#continuum infinitum
lewisossokoh · 1 year
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No Comment 84 : Continuum Infinitum
"Continuum Infinitum" unfolds before your eyes by revealing finer and finer details emanating from a single point. It is a meditation on the mechanics of time and space as infinite and seamless processes. The film is designed to loop so it essentially has no beginning and no end.
As you watch the movie for a minute or so and then look away, you will experience a mild optical illusion that feels as if everything you look at is shrinking away from you. This is caused by the motion after-effect (MAE). It is a visual illusion experienced after viewing a moving visual stimulus for a time (tens of milliseconds to minutes) with stationary eyes, and then fixating on a stationary stimulus. The stationary stimulus appears to move in the opposite direction to the original (physically moving) stimulus. The motion aftereffect is believed to be the result of motion adaptation.
Explanation: Neurons coding a particular movement reduce their responses with time of exposure to a constantly moving stimulus; this is neural adaptation. Neural adaptation also reduces the spontaneous, baseline activity of these same neurons when responding to a stationary stimulus. One theory is that perception of stationary objects, for example rocks beside a waterfall, is coded as the balance among the baseline responses of neurons coding all possible directions of motion. Neural adaptation of neurons stimulated by downwards movement reduces their baseline activity, tilting the balance in favor of upwards movement.
Continuum Infinitum (c) 2012 by Ben Ridgway
Watch No Comment 83 : HERE
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mysticallion · 1 year
Happily Ever After?
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It’s a natural human tendency to desire escape. Most religious dogma proposes some sort of peaceful, idyllic—for the faithful at least —final escape as its endgame. You either go to a place where all your needs and desires are fulfilled, or perhaps where you no longer experience needs or desires. Or you go into “blissful nothingness,” imagined as a sort of eternal deep sleep. And while this sort of escapist mentality is understandable, it is not reasonable in light of what we actually know about Reality.
We know, for example, that matter is never actually created nor destroyed but rather transforms. In the same light, we know that upon death the body—its physical aspects at least—will decompose into more rudimentary components: minerals and metals returning to their more basic forms, heat from the decaying corpse dissipating into the atmosphere, various liquids evaporating, etcetera. But, of course, none of this “stuff” will actually be lost. None of it actually goes away or “becomes nothing.” It’s all simply changes of state.
So, knowing this, why would we assume that the continuum of Awareness and energetic-information we call consciousness is any different and will simply vanish? What else in all of existence acts this way? Nothing. And while we can point to correlations between the brain/nervous system and much of the content of consciousness, we can’t say what this “consciousness” actually is, or what it’s “made of,” or where or how it occurs. What we can say, however, is that consciousness is not “nothing.” That’s a meaningless statement. Nothing is nothing. Everything has a basis, a fundamental force and patterning, energetic or otherwise. Just because we can’t point to the “substance” of consciousness does not mean we can simply dismiss it as being “non existent,” which is what is implied by scientism and scientific materialism.
According to the general consensus of Western Science®️, consciousness is purely a byproduct of the brain/nervous system—not just its “contents” but actual consciousness itself, whatever that may turn out to be. Consciousness is generally postulated to be some sort of epiphenomenon, that is, a synergistic, higher-ordered emergent property of the biochemically animated nervous system, and thus (according to this line of thought) it totally vanishes upon death. All of it. Not just the obvious brain-born stuff like thought and memory and emotion, but everything including the field and energy. Sort of like the way images vanish when the plug on a projector is pulled. Because they confuse consciousness with its contents. Not, mind you, that they think that way of any other aspect of the person, or of reality. All of it, this line of thought believes, all of it transforms—except consciousness. Instead, they assume, consciousness “just vanishes,” its electrochemical battery exhausted, its fleshy CPU crashed beyond repair. And while it’s undoubtedly true that the distinctive brain-made “contents of thinking and feeling” do cease upon death, what does not follow is that the same cessation occurs to the field/energy of consciousness. Because consciousness itself is a continuum of energy phasing through a field. It has momentum. The more subtle field-flow persists, an energetic current, a morphing patterning, because it, too, is more fundamental to Reality. According to many mystical systems, it is this very subtle continuum of consciousness that migrates from life to life, carrying with it a semi-persistent patterning (karma) that serves to predetermine, in a certain sense, the unfolding of the next incarnation. And on and on, ad infinitum.
The good news here, however, is that consciousness is “plastic,” that is, although it tends to hold a basic patterning, this patterning can be (and always is) altered in one’s present incarnation through the application of energy and attention. The degree of alteration is dependent on a number of factors, but it is ongoing. This is the force of evolution as it works on the psychic dimensions. Think of creating or breaking a habit, or learning a skill, and you’ll understand. Though this slow transformation is ongoing, it tends to operate rather mechanically and quite slowly in most people, as people tend to harden into rigid psychological patterns as they mature into adulthood. Anyway, the point is that consciousness, like the persona, is malleable, though unlike the persona, the patterning of consciousness is more deep set and difficult to alter. This is where the concentration-and-energy practices of spiritual systems come into play. They allow the aspirant to bypass the usual levels of brain-made psychological patterning and directly impact the deeper levels of preconscious and even non-personal levels of Awareness and its activity.
