#cp coulter's daltonverse
Summer boys.
Dalton Big Bang 2020 Prompt: Stuart Trio and Sebastian Smythe loving.
Rating: NC17 + NSFW
“I bet it would be hot if we did it together.” Sebastian thought as he watched Derek and Julian wash the sand off their bodies. The setting sun creating a perfect backdrop for the two pretty brunets as they washed themselves clean; hands rubbing over chiselled chests and washboards abs as they teased and playfully flicked water on each other.
Julian noticed Sebastian watching them and nudged Derek, who saucily winked back at his boyfriend, rubbing his hands with a bit more determination now that he knew he had an audience. His thumb got caught on his peaking nipple and Sebastian groaned
“Hmm.” Logan mumbled sleepily, “What’s that you said.”
“Imagine you, me, the princess and D, all together.”
“But aren’t we all.” laughed Julian who caught trail end of the conversation. “Together I mean, on this vacation.” He threw is himself on his boyfriend who yelped when he came in contact with Julian’s wet body, but still, Logan pulled Julian close to him and nuzzled sleepily into his hair. Julian smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
“Sounds interesting actually.” Derek said and kissed Sebastian’s bare shoulder.
“I knew I liked you for a reason.” Sebastian smirked and Derek kissed him deeply. “Ask the princess and the prima donna later." he whispered in between kisses, "Don’t let them fool you, they’ll be definitely up for it.”
“So what do you guys think?” Sebastian asked again as the four friends walked hand in hand down the street after a late dinner.
"About what?" Logan asked swinging Julian's and Derek's hand in tandem.
“About us, together." Sebastian asked carefully, "Doing it, together.” with special emphasis on his wordings as he knew it wouldn't work if everyone wasn't down with it or uncomfortable.
“You mean a foursome” Logan asked interested, stopping to look at Julian and then at Derek and then Sebastian. “Well, we haven’t discussed it." he looked at Julian again who was now watching the other boys intently, with an intrigued look on his face, "It hasn’t even crossed our minds.”
"It would be interesting to say the least." Julian smirked. “Well.” he looked at his boyfriend and his two best friends. “I mean, if there ever is a time I would be interested in a foursome, it would be with you guys.
“You would.” Derek asked, slowly getting turned on with the conversation they were having.
Julian nodded. “I trust you and I know that we are all clean."
“There's that." Logan told him kissing him on the cheek "And we love you too.” Derek beamed and sloppily kissed Julian on the other cheek.
“So, how would it work?’ Derek asked looking at Sebastian, who was their informal sex guru, though Logan & Julian both maintained that they didn't need him as they were perfectly capable on their own thank you very much, Derek normally was too blissed-out or turned on to confirm the same.
Sebastian though, was still catching up to the conversation that was happening around him. “Foursome.” he mouthed intrigued, picturing all of them naked, sweaty and in various positions. “We would need some serious logistics planning. "But" he looked at best friends who were now very interested in what he had to say, "I was thinking of something bit more vanilla, for our first foray. We could step it up, if, when we want it."
“Like what.” Derek said inching closer to his boyfriend, running a finger down Sebastian’s bare arm, who shivered at the sensation. “Like getting off together.”
And all three boys looked intrigued.
“So how does this work.” Logan asked as he pulled Julian close to him.
“Anyway you want I suppose.” Sebastian said as he watched the two of them together. “You do your thing, we’ll do ours and if anybody wants to sneak a peek.” he grinned, “That’s fine as well, as long as we are comfortable getting off together in the same room.”
“I bet I can make Julian come first before you can make Derek.” Logan smirked and Sebastian shivered in anticipation.
“You’re on.”
“Dear God, look at them.” Derek groaned as he watched Julian ride Logan on the sofa.
“I know right.” Sebastian said as he stood behind Derek, watching the couple: Julian’s lithe body all stretched out as he pleasured himself, rocking himself on Logan’s cock. Logan kissing him everywhere he could reach, his nose, his face, his cheeks, and his shoulder.
“We should get on with.” Derek groaned as Sebastian’s slowly wandering hand found his dick and squeezed. ”Let me eat you.”
“Fuck, look at that.” Logan groaned as he watched the scene that was taking place on the love seat. Sebastian had Derek lying flat on his stomach, ass raised on a pillow, head buried deep between Derek’s ass cheeks as he ate him.
“Look at D’s face.” Julian’s groaned.
“Look at his ass.” Logan whispered and fucked up into his boyfriend who moaned at the contact.
“Didn’t know Sebastian had it in him.” Julian groaned watching Derek moan loudly at something Sebastian did with his tongue.”
“Hey now, I have some moves of my own.” Logan said bucking up into Julian faster.
“Yes, yes you do.” breathed Julian, when Logan's hands found his cock “Yes you do.”
“That was amazing.” Derek moaned, thoroughly blissed-out, coming on the cushion. “I have the best ideas.” Sebastian smirked fisting his cock, pleasuring himself, still between Derek’s legs.
“Come on me.” Derek whimpered, “With pleasure.” Sebastian groaned and soon Derek felt strings of warm cum hitting him, Sebastian aiming for his ass and thighs.
“So gentlemen.” Sebastian smiled sunnily, thoroughly blissed out as he surveyed his wrecked friends around him, from where he was lying on the floor. Julian and Logan were cuddling together on the couch and his boyfriend was passed out on love seat, refusing to move.  “I have no energy, you wore me out.” “I did all the work.”
“What do you think.”
“Best. Idea. ever.” Julian sighed and Logan nodded and kissed him on his cheek.
“So, when is the next time?"
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dannyabbot-kin · 4 years
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Character Aesthetic: 
pink Adam Clavell aesthetic because i got bored pls request moodboards !!!
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thewriter2016 · 2 years
If someone speaks Spanish and wants to read Dalton (yep the infamous glee —his own canon— fic) I am translating it in Wattpad with the permission of CP Coulter. Currently it's on episode 7 but tomorrow I'm gonna upload episode 8, and well if the fandom's still alive and wants to experience again its joy, I'll leave it to your imagination ^-^
Here's the link:
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softmortis · 6 years
please like this post if you post anything related to Dalton
i wanna talk about this fic still dammit !!!!!! please let’s be friends and talk about our headcanons 
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Fake it till you make it.
Dalton Big Bang 2020 Week 6 Day 1. Fake Dating AU Prompt: The characters are faking a relationship for whatever reason. Use anyone you like, any reason, any outcome. Have fun!
“Your cousin is getting married this week, you would need to attend.”
Logan knows he shouldn’t have accepted the Senator's invite for dinner but Michelle, bless her heart, had missed him and had planned the dinner specifically with him in mind, catering the food from his favourite restaurant and he couldn’t say no.
“I have something this week, my friends and I are going skiing,” Logan said immediately hoping his friends were actually available for the weekend in case the Senator needed proof.
“Your grandfather will also be there, he expressed the need to meet you. You wouldn’t want to disappoint him.” The Senator said carefully at Logan with a particular look in the eye. It never boded well for anyone when the Senator deigned to look at them like that.  “The invite is also extended for plus one so I have taken the liberty of-“
“No.” Logan exclaimed, the last thing he wanted was to play the dutiful son and parade a girl around, “I have a plus one, it won't be required.” He said wondering which of his friends he would need to sell his soul to in order to get them to agree to come with him. Julian, it would have to be Julian, he decided. Derek would just blow their entire cover the minute a pretty girl walked by. Julian, it would be Julian.
“You do.” Michelle exclaimed happily as she clapped her hand, “Who is it, anyone I know?”
“How have we not heard about this.” The Senator demanded over his happy wife
“Its Julian from school, you’ve met him.” Logan said carefully and Michelle squealed, “I knew it. You were always close and he is such a sweet boy. So handsome and nice. He’s perfect for you.”
“Yeah.” Logan smiled as he remembered all their antics at school and how they kept in touch throughout college, “Julian is my best friend, one of my closest. He’s always been there for me. I trust him deeply,.”
“But this boy is more than just a friend right.?” Senator Wright asked and Logan paled. “Yes, Its been a few months. We are taking it slow, I suppose. We are in the initial stage, getting to know each other, as I couple I mean.” He added hoping it was the right answer for the Senator who was studying him carefully. “Good,” he finally nodded and Logan sighed in relief, “I look forward to meeting him as your boyfriend and this way he can meet the family as your significant other.”
Oh Shit.
“What is it you wanted to ask me,” Julian said as he sat opposite Logan who was studying him carefully.
“If you do this I will be in your debt forever.” and Julian narrowed his eyes with a devious glint, “Maybe not forever.” Logan hastily backtracked, “But I will remember this and will treasure this.”
“Okay, okay.” Julian sighed and opened the card the menu card, “Now what is it that you want.”
“He did what.” Derek sputtered over the phone and Julian whined and pushed his hair away from his face. “I know.”
“And then what did you say?” Derek wanted to know. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “I mean its Logan.” Julian whispered softly, “What did you want me to say?” He took a deep breath, “I said yes, obviously. He sat there all sad and broken, that his dad didn’t accept him and he had no one and he couldn’t take what-his-face.” “Brian.” Derek supplied. “Yes him, because they were never really anything.” “Told you so.” Derek mumbled. “Yes, yes I know.” Julian paused “And then he said that he was counting on me. That there was no one else he could turn to, no one else he trusted and there was no way he was asking you because you would go running after the first girl you’d see and so I said yes.”
“And now.”
“And now I am packing, it’s a five-day thing.” Julian mumbled as he picked out dress shirts and trousers to take to with him, “ But thank God, we’d be there for only three days. These Wrights sure know how to throw a party.”
“And how would you handle it all, knowing that you’re in love with him and he doesn’t reciprocate but he wants you to be his fake boyfriend”
“He doesn’t know about me and how I feel about him,” Julian said softly sitting on the bed next to his half-packed suitcase. “But at least now I get to act on those feelings and I get to know what Logan would be like as a boyfriend. It’s why I said yes. If I couldn’t get that at least I can get this. ”
“And how would you be three days later when it comes to an end and you have to face him as just a friend again.”
“I don’t know but I will be filming for the new movie. I fly out immediately, so will tell you when I do actually get to meet him again.”
“Don’t screw this up.”
“Hmm,” Julian mumbled from where he was checking a few emails before he could switch off his phone.
“Derek’s message, here read,” Logan said and shoved his phone towards Julian who read the message and knew exactly what it meant. He was glad that Derek was thinking about him.
“Well, he does have a point,” Logan said still frowning at his phone and then looking at Julian who was smiling softly.
“We need to set boundaries, he told me to speak to you about what is comfortable with you and I agree we should have discussed it first, especially the image it would portray to the paps who would certainly be there for Senator Wright’s niece’s wedding.”
“I thought the wedding would be a private wedding ceremony, that outside photographers were not allowed,” Julian said calmly next to him and Logan couldn’t believe that he was actually here in the plane with him and that he agreed with minimum fussing and Logan didn’t have to resort to bribery.
“It is, but one can never take chances.”
“Then we deal with it when it becomes an issue. My agent and publicist will deal with it.”
“And that you would be a plus one to a guy, you would in the capacity of my boyfriend, how would that feel.”
“Ok, I guess.” Julian shrugged, “ though I suppose we should discuss the boundaries.”
“Hugging is fine. Holding hands, dancing together” Logan supplied.
“Hmm.” Julian agreed, “There would need to be some kissing as well.” And Logan blanched, “ Kissing, we don’t need to do that.”
“It’s a three-day wedding interaction.” Julian looked at a Logan blandly, “I am to be your boyfriend, people in relationships kiss. It’s a form of affection.”
“And you’re fine with that.” Logan wanted to know.
“I have kissed people before.” Julian scoffed, ”Many times. I know what I am doing. I have received rave reviews as well.” he smirked.
“I know.” Logan said absently “But a boy, you would be kissing me, a boy. You would be fine with it?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Julian mumbled softly and Logan frowned, Wait, What, maybe he misheard.
“I have kissed boys before.” Julian supplied when he found Logan still looking at him quietly
“Yeah for movies, but this would be different.”
“No. I mean.” Julian paused, maybe he should spill it out properly for Logan, “I am Bi, I have kissed guys before and not just for movies”
“Oh.” Logan said softly. “ So this would not be weird.”
“This would not be weird.”
“Thank you for doing this with me.” Logan smiled at him.
“Anytime.” Julian smiled and Logan felt his heart skip a beat.
This had to be his dad’s doing Logan thought as he entered the spacious suite that had been booked for them. Even though he gave the option of twin beds the Senators smiled, evilly Logan added, back at him that after all the things Logan had said to him about equality and marriage rights he was not going to deprive his son and his boyfriend from sleeping in the same the bed.
