#cs halloweek ficlet
snowbellewells · 2 years
CS Fic Rec Monday: “Safe” by: @kmomof4
So, this @cshalloweek ficlet was written way back in October of last year, but I am slow and lost track of it, so didn’t get it read until now. It’s just a short glimpse of Killian as a vampire, and his then discovering the newly turned Emma and being captivated by her and needing to ensure her safety.  It won’t take you anytime to read, but you’ll be completely caught up in it, and then you’ll finish and joining me in hoping maybe we can entice @kmomof4​ to give us more of this one... ;)  It really is that good!!
(I didn’t make the cover art, but it’s gorgeous, and hopefully it’s okay that I include it in the rec as well to draw more eyes to the story. It looks like @kmomof4​ made the art herself, with some awesome manips by @spartanguard​! )
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“Safe” by: @kmomof4​
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iverna · 5 years
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She died a hero, the one to finally defeat the Darkness once and for all. The biggest regret of his life; and, he thinks, of hers.  He spent centuries hating and cursing the Darkness, vowing to end it. He didn’t want it to end like that. The price was too high, and the wrong person paid it.
The sea is the only thing that brings him comfort now, the horizon ever-there, steadfast and true. And it’s a moonlit night when he sees her, there on the shore. There, but not there. Waiting, but not content to wait.
The rage in his heart subsides. The thirst for revenge recedes.
He smiles.
He spends most of his nights there after that. Sometimes, all he gets is a glimpse, so brief he doesn’t know whether it was just a wishful thought. Sometimes, she comes to him, lays a hand on his arm. He can’t feel it, but he remembers how it felt.
He’s never been good at letting go. And perhaps that is all this is, just a stubborn refusal to let go. But there are moments when she smiles, or gives him a look, where he knows his imagination is not that good.
And he knows: where she goes... he will follow.
A sequel in spirit to this, for @cshalloweek!
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katie-dub · 7 years
Lost and Lonely
For CS Halloweek - Day Five: Gothic, although I’m not sure it really counts as Gothic? Frankly, I don’t have a clue what it is, but I hope you enjoy a short bit of unbeta’d weirdness.
He doesn’t know where he is.
He’s trapped somewhere strange. To his back there are strange numbers and letters. To his front, there are moving pictures, drawings, words (news and nonsense and everything in between) and behind it all there’s her. His True Love. If only he could reach her.
He observes. Sometimes his strange surroundings, sometimes her.
(Mostly her.)
As he watches, he learns.
He discovers how to hide the stories that twist her mouth into the sad frown that he knows and hates. He removes everything shared by people who raise her ire. He deletes the messages that he knows would bring tears to her eyes. He wouldn’t normally dream of such censorship - but what else can he do when he’s trapped in here and she’s out there?
Best of all, he figures out how to communicate with her, to write notes to her with a grey face and no name. She doesn’t know him anyway, he learns, his name would mean nothing to her.
(And oh that hurts, his beloved unaware of him. Not just for himself either, he aches for her, this broken shell of who he knows she really is, twisted by years of loneliness and neglect and it’s not real and it’s not fair that she has to feel like this. When he gets out, he’ll make it all better.)
(If he gets out. How can he when the only known cure requires physical form and he doesn’t appear to have one? Despite his grief, he’s actually impressed by a competent villain. It’s not often that he encounters truly formidable foes these days.)
He eventually learns how to share pictures and words and moving images with the world just like she does. Not that he cares for the world - it’s all for her, to make her smile, to help her remember.
It’s not enough.
How can it be? This is a curse unlike any he’s encountered before and he’s kept apart from her, made to live with this mockery of their true love, able to look but not touch, not embrace, not kiss.
But this villain, powerful and cunning as they are, underestimated him, his desperate need for a reunion and the power of information.
He searched for answers, to discover the truth of this strange realm of information and nonsense. He journeyed through corridors of numbers, getting lost in the labyrinthine symbols late at night when she was sleeping and he could not be with her.
He was sure he would never be free.
