#cyler eats person
p5x-theories · 1 month
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Cyler Eats has her own portrait! Only found one right now, but it's not impossible more pieces are scattered elsewhere, so of course I'll keep an eye out.
(Additional note, which is possible P5X spoilers, under the cut)
Like with their 3D models, this portrait uses the same name as Katayama's do- "pianshanweijiu". This is ridiculously suspicious, and seems to all but confirm that Katayama is Cyler Eats.
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noahscents · 6 years
Wingman - Noah Centineo Imagine
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Edit: Here’s my masterlist!
Word Count: 1,172
You do a spin in the mirror to make sure you look okay.
“I can’t believe I’m going to the premiere!” You say, looking at your electronic ticket on your phone.
Earlier this week, a radio station was giving out one single ticket to the Sierra Burgess is a Loser Premiere.
“Alright, so if you’re the 35th caller, you’ll win one ticket to the Sierra Burgess is a Loser Premiere and After Party, as well as a hotel room across the street for the night.” The radio host says.
“Pshhh... no one ever wins those things.” You said, eating your dinner.
Your phone vibrates and you pick it up to check it.
ncentino posted a story.
Well, maybe one phone call won’t hurt.
You dial the number to the radio station and call in. It rings for about 15 seconds until,
“Congratulations 35th caller! You just won yourself a ticket to the Sierra Burgess is a Loser Premiere!”
The flashback ends as it’s nearing the time to leave.
Shoot, I have to be there at 7 for my meet and greet with the cast. I can’t believe I get to meet Noah.
You sit down and put on your strappy white velvet platform shoe, and give your read lace skater dress one last twirl.
“You are a magnificent beast.” You say to yourself in the mirror, before heading out.
Once you reach the premiere, as you walk up you see Noah nearing the end of the carpet.
God, he’s even more beautiful in person.
You feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn around and it’s a tiny woman with glasses holding a clipboard.
“Hi! Are you y/n y/l/n?” She says smiling.
“Yes.” You say.
“Amazing!” She says, “Right this way and I’ll take you to meet the cast. Are you excited?”
“Extremely!” You say, as you both turn right down a hallway.
“Awesome! The cast is so nice and is excited to meet you too!” She says.
You smile as you both quickly approach a red door. She opens it and Shannon Purser, Kristine Froseth, and RJ Cyler.
“Hi, oh my god!” You say, waving.
“Hello!” Shannon says pulling you into a hug, “ What’s your name, gorgeous?”
“Y/N!” You say, “And oh my god, you’re gorgeous! You’re all gorgeous.”
“Thank you!” Shannon and Kristine say.
“I appreciate it.” RJ says.
You continue talking with them for a bit, but still no Noah. You check your phone.
The red door opens.
“Hey, sorry guys! There were a bunch of fans and interviewers and-” You hear a familiar voice say.
You turn to face it.
He stands there in a tan suit and light blue under shirt, with Jack Griffo to his left in a black suit and Sterling Beaumon to his right in a creme suit.
“Hi, you must be the one who won the sweepstakes thing?” Noah says, smiling.
“Yeah!” You say, swallowing all of your fangirl tendencies.
Be cool. Don’t freak out. Don’t. Freak. Out.
“Hey! I’m Noah by the way.” He says, opening his arms up for a hug.
“Really? I didn’t know.” You say with a semi-sarcastic tone as you lean into him, hugging him back. “I’m y/n.”
“Well it’s amazing to meet you, y/n. These are my boys Jack Griffo and Sterling Beaumon.” He says, gesturing to them.
They both wave and shake your hand.
His friendship with them is so cute.
You turn and it’s the tiny woman. “The premiere is in 10 minutes! I need to get you all to your seats.”
You all nod and follow her into the theater. You’re trying not to stare at Noah, but god, was he more gorgeous in person.
As you arrive in the theatre, you’re seated between Kristine and RJ. The movie was so cute and so cute, and you even teared up a little. 
When the movie ended, a roar of applause rippled through the audience.
Sterling stood up and cuffed his hands around his mouth, “OKAY, LET’S HEAD TO THE AVENUE FOR A PAR-TAYYYYYYYYYY!”
“WOOOOOOOOO!” The crowd replies.