“Thank god for this.” Julian sighed and plopped himself on the King size bed, the only bed in the suite, not even a sofa was available and a love seat that could barely fit two. Guess his dad was pulling out all the stops.
“Thank you,” Logan mumbled at the bellhop who brought their luggage and slipped him a fifty and shut the door behind him
“Would you look at this room.” Julian laughed, “Look at the view.” He gestured out to the rolling lawns that were in the process of being set up for the wedding.
“So I guess we need to discuss the event,” Logan said looking at Julian sprawled out on the bed. He looked radiant in the evening sun that was casting a glow around him. Ethereal, like angel, Logan thought still shaken from Julian’s confession in the plane and especially what he thought he heard, Julian wishing to kiss him.
“Would you relax.” Julian got up and dragged to him the bed, pushing Logan down and soon following after. He arranged himself on the pillow and sighed. “I already know your parents, I have already met your parents, you have filled me with details about your close family and you forget that I have also already met your grandfather and he doesn’t hate me and its Melissa and Doug’s Wedding’s, now sleep, I have set an alarm to wake us up for dinner” saying this he pulled Logan’s arm around him and closed his eyes. Logan looked at him and arranged himself accordingly, closing his eyes as he felt Julian arrange himself comfortably and he tightened his arms gathering Julian closed to him, who smiled and slept.
“Oh, shit we are late,” Logan muttered as he struggled into his jacket, trying to arrange his hair that was sleep tousled. “Let it be,” Julian said coming up to him, tapping Logan’s hands away from where he was trying to smoothen down his hair. “This gives the perfect image that you want to show. You were in a room together with your boyfriend that you have brought to a family wedding, It's serious, you’re serious about him. You look fine.” And Julian pecked him on the cheek. “Practice.” He told Logan’s reflection on the mirror. He raised his hand out and Logan took it. “Come, we need to leave soon otherwise we won’t be fashionably late anymore.”
The party was in full bloom when they entered the ballroom and they looked around at the lavish spread. Nobody spared a glance at them but Logan did hear a few hushed comments when they entered in and met with the Senator and Michelle who hugged and kissed them immediately. “Look how pretty they look.” She told her husband and hugged them again, “You did good Logan.” She whispered when she hugged Logan again for the second time.
“Thank you for making him happy.” She whispered to Julian,” He’s always happy when you're around.” and Julian hugged her tightly and Michelle smiled.
“We should dance.” Julian told him when Michelle finally left them alone, “Everyone is and we should too.” and dragged Logan out onto the dance floor, shuffling Logan around till he got himself in the position he wanted, his arms around Logan’s neck, he head resting on the crook of Logan’s shoulder and Logan didn’t know what to do, he tightened his arms around Julian’s waist pulling him close to him and let his body move to the music. “And this is fine with you?” he checked not wanting to overstep the boundaries and dancing practically in each other’s arms was not one of them including sleeping together and waking up cuddled together.
“Hmm.” Julian nodded from where he was resting his head on Logan’s shoulder and Logan could feel every move Julian made, his breathe barely there as felt on Logan’s neck and Logan smiled. He was not sure what was happening, Julian was calm and perfect, playing a dutiful boyfriend and everyone believed them. It would be so easy to love him Logan thought and then paled. Oh shit, did he? Did he love Julian?
“Hmm,” Julian stirred and Logan though he looked tired, they did have a long flight and Julian barely slept on the plane, he peppered Logan for details about his family, “I need to know about them right, as your boyfriend. Now tell me, who is Julia again.”
Logan found himself dropping a kiss on Julian’s hair who sighed and tightened himself around. “Better get your boy to bed, he looks dead on his feet.”
“Grandfather” Logan stuttered, "Sir.” and Julian looked up from he was basically sleeping in Logan’s arms. Logan’s grandfather nodded at the both of them,”I’ll handle your father, go.” and with a grateful nod to Senator Wright Senior, Julian gently led them out of the ballroom.
“We should talk about what happened today,” Logan told him softly. “It seems like things are changing. I-“ he paused and looked at his best friend who there with him, “We should talk.”
“Yes.” Julian said softly. “Later though. We’ll talk. But now lets sleep.” and Logan pulled Julian gently into his arms and slept.
“So today’s the rehearsal dinner and tomorrow is the wedding and the reception,” Julian asked him and Logan smiled as he watched Julian go through the clothes he had brought with him. It seemed almost domestic, sleeping together, waking up together, brushing teeth together, getting each other breakfast, Julian pouring his coffee, Logan passing him the sugar that he heaped it into his drink. God knows how he drank it but I guess that’s Julian, Logan thought as he watched him now decide which shoes he wanted to wear. God, he loves him.
“Hmm.” Julian said enquiringly as he placed his shoes down and went up to Logan, “You said something.” Logan smiled pulled him immediately into his arms and Julian looked pleased as he burrowed his way further into Logan’s arms. “Just glad that you’re here.”
Logan detested weddings but Julian made the event the entire event joyful as they joked and laughed, never straying from each other side. Even when Julian was recognized and was requested for a picture or when Logan was dragged off to meet some great uncle or cousin or the other and now it was time for the bride and groom to kiss but Melissa the Bride piped, “ We want all the couples in the room to kiss alongside with us as well. Love and happiness are meant to be shared and not kept hidden and since we are all family here what better way to show our love and happiness.” and everyone cheered.
Logan gulped, it was going so well, they were together, they were closer than before, Julian looked relaxed, happy, they hadn’t properly discussed what was happening between them but there was something between them. They woke up together in the morning in each other’s arms but they just stayed as they breathed in each other, Logan saw Julian’s eyes flutter open slowly and he kissed his nose gently and Julian smiled and kissed his cheek, lingering on his and he breathed before smiling shyly tucking himself against Logan.
And now before they could even discuss before going further, whether this was actually wanted, whether Logan was not making it up in his head, that Julian actually wanted this, wanted him, together as more, as a couple, the universe as aided by Senator Wright who immediately looked in their direction was going to play a cruel trick on him.
“Jules. “ He tried, he couldn’t do this to the perfect boy who dropped everything to be there for him, the perfect angel that Logan loved and sometimes, most of the times took for granted. “I can’t, Not this, I can’t do this, It won’t be fair, You have done so much for me. I won’t force myself on you.”
“It won’t be forced if I want it too,” Julian said softly and turned Logan to look at him. “I want it too, I want to kiss you. I want this to be real, to be your boyfriend.” He pulled Logan down and gently kissed him on the cheek,  “While I loved playing your pretend boyfriend. I would really love to be your real boyfriend.” and Logan smiled and kissed him gently.
“Oye, Logan, not so soon.” Melissa hollered and all the gathered guest laughed and tittered around them. “We know you love your boy but wait for us to start the count down.” She smiled at her husband who beamed at his new wife and Julian and Logan giggled and separated from each other, though Logan didn’t allow him to go far, with his both arms around Julian's waist.
“3” Melissa started counting backwards, joined by all the gathered, “ 2” Julian whispered as he turned around to smile lovingly at Logan., “1” breathed out Logan and met Julian's waiting lips. He was now whole.
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Coffee Shop Meet Cute.
Dalton Big Bang 2020 Prompt: Coffee Shop AU
“No. Mom, I can’t make it.” Reed mumbled into the call, juggling his bulging bag of artwork, designs, spare pieces of fabrics and material, “I have a project due.”
"I won’t be able to make it, I have that thing with Monique Lhuillier, and you would need to go in place of me. I will get them to call you, love you."
“But mom.” Reed sighed dejectedly, slumped against the nearest surface; if only she would listen and then it started to pour. “Perfect.” Reed cried out clutching his phone and bulging bag close him when heard a knocking sound.
He turned around surprised to find that he was leaning against the door to a coffee shop, blocking someone from getting out. He hastily wiped away his tears and turned around carefully, mindful of the wet sidewalk and puddles, apology ready on his lips.
A cute boy with shiny eyes and curly hair was grinning at him on the other side of the glass door. He took a step back slowly when the boy gently pushed open the door “Whoa Bambi, you okay.”
Reed blinked, Wait, what, did he actually call him Bambi and found the boy still talking to him, holding the door open.
“You can come in Bambi, it’s safe. I won't hurt you.” The boy said slowly backing away with one hand still holding the door.
“No, I. I’m okay, All fine, sorry. I will go.” Reed mumbled to his feet, shouldering his bag, backing away slowly and the boy actually pouted. “But, it’s raining and you’ll get wet. I don’t want you to get wet.”
The boy approached him slowly, “I won’t hurt you. I promise.” He had a cute smile on his face and was approaching him as if he was a small baby creature. Maybe that’s why he called you Bambi and Reed smiled softly and the boy grinned “It’s warm and comfortable and you’re pretty.”
“What.” Reed clutched his bag tightly.
“I mean coffee.” the boy exclaimed. “We have coffee. I can make you a coffee or a chocolate cake, vanilla cake, any cake.” The boy beamed and opened the door fully. He was the only person in the coffee shop, there was no one else. “You could wait while the rain stops and I could give you coffee.”
“Chocolate milk.” Reed whispered, and the boy nodded, “Will do and don’t worry Bambi, it’s on me.” and there it was again.
When Reed was suitably dried and had arranged himself to perfection in the washroom, he stepped out to find that the boy was back in the kitchen humming and bouncing around. A blender was on in the corner and pop music was playing and the boy was dancing around unaware that he was being watched. He looks so comfortable. Reed noticed as the boy danced around and working his milkshake. When he saw Reed he beamed and brought out a cup of chocolate milk with beautiful chocolate art on it. “That’s so pretty.”
“Thanks, Bambi.” The boy grinned and bowed down. “Now what would like to have with that?”
“My name is Reed.” He introduced “Not Bambi.”
“Oh pretty.” The boy beamed. “I‘m Shane and its lovely to meet you.” He hopped up the counter smacked a kiss on Reed’s cheeks and hopped down again. “So pretty, about that cake, which one would you like?” Reed melted a bit inside.
“I don’t get why you need me to come with you to the coffee shop.” Reed’s best friend grumbled as he was dragged down the street. “Because I need to know whether it was real or I made it up in my head Kurt! You know that.”
Reed had not stepped one foot in the coffee shop even though it was on his way and the chocolate milk and cake was divine. He did not want to think about the cure barista who he was sure was flirting with him. Maybe he felt sorry for him, that’s why he did those nice things.
“Cute boys don’t flirt with me, with you maybe. But this doesn’t happen to me.”
“True.” Kurt preened. “But you should take your words back. Cute boys and girls flirt with you know.” Kurt told him as Reed pulled him down the sidewalk. “You just don’t notice it.” He gestured towards a boy that had just passed them by, checking Reed out only Reed was too busy to notice “Like that. Just now. He just looked at you.”
“He was looking at you.” Reed said coming to stop near the coffee shop. He took a deep breath and arranged his clothes and peaked into the coffee shop finding the boy – Shane working at the counter. There were a lot more people around this time which would be perfect in case he had made it up in his head and he needed a distraction to escape soon.
“He’s here.” Reed whispered. “Please, please be my friend and tell me if it’s real or if I made it up.” and opened the door. At the tinkling sound of the door being opened the boy looked up and smiled and then beamed in recognition when his eye found Reed’s. “Oh, yeah Reed he’s definitely falling for you.” Kurt remarked. “You think so.” Reed asked looking at Shane and smiling back at him with hope in his heart. “Definitely.” Kurt smiled as he saw the boy watch the two of them interact with a small frown on his face. “I also think he’s a little jealous now. Oh Reed, what have done to the poor thing.”
“I. I. Jealous, why” Reed turned back to ask when Kurt nudged him. “Shush just watch, he’s coming to greet you and I don’t think this is normally done judging by the other barista’s faces at the counter.
“Bambi, Hi, you came” the boy danced his way towards them, which was the only way Kurt could describe his movement with a quick double hop, step and a slide and then he had Reed’s hand in his and planted a kiss on it, letting it go. “I missed you. I thought you would never come back.”
“Bambi.” nudged Kurt and Reed shook himself, still in shock. “Shane, I told you to call me Reed remember.” and the boy grinned at them. “You remembered my name.” Shane danced a bit in front of them, “So, Chocolate milk on the house.” and Reed nodded, pleased that Shane had remembered his order and considering that he had now kissed him twice he was definitely not making it up and he had Kurt as a witness as well.
“And for your friend?” Shane frowned at Kurt and Oh that was what Kurt was saying. “Yes, friend, this is Kurt, my best friend.” Reed said pulling Kurt towards him “He’ll have a.”
