#cpc leelethae
deldeldel90 · 5 months
can you hear this messAge over the sound of my sobbing
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DAMN STRAIGHT!! RIGHT;; COREFT!!!! Gwenniepie IS the most beautiful in the land!!! ahsyakshsj nah but Gwen helping Leelathae heal ,, and Leelathae helping Gwen heal. Oh my gosh.
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deldeldel90 · 5 months
r. Reflection moment.
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deldeldel90 · 7 months
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isolee and toddler Lance :))
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
 Maria, the pastel kingdom's eldest princess, was her pride and joy. 
 The little girl's blue eyes shined like jewels, her blonde hair akin to the sun's beams. Diamonds, Leelathae thought, that was her Maria.  
 She didn't know when she started valuing beauty so much. It wasn't so much about their looks, but more about their safety. 
 If Maria stayed as glowing as she was now, at three years old, then she'd be forever safe from the cruel, gossiping world. 
 Whenever she looked at her daughter, a special kind of love filled her heart. 
 It was the same feeling of the warm cinnamon buns that Jack shared with her on the day of her first pregnancy. 
 Leelathae could tell her daughter would grow even more gorgeous with time, and that the birds would peck out the eyes of those who dared criticize her. 
 When the waters were calming, her second daughter was born, and she was just as pretty as the first. 
 Some people speculated, with hushed whispers, that their luck had been caused through a potion. 
 But they would never say such words around the princess, who Jack's relatives cooed and sighed lovingly over. 
 With Lorena growing, she found she could no longer spend so much time with Maria. She had to prepare her new baby, she had to make sure that she was safe. 
 Lorena was ethereal, in the areas Maria was angelic. Pale skin that could be bloodied so easily, eyes the color of a midday, clear sky, and her hair was as soft as cotton, although very little of it. 
 Flowers bloomed around her whenever she was happy, something the gardeners very much enjoyed. 
 Where Maria was diamonds, Lorena was priceless gold. Silk and Cotton, those were her daughter's favorite materials for dresses and blankets and- 
 Oh, Leelathae loved her daughter. She wished she could cradle Lorena in her arms forever, she wished that she could admire her daughters forever. 
 Watch as they made each little progress in their development, and make huge portraits to capture the moment. 
 In her and Maria's little hideaway, she pictured that, one day, she would sit on the wooden, nest-like swing, and gaze on as her two daughters played together. There would be no sound, other than their gentle giggles and the soft music of nature. 
 That would be everything she's ever wanted. 
 "M…Mamaaaa!" Cried a nasally voice, only ten months old. 
 Leelathae forced herself to snap out of the comforting fantasy she thought of every time she was in the nursery. 
 Her steps felt unnaturally heavy, as she walked to where the crib was. Where the twins slept together. 
 It wasn't by choice, little James would never leave his sister's side, and during the short period her and Jack tried to separate them, the tyke wailed all night, all day, until they were reunited. 
 James was unlike his two elder sisters. He was more adorable, more sugary-looking, if that made any sort of sense. He had a cute little button nose, big pink eyes that he used to guilt every adult he met into giving him sweets, chubby cheeks that he stuffed those sweets in, and a general attitude of a loyal-beyond-his-age, hyper at times, boy. 
 Leelathae loved her only son. 
 He reminded her of a mischievous pixie who adored sweet treats. 
 She could not bring herself to acknowledge the other one. 
 The one that made Leelathae feel sick with how utterly selfish she was to bring a child so like …her. A child who was destined to be ridiculed and gossiped about like she was. 
 So, like any day where her thoughts were too much, she picked up James - a literal shining star, she would think with light amusement - and rocked him slightly in her arms, singing a lullaby she knew from her childhood. 
 And Gwendolyn cried out - so softly it was barely audible - once more. 
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
Imagine a role reversal AU with...
Lilyth (who kept her original appercerence (having been originally from her island, but had been accidently kidnapped by a pirate and ended up in the hands of the pastek king and queen because they didn't want to deal with the war that could come from it) and due to how awful the conditions were living there (people resented her for not being the ideal beauty standard/messing up the magic thing or whatever and her parents were detached and didn't really care for her), she grew into a rather cold woman, who sent on travels around the world to negotiate trade, and her ship had gotten wreaked on an island where people... looked like her.
And she met Jack, who was treated as a bit of an oddball, because he looked vastly different from everyone, yet was quite kind. And she fell in love with him, and yadayadayada canon happens.