Kristine turns to you, “You ready to go?” She says grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
You nod, “Definitely.”
As you arrive at the Avenue Los Angeles, Solo by Clean Bandit fills the atmosphere.
“I love this song!” Shannon says before grabbing you and Kristine’s hands, “Wanna dance?”
“Yeah!” You say, following her to the dance floor.
You, Shannon, and Kristine dance for what seems like hours--occasionally receiving a glance from Noah across the room. After a few moments your tongue gets a little dry, and a single bead of sweat comes down your brow.
“Ahh,” You say wiping your brow, “I’m gonna go get some water.” 
You walk over to the bar as the bartender approaches you, “One ice water please, with a lemon?” You say.
“You got it!” He says, scooping ice.
He places the glass on the counter, and grabs a pitcher and pours water out.
“Thank you.” You say as you sip, and Attention by Charlie Puth blasts through the speakers.
Wooooah, hmmmm...
You feel a hand tap your shoulder and you swivel in the bar chair.
It’s Sterling.
“Hiiii.” He says smirking and waving.
You cross your legs, “Hello...” You say, treading lightly.
“So,” He says placing a hand on the bar, “My boy Noah over there has been talking about you all night. He even started his nightly sad boi hours tweets. Can you pleaseeeee go talk to him before he misses out on another hottie like you?”
Oh my god.
You turn slightly to face Noah, who looked down as soon as you caught him starring.
You smile at Sterling, “Y-yeah, sure!” You say as you step off the bar chair. 
You walk over to where Noah’s at, half-confident and half-thinking holy shit I can’t believe this is happening.
As you arrive behind him, you swallow the lump in the throat and place a hand on his shoulder and spin his chair around. He’s beet red.
“...Hey.” He says, slightly embarrassed.
“Hello.” You say, sitting across from him.
“So, do you come here often?” You say in your cheesiest pick-up line voice.
He laughs, and his whole face crinkles up in the cutest way.
“I...” He says, placing a hand on your knee, “don’t know why I was so scared to talk to you.”
You furrow your brow.
“Yeah, I’m not sure either.” You say, laughing. “I hear you’ve been watching me on the floor all night, why didn’t you ask me to dance?”
He blushes again, “I-I don’t know.” 
He runs his fingers through his hair.
“I guess it’s just been a while since I’ve wanted to get to know someone.” He says.
You bite your lip and smile as Nice For What plays on the speakers.
You stand up.
“Oh my god, I love this song!” You say, spinning around in your chair.
You grab Noah’s hand, and stand up.
“So Centineo, wanna dance?”
He stands up.
“Well y/l/n, I thought you’d never ask.”
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officialvalbarnes · 7 years
April Favorites 2017
Hey guys! It’s April Favorites time. Today, I’m going to be sharing some of my favorite products from the month of April. I know I didn’t do a March Favorites but that’s because I didn’t have that many favorites. I decided to wait and decided to combine my March Favorites and April Favorites. March and April have definitely been very eventful months for me. I’ve been super busy with my dog, extracurriculars since I’m a part of the executive board for some clubs at school, tests, end of year testing exams, etc. I honestly wish that spring break was longer, but the plus side is that summer isn’t too far away (no school yay). That’s a really good thing. Haha. Tell me in the comments below what you are looking forward to in the summer. Are you going on any trips? Are you happy to have a break from school like myself? Let me know. Without further ado, let’s get right into my April Favorites 2017. 
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Favorite Foods of the Month 
Simply Balanced Ginger Peach Sparkling Water 
When my mom and I was on a Target run, we came across this sparkling water and we just couldn’t say no to it. For those of you who may not know, I’m a big fan of ginger. I love it like a lot especially fresh ginger. YESS! Haha. This drink tastes SO good. This drink is unsweetened and there aren't any weird ingredients in this drink. It’s just naturally flavored. Guys, when I tell you that this will be my new summer drink I definitely mean it. 
HydroFlask 32 oz Wide Mouth Water Bottle
If you guys follow me on Instagram and Twitter (you definitely should), you would know that I’ve been loving the 32 oz Wide Mouth Water Bottle from HydroFlask lately. I use it all of the time and it definitely came in handy when I went on a hike. While everyone else was on team lukewarm water, I was on team cold water. If you guys didn’t know this water bottle keeps your hots, hot for up to 12 hours and your colds cold for up to 24 hours. Yes, you read that right. If you want to see my full review on the water bottle, click here. 
