#cotrk re read
nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
My Extended Ramblings 8/19/22
This time with photos, to provide evidence of why I keep being sheepish about my media backlog being handled out of order. Also as a refresher/planning for myself as my Wordpress blog was largely on hiatus over the summer and it’s nearly time to end that.
I have finished the third season of TOS. While not as bad as its reputation had made it out to be, I admit that I still don’t have much to say about it that hasn’t been said. But I have hope that won’t be the case with DS9.
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I have supplemental media too! Obviously I’ve been seeking out spoilers for a while, but I doubt I know everything and I’m aware that actually consuming a piece of media is different. But seriously, I’m excited for this project.
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Look. For all its flaws, SGA is my favorite and I don’t regret starting a re-watch. <3
The two tie-in novels I think will be read & reviewed closer to the end of the year.
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I need to start up XWP’s third season. So far I’ve enjoyed the show, although I’m a bit concerned as I’ve heard the quality gets uneven as time goes on.
The tonal shifts in ALOK’s first season were jarring enough that I paused watching. But I know I need to finish it before I get really started on my Power Rangers project.
Ahead of the 30th anniversary next August, I’ve picked out 30 episodes from the first 17 seasons to re-watch and talk about. There is some blatant favoritism going on, but eh, that’s a key point of having a blog. >:)
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I remember enjoying Liberty’s Kids as a kid myself but I’m worried about how well it holds up. Although it does tell stories about others than the Founding Fathers. And if Ben Franklin is cleaned up, well, this is a kids’ show (it’s in the name even!) and they had gotten Walter Cronkite to voice him. I do think the writers were as nuanced as they could be at the time and due to writing it for elementary school kids.
Even more than TOS, when I watched the first half of Princess Tutu I didn’t have much to say besides I liked it. It’s a great show; I just can’t figure out what else to say. At this point I’ll probably have to start over before watching the rest.
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Pokémon Sun & Moon Ultra Legends has been a lot of fun so far. Thankfully my Pokémon watching won’t end with Ash’s departure. Instead I’ll be going to the Orange Islands arc, followed by Ash’s travels through Johto. Then the beginning of Hoenn, skipping ahead to a return to Kanto. And at some point there will be a post on the Sword & Shield manga volumes I have.
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It’s on the back burner for now, but I still want to compare Wishbone’s take on Ivanhoe to the real deal someday.
Similarly, I think it would be fun to compare episodes of Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century to the original stories. Like Liberty’s Kids, I haven’t seen it in ages so I hope it’ll have held up.
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I still have The Dragon Quartet on my to-read list.
At this point, I think it might be more realistic to read through both versions of a YW book and write a single post rather than going in depth on each chapter. Hmm.
Like with SGA, I think I might end up rereading COTRK before making a real dent in my to-read pile. When that happens, there’ll probably just be small posts here rather than making bigger blog posts. I just miss it and am a bit emotional about the series being 20 years old now.
Also I’m just showing the first books in those series for simplicity’s sake.  This post is convoluted enough already.
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I recently got the first two volumes of Spy x Family because the premise sounds delightfully off the walls. Earlier this summer I got the first volume of Tokyo Mew Mew and the first volume of WITCH before that, due to tween nostalgia in both cases. I did start the Tokyo Mew Mew one, but then got depressed when I learned of Mia Ikumi’s death back in March. Although I also learned of the reboot, but as this post is proving, I shouldn’t be adding to the media backlog. :(
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Three more books in the to-read pile. While I’m very curious about airbender culture and Bones McCoy, I think I should get started on The Nature of Middle-Earth before I’ve had it for a year.
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… I completely dropped the ball on OUAT after a handful of episodes. It’s just a Lot even in season one. Eventually I’ll get back to it. I hope.
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I am finally going to get into Sailor Moon, as I’m well aware of its iconic status.  My biggest dilemma is whether or not to get an external Blu-ray drive, because what is the point of doing compare & contrast reviews of the first seasons of the two animes if I can’t get screencaps from the original?!  Also I’m hopeful that there’ll be future remastered releases of the other seasons of the original anime.
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The movies highest on my ‘to watch’ list are Ever After and the T*Witches duology.  I remember being very baffled by some of the latter’s choices as a tween, especially in how the two mentors were handled.  Yet I still liked them as movies even if they were very different from the books.  It’ll be interesting to re-watch them.  As for Ever After, I’ve heard a lot of good about it and I generally have a soft spot for Cinderella stories.  Admittedly I got Tin Man out of curiosity and because I couldn’t not get it at five dollars.  Both Ever After and Tin Man have been in my pile since before the pandemic, so they really do need to be watched sometime soon.  
As much as I love the 1995 film, I am curious about the Sense & Sensibility miniseries, especially with how much I adore the 2009 Emma miniseries.  I have other movies in my to-watch pile, but these are the ones that I think should be watched & talked about first.