He found her boy. Sad, jaded and world weary in a way no boy so young should be. (Her boy was cursed into being an uncomfortable reminder of his own past. He didn’t want that fate for him - for anyone.) And yet.. Beneath the broken exterior of the lonely Lost Boy, still beat the heart of the Truest Believer.
It took time to help the boy believe again, to connect him with his mother, for them to feel the love in their hearts.
(He waited centuries before, he could do it again.)
He wasn’t prepared for it to happen - the burst of magic that brought him back where he belonged. One moment, he didn’t know where he was, but then, at last, he was free, he was home.
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Honour 2/2
Rating: chapter 1 might have been a soft M, but this one is definitely rated a hard M 😏 for smut and Killian’s dirty mouth
Summary: Emma appreciates Killian defending her honour. A ficlet for CS Halloweek 2021.
A/N: For @cshalloweek​ 2021. Fulfilling the prompts: Dance/grey (masquerade | honour | “you’re trembling” | enraged)
I am sorry this took me so long but here you go, the promised smutty follow-up!  (unbetad and hardly edited at all because I'm in a hurry to get it posted lol So please excuse any mistakes!) Hope you enjoy. :)
Read on AO3
Honour, Chapter 2
“Now, Emma, tell me, what shall I do to you first? But keep in mind, you’re being punished.”
He grins wickedly as he releases her and stands up, one brow raised as he watches her.
“Take off your clothes, love, quickly now, and think about it.”
Emma doesn’t bother with putting on a show for him. He’d specified quickly, and it might be her fastest stripping yet. Bared to him, she lies back against the pillows, legs spread invitingly. 
“Very good,” he purrs, “Now, have you thought of what a suitable punishment would be? Perhaps a spanking? Get that perfect arse of yours all pink for me, while you squirm and beg me for more, until you’re dripping with how much you need me.”
“Yes,” Emma whines, the images his words bring to mind making her core throb. And she realizes now, as she lies there naked, that she did not actually think of what she wanted him to do to her, beyond the obvious fuck me.
“Perhaps I will take mercy on you,” Killian continues as though she hasn’t spoken, “and give you my fingers. You do love my fingers, don’t you?” 
Her eyes are locked on said fingers right now, as he deftly unbuttons his shirt.
“I do,” she says, because he’s waiting patiently for her answer.
Killian hums in approval and drops his shirt on the floor. Emma licks her lips at the sight of him, his body so perfectly toned beneath the layer of hair she loves to run her fingers through. 
“You’d be so desperate, so needy, and I could bring you to your peak so very quickly, with these fingers.” He is taking off his pants now, and her mouth is damn near watering; she can feel how wet she is already and he hasn’t even touched her yet. Fuck, he’s good at this. “Perhaps I will taste you as well, Emma.” Killian smiles as though lost in memory for a moment. “You do taste so delicious, darling.”
Emma shivers, his words going straight to her core. He kneels on the bed beside her hip.
"Perhaps, though, since it’s supposed to be a punishment, I should bring you to the edge with my mouth and my hand, waiting until I feel you starting to clench around my fingers and then I’d stop, and leave you desperate and wanting. And I know you would want so fucking badly, darling, wouldn’t you?"
He drags his fingers gently down her belly, slowly inching closer to where she’s aching for him. She wants so fucking badly now, and she makes no attempt to hide it. 
"Yes. Oh my god," she gasps, already squirming in an attempt to get some friction where she needs it so desperately, Killian smirking as he teases her, his careful fingers just avoiding her clit on each pass, "Fuck, Killian, are you actually going to do something or just talk about it?"
He chuckles then, his tongue darting out teasingly at the corner of his lips. She loves his tongue; God, the things it can do to her.
“Killian, please,” she whimpers.
“You told me to punish you, Emma. I can’t have you enjoying it too much.” He’s finding an irritating amount of enjoyment in it himself as he slowly draws his fingers through her folds, coating them in her arousal. “Not yet, anyway.”
He brings his fingers to his lips and sucks them clean, moaning sinfully all the while as he watches her with fire in his eyes.
“Gods, you taste amazing.”
Emma groans, reaching the end of her patience. She wants him to just get on with it.
