#cont yet again oops ><
noxtivagus · 1 year
🫣 rambling abt ffxiv quests again yes so true
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#cont yet again oops ><#HFDLKAFJSD N THE LAST QUEST 😭 'forever at your side' it's so bittersweet.#dreams n freedom n ideals n smth worthy of being proud n loved n regrests n casting away hate n#yeah making the most w our lives n the future. 'for those we have lost n for those we can yet save' ffxiv ihysm#reason to live for the present n the future.. moving on from the scars of the past. we all owe that to ourselves.#'searching for my place in the world' & 'I was always on the outside looking in.' ouch#'But I've realized if we can't find one we just have to make it ourselves.' ily#'I'll never forget my past but neither will I be beholden to it.' yeah 🥹🤍#[]'s chara development means so much to me. yeah humans n morality n our ideals r rich in complexity#'true strength resides within us' n the other stuff too [] was my fictional therapist in that cutscene lmfao#yeah that. really helped me then i remember. i was crying so much bro that resonated w me so much :c#'My children gave everything so that others might be free. I will not rest until the world they dreamed of becomes a reality.'#i'm so proud of him. n then ; 'When I recall our time together I remember the person I used to be. The person I *still* can be.'#memories n forever at your side sobbing. 'i'm the only one left... /but i'll never be alone' FAMILIAL LOVE#'[]. I won't give up on our dream.' yeah. Yeah. one of my favorites fr#i rlly love ffxiv :C#it gives me so much hope n reminds me of myself. to hells if i'll be a fool—just let me dream.
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grumpycakes · 7 months
DAY 4 • October 20, 2023 • Third Vote, bye bye Jordan
< Previous (Day 3 Oops No Vote)
So for some reason they planned this vote at 10am (cause they hate the west coasters??? Oh. Oh wait yeah, they probably wanted to make it more inconvenient so people want to get it done.)
Also C-Span hecked up??? And didn’t come on till a bit into ten and while the ALTERNATE CHAPLIN WAS ALREADY PRAYING.
This guy is NOT NICE CHILL LADY CHAPLIN. He sounds chill, but he said shit about "We need more of you (God)," and "[Lord] Lead us in your will." which again AGAIN. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. AT LEAST nice Lady Chaplin asks god to lead us for what is best for the people. WHERE IS OUR NICE LADY CHAPLIN.
They do the pledge and then do their "Call of the House" (head count buzz in to make sure they have a Quorum/majority of the reps). This also serves to find out what the total number is to base the needed votes for a majority. This is why they let the timer lapse around as long as it was going, to make sure they have all the votes possible for better chances at getting majority.
C-Span actually had journalist/reporters going today??? Which they hadn't all week. But good info was had that I'll add in the takeaways. Made me jump tho during roll call rofl.
We hear that one Republican is out on a """Fact Finding Mission to Israel""" and he is one that votes Jordan so, not great for that. Apparently NORMALLY there are 435 seats for a majority of 218 votes needed, but there's been 2 vacancies so that's why it's been 433. 2 Democrat Representatives are out (V. Gonzales and Payne, no word why but not really an issue). Roll ends with 427 Present (Which would mean 214 to have a majortiy but by final vote it was 429 votes, so really only 4 ppl MIA instead of 6 and 215 needed)
lolol So McCarthy gave this nomination speech for Jordan and like, I know they don't hate each other but I hope that hurt.
Says, contrary to Dem talking points, Jordoran is an effective legislator (WHICH GETS FUCKING LAUGHTER, AMAZING)
Continues that the Speakership is about compromise and working long hours to get it done (implying Jordan can and has done these things) GETTING MORE LAUGHTER AND CHATTER and McHenry even fucking calls us to order about it lol
"Democrats are attacking Jim" because they don't want secure borders (my dude it is YOUR PARTY not electing him)
Called Jordan selfless (DOUBTFUL)
Quotes people who worked with or under him (stupid and ofc only the good ones)
Goes into an example of Jordan and like, man I hate the way McCarthy speaks/tells stories/way he talks. Grates on my nerves
We've got a job to do (yeah, yet you seem incapable so far)
Does more Jabs at democrats cuase he's exhausting and desperate to blame anyone but his party
BLessedly not the longest but still annoying
Clark, Rep of Massachussets is here to give us a speech (OOOooo she's new to me)
Blah blah 212 consistently, we rock and are united
Republicans are disconnected from the people
Pointed out Jordan voted against healthcare for Mothers, chlidren, elderly and Veterans (haha which got angry dissent noises, sucks to suck)
Also notes he voted against lowering the cost of insulin multiple times
That he's a reproductive healthcare extremist
Reminds us Jordan's an election denier, misinformation spreader, and a threat to our democracy
American people want us to work for them and re-open the house, but the republicans keep fighting each other instead
blissfully short and with a good pace and snappy delivery, I like you Clark
The fucking dems started chanting Jeffries name again and this time McHenry tried to gavel them back to order but tHEY STARTED CHANTING LOUDER FASTER TILL THEY DEVOLVED INTO CHEERING. and Honestly, go off since you have to keep coming back to this bs
VOTING COMMENCES 429 Present • 215 To win •
Jordan can only lose 3 votes
NOTABLE VOTES (key: *change in voing, + same as last vote)
Bacon - McHenry * (Voted for McCarthy last vote, AND WE'RE OFF)
Bilirakis - Jordan +
Bost - MIA/Votes Jordan on recall
Buchannon - Donalds + (-2 votes)
Buck - Emmer + (-3 Jordan can't lose any more votes)
Chavez-DeRemer - McHenry* (-4 murmuring from crowd cause Jordan has lost)
Cohen - "For the 18th time Jeffries" (gets laughter about it)
Conolly - Did his long sentence for Jeffries
D'Esposito - Zelden + (someone tried to clap about it rofl)
Diaz-Balart - Scalise +
Elllsey - Mike Garcia +
Ferguson - Scalise +
Fitzpatrick - McHenry* (NEW DEFECTOR WEE WOO WEE WOO)
Fox - MIA/Votes for Jordan on recall
Garbarino - Zelden +
Gimenez -McCarthy + (loll one of the few that doesn't switch to McHenry)
Gonzales (T) - McCarthy +
Gonzales (V) - MIA/does not vote on recall
Granger - Scalise +
Hunt - MIA/does not vote on recall
Isa - Votes for Jordan but is standing in the democrat side, so the house is temporarily confused at a vote for jordan coming from there, laughter ensues)
James - Donalds* (Voted for Candace Miller of MI last time)
Hearty cheers when Jeffries votes for himself, lack luster cheers and polite clapping when Jordan votes for himself
Kelly PA - Scalise* (Oh we decided against Boehner this time???)
Kiggans - McHenry* (haha i'm loving all these people dropping McCarthy for his bud)
Kilde - gets claps for voting Jeffries, unsure why
LaLota - Zelden +
LaMalfa - Jordan + (sticking to it)
Lawler - McHenry* (voted for Granger last time)
MccCarthy - Jordan (gets none attention haha)
Miller-Meeks - McHenry* (Voted Granger last time)
Molinaro - Zelden* (NEW DEFECTOR WEE W-)
Payne - MIA/does not vote on recall
Pelosi gets claps for voting but they're not crazy
Rutherford - Scalise +
Scalise - Jordan +
Spartz - Jordan +
Stauber - Westerman +
VanOrden - MIA/Does not vote on recall (out)
Vargas - yells Jeffries and gets laughter for it
Womack - Scalise +
Recall happens and McHenry does the normal, talk to vote talliers if you missed voting or need to change ur vote.
