#cos like the flowers r connected to his head and he does wear a hat to hide them sometimes
077gasoot · 2 years
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i know nothing about him but his skin is cool
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transheadcannon · 6 years
In Honor of the end of pride month (darn) Everyone is trans and everyone is at Pride
Trans boy (he/him)
Pan and ace
Is there with Shay his (trans) girlfriend
Total mom of pride
Is prepared for everything all the time no matter what
Has granola bars and water on him at ALL TIMES
Is constantly making sure that everyone is together and okay
Is especially worried about Lance and Pidge 
Especially when they’re both together
Help Lance sew their pride capes
Definitely brought a frying pan
For the Pun
Has a shirt that says “trans boys do it better”
Or “Frying PANS who knew right?”
I love Tangled I’m sorry
Definitely is wearing at least on form of floral print
Is terrified of losing Keith in the crowd
Really wants to get those leash backpacks for kids but for his friends
Hunk is the main supplier of glitter
You can bet your boots this boy painted his face
Will not stop throwing Pancakes at people
His pancakes are Holier than thou
So people eat them no matter what
Everyone, and I mean E V E R Y O N E  loves Hunk and will die for Hunk
Once, at pride, Hunk got knocked down by anti-lgbtq+ protestors
Everyone was there to make sure he was okay
A group of Drag Queens fought off the protesters
Those protesters never came back
Hunk will, without hesitation, punch any terfs he sees at pride
No exceptions
Probably brought a ukulele to play “Rainbow Connection” nonstop
Taking names, breaking hearts, Hunk Garrett
All the ladies are swooning
Shay once had to fight someone to get them off of Hunk
Hunk may be a bit less vocal about it but he his the happiest person there
Trans Demiboy (he/they)
(would date Nonbinary people too though)
Wears Croc Heelys to pride
Has a tendency to wander off which is really not good for Shiro or Hunk
Was roped into letting Lance, Allura and Coran do their makeup
One eye is demiboy colors
The other is Rainbow
Flannel and a black tank top
Lipstick (any color it changes year by year) to complete the look
Everyone thinks he’s gorgeous
Gets asked out by at least three (3) people at pride each year
First time they go to pride they cry
Everyone was so nice and kind and accepting
All his friends were so flustered because none of them had ever seen Keith cry
Keith probably got his wolf a rainbow bandana
Keith’s mom ( a well seasoned gay) is definitely part of the “Where the Hell is Keith Now?” Squad
Keith is normally the one that eats most of Hunk’s Granola bars
He and Lance usually fight over the last one
Keith, Pidge, Lance and Matt are in a “Who can get more glitter on who” war
Keith usually wins because this kid has reflexes like no one’s buisness
The one year Keith didn’t win was because someone Matt  accidentally hit Allura
No one stood a chance
Pride Month is what Keith lives for
Catch him at 3 in the morning June 1 vibrating after watching every episode of Queer Eye and drinking Shiro’s secret stash of Rebull
Keith, surprisingly, gets in absolutely no arguments (other than Lance) or fights during Pride
They don’t want to take away the safe environment young queers have
Definitely wears a beanie no matter what
He rotates his demiboy hat, rainbow hat, and trans hat
“Bro it’s like 100 degrees out aren’t you hot?”
“I’m dying on the inside.”
“Dude, just take off the hat”
“pain is beauty”
“Dude, you’re going to pass out”
Lance once stole a beanie
It did not end well
Trans man (he/him)
Bi (or pan whichever suites your fancy)
Definitely has a baseball cap with Bi and Trans flags on top
The dad of pride
Definitely wears a fanny pack but only because they’re practical 
He keeps cookies and tums in there
Makes a point to dress like a dad
One year, The Squad convinced him to do drag
The results were actually amazing and Shiro can really work heels
Shiro was very flustered but very attractive
That day was Lance and Allura’s field day
Shiro does his own makeup for pride
Once got in a muscle flexing contest and won
Matt buys him a “I flexed and the Sleeves fell off” tank top to wear the next year
Has a shirt that says “Hi Gay I’m Dad”
Has one of those beer hats with the straws but he fills them with redbull
Despite Hunk yelling at him not to
Drinks more juiceboxes than water
Gets proposed to nearly every year
Hissed at someone when they wouldn’t leave Pidge alone
Once brought his teacup Chihuahua Tito 
The ladies were S W O O N I N G
Shiro and Krolia co-parent Keith in shifts
Shiro is Lance’s wingman
Or he tries to be at least
Most people are too focused on him
People always assume that he and Allura are together
They’re just wrestle buddies
Allura wins always and no matter what because Allura is a goddess
Matt and Shiro aren’t allowed to go anywhere together alone after The Indident
Basically, they both got wasted, ate a shit ton of sugar, and got lost
They also somehow ended up almost joining a cult 
So yeah those two need to be monitored. 