“Stop teasing,” she demands.
Killian fixes her with a withering stare, that of a ruthless pirate captain who has not taken kindly to being challenged, his blue eyes hot with anger and desire and it makes her burn for him. She can’t help the shudder of primal want that ripples through her.
“I make the demands here, Swan,” he growls, “You wanted this. Now, lie still and take it. Or do I need to tie you up?”
Emma shakes her head quickly. As enjoyable as it would be to be tied up, utterly at Killian’s mercy - they’ve done it before and she loves it - tonight she wants to be free to touch him, to hold onto him when he finally takes her.
“Good girl.”
She moans as he finally presses two fingers into her, leaning down to press his tongue against her clit as he pumps his fingers in and out, carefully stretching her - even when he's supposed to be playing the part of a ruthless pirate he always ensures she's adequately prepared for his size. She quickly grabs a handful of his hair to hold him against her, but he hums disapprovingly, using his hooked arm to push her hand away.
“Ah ah, Swan, hands to yourself.”
Well, fuck. Emma reluctantly takes a fistful of blanket instead. If that’s the way things are going tonight, she wonders if she actually should have agreed to being tied up. There’s no way she’ll be able to resist touching him, pulling him closer as he sends her over the edge. He looks up at her, the perfect picture of sin between her legs, his hair askew and her arousal across his lips and chin. 
"Having second thoughts about those restraints, love?" he asks teasingly, because of course he knows what she's thinking, he knows her so well. 
“Just keep going,” she says, trying to get her body to relax. It’s going to be a long night.
“Still so demanding, aren’t you?” But he relents, thank God, diving back in.
She moans without shame as he licks and sucks at her, murmuring filth about how good she tastes, how perfect she feels, as he curls his fingers inside her, her hips rocking against his fingers and his face. He’s entirely too good at this and she’s so close to coming within a very short time. 
“Fuck yes, don’t stop,” she gasps.
But he does stop his attentions just as Emma’s legs begin to shake, her walls squeezing around his fingers, pulling them out right before she can climax and leaving her empty and wanting.
“Killian,” she whimpers, desperately keeping a white-knuckled grip on the blanket to stop herself from simply grabbing his hair and pushing him against her again, “Please.”
“You’ll take what I give you, Emma,” he growls, but in the next moment he's lined up and thrust easily inside her wet heat without further warning.
“Fuck!” Emma cries out, still so close to the edge she almost thinks she’ll come just from that, right now, just from the sudden fullness of his cock sinking deep inside her.
“Gods, you’re perfect.” Killian holds still for a moment, wiping his hand across his mouth before he bends down, covering her body with his own.  “I swear you’re made just for me, Emma, the way you take my cock like this. So fucking wet and tight.”
The world slips away from her; there’s nothing beyond the warmth and weight of Killian’s body pressed down against her and his cock buried deep inside her, his hips rocking against hers at a maddeningly slow pace, his voice dark and sinful as he mutters deliciously filthy praise into her ear. Emma moans wantonly, wishing he would just move already, it’s not quite enough, the sparks of her impending orgasm fading into nothing despite how nice this feels. Killian is breathing heavily, his mouth open slightly and his eyes dark with lust and arousal as he just barely holds himself back. But Emma wants him to let go, stop being so damn careful with her, she can take it. She wants the pirate. So, deliberately disobeying Killian’s earlier command, she brings both hands up to his back, raking her nails down the scars there with just the right amount of pressure, and Killian hisses sharply at the new sensation, pain mixed with pleasure. 
“Emma, I told you, hands to yourself.”
“Okay, fine,” she sasses, and raises herself up on her elbows so she can sink her teeth firmly into the top of his shoulder, squeezing her core around him for good measure. 
The shudder ripples right through him, his hips bucking into her roughly, the control he was so carefully exerting over himself quickly fraying.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters, his hand squeezing her hip tightly, “You minx.”
She smiles against his skin as she soothes the bite with her tongue. 
“If that’s the way you want it,” he growls, and hell yeah, that’s exactly how she wants it. “Lie back down, darling, and you have permission to touch me now - with your hands.”