429 Voted • 215 to win
Jordan - 194 votes (HE LOST 3 MORE PEOPLE)
Jeffries - 210 votes (2 dems missing)
Scalise - 8 votes
McHenry - 6 votes (McHenry laughs as he gets cheers for it and does gently call for order)
Zelden - 4
Donalds - 2 votes
McCarthy - 2 votes
Emmer - 1 vote
Garcia (M) - 1 vote
Westerman - 1 vote
NO MAJORITY, NO SPEAKER CHOSEN McHenry immediately calls recess
The thursday closed meeting was 4 HOURS and Jordan had a SECONDARY MEETING with the holdouts for 2 MORE HOURS after that. DURING that meeting Jordan was REPORTEDLY told "He'd never be speaker."
Spartz had said that she'd back Jordan one more time, but if he lost again she would vote for someone else.
Jordan supporters said something to the effect of, It's not Jordan's fault Republicans who don't vote for him are getting death threats, it's their fault for not voting for Jordan. (AND LIKE HELLO???) Another Republican lady was like, I get death threats all the time, and I'm sorry for them but suck it up, so .. a lot of sypmathy.
Gaetz and the other 8 repubs that voted to ouster McCarthy (sealing his fates as none of the dems would vote for him) have come forwar offering themselves if that's what it takes to get Jordan nominated. Offering that they'd take sanctions and removal from the conference (basically getting kicked out of the party though they're saying they'd still be repubs??? and it would kick them off of their committee seats... so could we do it anyway??? llol). Gaetz says that he thinks this BS is actually GOOD GOVERNING (sure Jan) and tHEN ASKS, What else do they want, except a pound of our flesh?" (Which like... they want NOT FUCKING J JORDAN AS THE SPEAKER)
Jeffries did a Press conference and offers bipartisan stuff but like, man am I sicsik of that being kinda empty cause the Repubs will never and the Dems wont sacrifice human rights, so it's a moot point.
A lot of Republicans were defending this BS by pointing out how may times McCarthy had to run the vote but like THAT WAS ALSO BAD AND A SHIT SHOW
It was PROJECTED that Jordan would lose 5-8, 10max, voters, he only lost three but still
Brian Tyler Cohen made a interesting correlation of Jordan being an election denier making sense as he was refusing to accept his losses.
The Republicans held another closed door meeting (THEY'VE BEEN CALLING THEM ""FAMILY MEETINGS"") where they held an anonymous vote as to whether or not Jordan should continue as the nominee. HE FUCKING LOST in his OWN PARTY'S MEETING.
HE HAS removed himself as a nominee. We are back to square one.
McHenry announced that they were taking a 72/weekend break and would be back on monday to do a candidate forum (to some dissent, and many lawmakers just WANT THIS DONE WITH)
The repubs that have offered themselves as tribute
(With the assumption that they are boilerplate Repubs. over LGBTQ+, Abortion, Taxes, Immigration, etc etc. *Election denier means they have made statements, did not support the ratifying of the electoral college votes, voted against impeachment and investigations.)
Tom Emmer - not an election denier at minimum, current GOP Whip (assistant leader)
Kevin Hern - Already tried before Scalise got nominated and dropped out (election denier)
Austin Scott - Was close to Jordan in numbers for the repub speaker nominee (didn't argue electoral college shit and has said USA voting is solid, but didn't go after Jan 6/trump)
Byron Donalds - the dude the Fuckaround 8 kiiinda backed against McCarthy in JAN. (election denier)
Jack Bergman - apparently wanted to challenge Jordan but didn't, JUMPED when jordan was out (election denier)
Jodey Arrington - only said he was considering, but apparently others have brought him up as an option (election denier)
Mike Johnson - has been calling around to see if ppl support him as speaker (election denier)
Pete Sessions - ALSO jumped when jordan was out (election denier)
So ends our sordid tale of Jim Jordan. May he feel stupid about this for the rest of time.
No Republican speaker is going to be good but jfc can we not have literal government destroyers????
I guess the pass on the budget was for 45 days, we have spent 18 (to be 20) of them on this bs.
SHOULD I KEEP NAMING THESE VOTE 2, DISASTER BOOGALOO since it is still technically the 2nd speaker vote of this congress, or should I name it something else now that Jordan is out?
Next (Starting Over) >
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yutasbimil · 10 months
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vyn x fem!oc | tears of themis ff. (psychology major!lead) ✦ (3/~) [series fic] !!! also posted on my ao3 acc! { here } tags: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort cw: heavy on the (self) angst; mental anguish; mentions of anxiety and depression // smut is moved again, oops + supposedly this is a 'x reader' fic but got too heavy eventually, I apologize truly ;; word count: 3.5k
part 1 | part 2 | part 4 | part 5 | part x
do not repost © yutasbimil (2023)
With all that she's going through right now, Yule knows this is beyond 'normal' or expected of a person. Also, with her views and treatment towards herself, she ought to know that her state turned brittle with little to no regard she feels towards greatness.
She deserves more. But she can't quite get there yet to love herself again. No wonder she feels disquieted, she's her own immense pressure crushing her.
She's not able to breathe freely since.
It has been the third night in a row she's struck awake so suddenly.
It's as if hairs are directly plucked out of her skin all at once, the exchange still lingers on her mind. But his “nice” treatment irked her the most. She’s not used to being attended to, nor brought any interest– his level of keen engulf-ness towards her was unsettling.
No one ever looked at me like that with such focus or care.
But she likes it.
To be frank, she’s scared. Like, is she able to handle this? 
For most of her life, her belief is that she’s too much of a mess to keep her relationships intact. That’s what her mother always says. That’s her warning. It’s too painful. All men are pricks. She wouldn’t even be able to maintain responsibilities as she’s helpless as fuck. And it’s always her who has a hell of a personality.
Although, as “awful” as she absolutely is, she’s expected to be a ‘good girl’.
She feels disoriented, she’s neglected most of her time. You shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t be like that– She’s been warned and reprimanded when she’s showing behavior that dismays them, but they’re showing and doing said ‘bad actions’ as well? 
She’s confused.
Yule felt her throat dry, itching for some hydration. The sign of pools of sweat alarmed her to wash off her night terrors.
Her mess of hair reflects what she's going through internally.
Yule recently just moved to Stellis.
She’s not used to the silence of the space. The neat array of items also makes her more disoriented. She’s used to chaos.
Although now, she’s breathing more properly as she’s not much strangled by the shackles of her household. However, she wasn’t ready for the gravity of how it was heavier and bringing her down this much.
The burden of not living on the same roof anymore, makes her feel more lost and disarray.
Its effects remain consistent and persistent.
The sound of the door ringing signaled her senses awake back to reality. A package that she would take in a bit. Her mind shifts again. Add more as her eyes crossed the envelope mocking her line of sight at the kitchen table. Her results just came from her previous clinic, and she requested a physical copy of the psychological assessment. (In case she goes berserk, she can quickly burn them). It seems expected that the words bear weight, despite her previous assumption.
She’s diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder).
“Figures,” she whispered as if with contempt.
She almost tossed the contents back to her desk to make space for her preparing breakfast despite her lack of appetite.
Also with last time, she's pushing people away as much as she's growing attached. She’s quick to erase people off her life at one slip up, or more on directing the blame onto herself when she fucks up. Even almost turning down every opportunity that comes her way now that she's living independently.
What's wrong with me?
At least now the answer slowly unfolds itself to her up front.
Nevertheless, it's still quite difficult to swallow, it’s quicker to swallow her whole first than her comprehending any of this.
She’s late on their appointment, or to say their ‘date’. Yule still can’t seem to accept they’re dating, although starting it slow.