Therefore, the spiritual line of reasoning goes, by applying these methods and forces judiciously, the aspirant can literally remake both the present personal self and its deeper strata of consciousness into something more gratifying. We can dissolve our destructive reflexes and habits, not only those of this incarnation but also on the deeper level that transmigrates. In other words, through practice, we can stop doing the things that bring us suffering and sorrow, and we can create and strengthen new aspects that bring us liberation, satisfaction and happiness. It will then be those new “happier” tendencies that serve to form the patterning of our ongoing tumble through Reality.
When you understand how much baggage we all carry around, you learn to pack more carefully. This, in turn, makes for better travels. Happier travels. Ever after.
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grapsusgrapsus · 1 year
Discussion of mental health issues and suicidal ideation under the cut.
One of the first meaningful decisions I can remember making was in early childhood, when I observed how frequently time made people lose sight of the perspective they'd had, changing with the years to be at odds with the experiences and desires of their past selves. It seemed inevitable that time would weather my own present into an unknowable future, but I decided that even as I accepted that inevitability, I didn't want to lose sight of who and how I had been, even if my viewpoints developed to conflict with my prior understanding. So I got into the habit of conversing with myself through time, committing my state of mind into a fixed record that could give messages to my future self, despite not being able to respond to any reply.
I kept up the practice fairly concretely for over a decade, though it gradually became less of a formalized practice and more of a habitual approach to life, continually maintaining a background awareness of myself as a continuum of lived perspectives.
I think that habit came to form a large part of why I don't feel any definitive certainty about any possibility of taking my own life at any point in the future. I still experience non-specific thoughts of suicide that vary in intensity and frequency, and I expect that I will continue to do so until my heart stops beating for reasons outside my direct control, but ever since my first real grapple with wanting to die and the subsequent rejection of that choice, I've always felt an undeniable impermanence to any suicidal ideation.
The fact that I will go on wanting to live has been indelibly marked into my being, even when I'm broken into a hollow husk of a human, devoid of any will continue, and pleading with my own psyche to take even the tiniest fraction of a step forward, literal and figurative. I feel emptied and drained of everything I could possibly give, but the knowledge that my present will only ever be one in a series of realities keeps me from ever truly succumbing to the siren's song of nonexistence.
I don't know how coherent this is or how hopeful it sounds, but the fact remains that my brain can scream how much it wants to die ad infinitum (and it absolutely will) and I'm still going to keep growing my high score on the days-I-persisted-to-exist game until the console fucking breaks.
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npabuwal · 1 year
The Ultimate Reality of the Universe revealed through Straightforward Logic.
Many humans ponder the question of what is the ultimate underlying reality of the universe. The current mainstream theory is that the universe is a vast dynamic spacetime continuum filled with energy and matter. But there are still a lot of open questions like, where did all this come from?, how far does it extend?, when did it all come into existence?, how long will it last?, and so on. There are hypotheses around all of these but no definitive answers which indicates a lack of understanding of the underlying reality. Let’s take a step back and see how the ultimate reality of the universe can actually be discovered through straightforward logic using a simple step-by-step process:
The first point to understand is that something cannot come into existence out of absolute nothingness nor can it dissolve into absolute nothingness (the term absolute nothingness here means that there is absolutely nothing, not even empty space as space is also something). Even the law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This means that energy or something like that must have always existed and will continue to exist forever in some form or the other. Things might get transformed from one thing into another, but there must always be something or the other existing. This implies that existence cannot be time-bound and must be eternal i.e. without a beginning or an end.
The second point to understand is that it doesn’t make sense for things to exist only within a certain boundary with absolute nothingness beyond that boundary. A boundary separates one thing from another, but if there is absolutely nothing, i.e. not even empty space, beyond the boundary, then a boundary doesn’t make any sense. In other words, a boundary around existence can only separate it from something different from existence i.e. non-existence, but non-existence by definition is non-existent and hence such a boundary is meaningless. This implies that existence cannot be bounded by space either and must be infinite.
So far it is clear that something or the other must always be existing everywhere and existence must be extending through infinity in terms of both time and space. Now let’s figure out how many things can exist at any given time.
First let’s determine how many types of things can coexist. If two different types of things, say T1 and T2 coexist separately from each other, a third type T3 that is different from both T1 and T2 is needed between them, because there cannot be absolute nothingness in-between, as we have already determined that existence must be everywhere. Moreover, there cannot be a sudden transmutation from one type to another without a break in-between, hence the need for a third type. A fourth type T4 is then needed to separate T1 and T3, and T5 to separate T3 and T2, and so on ad infinitum. Another possibility is that T3 separates T1 and T2, T2 separates T1 and T3, and T1 separates T3 and T2. But even this kind of interleaving will go on ad infinitum. These are implausible scenarios as, even if they were possible, the complexity would be too enormous to last long. So it is not feasible for multiple types of things to coexist and hence only one type of thing can exist at any given time.
