threecacti · 6 months
Bad Omen w/ 13 or Pebblefrost w/ 28?
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28. vagabond - caamp
In the night while my body slept in my bed My mind was running through the woods instead
not EXACTLY a pebblefrost song, but tried to go with some sunflower dreaming motif hehe
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murkshade · 2 years
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skywhisker and twigstep for @corbcats and @beestrikee
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swanface · 4 years
Skywhisker and/or Daffodilbreeze purrhaps?
i have been secretly...or not so secretly...rooting for daffodilbreeze and kelpnose to develop something between them for ages now, even if it’s not a full blown relationship. like, along the way i’ve thought of other daffodilbreeze ships as cute, but..i keep coming back to daffodilbreeze and kelpnose. i know both of them have had their fair share of other romance options in between daffodilbreeze’s bond with sunstripe and reedclaw and kelpnose’s friendship with snowflower, buuuut...i just really think that daffodilbreeze and kelpnose would be great together if they could get past some hurdles. they’re already friends, but i think kelpnose’s tendency to hold back and suppress his feelings contrasts with daffodilbreeze’s much more head on approach. this makes it sound like they wouldn’t be evenly matched, but in my mind, they kind of need each other to balance one another out. it’s always seemed to me that kelpnose has some sort of lingering feelings for daffodilbreeze, who seems to have been his first real friend, and i really think it’d be sweet if daffodilbreeze came to realize that and slowly developed a little crush on kelpnose, too. they sort of have a sun / moon dynamic going on which is another reason i’m biased towards them. there’s a good contrast without them being too opposed, and i think they’re better together than they are apart. 
skywhisker really baffled me in terms of romance for a while, and i think he’s still a little confusing to figure out, but lately i’ve been enjoying the thought of him being paired with cotton candy. they’re both pretty even tempered boys, but they also share a similarity of dealing with some anxieties that i think would be smoothed over if they were able to support each other. skywhisker is a bit more complicated in his feelings than cotton candy is, i feel, so it’d be nice for him to have a shoulder to lean on and also for that shoulder to belong to a cat who really can understand him.
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freakpaw · 3 years
✨🌈 with...willowpaw if you're willing! 👀
✨ initial thoughts / opinions
Ok- I’m not the biggest Willowpaw fan. I think he has a lot of potential though, and now that Currentstar has taken over mentoring him I’m looking forward to get a better view of his character, and hopefully it’ll help me understand him better! But as of right now he’s not the type of oc I’m drawn to, really. He just annoys me, and I find his reasoning for his behavior kind of hollow and weak compared to how strongly he acts, and I do think his dislike(?) of the Clan came a bit out of nowhere. I can’t remember seeing anyone treat him badly in any way, so it feels weird to me that he’s acting as though they have. The whole “liar liar” bit is a bit forced to me as well, because the times he actually has acted out and gotten yelled at for it, he’s very obviously in the wrong, and him acting as though he wasn’t just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe I haven’t paid enough attention to him, though, because I have a tendency to overlook characters I’m not very fond of, so I might have missed some of his finer nuances. 
🌈 something I want to happen in their character arc
I just want him to calm down really. I want him to feel at ease and at home in CreekClan, and I wish he would let go of his need to cause trouble just for the sake of being labeled as a screwup. He’s supposed to be a warrior, after all, so I wish he would grow and mature out of his childish antics and own up to his mistakes. Considering Poppycloud and Sparrowheart are his parents, and though their whole birth is one big “mistake” on its own, they are both very respectable and responsible cats in the Clan, and so I just wish he’d take after them a bit more. Or at the very least, if he insists on breaking the mold, find a way to contribute to the clan in his own way, without pissing everyone off in the process. I don’t want him to lose that playful charm of his, but I just wish he’d find a way to balance his fun nature with being a grownup.
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