#crochet sprout my beloved
caffeinated-frog · 10 months
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I’m really excited to have this because having something cute on my headphones will make me feel less self conscious about wearing them in public :]
[ID: a photo of a crocheted green sprout on top of a pair of black headphones./end ID]
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sand-seeks-sun · 5 years
A small package can be found by the door, wrapped in a pastel purple wrapping paper. Attached is a small envelope sealed with lavender embedded in wax, addressed to Shiun and Y'aromirr. The letter reads, “To the precious father’s to be, I hope this letter finds you well. We’re so excited to hear about the upcoming bundle of joy.
(cont.)  I know things must be difficult currently so I sent you some goodies that I hope will lift the spirits, as well as a gift for the little one! Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. - Jade. p.s. Velari’s wishing you well also!” Inside the package, there is a crochet sunflower baby blanket, along with an assortment of goodies for the parents, including a wheat pack, lavender aromatherapy oil, Divine Comfort tea blend and an assortment of pastries.
Surely enough, as Y’aromirr finished reading the letter aloud to his husband, he glanced up to see Shiun sorting through the aforementioned ‘goodies’. Well, most of them - Y’aro could all to easily recognize his husband’s ‘I don’t have anything in my mouth’ face, and could assume Shiun had already taken his portion of whatever sweets were included as he listened. Good... Shiun didn’t have much to indulge in since selflessly swearing off drinking with him, and it was nice to see him get at least some kind of treat. He deserved to be the one cooked for more often..
“Here...” The Seeker beckoned, then quickly swapped arm-loads with his husband. As Shiun adjusted his glasses into position to take a read for himself, Y’aro nudged the broad side of his nose to the Raen’s shoulder lovingly as he passed by him, and Shiun made certain to nudge back with his horn. With his arms full of gifts to sort in the cellar and his thoughts full of thanks and adoration for his friends, Y’aromirr practically skipped into the basement as if propelled by his swirl-coated tail’s swings. Thankfully only one person was home to observe him as he had to double back for his pen set was one who was a touch too smitten with him to tell anyone else about the embarrassing blunder...
With the majority of the contents of Jade’s parcel quickly tucked into their respective ‘spots’, Y’aromirr plopped himself in the center of the seat in front of the fireplace, and began to write -
“Jade! I was overjoyed to see your package arrive this afternoon and simply couldn’t wait to properly thank you - not that a letter exactly counts as proper, but just you wait until I’m free to incorporate Velari’s lovely little cafe along my morning jogging path. I can only assume you are there most mornings helping your beloved prepare for the day?
You are sweet to be concerned for us (myself in particular) as the birth of our child approaches, but I’m happy to assure you things are going nearly surprisingly well! I suppose it helped that I took to getting things prepared so early, but what can I say? I was simply too excited to postpone preparations when even then possibility of having a baby was present. The final touches to the nursery were put in when our dear sprout was only three months along, and now all that we seem to be adding is gifts to the shelves for little hands that are not quite yet here to hold them. So spoiled already! I can only hope she will come to love this blanket as I have instantly upon seeing it - You must’ve worked hard on it, and that pattern... Well, I believe you knew what you were doing. Such a warm flower is sure to impart it’s hope and the love you’ve woven into it with every swaddling it sees. Let’s ensure she meets the person who made such a lovely gift before it’s too lovingly worn, alright? Surely I will be out of the delicious tea by then... after all, it will be after tomorrow, yes?”
Reminded, Y’aromirr paused in his writing to take a sip of his tea, cooled exactly to his preference at last. The blend Jade had included in the bundle of goods was delicious, but more than that, it’s herbal warmth felt as if it melted it’s way through rough blockades of stress and tension in his body. The comfort of a heartfelt gift from a friend... and in a time where his body was in need of extra care he was most certainly not giving it. A hearty purr sat in the base of Y’aro’s throat as he picked up his pen to continue,
“I’m also happy to report Shiun approved of the pastries you’d included nearly instantly, with his stomach - Hopefully it isn’t bold of me to presume to thank Velari in particular for those. Perhaps when he isn’t overworked by my doubled appetite he can manage to bake a batch of his ginger snaps for you two; They’re inarguably my favorite of his! The rest of your gifts will not be so quickly consumed, but I can absolutely assure you they are and will be enjoyed for some time to come still. May I assume it was your skill that rendered this lavender to such a state? So handy! And such a calming scent can nearly promise my well-restedness in weeks to come. 