He sits back, brings one of her legs up and rests it over his shoulder, the new angle as her hips twist slightly letting his cock slide even deeper. Emma gasps, whimpering, grabbing him firmly to brace herself as Killian thrusts shallowly, slowly.
“You’re going to want to hold on.”
Yes. Yes. Finally. It’s rough and it’s fast and it’s everything she craves. Killian focuses on chasing his own pleasure now, pounding his cock into her willing body again and again. Emma can do nothing but hold on to him. She loves it when he gets like this, trying to meet his thrusts as much as she can, breathless whimpers and moans falling from her lips as he fucks her hard. 
"Bloody hell, Emma, you feel so good," he gasps after not long enough, his hips stuttering. 
He slows the pace, letting her catch her breath a little, lowering her leg back onto the mattress. Emma whines, her climax so close and yet not quite within reach, desperately hoping he isn’t really going to edge her again. 
"I want to feel you come first, love," Killian explains, still slowly rutting into her as he sucks his thumb into his mouth before rubbing it against her clit. 
Oh thank God. Emma moans, her body tensing once more, the pleasure building again quickly under the careful circles he's drawing on her clit and the languid thrusts of his cock. 
"That's it, Emma," he coaxes, "Come for me." 
Her orgasm rushes through her in a burst of euphoria as she tries not to scream too loud, suddenly acutely aware that they are having sex in a hotel room and not in their own house. 
“Good girl,” Killian growls, “So fucking good.”
He shifts his position slightly, grabbing her hip firmly and she hears something rip, his hook tearing through the sheets and anchoring him to the mattress before he begins to thrust once more, the change of position giving him enough purchase as he slams into her that the bed frame creaks ominously underneath them. Emma can’t find the coherency to be concerned about either of those things, too caught up in the lingering haze of her climax and the sensation of a rapidly approaching second one. Before she started having sex with Killian, she’d never thought it was possible for it to feel so amazing, that having multiple orgasms with a partner were a fantasy - that perhaps, even, there was something wrong with her body and that was why penetration never felt quite as good as she’d expected. But then, Killian. And holy fuck, he is good at sex, and it’s not just because he’s well-endowed - though she’s not going to lie, that is a bonus. He didn’t rush her, never pressured her, always taking his time with foreplay, always adequately preparing her for his cock. The first time Killian’s cock had slipped inside her, stretching and filling her so completely and perfectly, it was only then Emma had realized just how truly awful at sex Neal had been. Killian had filled Emma’s ears with praise for her, for her reactions to him, telling her how beautiful and tight and wet she was, his nimble fingers seeking every sensitive place on her body and she had sailed over the edge faster than she ever had before. And sex with Killian only gotten impossibly better over the years. Even when he takes her roughly like this, there’s still an overwhelming feeling of being loved and cared for, with the way he knows her body so well, intimately aware of her needs in a way only people who have been together for so long can be. 
“Come with me, Emma,” she hears him say, his voice rough and wrecked as he nears his climax, “Give me one more, sweetheart. I need to feel you squeezing my cock again as I fill you.”
She doesn’t need any further encouragement - her body had been poised on the edge already, and another wave of bliss washes over her almost immediately, her body shaking with the intensity of it. 
“Yes,” Killian groans, “Yes, Emma. Fuck!” His hips jerk erratically against her, the clenching of her walls around him triggering his release. 
She's still trembling and panting when he pulls out of her with a satisfied groan, and she can’t help the soft whimper that catches in her throat.
"Shhh, my darling," he soothes, stroking her sweat-slick skin, pressing his lips to her forehead, "You were bloody magnificent, Emma. Such a good girl. Just relax now and let me take care of you." 
She drifts in a blissful, exhausted haze as Killian gently cleans her, speaking quiet words of praise and reassurance as he does. She marvels every time how he’s never as tired afterwards as she is; her pirate has an impossible amount of stamina. 
“How are you feeling?” he asks when he eventually settles into bed beside her, drawing her into his arms and kissing the top of her head, “Are you sore, love?”