(Jack's diary is about how weird he thinks Leelathae's - he didn't quite know how to pronounce her name - family is. How they're always watching him. How uncomfortable they make him with their constant comments about how they would 'save' their family line. He detests them for hurting his wife, and writes that he wishes that they were kinder, and that he felt Leelathae deserved so much better.)
Lilyth's best friend - Isolde - wasn't happy about this one bit, and would forever feel betrayed by her best friend's choices.
(Leland is just innocent bystander in all this, wondering why his wife would care so much about Lilyth.)
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
Leelathae telling Maria about the Braided kingdom, but its the song "Lost Boy"
(( cue Maria wanting to go to Leelathae's home))
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
A/N: this was written at 1am last night when I was incredibly sleep derived, so really sorry if there's Grammer mistakes and such!!
Boy, you got me helpless
Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit
I'm helpless
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em
 There was something about Jack. Something wonderful - it made her feel all fluttery inside, and made her cheeks warm a darker green. 
 There was only one word for her feelings - Helpless. She was absolutely helpless to his request for her to leave with him. 
 She was helpless to the fact that loving him would bring upon her ultimate demise. 
I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in, and my heart went "boom"
 Jack- Jack knew it was her when their eyes met. Lilyth was the most beautiful person he's ever seen. It was love, truly. 
 In the back of his mind, he knew his parents, like they did with his expeditions, would not approve, but he couldn't find it in him to care. 
 It was as if his heart exploded when they met. She seemed indifferent to him, and even as somebody explained his status to her, she didn't bat an eye. All she did was apologize for mistaking him for a (insert animal she did). 
 The memory still makes him snicker, remembering how bashful he'd been, assuring her that it was quite alright. 
 It felt a little … nice to be mistaken for an animal, strangely enough. All his life it was - "you've ought to be the most adorable boy on the earth!" and "such a fine young man you are!" But the moment she met him… she saw him differently. 
Oh, look at those eyes, oh (look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit)
I'm helpless, I know (down for the count and I'm drowning in 'em)
 Leelathae's favorite part of his appearance was his eyes. They showed so, so, so much. It was like gazing through his soul. 
 They were a special kind of blue. Ones that represented both the ocean and the sky, ones that Leelathae, if she knew how, could write a million ballads about. 
 He was just so… different. His personality made her laugh, and he was just so clueless. 
 Pain flashed through Jack's eyes like thunder, while Love would be embraced like fluffy, light clouds. 
 His eyes, she realized firmly, were like marbles of the universe - whole galaxies that looked unquestionably unique every time she would take another bask in. 
 If she could, she would lean her head by his chest, and she'd gaze at his eyes all day long. She'd be able to open up his soul, and ask why he chose her, why the earth chose the wilting moss? 
 Why the rain still gave water to the forgotten mushrooms, and sunken-in roots? 
 It was a mystery, honestly, and she was so lucky to be with him. 
Where are you taking me?
I'm about to change your life
Then by all means, lead the way
 Lilyth… Lilyth goes with him back to his kingdom. 
 It still feels like a dream. The rocking of his ship, adorned with Pastel kingdom banners, her falling asleep beside him. 
 He closes his eyes, and he makes a promise. 
 Jack is going to make her the happiest he can, because she deserves it more than she'll ever know. 
 "Hmmm," she doesn't much as talk his language, just makes certain sounds and communicates with her hands. She makes a welcoming gesture. 
 Jack goes in for a hug. 
 She lets out a happy, "mhmm!" 
 He agrees with her wholeheartedly. 
Two weeks later, in the living room stressin'
My father's stone-faced while you ask him for his blessin'
I'm dying inside as you wine and dine
And I'm tryin' not to cry, 'cause there's nothing that your mind can't do
 Jack's family… they're okay. 
 Leelathae knows that they're talking about her. (They must be, their pointing and gawking is obvious. She doesn't know why they think she's stupid.) 
 Queen Helena gives her patronizing smiles, and over-explains things, as if she doesn't know what basic electricity is. 
 King Jesse doesn't talk to her, but his slient disapproval speaks for itself. His posture stiffens whenever she enters a room, he sniffs the air if she ever has the misfortune of sitting near him, and it's like he's always judging her every move. 
 They don't trust her to be with their son, but guess what? Their precious Jackie-Baby kisses her passionately, he stumbles over his own words to win her over, and… he loves her in a way she doesn't deserve. 
 Eventually, Jack forces them to give their approval to their marriage, under threat - no, promise - of leaving the kingdom. 
 He was their only heir, so they obliged. 
 Leelathae is sure that her wedding day (and subsequently, night) is one of the best days of her life. 