But can multiple things of the same type coexist? If there are multiple things of the same type, what will separate them from each other? A thing cannot separate two more things of the same type, as otherwise how will the boundaries get defined for such a separation? So it is not feasible for multiple things of the same type to coexist either and hence only one thing can exist at any given time.
This one thing cannot have any parts either, as otherwise the same problem of what separates these parts from each other would arise, so it has to be a continuous homogeneous entity not made up of parts or particles (which are just tiny parts). It would also be safe to claim that this entity cannot change, because change can either be caused externally by another thing, or internally by one part on another, and both of these scenarios have gotten ruled out.
Hence, our conclusion so far is that there is one and only one entity that actually exists which is infinite, eternal, continuous, homogeneous, partless and unchanging; and that must be the ultimate underlying reality of the universe. This implies that the multiplicity, variety and change observed across the universe doesn’t actually exist, and that the underlying reality falsely appears as the universe. One clear indication of this is that the underpinnings of the universe are becoming vaguer and vaguer as science is trying to peer deeper and deeper which is evident from the probabilistic theory and uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics — just like an illusion becomes vaguer and vaguer when looked at closer and closer, whereas a real thing becomes clearer and clearer.
So, instead of trying to explain the false appearance, it is better to find out more about the nature of the underlying reality. In general, whenever something falsely appears as something else, the appearance maintains certain characteristics of the real thing. For example, when a rope lying in a semi-dark room appears as a snake, certain characteristics of the rope like the length, thickness, orientation, etc. are maintained in the snake-appearance. Such is true with all appearances. This means that even the universe must be maintaining certain characteristics of the underlying reality. Since the reality is homogeneous throughout, any characteristic that consistently appears across the universe can be attributed to the underlying reality.
The most obvious characteristic is that things appear across the universe, which is a direct indication of the existence nature of the underlying reality because it not just exists itself but can also make things appear to exist.
Another universal characteristic is that nothing appears in isolation and everything, no matter how small or big, interacts with its surroundings in one way or the other — particles interact to form atoms, atoms interact to form molecules, molecules interact to form larger objects, which in turn interact to form groups of objects, and so on. A prerequisite for anything to interact with its surroundings is that it should somehow be aware of its surroundings first. This sense of awareness is quite evident in the case of living beings. But even in the case of nonliving things, a certain sense of awareness manifests in the form of fields around them that enable them to be aware of the presence of other things within their vicinity that they can interact with. These fields include the electromagnetic field, weak nuclear field, strong nuclear field, and the gravitational field. From the smallest of the particles to the largest of the galaxies, from the tiniest unicellular organisms to the most evolved ones, everything exhibits this characteristic of being aware of its surroundings. This is a strong indication that awareness or consciousness must belong to the underlying reality. Another simple reason why awareness or consciousness must belong to the underlying reality is that the reality would otherwise be unconscious, and it is not possible for an unconscious thing to appear as something conscious all by itself.
One more prerequisite for anything to interact with its surroundings is that there should be an underlying reason for the interaction — a motivation or a driving force. Without this factor the universe would just be a huge cloud of static particles that are only aware of other particles around them but not interacting with them. That is not the case though. Instead, interactions are universal and so there must be a factor belonging to the underlying reality responsible for these universal interactions; and the factor can be discovered by investigating these interactions. There are generally two types of interactions exhibited by anything in the universe irrespective of whether it is living or nonliving: attraction and repulsion. A thing either goes towards something in case of an attraction or goes away from something in case of a repulsion — both of which are indicative of a drive towards less conflict and more harmony, so this underlying factor is akin to bliss. These fundamental interactions also give rise to various laws that everything adheres to whenever the respective conditions are met. Adherence to these laws and always going with the flow and never against it brings systematism and orderliness in the universe, which is also indicative of the underlying bliss factor. In fact, in the case of living beings, experiencing bliss or happiness is always the motive behind all interactions.
Hence, through a purely objective analysis, we have deduced the nature of the underlying infinite reality of the universe to be existence-consciousness-bliss. The appear-aware-adhere formula can be easily applied to notice the existence-consciousness-bliss nature of the reality anytime anywhere. You only need to ask a simple question about anything: Does it appear and does it adhere to appropriate laws as per the surrounding conditions and thereby also aware of the surroundings? The answer will always be “yes” if you are attentive enough.
Also, it is important to note that the one reality is not appearing as many to something else but to itself, as nothing else exists apart from the nondual reality, and we are also none other than this ultimate reality of the universe — inseparably one with all. In fact, there is no all, there is only The One!
You can learn more about why the universe appears within the ultimate reality in the video titled “It is Impossible for the Brain to Know or Experience anything”.
