#daemon targeryen x yn
houseofthescrolls · 2 years
Midnight Rain
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Daemon Targaryen x Reyna Targaryen (OC)
You were my midnight rain
- Angst - Slowburn - Fluff
Pt 1
Love… Love. Love. Love. What a cruel thing the gods could give us.
I burn for you
You promise?
I promise my flame
I love you Daemon
And I you
Fifteen years since I have stepped foot in my father’s kingdom. Fifteen years I have been without the aid of my father, sister, Alicent, and my uncle. Though I shared letters with my father and Alicent, I have worked hard on my own to gain the crown upon my head. But, I wasn’t alone either, for I had my son.
“Do you think they will be furious to see me?” I spoke my worries to my son.
His white hair reached above his shoulders, half braided back with strands falling lose to accent his purple eyes.
“I don’t see why they would. You had every right to leave after what that beast did.” Viserys muttered cruelly.
“Just remember please.” I grabbed onto his arm and leaned to his ear to whisper, “They do not know you are from him. I do not know what would happen if they found out.”
He nodded and I gave him a smile. I gave him a quick hug before regaining my regal stance.
“Now shoulders back, chin up and let’s give them an entrance to remember.” I turned to the guards motioning for them to open the doors that let to a room I would eat at constantly when I was young.
My dress, as white as the snow cascaded along my skin like silk as diamond drilled like tears along the intricate and silver lace. My crown sat upon my wavy dark locks as if it was made of the sharpest ice crystals.
“Your highness, Queen Reyna and her son Prince Viserys have arrived.” The knight announced before stepping back to his post.
I made my strides towards my father, my face made of stone and my eyes made of purple flames, “Father.”
A smile broke out upon his face as he cheered, “My lovely daughter has returned!” He struggled to stand and I quickly made way to give him a long overdue hug.
He smiled pulling me back arms length and looking at the crown upon my head, “And as a Queen no doubt.”
I motioned for a servant to bring in the silver platter which held a bloody crown, “I have come with a gift.”
“And what might that be?” He asked directing his gaze to the crown that now sat on the table.
“I have brought you the crown that once belonged to a tarnished king.” I motioned to the crown before looking directly at my once king, “I have also brought peace between your kingdom and mine.”
He was quiet for only a moment before he nodded, “I have heard what you have done to prosper the Kingdom of Nox. I am very proud of you my daughter.”
“Thank you father.” I smiled softly before turning to the rest of the family, “I see that there are new faces joining our bloodline since the last time I was here.”
“Ah yes!” My father laughed and clapped his hand to resume the gentle music playing, “We have been quite busy. Fifteen years has been a long time.”
“Quite.” I agreed my smile growing at seeing my old friend, “Alicent.”
“Reyna.” She met me in a warm embrace, “Gods know how much I have missed you around. Letters have done little to ease the distance of my friend.”
“Well I was the life of the party.” I joked pulling away, “I deeply apologize for not visiting sooner, but I would love for all of you to meet my son, Prince Viserys.”
“A name fitting for a king. It is lovely to finally finally meet you my grandson.” My father pulled him into a warm hug.
“And I would like you to meet my children Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond.” Alicent introduced her three children.
“I know we don’t know each other, but I hope in time you will see me as a sister for I already see you as my siblings.” I smiled at the three.
“As long as you sneak me some ale then fine by me.” Aegon lifted his glass.
“Love is never lost, only blood sheds tears.” Helaena murmured.
Aemond gave me a nod in hesitant acceptance.
“Sister.” A voice I haven’t heard in years called out and I turned to find her standing.
“Rhaenyra.” I greeted her quietly.
I refused to bring my gaze down to the ring shining on her hand. Neither would I look at the man sitting beside her. He had yet to say a word and I prayed to the heavens that he wouldn’t.
“Congratulations.” I motioned to her ring, “Apologies for not being able to attend though the invitation was kind.” I said barely being able to contain the real curses I held for them both.
“Thank you. I’d like for you to meet my children as well.” She motioned to the four sitting at the table, “These are my sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys and these are Daemon’s daughters, Baela and Rhaena. Though I treat them all as my own.”
“I love your name.” I smiled at Rhaena who returned my smile, “It is lovely to meet all of you. I will try to be the best aunt that I can be.”
My thoughts wondered if maybe he named her after me, but I knew better then to think such hopeful thoughts. If anything he named her after Rhaenyra.
I looked towards our Targaryen’s bloodline, “My son and I only come here to be apart of our family once more. We do not seek your throne nor do we seek malice from you. We have our own kingdom to rule and that is enough for us. We just want to be a family.”
