncle. You win the prize of getting on my nerves. Yes, I am not of Targaryen blood. That is why Rhaenyra is inheriting the iron throne. Not me and surely not you.” I glared.
“How dare you-“ He began but I cut him off.
“How dare I what?” I asked, my aura outstandingly calm while he was shaking in anger, “Stop you from mocking me? I am not a child anymore and I refuse to accept your insults. My son is a Targaryen and you will not question his lineage again.”
“That is enough. I will have no arguments at this table.” My father voiced.
I could still feel Daemon’s gaze on my form but he said nothing more.
“We are having a ball in three days. I do hope that you will attend.” Alicent leaned over to whisper, “To be honest, I have no one to talk to here.”
“Then how could I miss it.” The two of us giggled and it seemed that the rest of dinner was going well… but this is a Targaryen family after all.
It seemed as though Aemond would also be taking a jab at bloodlines tonight, but his were directed to my nephews.
I quickly got up as my new brothers and nephews fought, grabbing Viserys by his arms to pull him away from the chaos. In no way would he or I chose a side in this growing feud.
“We will take our leave.” I spoke to my father as soon as Daemon stepped up towards Aemond.
Viserys and I left quickly making our way to our designated wing.
“I didn’t know they were so…” Viserys tried to find the right word to describe them.
“Violent? Short tempered? Dragons?” I mused and he nodded.
“This is just evening dinners, wait until training… Actually no, I don’t want you dueling with any of those boys. It is clear now that they are on opposite sides and both sides are going to be consumed by flames.” I told him seriously.
“Of course mother.” He agreed though he was curious about how his cousins and uncles would fair in a duel.
But he would listen to his mothers wise words unless someone challenged him. Or if anyone, more so his father would bring any harm to his mother. Then they would all burn.
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