“Grande Nonfat Mocha.” Kurt supplied, watching Shane watch Reed, who now smiled properly at them, now that he knew that Kurt was a friend.
“Cool.” nodded Shane, who was now looking at Reed, smiling broadly at him and Reed as blushed and smiled back, ”You can give your order at the counter.” and Kurt laughed.
“So what do you think?” Reed asked Kurt, who had basically chaperoned them for two hours at the coffee shop.” A little bit excited, so not my type. “Kurt piped “And I was definitely not his. Though, you are most definitely his type.”
“You think.” Reed blushed and happily walked next to his friend. “Absolutely.”  Kurt nodded, “You should give it a go. Ask him out. Keep it simple, he seems like an excited puppy and you’re the best thing that could happen to him.”
“Kurt.” Reed laughed and nudged him. “What, I’m telling the truth. Go for it. He’ll definitely say yes.”
“He did slip me his number.” Reed smiled and Kurt looked at him shocked. “So that’s why you took such a long time to say goodbye.”
“Yeah, he kissed my cheek, again, and hugged me and slipped his number and then grinned and danced.”
“You should go for it.” Kurt smiled at his friend, happy that he had found someone who he liked.
“I will!” promised Reed. Perhaps he will even have a date to his mother’s thing.
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Un nouveau départ
A/n :  Dalton Big Bang 2020. Prompt: College AU
He was lost. He was totally and completely lost. Julian turned the school map around trying to find the direction he had come from but all the corridors looked the same. Study in Paris, they said, it would be good. All the beautiful men, culture and art and now he couldn’t find his way to the first class of the semester.
The bell rang signalling the beginning of the class and he looked around in alarm. He needed to find some to help him and noticed someone, a student may be, pass by him.
“Excuse me.” He called out, walking towards the guy and then realized that he needed to speak in French. “Could you point me towards the Art History class.” he stuttered in French, hoping he had his pronunciations correct. Luckily the course was only for four months and in English and then he was back home.
The guy, man, student, Julian was not sure, turned around and smiled at him “American.”
“French?” Julian greeted “I need to get to class. Art History by Dr. Smythe.”
“Oh, no I am American as well.” The guy replied smiling brightly, looking at him as Julian walked towards him “And you could call Dr. Smythe as Sebastian you know. Instead of Dr. Smythe. He prefers Sebastian.”
“Okay, then.” Julian huffed at the guy, who now came to stand next to him. He was fairly tall, had brown hair and brown eyes, “So, Art History?’
“Right this way.” The guy directed and ducked into the nearest archway which turned out to be the classroom he was looking for.
Julian stared at the man, boy’s retreating back, he still wasn’t sure, in amazement.  He would have definitely missed classroom if he had not stopped for directions and this way he found another American and a cute one! his head supplied and he smiled. Perhaps there was hope.
He entered in and slowly made his way to the top noticing that the Professor – Sebastian, no Dr. Smythe his head corrected, go with Dr. Smythe till you’re sure that you can address him as Sebastian, had just come in as well and was setting up the classroom; dry erasing the board, with his back towards the class.
“Thank god.” he whispered silently, realizing that he was not late and settled down and began removing his books and pen looking around to find where his saviour was seated when the teacher turned around.
“Fuck.” Julian whispered when he realized who his professor was. It was his saviour – Dr. Smythe was his saviour. Sebastian – his head corrected, he clearly gave you permission to call him Sebastian. “He was flirting!” he whispered loudly and the students next to him immediately turned to look at him. He ducked embarrassed and looked around to find Dr. Smythe – Sebastian, grinning at him, smirking even when he realized Julian was looking at him.
Fuck Indeed.
“Dr. Smythe.” Julian approached the front of the classroom carefully once all the students had departed. He didn’t know what he was doing but he wanted to assure his Professor that he wouldn’t be late the next time and also to check whether there was any actual flirting involved unless he made the whole thing up in his head.
Dr Smythe’s non-nonsense attitude throughout the lecture being smart, well versed, knowledgeable, commanding the class and keeping hold of their attention impressed him thoroughly and he did want to continue to attend class.
“I am sorry about today.” He took a deep breath and looked at his professor in the eye. "I assure you I am not usually this tardy. I just got –“
“Lost.”Dr. Smythe – Sebastian completed his sentence and Julian nodded
“Don’t worry.” Dr. Smythe – Sebastian smiled, shouldering his bag “It happens to the best of us. Shall we” he gestured towards the door. “We don’t want you to get lost again.”
He ushered Julian out the door, a hand gently resting on the small of Julian’s back “also, call me Sebastian.” and smiled widely at Julian who was sure he was getting heart failure. “And yes this is me asking you out if you’re interested.” and Julian blinked and nodded in delight
“So how did how you happen to be teaching at the Sorbonne.” Julian asked, Yes good, his brain supplied, it's about time you snapped out from being a sappy teenager, get yourself together. Sebastian smiled at him and nudged his shoulder, their arms not quite touching but together as they walked down the long corridor.
“I came here to study and fell in love with Paris.” Sebastian looked around the place and Julian watched his every movement, “I mean, what’s not to love.” His eyes finally settled on Julian’s and Julian smiled softly his hands gently grazing Sebastian’s “I guess one can find pretty things when they’re least expecting, sometimes in even in their own backyard”
“Or class.” Julian muttered and Sebastian laughed and pecked him on the cheek. “So, Mignon, how about tonight, then you can tell me how you ended up in my class”
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Wendigo Woods.
Dalton Big Bang 2020 Prompt: Dwodd day and next weeks prompt: Horror
Warnings: Little gore, blood, animal attack references, kidnapping.
“Hmm, why are you whispering?” Dwight asked as he cleaned his gun, taking the bullets out and polishing the sleek metal gun. The body of the Colt glistening as he tilted it against the sunlight, checking for smudges and fingerprints.
“Because this is during office hours, also I think you may be right.”
“That the animal attacks are not just animal attacks.” Dwight asked serious, placing the colt down gently.
“Yeah, we just got the news and this is 6th case. It’s from the next county, but it fits the description.”
“Males aged 22 to 30, fit, from the area with, missing for a week and then ends up dead. Cause of death: Animal attacks.” Dwight read from the stack of gathered new papers on the seat next to him. He frowned putting the gun aside and pulling a large map of the surrounding area out. “Okay, see you at home then?”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Todd walked into their apartment and shut the door behind. “Anything?” He smiled at the domesticity of it. They met when Dwight saved him from his roommate that turned out to be a vampire. Initial shock aside Todd was extremely impressed with Dwight and how he neatly staked his roommate and cut off his head. He even stayed around a bit to make sure he was alright before leaving, asking Todd not disclose to anyone what had happened.
The idea that there were supernaturals around shook him to the core but he later learnt there was a group of individuals – Hunters who made it their mission to protect the world from things that go bump in the night.
Like Dwight, it seemed and being in the line of work he was in - a reporter, he kept bumping into Dwight, who used to surreptitiously hang around crime scenes, till they worked out at an arrangement.
Todd, being supremely grateful for being saved, started telling Dwight when he was getting too close, becoming a suspect himself when he started showing up at every crime scene. They made a deal for Todd to suss out the crime scene and gain intel regarding the investigation. Being a legitimate reporter Todd had access to all data and crime scene photos and investigation details that Dwight normally had to hack his way into or impersonate.
It worked and kept on working and they started getting closer, hanging out outside “work” as well and then one day Todd kissed Dwight who kissed him back and here they were.
“Well.” Dwight kissed him and turned to look at the map of the area. “Two from our county and one each from the rest. The victims, males who went jogging/walking, well one was walking the dog. The dog is safe by the way.” Dwight said looking at Todd’s frowned face.
“Anything else.” Todd asked hugging Dwight from behind, his chin resting on Dwight’s shoulder. “Early morning or late night is when they went missing. They seem to have a penchant for healthy, young males it seems.
“Except this couple.”
“Hmm.” Todd enquired, he hadn’t heard about a couple going missing lately.
“I think they were the first.” Dwight said studying the old newspaper and his notes scattered on the table.  “They were camping around this here.” Circling a spot deep in the woods. “They were not on sanctioned camping ground as this is where animals are usually spotted.”
“So you think they were the first?” Todd asked intrigued, thinking about the case that took place almost a year ago, “That was ruled out as an animal attack.”
“There were tracks of animals around but the camp was thoroughly destroyed.” Dwight said reading the news article from online. “It looked ransacked, who knows what was taken and kills looked sloppy.”
“But now they improved.”
“You think the first was practice and now they’re killing for sport.”
“Or food.” Dwight said standing up.
Todd let him go and frowned at him. “You think someone is staying there?’
“Well, there are caves nearby.” Dwight said drinking a glass of water, “where the couple was camping. Though after the incident, the campgrounds were closed, camping was stopped and only the trails close to the entrance were allowed, so maybe they had to come closer, become bolder.”
“Especially if they wanted to eat.”
“Yes.” Dwight agreed and collected the newspaper clippings and assorted weapons and placed it carefully in his bag.
“So I guess you’re going in then.” Todd asked and Dwight kissed him. “Have to, saving people, hunting things, the family business.”
“Be safe.” Todd kissed him deeply, licking at Dwight’s lips till Dwight allowed him access to his mouth. Todd’s tongue slipping in.
“Always am.” Dwight whispered and pulled Todd closer to him.
“Fuck.” Todd whispered and checked his phone again, but the last voice mail he got from Dwight was two days ago, telling him all was well and that he had reached the camping grounds and to stop worrying, that he knew what to do. After that, there was no other communication and Todd was seriously considering getting the cops involved but how do you explain that Dwight went camping in the woods in the cordoned-off area because he thought there was something living in the woods, killing people, eating them.
“Fuck.” He whispered and rubbed his face. He would need to do this on his own but Todd didn't know exactly what to do. Plus Dwight had taken the majority of his stash of weapons and only the spares were left behind.
He needed help.
“Where is it.” he mumbled, rummaging through their things trying to find a certain sheet of paper with details of other hunters. The family business line was actually true with Dwight’s cousin being a Hunter in himself.
“Lucas, Lucas, Lucas.” Todd said going through the surprisingly short list of names. One would think there would be more hunters around considering the spate of crimes and supernatural creatures, however hunting being unsanctioned and in most of the cases illegal; payments or rewards for a job well done was not a concept, not to mention the nomadic lifestyle and running away from the law and the hazards of the job as more than one name were scratched off.
Todd didn’t even want to think what it meant and then he finally found Lucas Water’s contact details.
“Lucas Walters? This is Todd Hendriks – Houston. I think I need your help.”
Todd surveyed the group of people in his living room. They had all finally arrived with Lucas arriving first; a day after the making the call, who then proceeded to call in for reinforcements, who turned out to be Dwight’s friends as well.
They all started out together and then branched out, establishing an area under their control so to speak, this way there was a hunter in almost every state, sometimes more than one in areas with dense population.
Sadie, Morgan, Laura and Lucas – Laura being the last to arrive, flying in from London. “Pure family reasons” she assured “Not business.”
“So.” Lucas said and the others turned to him and then to each other. “You’re Dwight’s husband.”
“Yes.” Todd smiled. “Just for two months, settling in has a newly married couple.” The girls grinned and Morgan smiled and nodded.
“And now he’s missing.”
“Yes.” Todd said pulling their map towards him. “We’ve been investigating a series of animal attacks and Dwight. “ Todd stopped and took a deep breath “Dwight, he went to investigate.” He looked at the gathered hunters, “You know saving people, hunting things. But it’s never been like this before.”
“He’s been missing for close to a week now. “Morgan asked moving towards the table with the map and the new paper cuttings. “Yes, after the latest victim surfaced. which was almost a week ago”
“And Dwight suspected something supernatural?” Sadie asked picking up a news clipping
“Well, he definitely fits the victim profile.” Laura remarked looking at the headings.
“I know.” Todd said worryingly. “He has gone to roughly this area.” He said circling the area on the map. “The jogging trail ends here and then the camping grounds start. There are even sign towards caves, though that has been cordoned off.”
He played them Dwight’s last voicemail.
“So we know Dwight reached the camping ground and then there has been no further news.”
“No.” Todd said. “And it will be a week soon.”
“You have not reported him missing right.” Morgan asked,
“No.” Todd whispered, “I didn’t know how to explain. How to make them go to the woods, the caves which are basically cordoned off.”
“Good.” Lucas nodded, “We go there tomorrow.
“I would like to come.” Todd requested, “Absolutely.” Sadie nodded, “You’re a part of the family.”