Starbucks Decaf House Blend Vue Cup (similar)
Coffee has been my best friend lately. As the school year ends and end of year testing comes around, coffee has been keeping me awake. You guys know that I do like Starbucks and their coffee. Lately, I’ve been loving their Decaf House Blend and it’s a medium roast. It tastes rich, bold, and smooth which are all things I love in my coffee. I’ve been drinking it black, which is something I would have never pictured myself doing. Honestly, my coffee taste has changed so much within the past few years. I went from being a light roast, flavored coffee person to a medium/dark roast, bold flavor coffee person with little to no creamer or milk. It’s crazy. If you are in search of a bold coffee that’s rich but is decaf, then I definitely recommend trying this coffee.
*apparently they don’t carry the decaf version of House Blend anymore for Vue Cup, they only carry the decaf version for K-Cup. 
Hodgson Mill Ultragrain with Quinoa Penne 
I came across this pasta at the grocery store and it intrigued me because 1) it’s made with quinoa flour and 2) it was on sale. Haha. I wasn’t sure whether I would like this pasta or not because even though I do like quinoa, it doesn’t mean I like all quinoa everything you know? I used this pasta to make my Vegetarian Chili Macaroni and subbed the macaroni pasta for penne pasta. This pasta tastes just like regular pasta. I couldn’t even tell it was made with quinoa flour, which is nice. I recommend trying this pasta because it was really good!
Brownie’s Favorites 
Freshpet Vital Whole Blends Dental 
Brownie would eat the whole bag if I let her. She really loves this dental blend and I do too. Ever since I’ve started to give this stuff to her, I’ve noticed that her teeth are super white. I was like shocked (I wasn’t sure how well the stuff would work), but very happy. I usually sprinkle some of this over her food or I give a little to her as a snack. This blend is made with apples, carrots, spinach and pumpkin clusters. I highly recommend getting this for your dog because this stuff works. 
Luvsome Baked Pumpkin and Cranberries Biscuits
Brownie really loves these treats. Like, all I have to do is just shake the box and she comes sprinting towards me. I’m not even joking. I love these treats too because 1) they smell really good and 2) there aren’t any bad ingredients in these treats. There aren’t any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives in them. In fact, there are only 7 ingredients in them. The biscuits have oat flour, pumpkin, flaxseed, cranberries, canola oil, cinnamon, and ginger. I feel good about feeding my dog these treats. I highly recommend these treats. 
Favorite Book of the Month 
Think Better, Live Better: A Victorious Life Begins in Your Mind by Joel Osteen
I purchased this book off of Audible because I personally think that a book like this is better to listen to rather than read it, you know? Again, that’s just my personal preference. This book is about erasing negative thoughts that keep you down and just reprogramming your mind to think only positive thoughts. It’s broken into 10 chapters that are around 30 minutes long. It’s like having an on-demand personal motivational speaker in your ear and I love it! I really like this book and it’s a book that I think everyone should listen to it regardless of your faith because we all should approach life with positivity. 
Favorite Movie of the Month 
Saban’s Power Rangers
I saw this movie like back in March. When I was younger, I used to like the Power Rangers. Naturally, I was intrigued when a Power Rangers reboot movie was announced to come out. It was nice to see some familiar faces in the movie such as Becky G (I love her), Naomi Scott (from Lemonade Mouth on Disney Channel), and RJ Cyler (from Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl). I absolutely loved this movie. I laughed and I even cried a little. The action was good and I was at the edge of my seat. It’s such a great movie and I definitely recommend going to check it out. 
Favorite TV Shows of the Month 
The Arrangement on E! 
This is one of my favorite new TV shows. I was super excited to see this show from the get-go, like when they started showing advertisements for the TV show around October-Novemberish in 2016. The show is super interesting. Can we just talk about that season finale though? I won’t spoil it for you guys, but I will say that it’s a great show and you should definitely check it out.