“Then join us for dinner.” My father motioned for us to join the table.
I chose to sit beside Alicent while Aemond called for Viserys to sit next to him. Chatter livened up the dining hall as dinner resumed.
“So tell me.” Alicent began, “What have you been up to these last few years.”
“Nothing too interesting I suppose. Taking care of Viserys, a lot of boring dignitary meetings, and peace treaties. I only hope that I am being a good ruler towards my subjects.” I explained.
“And why have you not arrived with the boys father?” My newest sister Helaena asked, “Has he stayed back to attend to kingly duties?”
“His father is dead.” I explained to her like I had explained to my father and friend through letters.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She replied.
In half truth, he was dead, at least to us, “He was killed before Viserys was born. It has just been Viserys and I ever since.” I looked towards my son, a small smile on my face seeing him get along with our family.
“Oh, my apologies.” Alicent spoke and I shook my head turning my attention back to her.
“No, it is quite alright.” I smiled, “I have mourned my loss already as has Viserys. I know who I am and what I must do now and that is to raise my son to be a kind and righteous king. Though he can’t help but accept almost every challenge offered to him.” I joked, “He has defeated every knight who has challenged him to a duel much to my anxiety.”
Alicent returned my humor with one of her own, “Neither can my son Aemond. Perhaps they’ll be the best of friends, if they do not kill each other in a duel first.”
“Did his father have white hair?” The man of my heartache and turmoil finally spoke, not a word of hello, but a question I did not want to explain. His steady voice made my heart race and my blood run cold.
“Yes. He was a Targaryen.” I answered but I refused to grace him with my gaze, “Though his family lineage was long diluted for any chance to the throne.” That was the most believable answer.
“It seems that the bloodline is strong for young Viserys carries the look of a true Targaryen.” My father stated proudly and that brought a smile to my sons face as he glanced over in our direction.
Though it was kind and I knew that my father didn’t mean it as a jab of any sorts but it still stung.
I turned to my father, patiently waiting for him to continue but he did say anything more. Daemon however seemed very talkative and too interested in this subject.
“Where did you meet?” He asked.
“In Nox surprisingly.” I said, “He was a noblemen there.”
“Was he a good man?” Alicent asked.
“He was.” I smiled gently recalling a time where Daemon was everything I dreamed of.
“Niece.” He said, his smile warming my heart as much as the sun gracing our skin.
My dark hair whipped my face as I looked towards the voice, “Uncle!” I exclaimed as I stood up to greet him, “You weren’t suppose to return for another few weeks.”
“I finished my tasks earlier so that I could find you.” He stated.
“Me? But why?” I asked now standing in front of him. I had to tilt my head up to see his shimmering violet eyes due to his towering height.
“You are still in participating in courting season are you not?” He asked simply.
The blush rose to my cheeks before I could will it away, “I… I am, yes.”
“Then let me present you with this.” With that he brought forth his hands that were hidden behind his back and with it was a neatly wrapped box.
Nerves flittered through me as I tried to understand his meaning.
“Thank you for this gift...” Nervousness fill my voice, “You wish to court me?” I asked, barely above a whisper.
He nodded with a swoon worthy smirk that followed him wherever he went, “I do, princess.”
I took the box from his hands, it being the first gift I accepted since I was thrown into this courting madness, “There are plenty of other women looking for a match this season. Why would you wish to court me?” I asked.
“Because I would never try to take away your fire for you are my flame.” He answered as if he were telling me the weather, “I only want you to be my wife.”
I didn’t stop the smile creeping on my face nor the gasp that fell from my lips as I looked upon the bracelet he presented me. A red ruby shaped as a heart, wrapped in rare Valyrian steel. It was small and delicate but held so much more. Like me… He moved to put it on my wrist, his fingers grazing softly along my skin causing a shiver to creep along my skin.
“Yes.” I said, a smile adorning my face, “I accept your proposal.”
“He is gone now.” I sighed wanting to push the memory behind me, “I suppose all good things must come to an end eventually.” I twiddled with the bracelet hidden under the sleeve of my dress.
“At least the Targaryen bloodline found its way to you in the end my daughter.” My father spoke with a content smile.
If only he knew. He would have his brothers head on this table. I thought grimly.
“Yes, I suppose without that miracle you would continue to be an outcast to this family. You are are not a true Targaryen after all.” Daemon stated and the room fell quiet.
“Excuse me?” I finally turned my heated gaze to look at him.
