Soulmate Au.
A/n :  Dalton Big Bang 2020. Prompt: Soulmate AU
Summary: Soulmate AU where your soulmate’s name appears only after you’ve met/touch them.
In a world where couples were meeting everywhere and each touch brought you closer to your soul mate, Logan was fed up. All his friends had paired up and shacked up and he was the only one left.
At least, that’s what the world was telling him. Every passing glance, every touch bought people closer, except him.
“Amazing.” He sighed in frustration as yet another couple found each other, this time in the middle of a busy street and everyone smiled and clapped as the happy couple beamed at each other.
“Isn't it.” remarked an old lady smiling up at him only to meet his scowling face. She glanced at his bare hands and patted them, “You’ll find them soon.” and smiled and walked away.”
“Yeah, right.”
Little did he know….
Listen man, need a rain check. Can’t make it today, Casey’s parents are in town.
“Seriously.” He scoffed and took a sip of his drink and right next to him another couple was forming a connection.
“Dear God, not again.” he sighed and watched the new couple hug, the girl smiling widely, her soulmate grinning in delight. He drank the last of his beer and leaned back into the bar counter. He definitely needed a break.
“Tell me about it.” the guy next to him muttered and Logan turned to look into pretty brown eyes, the owner of them looking back at him.
“So, not a fan?.” He gestured to the couple that was still hugging and swaying side by side.
He ran his hands through his blond hair finding the man watching him intently. His gaze on him studying his movement, his eyes alternating between the fingers in his hair and his lips.
“I have better things to do with my time.” The brunet smirked, now checking Logan out while taking a sip of his drink.
“Like what.” Logan smiled suggestively, licking his lips, running his eyes all over the stranger’s body. He could definitely do with a distraction right about now.
“Come with me and I’ll show you.” The brunet said and reached out to touch Logan’s hand.
“I’m Ju-“
“Julian Larson Armstrong.” Logan read out the newly formed words that were appearing on his hand.
“Wait. What!.” and Logan smiled at his soulmate. Soulmate! and raised his hand out. “John Logan Wright.” he introduced himself as his name slowly appeared on his soulmate’s hand “and I guess you’re my soulmate.”
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daltonficbigbang · 4 years
Week Two Prompts
1. Fantasy AU
Mermaids, vampires, aliens, magic, let your imagination run wild! No limitations here. Use any character, time setting, fantasy, etc.
2. Soulmate AU
Everyone has a One True Love. Tell us about it! Doesn’t have to be one true love - they all have two hands!
3. College AU
What if Dalton hadn't been set in high school, but instead in college? Or how about Dalton still happened in high school but you want to take it further and write about the characters in college? Go for it!
4. Coffee Shop AU
What if they met in a coffee shop instead of school? What if one is a barista? What if the characters frequent the same coffee shop and meet that way? There’s a lot of potential for this day!
5. Rule 63 AU.
Aka, the genderbend episode! No limitations on this prompt but please be mindful of any trans or non-binary members of the fandom as not to offend anyone.
6. Met As Kids AU
What if they met as kids instead? Maybe you want to expand on the few who already did meet as kids (Reed+Shane, Derek+Casey, Logan+Derek, Spencer+Merril, etc) or have a new group together. Maybe all of them? Have fun!
7. NSFW Day Two
Every Sunday is the day of NSFW. This does NOT have to relate to any of the prompts of the previous week, it's just a free-for-all NSFW day. Go buck wild!
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2994yzzol · 8 years
You Didn’t Know What It Was, He Is In Love- a Side-Fic for ‘Don’t Let This Magic Die’
AN: Hey y’all! So this is a side-fic I wrote not long after writing Chapter 20 to go alongside it, giving Dwight’s POV in the Room of Requirement scene. I decided to wait until I’d completed DLTMD before releasing it, as there was already a subtle reference in that chapter and this makes it more obvious. Kudos if you got the reference, by the way! Don’t worry if you didn’t, but this will help it all make a bit more sense :) As always, I hope you enjoy. 
Disclaimer: Everything related to Hogwarts!verse belongs to J K Rowling, all of the Dalton!verse characters belong to Mamma CP and the OCs are thanks to one of three things: my friends volunteering, my brain making them up or the special guest I have dropped in because I can ;) Also, the title was inspired by ‘Magic Works’ from the OST of ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’, so credit goes to whoever wrote it. 
Dwight couldn’t have chosen a better way to spend the evening of Valentine’s Day. 
Him and Franzi had raided Honeyduke’s (with the help of Evan and Ethan) then took over the Room of Requirement to marathon Supernatural, preventing any amorous couples in the castle from getting in on any action. And with the Second Task approaching, it was just what he needed. 
“This is the best way to spend our Valentine’s Day;” Franzi stated, causing him to look over to the brunette in time to see her tossing an Every Flavoured Bean into her mouth, “screwing off all of the disgustingly cute couples, eating junk and watching our favourite TV show.” 
“Damn straight,” he nodded, biting into a piece of fudge, then before he could allow his brain to dream up what they could be doing if he had the guts to just tell her and by some miracle she reciprocated his feelings he continued to speak with his mouth full, “and we’re stopping people from coming in here.” 
“Dwight! Chew with your mouth closed! Merlin!” He soon found himself with a face-ful of pillow as she laughed. “But seriously, we’re providing a service to Hogwarts here. Ramsey owes us.” 
“Ramsey owes us for doing such a great job with the DA,” he chuckled, finishing the remains of his piece of fudge. 
They continued to watch Supernatural, laid out on the plush sofa the room had provided them. For maximum comfort, Franzi had placed her feet in Dwight’s lap and he laid his by her hip. 
He didn’t know when he fell asleep, but when he stirred and blinked his eyes open, he wasn’t even paying attention to what was happening as he looked straight at the brunette across from him. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun and she was wearing an overly-large Ravenclaw sweater, but he swore he’d never seen anything so beautiful. She looked over to him and he could feel it, words he had never thought of saying to her- too strong to describe his own feelings for her- but felt so right to say then. They sat on the tip of his tongue. He swallowed them down. 
“You’re my best friend, you know that?” he murmured, suddenly aware of how long he must have been asleep, judging by the grogginess of his voice.
“You’re my best friend too,” she smiled. She then muttered an incantation and swirled her wand above them before a blanket appeared, which she threw over them both. “Go back to sleep.” 
He obeyed and nuzzled under the blanket, his eyes fluttering closed as he murmured, “Night, Franzi.” 
“Sleep well, Dwight,” she smiled, and with the sound of Supernatural, Franzi eating the treats they had bought and a little voice in his head berating him for not saying what had nearly escaped his lips, he fell back to sleep. 
One night, he wakes, Strange look, on his face, Pauses, then says, “you’re my, best friend”, And you knew, what it was, He is, in love.
AN: Credit for the (altered) title and lyrics belong to the wonderful Miss. Taylor Swift, as they come from her song ‘You Are In Love’.
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bourbonrose · 9 years
Jogan AU. Inspired by both Moulin Rouge and Rent.
Summary: After months of traveling through Europe, living on music and love, Logan finally returns to his best friend in New York. There, he discovers that a lot has changed. Instead of the world, Derek dominates the bar in a luxurious nightclub called the Moulin Rouge. When Logan visits him, his eyes immediately fall on the main act, the seductive dancer with the haunting eyes and a smile that glows with the light of a thousand stars. But falling in love comes with a price they both struggle to pay for.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to CP Coulter and her story Dalton.