(This article was cross-posted from nondualbytes.org/articles/the-ultimate-reality-of-the-universe-revealed-through-straightforward-logic/)
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If we examine the origins of our inner experiences and of external matter, we find that there is a fundamental uniformity in the nature of their existence in that both are governed by the principle of causality. Just as in the inner world of mental and cognitive events everymoment of experience comes from its preceding continuum and so on ad infinitum, similarly in the physical world every object and event must have a preceding continuum that serves as itscause, from which the present moment of external matter comes into existence.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama (in MindScience)
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perkwunos · 3 years
Apel opposes the “ontological-metaphysical conception of truth” as correspondence on the basis that “The correspondence... can only be verified with respect to the appearances of reality by judgments that with respect to their correspondence to the things in themselves have to be verified on their part which can only be done by judgments about the appearances of reality and so on ad infinitum.” He does, however, see a valid recovery of truth as correspondence in the phenomenological idea of “self-givenness” of phenomena as evidence of the propositional content in our meaning-intentions--which he finds in Husserl, but also in Peirce’s conception of the propositional content of our perceptual judgments consisting of an iconic predicate and indexical expression that can then correspond to given perceptual content.
This phenomenological correspondence, however, becomes an “ontological-metaphysical” correspondence--from beyond subject-object to object-object relations--at a later architectonic stage of theorizing, when one follows a synechist-motivated panpsychism to conceive of things in themselves as essentially units of appearance: the Firstness and Secondness that are phenomenological categories supplying the contents of iconic and indexical signs respectively, are also, as categories of experience, metaphysical categories of the qualitative content (Firstness) and causal connections (Secondness) of reality. This of course is a major premise of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism.
The “thing in itself” is thus not merely, as in Apel’s interpretation, the transcendental object that would be known at the indefinite end of a community of inquiry, but is (as Peirce himself asserted) the reality we come into contact with phenomenologically, as appearances (i.e. as an aesthetic reality that we receive in sensual space-time), via indices containing icons--which are, thus, the facts of the world that propositions may correspond to. Whitehead’s actual occasions--considered in their objective immortality consequent to their satisfaction of appetitive becoming--is the basic unit of just such facts, whose determinacy as he says consists of its physical position in causal connection with the rest of the world (Secondness) and its eternal objects defining its own form (Firstness). The becoming of the actual occasion, however, is the spontaneous synthesis of such an experience into such a determinate state, i.e. into one integral feeling of the world, as governed by the representational activity of the mind (the subjective aim as formative of the appetition of the becoming actual occasion), which is thus Peirce’s Thirdness.
In this way Peirce’s synechism is thoroughly followed through, in that the intersubjective community of inquiry is entirely continuous with nature as such (as Peirce once put it, the universe is itself an argument)--rather than, somehow, being restricted merely to a human society, or even merely to animals, or any other such boundary which must in the last analysis involve an arbitrary cut in the evolutionary continuum--and also thoroughly follows through on Peirce’s own architectonic, in which phenomenology provides the only possible basis (beyond mathematics and formal logic) for metaphysical theories, which must therefore be theories of an experiential world, consisting of qualitative feelings, sensual bodily contact, and representational directedness.
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tarripup · 3 years
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So today I finished off a simple little piece after talking to edtropolis about how I have had previous pokesonas, and how I have not always had Pachirisu as my pokesona. It made me suddenly want to do this interesting little piece of myself as my pokesonas over time. :3 For the sake of keeping it not so complicated, I have not included pokesonas I did not really commit to. For example, when I trialed being a Minccino for a couple of months before deciding it wasn't for me, or when I did not seriously commit to being a Charmander.
So here are my pokesonas in order and for about how long I had them! :3
Squirtle - A few months Squirtle was my first favourite pokemon, and first pokesona ever. I used to imagine being a Squirtle and swimming at the lakes. :3 I don't really know if I have any drawings of myself as a Squirtle, though if I did, they are probably lost to time lol.
Pikachu - 1-2 years Pikachu replaced Squirtle as my favourite and pokesona relatively quickly, possibly due to the influence of the anime and because everyone loved that little rat lol. Honestly, I can't say if there was any personal reason I loved Pikachu, if I had to stop and think... I imagined how one day I'd wake up as a Pikachu, and have to go to school as one. I'd run around the school, and everything would be SO HUGE to me. Also, some of the other kids would have turned into pokemon, too, obviously. :P
Vulpix - 3-4 years Vulpix ended up becoming a favourite of mine, and ended up replacing Pikachu as my pokesona. As with Pikachu, I imagined one day waking up as a Vulpix, and having to go to school, etc etc. The difference began when I wondered if we would have to wear school uniforms as pokemon, and if we did, how it would work with me, given I was a four-legged cutie patoot. Maybe I wouldn't have to wear anything? Or maybe given my form, I would wear the uniform top, but nothing else because of how my form was and my tails? Just as long as whoever I had a crush on at the time became a Vulpix as well, though. xD
Here it gets a bit messy.