“I'm sorry, Dr. Ritcher.” she huffs, and then sits in her usual space in the tranquil garden of Vyn’s house. She drifts back to her thoughts of this morning, throat dry making it all harder to sink into her system the fact she has a disorder. No amount of water can quench the desert of her discovery. 
This should be an easy step after knowing.
Her case is mild so to say, she’s fine on the fact she’s still keeping her close relationships intact as other cases have it worse.
Like her case, it's a good thing, by the looks of it, and she's managing.
But it can't erase the fact that she's having a difficult time.
Yule just gawks, staring into space and Vyn had noticed her presence elsewhere for the last minute.
“You're okay?” Vyn’s low voice snaps her out of her dissociating state. “You haven't touched much of the sponge cake I made.”
Was it served too sweet? Vyn ponders as he retastes his portion.
“It's exquisite actually.” Yule is nimble to regain her ‘usual’ persona, it seems convincing as her avoidance was unnoticed. The cream on her face stole the spotlight. 
“You've got cream by your—”
“Oh, I'll get it,” she’s quick to beat Vyn ahead to wipe it off, blushing as Vyn chuckles at her timidness.
She took this chance to ask him, blurting out the thoughts that have been occupying her.
“What would you do if your loved one got diagnosed with a mental disorder?” 
“As if they have any other choice as well?” Vyn voiced, concern visible in his tone.
She flushed. 
Right, it's his job.
“It's just… what if they did you wrong and is a horrible person, would you leave them?” Yule conceded. It sounded all concluded and sorted out, with no means of being refuted. 
Vyn had to look at her directly to check on her expression. It was troubled.
“Not everything is black and white.” Vyn prompts, though, he pauses to articulate his thoughts more. His tone sounded a tad bit reprimanding. “That depends on the whole picture for me to properly assess and answer your question, dear.”
That’s another way to put it.
Yule is so used to thinking of people as ‘absolute’; good and bad. And that of course leads to a disastrous way of thinking.
Though, this was only as of recently. She ponders more.
On Vyn’s end, he tries to objectively view her behavior just now. By the looks of it, it is also safe to convey his view and what he ought to respond to in these instances.
It should be pointed out that people can make mistakes and not everything could be perfect. Not everything could be easily tossed away just because it has some shortcomings. Falling short does not equate to inadequacy. One can have lapses of discrepancies and surges of outbursts. But that does not make them a completely horrible person.
She could only explain it at a surface level for now though.
“I thought at first, it's "mere" Impostor Syndrome when the underlying problems stem from something greater, also this may be the price of being a ‘perfectionist’.” She manages to vent out, her body language helps her express her distress. 
Vyn unconsciously mirrors the state she is in momentarily.
“I'll say the same thing for myself as I oftentimes still have left judgment in that regard.” Vyn implored, intriguing the person he was conversing to to further elaborate.
He seems so well put together, with no neurosis, whatsoever. A sound-minded person, unlike me–
Yule still can’t comprehend such displays of tolerance. “Why so?”
“Of course, if I happen to care for them, I'll try to stay by them and understand their complexities to the best of my ability,” he responds, though the slump in his shoulders broads beyond what he’s trying to convey at the moment. “If it was a year ago, I'd say it differently…”
Yule finds it familiar, as if déjà vu. 
“Rosa said the same thing, are those her words?” She waits momentarily for him to nod before she speaks again. “Working in the legal field does open you a lot.”
“I don't think that's the case.” Vyn postulated, his fingers meeting his lips as he spoke. “It's how we're raised as well that gave us this factor…”
It was more thought out loud, but it’s also out of character for him to utter out unconsciously. A Freudian slip.
The hesitance was evident minutes ago. As if they’re tiptoeing on what’s supposed to be laid out for the moment, but they’re sure they’re not ready to open up the shadows and etches of the past just yet.
But the tone they deliver gave them a glimpse of both their past. They may be a bit similar in that aspect.
“Is anything wrong, Yule?” Vyn tries to stir back on their supposed route of conversation. Yule heaves in a breath, as in fact, there are many things wrong in her head at this very instance. She just picks honesty to guide her through this.
“Do you happen to know anyone?” She starts out slow with her speaking. “Or residing here at Stellis where… I could get treatment?”
Vyn’s eyes are dilated for a moment before turning distant to think.
“Why can't you choose me though?” Vyn blunts.
“We… we know each other, Vyn,” Yule responds, stating the obvious, but also the fright it gives on violating such ethics in the field.
“Right…” Vyn replies dryly, as if already expecting a response from his intended error. It was indeed bad humor. Though, it isn't like him to let a detail like that slip off his mind.
“And?” Vyn’s eyebrow perked up at her.
“It's against the ethics and protocols if you know, or happen to be falling for your psychiatrist— Horney?”
“Pardon?” Vyn blinks, (he heard it differently), unsure as he turns to her again for confirmation. “Hmmm?”
“Uhm no, I don't want the same case with her and Fromm.” Yule clarifies, it then clicked a familiar content atop Vyn’s head.
Before he could add anything else, Yule cuts short his curiosity and advances to ever create a teasing atmosphere. 
“Do not give any mind to what I am saying, Dr. Richter.” she ends the topic there.
Vyn just chuckles, he just picks to put a different cake on her plate, smiling. “Okay, focus back on eating. Find another time to compose yourself. By then you can give me the needed documents sometime soon so I can easily refer you.”
Yule sighs, finally able to feel the sweetness of the cake he baked seep over her. “Thank you so much, Vyn.”
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"There’s just some distinct smell in hotels I can easily tell." Yule pauses as her eyes darkened scanning through the area. The apparent smell of the casino is filled with smoke in the air. It still tingles her nose as they pass by.
The smell of mixed lemon and ginger filled her senses, it made her itch to the skin.
She and her family almost always check in her teenage years, more on their background and her privileged godmother who almost always seemed to have an extra room to spare for them to stay in distinguished hotels. 
And all that went down the drain, the same as the  crap-ton  of bile that used to be in her system. Depression almost always kills her mood at that time along with the mundane, shallow atmosphere. This is all at naught.
All is not worth it with the cold feet and sleepless nights as she's not comfortable sleeping that's not her own bed.
“You’re quite accustomed to it?” Marius asks, turning her back into reality.
“More on familiarized enough…” she heavily sighs, the exorbitant glamour of the displays almost blinds her, even grazing over it feels burning to the touch. All this, she’s willing to give up for peace of mind.
Or at least she already let go of the moment she moved here at Stellis.
Though, of course, the past can still creep in ways unexpected. Its traces cannot be easily removed, much like a trailblazer, and it can consume one’s senses, going through your memories uninvited. It rummages unwanted thoughts.
It reminded her of the time she spent being hung up on a person. It was truly a dark time for her back then.
The topic shifted as they changed selections on branded bags. Yule merely drifts off with her story. “And now he’s famous, too far for my reach…”
Of course, Marius being Marius, he’s getting cocky. 
"Maybe I can contact them?" he starts. Even going along patting his pants pocket for his phone as an easy access. 
She snickered at the taller male. "You're only saying that to ease me." She moves through another display of leather belts, her eyes shifted to an array of colored ties, the hues reminded her of her bleak past. "He doesn't even know me to begin with." Her tone was as muted as the peacock blue accents of the tie.
I didn’t let myself known to him, thinking highly of him as out of my league. 
"Is this different from the previous one you mentioned to me in class?" Marius confirms, eyes elsewhere on the male accessories, he’s looking for a more… lighter, more appealing blush sheen to be given as a gift. 
Yule hums, following along in his stead. "Yes. Again, it's not worth it as they don't even know me." she clarifies, emphasizing for him to no longer bring too much effort into talking about this matter. 