Enjoy! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments :)
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practicallymagic · 9 years
I Surrender to the Strawberry Ice Cream Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Climb Ev’ry Mountain by Sound of Music
  Chapter Disclaimer: I own only my OCs-in this chapter, that's Matt, Mr. Crabtree, and Dante. The rest belong to Glee and CP's Dalton.
In which there are multiple plots afoot, some bonding over popcorn, and we hear from one of Julian's new admirers.
Go for a hike, they said.
  Enjoy nature, they said.
  It’ll be fun, they said.
  Julian braced himself against a tree stump to get his bearings, feeling a bit dizzy. It wasn’t so much from his still-healing body (which was hating the extra exercise quite passionately, thank you very much) as it was from the all the other things. The official Why Things Suck List started with the fact that Danny thought Julian should do some hiking to build up his endurance and get some fresh air-which would have been okay, except Danny The Sneaky Hanover (because apparently that was just a thing for them) had promised to give swimming lessons to some puppy-eyed six year old, which in Julian’s mind translated to: Danny has no nerve to come on this hike or maybe the patience... Item Number 2 on the list: Julian’s new hiking partner only had free time on this particular Sunday afternoon, when most of the kids were watching some movie on the big projector in the mess hall.
  This Sunday afternoon happened to be boiling hot. The air felt thick enough that he could almost see it. They were hiking around the very edge of the camp, some hills near the southern edge of the grounds. Julian was thankful for the overcast and darkening sky (a promise of rain later, finally) but the humidity was getting to him and it didn’t help that the hiking partner that Danny had picked out for Julian was some guy from the archery counselor group named Dante whose family owned a hiking equipment store or something (the guy had explained it all, but Julian was honestly too tired to care). You see, Dante was loudly and perkily having a great day. And Julian kind of wanted him to suffer for that.
  The weather was just perfect right now, according to Mr. Nature Is Fantastic Am I Right Man and blah blah something about a mountain in Japan he wanted to climb? Whatever. Julian was going to kill him first. This was (he checked his watch) nearly hour four of the “little hike” Danny had proposed.
  Julian idly wondered if it was possible to actually die from being talked to death. Where was this idiot getting his energy? And Julian had not missed the admiring looks- thanks Danny, just what I need, a fan turned hiking partner. He mopped the sweat from his forehead with his arm, studiously ignoring his companion’s not-so-subtle asides of “Dude, we should work out together sometime. I do weights a lot, you know.”
  Danny was so hearing about this shit.
Dante meanwhile......was cheerfully detailing his exploits in a recent Montana hike with his cousins, unaware of Julian’s simmering annoyance and half-formed plots to “accidentally” push the archer over the edge of the next steep hill.
  Wow, today was working out better than he could have hoped. Not only did he not have to deal with teaching or seeing Matt running around everywhere with that freak kid, but he got to hang out with Julian Friggin Larson. Well, exercise with. Same thing. But still, Julian Larson!
  The Actual Julian Larson who seemed...a little flustered around him, to be honest. Very promising. The archer preened at the thought.
  He’d heard all about what happened at Dalton- some crazy dude setting stuff on fire and Julian getting hurt somehow but now the actor is here, totally better and stuff. It seemed way too coincidental that Larson suddenly wanted to go hiking when everyone around had heard of Dante’s famous hiking background (he had mentioned it a few times, here and there). Uh-huh, yeah right, “coincidence”. Dante was this close to hooking up with the Actual Julian Larson, he could just feel it.
  Matt and the Freak could suck it.
  That swim teacher Danny had made him promise to take it easy and bring Julian back after an hour-ish. “Ish” seemed like some wiggle room though, and who was Dante to stop such a good time? Speaking of which-
  “Up and at em!” he chuckled fondly at Julian who looked on the verge of falling asleep on a log. The startled actor jerked upright, wide eyes narrowing to slits as he seemed to remember who he was with, and he looked on the verge of saying something before balling his hands into fists and grabbing his bag. Aww, there was Larson trying to look sexy for his new crush with that angsty squint, bless him. The shy type, definitely. Dante could work with that. “Only a few miles left!”
  Dante lifted his pack slowly, making sure the actor would get a good look at The Merchandise You Too Could Be Tapping If You Get Me, and started down the trail. Ah, what a day. Things were finally looking up. The archer could see Julian was behind a few steps now, muttering to himself- weird, it sounded almost like he was saying “Next hill. Next hill I push him.”
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
  The Twins had recruited a helper in their "New Plan Actually Somewhat Unrelated To Klaine Proposal."
Five minutes after Logan wandered off, that helper was...Derek.
  Derek hadn’t planned to get involved here, really. He just happened to be innocently passing under the Twins’ cabin window when he caught wind of something about Sebastian. He spontaneously remembered loaning out his phone charger to a girl who lived in that specific cabin... or maybe the fifth one over from that. Oh well, he’d just have to check it out anyway, it was the responsible thing to do.
  Inside, the Twins were scribbling things down on what looked vaguely like a schedule but lacked any sort of organizational scheme- Derek had already mentally dubbed it “a day planner on crack”. They welcomed him as though they knew he would be coming. And that didn't scare him as much as it should have.
  The meeting (Wes and David had arrived soon after) had then been moved to the War Room-which was now Derek’s cabin, apparently. Not that he’d ever suggested holding the meeting there or naming it the War Room, that had just sort of happened. Much like his involvement with the Plan. Oops.
  The Twins briefed him on said Plan. Listening to their words and seeing the glint in their eyes, Derek slowly became aware that his life was becoming dangerously Windsor-filled. His only comfort throughout the discussion was that in the end, the ends would justify the means. Hopefully.
  Kurt arrived an hour later with Blaine, Shane, and Reed in tow- “Seriously guys, we are counselors, we should be at the movie!”-although apparently enough Dalton boys were present at the mess hall to supervise that no one noticed a few missing. Which worked to their advantage, especially right now as the Twins explained the Plan to the new arrivals.
  Apparently this Plan that Derek had very innocently stumbled upon revolved around making Sebastian back off the Stuart Trio. Which Derek could seriously get behind, except-
  “Why are you doing this, anyway?” he called over from his desk chair.
  The Twins smiled angelically at him from atop their mountain of plush pillows (where the hell were they even getting this stuff, Derek wanted to know). “Do people really need reasons to perform good deeds?”
  The athlete was still suspicious. “When it’s a group of Windsors performing good deeds for Stuarts? Yeah. I need the reason. What do you get out of it?”
  Kurt spoke up from his perch at the end of a nearby bed. “To put it bluntly? We are aware of the Sebastian issue." The brunet actually looked kind of scary just then. "It isn’t good for any of us, even though rumour has it that the guy is transferring to Dalton. Julian talked to me this week for a bit and this whole mess is stressing him out which obviously needs to stop. On top of which, I can't figure out a way tactfully make him understand that Sebastian has been treating Logan cruelly in this weird passive-aggressive attempt to win him over. Because he has. And we know how an upset Logan-”
  “Tends to affect the rest of us,” Blaine finished quietly, tightening his grip on Kurt’s hand. When he looked up, however, his expression was neutral. “For once, the Twins called it right. If Sebastian is coming to Dalton, he needs a wake up call about his attitude before he gets there and I literally never thought I’d say this, but our loyalty to Logan comes first. I don’t like the interfering aspect of the Plan any more than you do, but Sebastian has overstepped one too many times. Something has to give.”
  At that moment the door swung open and Logan Wright himself entered, looking around with a worried expression. “D? Have you seen Jul- what the hell is all this?”