They set off early in the morning, slipping through the police barrier that was placed at the entrance of the park, now that the frequency of the cases was increasing. They soon reached the end of the trail and started to follow the directions to the campgrounds.
They soon found the signs for the caves as well as the warning signs.
“This is where we should now be silent.” Lucas whispered, looking at Todd, “We are well away from the entrance of the park and the common jogging, camping area and in their territory so to speak.”
He handed him a gun which Todd took, checking to see whether the safety was on, tucking it into the band of his jeans. “What.” He whispered when he saw the others grinning.
“Dwight has taught you well.” Laura smiled and Sadie grinned.
“He saved my life, that’s how we met.”
“That’s Dwight.” Morgan said clapping Todd on the back. “Come let’s go.”
They soon came across a small clearing and found signs of camping.  “That’s Dwight’s” Todd whispered finding his bag of weapons and spare clothes that was always in the bag along with cash.
“Everything is here.” Todd said as he looked through the bag. The clothes, money, weapons everything intact.  “This was not a robbery”
“It never was.” Morgan said and pointed to rock lying nearby caked with blood.
“He was attacked.” Laura whispered, “And dragged” Sadie whispered, pointing to a trail which lead out through the clearing and then got lost in the undergrowth.
“That’s the general area of the caves.” Todd whispered and removed his gun.
“Easy now.” Sadie warned. “We need the element of surprise.
“I suggest we break for lunch.” Lucas whispered and at Todd’s frantic look he explained, “We would need the rest and the sustenance to handle whatever it is we’re dealing with.”
“It’s reaching noon now.” Sadie whispered, “We eat quick, rest and then start soon. We need to reach the caves and Dwight before evening.
“We will.” Morgan whispered and started handing out packed sandwiches and water.
“I have a distinct feeling, we’re being watched.” Todd whispered as he followed the others down the part towards the caves. They were surrounded everywhere by tall trees and greenery, the sunlight throwing shadows everywhere amongst the undergrowth.
“We are.” Sadie whispered and Todd gulped. “I can see a figure amongst the bushes who has been watching us, tracking our movement. They are staying just out of reach, but I have caught them.
“Who is it” Laura whispered from behind Todd. Morgan was the last on their line-up bringing up the rear. Sadie was in the front, followed by Lucas, Todd and Laura. They kept him in the middle, being the inexperienced one. Plus Dwight would have definitely killed them if anything happened to his husband on their watch Laura pointed out.
“Can’t see features properly. But they’re tall, thin, slim, matted hair and fast.” Sadie remarked watching figure flitting in and out through the bushes.
“So human then.” Todd whispered.
“Definitely humanoid, considering the claws and scratches and bites probably a Wendigo or Succubus, Werewolf.” Lucas said.
“And they can all be killed by our weapons.” Laura whispered.
“And how many do you think will be there.” Todd asked carefully thinking of Dwight.
“Considering the kills, one, I think.” Lucas said softly as they made their way towards the caves which could be seen up ahead. “There would have been more kills if there were more than one person to be fed.”
“We are reaching towards the caves, look alive.” Morgan whispered, “and our shadow has also disappeared.” Sadie confirmed.
“We are definitely in their territory” Lucas confirmed when they reached the entrance of the caves. It was pretty dark in the area, the canopy of the trees blocking most of the light, it was nearing three Todd noticed and then looked around. There were multiple entrances but only a few looked plausible considering the general height of the individual Sadie told them.
“That one and this one.” she pointed out, “They’re low lying, easily hidden and small enough not to be noticeable but big enough to fit a human.
“Plus I see footprints.” pointing towards fresh tracks on the ground.
“We split up.” Morgan said, “Sadie and I will take this one” he pointed to nearest entrance “Y’all can take the other.”
“Then what.” Todd asked slowly removing the safety of the gun.
“Then we behead, burn, salt the bones and any personal items and burn again.”
“And how do we know if the others have found Dwight or are in danger.” Todd asked
“Follow the screams,” Laura suggested and Morgan frowned at her.
“Our normal call would be better.” Lucas said looking at Todd’s scared face. “Let’s go get our boy back.” clapping him on the shoulder.
The smell inside of the cave was unbearable. Todd grimaced and pulled his shirt over his nose. The others were doing the same.
“This is why.” Laura said through her t-shirt as they came across the remains of a half-eaten deer and other woodland creatures.
“It’s been supplementing its diets.” Lucas said and went further inside the cave and where they were able to breathe properly “It would less noticeable with the animals than actual human beings.”
“I think we are reaching a dead end.” Todd said when he noticed that the path they had taken was slowly decreasing in width. “You’re right.” Laura whispered. “Let go back the way we came from, there was another tunnel near the entrance of the cave.
“I hope the others are having better luck.” Todd whispered and covered his face with his shirt and started walking.
“I think we’re in the right area.” Sadie whispered to Morgan,” I think so too.” Morgan whispered realizing that their part of the cave felt smoother, airier and they soon came to a gathering of a sort which definitely looked live-able noticing makeshift bedding and “Dwight” Sadie whispered when she found her friend knocked out unconscious.
“He seems unconscious. “Morgan said rubbing at Dwight’s mouth at the smear of crushed leaves and what looked like berries. “ He was drugged.
“Or could be medicine.” Sadie whispered pointing at Dwight’s ankle which was swollen and blackish blue in colour. “So that’s why he couldn’t escape,”
“Not to mention the egg on his head “She ran her fingers through Dwight’s hair and found traces of dried blood
“He’s concussed.” Morgan whispered and something jumped him.
He wrestled with the creature who attacked him from behind, trying to get control of him and Sadie reached for her gun but found that she couldn’t get a clear shot with Morgan in the way.
She thumped the butt of the gun hard on the creature’s head and looked upon a Wendigo with roars of sharp teeth and claws for fingernails. The creature dropped Morgan and jumped on her and Sadie tried to aim the creatures snapping jaw away from her face when Lucas, Laura and Todd entered in and with one quick strike of a blade, the wendigo’s head was severed from the rest of its body.
“Search the area for any more of them.” Morgan said pointing at the creature, cradling his heavy head, Laura standing on guard with a gun trained and ready to shoot. Sadie and Lucas nodded and left as Todd ran towards Dwight who was slowly starting to stir with the commotion.
“Todd.” Dwight croaked feebly and Todd smiled. “Shush, I got you. I got you. You’re safe.” And Dwight closed his eyes.
“You be safe now.” Sadie whispered and kissed Dwight on the forehead. “I know.” Dwight mumbled. “I was concussed and drugged okay, otherwise I would have had it in the bag,”
“We know.” Laura whispered and Dwight hobbled to get from the couch, his head in bandages, faces and arms dotted in scratches in process of healing. “No, you rest.” She kissed him on the cheek, “I don’t want to have to save you again.”
“I had it under control.” Dwight snarked.  “Till it wasn’t.” Morgan told him gently nudging him in the shoulder. “Till it wasn’t.” Dwight agreed.
“So that’s it for us then.” Sadie said and Todd stood up, “Thank you, he means the world to me.” He looked down at Dwight who was smiling at Todd softly. Todd kissed him gently on the lips. “I don’t know what I have would have done without him.”
“Stay in touch.” Morgan said as he opened the door. “Stay safe.” Laura said.
“Don’t worry, I will be hanging around for some time.” Lucas said as he walked them towards the door. “Will check the area out again, see if this is last or if anything new pops out.”
“Plus, I got a new brother that I need to catch up with.” And Dwight kissed Todd on the cheeks.
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Three's company.
Dalton Big Bang 2020 Prompt: Wevid friendship with Katherine
“Did you hear about the new tenants?” Mrs. Garcia said to her neighbour Mrs. Thompson as she passed her by on way to work.
“The cute boys renting 4B.” Mrs. Thompson smiled as she locked her apartment door behind her. ”They passed by me as they were hefting their couch earlier. Real polite they were.” she nodded. “Greeted me and everything.”
“But did you know about the girl.”
“Hmm.” Mrs. Garcia enquired as she walked down the stairs and nodded to a neighbour who opened the door for them. “What girl.”
“The girl, Nina.” Mrs. Thompson said following her neighbour out of the apartment building. “There was a girl with them, who was also carrying furniture pieces.”
“Probably a friend.” Mrs. Garcia – Nina said as Mrs. Thompson reached near her. “Got to rush Betty, See you later.”
“Have you met the new couple renting 4B?” Mr. Nelson from 6B asked Mr. Clark from 5B. “Well my Maria, you know her.” Mr. Clark sighed, “She made it a mission to meet them.”
“And?” Mr. Nelson looked curious?
“The girl is a dancer and the boyfriend, who was also around, is studying business.”
“Oh.” Mr. Nelson looking intrigued. “It’s good to have some young blood here, liven things up so to speak.”
“Alison.” Mrs. Garcia – Nina said when she met her friend in the hallway. “It’s been a long time, what have you been doing lately?”
“Nothing much.” Alison – Ms. Lee from 6A sighed, “Just tired, long day, the shipments were delayed and then we had to sort everything out.”
“Yes. Yes.” Mrs. Garcia – Nina hurried her friend along “But do you know anything about who is renting 4B. “
“Those two boys you mean – David and Wes.”
“So there are two boys renting 4B” Nina mumbled to herself.” I knew it.”
“Pardon.” Alison sighed, tired after a long day at work.
“Nothing. Nothing, just checking, have a good day Alison.”
“Don’t they make a cute couple?” Ms. Martin from 1A remarked to Mr. Nelson from 6 B.”I wish I could find a boyfriend.”
“She is a dancer and he is studying business. Martin heard it from Mr. Clark from 5B.”
“Business.” Ms. Martin frowned, “I could have sworn I heard something about the boyfriend studying law. Katherine had told me herself.”
“Really.” Mr. Nelson – Andrew frowned, “Martin didn’t tell me this, but then again he got this information from Mr. Clark, who in turn got this information from Mrs. Clark.”
“And we all know what happens when Mrs. Clark is involved.”
“You can say that again.”
“I think our neighbours are confused about who exactly is living here.” David said walking into the apartment and shutting the door.
“Hmm, what do you mean?” Wes frowned into his business textbooks.
“I passed by the sweet old lady who lives in 2A, she saw me and wished me good luck for my exams.”
“But I have an exam.” Wes said tiredly “I know.” David laughed cheerfully and grinned, “And then she also told me to say hi to my boyfriend.
“Oh honey, I love you too.” Wes laughed, used to his friendship with David always being misconstrued into something else.”
“Yep.” David said toeing off his shoes. “It’s the talk of the town, it seems. Everyone thinks we’re gay.”
“Oh.” Wes frowned, “I was just beginning to put on the moves on the cutie from 1A. We’re to meet for drinks over the weekend. Though she seemed to think that Katherine and I were in a relationship and you were out of the picture completely ”
“Better step up your moves lover boy” David grinned, “They now think you’re gay.”
“Well, they think you’re gay too.” Wes reminded.
“And that’s why I have the missus.” He smiled kissing Katherine on the cheek.
“About that.” Katherine smiled and pushed David away. ”Some of them think that we’re married. You have got to stop calling me the missus in public.”
“You will be, soon” David picked up Katherine’s hand and kissed the finger with the engagement ring on it and Wes smiled.
(Series of conversation that took place amongst the neighbours over the next three weeks.)
“I hear that they’re engaged”
“Well, you can’t miss the rock on her finger.”
“Whose finger”
“Katherine, the girl.”
“But I thought they were gay and its two boys living there.”
“There are two boys living there and a girl and she is engaged.”
“To both of them?”
“I have news about 4B”
“Do tell.”
“They’re living together.”
“Like, together, together?”
“Yes, they’re a polyamorous couple.”
“How do you know?”
“Because” dramatic pause, “I saw the African American boy kiss the Asian boy on the cheeks and then he proceeded to kiss the girl on the lips.”
“Where was this, where were you?”
“I guess, he was, leaving to go somewhere, the door was open.
”So you spied on them?”
“I guess… Was it bad that I did?”
“Don’t know, but at least now we know.”
“I don’t know about know them being a polyamorous couple but those boys.” Dramatic pause. “Are gay.”
“But the girl, she is engaged.”
“Maybe she is their friend or sister.”
“But one of them addressed her as their missus.”
“Wait, so you’re saying that they are married now?”
“I don’t know....”
“I’m am telling you, those boys are gay! I have excellent gaydar you know.”
“So, it’s definitely three people living together?”
“Not together, together as it’s a two-bedroom apartment. But yes, David and Katherine are engaged and Wes is single but looking to change his status”
“How do you know?”
“Because –“
“Come on now, don’t be shy.”