No stress, my love for you was never in doubt
We'll get a little place in Harlem and we'll figure it out
 "I'm pregnant," Lilyth blurts out. 
 Everything in the world stops for a moment to focus on Lilyth, dressed in a dark brown gown that would've looked somber on anybody else, but Lilyth was practically glowing. 
 Jack's cheeks tint a light pink, as he grins like a mad man. 
 "You're pregnant," he repeats, not seeming to find the words that match his happiness. A kiss works out just fine, though, and she smiles, pulling away. 
 "We're going to be parents," Lilyth said gently to him. "How do you feel, my beloved?" 
 "I'm the luckiest man on earth," he declares, "and our children will be just as magical and stunning as you are." 
 Lilyth glances away, before jumping on him suddenly, clutching him as if he'd disappear. 
As long as I'm alive, Eliza, swear to god you'll never feel so-
 Leelathae's never felt so strongly about someone before. 
 He was hers, and she was his. 
 It was just how things were meant to be; like how warm spring days matched with chocolate ice cream, and how the earth loved its people. 
 Her feelings for him were slightly overwhelming at times. They burned her, leaving her marked, and forevermore, she would always love him. 
 It was like a curse, she could never leave. They were locked together forever - as if encased in a golden pendant. The strings of fate lovingly entangled their fingers, and they'd trip over their laced-up feet, laughing in harmony. 
 Leelathae blushed, squishing up her face - a habit she's always had since she was a little girl, still living on her home island. 
 Maria had the exact same eyes as he did. The same ones that could shake every presence of life, that could establish peace, that could love without caution. 
 The earth's waters and sky adored the mermaids, for it crafted crystal-clear water for them to swim in, and air for them to breathe whenever they swam up into the surface to talk with the silly humans. 
Yo, my life is gon' be fine 'cause Eliza's in it (helpless)
I look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit, I'm (helpless)
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em
 Jack walked into his wife's study. It was filled with books on books, a few musical instruments that she took notes on occasionally about the history of it all, and a nice rocking chair for whenever she wanted a calming read. 
 He could feel himself falling deeper in his enchantment when he saw the sight that made him ever so grateful to being given vision. 
 A storytale laid vacant on the table next to her, in Lilyth's lap was Lorena, sleeping soundlessly. Maria was cuddled up by the rocking chair, watching both her mother and sister. 
 "Father," she called out, a gentle smile on her face. "Can I tell you something?" 
 "Maria, my darling girl," Jack smiled back - he wouldn't have been able to ever deny the action, it was impulsive, just like the rest of him. "What is it?" 
 "I like when Mom's happy," Maria said, leaning her head against Lilyth's dress. His daughter hummed, happier than ever to be in close contact with her. 
 Jack's eyes crinkled.
 "I like it too." 
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
"Mom," Lorena knelt down to her mother's grave. She was fifteen, and finally allowed to go alone. Without her father, without Maria, and without a guard. 
 "Sometimes I wonder," she starts, trying her absolute best to be calm. "I wonder if you would've liked me. Daddy doesn't talk 'bout you very much. Makes 'm sad." 
 Her fingers graced the cold stone, sending shivers down her spine. 
 She cleared her throat, closing her eyes, imaging her mother. 
 "My memories of you aren't very clear. I wish they were. I wish I could've known what you thought of me. I wish I could've looked in your eyes, just once. I wish you.. I wish you didn't die in the first place." 
 "I know I act up sometimes. Miss Agatha's annoyed whenever I interrupt her, but I don't mean to. It's like I got a million things buzzing in my head, and they all want attention. They all crawl up my throat before I can swallow them." 
 "Can't I just se- see you once?" She 
 Lorena's voice died off, tears welling up. "Damn it!" She shouted, covering her face. "I keep- I keep reacting like this. I-I just want-" 
 "I just want you." 
 "I want you to tell me I'm your little girl. I want to feel your love. I want your anger. I want your sadness. I want to hear your breathing, and I want to see you smiling. I want your hugs. I want you, mom!" 
 "I want and I want and I want-" Lorena's sobbing, but she can't help it. "It's selfish. I'm so selfish! But I just wanted everything I never had. Maybe I don't deserve you, dearest mother. Maybe I'm wrong to think I should get 
 "I can't help it. I can't help who I am, but I wish I could change it. I wish I wasn't so selfish," Lorena gave a small, soft laugh out of her quivering lips, "but that'll never change, will it? I'm always going to be like this."
 "Mom, mother dearest, please talk to me. I beg of you. Please, please, please-" 
 She shut her purple eyes tight, pleading like her life depended on it, and only opened them when she felt something wrong beneath her. 