  The room seemed to freeze for a moment before Shane piped up faintly from the corner, “We're uh...planning an intervention? For Mr. Crabtree? Like, to talk about teaching stress and...health stuff and...yeah...”
  Blaine may have viciously kicked Shane’s shin at that moment.
  Logan frowned over at them, eyeing the Twins as they somehow managed to casually sweep a large pile of diagram-covered papers into a fuzzy backpack. “You are gathered here for an...intervention?” Most of the Windsors nodded vigorously (Blaine glared at the ground and Kurt just face-palmed).
  The blond smirked. “An intervention done by Windsors? Okay, first off, your whole house needs an intervention so you are in no position to be doing that. And what, you’re telling me you are organizing an intervention here, on Derek’s bed, for a grown man you barely know? Bullshit. I can’t even begin to unravel all the ways your alibi sucks. Now seriously, what are you all doing here?”
  Derek spoke up quickly. “It’s actually a...a surprise. A party. Involving all the counselors. They needed my tactical input. Spencer was busy. So. Yeah. We didn’t want to bother you over it.” He attempted to look as casual as the Twins but it still felt a bit too forced.
  The room was silent once more, all eyes on the prefect as he mulled over Derek’s answer.
  Everyone seemed to relax a bit as Logan shrugged nonchalantly before walking back to the door. He paused in the doorway. “You know what? I still don't believe you but for once I don’t even care what you all are planning. I’ve got bigger things to worry about right now. Derek, whenever you are done with your little weirdness fest, I’ll be at the south pavilion where the hiking trail ends. Julian really should have been back by now,” and Logan was practically fretting as he peered out at the sky, “It’s going to storm hard tonight.”
  Derek looked torn between immediately following Logan and staying to continue their “surprise party” meeting. “I’m sure he’s fine. But I’ll be there soon.”
  The Twins waved farewell to Logan as he left. “Not to worry, Knave, everything is proceeding as we have foreseen.”
  The singer laughed a little, finally looking a bit calmer as he called back to them. “Whatever you say. Considering the number of Windsors huddling on Derek’s bed, I probably don’t even want to know, right?”
  Derek smiled weakly at Logan’s retreating back then whipped around to glare sternly at the Twins.
  “What Logan doesn’t know-”
  “-won’t make him hurt us,” the Twins supplied. And out came the Plans again.
Dwight carefully handed the paper bag of popcorn to another excited looking child and sent her toddling back to the movie, inwardly proud of how he and Matt had managed to fix that old popcorn maker in the kitchen for this occasion without having to text DrewandSatoru or Han for help. He had stationed himself next to it as the movie went on, at the edge of the hall so as not to disturb the experience for any of the kids.
  The hunter glanced automatically towards the assembled kids on quilts, all watching awestruck as the pumpkin became a carriage. Matt was in the midst, helping a harassed-looking Justin to separate two nine-year olds fighting (the argument was about who was better, Merida or Mulan, and Dwight couldn’t even decide himself). Well. This wasn’t exactly the weekend date he’d originally planned for them before the Twins informed him of the Plan, but Matt actually seemed pretty content as he tiptoed back over to Dwight, smiling.
  “I guess Mulan won? Kids are fantastic, all that excitement over something Disney-related.”
  He grabbed a juice box and settled next to Dwight, looking for all the world like fixing up a greasy old popcorn maker and spending all evening ending pre-pubescent fights was just as good as getting dinner and movie. Dwight still wasn’t sure what to make of that. But he let his hand settle near Matt’s on the bench. Hunters didn’t do sentiment or soppiness, so this was just in case Matt was scared or spooked by the movie or something, he told himself firmly. Of course, they were watching Cinderella zooming off to the ball right now. But still... Dwight’s hand was available to hold. For practical reasons of course.
Next Chapter, as explained in song lyrics:
  “This is it, boys, this is war- what are we waiting for? Why don't we break the rules already?”
                                                  -“Some Nights” by Fun.
  “There's something due any day; I will know right away, Soon as it shows. It may come cannonballing down through the sky, Gleam in its eye, Bright as a rose!”
                          -“Something’s Coming” from West Side Story
Author's Note: enjoy the calm before the storm:)
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agentsnickers · 10 years
150 some years after Alice dropped in for tea, a boy called Kurt stumbled across Wonderland. There he met the White Rabbit and his band of rebels, and accidentally changed the course of their revolution.
(Although given Tweedle-induced shenanigans and the Rabbit’s apparent reluctance to personally approach Heart Palace, perhaps it’s not surprising that they haven’t accomplished much before.)
Wonder is now posted in its entirety! 
I just put the epilogue up, like, two minutes ago. Go check it out.
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cpcoulter-official · 10 years
Okay, in case you guys missed it~
Again, here are the fics that completed the Daltonverse Big Bang Challenge! :D
(I'm rereading them all again today, the teams have done an amazing job! <3)
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who had completed the Big Bang challenge, artists, writers, and betas! WOOHOO!!! <3
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daltonbigbang · 10 years
Parade of Heroes: Finished (or nearly) Fics!
As the Dalton Big Bang draws to an "official" close we would like to thank all the participants who became involved in this project either as a writer, artist, or beta. While not everyone is finished their fics or artwork, everyone is invited to continue using the #daltonbigbang tag to keep track of all your work and have it reblogged to this blog for all to see.
All works, completed or not, can now be found on the Finish Fics page with a link to the author's work, and all art pieces for now can be found on the masterpost which is still being updated!
This is surely not an end, as there's still several incredible fics to be finished, so keep your eyes peeled or you might just miss something! :D
-Lara, Beta's mod. 
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Coffee Shop Meet Cute.
Dalton Big Bang 2020 Prompt: Coffee Shop AU
“No. Mom, I can’t make it.” Reed mumbled into the call, juggling his bulging bag of artwork, designs, spare pieces of fabrics and material, “I have a project due.”
"I won’t be able to make it, I have that thing with Monique Lhuillier, and you would need to go in place of me. I will get them to call you, love you."
“But mom.” Reed sighed dejectedly, slumped against the nearest surface; if only she would listen and then it started to pour. “Perfect.” Reed cried out clutching his phone and bulging bag close him when heard a knocking sound.
He turned around surprised to find that he was leaning against the door to a coffee shop, blocking someone from getting out. He hastily wiped away his tears and turned around carefully, mindful of the wet sidewalk and puddles, apology ready on his lips.
A cute boy with shiny eyes and curly hair was grinning at him on the other side of the glass door. He took a step back slowly when the boy gently pushed open the door “Whoa Bambi, you okay.”
Reed blinked, Wait, what, did he actually call him Bambi and found the boy still talking to him, holding the door open.
“You can come in Bambi, it’s safe. I won't hurt you.” The boy said slowly backing away with one hand still holding the door.
“No, I. I’m okay, All fine, sorry. I will go.” Reed mumbled to his feet, shouldering his bag, backing away slowly and the boy actually pouted. “But, it’s raining and you’ll get wet. I don’t want you to get wet.”
The boy approached him slowly, “I won’t hurt you. I promise.” He had a cute smile on his face and was approaching him as if he was a small baby creature. Maybe that’s why he called you Bambi and Reed smiled softly and the boy grinned “It’s warm and comfortable and you’re pretty.”
“What.” Reed clutched his bag tightly.