“I guess, we are in a thing.”
“Ooh, which one is he?”
“The cute Asian one.”
“The lawyer.”
“No, he is studying business.”
“Oh, ok, tell me how it goes.”
“So, should we do something about this situation?” Wes said shovelling popcorn in his mouth and David stared at him, “Hey, you’re eating all the popcorn.”
“Go make more for self.”
“What situation?” Katherine sat down next to Wes, taking some popcorn from the bowl offered to her.
“Hey.” David cried in indignation.
“Shush, go make more.” Katherine smiled beatifically and David sighed and got up dropping a kiss on her hair.
“Kiara says that everyone thinks we are in a relationship, like all of us, together.”
“But, doesn’t she know that you’re single and straight.”
“Yes.” grinned Wes, “And I have proved it to her, multiple times.” and punched David’s offered fist as Katherine threw a pillow at them.
“Then, what’s the problem.” David asked on way to the kitchen.”
“I don’t know. Should we do something, say something?” The three of them looked at each other, “Well, it’s none of their business.” David remarked.
“What you can do is invite Kiara over the next time. “ Katherine piped, “We want to meet her.”
“Okay.” nodded Wes and picked up the game controller, “Super Mario anyone?”
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Paint Wars.
Dalton Big Bang 2020 Prompt: Met as kids AU
“Hilde, good morning, this is Marlene. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it for today’s meeting. I would appreciate if we could reschedule for some time next week. A pressing matter has come up.”
Shane looked up from where he was playing next to his mom, racing his cars around the kitchen floor copying the movements of his big brother Blaine.
He glanced at his mom smiling at him and grinned back, racing his car faster to catch up with Blaine’s.
“No, nothing like that. It’s just -” He saw his mom glance at him and his brother, twirling the phone cord between her fingers. She looked worried, biting her lip. “The sitter cancelled last minute, you see and both my sons are at home.”
“I could bring them with me, like last time.” Marlene exclaimed and both boys looked up to see their mother smiling, “And you’re sure that you’re fine with it?” She beamed. “Yes, thank you. See you in an hour’s time”
Marlene glanced at her sweet boys playing with each other on the floor, wide smiles on their faces, their riotous curls everywhere. “Boys, we need to get cleaned up, we have to go out.”
“Are we going to a park, Mama?” Shane asked, smiling up at his mom and she held his hand and helped him down the stairs. His big brother Blaine deeming himself a big boy stepped down slowly behind them. Soon Shane would be able to the same by himself.
“No Sweetie.” His mom smiled at him. “I have a meeting and if you boys behave, we’ll have a treat later.”
“Yeay.” The brothers cheered.” We’ll be good Mama.” Blaine promised as their mom buckled them in the car seat and Shane nodded vigorously, tossing his curls everywhere.
“Hilde, thank you for letting me bring the boys along.” Marlene smiled.
“No, no it’s fine. They can play with my son Reed.” Hilde looked down at her small son, who was tangled around her legs, playing with her diaphanous skirt, “Your youngest got along well with him last time. Perhaps this way we can get some work down.”
“Reed, you remember Shane, this is his brother Blaine. Go show them your artwork, mommy is busy.”
Shane looked at his little friend who was smiling shyly at them. “I remember you.” Shane piped, smiling at the little cherub of an angel that looked like the tiny figurines his mommy collected. “We played with plushies”
The little boy nodded, “You threw plushies on me and then you stole my bear.”
“You stole my castle.” Shane laughed and the little boy smiled at him. “And then you gave me back my bear. “
“It was fun.” Reed smiled at his playmate and Shane grinned at him, “This my big brother Blaine.” And Blaine smiled at Reed. “Do want to play tag.”
“I can’t.” Reed frowned, “I fall down a lot and hurt myself and my mommy doesn’t like if I get my clothes dirty.”
“That’s okay.” Shane smiled and at looked the mess of crayons, watercolours, sketch pens and colour pencils on the floor. “We can do that as well.”
Blaine nodded, “We can make art.”
“No. no, you’re getting it wrong.” Reed said looking at the messy artwork that was Shane’s under the sea.  “The blue of the water can’t be inside the fishees.” He said, as the blue paint blended into the red paint of the fishes.
“They’re just drinking water.” Shane shrugged and went around smashing more paint onto the canvas, mixing in yellow with the blues and reds and Reed just stared at him. He glanced Blaine’s painting which was much neater than Shane’s, paint colours in the lines and everything but it was not good as Reed’s.
“I’ll show you.” Reed said and took his paintbrush to correct Shane’s painting when a drop of paint fell on Shane’s hand. “Hey.” Shane grinned and smeared a messy finger on Reed’s face.
“What no. I didn’t mean it.” frowned Reed and moved to wipe his face when the paintbrush fell on Shane’s clothes. “Paint war.” Shane yelled and smeared a messy hand on Reed’s arm and laughed and ran away.
“No, no come back here.” Reed exclaimed as Shane threw paint in his direction flicking his hands “Catch me if you can.” laughed Shane grabbing a bottle of the nearest paint when he tripped over his brother throwing white paint on him and Blaine frowned.
Reed giggled in surprise and Blaine looked up grabbing the nearest paint bottle and smiled. He ran towards him but Reed shrieked and ducked and paint bottle in his hand fell to the floor. At the same time, Blaine aimed his bottle of paint towards him but hit Shane on the chest and Shane yelled and ran towards them slipping on the paint that Reed had thrown on the floor, “Take no mercy.” he yelled flinging paint wildly, smearing them on his brother and Reed and then there was war.
All the three boys laughed and ran, throwing paint on each other and on the walls; ducking, shrieking, slipping and having fun, when they heard a loud cry.” Boys.”
They turned around to find their moms and Blaine and Shane looked at their horrified mom and the mess they had made.
“It’s okay.” Hilde laughed and all the three Anderson’s turned to look at her. “This is Reed’s playroom. “Don’t worry about it.” she said looking around the colourful room with splotches of paint on the wall “We’ll just paint over it. Fresh canvas so to speak” and Reed nodded.
“And I see that they’re wearing smocks over their clothes.” Hilde continued, looking at the three flushed colourful boys, happy and dishevelled; her little son with a colourful paint smear down his one arm, which suspiciously looked like a handprint.
“It looks like they’re having fun.” and all the three boys grinned at each other and nodded.
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Winter Olympics AU.
Day 5. No Dalton AU Dalton Academy never existed. So where do our characters end up? Do some of them know each other anyway? Maybe they ended up in public schools, maybe they would never meet at all. Tell or show us what happens if Dalton Academy had never been built.
They meet at the Olympics of course.
“And now we have TEAM USA led by the defending Olympic Champion Blaine Anderson”
As the announcer continued to speak about Blaine Anderson and size of the Team USA, Logan sighed and carefully made his way down the icy cold arena surrounded by his teammates, his rivals, his friends, all wrapped up in their heavy matching jacket, gloves, mittens and boots as they smiled and cheered and waved at the gathered spectators.
He was here to win. Gold, his dad promised to everyone at to the press conference announcing the team representing the USA in the 2022 Olympics.
“So, you’re not sad that it’s not you out there?” Logan looked up to find his best friend Derek gesturing to the front at Blaine; mitten gloved and beaming as he slowly carried their country flag, waving it carefully and smiling as he led the team.
“No.” he sighed remembering the awful situation that was his dad who finally realized that his son’s fooling around was an actual Olympic sport and could be spun around to boost his campaign that he gunned for Logan to be the flag bearer. Luckily, Logan got to his dad first before he could talk to concerned people and convince him that he needed to focus on his jumps, otherwise, that would have been a disaster waiting to happen. There was already talk about favouritism and politics involved thanks to his dad but Logan won the national trials by fair and square and by a large margin. There were no doubts involved he was good, but now he needed to prove just how good he actually was.
“No, Blaine deserved it, he did win gold in the last Olympics. There was no way they would replace him with me.”
“Then it’s all cool with you.” Derek asked as he watched his best friend, “And him.”  They both gave up the pretence of waving and were walking side by side, camouflaged by the sheer size of the US Winter Olympics team.
“Yeah.” Logan nodded and watched his ex who was now glancing at his boyfriend Kurt Hummel – US team Figure skater as he walked not quite behind Blaine and they both beamed at each other. “He’s with Hummel now. We were not good together.”
“You did love him, once.”
“And look at what that led us to, a hushed-up article about a bar fight between an Olympic gold medalist and the son of a US Senator. And to think that it started out as a date.”
“Well, I am glad to see you’re better now.” Derek grinned at him, “and I look forward to beating you on the ice.”
“You got a Bronze last time.” Logan nudged him, ”don’t act like as if you won.”
“At least I was on the podium, Mr 4th Place.” Derek smiled cheekily and slapped Logan on the back, who narrowed his eyes on him, “Oh it’s so on Seigerson.”
“Come at me, Wright.”
The opening ceremony went on for the rest of the night and soon it was the next day and qualifying rounds began for the games which would last for almost two weeks.
You got this, just ski like you normally ski and all will be well.
“Men’s round – Team 1 out on the ice.”
“You got this.” He told himself and immediately walked into another person. He couldn’t stop it from happen and they both went slipping out into the ice.
“Ow,” Logan said and from where he was sprawled out on the floor. “You okay,” Derek said as skied and stopped next to him. “Yes, though I think I was sabotaged.” and Derek laughed, “Sabotaged, by him.” He gestured to the other person who was still winded out, lying on the ice.
He looked pale and delicate, slender Logan corrected as those were clearly muscles that moved through his skin-tight training suit as he was surrounded by teammates – Great Britain, Logan read as the guy slowly moved away from the ice, shivering. Logan frowned, he would have to be freezing here out in the snow, in the elements with just a training suit which did wonders for his body highlighting his muscles, skin tight and black standing out in the white snow.
“Logan. Hey.” He realized that Derek was still talking to him and he dusted himself and nodded to Derek, “I am alright, let’s do this.”
In, out, just like breathing. Logan thought as he skied, that’s its.
“Great work everyone.” Their coach smiled and Logan nodded. He was done for the day and he needed the rest hoping that his allotted room was free.
He dropped his kit back in the room and went down to the mess building and almost collided with another person. Twice in one day, seriously “Oh great, it's you again.”
“Excuse me.” Logan asked, he didn’t know the guy in front of him but he looked pissed, “Are you out for round 2 then,” and he realized it was the guy from the morning. “Woah, excuse me,” he narrowed his eye "You collided with me.” The angry look that met him made all the blood in his body pool immediately in his dick. The guy was absolutely his type, little taller than him, slender but strong, tousled brown hair as he sneered at him. He studied Logan’s Team USA jacket and snorted, “Don’t think I am going to allow you to boost Hummel’s chances at gold. I got this in the bag.” and smirked and walked away.
Who was that?
“We’re are going to see the figure skating program later today, coming with?”
Logan looked up to find Derek and a bunch of his fellow skiers changed out of their uniform. “I want to practice a few jumps, now that the trails are free,” Logan said as he picked up his snowboard.
“Oh give it a rest.” Derek laughed and clapped him on the back. “We just skied a perfect practice. I can beat you later on the board.”
Logan narrowed his eyes, “You mean like how I beat you yesterday, even after my fall.”
“Sure, whatever." Derek drawled, "plus David here hasn’t stopped whining about seeing his girlfriend and he’s making me miserable. He’s an even worse roommate than you.” he said laughing at their teammate David Sullivan who was ecstatic when his girlfriend made the cut.
“I miss her,” David said and smiled at his phone display that was an image of a smiling girl with long brown and large brown eye.
“Plus there will be girls” Wes piped “And Boys.” chimed Shane, Dear God another Anderson, of the US Ski Team.
The break in the practice was actually refreshing and Logan found himself enjoying as his teammates cheered on their fellow teammates, occasionally passing comments if a cute girl skated by.
They were also not alone as Blaine Anderson was out near the rink gazing moodily at his boyfriend who was doing warm-ups in the corner when the Team Great Britain entered in.
“Oh wow, who is that.” Derek eyes glazed and Derek saw him look at a girl in Team GB coat enter the rink and practice skating.
“Casey Scott.” David replied moodily, “Katherine’s frenemy, gold medal hopeful, placed first in the Worlds last year and the Grand Prix.”
”You know a lot about figure skating man.” Derek replied as he watched Casey spin and skate her way around the ice. “Teach me about it. Like what move is that which made her skirt fly up. She looked cute doing it.” and Logan smiled at his best friend’s dopey grin and heart eyes.
“Slow down cowboy, you just learnt her name.”