Chikorita - 1 year or so Chikorita kinda snuck in as my pokesona after Vulpix, but then not long after...
Bayleef - About 2 years ...my pokesona switched to Chikorita's evolved form, Bayleef. Did I have fantasies about being a Bayleef at school? Why, yes. In fact, even imaginings of myself literally evolving at school one day from a Chikorita to a Bayleef! :3 During this time...
Vaporeon - 2-3 years ...my pokesona kinda switched to Vaporeon. That said, my pokesona kinda flicked between Vaporeon and Bayleef at this time, and also Vulpix would continuously pop back here and there as my pokesona. Told you it would get messy! xD Funny story, too... When we were younger, my brothers and I agreed that we were each an Eeveelution. One of my brothers was Jolteon. His bedspread was yellow, funny that, so I guess that made sense. xD My other brother was Flareon. His bedspread was red. So that made sense, too. And since my favourite out of the three was Vaporeon, I was Vaporeon. And yes, my bedspread was blue. So Eeveelution Siblings confirmed. xD
The pokesona thing quietened a little for little bit, but not long... I guess having all those previous four pokesonas existing at times simultaneously was too much for the space-time continuum. Anyway...
Eevee - About 9 years Not counting the "true pokesona", Eevee is my longest running pokesona, ahead of Pachirisu (which is in 2nd place), and Vulpix (in third). This probably came about as a downgrade from Vaporeon, though for what reason I am not sure. Perhaps because I felt Eevee suited me better, because Eevee could become many pokemon?
Mew - About 11 years, parallel to pokesonas since 2009 (aka the "true" pokesona) So probably because Eevee could become many different pokemon, I began to ponder how Mew could literally become ANY pokemon, and began to feel it suited me far better. I do like me some little pranks here and there, after all~ :P That said, I kept Mew as a kind of separate pokesona form, while maintaining a "common pokemon" form, which I have generally used as a kind of plot device behind my own little various backstories, from hiding my true Mew form, to having amnesia, PMD style, where my true form is a Mew however I have the form of my common form sona. In addition, if there were ever a situation where "legendary and mythical pokemon are not an option", I would have a common form to fall back on. Just to be prepared, I guess! xD
Pachirisu - 5 years (2015 - present) Pachirisu replaced my Eeveesona in 2015, because I wanted to trial it and thought it might suit me better. I ended up growing into the new form, based a lot on how one particular time I was playfighting with some friends and they ended up exhausted and I was still full of so much energy lol. Also there was that time where I kept running up to the top of a waterslide and going down it, then running up to the top again, etc etc etc ad infinitum without stopping EVER for over an hour. So... yeah I don't know. xD But so Pachirisu became my new pokesona then, and has been until this day. :3
Tell me... which of the above would you imagine suits me best? :3 (Mew doesn't count y'all, that's like saying EVERY pokemon ahaha)
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onlyhurtforaminute · 5 years
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messoamerica · 6 years
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Mapuche machi’s kultrung (shaman’s drum) • Chile • AD 1920
Many Mapuche people still observe their Native rituals, although many also profess Catholic or Protestant faith. Especially in rural areas, many families practice Ngillatun (prayer, thanksgiving, or supplication) and Machitun (healing), and they turn to the Machi as their fundamental religious leader.
The Mapu, or land, has always been the central core of Mapuche life and beliefs. This view is represented by the kultrung, or ritual drum, which each Machi designs according to the particular knowledge and spiritual strength given to her or him by Ngünechen, a deity encompassing the spiritual family that governs and controls nature and life.
The circular shape of the kultrung symbolizes the world infinitum. The cross on its surface indicates the spaces into which the world is divided—the four natural and spiritual positive and negative strengths that correspond to the land of the east, north, sea, and south. The central part contains the core and strength that sustains equilibrium among the vertical spaces formed by Wenu Mapu (the land above), where the beneficial deities and the old ancestors live; Nag Mapu (the land downward), where all the living, both good and bad, are; and Minche Mapu (the land underneath), where some good and evil spirits dwell. Nature, life, and the astral zone are coordinated in a circular space that represents eternity and makes life possible in a world where good and evil live in communion.
The sculptor who makes a kultrung must be trustworthy, because he has to keep the carving process and the symbols secret. He first chooses a piece of dried laurel trunk for the concave base. The hide of a female goat is used to make the drumhead, in part because it represents fertility, but also because it produces a pleasant tune. The second step is purification and the installation of the Machi’s spirit within the drum. The secret language of the Machi calls the kultrung kawiñ kura. Kawiñ refers to the aureole that surrounds the moon; kura means stone. The inside of the kultrung contains small bright likan kura (living stones) that represent stars given by Ngünechen to illuminate and empower the Machi in rituals. Coins and herbs are also introduced into the new kultrung to promote positive outcomes, welfare, and protection, and to keep away negative feelings and power in times of war and other calamities. Sometimes these protections are taken from the tops of hills, because there they receive the most powerful energy. Then the cover of the kultrung is laced with horsehide twine to the laurel-wood base. Herbs are put on the surface of the drum and made to move in a special dance called purun. If the herbs stay on the drum, the Machi will have beneficial strength and many healing abilities given to her or him by Ngünechen.