"So? You don’t know the power of von Hagens…"
"Bro,  I do know  but I won’t abuse it… besides that was  years  ago…" Yule brushes off his offer once again, her voice fades the same as the faded colors they’re looking at, a wide variation of bags.
“And the one I mentioned back then… She now has someone,  she’s… " Yule looks at the baby shoes in the aisle across theirs. The immense pressure kicks in on the present day, of milestones or supposed achievements in her age. 
‘I’m unemployed, didn’t even bother taking boards, just starting my master's studies, now as alone as the big whale in the vast ocean.
I feel I could be eaten alive by the harsh reality anytime.’
Yule swallows as it stacked more and more on her seemingly empty list in her head.
She redirects her focus, now eyes locked gazing at a  Coach  bag, comparing it to the mint with hints of yellow accents… Yule feels a tinge of guilt, reminded of someone. 
But she feels blown away by the presence near her, she further sees the gap between them.
“Stop moping around and I’ll get that for you.” Marius notices her empty glances, he is quick to swift his hands to gesture to the sales clerk.
Before she could refuse, he already called the lady.
Yule glared, hissing sharply, almost in a whisper. Attempting to hide her flared cheeks behind her hand, she leans into the navy blue-haired man. “Marius von Hagen, don't you dare!”
This doesn’t even reach half of her paycheck tuition to grad school!— Yule torments over the flashy price tag.
“You and Rosa really are friends, come on don’t be shy.” Marius doesn’t have a hint of  remorse  in his cheeky face, it’s as rosy as the thought of the  Rose  he had in mind.
“How easy for you to say that with a straight face to an ordinary person like me?” Yule rolls her eyes, mocking as if on the verge to faint (she will if she were to pay this here and now).
Marius brushes his fingernails, riding along her humor. “What can you do? You’re friends with a celebrity.”
“I’m constantly reminded, thanks.” So smug, so full of himself but she can’t help but be bashful keeping her mouth shut. 
Yule holds back her timidness. She could only sigh in defeat. “Make sure to contact me if you need anything, not that your connections aren't as sparse and vast already…”
“I’ll just need help with Rosa,” he says, diverted with his focus as he found a bag he had in mind. As if on cue, he lifted a rose-embroidered bag.
“Oh wow, it’s as if you aren’t making progress already in sweeping her off her feet.”
Marius looked at Yule, shocked as if any reciprocal interest wasn’t shown to him. But her wide-eyed expression is more on slipping a  vital secret.  She’s still left mouth agape, to herself like: Gurl, oh shit!  She might’ve said something she shouldn’t.
“That is valuable information—  important  for you to keep it a secret,” she gestures a  zip your mouth  at him, distancing herself now. She could only cling to her life, as seen clearly by how she’s clinging too much to the bag.
“Also, she kept that picture you did of her in her room?”  No, not another slip-up—  she continues salvaging the conversation. “Maybe a painted customized bag instead. I think that is what she’ll appreciate a ton  loads  especially how  “every brush stroke is filled with your feelings”  or whatever you artists try to encapsulate…” Yule brushes it off casually,  ‘barely satisfactorily successful’  if she may add. But her mind is then weighted by something else seeing her reflection.
Man, the gap suddenly pressured her.  Rich ass money.
As much as she’s trying her best, knowing they’re at a similar age, she's older than him even (same age as Rosa), yet he has a lot achieved already, considering he’s talented af outside of his responsibilities.
Yule stops herself there from further spiraling, breathing in, she pulls herself together.
No,  it disregards his effort, and his background on how separate that is.
Now she has too much freedom thinking all of this now independent and alone, far from her hometown and family. From everything else holding her back.
It is peaceful in comparison.
The comfort of daily life, and considering she also cut her connections… to nothing.
But at what cost? Crap, her pride is even eating her up to ask for help in finding a job. Again, even the connections all got cut. All her damn resources.  Nothing.
Alas, one cannot eat pride.
She can at least bite her tongue not to spur sarcasm at this dude. Riches and all, he's still as normal of a guy, annoying even.
Yule could only swallow further with her much-held pride with the next words that came off his mouth.
"Vincent just informed me. Wait tomorrow morning or so, you'd have a call interview coming up." Marius stated, quickly putting back his phone in his pocket. She’s been trailing off for the last minute, they’re already walking out of the shop. 
As if at cue, Yule's phone buzzed, indicating an email of the job offer. She has been waiting for a vacancy at any of the von Hagen's businesses. And as much as it was a joke, she knew he's got too much on his plate to even accommodate her, let alone give her a favor in the likes of her. She can't believe he even remembered that minor mention of her job hunting.
So it was a genuine reaction, eyes popping out of surprise as she almost tackled him in gratitude.
"You’re a lifesaver, Sir von Hagen." Yule tries to suppress her mirth. She handshakes firmly instead. She almost hugged him out of glee but it isn't appropriate out in the public eye. She repeatedly bows as Marius shakes his head with a feeble smile.
This means a lot to her, especially as she's starting from scratch.
She’s fucking glad she made friends with his dude. But more on witnessing the push and pull with Rosa, they’re as amusing as watching a Korean drama. Yule keeps a giggle to herself.
"Oh, come on, don’t treat me like I’m a saint." Marius brows perk at the title, waving his hands side to side. "And Vincent took great care of background checking you, I think you've got lots to offer me instead."
"Of course, none of that would slip by you, huh?" She kept a small smile to herself. Her family is known in the business industry, and although not like any of the top-rated ones, it sells well.
Marius gave her a keen look before settling into a nod. Best not to question her further.
"If ever you don't pass, I'll have a list of openings that are hiring, I'm sure one of them would best fit you. Though, HR Assistant best suits you, hmmm?"
Saying as if he's sure she doesn't need to although, just in case. She appreciates his helpfulness, she won't take any of it for granted.
"I wouldn't even face you if I failed any of this, Marius."
"So you better not." He even shots her an encouraging grin.
Finally, none of his overconfidence.
Though, she takes it as a compliment and warmth in her chest as he's able to be this cheeky around her. They both know they've had enough of the CEO mask crap he's putting up 24/7. It might be a similar and close age, but at the end of the day, Yule sees where Rosa is coming from. Marius is Marius.
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※ my masterlist | #enjeiwrites ※
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flockrest · 10 months
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cont. from here / @mightiestbanana
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     Oops, he didn't mean to be too much...there's just lots he wants — needs — to know, and this mister's being real nice 'bout it, anyway! He wags a finger at Tulin all stern and adult-like, sure, but is also puffed up in the way Notts gets whenever he cheers at the end of her songs, or the way Molli does when she finishes telling a story all by herself. It's hard to feel bad in the face of that sorta inspired pride!
     Then the mister's yelling, aghast at his lack of banana knowledge, and...huh. Are they really that important? They can't be if they don't have 'em back at home, yet Tulin feels like he may be missing something with how mightily he's being spun at, twirled at, hopped at, and, with a poof of pretty papers: presented a banana at!
     It's weird and colourful and doesn't look special at all!
     Which must mean it's the tastiest thing ever 'cause why else would this mister, in all his eye-catching motions and volume and grandness, love something so not-special? Neat!
     "Whoaaa," Tulin enthuses, leaning in closer to whisper it back 'cause keeping secrets is one of his specialties. Moments after, he's bouncing in place, little paper perched on his head bobbing up and down with him as he chatters away again, "That's so cool! How delicious? What's it taste like? Can you make stuff with it? If I asked reaaaaally nicely, wouldja make something with it?!"