“Hmm. Only a little.” She knows she has to be honest with him. “But I’m okay. I wanted you to be rough.”
“Aye, love,” he murmurs against her hair, “And you took it so well, Emma.”
“You didn’t really punish me though,” she points out. Not that she’s concerned about it; it was amazing sex anyway, as it always is.
Killian chuckles softly.
“Well, no, I suppose I didn’t, did I?”
Emma giggles, her fingers tracing nonsensical patterns across his chest as she curls against him.
“No. You talked about doing so many things to me, and then you didn’t do any of it.”
“I did edge you,” he reminds her.
“You edged me once. That’s hardly a punishment.”
Killian hums in agreement. 
“You’re entirely too tempting, my darling, I couldn’t wait any longer to feel you around my cock,” he says. “You still enjoyed yourself, though?” Of course Killian has to make sure.
“Very much so,” she assures him, propping herself up on her elbow so she can kiss him a bit more.
Emma loves how his hand immediately finds its way into her hair, his rings catching slightly at the strands as he cradles her head. She sighs a happy sigh as they break apart and snuggles back down beside him, feeling wonderfully sleepy and warm in his embrace. She has no intention of moving from this spot until the morning.
"Oh bloody hell," Killian spits out suddenly, startling her. 
"What is it?" 
"The mattress."
Emma blames the mind blowing sex she's just had for how long it takes her to recall the ripping sound she'd heard earlier. She shifts and stretches out her hand, and her fingers sink into a gaping tear in the bed where Killian had lodged his hook for leverage. 
"Well," she says, "Bloody hell indeed." And then she dissolves into helpless giggling. 
Killian’s own laughter joins hers in a moment as he holds her tightly. She revels in this moment, this connection and love they share, tinged with just a little bit of giddiness from two amazing orgasms. And she thinks not for the first time that Killian's laughter might just be her favourite sound in the world. 
"I love you so much," she says breathlessly when their giggling finally abates, "and we are never staying in this hotel again."
THE END (for real this time lol) 
TAG LIST:  @teamhook - @klynn-stormz - @xarandomdreamx - @zaharadessert - @kmomof4 - @therooksshiningknight - @batana54 - @ultraluckycatnd - @anothersworld - @tiganasummertree - @jonesfandomfanatic - @the-darkdragonfly - @jrob64 - @hollyethecurious - @lfh1226-linda - @elizabeethan - @moviequeen51 - @onceratheart18
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lenfaz · 7 years
businesscasualprincess replied to your post “any suggestions for spirits and traditions during the cs halloweek?”
Rum and late night ghost stories? That hits two kinds of spirits!
Killian Jones is cursed by the blind witch, trapped in a rum bottle that gets forgotten in a shelve until Emma Swan finds it 300 years later...
ohhhhh ficlet idea!
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hollyethecurious · 3 years
CS Halloweek: Carved
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Carved - @cshalloweek​​ Day 2
Day Two Prompts:
Threats / black
clanking chains | prank | “we have to be quiet” | carved
A/N: Dark Hook Whump ficlet. Warnings include blood, cutting, stabbing, restrained, pain, screams, etc. I owe @kmomof4​ a fruit basket for looking this over for me.
Rated T / Available on ao3 and ff.net / buy me a coffee / add to tag list  / Curious? Come Ask Me!
He'd always wished to hear Rumplestiltskin cry out for mercy, to beg and grovel for relief from the torments he had imagined inflicting upon him, but now, with his own agony sending up screams of pain and anguish to any god that might take pity on his pleas, Hook, the newest Dark One, could not even enjoy his nemesis' suffering.
His throat was raw and every inch of him felt as though it were on fire. While it was known to some that the Dark One’s dagger was the only weapon that could kill him, few knew that its true power lay in the fact it could inflict innumerable amounts of pain upon its owner.
With each flick and nick, Hook felt the anguish of his dagger’s blade slice through each previous iteration of the Dark One. Screeches, high-pitched shrieks, and wails poured from the women while howls and bellows resonated from the men. The worst were the beasts, squealing and roaring in torment as though they were being skinned alive.
Perhaps they were.