 A mix of both shrubs and gladiolus bloomed around her, capturing him in a circle. 
 "My little fairy," a voice (female?) whispered amongst the flowers. The voice sounded as if it hadn't talked in years. "Prettiest Lorena," the voice spoke yet again, and Lorena felt like her heart halted. 
 Everything outside of Lorena's circle was spinning. It was like … magic. 
 She stared into her creations, feeling a strong power pulse through her veins. It was like something (someone?) had gifted it just for her. 
 The whirling never stopped until Lorena picked a petal out of the orange gladiolus, then she was finally alone. 
 Lorena would weep for three hours more, before a guard had pulled her away, who waited outside, since it was night. 
 The plants would remain there for three full weeks, until one day, they vanished like they had never been there before. 
 Lorena would never dare to go alone to her mother's grave again. 
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
 Leelathae pretends not to hear their whispers at the ball she finally decided to show up at. 
 ("Is Jack really going to marry her? Does he not have eyes?" 
 "Have you seen that ghastly creature?" 
 "Horrible. She's horrible - the witch corrupted him.")
 She didn't care. 
 Not one bit. 
 (Why would she care? It's not like they knew her.) 
 She could handle it peacefully … 
 Until she saw her. With Jack. 
 The woman - roughly twenty one - was an auburn-haired beauty, dressed in the finest of clothes, and dorned many jewels. What captured her attention, however, was the way the woman's cheeks were bright red and her smile was too flashy to be friendly. 
 Jack, oblivious as ever, seemed to not notice her advances. 
 Setting aside her raspberry cheesecake, Leelathae strolled over, trying not to pay any attention to the way the other nobles' gazes latched onto her. 
 She didn't waste any time trying to be friendly, as she pressed a long, sensual kiss on Jack's lips. He stumbled back in surprise, blushing heavily. 
 (Back at home, territory was fought with weapons. With force. But here? In the world of snotty nobles who thought they were too good to even pick up fallen parchment? No, she had to take a different approach.) 
 "Hi! Oh my stars," Leelathae put on her most astonished voice. "You must be the concubine I was hearing about! You're so pretty. I can see why he likes you." 
 The woman's face paled, and then flushed with anger, before she bit her lip and said in a faux-nervous voice. "N-no. I'm Blaire, of the Basketweave k-*ingdom." 
 (Leelathae heard laughter from around the room. Even if she was the one people put their anger out on, they couldn't miss out on feeling superior.) 
 She didn't bother apologizing, as she tried to hide her smirk with her hands. "I'm Lilyth, of the pastel kingdom. The fiancé of my dear Jack." 
 Lady Blaine blinked rapidly, before she said in a defensive tone, "Well! Nobody told me." 
 "Really?" Leelathae took a step forward, like predator to prey. "They announced it just at the start. Do you have memory problems, girl?" 
 "How dare you!" She shouted, "you really are a nasty women-" 
 "Don't talk to her like that." Jack stepped in, adjusting his coat, "she was just correcting you, I think. She meant no harm, isn't that right, my love?" 
 "Yes," Leelathae answered, sounding sweet as the dessert she was eating earlier, pouting innocently as if the insult hurt her. "I didn't realize you were so sensitive about such topics. Memory loss is nothing to be ashamed of. Being a concubine, however…" 
 Lady Blaire fumed visibly. 
 "Let's go, Jackie," she purred, "how about a nice trip to the carriage? I'm feeling quite … famished suddenly." 
 ("Did you hear what she said of Lady Blaire? And her reaction?" 
 "Oh my. How shameful. Do you think its true?"
 "Perhaps - may it or not be, Lady Blaire behaved quite immaturely." 
 'That's true! How can somebody like that be a queen!") 
 What can she say? If you keep kicking a dog, sometimes it has to bite back. 
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
Leelethae liked cats.
Big fluffy ones that purred loudly and leaped, even when it was obvious that they couldn't make the jump.
They reminded her of her fiancé.
(Lilyth, he called her. A term of endearment, perhaps. It made her feel warm.)
It was too bad that the cats were scared of her - just like Jack's relatives, his parents.
(They were horrified of her every move, like it was an attack on their kingdom. Like her green, oily skin was made to spite them. Like she was a curse sent to ruin them.)
Big, frivolous things cats were. Pouncing around, full of feeling, walking with grace she didn't have so effortlessly.
Amazing, she watched them from afar. They hissed viciously, their tails going straight up, backs hunched.
She wished that she could pet one, run her imperfect fingers through their soft fur, just once was all she needed.
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