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
I’d like to place a request for Aelin singing Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars and Rowan overhearing it (you decide if it’s intentional or her singing in the shower or drunk karaoke hehe) in Striking Matches of course 😉 since that hasn’t happened yet
cont: Oops wait I always forget it’s technically by Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ my bad it’s a collab
I went with something different, but let’s be real... Aelin would just about sing this song every chance she gets.
So Timeline wise, this so just after they get together. It’s probably been a month and a half since he busted her door.
Striking Matches Masterlist
The fire alarm ringing through the school gym had the kids in a panic, it even took a few moments for Aelin to get her own feelings under control. But when her kids had flocked to her, their scared faces wide-eyed, she pulled herself together. When she had volunteered to chaperone the Halloween dance this is not what she expected. 
Her and the other teachers ushered the kids outside, not even a trace of smoke to be found but still they got all the kids out to the car park. It was soon apparent that some cheeky troublemaker, probably urged on by their peers, had pulled the alarm and there was no real threat of fire. But they had to follow protocol and that meant the greater portion of the student body from grades 4-6 were huddled in the car park —all in their costumes— waiting for the firefighters to turn up to give the official all clear. The poor things were getting cold in the brisk October air and still nervous after all the drama. Aelin wasn’t feeling particularly warm herself in her Alice in Wonderland costume, the striped tights at least were offering her some protection from the cold. 
So Aelin did the first thing she could think of. 
Turning her phone full volume she led a dance party in the empty spaces of the parking lot. She was dancing to hype the kids up, most likely looking like a dork as she did the sprinkler for the umpteenth just as the fire engine pulled up. The team unloaded from the vehicle very quickly, Lorcan barely gave the excited children a second glance, but Aelin’s students were thrilled to see Rowan again and he gave them a wide smile and a wave. Fenrys directed a thumbs up to her in approval of her dance moves before he waved to the kids as well, giving them some finger guns to top it off.
Another song played through and the whining of the alarm stopped and everyone cheered. Lorcan appeared again and went to clear things with the principal then the others started filing out. Out of nowhere an idea struck Aelin, a song that seemed too perfect to pass up in the moment. So she unlocked her phone, scrolling through until she found the song she wanted. 
The poppy vocalising at the intro of the song started and she made sure to keep at least one eye of Rowan as everyone started dancing. She saw the twins share a look and then they were laughing. Gavriel was just shaking his head. 
This hit, that ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
This one for them hood girls
Them good girls straight masterpieces
Aelin sang along and somewhere she heard Lysandra cackling. 
Stylin', wilin', livin' it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss myself, I'm so pretty
I'm too hot –– hot damn
Aelin pointed at Rowan who was trying his damndest not to smile. He was failing. 
Called a police and a fireman
I'm too hot –– hot damn
Make a dragon wanna retire man
I'm too hot –– hot damn
Say my name you know who I am
I'm too hot –– hot damn
And my band 'bout that money, break it down
Aelin wiggling her shoulders ridiculously at him had him breaking and he laughed. By then Rowan had reached and took her by the hand, spinning her a few times –– her apron and skirts fanning out. The kids, meanwhile, were going insane. 
When Rowan stopped the spinning Aelin’s hands landed on his shoulders. 
“Don’t you think this song is a little inappropriate for the little ones?” He said. 
“I suppose.” Aelin sighed and changed the song, a chorus of disappointed protests sounding. “But I just couldn’t resist.”
A terse Whitethorn came from the direction of the fire engine, making both Aelin and Rowan look over. The rest of the team was loaded back up ready to head back to the station. Aelin linked her arm with Rowan and handed her phone off to Lysandra so she could keep the party going while the executives decided what to do next. 
“Will you come by for breakfast tomorrow? I bought a fresh box of toaster waffles,” Aelin asked, leaning close to leech his warmth. 
“Those things taste like cardboard,” Rowan complained. 
Aelin just she rolled her eyes. “Fine, come for the company then.” 
“I think I’d rather eat the cardboard,” Rowan replied, the corners of his mouth betraying him as they quirked upwards. 
“Remind me again why I agreed to make us a thing?” Aelin said as she let go him and Rowan put one foot on the step of the turck then leaned in closer to her. 
“How about I remind you tomorrow morning,” he said, his voice little more than a purr. “And I’ll pick something up from a bakery on the way home.”
Rowan pulled himself up into the cab before Aelin could reply, but she was smiling as he rolled down the window. Then she stepped up onto the step as Rowan leaned out the window. 
“I like that sound of that.”
They were both smiling when their lips met but they managed. They broke apart when Fenrys’ wolf whistle startled them both, Aelin managed to refrain from flipping him of for the sake of the students and the reprimands it would get her if any of her superiors saw. 
“See you in the morning,” Rowan said, Aelin’s reply was a two fingers salute as the truck drove away.
Aelin watched it go until it had turned and she couldn’t see Rowan anymore. When she went to go back to the impromptu dance party she noticed one of her students, Benjamin, standing on the outskirts watching her, his mouth hanging open in surprise. 
“You okay there, Benjamin?” Aelin asked.
It took him a moment to answer and he looked past her to where the fire engine had been parked, then he beckoned her closer. Aelin rested her hands on her knees so she was just about level with him. 
“Miss G, did you just kiss Fireman Whitethorn?” He whispered. 
Aelin nodded. “I did.”
“But…” Benjamin’s brow furrowed. “You’re only supposed to kiss people who are you boyfriend or girlfriend. Is Mr Whitethorn your boyfriend?” 
The boy was so excited and perplexed he’d completely forgotten about the fireman bit. 
“He is,” she said simply. 
Aelin couldn’t wait to tell Rowan about the look of sheer delight that spread over Benjamin’s face when she told him. He spun around, no doubt to spread this new revelation amongst his classmates, she could practically see the ripple of excitement move through the crowd. Aelin just laughed and kept dancing until the parents started to arrive to pick up their kids.
I say it every time but... I miss these two.
@tangledraysofsunshine // @nalgenewhore // @highqueenofelfhame // @galyxsy // @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @http-itsrebecca // @highladyofthesith // @aelinfire-bringer // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @sleep-and-books // @3am-reading // @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius // @rowaelinforeverworld // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @tswaney17 // @mydarlingfireheart // @rowansfirebringer // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @vanilla28 // @fireheart-of-your-dreams // @enquires-state-building // @im-not-rare-im-rarr // @your-high-lady // @mariamuses // @ttakeitbacknoww // @vi0let-femmes // @kindofawalkingpoem // @sleeping-and-books // @armixers-unite // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @princess-galathynius // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @unassumingsodalovesherbooks // @empire-of-wildfire // @brittneym15 // @camerooonchiu // @worldoffae // @mybbyfeyre // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @pilesofriles // @chemicha // @keshavomit // @sarahbringsoutmygay13 // @wifeofchrishemsworth // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @illyrian-velaris // @flowerspringsea // @whitethorn15 // @whiskeybusiness1776 // @notaddictedtoanything // @thereaderandfangirl // @mynewdreamwasyou // @tintinnabulary // @the-regal-warrior // @searchingforbellarke // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @officialasianbitch // @burningbookz // @viajandosinalas // @chaoticskyy // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @meltalgel-ig // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @queen-of-glass // @belamoonbeam // @bestmelle // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @superspiritfestival // @aesthetics-11 // @maastrash // @mynewdreamwasyou // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @thesurielships // @df3ndyr // @trinitybailey2003 // @littleboxofthunder // @ladywitchling // @booknerdproblems // @rowaelin-cressworth // @acourtofbookworms // @rolltide7 // @scandinavianromantic // @tillyrubes10 // @starwarsslytherin // @minaidss // @paytin77 // @jesstargaryenqueen // @anntheintrovert // @starborn-faerie-queen // @loudphantomdragon // @alyx801 // @amandaswallowtail // @louiseleblancdiggory // @abookishfreak
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writerfae · 3 years
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Anastasia AU: The Apple Tree (A not so mini bonus story)
This one actually takes place in the past. Young prince Aiden snuck away from his guards and encounters kitchen boy Talon.
short side note: I feel like I should mention that this takes place in a different universe, not in Russia/France, I only use the city name Paris as a placeholder because I haven't come up with a fictional city name yet
Anastasia AU masterpost
It was a sunny day at the palace. Talon sat under the shadow of a big apple tree, peeling potatoes for dinner.
