#coroika apocalypse au
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A VERY messy sketch of N-Pacer and Prince in the apocalypse au I’m making. They fled to Mt. Nantai when it began and are still living off the land a year later. (The inbox is open for those who want to ask a few of the coroika characters questions in this au.)
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t00nyah · 1 year
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trying to find out if there's anyone else having problems with weird bluey ooze trying to consume you on the net. weirdly no answers!
hiii!!! i'm trying to work on something and life is a bitch as we all know so i'm not posting a lot sorry!!! but i took a small break and ... drew my interpretation of team school cardigan in @coroika-apocalypse-au 's au!!!!
check their blog it's VERY cool i love this au (probably because i have something for sanitization based apocalypse i guess. and coroika is poggers what can i say...)
i. i love them sm i can't.
bonus: since hairstyles got a little...complicated i drew this:
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lore things i had in mind: metry had to get rid of her wig 'cause it maybe got ooze on it so they had to get rid of it as quick as possible!!! but since it's not quite pretty dango cut off her tentacle instead for asymmetry to make a new hairstyle with it...not quite new, but still. so dango now has a ponytail with his 5 tentacles and asymmetry has... a buzz cut with one tentacle... pretty much could make into an undercut, right?.. she's hiding it straw boater and fishfry biscuit bandana though. long just has her tentacles tied behind.
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galax-dragon · 3 months
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Hehehe gorai au angst @1-aussiedollar
I traced this on IbisPaintx from this, pretty proud of how it turned out :D
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The lyrics are from this song:
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School au doodle (which actually counted as a freewrite for my day book (it’s just smth we write in every day) for some reason???) go brrrr
Rider my beloved 💚💚💚
I’m gonna be turning this digital + adding color later today, so keep an eye out for that!!
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nbyocto · 5 years
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Here’s my line up of all my Bobbles. One of them is missing purely because it’s impossible to do in Gmod skckxmsmd.
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
Does anyone wanna hear about my gore/horror au that has been passed down through all of my hyperfixations and how it differs from hyperfixation to hyperfixation?
too bad youre getting one
TW for a lot of talk/description of gore. its under the cut.
So! when i was in middle school we were given the prompt to write bland-as-plain-toast character going through dystopia, fantasy, horror, and romance genres. I was at the height of my sanders sides obsession and wrote about Thomas meeting each of his sides in a different genre: Virgil in dystopia, Patton in fantasy, Roman in...romance, and Logan in horror.
I describe Logan as a "living amalgamation of undead flesh" in his short story. and that got me thinking
About the Patchworks.
So, I came up with a few things about them.
One, they are tragic immortals: they die before their time, and either after or the cause of their death their flesh or body is ripped apart and requires stitching to become whole again. Hence, "Patchwork"
Two, it does not need to be their body or flesh stitched back together: my idea for Logan is that he had a skin condition that requires him to manually sew patches of other people's flesh onto himself to keep fully together.
and Three, whenever they pop up, though most of the ones I write retain their sanity and composure after their death, society crumbles from fear and brainless patchworks (which are, simply put, Patchworks that either let their immortality go to their heads, or otherwise go insane) terrorizing the place. It basically becomes a zombie apocalypse in a way.
So. The hyperfixations. In order, we have Sanders Sides, My Hero Academia, Coroika, and now, Cookie Run Kingdom of all things.
With Sanders Sides it was simple: Thomas stumbled across these four undead patchworks, thinking they were gonna kill him.... and they kinda just added him into their found family??? Like okay now thomas has extra scary friends!!!! nice!!!!