As the Machi’s tongue is pierced, the kultrung-maker draws the design of the rainbow and the four parts of the world. A mixture of blue stones and mud taken from the hills creates a pigment called külmawe. Red, which is usually drawn using horse blood, represents the continuum of life and the strength of nature and people in communion with Ngünechen. The rainbow indicates the place of the best remedies and illuminates the Machi’s mind as she or he communicates with the deities in trance. This spiritual state, called Adelwekemachi, prepares the new Machi to learn. The new Machi receives the spiritual energy to continue along the positive roads that will guide her or him in becoming a healer and a mediator between the people and Ngünechen.
—María Catrileo (Mapuche), linguist, Universidad Austral de Chile; and Gloria Quidel (Mapuche), scholar of Mapuche language and culture, Universidad Católica de Temuco
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igazikutya · 5 years
Zajok a nappaliból / Traxelektor 2018.11
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Acronym - Burgundy Soul [Burgundy, Stilla Ton] Beau Wanzer - The Grim Whim [Beau Wanzer, Phonica] Blawan - The Narrowing (Original Mix) [Continuum II: Magno Hyacinthum, Dynamic Reflection] Brendon Moeller - Eastern Beach [Set In Motion EP, Echo Echo] Clouds - Eclipser «Neurealm Ultra Signal» (Clouds Remix) [Parkzicht, Electric Delu] Daniel Avery – Diminuendo [Diminuendo, Phantasy Sound] Daniel Avery - Light of Falling Rain [Diminuendo, Phantasy Sound] Dead Voices on Air - I Am Old And Bowed [One Hundred Titles , Self-Released] Dead Voices on Air - My Eyes, My Father's Eyes [One Hundred Titles , Self-Released] Dead Voices on Air - To Be The Faithful, To Be The Hollow [One Hundred Titles, Self-Released] Delroy Edwards & Dean Blunt - Audio Track 07 [Desert Session, L.A. Club Resource] Desert Sound Colony - Fast Life [Fast Life, Touch From A Distance] Desert Sound Colony – Glixen [Fast Life, Touch From A Distance] Developer - Get Down Motive [Off Grid EP, Modularz] DJ Boring & Stanley Schmidt - Stay Young [Vienna 001, Vienna] Elektro Guzzi – Aerostat [Polybrass, Denovali]
Elektro Guzzi - Miney Mick (Instrumental) [Polybrass, Denovali] Elektro Guzzi – Tourin [Polybrass, Denovali] Eric Copeland - 321 Contact [Trogg Modal Vol. 1, DFA] Eric Copeland - Build-A-Brain [Trogg Modal Vol. 1, DFA] Exium - Host Range (Original mix) [Non-Cellular Life, Pole] Exium - Non-Cellular Life (Original mix) [Non-Cellular Life, Pole] Frak - Making Control (Original Mix) [Berga Magic EP, Hypercolour] Frak - Tarpaulin (Original Mix) [Berga Magic EP, Hypercolour] Heinali - Rainbow Folding [Iridescent, Injazero] Ike Yard - 72 Demons [Rejoy, Noiztank] Ike Yard - K55 [Rejoy, Noiztank]
Ike Yard – Salt [Rejoy, Noiztank] Ike Yard - Sister M [Rejoy, Noiztank] Jensen Interceptor feat. Assembler Code - Altered State [Mother, Lone Romantic] Jensen Interceptor feat. The Hacker - Time Echo [Mother, Lone Romantic] Jimmy Edgar – Deetz [Deetz, Ultramajic ] Marcel Dettmann - Autumn77 [Test-File , Ostgut Ton] Marcel Dettmann - Test-File [Test-File , Ostgut Ton] Moontribe – Moontribe [Moontribe, Fortuna] Neneh Cherry – Kong  [Broken Politics, Smalltown Supersound]
Overmono - Daisy Chain [Raft Living, Poly Kicks ‎] Pascal FEOS - F&L (Original Mix) [The Big Reason EP, Bedrock]
https://philwestern.bandcamp.com/album/no-love-lost Phil Western - Fear of Intimacy [No Love Lost, Self-Released] Phil Western - New Ghost [No Love Lost, Self-Released] Phil Western - Requiem for Love [No Love Lost, Self-Released] Phil Western - She Devil [No Love Lost, Self-Released] Redshape - The Devils [A Sole Game, Monkeytown] Roisin Murphy - World's Crazy [The Rumble / World's Crazy, The Vinyl Factory] Samantha Glass - Carriers of the Wind [Nine Memories Between Impression and Imprint , HoloDeck] Samantha Glass - Dancing Against Reality [Nine Memories Between Impression and Imprint , HoloDeck] Scuba – Cloves [SUB:STANCE In Retrograde, Hotflush] Scuba - Rolling Hitch [SUB:STANCE In Retrograde, Hotflush] Shinedoe - Mutant Frequencies [Mutant Frequencies , Music That Moves] Silent Servant - Glass Veil  [Shadows of Death and Desire, Hospital] Silent Servant - Harm In Hand [Shadows of Death and Desire, Hospital] Teresa Winter - For Murder [What The Night is For, The Death Of Rave] Teresa Winter - Heathens Gate [What The Night is For, The Death Of Rave] Vril – Eos [Anima Mundi, Delsin] Vril - Infinitum Eternis Anime [Anima Mundi, Delsin]
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santizel · 3 years
You're out of this world.