Perhaps they all were.
Just him.
They no longer existed except in his mind, and yet he could feel every cut and stab and slice carved into his flesh by the sharp scalloped edge reverberate through the throng of Dark One’s on pulses and tremors of pure excruciating torture.
The frigid bite of metal sank into his side, methodical in its trajectory and meticulous in the precise way it avoided vital organs and any potentially fatal outcomes. Taking the power of the Darkness for themselves was not his tormentor’s aim. No. They wanted pain. They wanted suffering and screams. They wanted endless misery and lasting trauma to help mitigate their own anguish.
Well, if torment is what they wanted, then torment is what they would get. As the ripples of the dagger’s edge sank further into his side, Hook focused all his strength on the cuff upon his wrist. The full might of his magic pressed against the enchantment binding it, exerting an effort greater than any it had ever mustered before. The effort rebounded, blasting through him with a concussive force that felt as though the foundations of his very being were being rent asunder. His back bowed and another cry ripped from his chest, causing his assailant to yank the dagger from his side and sending a fresh round of hell through the collective Darkness.
For several long moments he was given a reprieve. Blood and sweat streaked down his face and soaked into his garments, if they could still be called such after having been cut into nothing more than rags during his long hours of torment.
Or had it been days?
He was long past knowing how long he’d actually been there, subdued by a magic suppressing cuff with ordinary ropes around his wrists and ankles.
Still so certain your Swan will save us? One of his dark brethren taunted from the deep recesses of his mind.
Hook growled in response, an action he immediately regretted when the vibrations sent a ripple of pain rushing through him.
Why would she come for you? Another voice added, a chorus of doubters quickly following in its wake.
Why would anyone come to the Dark One’s rescue?
Why would anyone come to a pirate’s rescue?
What makes you think you’re worthy of saving?
What makes you think, even if your saviour does come for you, we’ll let you have any measure of happiness after what you’ve put us through?
Desperate for the voices to stop he was almost glad when a hand wrenched his head back and the tip of his blade pierced the skin of his throat. It didn’t matter what the Darkness said, he knew his Emma would come for him. She would find him. She would always find him.
When the sharp point began to drag down his neck, a fresh trickling of blood flowing from the new wound that sent the Darkness into throes of anguish, he did start to wonder if there’d be anything left of him to rescue once she did.
Tagging the Curious Crew: (add to tag list)
(Please be advised that I only keep one tag list for all fic updates and new works. If at any time you wish to be removed, just shoot me an ask or a DM. No worries.)
@kmomof4  @sals86 @jennjenn615 @darkcolinodonorgasm @artistic-writer @courtorderedcake @winterbaby89 @snowbellewells @heavenlyjoycastle @sunshine2632 @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @kday426 @cocohook38 @unworried-corsair @aprilqueen84 @tiganasummertree @ilovemesomekillianjones @ultraluckycatnd @wyntereyez @ultimiflos @superchocovian @qualitycoffeethings @facesiousbutton82 @theonceoverthinker @piracytheorist @shardminds @skystar87 @teamhook @itsfabianadocarmo @xarandomdreamx @therealstartraveller776 @queen-serena88 @donteattheappleshook @jrob64 @therooksshiningknight @angellifedeath @karl0ta @melly326 @nadine200179 @xsajx @demisexualemmaswan @lfh1226-linda @alexa-fangirl-forever @klynn-stormz @onceratheart18 @monosalvatore16 @jonesfandomfanatic @ouatpost @spaceconveyor @natascha-ronin @zaharadessert @earanemith @dragonfireonthehorizon @strangestarlighttree @the-darkdragonfly @heratulipsia @pirateherokillian @sailtoafarawayland @captainirishstubble @uhthreeyuh @anotherflailblog @elizabeethan @xhookswenchx @youherotype @chinawoodfan @batana54 @fandomlovver @pcrcabcth @strangestarlighttree @captainswan21 @karlyfr13s @emmythedaydreamer @motherkatereloyshipper @anmylica @killian-whump​ @jadehowlettthewolf
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hollyethecurious · 3 years
My 2021 CS Halloweek Contributions - Master List
A big THANK YOU to @cshalloweek​ for helping to get us all in the Halloween spirit! I always love this time of year and all the fandom treats that come with it!