“Well, we definitely need to put this in use.” Derek tossed something from his pocket at Logan’s face and who reflexively caught it.
“I have my own thank you very much,” Logan smirked and threw it back the Derek who laughed and pocketed it.
“They give them out every single year.” Charlie Amos said from behind him and Logan wondered if the entire US Ski team/snowboarding team was going to show up to watch the US figure skate team participate.
“What are you doing here man?” David and Wes smiled and hugged their friend
“Heard from Shane that we’re all gathering here so I made my way here,” Charlie said and zipped up his coat making himself comfortable.
“I see that the men’s team is next.” Charlie when he noticed Kurt and the others gathering next to the rink entrance.
“Oh man, I hope Blaine plays it cool and not mess up like yesterday,” Shane whispered as he watched his older brother dopily follow his boyfriend everywhere he went.
“Yeah, that’s not going happen.” Wes and David laughed loudly, “Not if Kurt decides to play.”
“What did he do?” Logan laughed and Derek nodded eagerly.
“He was watching Kurt unzip his jacket and he missed a couple of stairs and tripped.” David laughed. “Kurt was to blame, he knew Blaine was watching him so he threw a couple of smirks and saucy winks at him and then Blaine fell.”
“Spectacularly“ Wes laughed, “He didn’t get hurt.” He was in full gym uniform, padding and everything, having not bothered to change, But yeah.”
“But then Kurt made it up to him, several times may I add and loudly.”
“See this why you need to test these soon.” Derek quipped and slapped the condom back into Logan’s hand when Shane whistled next to him. “I think I will take that.” and pocketed the condom from a surprised Logan. “Team GB has just walked in and I think I have died and gone to heaven. There is an actual angel on the rink.”
Logan side-eyed Shane from where he was moonily gazing out on the rink and laughed, the Anderson Brothers were a riot alright and he turned to look out at the rink and his breath got stuck.
Out on the rink right in the middle, a boy was skating perfectly with the music, moving in, moving out, gliding with the flow of the music as he skated gracefully across the ice. He raised an arm up twirled before he took off in jump which had all crowd cheering and Logan staring in admiration. He then landed gently and twirled again and Logan recognized his face immediately.
“It's him.” He jogged Derek’s arm “from yesterday and today.”
“Who is that?.”  Logan said and realized that Shane had asked the same thing. There’s no way he was getting the perfect stranger, he was Logan’s
“Who.” all the guys asked as they watch the two of them.
“Him,” Logan whispered, at boy danced seamlessly with the music, his brunette hair arranged artfully as he raised a hand up and jumped again.
“The cute one, who skates like an angel, like a perfect cherub with wings.” Everyone sighed at Shane’s adjectives and he waved his hand, no his entire body at the little Strawberry blond Team GB skater as he skated across the ice. “He looks like a Botticelli carved angel.” and everyone groaned.
“Reed Van Kamp,” Charlie announced reading from his phone. “Team GB, figure skating.”
“Give me that.” Shane made grabby hands towards Charlie who sighed and handed his phone to Shane who alternated between the staring moonily at the phone and Reed skating.
“The other one is Julian Larson, in case you’re interested.” Derek smiled at his friend softly.
“Julian Larson,” Logan whispered as he tracked the boy skate gracefully across the ice, moving in time with the music, a soft smile on his face. Maybe he has more than just gold to look forward too.
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To tame a Rake.
Prompt: Historical AU Pick a time period and put our boys and girls into that era. Maybe you’d like to see them in the 1600s, maybe early civilization, maybe even just put them back in the 1980s. Either way, send ‘em backwards!
Set in Regency time, picks up from the existing Regency Au.
That man is a rake, thought Julian, Lord Larson of the House Armstrong as he watched John Logan Wright III, The current Earl of Ashford make his way into the ballroom, dressed in all black from head to toe, his stark white silk shirt the only contrast offered. He was accompanied by his best friend Derek Seigerson, Lord Cynster and together the two of them were the most eligible men in the ton.
All noble ladies, the fresh crop of debutantes and demi - mondes all had their eyes on them. However, one of them would soon be off the market. Lord Cynster would be married soon to his intended Lady Casey soon to be Lady Cynster and then there would be the only one left and Julian knew his secret.
He watched them enter the ballroom and scan the area with their steely eyes and Julian tracked his mother, Lady Larson of the House Armstrong as she hurried up towards them. He sighed and left the wall against which he was leaning. Maybe he should go join her to considering the ball was in the honour of the return of Lord Larson of the House Armstrong from America, which was basically him.
“Your Grace.” Logan bowed in front of Lady Larson and kissed the offered hand as his friend Derek nodded next to him. “Thank you for inviting us.”
“Ashford. Cynster.”
This was the reason he wanted to attend the ball, the only reason. That man and his expressive eyes and kissable mouth, the kiss they shared the last time they met still remained with him and Logan wanted more. But Julian - Lord Larson was proving hard to get.
Every night they met and danced in the shadows, away from everyone and their prying eyes, only Derek knew and guarded their secret. A fleeting smile, a passing touch was all they could do in the light surrounded by everyone. It was not deemed acceptable though it wasn’t common Logan came to learn from the snatches of whispers and he knew he didn’t want to suffer the same fate.
But, privately, in the dark he had Julian moaning deeply next him as Logan kissed his neck, void of the necktie and fine jacket, hair disarrayed and shirt lose and open. “More.” Julian kissed his neck, slowly sucking in, laving the skin. “I want more. I want everything.”
But every time they kept getting interrupted with some passing lady and her paramour and then Julian was off and away in the wink of an eye and by the time Logan had suitably arranged himself, deemed himself respectable to appear back in public Julian had gone, claiming sickness or another event.
“Armstrong.” Logan smirked and shook the offered hand and passing in a gentle caress as he let it go and Julian gulped. Derek smirked next them and grinned his answering nod. “Let forgets the titles shall we, we are all equals here.” and Logan nodded.
“Where were you.” He hissed immediately when Lady Armstrong left them. “I waited.”
“Later.” Julian hissed when they passed by the Ton’s gossip Lady Hennessey, and then in a much a louder voice, “Shall we make it to the library gentlemen.
The minute the three of them reached the corridor of the library, Logan immediately pulled Julian to him and kissed him deeply.
“Lo.” Julian breathed when their lips parted. Derek sighed at his best friend and the love of his life, “I suppose I should be guarding then.”
Julian nodded gratefully at him as Logan opened the door of the empty library and pulled him, “Thank you.”
“I was detained.” Julian whimpered the minute the door was shut behind him as Logan attacked his lips kissing his way down his throat, loosening the Half Windsor knot that kept Logan away from his throat.
Julian leaned into the touch and breathed Logan in, his arms’ moving around his back, pulling him towards him. He moved slowly against Logan’s kisses as his fingers nimbly unravelled his tie letting the two ends settle on either side of his neck.
“Gently.” He whispered capturing Logan’s lips in his, his hands guiding Logan’s down to his waist. “We have been noticed. All the scheming ladies have begun to notice that the three of us are disappearing together.”
“So what,” Logan growled Logan as he began to unbutton Julian’s shirt, kissing his skin as it slowly got exposed; a kiss to his neck, his collar bone. “It’s normal for men who are not thinking of marriage to not hang around too long during the ball. It’s how Derek told everyone that he was interested in Casey. He showed up everywhere she went.”
He kissed his way down Julian’s toned abs and stomach, to finally kiss the smooth skin above the fine pleated dark breeches. “Now be very quiet in case you really want everyone to know what we get up to when we disappear.”
"Absolutely," Julian breathed out when felt a warm tongue swirl around the head of his cock. He groaned quietly, fingers curling amongst Logan’s locks and Logan hummed contentedly, taking him into his mouth, bobbing his head a little, smooth and practised.
The air was filled with their rapid breathing and wet, filthy sound of Logan's lips around Julian’s cock, slick and hot. Julian bit his lip, looking down at Logan as he bobbed his head pleasuring him, feeling a sharp thrill of pleasure at the sight in front of him, The Earl of Ashford on his knees with Julian’s dick in his mouth. He looked at Logan’s half-lidded eyes, strong neck and shoulders, still encased in clothes while Logan had him dishevelled, coat on the floor, shirt open, tie undone and he moaned quietly. He was growing to love him in the short time he knew him and he wanted forever.
“I really did miss you,” Logan whispered as flicked his tongue over the tip, his eyes searching for Julian’s.  “Me too,” Julian whispered.
“So,” Derek grunted from where he was resting against the large ornate flower pedestal that framed either side library doors. “I take it everything is clear then. Shed some light over the situation.”
Logan glanced at Julian who was righting his clothes, frowning at his crumpled tie as he tried to tie back the half Windsor and Logan smiled at him. “Yeah, things are clearer.” and nudged Julian’s hands away and redid his tie for him and Julian smiled.
“Until next time, My Lord,” Logan whispered as he picked up Julian’s hand and placed a kiss on his knuckles and Julian blushed and nodded. He looked at Derek who was grinning at them, still leaning against the flower pedestal and frowned. “Thank you for today Cynster but your services are no longer needed.”
Derek chuckled and nodded and together the three of them arranged themselves to the high standards of perfection as required by the lords of the ton and walked back out into the ball as if nothing had happened.
Extra Scene.
He was going to die a slow death and it would be the fault of Lord Larson of the House Armstrong who had decided to show up in his new riding coat for their morning stroll in the park. “What do you think.” Julian whispered when met Logan, “I quite like it. Thought it would be a bit of change from the usual.”
“It looks good.” Logan gulped as he took in Julian in the pale grey coat and matching hat, cut perfectly to highlight his trim body; tapering at his waist, flaring out gently at his hips, drawing the eyes down to his strong legs encased in black breeches and black shinny hessian boots of the highest quality.
He grinned when he found Julian smirking at him. Two can play this game.
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The 5 first dates but not dates of Jules and Logan as narrated by Derek Seigerson.
The First One.
“Look, he should be coming in the next ten minutes! Do something!” cried Logan as he straightened the cushions for the thousandth time. Why do we even have cushions in all boy’s common room, thought Derek as he watched his friend run amok.
“Logan, did you get cushions especially for Julian, you do know he lives here as well right...”
“I just want to do something for him.” said Logan wringing his hands as Derek stared at him. He had never seen his best friend in a state like this before. “- And no, the cushions are from the hall cupboard, didn’t even know we owned them, just thought it looked pretty, now be quick I can see him coming.”
Saying this he walked to the front door and opened it before Julian did. “Hi” Logan breathed out as Julian looked surprised at him. “We missed you, I mean how are you?”
“Logan” Julian greeted wearily as Logan took his bag from him. “We got this Carmen.” Derek said as he stood behind Logan, smiling at Julian’s agent.
“Come in, coffee is waiting.” Logan said shutting the door, cutting Carmen off before she even got a word in.
“Coffee.” Julian stuttered not used to Logan’s fussing, “what – what are. Since when do you greet me with coffee?”
“And it’s the best kind, your favorite brand, not the usual swill that is found here. Princess here ordered it especially for you, express delivery and everything.” Derek piped, smirking at Logan who was looking at Julian.
“Well, what’s the use of having a Senator for a father if I can’t get any of the perks?” asked Logan as he gave a Julian his cup of coffee and then proceeded to pick his own.
“Where’s mine?” asked Derek amused.  “You can make one for yourself.” quipped Logan as Julian smiled and took a sip.
The Second One.
“And a picnic on the school grounds is your idea of a relaxing weekend. Seriously, this coming from you? Where is the Logan I know and what have you done with him?” remarked Julian as he sat down on the grass in front of his friend.
“At least he did not break out the picnic mat and picnic basket.” laughed Derek as he sat down next to Logan.
“It’s not a picnic. It’s just lunch.” mumbled Logan as he handed Julian a sandwich, chips and a soda.
“That you made.” retorted Derek as he rifled through the assembled chips and drinks and picked up a sandwich, which was immediately snatched away by Logan.
“Hey!” exclaimed Derek.
“That’s mine” replied Logan as he took a bite of the sandwich.
“Then where’s mine” replied Derek moping at them as Julian laughed.
“You don’t get any” smirked Logan and Derek threw a chips packet on him.
The Third One
“Haven has a concert this weekend.” Logan said, pretending to be busy in homework while Julian finished an essay for Murdoch.
“Hmm. I know” replied Julian as he cross-checked a reference, before typing it out on his laptop.
“Wanna go then?” Logan asked nonchalantly as he pretended to read something, while Derek just silently laughed at his antics.
“It’s a Wednesday, the concert is on Saturday, Lo. Do you even have tickets?” Julian said pausing his typing to look at his friend,” Do you even like Haven?”