13 Reasons Why on Netflix 
Before the series came out, I knew this book existed but never picked it up because I wasn’t sure how comfortable I would feel reading a book about suicide. When I heard the book was being turned into a series, I was just like “oh okay”. Let me just say that this show took FOR-EVVVVER for the series to come out (I remember when Selena was supposed to play Hannah). Haha. After hearing great stuff about the series, I was intrigued so I wanted to check the show out. I tried to mentally prepare myself for this show, but no amount of preparation can prepare you for this show. This show allows people to actually see how people’s words and actions (no matter how big or small) can take a toll on a person and push them to the edge. Even though some episodes were hard to watch, I feel like everyone needs to see this show. Also, it was announced like today that it was picked up for a second season and I’m pumped to see what is in store for season two. 
Favorite Music of the Month 
It Ain’t Me by Kygo and Selena Gomez 
Heaven by OneRepublic
Still Got Time by Zayn  
That’s all I have to show you guys for my April Favorites 2017. What were some of your April Favorites? Tell me in the comments below because I wanna know! I hope that you guys are having an awesome day & I’ll see you in my next post! Bye :) 
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sowitdaglow-blog · 7 years
Power Rangers Review (slight spoilers)
It was a good flick. Not an "Expecting bad; actually amazing" good but just good. Like "Wow, I thought this sandwich I ordered to eat in the new restaurant was gonna suck but it really filled me up and had a good taste, I THINK I'll order it to go next time though!" Main Con: Dialogue Was it cheesy? Yea, it's Power Rangers. (Really due to the movie's dialogue tho) It could possibly be due to nostalgia sake that they happened to run into it and just played with it but it was not as annoying as the original show, thank the Most High. * Those corny dumbass corny phrases only happened once in one fight so not a huge deal. The cast was the greatest highlight. What they represent and how they showcased modern day teenagers is genuine. (They showcased white background characters doing the dab, which I felt speaks volumes bruh!) but some character personality might feel forced (Zack) but this could be due to what he's going through, taking care of his mother by himself; so it makes sense to have sporadic outbursts I guess, just b/c a person, especially a young kid would feel when conflicted with emotions. There not angry outbursts mind you, just like a yell of glee when doing something adrenaline fueled (Running, driving, jumping, I think walking?) S/O to RJ Cyler for his role, that is the character I feel audiences will fall in love with the most, (think "T-S-Mothafuckin A! Rod from Get Out and Bumblebee from Transformers)
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p5x-theories · 5 months
First off, as an aside, this is a really hilarious sentence out of context.
Anyway, now that you mention it, I suppose the Cycler Eats person does have what looks like low-saturation blue hair, similar to Katayama's (as well as those other portraits from the first two betas' files, who may be Katayama or someone else.)
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So it's entirely plausible, at the moment! You could be onto something, anon.
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p5x-theories · 2 months
there's also some sort of anime cutscene/teaser for polter / drawing girl! she has an encounter with cyler eats as well
Despite Faz's confusing video title, this is definitely a cutscene from the game, I assume one that just became available with the story + Bui update today based on the time the video was posted! I think he titled it "teaser" as in it's a scene that teases an upcoming Phantom Thief, hah.
That said, there's a couple interesting things about this cutscene. For one, Cyler Eats actually stops and puts out a hand possibly like they're trying to help her up or at least apologize, which is very different from the Cyler Eats that charged at Wonder on a train car. Does that have something to do with Cyler Eats being declared a "phantom" in relation to the train incident? Cyler Eats was also added briefly passing by Wonder and Cattle as they leave Ashouken after eating there, though they don't acknowledge Wonder whatsoever here. The train incident seems to be the outlier for their behavior, so it might have something to do with them being a "phantom" that time and maybe not the others.
Also, right before Cyler Eats comes by, Polter says "What's this?" about something on her phone screen. We know the MetaNav has been appearing randomly on people's phones, but we don't know why yet, and I have to wonder if that's what just happened to her. With the fact that they added Cyler Eats biking by as they're leaving Ashouken- right after meeting Shun- I'm starting to suspect maybe Cyler Eats might somehow be related to the MetaNav appearing, since they seem to be around right after it pops up onto someone's phone (though I'll admit I don't know exactly when it appeared on Shun's phone, but it could have been right then).
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p5x-theories · 12 days
Other Notable NPCs
(last updated 6/1/24!)