My gaze fell to his hand clasped around Rhaenyra and quickly looked at his face to see he was smirking and it was then I relises that I have fallen into his plan. I internally cursed myself and him for getting riled from something so trivial.
“I am every much apart of this family as you are.” I continued my voice calm.
“Your looks would beg to differ my niece.” He motioned towards the lack of white in my hair and the brown eyes I had instead of violet, “Is that why you had to claim a kingdom of your own? Because you would never inherit this one? Is what you claim of the nobleman to even be true?”
I rolled my eyes at my so called uncle, “Yes, bravo uncle. You win the prize of getting on my nerves. Yes, I am not of Targaryen blood. That is why Rhaenyra is inheriting the iron throne. Not me and surely not you.” I glared.
“How dare you-“ He began but I cut him off.
“How dare I what?” I asked, my aura outstandingly calm while he was shaking in anger, “Stop you from mocking me? I am not a child anymore and I refuse to accept your insults. My son is a Targaryen and you will not question his lineage again.”
“That is enough. I will have no arguments at this table.” My father voiced.
I could still feel Daemon’s gaze on my form but he said nothing more.
“We are having a ball in three days. I do hope that you will attend.” Alicent leaned over to whisper, “To be honest, I have no one to talk to here.”
“Then how could I miss it.” The two of us giggled and it seemed that the rest of dinner was going well… but this is a Targaryen family after all.
It seemed as though Aemond would also be taking a jab at bloodlines tonight, but his were directed to my nephews.
I quickly got up as my new brothers and nephews fought, grabbing Viserys by his arms to pull him away from the chaos. In no way would he or I chose a side in this growing feud.
“We will take our leave.” I spoke to my father as soon as Daemon stepped up towards Aemond.
Viserys and I left quickly making our way to our designated wing.
“I didn’t know they were so…” Viserys tried to find the right word to describe them.
“Violent? Short tempered? Dragons?” I mused and he nodded.
“This is just evening dinners, wait until training… Actually no, I don’t want you dueling with any of those boys. It is clear now that they are on opposite sides and both sides are going to be consumed by flames.” I told him seriously.
“Of course mother.” He agreed though he was curious about how his cousins and uncles would fair in a duel.
But he would listen to his mothers wise words unless someone challenged him. Or if anyone, more so his father would bring any harm to his mother. Then they would all burn.
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myladysapphire · 6 months
His Sapphire Princess (VII)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,090
CW: bad parenting
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n this chapter is mainly filler and im not that happy with it
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After two years and her mothers three failed attempts to get her to abandoned her engagement with Aemond to marry, the now newlywed,Cregan, she was at Dragonstone. Where she was greeted by a new baby brother, Aegon, or Aegon the younger as many referred to him. It was strange, the babe was the exact image of her, had her face, her smile, her eyes, but they were also the eyes and the smile of Daemon, and the face of Rhaenyra. And yet unlike her, this babe was loved, adored even. And she was becomeing more and more of an outsider to her own family. And the babe in her mothers belly would only push her further away.
"Visenya?" she heard Daemon call, despite the hesitancy, the pair had become somewhat close. Daemon having taken up time to train her with a sword, aswell has teach her all that he knew, an activity that had previously been reserved solely to Baela, a fact the girl had ahted so much that she had left to Driftmark.
"Daemon" she replied, looking up from her book, " what is it?"
He laughed, "māzigon sir tala, kostagon iā kepa daor māzigon visit zȳhon tala va zirȳla Brōzio Tubis" he moved forward to pat her head.
come now daughter, can a father not come visit his daughter on her name day
High valyrian, the only lounge her 'father' would speak to her in, "sȳrī seeing hae iksā se mērī mēre qilōni ēza jeldan nyke iā biare Brōzio Tubis ēdan thought tolvys would sagon skipping ziry bisa jēdarī"
sȳrī seeing hae iksā se mērī mēre qilōni ēza jeldan nyke iā biare Brōzio Tubis ēdan thought tolvys would sagon skipping ziry bisa jēdarī
"daorys ēza forgotten, Se ao gīmigon bona, dōna riña" he sighed, "tala, nyke gīmigon skoros bisa Brōzio Tubis means, īlon mirre gaomagon, se aōha muña iksis paktot zirȳla self lēda worry. issa worried syt ao, dōna riña" she scoffed, "nyke gīmigon ziry gaomas daor urnēptre ziry se ēza va moriot issare distant...yn"
no one she has forgotten, and you know that, sweet a girl daughter, I know what this name day means, we all do, and your mother is beside her self full worry. he is worried for you, sweet a girl I know he does cannot show he and she has always been distant...but
"Dont make excuses for her! Gods, my whole life i have been put an arms length away, shown no love by my own mother, all because i am your daughter, and you abandoned her. I should hate you both!" she sneered, before taking a deep breath, "ēza dōrī, daor istin, celebrated ñuha Brōzio Tubis. gaoman daor jiōragon presents, iā gifts, daorun hen zirȳla. Se ao would pendagon bona va ñuha mōrī Brōzio Tubis, se ñuha ēlī lēda zirȳla isse lanta bōsa jēdri nyke would. se yet gaoman daor" she was angry, he could tell that, everyon could. At breakfast her mother didnt even acknowledge her. And in only a few days she would got to kingslanding and marry Aemond. Aemond who as it seemed had also forgotten her.
