#current me has absorbed this into my brain chemistry and fucking died
castrovulcant · 1 month
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edourado · 5 years
Tag time!
Thanks my darling @carry-the-sky 💗💗💗
1. how tall are you?
Look, I’m not sure. Every time I go to the doctors, they tell me, but I forget. Something around 1,64m. I don’t know what that is in American;
2. what color and style is your hair?
My hair is a brown/black lump of son of a bitch. I wear it a little above my shoulders, and it does not know what is wants. It’s straight but also wavy, it’s as fine as a newborn’s and it hates me;
3. what color are your eyes?
Super duper brown. I’d say black, but it’s like the darkest chocolate you can find, the kind that only grown up grown ups like;
4. do you wear glasses?
I do, mostly to watch tv and go outside. Like, I CAN drive without them, but it would be ill advised;
5. do you wear braces?
I do, my friends, yes, because when I wore them the first time, I was an overly anxious bench, took them off before I should, didn’t wear the retainer, and also my orthodontist was a bit of a lazy bum that just cared about the check every month. So, here I am, adult bracing. Yaaaay;
6. what is your fashion style?
Oh, well, shit. Ideally, comfortable fashion. Realistically, an uncoordinated mess;
7. full name?
Princess Consuela Banana Hamock
(What kind of question is this, quiz? It is the internets);
8. when were you born?
I’m a 90’s baby, and that’s all you need to know, QUIZ;
9. where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m from Brazil, I grew up in Brazil, but I now currently live in Brazil;
10. what school do you go to?
I have 911 in speed dial, just FYI;
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11. what kind of student are you?
Very competent, had an easy time learning, but OH SO LAZY. My grades were never PERFECT, but I can only blame that on myself. Whenever I tried A LITTLE BIT, I aced everything. Lucky for me, the things they teach in schools are 50% of them useless, so I don’t feel really guilty or incompetent. But that’s now, when I was a kid I measured my self worth 100% based on my grades, so I always thought I was a mediocre human at best;
12. do you like school?
I like learning, but no, I don’t really like school. I never did get used to the traditional learning and teaching methodology. And I do teach, and ignore most of the schools ~training, because my commitment is to my students, and the school’s is to their pocket;
13. what are your favorite school subjects?
If it’s not math, physics or chemistry, I’m into it. I would LOVE to have been a scientist (y’all are real life super heroes. I worship and envy your brains), but this chick likes history and languages and literature. Basically if it doesn’t pay well, I wanna do it;
14. favorite TV shows?
I have established that I don’t like picking favorites, but currently, Sense8 (forever), The Punisher (in spite of that ending), Daredevil (who had the grace to end well), Good Girls, Grace and Frankie, the Korean dramas my sister brought into my life and I will thank her forever;
15. favorite movies?
Pride and Prejudice 2005 (duh), About Time (don’t touch me ok?), 5 to 7 (My core has been compromised by this movie), Before We Go, One Fine Day. Do you see a pattern?;
16. favorite books?
I don’t have one that I keep coming back to other than the Harry Potter saga, but I wouldn’t say they are my favorites. The one that stunned me the most was Gone Girl. For a number of reasons, the bigger of them being that it made me realize that nothing is black and white, and human relationships (be them romantic, parental, brotherly and sisterly, professional, friendships) are complex and people are complicated. Good people can do really bad shit, and bad people can and do experience valid emotions. This book fucked me up, basically;
17. favorite pastime?
Writing and reading and Netflixing. Also, who am I kidding, I like to go shopping;
18. do you have any regrets?
Answering “no” to this one means you don’t reflect on your actions and take no account of the impact of them on the people around you. Of course I do, we all SHOULD have regrets, since no one is born perfect and we learn a bunch of fucked to shit from an early age. We HAVE to try and grow up and evolve, so if you don’t regret anything, you’re doing something wrong. Sorry for getting intense. This is a sensitive topic with me (and I promise this is no shade to anyone, since I have only read @carry-the-sky ‘s, and her answer was the correct one);
19. dream job?
If you pay me to travel and write and absorb art and food and culture, I would never ever quit;
20. would you like to get married someday?
If I ever find my way to Chris Evans or Michael B Jordan, yes, sure;
21. would you like to have kids someday?
Look. I like them kids. I do. But I never had any desire to have them, myself. Gimme a baby to play with and hold, I’ll happily do it. But I’m 29 and the urge to birth my own is either late to the party or not coming at all;
23. do you like shopping?
Yes. A little too much. I’m trying to dial it way down, for the sake of my mental, emotional and financial health, but I do love it;
24. what countries have you visited?
USA, France, England, Mexico. The list is WAY shorter than I’d like, I’m working on expanding it;
25. what’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
Is this therapy? Are you tricking me into therapy? I don’t know, dude, I think I had one where my sister died horribly? Probably this one;
26. do you have any enemies?
This IS therapy. In the grand scale of life? Yes, the current president of my country is my mortal enemy, and the likes of the American Clown ya’ll didn’t elect but sits at the White House are my sworn foes. But, personally, no, I’m not interesting enough to have enemies;
27. do you have an s/o?
28. do you believe in miracles?
Potatoes exist, so yes.
Joining Carrie’s chorus and tagging @ejunkiet, @devilbunnyking, @lightofpage, and adding @westonfollower, @murdocksassassin, @ambrosiaswhispers, @tacohead13, @kteague, @lpdwillwrite4coffee, @goddamnitkastle, and also the everyone that follows me. I’m tagging you.
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