I strongly suspect that in all four cases, there will be costume screencaps afterwards.  >:)
The last chunk will all be DC-related.  Yes, this post is nearing the end.
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With its tenth anniversary coming up, Arrow is a pretty high priority.  I think the reviews will be spread out, though, especially as I’m unsure how well I’ll like it.  I’m also torn whether to power through and do in-depth reviews like I did for the first season of The Flash, or if I should concentrate that energy on DS9 and just do the quick analyses like I do for XWP.
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Speaking of The Flash, it is way on the back burner but still needs to get done sometime.  Just not anytime soon.  Sorry, Iris.  Although sometime I should at least get screencaps for the first season’s reviews now that I can again.
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However, I do feel awkward that I pushed off doing Legends of Tomorrow for so long that it’s now over.  Right now, I suspect I’ll hold off until I’m done with DS9, as one seven-season show is enough of a time commitment.  And I’ll be more able to keep up with the show if I watch the earlier Arrow-verse content beforehand.
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I admit, the first season DVD of the animated Justice League is there mostly as evidence that I’ve been aware of the cartoon for some time.  Although I haven’t watched it in a very long time.  But I did snag the complete series earlier this summer, so that’ll be fun!  Like with Ever After & Tin Man, I actually got the first season of Lois & Clark pre-pandemic, albeit at a library rather than a store.  No clue when I’ll get around to it, but I do think I should someday.
To summarize, I have a massive pile of media to consume before I can justify adding to it further.
First level priorities: DS9, Pokémon Sun & Moon, Power Rangers, SGA
Second level priorities: XWP, Arrow, Ever After, T*Witches duology, Young Wizards, Stargate tie-in novels, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, The Nature of Middle-Earth
Third level priorities: Spy x Family, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, WITCH, Ivanhoe, The Dragon Quartet, animated Justice League, 2008 Sense & Sensibility miniseries, Tin Man, Sherlock Holmes (original & sci-fi), COTRK
Fourth level priorities: OUAT, Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Lois & Clark, Doctor’s Orders, The Dawn of Yengchen, Princess Tutu, Liberty’s Kids, the other Pokémon seasons
Fifth level is anything I’ve forgotten.  I don’t think I have, but I might have.
I am self-aware enough to know that I will go off-course sooner rather than later, but I think as long as I’m enjoying myself, it’ll be okay.  That’s my justification for going back to SGA.  At least for Power Rangers I can point to the upcoming big anniversary.
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nerdgatehobbit · 4 years
Here’s a separate post on what I’ve been up on the Stargate front.
Since I finally got around to rereading & re-reviewing Pride of the Genii, I’m now free to read Reliquary & the last 3 COTRK books. Huzzah!
I also wrote about 3000 words last night for the post Third Path Carson & Elizabeth reunion story that I needed to happen. To my surprise, Lorne showed up & insisted on sticking around. A welcome surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.
Hopefully I’ll have the story edited & posted before Sparktober.
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nerdgatehobbit · 4 years
I admit that this weekend was less than productive on the blogging front, between the flu shot on Saturday & focusing more on cleaning today. But I have made some progress.
Just three episodes to go in PRIS before I can finally begin Lost Galaxy. There’s a chance I’ll just start all over again once I’m done with all 4 boxed sets, though a re-watch is more likely to begin in 2023 for the 30th anniversary.
Eventually I should get the post-RPM seasons, despite their mixed reputations. But for now, I have plenty of media to go through. I do wonder if a fifth boxed set will be released in the near future.
I’m 16 episodes into Sun & Moon, which continues to be an utter delight. I need to find some Pokémon Tumblrs to follow because I need more of it on my dashboard. Any suggestions?
Almost halfway through Farscape’s final season, and I’m still not sure whether I like it or not. The latest episode went heavy on body ‘humor’ and the crossdressing aspects haven’t aged that well.
There’s just the 2-part finale before I’m done with TCW’s third season. I have heard a lot of praise for the fourth season, so that’s exciting. However, I am planning to skip most of the Rako arc for the sake of my stress levels.
I need to watch more XWP & Jackie Chan Adventures soon, especially as I’ve been enjoying both shows. Up next is Merlin’s 5th episode, which I know will be fun. Right now I think I’ll start posting those reviews in March.
The review for The Flash’s second season premiere will go up as planned on its fifth anniversary, but it’ll be a while before I return to it. I’m just not in the right head-space for it right now. More Arrow-verse reviews might will come in December.
I did read & review the 6th COTRK book. So far I’ve been falling back in love with the series during this reread. It’s a shame that it isn’t better known. The 7th book is particularly hazy in my memory, so I’m looking forward to reading it this week.
I still need to finish Reliquary; I hit Radek being upset over Rodney’s apparent death and had to stop. Eh, it’s fine since that review isn’t due until mid-November. But if the novel has Carson being upset over this, I will cry.
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