This post will be a quick rundown of all the other relevant NPCs introduced in the main storyline of the game so far.
Palace Rulers
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The first Palace ruler is Takeyuki Kiuchi; his Shadow is also known as Lord Cupid. Kiuchi is a confirmed phantom, known as the Collision Man, who violently runs into women while passing through train stations. He used to be a baseball player, but had to quit and become an office worker instead. His Palace takes the form of a baseball stadium.
Kiuchi's distortion revolves around blaming women for the problems in his life, after an elementary-school-aged Motoha embarrassed him while he was still an athlete, and later a scandal with a woman got him kicked off the team. He's stated to have mixed together feelings of lust with a desire for domination/"revenge", and treats women the way he does as payback for the women that he believes wronged him in the past.
After talking to his Shadow, it's revealed he considers baseball the only thing he was ever good at. When he thinks there's nothing left for him, Motoha reminds him what he actually liked about the sport, then convinces him to turn himself in and start fresh, and maybe get back into helping coach kids' baseball teams later on.
[In Wonder's visions, Kiuchi pushed a mother and her baby down a staircase, killing the baby. When he's later arrested, he seems to be having a breakdown about being a murderer, and how there's no coming back from this for him.]
His Treasure was a giant golden baseball in the Metaverse, and turned into an everyday rubber baseball in the real world.
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The second Palace ruler is Hiromu Miyazawa; his Shadow is also known as Pan (or possibly "Paine", the translation is unclear). Miyazawa is a confirmed phantom, related to the vicious bad reviews he gives restaurants, leading to their closure. He's a popular food critic, and is also known as the Flavor Swordsman. His Palace takes the form of a Japanese castle-themed movie set.
Miyazawa's distortion revolves around his desire to be an actor, and his inability to get protagonist roles or be taken seriously in supporting roles due to his appearance. He explains he had to throw away his pride to get roles, and eventually moved into food reviews instead because people liked his harsh reviews, so he got more fame and money. This pursuit of money eventually led him to extorting restaurants for good reviews. His Shadow is obsessed with being the protagonist of the "movie".
After talking to his Shadow, it's revealed he treats the chefs that he reviews so badly because he's jealous that they still have pride in their work, and are genuine to themselves, when he gave up his own pride and dreams. The ramen Shun made for him made him feel this so strongly he cried. Shun tells him he can start over and be more honest this time, after turning himself in, and Shun will treat him to ramen again even if he's penniless.
[In Wonder's visions, Miyazawa won the rigged contest he challenged Shun to, which led to Shun being declared an official phantom based on Miyazawa's lies about Shun's behavior. He mocks Shun even as Shun is informed his father figured died of a heart attack in the hospital.]
His Treasure was a golden film reel in the Metaverse, and turned into a movie ticket in the real world.
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Kumi Katayama is class 2C's homeroom teacher (the class Wonder and Motoha are in), as well as their math teacher. She seems to be the math teacher for class 2D (Shun and Tomoko's class) as well.
While she's somewhat strict and no-nonsense during class, she seems softer outside of this, and asks Motoha and Wonder about Shun when Miyazawa's video worries her. Shun seems to regard her highly, saying she's a passionate person, and trusting her to listen to him. He also suggests her past is somewhat famous, and related to this, though he doesn't get a chance to elaborate.
She apparently has the connections to prevent video footage of Shun throwing water at Miyazawa from reaching the general public.
Information related to her that is spoilers (relative to what's been revealed in-game) has been indicated in the game files, and can be read in a separate post here so as not to spoil without warning.
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Mr. Hakozaki is class 2C's science teacher. He's somewhat jumpy, and admits he doesn't spend a lot of time around other people, even idolizing a historical scientist who never shared the results of his research with anyone. Still, he seems extremely passionate about the science he teaches, even if he's anxious about actually teaching it to a group of students.
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Mr. Shimonuma is class 2C's civics teacher. He doesn't seem to have much faith in his students, and primarily enjoys when they don't know an answer, so he can correct them. He's stern in a slightly sadistic way, though he hasn't yet been seen to go so far as throwing chalk at his students (like Ushimaru does to Joker); it's all verbal.