I must truly thank both you and Velari from the bottom of my heart for such an unexpected and sweet surprise - You mentioned how you hoped it would lift my spirits, and I can promise you I’m beaming now and will be for bells for come. Days even. Every sniff of lavender and glimpse of your blanket of the crib’s edge will send me into an ear-to-ear grin that’s certain to set Shiun off to much the same. Now, if only my returned post could manage even half of the same help for you and yours...
With love,
Aromirr and Shiun ”
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Satisfied with his written reply, Y’aromirr took a slow look over the mantel at his recent handiwork with a calm smile... thinking... carefully selecting... until his rough palm gathered up a simple resting bird figurine he’d whittled - Made of rosewood, freshly oiled, and pleasantly fragrant. Perhaps the pair could make use of it around the shop somehow.. but, at least it showed he was thankful. Y’aro tied the letter to the top of a rose pink wrapped box, carefully stuffed with his carving and an adequate amount of black lavender tea in cheesecloth to serve as packing materiel for now and a further gift for Jade and Velari after it’s arrival. 
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mykatesingh-blog · 6 years
    Times are tight right now with a small income and tiny grocery budget. But life has never been so good! I’ve never been happier. How could that be? I did a vlog on YouTube recently titled “Can being broke improve the quality of your life?”.
The key to being broke and thriving is your mindset. If I turn it into a game, a big, fun challenge, I enjoy life. I become industrious and creative, I turn within and learn a lot about what I’m capable of doing with very little. I also learn to just be present and self-entertain on a large scale. I learn from others, which can be very interesting.
To make it with our little funds I put us on a zero spend season. I reduced our grocery budget down to what the government would give a family of four with a person working. I wanted to see if I could feed us delicious and nutritious food and stay within the limit. We also had to reduce our bill to $350 in order to rebuild a saving that is almost none existent. We have always had large savings and taken great comfort in it. It’s stressful to not have that emergency fund, especially when you’ve recently been informed a root canal is in your near future.
Each month we improve our budgeting skills vastly but are still not perfect. This month I spent $60 on nine cases of canning jars I found on craigslist. I’ve already gone over the grocery budget by $50 and we still have two more weeks.
It’s a process of learning, failing, improving. On the upside, I have learned to make homemade pasta by hand and spent last weekend canning up a storm. I have learned that double coupon days at Sprouts doesn’t save any money when talking canning and that Davis farms in Sacramento still does a You Pick for .30 cents a pound. I will be doing that or finding farms where I can glean the end of a harvest.  I have learned that Winco is the only place I can shop right now to make the grocery envelope happy.
As for entertainment, I have taken up crocheting again, making scarves for my sons when it gets cold, and one little purple scarf for our neighbors’ little girl as a birthday gift.
I’m gardening like crazy to offset grocery cost, but it seems the local squirrel has taken to shopping in my lettuce patch. I did learn how to freeze corn without blanching. Canning was very fun and successful. I now have dilly beans, triple berry jam, and spaghetti sauce. I have learned that making homemade pasta with eggs gets pricey and now I’m trying it with flour and semolina like the Pasta Grannies on YouTube.
I have found a few new channels that I enjoy and are helping me with my cost effective strategies. One being Jan Creson with her Dollar Tree meals that are very creative, delicious looking, but something that one may want to keep to once a month meal for health reasons. With this grocery budget, it intrigues me. I never thought of cooking meals comprised of Dollar Tree items. Olivia’s Romantic House is a tour through a real live dollhouse. She has children and a tiny home that she decorates on a budget with so much creativity and gratitude. I have collected some ideas for the future. Our One Acre Homestead is a new one for me that covers everything from quilting to farming. I love anything to do with saving money, decorating on a penny, and homesteading. And then there is a trip to another country with Pasta Grannies.
In the mornings I have a big mug of creamy coffee and thumb through my Complete Tightwad Gazette to keep inspired then set about my days. I would love to travel to the coast or see friends in Marin but that isn’t a necessity, thus not supported by the zero spend rules we set in place. To keep myself busy and satisfied I do things that I can really look forward to or makes my life easier.