she has never, not once, celebrated my name day. i do not get presents, or gifts, nothing from her. and you would think that on my last name day, and my first with her in two long years i would. and yet i do not.
"Senya, I am your father, and you are my daughter, your mothers daughter and her heir. She cares, even if she does not show it." he smiled, grabbing her hand "Now your brothers have a surprise for you" he stood up, dragging her with him.
She and her brothers had become closer the few moons she had been back, especially her and Jacaerys.
The gardens of dragonstone had been covered in decorations, balloons and a banner saying happy name day. It was a far cry from the usual balls and feasts, but the next few moons would be filled with that. She had wanted something small, to work as her nameday and going away celebration. All she wanted was two things, a civil day with her family, and cake.
A four tiered cake sat in the centre of the gardens, decorated in pink, white and gold with a single candle ontop.
A big smile graced her face at the sight, making her brothers, who stood to the side filled with excitement. Even baby Aegon had a big proud smile,as if the whole thing was his own idea. Her mother was there, with a small smile gracing her lips, at the sight of her daughter.
Her brothers were quick to tackle her into a hug.
"Happy name day Senya!" Joffrey practically screamed.
Jace watched on with a big smile, before moving to taunt a teary eyed luke. "We have a cake! Come see!" Joffrey spoke, dragging her down the steps and into the garden.
"Make a wish!" Joffrey whispered in her ear, before running off to stand with the other guests, or the lords and ladies that ran with her mother from the red keep to dragonstone.
She made a wish, a wish she would never admit too and a wish she hoped would one day be true.
"Daughter" she heard her mother speak, causing her to look up from the cake. "I wish to talk to you"
"Why?" she asked bewliderd, moving away from the cake to follow her mother. Servants were already moving towards the cake to cut it up and serve, she hoped some would be saved for her, but the eyes of both Luke and Joffrey were staring at the cake with which she highly doubted it.
"Beacuse i am your mother and i...care for you" she replied, her eyes looking down in shame as she struggle to utter the last part, causing Visenya to scoff.
"Of course." she rolled her eyes.
They moved away to talk in an alcove away from the celebration, away from prying eyes.
"Are you sure-"
"Yes!" she innturrupted, "for the last time mother, Aemond and i have been friends our whole lives, and though we have become distant in the past years is does not mean that this wedding is something i no longer want, and the realm will be better for it. It will ease tensions between the branches of our family and hopefully unit them."
Her mother nodded her head. " i know that, but- "
"No, mother, dont try. Am I still your heir?" she asks, causing her mothers eyes to snap to hers.
"Yes, I promised you it...I will not take it back, just like my father didn't remove me as heir once Aegon was born."
She sighed, "Then, me marrying Aemond will hopefully appease the greens, their blood will still sit on the throne"
Her mother moved closer, and took her hands in hers, "you are my daughter, it is my job to worry, dōna riña." Visneya flinched at the words.
"And yet you have never seemed to care before" she moved back, her mother eys filling with pain.
She took a deep breath " you are right, i have..i have not always been...there for you- but i want to be now"
"Now?" she asked bewildered " now? Now that I am leaving in a few days, now that I am about to be married?now?" she asked, her voice breaking. "Why do you care now?"
Her mother looked down, tears in her eyes "because Daemon-"
"Oh Daemon! of course! Of course he is why you care. He was the reason you hated me to begin with, and now! Gods, it's so- i" it was ridiculous that's what and she hated it, and yet she could'nt bring herself to hate her mother.
She took a deep breath, and moved towards her mother, "i leave in less than a week, we should not argue, we- no you should be ofr once in my life civil with me, show me an ounce of the love you showed my brothers, and be my mother." she stepped back, looking over to the party, jace was looking over, his face filled with concern.