“It’s also in California.” smirked Derek, “How do you plan to get there?”
“I have my ways.” Logan smiled and passed two tickets to Jules, who laughed and took them.
“Where’s mine?” Derek asked playfully, all while knowing that he was never going to be invited.
“You have match.” Logan said grinning at him.
The Fourth One
“I wanted to eat Italian” Logan said again, as he parked the car outside Breadsticks.
“And you think Breadsticks is the answer.” Julian muttered from the passenger seat, “Also where’s D, you did tell him to meet us here right?”
“Absolutely!” Logan said graciously “He’s running late.” knowing fully well that Derek was told to stay back in the dorm.
“Come, our reservation is for Six.” Logan said getting out of the car.
The Fifth One.
In the pouring Ohio rain they sit together, quietly, side by side, as the heavens break loose on them. Derek watches over them from inside.
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Cardigan / Lover
Lyrics: Taylor Swift. Dalton Big Bang 2020 Week 7 Prompt 1: Jogan day.
Julian glanced at the tabloid covers, Did famed actor Julian Larson lose his golden touch? His second movie to bomb the box office. Read More on Page 6.
He switched off his phone, Logan kept on calling. His dear sweet boy. He was worried about him.
You have to read beyond the tabloid nonsense Jules, Logan’s message read, the critics actually liked your performance. The rest of the movie sucked though… But you were perfect and you have a newer one coming soon, a better role. Come on Jules talk to me.
Vintage tee, brand new phone, High heels on cobblestone
When you are young they assume you know nothing
Julian laughed and wiped away the tears rolling down his cheek          
Sequence smile, black lipstick, sensual politics       
When you are young they assume you know nothing.
Taylor had it right all along.
But I knew you, dancin' in your Levi's, Logan sang hand still on the door when he let himself into their apartment and Julian turned back to look at him.
Strong under the streetlights I knew you,  
hand under my sweatshirt Baby, kiss it better                                                   
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed,
you put me on and said I was your favourite
Julian smiled and sang
But I knew you Playing hide-and-seek and Giving me your weekends,                
I knew you Your heartbeat on the High Line Once in twenty lifetimes, I knew you.
Logan reach up to him and wiped the tears from his face and kissing him sweetly.
To kiss in cars And downtown bars Was all we needed, 
You draw stars Around my scars..I knew you’d linger Like a tattoo kiss. He pulled Julian close to him.
I knew you’d haunt All of my what-ifs. The smell of smoke would Hang around this long
Cause I knew everything when I was young I knew I’d curse you for the longest time 
Chasing shadows in the grocery line I knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired 
And you’d be standing in my front porch light And you’d come back to me...
“You came to me,” Julian whispered.
What great year it was for two-time Oscar Winner Julian Larson, he started off the year with 2 flopped movies and now he’s nominated for the Best Actor award. Read more to find out what to expect at tonight’s Academy Awards.
“And the Oscar goes to… Julian Larson” Jennifer Lawrence screeched on the stage.
Logan turned to his stunned boyfriend, “You knew this was going to happen. I told you this was going to happen. Now get up there.” and Julian nodded numbly and pulled Logan to kiss him.
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover.
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The Princes's diaries
Prompt from wefoundwarblerland’s post : Dalton AU where everything about Justin is the same (including the gangs and everything), but he’s also the Prince of Wales. And Charlie is his boyfriend.
A/n : Dalton Big Bang 2020
Prompt: International Travel and Trouble in Paradise
“And to your left, we have Big Ben.” As the tour guide recited information about the Big Ben, Charlie trained his binoculars in delight as he and the other tourists on the Double Decker bus took in the beautiful façade. Their guide supplying information about the clock tower and the bridge they were parked on and the river below. This, however, lasted for a short time as the soon a traffic jam was formed surrounding the bus with loud honking permeating the air
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked the person closest to him who was peering down at the traffic. “No idea mate, there seem to a street fight/ bike gang thing on.”
“Don’t pay them any attention.” Their tour guide said above the din of the noise and continued speaking about Big Ben. While the others slowly started to pay attention to the tour, Justin noticed that gang had reached now reached their bus and a guy on a bike stopped nearby and pulled up his black visor and rubbed his eyes.
He had piercing blue eyes and Charlie thought he looked familiar. Soon the air was filled with the sound of the police approaching and the boy started his bike and turned around watching for his friend as if he was on a lookout. He whistled sharply and a group of guys looked up and immediately drove towards him.
Must be his friends, Charlie thought when the guy turned towards him, finding Charlie looking at him. He studied him sharply with his blue eyes and then winked and pulled his black visor down and drove away.
What was that Charlie thought to himself. Who was that?
“We now are making our way towards the Buckingham Palace which as you know is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the monarchy of the United Kingdom, His Majesty, King Richard and his family, Princess Lindsay - The Duchess of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales and Heir to the Throne – Prince Justin and the Princess of Wales – Princess Laura.”
The tour bus dropped them off at the hotel where they were staying and Charlie got down wearily from the bus. “Bright early tomorrow morning.” The tour guide chirped and smiled and Charlie smiled tiredly and followed the group up the stairs.
He entered his room, thankful that the hotel had allotted them single rooms for their stay and smiled happily at his clean, white, bright room and the perfectly soft, turned down bed waiting for him when there was a knock on the door.
“Hey Mate.” Charlie looked into the familiar face of the tourist from earlier, “A bunch of us are going to the pub down the street for drinks and chips, you in?” Charlie nodded, it would be good to make some friends during the 10 days London Tour. “I need to wash up first and then can join you.”
“Cheers,” the guy smiled, “just ask the front desk for the directions, they have suggested the place.”
He was sure he had the directions down correctly, the concierge at the front desk even wrote it down for him but Charlie was sure he was lost. He peered down at the napkin again and looked at the street ahead.
A guy came scurrying out of nowhere and banged into him. “Sorry.” The guy said and looked up righting his clothes, “I’m in a bit of a hurry.”
Charlie turned towards him and he found him looking familiar. The guy had classic English looks with chestnut brown hair and blue eyes.
“You.” The guy said looking at Charlie, he smiled and asked, “Did you enjoy the tour.”
It was the same person from the morning, the guy on the bike with the piercing eyes, the one who winked at him and Charlie smiled a bit, so it wasn’t a coincidence.
“I, yes,” He nodded “It was good till this gang on bikes decide to show up and then it became interesting.” The guy smirked at him and studied his face, smiling gamely. “So your day was interesting.”
“Very.” Charlie flirted, looking into the guy’s face, studying him deeply; at the black fit shirt that emphasised his chest and the rolled-up cuffs that showed the definition of his arms, He looked familiar like as if he knew him from somewhere. The guy also looked at him carefully as if studying him, searching for something.
"They drove by the bus and well the leader, at least I think he was in charge considering how the other treated him, stopped next to the bus, rested, I think and then he winked at me and left. That doesn't happen to me every day," he confessed.
“He must have thought you were cute.” The other guy smirked and reached out to touch Charlie’s finger and Charlie moved close to him when they could hear yelling, “Your Highness, Your highness, stop.”
“Wait, the King is here,” Charlie asked looking around for the King. Surely he would be in a car surrounded by security. The other guy sighed, “Not the King, the Prince, “The King is addressed as Your Majesty.” ” Your highness is meant for Princes and Princesses. “ The guy said looking carefully at Charlie’s face.
“Sorry, still learning.” Charlie smiled and the guy smiled, “Your group went that way, two doors down, that’s the pub you need.” And Charlie beamed and looked at the guy through his eyelashes, “Can you come with?  You can teach me everything British so I don’t make a fool of myself.”
“Would love too,” The guy smiled and a trailed a finger up Charlie’s hand “but I got to be somewhere.”
“Oh,“ Charlie smiled sadly.
“Meet me here tomorrow, same time,” The guy said quickly as the footsteps sounded nearer, the yells of “Your Highness” not far behind and with a quick a kiss to Charlie’s cheek the guy ran down the street.
“So the Prince of England was out and about in London and without his usual security.” Charlie winced as girl next to him chattered loudly to her friend, not even paying attention to their tour guide who was reciting the itinerary for the day. “He was incognito.” She read holding the newspaper out in front of her.” He glanced at the paper or the British tabloid - The Sun, which was the correct word to use, he couldn’t wait for the evening where he could tell his admirer about the new words he learnt, and indeed the headlines read The Prince of Wales out and about.
“And he was right there where the pub was, he was right outside. I missed meeting the future king of England.” The girl wailed and her friend rubbed her back consolably.
Wait, it couldn’t be. He did not meet the future king of England!. The future King of England was not in a bike gang. It wasn’t. He glanced at the image of the Prince, while the boy looked eerily similar to the photo on the paper, it just wasn’t him. For one he was dressed differently and he didn’t have the dangerous sexy look in his eye when he studied Charlie and constant smirk on his lips.
The prince on the paper looked sad, even though he was smiling and greetings people. He looked lonely, Charlie thought. It wasn’t him. It couldn’t be.
“Hey, Stranger.” Charlie looked up and saw the guy, “If we are continuing to do this, you need to know my name. I’m Charlie, Charlie Amos.”
“So Charles then.” The guy smiled deeply, balancing his bike between his strong, long legs as he removed another helmet from where it was dangling on the handlebars. “Regal, I like it, It will do.” He nodded decidedly.
He handed the helmet to Charlie who took it. “I’m Justin.” He said looking carefully into Charlie’s eyes, “Hop on.” And Charlie secured the helmet on his head and hopped on the bike.
“Let me show you London through the eyes of true Londoner.”
They bypassed all the touristy scenes and Justin took Charlie to the places he would never have visited on his own, the lovely little park hidden amongst a sea of buildings, a quiet spot by the Thames Rivers – no it’s pronounced as Tems River, the place where you get the best fish and chips, the best beer on tap. The best pubs where they don’t card you. “No worries I am over 21.” “It’s 18 years in England,” Justin smirked and Charlie grinned.
It was amazing and Charlie just smiled as Justin shared small anecdotes of his life like; where he went to school and college – Eton and Charlie just held on to him tightly, his arms around Justin’s waist, his legs resting next Justin’s and Justin expertly manoeuvred them through the busy London traffic. He finally stopped outside a beautiful garden, St James’s Park, Charlie read and recognized the Buckingham Palace nearby.
“Are you sure we can be here?” Charlie asked as he looked around the beautiful area and at Justin who was looking at him carefully as if gauging him and Charlie smiled. He looked beautiful in the dusk, the setting sun painting a pretty picture, casting a glow around him and Justin took his hand gently and kissed it. “Come, No one can stop us.”
He led them through the gates into the park and they walked quietly, side by side, hands brushing each other’s until Justin caught his and linked fingers together and then they walked side by side, Justin showing him the views and pointing out specific aspects of the park all while their fingers were gently locked together.
They stayed by the edge of the pond till the sunset, Charlie leaning against Justin as he supported their weight watching the ducks swim past. “It’s late.” Justin sighed as his watch chirped an alarm, “I should probably get you back,”
“Hmm,” Charlie said sleepily and Justin smiled and kissed his nose. “My lips are right there,” Charlie whispered and bit his lips, eyes still closed even though his face betrayed the laughter that he was trying to control. “You don’t say.” smirked Justin kissing him deeply.
“I had a lovely time.” Charlie smiled and handed Justin the helmet. He had Justin drop him off in front of his hotel which was actually not far from the park and in fact he had passed by the park on way to the Buckingham Palace. St James’s Park, it now held a special place in his heart.
Justin pushed up his visor but didn’t remove the helmet and he looked exactly how he was when Charlie first laid eye on him. “So tomorrow then. “Charlie asked breathlessly and Justin winked and drove away.
Charlie thought about the kiss the entire night and even the next morning, as he was getting ready to visit the high street stores and the Warner Brother Harry Potter Tour.
“Breaking news, this just in, the Prince of Wales was discovered in the midst of a street war.” The news announcer was saying and lo and behold Charlie looked at the face of Justin, his kind, sweet, lovely Justin, who had a big bruise and a split lip, his Justin who was also His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales.
He thumbed Justin's number immediately.
“Justin.” Charlie called out as he heard his voice through the phone, “Are you alright?”
“Charlie.” Justin said sadly and Charlie frowned was he hurt, “You saw the news. That means you know,”
“That you’re in a gang?” Charlie asked the announcer was telling more about the incident that took place late last night, probably the calls Justin kept getting towards the end of their date, date! “Well yeah, considering that’s how we met.”