“I mean coffee.” the boy exclaimed. “We have coffee. I can make you a coffee or a chocolate cake, vanilla cake, any cake.” The boy beamed and opened the door fully. He was the only person in the coffee shop, there was no one else. “You could wait while the rain stops and I could give you coffee.”
“Chocolate milk.” Reed whispered, and the boy nodded, “Will do and don’t worry Bambi, it’s on me.” and there it was again.
When Reed was suitably dried and had arranged himself to perfection in the washroom, he stepped out to find that the boy was back in the kitchen humming and bouncing around. A blender was on in the corner and pop music was playing and the boy was dancing around unaware that he was being watched. He looks so comfortable. Reed noticed as the boy danced around and working his milkshake. When he saw Reed he beamed and brought out a cup of chocolate milk with beautiful chocolate art on it. “That’s so pretty.”
“Thanks, Bambi.” The boy grinned and bowed down. “Now what would like to have with that?”
“My name is Reed.” He introduced “Not Bambi.”
“Oh pretty.” The boy beamed. “I‘m Shane and its lovely to meet you.” He hopped up the counter smacked a kiss on Reed’s cheeks and hopped down again. “So pretty, about that cake, which one would you like?” Reed melted a bit inside.
“I don’t get why you need me to come with you to the coffee shop.” Reed’s best friend grumbled as he was dragged down the street. “Because I need to know whether it was real or I made it up in my head Kurt! You know that.”
Reed had not stepped one foot in the coffee shop even though it was on his way and the chocolate milk and cake was divine. He did not want to think about the cure barista who he was sure was flirting with him. Maybe he felt sorry for him, that’s why he did those nice things.
“Cute boys don’t flirt with me, with you maybe. But this doesn’t happen to me.”
“True.” Kurt preened. “But you should take your words back. Cute boys and girls flirt with you know.” Kurt told him as Reed pulled him down the sidewalk. “You just don’t notice it.” He gestured towards a boy that had just passed them by, checking Reed out only Reed was too busy to notice “Like that. Just now. He just looked at you.”
“He was looking at you.” Reed said coming to stop near the coffee shop. He took a deep breath and arranged his clothes and peaked into the coffee shop finding the boy – Shane working at the counter. There were a lot more people around this time which would be perfect in case he had made it up in his head and he needed a distraction to escape soon.
“He’s here.” Reed whispered. “Please, please be my friend and tell me if it’s real or if I made it up.” and opened the door. At the tinkling sound of the door being opened the boy looked up and smiled and then beamed in recognition when his eye found Reed’s. “Oh, yeah Reed he’s definitely falling for you.” Kurt remarked. “You think so.” Reed asked looking at Shane and smiling back at him with hope in his heart. “Definitely.” Kurt smiled as he saw the boy watch the two of them interact with a small frown on his face. “I also think he’s a little jealous now. Oh Reed, what have done to the poor thing.”
“I. I. Jealous, why” Reed turned back to ask when Kurt nudged him. “Shush just watch, he’s coming to greet you and I don’t think this is normally done judging by the other barista’s faces at the counter.
“Bambi, Hi, you came” the boy danced his way towards them, which was the only way Kurt could describe his movement with a quick double hop, step and a slide and then he had Reed’s hand in his and planted a kiss on it, letting it go. “I missed you. I thought you would never come back.”
“Bambi.” nudged Kurt and Reed shook himself, still in shock. “Shane, I told you to call me Reed remember.” and the boy grinned at them. “You remembered my name.” Shane danced a bit in front of them, “So, Chocolate milk on the house.” and Reed nodded, pleased that Shane had remembered his order and considering that he had now kissed him twice he was definitely not making it up and he had Kurt as a witness as well.
“And for your friend?” Shane frowned at Kurt and Oh that was what Kurt was saying. “Yes, friend, this is Kurt, my best friend.” Reed said pulling Kurt towards him “He’ll have a.”
“Grande Nonfat Mocha.” Kurt supplied, watching Shane watch Reed, who now smiled properly at them, now that he knew that Kurt was a friend.
“Cool.” nodded Shane, who was now looking at Reed, smiling broadly at him and Reed as blushed and smiled back, ”You can give your order at the counter.” and Kurt laughed.
“So what do you think?” Reed asked Kurt, who had basically chaperoned them for two hours at the coffee shop.” A little bit excited, so not my type. “Kurt piped “And I was definitely not his. Though, you are most definitely his type.”
“You think.” Reed blushed and happily walked next to his friend. “Absolutely.”  Kurt nodded, “You should give it a go. Ask him out. Keep it simple, he seems like an excited puppy and you’re the best thing that could happen to him.”
“Kurt.” Reed laughed and nudged him. “What, I’m telling the truth. Go for it. He’ll definitely say yes.”
“He did slip me his number.” Reed smiled and Kurt looked at him shocked. “So that’s why you took such a long time to say goodbye.”
“Yeah, he kissed my cheek, again, and hugged me and slipped his number and then grinned and danced.”
“You should go for it.” Kurt smiled at his friend, happy that he had found someone who he liked.
“I will!” promised Reed. Perhaps he will even have a date to his mother’s thing.
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daltonficbigbang · 4 years
Day Eighteen: Stuart Trio
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2994yzzol · 9 years
Don’t Let This Magic Die- The Epilogue
AN: So this got done quicker than I thought, but here it is! Usually, I write this AN once I’ve written the chapter, but this time I’m writing this before. This is the epilogue to ‘Don’t Let This Magic Die’. It’s really just to close the book on this story and this world, and not only let you guys know what the adorable (now ex-) Hufflepuff and his crazy (now also ex-) Durmstrang boyfriend get up to. So, for the last time, I hope you enjoy :)
Disclaimer: Everything related to Hogwarts!verse belongs to J K Rowling, all of the Dalton!verse characters belong to Mamma CP and the OCs are thanks to one of three things: my friends volunteering, my brain making them up or the special guest I have dropped in because I can ;) Also, the title was inspired by ‘Magic Works’ from the OST of ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’, so credit goes to whoever wrote it. 
Seven Years Later…
“Alright, everyone! Let me know when you’ve uprooted your Gurdryroots so I can come inspect them, then you can go. But be careful with them!” Reed called out to the class. This seemed to speed them up and within minutes he was being called over to a Durmstrang boy who had completed the task.
The time had come around for the 2022 Triwizard Tournament and Hogwarts was hosting once again, since Durmstrang’s policies to protect the school’s location proved to be too much effort. They could still compete, however they were no longer to host.
As he went around the room to check his students’ progress and give them any help or advice, the room thinned out as they all made their way out to the bitterly cold grounds for the Great Hall, where dinner would soon be served. The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students had settled into Hogwarts life as quickly as they had when Reed had been a seventh year and they were hosting. His mind wandered back to the welcoming ceremony, much like they had experienced a little over a month previous, except the most recent one didn’t have one of their boys wearing a blinding grin as he made his way through the Great Hall, his eyes just as bright and his wild, dark curls bouncing…
“Professor Anderson?” the Slytherin girl pulled Reed from his trip down Memory Lane and he blinked, colour rising up his face as he looked over her Gurdryroot.
“Yeah, good job, Melissa. The roots are mostly intact, just make sure to disturb the soil before you pull it out, alright? And be careful with the trowel around the Gurdryroot itself, you don’t want to risk pulling a layer off.” He picked up the trowel and moved it through the soil. “If you do this a few inches away from it, it’ll loosen it up enough, like how it needs to be with the roots, but use your fingers around the roots as the trowel can be sharp.” He finally turned to look at his student. “Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, thanks Professor,” she replied, smiling at her professor. “Is it alright for me to leave now?”