With My Hero I went ham on the fuckin angst. Dabi's a patchwork and turned Shouto into one after the whole water incident. Deku's mom was killed by a Patchwork and he decided to take his revenge on most of the species. Kirishima became a patchwork and hid it cause he was scared Bakugo would try and take him out if he told him. Yeah this was my hurt no comfort phase
but it also introduced the idea of the Patchworks being immortal but not invulnerable. They could be killed: disassemble them to beyond the point of fixing and they're dead for good. This gave me a bit more room to work with when it comes to angst. But I never really did anything for this AU outside Dabi, Kiribaku, and Tododeku. Which is a shame. looking back i really think adding a bit of Erasermic would have been pog-
So Coroika was a lot more thought out on the patchwork cast front. Mainly cause... it's coroika! there's team dynamics that are just so damn good. also Alarmy do be OTP. So I had a full on LIST in my documents about which peeps were patchworks, how they died, and what part of their death or aftermath resulted in them becoming a patchwork. I won't list them here unless asked but basically it was angsty, and honestly really really fun to write for.
this realization happened via me going "yknow if red velvet was undead he'd technically be considered a patchwork by my au standards" AND THEN I REALIZED IT WAS HAPPENING
So for that au i only have 3 patchworks so far.
Red Velvet- Died due to his arm. it was lost but on was stitched another one for his funeral and oop he's alive again
Madeleine- Crumbled in battle, defending Espresso cause i am a slut for espressaleine. but anyways. He's stitched back together by an Espresso working tirelessly and. well. at least they're together
Almond- Unclear how he dies. All that is known is that he's a patchwork, as he mentions it to Espresso about how Madeleine will change physically after being stitched back together.
"...How do you know this?"
Almond pulled his shirt collar to the side, revealing stitching on his shoulder and collarbone. "I am one."
So! That's the story of my Patchwork AU!
I encourage others to use my AU but please for the love of GOD credit me.
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bees-aus · 4 years
Note: Splatoon and Coroika are similar and often overlap, but are still distinctly different. I separated them into two based on what their main focus is, but there might be some very minor overlapping.
Callie Clone Conundrum AU // CCC AU
The Shape Of Ink // TSOI AU
Ghost AU
Gang AU
Demon AU
Fucked Up AU // FU AU
Bad Ending Apocalypse AU // BEA AU
Hypnoshades Pearl AU // HP AU
Super Xeno AU // SX AU
Mutants 2012 AU // M12 AU
Wings of Fire AU // WOF AU
Spaceclub AU
Red Dead Redemption AU // RDR AU
Flight Rising AU // FR AU
Feral AU
Stupid Feral AU
Heartsong AU
IC Idols AU
Among Us AU
IC Coroika AU
Runaway AU
Rehabilitated Sanitized AU // Rehab AU
Deity AU
Baby Driver AU
Seastars AU
Heathers AU
Bonus, because I know people will ask, since I draw it a lot:
Cow: Expand / “Godeater” AU
This AU does not actually belong to me, it belongs to my partner, @vividsect! I simply designed and draw a lot of “Godeater”, or Callie. The fic explaining it is currently not finished nor posted, so I cannot link you to a big guide explaining it. But there’s a few post that explain it a bit, such as here, here, and here.
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Headshot of a possible Mask design for my apocalypse au- he's slowly dying <3.
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Hachi usually focuses in tinkering/ repairing weaponry, but he also sometimes repurposes some technology left over in Octo Valley. The most notable one is of course, the Giant Squee G. It's now used for transporting supplies, but it used to be for defense (Back when most didn't know what the Hive was capable of.) Here's some doodled of Hachi with the Squee G 2.0 in it's earlier developments.
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Starting an ask blog for an Apocalypse AU! Feel free to ask any character questions about themselves, or the predicament their in! More context about the au is in my blog.
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Second ask done! Aloha's starting to calm down, and actually kind of likes the whole "mysterious voice through the reciever" thing. It's nice company when he's in charge of lookout. (Also, the ask box is open to anyone who wants to submit a question! Context for the au is in my blog!)
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So it's been a couple weeks, huh? I'm gonna cut straight to the chase- the Coroika Apocalypse Au is back in business baby!!!!! Feel free to ask any character a question about themselves, their current predicament, or any other certain comment that's been taking space up in your mind! (Also, here's Hachi. I feel like I haven't properly drawn him so- wooo)
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First ask has been completed! So between the sort of "prologue" and the first question, I might have changed the style a bit. And I like this one much better! I can tell this will go off to a great start! (More context about the QnA in my blog for those curious.) (Also woops- I think I made Aloha overreact a *teensy* bit before switching to a calmer state. Welp.)