“No, no the other thing,” Justin said softly
“I thought it was not true but then again you always looked familiar.” Charlie confessed, “ I just thought that you were cute and smart and kind and funny and,”
“You liked me for me.” Justin whispered and Charlie nodded and then realized that Justin couldn’t see him, “Yes I liked you for you, I didn’t even know about the other thing.
“I like you too.” Justin smiled “A lot.” and Charlie beamed but the call got interrupted, it seemed that someone took Justin’s phone away. “Hey, give me that.” And then the call got cut.
He immediately dialed Justin’s number again but the phone was switched off. Charlie rubbed his face worriedly. Justin was hurt and he didn’t know what to do, short of going to Buckingham Palace and asking to see Justin he had to no other idea unless he was still at the police station. They won’t arrest young princes right? Diplomatic immunity and all that. Charlie didn’t know but he hoped Justin was alright and then his phone rang.
The call came from a blocked number and Charlie answered it carefully. Please hold for His Majesty the King of England and Charlie gulped loudly, OH SHIT.
“Charlie. Charlie” Justin’s voice could be heard but Charlie felt a bit faint because the King of England knew his name and had just asked him to tea but he couldn’t reply and Justin was yelling at the King of England who also turned out to be his father, saying that he scared his boyfriend before they even go to know him and that this is why he doesn’t like them and then Justin’s mom could be heard soothing her son and father and son yelled along about trust issues and images to the public and what would the media say and Charlie laughed because they sounded like just another normal family albeit a royal one.
“Charlie?” Justin asked carefully, sounding calmer, “This is why dad you should have let me call him up.” He hissed, "You should never call anyone from the official line unless you want to actually kill them. “I am here.” Charlie smiled before father and son could go off again.
“Good, I am glad,” Justin said softly into the phone.
“You called me your boyfriend,” Charlie remembered. He could hear Justin’s sheepish laughter, “I meant to ask you today but things changed.
“Yes, they did,” Charlie said and remembered the evening’s invite to tea.
“Don’t worry it’s just tea with my family,” Justin said lazily,” And you can meet Laura, my little sister.”
“Thank you for calling.” Charlie said, “I had plans off marching up to Buckingham Palace and asking them to see you.”
“No worries.” Justin laughed, “You’ll be properly escorted in soon. A car will come for you. See you.”
Charlie didn’t know what one did when they met their significant other’s parents especially when your significant other was the heir to the throne and his father was the King.
But they came off looking like a normal family, Justin’s dad was tall and stately and his mom was sweet and kind and his little sister was cute. He fumbled with proper addresses for all of them considering he was in the presence of a King and his wife; a Duchess and a Princess.
“Call me Lindsay.” Justin’s mom corrected when Charlie greeted her, “I know exactly how it feels, I went through this when I met Richard’s parent for the first time, as a couple.” She shuddered, “Let’s just say that you should be glad you don’t get to meet them.”
‘So, you’re an American.” Richard said just as Charlie was about to take a sip of his tea. “Yes, Your Majesty.
He looked at his son, “And you’re planning a long-distance relationship.”
Justin locked his hands with Charlie’s and gave it a squeeze, “ Well he’s here for few more days so we still have time together and then there is always Skype and the internet, plus I can fly there every weekend.”
“You will not play with your studies.” Justin’s dad said sternly and his mom nodded.
“I got into Oxford.” Charlie said softly and Justin smiled and kissed him quickly on the lips, “Why didn’t you tell me.” He exclaimed, “This makes everything easier.”
“I just came to know.” Charlie said, “Got the email in the night, it’s why I came here on this trip in the first place, so I could familiarize myself before I move here.”
“You’re moving here as well.” Justin asked slowly, “Not just for studies.”
“I really like London.” Charlie said softly, looking carefully at Justin, clutching his hands tightly with his, “It’s growing on me.”  
Justin’s dad paled and looked at his wife, “Well, this changes things drastically.” She looked at her baby boy and how happy he was with the boy next to him and how they held hands and just looked at each other. “Well then, we should probably get to know him, properly, this time. Something tells me he’s going to be a permanent fixture in the household.”
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Five weddings and a funeral.
Wedding 1: Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan cordially invite you to the wedding of their son David to Katherine Rivers.
“Stop checking out Julian.” Derek hissed at his best friend sitting next to him. “I am not.” mumbled Logan, “I just don’t understand how he ended up becoming a part of the bridal party amongst the sea of Windsors.”
“He and Katherine are friends.” Shrugged Derek. “Something about working in the same movie and the common Dalton connection. Now pay attention somebody’s aunt is giving us the side-eye.” and with a quick nod to the lady in question, they turned back to watch Katherine float by on her father’s arm.
“Don’t they make a happy couple?” Julian exclaimed as he sipped his glass of Champaign. “I guess.” Logan remarked staring at his other best friend as he stood next to him taking in the wedding scene, a slight smile on his face when Derek walked up to them. “Quick, I need your keys, Casey is not feeling well, so I’m going to drop her home.”
“And how do I get home again.” Asked Logan handing him his car keys.
“I don’t know, have Jules drop you home.”
Logan doesn’t know how exactly he got here in the first place, not here specifically in the limo but here as in having the boy he had always liked kissing the hell out of him.
“Jules” Logan breathed out as Julian kissed a line down his jaw, “Wait, just let me get my tie out.”
“Shush.” Julian whispered, “We do not want the limo driver to get suspicious.”
“Wait. Wait.” Logan said as he shucked out his jacket and loosened his tie. “Are we doing this? Are you sure?”
“Yes.” whimpered Julian, his hand massaging the hardness in his pants, “Faster, don’t make me wait.”
“Jules.” Logan tried again when he had unbuttoned his shirt.
“Come here.” Julian said and pulled Logan on him “This needs to be fast and quick.”
Logan gasped at the full contact with Julian, the entire length of him, sprawled out and warm beneath him, together from chest to thigh. “What are you looking at?” Julian grinned and kissed Logan fully on the mouth, grinding his dick into Logan’s thigh.
After that everything became a mess in Logan’s mind – soft lips, hot mouth, his fingers around Julian’s dick, hot, hard and heavy and Julian moaning in his ear as he came.
“You look amazing.” Logan whispered as the car came to stop in front of his house and Julian smiled blissfully at him and kissed him. “We should get a room next time.”
Three months later.
Wedding 2: Together with their families, Derek and Casey invite you to their wedding.
“For God sake’s he said he would be here soon.” Derek hissed as he turned to look at his best man. “Stop fidgeting. Don’t make me regret choosing you as my best man.” as an indignant Logan whined “He’s late” and “Hey! I won that fair and square.”
At that minute the doors burst open and in walked Julian Larson who declared to all who had turned their heads at the sound of the doors opening. “Sorry I am late, traffic.” and the assembled crowd tittered and with a nod to Derek and Logan, he made his way down the aisle to a seat in the front.
“If you screw up my wedding just because you’re pining for Jules, I am going to kill you.”
“- and if you join me now in raising your glass, I would like to toast the married couple. To Derek and Casey.” and Logan swallowed his glass of Champaign as the happy couple kissed.
“What were you and Derek discussing, earlier today.” Julian whispered as the married couple had their first dance. “Oh, nothing.” Logan smiled, “That was quite an entrance.” and with a quick look around he kissed Julian on the cheek, bolstered by the fact that Julian was standing very, very close to him.
“Check my right pocket.” Julian smiled as Derek and Casey danced passed them and Logan put his hands in, coping a quick feel and came out with hotel rooms keys.
“I 'll be waiting for you.” Julian smirked and walked away.
“Fuck me.” Julian breathed out and pulled Logan on to him when he entered into the room, “I am ready.”  
“We really need to talk about this.” Logan pressed kisses down Julian’s jaw. “Later.” whispered Julian and reached down to palm Logan’s dick.
Julian didn’t say anything as he cleaned the both of them up, crawling back into bed, into Logan’s arms and Logan didn’t know what to say to a best friend with whom you’ve slept with twice. He just laid there watching Julian rest; eyes closed, eyelashes gently fanned out. He caressed Julian’s cheek and pulled Julian closed to him, kissing him on the nose. “So, Reed and Shane’s in two weeks.” and Julian burst out laughing.
Two weeks later.
Wedding 3: Reed and Shane invite you to celebrate their wedding day.
“So what’s the deal with you and Jules?” Derek said as he watched Logan watch Julian as he danced with Casey. “Don’t think I didn’t see the two of you sneak off together. What are you doing?”
“I don’t know.” groaned Logan, “It’s frustrating. Every time I try to talk to him he ends up distracting me. He’s Jules, I care about him. I have always cared about him.”
“So try again, properly this time. Talk to him.” Derek said and Logan nodded.
“There are no hotel rooms available.” Julian whispered as he and Logan danced across the grounds. “I think they’re onto us.” mumbled Logan and Julian turned to look at him. ”What do you mean.”
“Nothing, nothing.” Logan said and Julian closer to him. “You look amazing tonight. Better than the grooms themselves.
“What can I say.” preened Julian and Logan kissed him on the check.
“I really had hoped we could get a room.” Julian pouted and rest his cheek against Logan’s shoulder.
“What are you doing?” Julian asked when he noticed Logan surreptitiously lifting the tablecloth.
“We don’t actually need a hotel room you, know. Now shush, I don’t want to be noticed.” Logan said and disappeared under the table.
“Lo, what are you doing down there.” hissed Julian which turned into a moan when he felt Logan pull at his zipper.
“This.” replied Logan as he kissed Julian’s dick over his brief.  He peeled back Julian’s underwear and kissed the tip of his dick, taking it in his mouth. ” Fuck my mouth.” he whispered “and be very, very quiet.”
Two months later.
Wedding 4: Please join us to celebrate the wedding of Spencer Willis to Merril Portman.
“Ok, what’s up with all our friends getting married?” Julian asked as they watched Merril walk down the aisle. “I don’t know.” smiled Logan “but thank god for weddings, and yes in case you’re wondering I got us a room.” Julian kissed him on the lips “Then, what are we even waiting for.”
“Okay, what is up with the two of them?” Blaine asked Derek. “They were noticeably missing during your wedding reception, were smitten with each during Shane and Reed’s, and now they didn’t even stay. “
“I don’t actually know.” Derek sighed.  They were soon joined by Casey and Kurt. “They were awfully close when we met them for dinner yesterday,” remarked Casey “Logan was all over Julian and was particularly happy about it and Julian looked like the cat that ate the canary.
“Has Logan told Julian how much he means to him then?” Kurt asked
“Well he definitely has taken my advice.” Derek said “I think this all started during David’s wedding. They were together at ours and every wedding since that.”
“So, whose wedding is next then?” asked Casey as she took a sip of Champaign.
”Ours.” replied Blaine as he kissed Kurt’s hand, “In four months’ time.”
Four months later.
Wedding 5: Mr. and Mrs. Hummel request the honour of your presence at the wedding of their son Kurt Hummel to Blaine Anderson.
“So, are we planning to show our faces today?” Logan asked as he kissed Julian’s bare shoulder and laid down next to him.
”You really want to attend your ex’s wedding that much” Julian said as he pulled Logan close to him to lay his head on his shoulder.
“Not really.” Logan said dropping a kiss in Julian’s hair, “but I think they’re suspicious. Derek at least.”
“What does that mean, you’ve mentioned it before.”  Julian murmured he placed on kisses on Logan’s shoulder, jaw, fingers.
“That I like you.” Logan said quietly watching Julian but Julian continued to kiss his jaw, working his tongue slowly, sucking his skin. “Continue, I’m listening.”
Logan smiled, relieved. “I have liked you for a really long time now.”
“Since when.” Julian asked laving the spot, alternating between placing small kisses, hand moving freely across Logan’s body.
“Since before, way before.” Logan stuttered as Julian’s hand found his dick.
“Good, I like you too.” Julian replied “and now that everything is sorted, how about round two?. You certainly seem to be up for it.”
One month later.
Funeral 1: The funeral of Logan’s pining for Jules.
“Is this supposed to be your idea of a joke?” Logan frowned at Derek, “and you have invited people to this.”
“This is a solemn moment, the end of your singledom, the taming of the beast.” Derek said putting the finishing touches around the room including a banner. “No, don’t yell, your boyfriend was down with the idea. He even helped.”  
“All I did was get him out of the house and supply some photos.” Julian said as he arranged his hair in the mirror.
“You love me I know, go open the door, our guests have arrived.”
“This is so not funny.” Logan grumbled on his way to the door.
“This really is.” Julian laughed as Logan open door to reveal their assortment of friends.
“Hi, everyone please leave the wreaths by the door and don’t mind Logan, he’s just missing his singledom.”
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