“Of course, just make sure your workspace is clean,” he answered, looking up and clocking the Ravenclaw further up the table. “I’ll be over in a moment, Zac.”
“OK, professor,” the fifth year called.
It was another ten minutes until he was bidding the final students goodbye before he went around the Greenhouses, watering and tending to any plants that needed it.
He was crouched by the holly bush, extracting the last of the berries when a voice startled him. “I could never get tired of watching you in here.”
He cried, losing his balance and falling towards the bush when a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back, causing him to rock back and fall against the person’s legs. Once steady, he blinked up at the bright, hazel eyes he had so easily fallen in love with.
“What have I told you about sneaking up on me?” he scolded, pouting up at his husband.
“I caught you, didn’t I?” Shane stated, grinning down at the strawberry-blond.
“One of these days you won’t.”
The brunet pulled him up, turning him so they were facing each other, “In the eight years we’ve known each other, have I ever let you fall?”
Reed smiled softly, moving to wrap his arms around Shane’s neck as his arms wound around his waist, “No, you haven’t.”
“Exactly, and I have no intention to start.” He leaned down and kissed him softly. “Ready to head home?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” They broke apart and Reed quickly set the holly berries on the side before collecting his things. When he had everything he pulled on his winter robes before they stepped out of the Greenhouses hand-in-hand and made their way across the grounds.
“Professor A!” Shane turned to see a student walking briskly over to him.
“Hey Georgia, what can I do for you?” Shane asked the approaching Gryffindor.
“I’m having a little trouble with the homework you assigned, you know turning a mouse into a cup?” The brunet nodded and hummed and she continued, “I was wondering if I could see you to go over it again?”
“Sure, are you alright to come by my room on Monday? I can do lunch or after classes.”
“After classes is fine for me.”
“Brilliant, I’ll see you then.” He flashed the girl a grin. “Have a good weekend, Georgia.”
“You too, Professor A. And you, Professor Anderson.”
“Thank you, Georgia, you as well,” Reed replied, smiling at the second year.
“Bye!” She flashed the two a grin before turning and heading back to her friends. The couple headed out of the grounds, bidding goodbye to any students that called to them before they left the gates and apparated back to their cottage on the outskirts of Hogsmeade.
Once in the warmth of their home, Reed went to shower as Shane sifted through the mail they had received that morning. Once he was out and changed Shane went for his shower and Reed went down to his small greenhouse next to the cottage to water his floo plants.
He had just returned to the house when there was a knock at the door. His heart began to pound as he slowly made his way to the door. It wouldn’t be her, it couldn’t be her. She didn’t know where he lived, he’d changed his name when he and Shane had gotten married last year so he’d be harder to find.
After holding out as long as he could- which had only been a few weeks, the way she was trying to pair him up with every male-loving man she deemed ‘suitable’ for him- he had finally told his Mum that he was dating Shane. As he had expected, she wasn’t at all happy that he was dating someone that had no contacts within the fashion world that could further his career, causing him to also tell her that he didn’t want to go into fashion design any longer. Needless to say, she had been furious that he wouldn’t be taking over her legacy and after a long, bitter fight that had Reed crying more than he had ever cried in his life, he packed up his things and left, staying with Kurt and Blaine until he found himself a job and could afford a place of his own, first working at Dogweed and Deathcap, the Herbology shop in the village, before taking Professor Blumenfeld’s position as Herbology professor and Head of Hufflepuff the next academic year. When Shane had graduated from Durmstrang, he had joined Reed and they had rented a flat in the heart of Hogsmeade, Shane working at Spintwitches, the sporting goods shop also in the village, before securing himself the position of Transfiguration professor two years after Reed had joined the Hogwarts faculty. It was at this point they found themselves the cottage on the outskirts of the village and on the night they moved in, Shane proposed in their then-empty living room, the two marrying that Christmas Eve in front of their close friends and the family the two were still on good terms with. Hilde had attempted to contact him a few times whilst the pair rented, but hadn’t seen nor heard from her since they had married.
Reed stood in front of the door, forcing himself to take slow, even breaths before finally opening the door and visibly relaxing at the sight of Kurt and Blaine.
“Finally! We were freezing out here! Where were you?” the taller of the two asked, a joking lilt to his tone as they quickly stepped in, shivering and brushing the freshly falling snow off of them as Reed sheepishly closed the door.
“Sorry, I- um, I thought…”
“Oh Reed, we’re sorry,” Kurt said softly upon realising what he was about to say, resting a hand on the strawberry blond’s shoulder. “We tried flooing you to let you know we were gonna apparate up early, but no-one was around.”
“Shane’s getting ready and I was in the greenhouse,” he mumbled.
“We should’ve guessed,” Blaine chuckled fondly. “Speaking of which, where is he?”
“He’s probably trying to get his hair under control,” Reed answered, giggling softly.
Shane soon joined them and the four headed to the Leaky Cauldron for dinner and a catch-up, Kurt and Blaine telling them how Devon, their four-year-old son, was doing.
As the two lay in their bed that night, Shane curling and tangling himself completely into Reed, the brunet murmured, “Hey Reed?”
“I was thinking… we’ve been married nearly four years now…”
“And you’ve said you want kids…”
“Well, do you wanna start looking? For a surrogate, or for a kid to adopt?”
Reed’s eyes widened, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth despite his shock. “Really? You think we’re ready?”
“I am if you are,” Shane answered, a grin of his own growing over his lips.
After a brief moment of shock, he nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
The grin that overtook Shane’s features was one Reed had only seen a few times in their nearly eight years together: when Reed told him that he liked him, when he agreed to be his boyfriend, when he first told Shane he loved him, when he said he’d marry him and when he said ‘I do’. The brunet pulled him closer, if that was even possible, and kissed him passionately, his hands splayed over the shorter boy’s back as Reed’s tangled in his hair.
“I love you,” Shane breathed when they broke from the kiss, still grinning.
“I love you too,” he whispered, pulling the brunet in for another kiss before they tangled themselves further into each other, lightly discussing the next step in their future.
They didn’t care if they had a girl or a boy; they knew they would love the addition to their family regardless.
AN: So, I did it. Seventeen months of going from writing a chapter or two a day to a chapter a month to months of Writer’s Block to picking it back up and here it is, ‘Don’t Let This Magic Die’, complete. Thank you to all of you who have stuck with this fic from when I started out at the beginning of the Dalton Big Bang with a simple Hogwarts!AU idea that evolved into this, through everything I’ve described.
I want to thank Brie, my artist who did the beautiful book cover and the Champions’ profiles and had to deal with all my Plurks and messages whilst I was waiting to get paired with a Beta because I needed someone to bounce my ideas off who I felt OK spoiling with all the angst and fluffy goodness and everything else since I was so far along at this point!