The boy enjoyed the peace and quiet of the little courtyard, away from the buzzing of the huge palace kitchen.
The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps quickly approaching.
Surprised, Talon peaked up from his work, just to see a boy running towards him, quite fast so.
Talon recognized him instantly. It was the prince. The youngest. Prince Aiden.
Talon has never met him before, only seen him from afar.
The nearest he ever got to him was when he served at one of the many feasts, watching in awe how the youngest son of the queen danced around his mother, his circlet sparkling in the light of the candlelit hall, just as bright as his smile.
Now said prince ran up to the tree Talon was sitting under and all Talon could do was duck away as with a cry of "Careful!" Aiden jumped up, grabbed the tree branch closest to Talon’s head and climbed up the tree trunk with a litheness that reminded the kitchen boy of a cat.
Baffled, he could only look up to the other boy who was now sitting on one of the farther up branches of the tree, looking down on him.
He must've made a pretty funny face, because the young prince started to giggle. Talon couldn’t help but to smile, too.
He was about to open up his mouth and ask him what exactly he was intending to do up there, when suddenly there was the sound of footsteps again.
Both boys looked to the direction the sound came from.
Two guards approached the courtyard with fast steps. They seemed to search for something. Or someone.
"I don't see him," said one guard to the other. Then he noticed Talon under the apple tree.
"Hey, you, kitchen boy. Have you seen Prince Aiden come past here?"
For a fleeting moment, Talon’s eyes wandered up to where the other boy was sitting on the tree. The tree's many leaves shielded him from the two men's eyes.
Aiden pressed a finger against his lips to tell Talon to keep quiet, barely surpressing his giggles.
So that's why he climbed up there, Talon thought, amused.
He looked at the guards again. "No," he shook his head. "I saw no one around but you, I'm afraid."
The guard sighed, then he nodded before turning back to his partner. "Alright, let's try to search in the library."
Then they left.
Once they were gone, the prince picked a shiny red apple, then he climbed down the tree, landing gracefully in front of Talon.
"Thank you for covering up for me." He smiled at the other boy.
Talon bowed his head. "Of course, your Highness."
The prince frowned. "Aiden," he said. Talon wasn't sure what he meant. He shot the boy a questioning look.
"Aiden," the prince repeated, sitting down next to Talon, lowering himself to his level.
"I don't like being called by title. It fits my brother better than me anyway. He's the crown prince, I'm just a spare." Aiden shrugged.
His words didn't seem bitter, they were merely a simple truth to him.
"What is your name?" He turned to Talon, his brown eyes starring in Talon’s golden ones with great curiosity.
Talon averted his eyes, unusually shy for the normally so witty kitchen boy. "Talon."
"That's a nice name," Aiden smiled. He looked down at the bowl full of potatoes in Talon’s lap. "So you work in the kitchen?"
"Huh?" Talon followed his gaze. "Oh, no, I just sneak into the palace and peel your potatoes for fun," he said sarcastically.
That made the prince laugh. Talon watched him from the side, amazed, then he laughed, too, until they both were breathless.
After Aiden caught his breath again, he took the apple he picked earlier and broke it into two halfs. One he offered to Talon.
The apple looked delicious, but the kitchen boy hesitated.
He had always wondered how the shining red apples tasted like, had thought about picking one more than once.
But it was the queen's apple tree and the cook had told him to stay away from it.
The queen's apple tree isn't for servant boys like you, she had said.
"Take it. I want you to have it." It was as if Aiden had heard his thoughts.
"Henry and me pick apples from the tree all the time. Mother won't mind and she says sharing is important."
So Talon took the apple half. It tasted even better than he imagined.
He smiled. "Thank you."
The prince nodded.
"Why did the guards look for you?" Talon asked after a while, his curiosity finally winning over. Hopefully it wasn't a rude question.
"They're my personal guards. They are supposed to watch me all the time. It's annoying. I feel like a baby. I'm not even sick anymore, it's not fair that mother sends them after me all the time."
He pouted. The older boy found that adorable.
"And since my brothers are in Paris, no one wants to play with me anymore, so I made up my own game." Aiden grinned smugly.
"Getting away from your guards?" Talon asked.
Aiden laughed. "Exactly. Almost like hide and seek. Just better." He leaned back against the tree trunk.
"Hide and seek, huh?" someone said suddenly, making the two boys flinch at the unexpected noise.
There on the balcony stood a young woman Talon recognized as the queen's sister, Aiden's aunt.
Amused, the young woman looked at the scene in front of her. And at the caught look on her nephew's face.
"Don't worry, I won't give you away. But you should go back to your guards, before they start to declare a state of emergency."
She leaned forward slightly and grinned. "Or worse, they'll tell your mother. You wouldn't want that, would you? That would mean no apple pie for you."
The prince's eyes widened at the implication of a possible dessert deprivation and he shook his head energetically.
It made Talon giggle.
"That's what I thought," Aiden's aunt said. "Now stop keeping that poor boy from his work and come. It's time for your history lesson."
With that, she disappeared.
Aiden stood up as well, dusting off his pants.
"I'm sorry, I have to go." He pouted again, as if he'd like to stay longer.
Talon wouldn't mind him staying a bit longer. But who was he to keep a prince from his duty?
He was lucky that the boy even talked to him in the first place. Princes weren't supposed to talk to kitchen boys after all.
So he just nodded.
"It was nice meeting you, Talon. Maybe we'll walk into each other again some time."
He bowed to the blonde and with a last wave of goodbye, the two boys separated.
Ever since that day, Prince Aiden would greet a certain kitchen boy with a smile and a wave every time they crossed paths and said kitchen boy always bowed in response, small smile on his normally so serious face.
This turned out to be not that short after all, oops xD
tag list (Anastasia AU): @rise-again-2001 @thegirlwithnonickname @annoyingwritingtrash
tag list: @shattered-starrs @soupopoireau @a-ray-of-moonshine @quill-of-doom @heyabella @vibinwiththehomies @elisabethrosewrites @charleeyy @iced-ginger-tea @hell-yeah-fantasy @violetcancerian @that-one-potato-blep @annoyingwritingtrash @stardustspiral @shipdest @writingqueensworld @imintheunderworld @thewalkingnerdx @abalonetea @the-starlight-chills @fictional-semantics @cordaks @kpmccolgan @deekshablogs @myhusbandsasemni @magsiswritingnow @a-box-without-hinges @meiyanaalexia @contes-de-rheio @rhikasa @phantasticdomains @thegirlwithnonickname @marewriteblr @kimblewrites @daisylincs @treesandwords @writingbyjillian @write-for-your-life2 @deadlycupid @yejidoesthings @nora-theteawriter @ladywithalamp @the-writing-avocado
(if you want to be added or removed from the tag list let me know)
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aeipathcy · 3 years
@kingspuppet * ✭ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
Even through the mess of emotions she was at the moment, Reanne noticed that shift again—he always put up walls when she said something like that, seriously or as a joke. God, it seemed that any semblance of closeness made this guy back off. No wonder he had no friends to call his own; no wonder part of her thought he was that pathetic—someone who kept up walls and antagonized others on purpose for the sole purpose of avoiding experiences that would help change matters... how could she not feel superior in that sense? At least she tried to seek out things she lacked. He, Akechi, did not.