"Tala,-" her mother began, "Avy jorrāelan, gaoman. nyke vaoreznuni bona gaoman daor urnēptre ziry yn - istia shifang skorkydoso qopsa īles naejot jurnegon rȳ aōha laehurlion tolī daemon geptot nyke, se ōdres hen ziry haunted nyke rȳ ao se nyke dōrī teptan se bonf iā muña should emagon lēda zirȳla tala iā chance, se iksan vaoreznuni"
Daughter....i love you, i do... im sorry that i do not show it but - you must understand how hard it was to look at your face after Daemon left me, the pain of it haunted me through you and i never gave the bonf a mother should have with her daughter a chance, and i am sorry.
Visneya simply nodded her head and moved forward, she had heard nothing new today, it was the same old argument she seemed to hve with her mother everyother day.
"Senya!" she heard Jace call as she walked down the halls, she wouldnmt stop, she couldn't. She just wanted to get away. "Visenya!" he called again, finally catching up. He placed his hand on his shoulder stopping her. "What happened?" he asked.
"Nothing, it was the same as usual, that's' all" he nodded his head, seeing hse didnt want to talk.
"Here I stole some of the cake from the party-your party" he pulled out two slices of cake wrapped in napkins from his pockets, "we can go to your chambers and eat them if you want" his eyes had a longing in them, hope.
She nodded her head, walking towards her chamber door. They ate in silence, relaxing in each other's company.
"I'll miss you" he spoke suddenly, his voicebraking.
"And i'll miss you" she replied, taking his hand "ill miss you all" she said, turning to face him, hand in hers. "I'll miss everyone," she smiled.
"No '' Jace shook his head, "i'll miss you" his eyes had such a sotrng loinging in them, a longing she now finally realsied was for her? He leant forward, leaning in to kiss her.
"What are you doing?" she asked, jerking back.
Jace grew flustered, a blush coming to his face, "i-im sorry, i-i thought that!-"
"You thought wrong! Gods jace....i" she sighed, he was hurt, "i am to be wed, and mother is planning an bethrotahl between you a Baela, i- we can not and i do- i don't look at you that way"
Her heart broke at the look on his face, "perhaps it's best if you leave"
He nodded his head and left.
She was confused, Jace had never been like this with her, at least she didnt think so. Their mother had never hinted or asked for them to consider the chance of marrying eachother. In fact she seemed quite opposed to the idea. Perhaps Daemon had mentioned something, he had taken Jace to a tour of brothels for his last nameday. She had heard that he had only picked one to bed, a woman with silver hair and violet eyes, one that looked very similar to her. Even made replicas of her clothing and responded to her name. Creepy. She had known of childhood crushes on her, Aegon had been obsessed with ehr as a child, and prepas now, if his letters were any inclination. But Jace? It was just straight up confsuing.
"syt qogralbar sake, qubāje Brōzio Tubis mirre!" she mumbled falling back onto her bed.
for fuck sake, worst birthday ever!
The next few days were spent relatively alone. Her youngst brothers her only company. Before she knew it it was the day they were leaving. Her room was fully packed, only the base furniture remained. It was funny she hadn't even lived her a year and there would be no trace of her ever being her. She had no fond memories of this place. She doubted she would miss it.
Now winterfell she did miss. She missed Creagn. He had become her closest friend and confidont. But he was a thousand leagues away, it took an age to receive and send letters. She hoped one day she could visit, meet the child in his wifes belly and see him as lord of winterfell. If his uncle ever stopped being power hungry and actually gave his nephew his birthright.
"Tala" she heard her mother call out, " we are about to leave".
she should be exicted, years and longing to be with Aemond and yet suddently years of fustration filled her, yeards of letters sent and no reply.
she was to be his wife in a moons time, a moon of celebrations, fo tourneys and feasts.
but she didnt know him, not anymore, the last she had seen him, and spoke to him was that fatefull night at winterfell.
for all she knew he had become like Aegon, or he had stayed exaclty the same. or worse she had become something, somone she knew nothing about.
she knew there would be changes, with Aegon and Heleana married with children. she feared going back, and yet she knew it was her home. A home she never wanted to leave, but she feared she wouuld retun and feel even more alone than she did here.
next part
Taglist (bold means could not tag)
His sapphire princess: @cathy1514 @iiamthehybrid @melllinaa @aleemendoza2425-blog @cassandra1995-blog1 @deltamoon666 @aelora-a @ryiana @isa-beenme @unique7676 @adriennepoison
HOTD: @taragryenmoony
Aemond: @blossomedflowerofluv @violet-potter
General: @flrboyd @theanxietyqueen17 @zillahvathek @dark-night-sky-99 @apollonshootafar
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