Millions of miles, or light-years away,
Doesn't really matter.
You've gotten a great mission, a better way,
Also found the perfect partner.
When the spaceship launched,
All you have in your head,
Is the new galaxy ahead.
I cheered you on.
That moment before you were gone,
A rare time I had your attention.
Was there this special bond?
Just one-sided infatuation?
Lifeless on this earth,
The same old things,
And my wretched feelings.
I look up to the sky and search the stars.
Wishing to catch a glimpse of the astronaut
Whom you are.
Dealing with that one anxious thought,
That you've gone forever far.
I can't hold your hand across the cosmos,
You're already hand-in-hand,
Exploring your expanse.
You are loved.
So am I in His Lordship.
Under all the heavens,
His grace underlies our relationship,
Calling us to be brethrens.
We are united with Jesus
Whose resurrection
Dawns reconciliation.
Let me seek nothing else
But the gospel for this whole universe.
Across the entire space-time continuum,
I proclaim Jesus verse after verse,
For God's glory ad infinitum!
And I pray for you,
To live like this too.
You see, I know my cry will never reach you;
All I can do, as well as the best you can have,
Is pleading for the Almighty's steadfast love with my grief.
"What is grief, if not love persevering."
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theheadbangers · 4 years
NECRONOMICON share guitar playthrough for 'Vox Draconis'
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Canadian blackened death metal masters NECRONOMICON have released a guitar playthrough for the song 'Vox Draconis'. The track is taken from the band's latest record, 'UNUS,' which was released in October 2019. The album cover and the tracklist of 'UNUS' can be found below. The cover art has been created by Simon Bossert. Tracklist 1. From Ashes Into Flesh  (04:23) 2. Infinitum Continuum (05:27) 3. Paradise Lost (04:55) 4. The Price of a Soul (01:56) 5. Singularis Dominus (04:50) 6. The Thousand Masks (03:20) 7. Ascending The throne of Baator (04:54) 8. Fhtagn (01:59) 9. Cursed MMXIX  (04:13) 10. Vox Draconis (04:13) Line-up Rob the Witch: Guitar/vocals/bass Divider: drums www.facebook.com/NecronomiconMetal https://www.instagram.com/necronomicon_ca #deathmetal #HEADBANGERS #headbangersgr #NECRONOMICON #newrelease #VIDEO Read the full article
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spiritscraft · 7 years
To the time travel tarot anon
Unless you happened to ask the same question of one of my friends off anon and only if they were willing to disclose your username, which is all highly unlikely... no I cannot answer your anon ask privately, it doesn't work that way, anon asks can only be answered publicly. That all being said. If you were to travel back in time and made some kind of change, you would create a paradox in which the very offense that caused you to timetravel would not have occurred so you would not have ever traveled back in time to prevent it, so therefore it would occur ad infinitum in a loop breaking the space continuum of creating infinite alternate timelines. I am sorry for your loss and wish you the best future possible. Remember time is a construct. The only moment is now.
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notwanderlust · 7 years
Day 178 - Guest Writer: Momo
Today, we’re featuring some writing (about me…), from someone I desperately admire.  She explains it all much better than I can so, Morgan, take it away:
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Making friends as an adult is strange and difficult and oftentimes creepy. When my husband had first moved to America from the UK, he was THIS CLOSE to messaging a stranger after a successful Craigslist interaction...  
“He is funny! I need to make friends that aren’t your friends!”  
“It’s weird and he probably isn’t a real person anyway since his name is Camden Suite. NO ONE IS NAMED CAMDEN SUITE.”  
Without the structure of school, sports, locker room tears and prom floor fears, it’s hard to readily find our tribes.  
But I’m a firm believer that you get what you need, when you don’t know you need it.  
That’s when Foster Douglas fell from the sky via a Slack message:  
“Hi, I’m Foster! The other half of Sandcastle!”  
“Ugh I hate everyone who has ever referenced Foster's Beer in your presence.”  
I had recently joined a volunteer effort to launch a literary festival in Green Bay, and Foster was a fellow volunteer who was off gallivanting in the U.K. I actually placed his bio into a layout and thought WHO IS THIS GUY when it said he was searching for the meaning of life on some extended travels. “Maybe I should change his text to Comic Sans to really fuck with him.”  
