#cupid is chilling with the zombies and providing them with food so they can live happily
xxcherrycherixx · 4 months
“So, why are you immune?” Blondie asks, cupid looks to her from her space upon blondie’s bed “genetics” blondie raises a brow “that doesnt clear anything up for me, in-fact it just raises more questions.” Cupid sets her mirrorphone down “well let me put it this way- zombies are undead creatures, they’re basically just corpses where the brain cant understand it’s meant to be dead, and so the body keeps working as if it was still alive. Some zombie cases like this one result in a weird change in the brain where it makes the infected feel the need to feed on living flesh” Cupid gestures to herself “im an undead creature too, so zombie’s just aren’t interested in eating me because their brains don’t care about non living flesh” cupid shrugs her shoulders “and as an undead being, the infection cant spread to me. Its like how i don’t get sick”
Blondie still looks confused “you’re not alive?” cupid smiles awkwardly “kind of? The technicalities of undead species is a bit hard to explain. Think of cedar, shes technically not alive but shes still completely sentient. Its not exactly always black and white what beings count as alive and dead.”
A thoughtful sound comes from blondie in response “when is dinner?” She asks, cupid giggles “its been literally an hour since lunch, you’re not really getting hungry again already are you? Geez you’re a glutton” blondie bites her own lip, accidentally tearing the skin when she presses too hard “ its not my fault im hungry already, you know i cant control it”
Cupid looks to the other girl- or rather ghoul now. her skin is grey from decay and theres wounds that litter the visible parts of her body, her clothes have been heavily stained with blood from her feeding earlier. One of the most prominent changes is her eyes, or rather eye. The left socket sits completely empty, her eyeball must have been clawed out during the start of the outbreak. Despite this she’s still blondie, and blondie is currently looking at her with a frown that makes cupid feel like shes looking at a puppy who just got told off for the first time.
Cupid sighs “ fine, i can get you a little snack. But only because you’re so pretty” the zombie smiles and moves over next to cupid, her bones audible as she does “can you get me a bird? Even if its just a small one, pretty please” cupid giggles “ok, i will try get you a bird” blondie beams at her, leaning over to quickly place her cold lips against her girlfriends “thank you!”
Cupid heads out, flying upto the only still working exit in the school. Thankfully hardly any flying students got infected, most being smart enough to fly and escape before they could get bitten, so it only made sense to make the exit in a place only accessible through flight. Cupid unlocks the door and uses her strength to push it open, another failsafe she had added, this way any flying zombies would also have to somehow have inhuman strength to escape. Making sure the door is secure behind her she goes on the hunt for her girlfriends snack, she imagines blondie ripping into the creature with a hunger and devouring everything in mere seconds and then getting adorably embarrassed over it. She would then push the remaining bones over to cupid to dispose of and cupid would giggle, pulling her close to wipe some of the blood and gore off blondies face. Their faces would inch closer and blondie would decide to be bold and pull her in for a kiss, she would taste blood but it wouldn’t matter because all she would be able to focus on is the feel of blondie’s tongue against hers and the soft pleased sounds that escape her girlfriend. And then maybe blondie would allow cupid to trail her hand down and-
cupid is snapped out of her fantasy as she sees a bird fly straight past her, she looks up to see a rather sizeable bird of prey circling. It hits her that maybe blondie would be really happy with her if she brought a bigger snack instead of just a small dove or something. She grins as she eyes the bird, trying to learn its patterns so she can guess where it will fly- once she has an idea, she spreads her wings and aims to grab it straight out of the sky.
Sharp talons scratch into her arms but she manages to adjust her grip until the large bird is no longer able to move. Landing back onto the platform for the entrance To the school, cupid cant help but grin as she imagines how happy blondie will be when she sees her gift. It occurs to cupid that maybe spoiling her girlfriend with food is maybe a bad idea, but she just cant resist how beautifully satisfied the zombie looks after a good meal.
Maybe blondie will share with her and it can be a romantic date for the two of them, they haven’t been able to have any dates since the outbreak.
Cupid sighs dreamily as she thinks about more potential date ideas she can suggest to blondie.
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