I also want to thank Lexi, my first beta who did such a wonderful job in the time she was part of Marauders Three. She improved my writing so much and made the finished product so much better than it would have been if I just put it out there “hot off the press”, so to speak. It’s such a shame that technology got in the way of you finishing the journey with us, but you’ve been with me through all of this, even until now, my dear. I hope we can team up again at some point in the future :) I need to also thank Ximena for kindly stepping in at the last minute and taking over Lexi’s duties when she could no longer carry on, you were an asset to the group :)
I would also like to thank all of my Plurk buddies that so kindly volunteered themselves to be characters- either students or teachers- so I could bulk up the faculty and female student body. I would especially like to thank Franzi for letting me have so much fun with her character and Julie for also letting me have fun with her character and helping me out with grammar points when I went solo. My writing has drastically improved because of you :)
Finally, I want to thank my long-suffering bestie Donna for being my idea checker and my helper, from the moment I thought up this idea until now. I’ve spoiled you and I’ve ranted and been Devil’s advocate when you’re just trying to help me, yet you’ve been patient with me through it all. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you Bee <3
Writing this has been one Hell of a ride, and I’m so glad and proud of myself for finishing this. I made a promise to myself when I first started the Big Bang that ‘Don’t Let This Magic Die’ would be the best damn piece of work I have ever written, and I feel that I haven’t let myself down with it at all. The fact it is a multi-chapter fic, something I tend to avoid because I know that I can lose interest if I’m not careful, makes me even more proud of myself, and I think also helps make it better as I have more chance to flesh out bits and include side-plots and such. So yeah, I’m feeling pretty good right now :)
Once again thank you, and until next time, goodbye.
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bourbonrose · 9 years
Jogan AU. Inspired by both Moulin Rouge and Rent.
Summary: After months of traveling through Europe, living on music and love, Logan finally returns to his best friend in New York. There, he discovers that a lot has changed. Instead of the world, Derek dominates the bar in a luxurious nightclub called the Moulin Rouge. When Logan visits him, his eyes immediately fall on the main act, the seductive dancer with the haunting eyes and a smile that glows with the light of a thousand stars. But falling in love comes with a price they both struggle to pay for.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to CP Coulter and her story Dalton.
Enjoy! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments :)
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practicallymagic · 10 years
I Surrender to the Strawberry Ice Cream Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Ordinary Day by Vanessa Carleton
Disclaimer: I don't own Daltonfic or Glee
Wherein Stuarts are protective, kittens are contemplative, and the woodland project is in full swing.
Logan eyed the man now standing before him, subtly checking out the car to make sure- yep, only Mr. Clavell had gotten out. No one else there. So why couldn’t he breathe properly?
Mr. Clavell smiled at Logan, a cautious, worried half-smile that looked tired. “Hello. You’re Senator Wright’s son, yes? Logan?”
Logan nodded shortly, smiling automatically (though he didn't realize) with the kind of grin Julian bestowed on posters. He listened to the man awkwardly introduce himself but inside, his thoughts were all whirring and spinning...
Here. Why?
Adam, obviously. But why?
Something involving Julian. He can’t just leave him be. But why?
Funny how Hell Night is just the Socratic Method in practice for me.
(Somewhere in the back of his mind, Pachelbel’s Canon in D began to play loudly, almost willing his frantic thought process to slow down a little).
Has he escaped? Been let out? Does he want something?
Don’t let him near Jules. Can’t let him get to Jules. I’ll kill him if he ever– Does it mean I’m as bad as him if I kind of hope the news is that the bastard is dead?
...don’t think about that right now. Focus.
Talk, Wright. Conversation. You know this.
He began, “So what are you doing h-” before belatedly realized that they were no longer alone.
Julian was jogging down the path toward them, albeit gingerly, with Derek following close behind. When they were a few feet away, however, the athlete pointedly planted himself between Mr. Clavell and his friend, eyes darting around with his jaw set as the four of them formed a very tense and quiet diamond.
Julian was wild-eyed, stammering out his sentences. “What-what happened-why is he...” The actor seemed to either be at a loss for words or just out of breath. And now Mr. Clavell was trying to explain and Julian looked ready to bolt who knows where.
Contrary to popular belief, Logan Wright did actually think about his actions (okay, most of the time) before doing anything. But right now he didn’t even think at all. He didn’t have to. He took Julian into his arms as naturally as if they’d done it every day of their lives.
The blond rubbed his friend’s back with one hand, trying to soothe away the tension and internally giving himself a high-five when he felt Julian relax against him, head resting on his shoulder. Logan glared a little at Derek, who stood smugly before them for a moment, drinking it in, until he said something very quietly to Mr. Clavell and the two of them left the parking lot.
What did he say? Eh, who cares. Logan was cupping the back of Julian’s head with his other hand, fingers finding their way into the brown locks of their own volition. Soft. Smells like Julian, something sweet. Logan let himself relax too, just for a second. They were okay. This would be okay.
He determinedly did not think about how easy it was to hug Julian like this, this caressing, warm, musical (Logan had found himself humming softly to Julian as they stood there), and oddly timeless moment. So terrifyingly easy, not letting go of his friend with backslaps and hair-mussing like he usually did.
And...well. His thoughts had calmed. Pachelbel was still playing in his head, but differently now, more soft and engaging. Go figure.
Hell, so what if Julian had thrown that fit about Logan's control issues. The point was, Jules was here, he was alright, he was safe and warm in Logan’s arms and who gave a fuck what anyone thought about that (looking at you, Derek).
Speaking of which. Yeah. They should probably figure out what exactly the Clavell guy was here for. Logan just wanted a few more moments of this. Whatever this was.
He was probably so relaxed right now because he was enjoying the few seconds of peace and quiet before Julian got obnoxious and whiny again.
“Okay, let go now,” Shane cautioned the Twins. He made sure to get himself and Reed (clutching a box of blue ribbons most adorably, the dancer thought) out of the way just as the Twins let out a Xena-style battle cry and released their newest creation to the world:
The banner swung into place over the long-hanging willow branches: "ALICE WILL YOU MARRY ME?" was emblazoned in blue letters on a yellow background (or deep navy on a saffron background, depending on which painter you asked), perfect for two Windsor boys planning to get married. Assuming they would be consulted about it.
The woodland project had been stealthily in the works for ages now, and Reed and Shane were honestly playing catch-up here. Everyone had been a teensy bit worried that the little artist’s natural honesty and affection for Kurt would, as the Twins put it, “cause the Dormouse to squeak some precious details to our Alice. And that is not permitted.”
The gazebo was coming along beautifully-after some debate, it had been partially moved into a tree. The steps leading up were painted with musical notes and songbirds. In a nod to Kurt’s taste, an Hermes scarf fluttered from the top. All was going according to plan (the plan Blaine would totally be clued in on, at some point at least).
Of course, the Twins reminded each other, the course of true love... not so smooth.
First, there had been more arguing over who outside of Windsor could get involved. Charlie emphatically did not want certain Stuarts present, while Justin protested that Logan and Derek both had serious organizational skills regarding how to handle political functions and highbrow parties, which could definitely come in handy.
Whether Julian would be involved in the process had received a definite no from Danny who looked a bit embarrassed but still defiant in his protection of the actor’s healing process. “He can do his classes, or go for a short hike this weekend- maybe. But carrying heavy boxes and climbing ladders is out of the question and guys, I’m pretty sure he still wouldn’t do any of that even if he were healthy.”
That no had been met with some quiet argument from a French counselor. Some guy that Jeff had talked to about dance and Wes had discussed sports with, but all the same, a guy that no one really knew, except that after the argument, the teen had asked to speak privately with Justin and Spencer.
The three walked off into the shadows of a nearby willow as Charlie sulked about being left out and the Twins watched them all with dazzling smiles and wary, wary eyes.
Mr. Clavell’s car pulled away and Logan snarled after it, like a dog desperate to chase the vehicle but restraining itself. Derek was pacing, kicking at the gravel. Julian just sighed and leaned his head against the trunk of the willow he was sitting under.
Sooo, that had happened. They all took a moment to absorb it.