I didn’t. I’m civilized.  
It took about -3 messages to insta-bond and discuss everything that is right (Golden Axe on Genesis) and wrong (pierced infant ears) with the world. When we eventually met in person in the weeks leading up to the literary festival, many people were surprised we’d only known each other a few months.  
I got to learn all about his triumphs and heart breaks. His 3-day hike in the Amalfi Coast without seeing another human. Trying to order whole coffee beans in broken Italian. Dying over the cuteness of holding his niece’s tiny hand in Japan. Feeling more lonely than he’s ever felt in his life, and again just as invigorated.   
It dawned on me one day, when I was yelling at him about the inhuman conditions of his brother’s turtle’s cage, how beautifully ridiculous it all was.  
Maybe something rips in the space-time continuum, and life just serves up Awesome on a plate for the most willing heads and hearts. It’s happened so many times in my life with the people I love most, and it happened again in the form of a best friend.  
This I say to the man who is so excited to live: Keep being brave, Fos! It will return to you in CWAB infinitum form.   
And this I say to all of you: Stay open. And don’t pierce your infant’s ears. Assholes.  
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aruneshgoyal · 4 years
9. Time Keeps Moving …….
You may agree with me or not but the bitter and straightforward truth is that time keeps moving in spite of everything. While we may believe we are going up the hill, the fact is that we are at all times going downwards towards our grave. So, each of us has a limited span of time or period allotted to him in which he has to carry out all his worldly and spiritual duties completely and comprehensively. The wider is our horizon, the better for us and our enlarging world. It is only sheer irony of fate that while somebody may be dead and his near & dear ones may be mourning his death, time still keeps moving on N on, ever onward oblivious of the fact that somebody has died or somebody is born. 
It’s just like a whirlpool into which you are thrown never to get out – the whirlpool of time, you see! Only by churning out this whirlpool would you ever know it’s true and real essence. Rest is all false. Rest is all a dreamy fare. Just as you churn out butter N ghee from milk and just as you churn out the all- encompassing mass of air, taking in oxygen and exhaling out the rest, in a similar vein and on a similar note, you have to churn yourself out of this whirlpool of time (Kaal_Chakra) and find liberation. 
Liberation from all bondages including time, space, body-mind complex etc. is the real essence, the true essence of all spiritual activity / sadhna. Just a few years back, you were born in this world. Then, you became a school going lad and thereupon, a college going young student. Time did not stop at any point. Thereafter, you started earning your livelihood by practicing some profession. May be, you became an engineer or a doctor or a musician or even a Team India player. Did time ever stop for you? NO! Your journey of life still continued further and you got married, became a husband/wife, a father (mother); may be even a grandfather (grandmother). Did anything change? Did time change? NO, time continued on its merry way all along and now, you are almost on your deathbed. 
Your body may have undergone great change, your status in the society both on the personal (family) and professional front may have seen a sea change; the world around you might look and seem different but the concept of time has not changed at all. It’s continuum ad infinitum! 
Similarly, the seer – has it changed? Only the scene has changed. The seer or the witness-I has not changed one bit. Yes, ‘I’ has changed, but what about the witness-I or the seer aspect? Has it changed?? NO, not at all!! You see, it’s like this. When you are born, you say – “I’m the body”. Then, the body is given a ‘Name’. You say “I’m Name ……..---- so----and-----so”. As you grow up, you say “I’m a child, I’m a student, I’m a doctor/engineer/musician/player (whatever), I ‘m married, I’m a husband/wife, I’m a father (mother), I’m a grandfather (grandmother), I’m dying…………………..and-----so---on---and----so-----forth”. 
But, in all these above sentences, whatever you are referring to by ‘I’ is not your actual-I but just the body or at best, the body-mind complex. Your actual-I is your seer & witness-I that has not changed over your entire lifetime. In fact, it is this constant unchanging real-I which gives you the idea that you are now so------and-------so, son of so------and--------so, father of so-------and---------so…………………………………………………… ………. . 
But, in actual parlance, this idea is only a notion and not actually true. If it had been true, your body would not have decayed so much so as to you to be on your virtual deathbed so soon after you materialized into this world. This body is just made of Panch_Bhutas – the five elements (earth, water, air, fire, sky or ether) and each of these five elements shall merge into its collegium after the body has outlived its destined age and time. 
So, what all have we learnt in the light of the above? We have seen that ‘I’ is not the truth; rather witness-I or seer is the real truth. We also saw that the body is perishable and so one must not be unduly attached to his body but make whole hearted concentrated efforts to seek liberation from all bondages encompassing him in the time slot (age) allotted to him. 
Finally, we have seen that time is such a vital aspect of life. It seems to change but doesn’t and moves on continuously irrespective of everything. As such, time is to be treated and rated just one par below the truth or the soul as it is called!
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analog80 · 4 years
Infinitum Continuum - Full Album
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