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Mr. Endo is class 2C's English teacher. He's somewhat casual, with a slightly disinterested vibe, but he evidently know his subject, and doesn't seem to be slacking on teaching it. Still, he complains about the strangeness of English sometimes, and once mentions that he wishes the whole world spoke Esperanto.
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Ms. Taniyama is class 2C's world history teacher. She's friendly, and seems gentle with her students, while of course displaying a knowledge of and interest in her subject.
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Mr. Nagara is class 2C's literature teacher. He's very passionate and enthusiastic about his subject, and seems to generally feel emotions deeply. At the same time, he seems somewhat prone to tangents. He's the type to laugh at his own jokes, and is overall very reactive.
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Merope is Wonder's Velvet Room attendant. Though she has a very calm, collected, and straightforward demeanor, she is very dedicated to helping him however she can, including coming up with the idea of (and creating) the Phantom Idols that help him in combat.
She is also a Confidant of his, and it revolves around her "special project" to help improve his skills further. However, she is very interested in idols and idol culture- apparently believing them to be similar to the role Wonder plays- and much of her "special project" focuses on teaching Wonder more about idols, and how to be more like one. She is not only focused on being a good idol mentor towards Wonder, but also on herself being a proper idol fan, and refers to having done extensive research on the subject, though in practice she's evidently missing a bit of practical knowledge.
Merope seems to have a fondness for Wonder that may edge into romantic territory, though she's not romanceable. She casually refers to them doing things similar to what a couple might do- such as when they ride a ferris wheel together- and asks Wonder about it. However, as she tends to keep a very matter-of-fact tone, it's difficult to say whether she's actually flirting, or simply gauging his own reaction to understand him better.
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Marthym is a humanoid shadow that mainly dwells in Mementos. She is a self-described businesswoman, and notably runs the in-game store that takes actual money, as well as allowing players to buy gacha pulls.
Marthym's main story role seems to be her loose function as a guide to Mementos. She explains to the Phantom Thieves how to open up areas using tickets collected on that floor, and mentions that this benefits her as well as them, though she doesn't clarify how.
She also introduces the player to Paradise, which is an area where the player can see their guild, and includes special rotating boss fights that give extra rewards. Again, this seems to be explained as part of her business.
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The Cyler Eats deliverywoman is a recurring character, and a confirmed phantom. She first appears when she rides her bike onto a train car and charges at Wonder, which leads to him accidentally entering the Metaverse. She later rides past Wonder and Ruferu in Shinjuku when they visit Ashouken for the first time, and appears again in a cutscene after Miyazawa's change of heart, where she nearly runs into a magenta-haired girl crossing the street.
While she was aggressive in her first appearance, she's seemed relatively passive, and focused elsewhere, during her second and third appearances.
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Yamagoshi is the owner of the restaurants Toraiken and Ashouken, and has been running them for a long time, though his wife passed away at some point after their opening but prior to an elementary-school-aged Shun visiting. Miyazawa particularly harasses Yamagoshi, as he wants to be given ownership of Ashouken, especially after Yamagoshi fell ill.
Shun sees him as a surrogate father, and Yamagoshi evidently cares a lot about him as well, as he set aside an heirloom to be given to Shun when he turned 18. [In Wonder's vision, when Shun loses the competition and is declared a phantom, Yamagoshi dies of a heart attack.]
Yamagoshi seems to believe in teaching others, as he opened Ashouken specifically with the intention of it being a place for his employees to learn. He also believes in authentic flavor for his food, and is very proud of the restaurants' ramen's signature taste.
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Masa is the person currently running the ramen restaurant Ashouken, though Yamagoshi actually owns it.
Masa is an apprentice of Yamagoshi's, and believes strongly in the same principles as he does. It's mentioned his dream is to open his own restaurant. He's familiar with Shun, and seems fond of him. Prior to the start of the game, however, Masa began to give into Miyazawa's demands for ingredient changes and bribes, even as it ruined Ashouken's food, because he didn't want Yamagoshi's restaurant to die completely.
After trying Shun's ramen in the competition Miyazawa challenged him to, he seems to have come to his senses, and becomes much more willing to stand up to Miyazawa, even if it risks his job. Masa is also the one to inform Shun when Miyazawa formally apologizes.
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Did you know Cyler Eats has a 3d model? Increases the possibility we’ll see them again, also I think Cyler Eats is actually a girl?