Julian puzzled it through in his head. He was safe here. So why did he feel so out of control and off-balanced?
Because it was about Adam.
Adam...The actor shivered.
Mr. Clavell had delivered the news quietly and hesitantly. Adam had finally talked to him. Agreed to cooperate with therapy. Agreed to keep working on himself. Agreed to talk to his parents, to people who could help, to contentedly stay in his veritable prison.
He had stated that he would do all this and more. On one condition.
Mr. Clavell flinched involuntarily while explaining, deciding not to share how his son’s dull eyes had suddenly become animated, passionate, feverish, and almost reverent as he spoke.
Adam still wanted to see him. God, Julian was afraid of that statement. It wasn’t going to happen, obviously. Even if for some insane reason Julian agreed to see him (and he didn’t ever want to, even if he’d like some damn closure and finally answers, he was still so, so scared inside), there would be a veritable army of lawyers, family, friends, and anyone with a brain to stop it from happening.
So this was pointless, Mr. Clavell coming out here. Except apparently he’d promised Adam he would at least ask. Julian really hated personal integrity at times like these.
Although Julian couldn’t really be mad at the guy– he seemed so desperate, going to such lengths just to have his son talking to him. It was kind of sad, seeing Mr. Clavell and knowing that his world had also been changed horribly by his son’s actions...
Logan seemed to have no problem being mad at the guy. The phrases “over my dead body” and “get the fuck out” were being thrown around quite liberally as they stood there (while Julian felt frozen to the grass just watching) before Derek tactfully suggested, bristling a little himself, that Mr. Clavell should leave.
And now he was gone. Derek patted Julian’s shoulder gently, already arguing with Logan about whether people needed to be told about this. The prefect wandered over himself mid-argument to carefully look his friend over before distractedly running a hand through the actor’s hair which felt very, very nice, and Julian struggled to maintain an outraged expression.
But yeah, overall Julian had contributed... nada. Zilch. He couldn’t verbalize properly how he was so tired of being scared and frozen in time and Adam and roses and blood and everything else... He collected himself. He needed to calm down. Not worry about his friends. Mr. Clavell had just been a tiny blip on a nice summer day. Not important.
But still, should he tell Seb? Except that could get weirder than it was already... God, Logan and Seb needed to go to brunch or some shit and get over it. Seriously. What was Logan’s problem there? And Seb was acting so weird...
God, he really needed to vent all this shit in his head. Starting with whatever was going on between Logan and Seb.
Those two were both out of the running as confidantes right now for obvious reasons, as neither would discuss each other. Seb always went an interesting shade of purple and muttered something about psychotic Ken dolls and Logan just glared holes into whatever innocent woodland creature was frolicking nearby.
Who else? Danny was busy (and Julian still felt guilty, pushing all his issues on the guy like that, no matter how cool about it he was turning out to be), and Derek would have a hernia. Literally.
The list was dwindling. Let’s see, his castmates were probably busy right now with projects. Sonic was asleep. Should he call his mother...
More nope-ity nope than anything else in the world, ever. He would have more luck telling the lake monster all about it. Of course he knew the camp was Dalton-involved when there was a lake monster.
Oh...wait. He tilted his head to the sky just as some birds flew overhead, smirking as he imagined how it must’ve been in Windsor with Pavarotti loose and wild. Apparently the bird was only calmed by a certain scarf.
He got up and stretched. Well. There was one person a cat could always talk to in Wonderland.
Up next: Julian gets a hiking buddy. Spencer gets lost. And Kurt gets a bad feeling again.
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agentsnickers · 10 years
Once upon a time, a fifteen-year-old boy got an email.
I finished Wonder's side-story (which fills in a gap in the end of Wonder) before the actual epilogue went up. Well, whatever. That'll come eventually; betas have lives too.
Written for my Team Zoleykat teammates. You're the best.
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cpcoulter-official · 10 years
And happy end of Daltonverse Big Bang! 8DDD I'll be reblogging the ones the completed the challenge. XDD Yaaaay!!!
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ichosethefandomlife · 10 years
Smoke Before Fire Chapter 11
I am not going to lie, this is the point where I get emotional. I did it. This is the last chapter of Smoke Before Fire. The story totalled 29,032, well over the minimum word count. I wrote a story I never thought I would and got to play with some of my favourite characters from fiction.
The biggest thanks go to wikkedwillow and queerargents, my incredible Artist and Beta. You two have been amazing, such incredible pictures and brilliant editing of my shoddy work. I wish you both the best in the future. Also an enormous thanks to cpcoulter for creating the masterpiece that is Dalton. I wish you all the best and I fear for my life for chapter 29.
Right, here I am. Signing out for the last time with one minute before it turns to 1st November and I go on a NaNoWriMo spree...
PenMagic xx
1 Month Later.
The wrought iron gates of Dalton Academy had played host to many a television camera crew, many a reporter who was curious to see the events that had unfolded at the school. They had groaned and complained under the weight of the press the school was getting, especially the students that lay inside it.
But now it lay silent. They were closed and had no plan to open any time soon. The grounds lay silent, as if there was no one in the school. Birds chirped in the air, filling the icy cold blue air with a silence that didn’t seem like it belonged there. The grass was wet with the dew that was beginning to dry up in the mid-morning air that was chilly enough for anyone walking there to see their breath but warm enough for anyone to stand without the need for a coat. A thick jumper yes, but no coat.
The sunken courtyard found the first occupant of the school. He sat on one of the highest steps of courtyard, looking down at the area that was now desolate. He could see the paths trodden by students in the days before in the sandy base. What were they going to say? Standing up, he wiped down his trousers; careful to make sure there were no stains on the black creased trousers he wore every day. Straightening his tie, he folded down the collar of his shirt and adjusted his blazer so it fitted more comfortably on his shoulders.
Doing up the two buttons on his blazer; he looked around him at the serenity that surrounded him. And for once, Todd Hendricks felt at peace. Sure there had been repercussions for his actions, only at the insistence of his friends and surprisingly especially Bailey and Laura, he had not been handed over to the police where he would have been tried as a minor for accessory to kidnapping. Only a handful of students knew who the mole was, only a handful of them would ever knew and it had been a slow and painful process to even begin to get them to trust him again.
But now, now he felt better. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He wasn’t at the mercy of the men who had killed his parents, they were safely locked up and he would never see them again with any luck. There was no need to worry for now. He could continue to write for the newspaper, he could live in Windsor with a smile on his face. It was the mercy and grace of Blaine and Charlie that had encouraged the other boys who knew to also become cordial towards him. Perhaps the next two and half years at Dalton wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Just because the outside grounds of Dalton held no signs of life other than Todd, did not mean the same for inside. Charlie ran a hand through his hair as he sat in the common room of Hanover House, nursing a strong black coffee.
It felt almost strange that his heart wasn’t pounding at one hundred miles an hour, that he wasn’t terrified about what was going to happen to his boys, that he wasn’t yelling at Drew and Satoru for their new experiments. No, Hanover was his sanctuary and he was happy to leave Blaine in charge for a couple of hours.
Leaning his head against the back of the sofa, he closed his eyes as he merely listened to the conversation. It was tranquility to know that the whole debacle over the kidnapping and then the events of the Valentine’s Day Fair were over.  Now all that he had to worry about next was Hell Night and then finals. Huh, he snorted, that was all he had to worry about.