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*sees people actually follow me and listen in on what I do* "aw fuck I've got an audience now huh"/pos (But seriously thank you all for not only choosing to follow me but also ask questions and other stuff!!!!! It's always a delight seeing that people like my stuff.)
Buuuut unfortunately, I have some bad news....
I tested the waters with posting two drawn asks, and at first I was having fun! With tons of motivation to continue drawing!!!!!! But then the motivation stopped!!!!!!! And now it's kind of a chore for me???
I'm not saying that I'm shutting the blog down, or that asks are closed. The inbox is still VERY much open, it's just that I'm gonna be answering your questions in a.......*text format.* (the horror!!! I know!/j) It'll probably look something like this:
Aloha: "Insert answer to question here."
*Insert long description of Aloha's actions and thoughts, aswell as the description of the setting.*
Aloha: "More dialogue, yadda-yadda."
Rinse and repeat. Now don't get me wrong- I'll still draw art of this au!!! And maybe sometimes draw answers to the ask blog too!!!! I'm so sorry for such a long post, and the rather lame news to add onto it aswell. I hope this doesn't bum you guys out too much- so please, ask away!
-The creator of this blog, NeighborhoodNobody.
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Any word from the Big 8? (promo kids)
(Splatlandian Desert, Day 379(Morning))
*Seven inkfish sat atop a large stone outcrop, looking out into the vast dusty land before them.*
*Each and every one of them had dust and grime covering their features- as if it's been quite literally months since they've had anything close to a bath. Yet, they seemed happy.*
*The octoling in the center- Ocho, dryly chuckled.*
Ocho: "Man, talk about that raid, huh? After taking care of those weaklings we'll be eating well for *weeks.*"
*He held his hands behind his head, while an Inkling with retro glasses and grey hoodie perked up.*
Anenome: "Tch. We did what we needed, we sent our message. You don't need to remind us, Ocho."
*She frowned, leaning back onto the cracked ground. Ocho just shrugged, and hugged his knees.*
Ocho: "I'm just happy, thats all. Honestly, I never expected to have this much fun in an apocalypse! We're probably the scariest group in the splatlands right now.....it makes me feel powerful!"
*Anenome snorted in amusement. She knew that they weren't- as Ocho phrased it- "The scariest thing." Everyone knew.*
*People were just too afraid to face the music.*
(Askbox status: CLOSED)
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Designer Headphones, my pathetic baby boy- how are you holding up?
(Inkopolis Apartments, Day 378(Night))
"Find anythiiiiiiiiiiing....?"
*Mask looked up to the inkfish that was arms deep in a dusty old pantry. He leaned against the cracked wall with his arms crossed firmly against his chest.*
*The Inkling who was looking through the pantry peeked his head out from the shelves. It was Designer Headphones, who was miraculously still in one piece after all this time.*
Designer: "No, sorry.....this place has been picked clean..."
*The other two inklings who were searching through the cupboard, Jersey and Full Moon, just groaned in annoyance.*
Full Moon: "And to think we came all this way just for this place to have *nothing!* Ugh, this is just so annoying..."
*Designer frowned. They were all famished, and pickings were definitely getting lower by the day. It was natural that a more concentrated level of gloom was over them. He hopped back down to the floor.*
*But not before his headphones clattered to the ground.*
Designer: "GAH! Oh jeez!"
*He kneeled down to inspect it for any damage, but backed away in alarm as a voice was heard at the other end. Mask perked up.*
Mask: "What the sheeellllll....?"
*Jersey looked up aswell.*
Jersey: "C'mon, Designer! You should have told us that stupid thing still worked!"
*Designer hastily picked up his headphones, turning it over in his hands to try and find something that might have activated it.*
Designer: "N-No, I swear! This thing was dead for a *long* time! How is it even working?!"
*The group went silent as the voice on the other end echoed out through the room.*
Designer: "Why is it calling me pathetic...?"
Mask: "We all know you are."
Designer: "S-Shut up!"
(Askbox status: CLOSED)
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