Huh, I was going to say I remember seeing that post, it was from the first beta's files, so something might've changed, but it does actually look like the same outfit!
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Can't believe that I didn't notice until now how much detail is going on with the Cycler Eats person's outfit, actually. I think you're probably right that we'll be seeing them again.
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Maybe the Cylar Eats person saw Wonder as a threat and tried to take them out before they could do anything. Also has Motoha mentioned what happened after Wonder disappeared? I find it so weird that nobody mentioned a crazy Cylar Eats person on the train even though they didn't care about the lady ghost in red jumping of a roof.
It's possible! Maybe the Cyler Eats person had some kind of advance knowledge, and knew he'd be stealing hearts soon?
From what I remember, Motoha starts the conversation with commenting on how it's crazy someone on a bike came onto their train, and mentions that the Cyler Eats person got away, but doesn't really say anything else about it before talking about phantoms and then asking Wonder how he disappeared. But I guess if that sort of "phantom" thing has been happening a lot, maybe individual incidents just aren't as notable anymore?
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Have you seen this? If this is true than Wonder, Cattle, Closer, Soy, Riko, Yuki, Seiji, Mont, Leo, Rin, Kii, Kotomo, Okyann, Bui, Riddle, Puppet, Sepia, Enco, and Polter make 19. My money’s on Cyler Eats being 20
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Oh, yes, I keep up with Midori's posts! I try not to take them as 100% guaranteed since they are leaks and things can change, but it is fun.
She did say "around" 20 characters, so it's possible there might be a few more past that, but I think your list seems correct! We've been getting so many new characters each beta, it's weird to think we might've run out. Though I suppose we haven't had proper introductions to Riko/Wind, Ikenami/Enco, Polter, or, theoretically, the Cycler Eats person, either, so they'd still be sort of new, heh.
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p5x-theories · 30 days
I swear the more we learn about Cycler Eats Guy, the more questions pop up. (Half joke)
We're falling down the Cyler Eats rabbit hole, haha!
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p5x-theories · 1 month
Sooooo the teacher might be in a Kawakami's situation but works as a food deliver instead of a maid then
Yeah, maybe! Though there's definitely also the "attacked Wonder on a train" aspect of this that can't be overlooked. There's something more to her than just a Kawakami situation, I suspect.
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p5x-theories · 6 months
Omg do you think the Cyler Eats guy is gonna be a party member? Maybe he’ll be our Akechi?
Admittedly thought this was a joke at first, but it honestly would be really funny if the Cycler Eats person came back later as a relevant character/party member (as "our Akechi" implies). We wouldn't even recognize them, necessarily, without the hat, sunglasses, and mask, so it's... actually not an impossible twist!
Thinking about it, I think it really just comes down to how the "phantoms" that everyone in P5X is gossiping about actually work and relate to the larger plot, because the Cycler Eats guy was implied to be one. If they're consciously, intentionally (though maybe manipulated into) doing the things they do, then it's totally possible one of them is actually "in" on the larger scheme (like Akechi). But if it's closer to the breakdowns that Akechi causes, where an outside influence makes the person act irrationally and violently until it wears off, and then they have no recollection afterwards, then the Cycler Eats guy was most likely just a pawn/target. Then again, I suppose there's also nothing stopping someone from acting like a "phantom" but not actually being one...
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Omg what if Cyler Eats persona is Pegasus? Like since she rides the bike?
Oh, now that would be funny! Honestly hilarious accidental foreshadowing via the datamine if so.
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p5x-theories · 6 months
Crack Theory: P5X is Wonder's Dying Dream
He actually died when the Cyler Eats guy ran over him.  RIP
But seriously, that is an AMAZING scene.
Haha, now that would be a funny twist, and honestly it would be unexpected for a Persona series game. Cycler Eats guy isn’t a teammate or a traitor... he’s the main antagonist.......................
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Do you think it's possible that whatever original story/role Yukimi once had in the "Codename X" draft has now been passed to the Cycle Eats woman?
Huh, I guess it's not impossible! It seemed like Yukimi was still on the side of the protagonist in the Codename X trailer to me, whereas the Cycler Eats person seems to not be, but there's really so little we know (about Codename X especially) that any speculation is theoretically feasible.
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