And yet here she was trying to extend a hand to him anyway. Why? She didn’t know—something told her she should try to give him some companionship (why couldn’t she just leave him alone if the main thing he gave her was frustration?). 
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❝ If I did it without your consent—an explicit ‘yes’—I’d be violating you, you dumbass, ❞ she spat. As much as she wanted to indulge, Reanne knew better especially how this could easily be used against her later should he choose to add more reasons for potentially disliking her or cutting her out later; not to mention, she already knew how disgusting it could feel simply being approached with an intention that wasn’t so comfort producing—she had plenty of first-hand experiences with that if those pick-up guys were any decent example. Tears of anger pricking at the edges of her eyes, the girl couldn’t help but yell her next retort, ❝ I can’t indulge on your stupid challenge because it’s not a yes. And if I had someone else to bother, I would be doing that right now because god forbid I need some fucking comfort from someone I trust! ❞
Wrapping her arms around herself, the girl let out a frustrated, heavy sigh, tightly gripping the folds of her cardigan to prevent herself from actually taking the bait he laid out (as she did desperately need the security a hug would bring with the recent hellstorm experience she had been through). It was so tempting to either be held or to hold someone right now—but she couldn’t do that when that’d make her just like those persistent playboys who never left her alone if they could help it.
But wait, did she just blurt out she trusted him? Oops. She wasn’t supposed to trust him, especially because of what the rest of the group had said before. Ah, fuck it all—she already knew she trusted the wrong people (like who in the right mind would willingly trust those who constantly broke them down?), might as well go all in on her own stupidity. Hell, she still lived with people who made her life worse than it should be by choice—what would one bad, one-sided friendship be on top of that? So what if it ended poorly? She was used to something going wrong and cutting off relationships for good.
❝ But if you’re going to be so damned touch-averse to the point of whatever this fricken is, then fine! Maybe I can just yell at you until I feel better! ❞
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flcwerborne-a · 3 years
it was strange, hearing her own voice. she sometimes talked to the other fish and they often looked at her with a strange, puzzled look on their faces as though they knew she was saying something but couldn’t actually understand her. still, melody spoke to them. it made her feel less lonely (and like she wasn’t so utterly alone at the same time). but now… she’s actually talking to someone who can talk back! someone like her! oh, what a relief! strange as it feels to hear another voice, it also feels good to have some company for once, even if that company is much like the great whites that she’s seen swimming and hunting around the reef and the more open waters. melody finds herself wanting to ask questions. oh-so many questions. what’s his name? is he new to this area? what happened to his eye? are there others like him? has… he ever seen others like her? are they the only ones like this? okay, okay, that’s probably too many questions for now. besides, melody doesn’t want to overwhelm him! she also doesn’t want to annoy him and turn into his next meal. that would be unfortunate… do sharks even eat jellyfish? ah, they probably wouldn’t out of fear of their stinging tentacles.
“ dying? “    melody finally asks after realizing his own question was going unanswered. oops. she’s not very used to being social. hopefully he didn’t think she was ignoring him!    “ no. you aren’t dying, silly. “    she giggles and shakes her head, the tentacles hanging down from the bell atop her head swaying with almost every movement she makes.    “ no, you’ll be just fine, i think. just lay still a while, okay? let the magic work. “    a smile has slowly made its way onto melody’s features. was it safe to assume that he wouldn’t attack her? he doesn’t seem to have any intent to. he’s… surprisingly calm. then again, maybe he really does feel like he’s dying. poor thing. perhaps because of his current state, melody feels relaxed around him where the other great whites made her tense and afraid. she steered clear of them at all costs. but… strangely enough, it feels safe to be by his side.
“ are you starting to feel better? the seaweed works pretty fast and even though your wounds are deep, i don’t think there will be any scarring. “    she’s seen the scars on other great whites, scars she assumes had come from the orcas or maybe even other sharks. though she was wary of them, she felt bad for them. ah, but such is the way of life in the sea, right? orcas have to eat, too.
she leans in and picks up a corner of the seaweed, inspecting his wounds. they’re definitely already beginning to heal. he should be in far less pain than he was in moments ago. she wonders if the magic tickles. all the times she’s had to use the seaweed on herself, it tickled as it healed her. melody gently presses the corner back down, being careful so as not to hurt him.    “ you’re… probably hungry, aren’t you? you should rest, but you should most certainly eat, too! i can hunt for you! “    her offer is followed by her smile growing bigger, her voice cheerful.    “ i can’t really catch anything big, but i can certainly catch quite a bit. “    the mermaid gestures down to the many tentacles hanging down from her bell, swaying in the gentle current around her. whenever she hunts for food, she just lets fish wander into her tentacles but as she doesn’t want him to starve, she has to be a little quicker than that. she could probably grab the fish, right? with her tentacles, of course. good grief, if she tried catching them with her hands, it would look so silly! they’d slip right out of melody’s hands anyway. still, she has to try something.
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oh, she’s so excited to be helping someone! melody never actually thought she’d get the chance to, yet here she is! giddy, she just can’t stop smiling. of course she feels awful about the circumstances that lead to their meeting, but she just can’t help but be excited that she’s talking to someone! like, really talking! and he can talk back! (she’s… been alone a little too long. her entire life.)    “ i-if you don’t mind me helping, of course. it shouldn’t take me too long to hunt! “
@despairforme​    /    cont. from here.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Tale Teller 52 Week Challenge Masterlist
Mostly Hobbit/LoR Imagines with a dash of Ronan/Loki/Hannibal Imagines thrown in as well. If you have any comment, questions or requests for new chapters fire away. Masterlists . My stories/series are on my A03 page(Also blankdblank). 
... Gonna give this a try to see if i can do all 52. :D
Wk 1 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/186451437279/tick-tock
Prompt - The answer was written in her eyes.
Warning – Um, mention of stalking ex.
Modern Thorin x my OC - Teacher x Clock Maker/Seamstress Au
Wk 2 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/186611015489/tick-tock-pt-2
Prompt- The sea of emotion swelled, drowning him in the chaos of his thoughts.
Warning – Um, awkward stumbling oc.
Modern Thorin x my OC - Teacher x Clock Maker/Seamstress Au
Wk 3 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/186792210734/four-words
Prompt - Love could be beautiful or monstrous. But, she hadn’t yet figured out which this would be.
Warning – fluffy awkward dazzled Thorin
Modern Thorin x my OC – Family Set up
Wk 4 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/186979449449/surf-ewe
Prompt- Gone was the timid child they once knew, and in their shoes stood a determined woman..
Warning – awkward teens, hint of past drowning accident, determined pettiness to win – use of “Fight Song”
Modern Thranduil x my OC – Awkward teen au
Wk 5 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187146193994/glass-heart
Tale Teller Prompt – A seed of doubt was planted. Would it grow or would it be weeded out?
Warning – Emotional Loneliness, Brooding/Agitated Thorin, Judgmental Durins/Dwarves
Modern Thorin x my OC
Wk 6 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187312770849/oops
Prompt- Their fingers lace together, a perfect fit.
Warning – Deliriously tired oc/actor first meeting
Richard Armitage x my OC
Wk 7 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187491801834/glass-heart-pt-3
Prompt – It was just one layer on a grander masterpiece.