People have definitely bowed before Shiro
Everyone wants to be adopted by Shiro
Trans woman (she/her)
Is famous within the LGBTQ+ communtity
A true icon
Definite beauty guru and a GODDESS
Goes every year with her (trans) girlfriend Romelle
Refers to everyone as “my lovelies”
No one dares to flirt with her because she’s out of everyone’s league
Every time Allura breathes a terf gets punched
Every time Allura breathes a small trans girl gets her wings
Has her own float in the parade
Allura was Born on The First Day Of Pride
Allura also got in a muscle flexing contest and W O N
She hands out flower crowns in all pride colors
And she does it all IN 9 INCH HEELS
She and Romelle are a power couple
Taking names and Breaking hearts
Allura and Romelle
Dyes her hair pastel pink every year
Lance and Allura are unstoppable together
People always come up to her and ask her questions
She loves answering people
Haley Kiyoko is her anthem
Gets actual gifts from people
Coran is her gay uncle
Eats a crap ton of raisins 
One year, a group of terfs came up to her to yell at her
They all walked away in love
Transphobes don’t stand a chance against Allura
No one stands a chance against Allura
She is a Very Powerful Woman
Allura, although regal and a goddess is actually is the most excited for Pride
It’s a cool fun environment for cool fun people
Allura loves meeting people
Even to this day she’s afraid she’ll somehow mess up accidentally
Everyone knows that’s bull though
She and Pidge are the loudest at pride
Kills it every year in a crop top
Helps every years queer prom happen
She’s so powerful
Trans man (he/him)
Wears Shrek merch  nearly every year
No shirt
Has a speaker that plays nothing but Bo Burnahm’s “Everyone thinks I’m Gay”
And occasionally “All Star”
Was the biggest factor in why Shiro and Matt can’t hang out together
If he sees a bug, he WILL NOT let you stomp on it
No matter what age
At the end of pirde he’s always covered head to toe in insects and glitter
One year he ditched the Shrek merch in favor of dressing up as spider man
All of the kids swarmed him it was adorable
Another year he wore his fursuit and nearly started a revolution
Helps Pidge choose an outfit each year
Is also the one who buys all of Pidge’s pride things including glitter, flags, shirts
Other than Lance, is Allura’s biggest fan
Allura likes (platonic)  him, but Matt is too thick to realize that
He got rainbow Shrek merch and cried
Is actually like the older queer brother
Like the nerdy one that’s too afraid to go outside
Every year never gets less exciting for him
He’s Lance’s slightly more successful wingman
Gets sunburn every year
Even in the Spiderman costume which covers him from head to toe
Socks and sandals
Specifically to bug people
Obviously those are Shrek socks
What are we animals?
Matt keeps at least 3 cookies with him at pride
For emegincies
Steals most of Shiro’s juice
On the first day of Pride month plays “The most wonderful time of the year” on repeat until Pidge tries to kill him
“It is NOT the time for Christmas music”
Matt at 3 in the morning June first “IT’s the first day of gay lads”
He and Pidge always host a party after the Pride Parade
It mostly involves more glitter fights, except they get Shrio in on it too
Shiro, surprisingly always looses
When he hit Allura in the face with glitter he saw his life flash before his eyes
It was kind of pathetic
Definitely sneaks in Vodka in a water bottle
Nonbinary (They/them)
Before the Parade they roll in glitter to properly prepare
Once Matt had a “genius” idea
Let’s just say it ended with Pidge covered in cling wrap and glitter
Pidge wears sarcastic pride shirts and their floofy golf M.C. hammer pants
Pidge and Allura are devious little Shits
Allura taught Pidge how to walk in heels
Pidge taught Allura how to steal 50 candy bars without getting caught
They do both together
Pidge and Lance are mostly the reason why there are so many glitter fights
Pidge comes out again every year during pride month
Calls it their “Gender birthday”
Comes up with a new extravagant idea each year
Last year it was hot air balloons
This year they’re hoping to hack into NASA so they can rearrange the stars
Pidge pays for it out of pocket too though no one is sure how
Pidge drinks more juice than Shiro
Pidge will only refer to Shiro as “Papa Gay” during pride month
Lance is “ You Absolute Asshole Give Me My Rebull Back”
Tries to eat nothing but Skittles for the month but Hunk always catches them
Colors absolutely everything they can get their hands on rainbow
“Rainbow. The best color. The only color if you ask me.”
Has a shrine for Miles Mckenna
That is all I must say
“Hey Pidge,I’m a lesbian”
“I thought you were American”
Hates getting Misgendered at pride
Because I guess people gender people at pride
Will punch a terf
Has a T-shirt that says so
One year Lance did their make up
Or tried to at least
It did not end well
Pidge wouldn’t stop moving
Pidge once did Lance’s makeup
It did not last well
Mostly because Pidge has no idea how to do makeup
Pidge also protects the bugs at pride from feet
Trans boy (he/him)
Lance uses the glitter the best
Very decorative
(until the glitter wars)
Sometimes steals Keith’s lipstick to use
Allura and Lance always have to go out for coffee before the parade
That’s were they gossip
Lance is Hunk’s impulse control
Namely, if Lance doesn’t do something stupid Hunk will
“It’s a heavy burden”
“Lance, no one made you eat that many granola bars”
Lance is Shiro’s source of Redbull
Lance usually wears a pair of booty shorts and no shirt to pride
Allura lets him borrow a pair of heels each year
Lance owns a pair of platform crocs for pride
Is always a close second in the glitter wars
Owns a shirt with the words “Papa Gay” and Shiro’s face
Is probably the most vocal at pride
Makes his own flags for pride
Always paints at least 50% of his body pride colors
Once brought powdered chalk 
That did not end well
Even though Pidge messed up his makeup while doing it he still wore it out
Every year the children flock to him and every year he brings markers for the kids to doodle on his arms
Definitely makes signs each year
He saves them and hangs them up on his wall
His entire family came to his first pride
He was sooooo  happy
Lance’s family was mildly concerned but happy
Lance almost got roofied one year
He smelt it though
He got that scumbag arrested
After getting top surgery and not needing his binders he did a huuuuge give away
He was pretty much chucking binders at people
Definitely the kind of guy to have the really extravagant patterned binders 
People were crying and swooning
Has asked many times for Shiro and Matt to stop being his wing man
Everyone knew that wing man was Hunk’s job
Everyone knew that except Hunk
One year Shiro did his wings and he cried
I was going to do Coran but I ran out of space. I promise he’ll get his own post
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