With music and coffee, I become enthusiastic about rearranging furniture, decluttering at surprising levels and decorating with what I have, even pulling from the garage or patio to make a room come together. It is a weekly ritual. Along with that, I have become more invested in my housework than ever before with deep cleaning rituals that have even incorporated scrub brushes and the cleaning of areas never ventured before, and yet I still have not found my two pairs of eyeglasses! Dang it, I could really use them about now with my old pair so scratched up I keep wiping them thinking it’s dirty smudges.
I’m trying desperately to get back into my writing of fiction and read stacks of books, among them Stephen King’s On Writing. I’ve joined the Nanowrimo group and even wrote a whole novel in less than a month. Only to delete it along with 5 other books in this year. I have obsessively created and recreated a space for myself with a desk because Stephen King said that to write one must have a room to go into, close the door and focus. The living room was a bad idea for obvious reasons. The dining room was just as bad…and then the cheap fold-out table I was using as a desk began to fall apart. I wound up with a small table from the patio shoved in a corner between the pantry and dogs feeding area. Bali made me a fancy desk chair from a crate in the garage. Office furniture compliments of our yard.
I have to say, despite the pathetic appearance, this space is more conducive to writing and work than any other in all of the house. Stephen King suggests facing the wall when working. I thought that was an awful idea, I wanted to face the garden for inspiration, but now I have to admit that the wall is working wonders. Instead of staring out at the apple trees and morning doves, I write! Go figure.
I keep writing and continue looking to the future when my imagination kicks in again. How I miss thee.
I have found that when it becomes a struggle to work with the budget one must become industrious. I have been fortunate enough to start babysitting my neighbor’s daughter once a week. My YouTube channel has taken off recently after some studying the art and changing the way I make vlogs. I even hired (pro bono work of course) my husband to record me to make my vlogs more enjoyable and precise. It worked and with a surge in subscribers, I was able to monetize the Channel. I’m thrilled with these small victories.
I think the biggest way to enjoy financially challenging times is to know that they are temporary. I have visions for the future and dreams. This may sound cuckoo, but I do feel I somehow manifested this period of tiny funds. For me, it is a field study. It is an experience I called in to learn some simple things about life and to help others in this position. What I am learning are the realities of working with limited resources and what it takes to Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome. This is a Marine motto handed to me by an ex-boyfriend and former Marine. It has been invaluable and I apply it to any situation that requires work.
Improvise: we do this when we have no money. We cut cost, change phone companies, find ways to do things in free or far less expensive ways. For example; I need to shop for groceries, but my health food store is too pricey so I now go to Winco and spend 1/4th of the cost. I use old furniture from the garage to make a writing space. I use what I have when it comes to decorating or cooking. I make gifts instead of buying them.
Adapt: It takes time to slow and eventually stop the spending train. It takes time to go from spending $1,000 on groceries down to $350. It takes time to relearn the art of self-entertainment and staycations. It takes time to find inner contentment and peace in just being. And with no money, that is what you do a lot of…just being. Just being home, just being satisfied with another rice and bean dinner, just spending the weekend cleaning and repairing what you have. Just being grateful for what you do have.
Overcome: At some point you stop whining and longing and feeling sorry for yourself and family. You find hidden gems in the weekend at home painting the bathroom and repairing your dining room chairs. You find such accomplishment in canning for the first time and having 100% success. You find a beloved ritual in scrubbing and reorganizing your home with a mug of coffee in hand and a good radio station filling the rooms. You find bliss while watering your garden in the morning and seeing the young shoots of greens that will fill your soup pots and save you hundreds of dollars in organics. You find true pleasure in rolling out pasta and watching vlogs of women in Italy teaching you this ancient art. Your family finds a new pride in their mother when she presents them with homebaked bread and homemade jam on Sunday mornings.
Do I want to be this broke forever? No, but there is no such thing as forever and I have created a dream board, a dream box, and I’m working on first finding joy in life as it is and then being expectant of the abundance that is already coming to us.
But as our life prospers, I will look back on this time with fondness and nostalgia and we will never stray too far from this way of life that we have learned through challenging times. This simple life is the richest.
Living on a food stamp budget. Times are tight right now with a small income and tiny grocery budget. But life has never been so good!
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