I wanted to put together a master post of my contributions to the event, in case anyone missed something this week, or wanted to revisit ;o). I hope you all have a...
Day One - The Witch in the Woods (art and ficlet)
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Day Two - Carved (art and ficlet)
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Day Three - Fermented Fury and Bottled Bane (art and blurb)
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Day Four - Crimson Crystals and Mating Stones (fic and art)
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Day Five - A Mutual Craving (fic and art)
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Day Six - Pan Says… (fic and art)
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Day Seven - Ghost in the Void - Prequel (fic)
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My ao3 | ff.net | buy me a coffee | add to tag list | Curious? Come Ask Me!
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2021 Fic Roundup
My first full year of writing CS fics! Here are all the fics I wrote this year. There’s a little bit of everything, mainly whump and angst of course, but I graduated to adding a bit of smut and I even wrote a oneshot that was entirely fluff! 
Thanks so much to my lovely Discord friends for encouraging me to write all the things. Love you guys so much, you have made my year so much brighter.
27 January: Working My Way Back To You - rated M, 27k words, 12 chapters
Killian gets captured. When Emma finally rescues him, he’s traumatized and nearly broken from the torture he endured. Thankfully Emma is close at hand to help him through it.
First chapter posted in November 2020 but I didn’t finish it until 2021 so that counts, right? My first fic to ever reach 100 kudos on AO3. Also contains my first published smut!
19 May: A Quiet Moment - rated G, 1k words, oneshot
Emma's been stressed lately, so Killian takes her to visit a secluded beach. That’s all. Just sweet CS fluff without a plot.
A gift for my dear friend @teamhook, and my only fic to date that is 100% fluff.
6 June: The Good Fight - rated M, 29k words, 6 chapters
Emma Nolan has hunted a lot of creatures in her life and there are very few things out there that she hasn’t killed at this point. But there’s one thing that isn’t real – angels. At least, that’s what she thought until the day she met Killian, angel of the lord. A Supernatural AU for Captain Swan Supernatural Summer.
My first foray into a fandom event.
18 June: You Are My Shelter - rated T, 5k words, oneshot
An unexpected blizzard hits while Emma and Killian are enjoying a quiet vacation in their forest cabin, forcing them to shelter in place until it passes. The temporary isolation probably wouldn’t have been so bad if Killian hadn’t also gotten injured.
Just self indulgent hurt/comfort, what more can I say?
30 October: Honour - rated M, 3k words, twoshot
Emma appreciates Killian defending her honour. A ficlet for CS Halloweek 2021.
Started out a fun little prompt fill then chapter two turned out to be entirely smut lol
18 November: Lost To The Shadows - rated T, 14k words, 5 chapters
When Liam Jones' younger brother disappears at sea under mysterious circumstances, he enlists the help of Emma Swan to find him. What ensues is by far the weirdest case Emma has ever worked - and the most traumatic. Thankfully Killian Jones is good at surviving; and it's just as well, because he's going to get quite a few chances to prove it.
A great prompt from @teamhook that took a slightly dark turn but it’s all sweet fluff at the end, I promise.
27 November: Blood On My Name - rated M, 6k words, oneshot
Gravely injured in battle, Killian had resigned himself to dying alone, slowly bleeding out on the battlefield. That is until the beautiful angel that is Emma Swan appeared at his side to comfort him in his final moments, and Killian realized he was not quite ready to let go of life. But it is a long road to healing. A Captain Swan war AU, of sorts.
This fic was an experiment in writing only the fun parts, while ignoring world building and the majority of the plot. Apparently it worked okay because readers gave it very nice comments lol
I have a few fun WIPs that I hope to post early next year, that I am so excited to share with you (if my muse will stop running away from me every time I sit down to write them lol). Wishing a very happy and safe festive season to all my followers and I can only hope some of my fics were able to bring you all some of the happiness your fics, gifs, posts, and conversations have given me.
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