Plus he had to find a boy willing to be Windsor Prefect next year. While Lancaster, Stuart and Hanover took great pride in choosing their Prefects, the boys who were given the roles were ecstatic to be given the title, Windsor was most certainly another issue altogether. No one wanted the role. Sure he had several decent candidates in mind from the junior year, but only time would tell who could settle into the role. No, despite his worries and concerns, he was convinced he would be leaving Windsor in capable hands at the end of May.
His floating thoughts were interrupted as he picked up on the conversation that Merrill and Danny were having. “I just don’t know where’s it’s gone.” Merrill was sighing.
Charlie sat up with interest, not another disappearance. “What’s gone missing?” He asked.
Merrill sighed as she glanced at him with a frown on her face. “One of the kitchen knives, one of the bread knives. I know it seems silly but I’ve looked all over the place and I just hope that one of our more…” she paused, looking for the right word, “sensitive boys hasn’t caught it.”
Danny shook his head with a small smile. “Don’t fret Merrill, we’ll make sure it’s found, it can’t have gone far.”
Charlie nodded his agreement. “My boys borrow stuff all the time from the kitchen. Just put up a general notice asking the person to return it, nice and simple.”
He took another sip of his coffee, letting the caffeine slide down his throat and warm him up. He wasn’t quite sure what it was that unnerved him about what Merrill said, but there was something that didn’t quite sit well with him.it was a normal thing to happen, boys made food in their rooms all the time. But something in the back of his mind said something different, that the fact that it was odd was cause enough to be on the look out, to be more alert for his Hanover friends. Charlie sighed, just when he thought he had it that much easier for the next couple of weeks before Hell Night set in.
A guard, really? Bailey was almost sick of the fact that he couldn’t go anywhere alone. There were times when Logan was scary, read when he was angry and it was terrifying. There were times when he was a great leader, when he was in charge of the retaliation attacks against Windsor or when he would demonstrate his Warbler skills to perfection. There were times when he could even be called nice, those were rare and treasured occasions but they still existed. And then there were the times when Logan was an overbearing mother hen who was paranoid about the boys he was in charge of.
And this was one of them. For goodness sake, it was only a question of going to dinner! It was 7pm; he had survived the onslaught of the day’s work and another night’s sleep. Yes he was suffering from nightmares; he couldn’t recall a night when he hadn’t since the events of the last month. But this? There was a limit to how much he could tolerate. As he opened the door fully, in full uniform and ready to take the evening in his stride, he smiled at Derek who was standing outside. Derek had a small smile on his face; he liked Bailey well enough and knew that if he could count on anyone to carry Stuart on in their absence when they graduated, it would be Bailey. He had confidence in the boy and while the job Logan had asked of his friends was indeed tedious, he could tolerate it until Logan’s phase passed.
Bailey frowned slightly as he closed the door and locked his room. His guards usually came in twos and either Logan himself or the diva that was Julian Larson, even less pleasant company than Logan, usually accompanied Derek. “Is Logan finally letting up then?” He queried as he gave the junior a small nod and they started to walk towards the entrance to Stuart House.
Derek pursued his lips and shook his head slightly. “Julian had a nasty incident last night. His stalker is getting closer and Logan’s worried sick about him.”
Bailey frowned. Julian’s stalker had become the new worry of Stuart House, no one knew what to make of it and Bailey was on the verge of suggesting they went to Han to get footage of entrance to Stuart over the last couple of weeks. But they were too full of pride to ask for Windsor’s help and he knew it. Perhaps he could have a word with Han. “What happened? Is Julian hurt?”
While Bailey wasn’t particularly fond of Julian, he cared about his fellow housemates, however obnoxious they were. Derek shook his head. “It isn’t my place to tell you Bailey, Julian’s in a state of shock. Won’t let anyone see him but me. And he insisted that I came to escort you to dinner.” Bailey raised an eyebrow, the diva wasn’t being selfish? “Julian that is, not Logan. You know, he may be a diva but he has got a heart. He knows what it’s like to feel like you might be attacked at any moment. Perhaps, despite what he says, he does care. None of us are prefect.” He sighed. “No matter how much other people want us to believe.”
Despite the turrets and cone shaped domes that topped a lot of Windsor House, there were a few flat roofs that any curious Windsor boy, of which there were several, would be able to find. They were accessible of course, how else would they be able to hold midnight stakeouts of other houses where the faculty weren’t able to find them.
But right now, as the sun began to set and the tinges of pink and orange mixed in with the greying clouds and blue sky, two boys sat up on the rooftop, doing none of the things that the Windsor rooftop was normally used for. A picnic blanket was spread out on a small slatted roof part, small cushions were placed on the smoother parts of the blanket and a medium sized wicker basket was placed in the middle. Kurt and Blaine lay back on the blanket, a plate of cucumber sandwiches and a large tumbler of lemonade between them. It wasn’t dinner; neither of them was acknowledging this as a meal.
But there was a peace that was beautiful and wonderful, it filled every inch of the air and was a chance for them both to breathe. In the stifling and sweltering heat of the classrooms and the enormous pressure that was put on the boys to be safe, never more so than now, and to do as best as they could in their academics. To achieve perfection. Here on the rooftop, there was no need for perfection; they could be as free as they wanted to be. They could shout, they could jump and sing, they could forget all about work. And that was exactly what Kurt and Blaine planned to do. Too much had happened to them both in the last month to think about work.
The two boys lay back, their heads resting against the cushions that stopped it from being so uncomfortable. “Is it just me or does it feel strangely quiet?” Kurt murmured after a moment.
Blaine turned his head to look at Kurt. “In Windsor or in Dalton? Because the answer to both is yes, it is weirdly quiet.”
Kurt smiled slightly as he tilted his head to look at the sky. “I like it. It isn’t often you get a quiet that isn’t borne out of fear or stress.”
There was a moment of silence as the two boys just watched the clouds go past, their breaths evening out. After a few moments, Blaine spoke again. “At least all we have to worry about is Hell Night.”
Kurt frowned. “Hell Night? That sounds a little dramatic.”
Blaine snorted. “The most accurate title really. It’s Parents’ Night on the school calendar, but we all call it Hell Night. At least two things go horribly wrong every year, whether it is our fault or not.”
Kurt turned onto his side to look at Blaine, an elegantly raised eyebrow. “Plus you owe me the next chapter of the story with you and Logan.”
Blaine sighed dramatically. “Can’t that wait just for a little while longer Kurt? Let’s just enjoy this moment. It isn’t often we will get a moment like this again.”
Kurt smiled, he could do that. He could live in this bliss forever. But bliss couldn’t last forever and something told him it most certainly wouldn’t last.
And on the other side of campus, on the top of another House, another boy was lying on the top of his house. He breathed deeply, his eyes scanning the sky for the stars that were going to be peeking through soon. Those first hints of another day ending and a new one waiting to dawn. He was ready for that.
He sat up carefully, letting his small figure slip into the grooves as he settled in for another cold night. He didn’t have long, he never thought he had and now with Parents’ Night approaching, he had to do it sooner rather than later. He rolled the thin green stem between his fingers, ignoring with ease the small pricks that cut into his hands as the thorns turned with the stem. Stopping after a minute or so, he reached and pinched a red petal in between two fingers. Pulling softly, he plucked the rose petal from its bud and dropped it over the edge, watching with a small smile as it floated down to the front step of Hanover House.
Adam Clavell broadened his smile as he let petal after petal fall. This was what power felt like. The kidnapping had just been the tip of the iceberg; it had been the smoke before the fire. Now let the school burn, burn and crumble, as it should.
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