Warning – Stubborn opinionated Dwarves – Use of Graveyard - RaeLynn
Modern Thorin x my OC
Wk 8 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187603035064/tiny-treasure-pt-2
Prompt – Why…
Smaug x Reader
Wk 9 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187760990824/glass-heart-pt-4
Prompt - The screams echoed around the room creating a cacophony of emotion.
Modern Thorin x Reader OC
Wk 10 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/187887000929/echo
Prompt - I love you
Thranduil x oc
Wk 11 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/188045446164/echo-pt-2
Prompt – “My pain can not be measured by scales, or cups, or distance, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.”
Thranduil x oc
Wk 12 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/188171778454/glass-heart-pt-5
Prompt wk 12 - “You’re a hot ticket, my friend.”
Warning – More angst – Use of More of you – Josh Groban
Modern Thorin x my OC
Wk 13 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/188323984484/glass-heart-pt-6
Prompt – Look at me, dammit!
Modern Thorin x oc
Wk 14 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/188471715519/glass-heart-pt-7
Prompt Wk 14 - “I can’t prove anything, but I would have thought our friendship would have awarded me the courtesy of your trust.”
Modern Thorin x oc
Wk 15 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/188657308634/glass-heart-pt-9
Prompt - “Your sarcasm is not only unnecessary, but unwanted.”
Wk 16 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/188814093599/loki-baby
Prompt wk 16 - “If the stars fell from the sky, it is because they are weeping because I received your love and they did not.”
Loki x Reader OC
Pt 2 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/188859583274/loki-baby-pt-2
Wk 17 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/189020455089/loki-baby-pt-3
“You only stayed 15 minutes? Are you kidding me?”
Wk 18 -https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/189228281099/loki-baby-pt-4 
 “What does it mean?” 
“You’re not ready to know what it means.” 
  Wk 19 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/189387350934/loki-baby-pt-5
“…I forgot it in my room…”
Wk 20 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/189539911034/loki-baby-pt-6
“Oh, my dear. You have nothing to apologize for.”
Wk 21 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/189686118459/loki-baby-pt-7
“This isn’t working, is it?”
Wk 22 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/189827939029/loki-baby-pt-8
The beauty of the moment may have faded, but the joy was still there.
Wk 23 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/189933763019/broken-bridges
When the dust settled and all sound was gone, he wept.
Wk 24 – https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/190080218259/loki-baby-pt-9
It was a word she thought she would say again. “Home.”
Wk 25 - 33   Loki Baby Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 -
Wk 34 - 37 - x Glorfindel x (Secret Fae) OC
Fair Pear - 
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4
Wk 38 - 41 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/617098404399628288/high-ground
x Thranduil x Reader OC
Wk 42 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/617304114871795712/collateral
x Loki x Reader OC
Wk 43 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/618460432677666816/logical
No pairing - Company centered ramble
Wk 44 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/618638551240884224/logical-pt-2
No pairing - Company, Tauriel, Smaug in this one (Cont. of wk 43)
Wk 45 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/619906887409942528/permission
x Ronan Partners/Accidental courting
Wk 46 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/619997508259708928/leap-year
No pairing - Company
Wk 47/48 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/621265852876144640/blue-eyes
x Loki
Wk 49 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/621824838159532032/glass-heart-pt-10
x Thorin Modern au x Glass Blower oc
Wk 50 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/622987216813244416/the-fireman
x Glorfindel/Thranduil x Fallen to Middle Earth OC
Wk 51 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/623077795122298880/butterflies
x Logan (Wolverine)
Wk 52 - https://blankdblank.tumblr.com/post/623544395597217792/which-king-pt-2
Possible future Glorfindel x Reader OC Queen of Mordor/Angmar/Cirith Ungul
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S1E7: I Will Kick No More Forever/The Kid Came Back
It was bound to happen eventually, but these two were...not as good as the others? I don’t know, y’all. I didn’t feel fulfilled or inspired watching this pair of episodes. But I tried...for one of them, anyway.
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I Will Kick No More Forever
Well, okay, there was one inspiring thing. Gretchen and Gus doing commentary for the kickball games made me think they should probably do a podcast together. So here’s a sports podcast that happens to be about the plot of this episode!
(I’m just going to write this all at once and see what happens. I have only ever written TV scripts, so I’m just winging it. Forgive me.)
GRETCHEN: I’m Gretchen Grundler.
GUS: And I’m Gus Griswald.
GRETCHEN: And this is “I am in Sports.”
[theme music]
[theme music fades]
[nat sound: kickball noises]
GRETCHEN: Kickball. Or as it’s known in most of Canada, “soccer baseball.” A sport of humble origins, and today, one of the most popular recess games in the United States.
GUS: You might not know all the names of some of the great kickballers in the storied history of the sport, but today, we’d like to introduce you to one in particular who took the playground by storm.
[nat sound fades]
ANNOUNCER (SOT): “Here comes Vince ‘The Foot’ LaSalle!”
ANNOUNCER 2 (SOT): “Kicks lefty, throws righty...”
ANNOUNCER 3 (SOT): “And that ball’s not coming back! A home run!”
ANNOUNCER 4 (SOT): “The undisputed, single greatest kicker that Third Street School has ever seen.”
GRETCHEN: Vince LaSalle. A fourth-grader in name only, he made everyone from kindergarteners to sixth-graders quiver in their kickball shoes whenever he stepped up to the plate.
GUS: His trajectory was storied. He was the only known kindergartener in Third Street School history to be invited to play with the first-grade kickball team, and by second grade, he was challenging sixth-graders to play.
GRETCHEN: This confidence was impressive. Inspiring, even. But it wasn’t meant to last.
VINCE (SOT): “Okay, everyone! Outfield in!”
GRETCHEN: It was a regular Tuesday, bottom of the ninth inning. Recess would be over in about two minutes. Ashley Q. was at the plate, fresh off a phone call, and Vince made the call to bring the outfield in.
GUS: It would be the last time anyone on the playground would trust him for a long time.
ANNOUNCER 5 (SOT): “That ball is up! And up! And up! Good golly, that ball is gone! It’s out of this world! Ashley Q., ladies and gentlemen!”
- SOT -
VINCE (on phone): “It was...horrible.”
GUS: “Horrible?”
VINCE: “When you make a call like that, bringing the outfield in, bringing everyone in, you don’t...that’s not what’s supposed to happen.”
GUS: “What is supposed to happen?”
VINCE: “Well, the opposite of that.”
GRETCHEN: The next day, Third Street School received a long distance call — very long-distance. This call was from a busy street in Beijing, China.
PRINCIPAL PRICKLY (SOT, on phone): “They said they found our ball. I was like, what? What ball? And the man on the phone explained, you know, your ball. It says your school’s name right here.”
GRETCHEN: Ashley Q. had recorded the longest kick the school had ever seen. And Vince? Well, he didn’t take it so well.
- SOT -
VINCE (on phone): “I just started whiffing.”
GUS: “Whiffing?”
VINCE: “Everything. Just, missing everything. The next game, you know, the ball would be rolled to me just like usual. Kicked it right back into the pitcher’s hands. Kicked it foul. Missed it entirely.”
GUS: “What about after that game?”
VINCE: [sighs] “You know what’s worse than being picked last?”
GUS: “Not really. I’m picked last a lot.”
VINCE: “Have you ever not been picked at all?”
GUS: “Wow, no. How did that make you feel?”
VINCE: [laughs] “Well, after that, I left the sport.”
[brooding music]
VINCE (SOT): “I am announcing my retirement from kickball. I will kick no more, forever.”
[brooding music fades]
GRETCHEN: Vince was distraught. Even though he was sure in his decision to leave the sport he loved, he didn’t take the transition well.
GUS: We visited him after school one day — a day he’d missed, we weren’t sure why — and found him in front of the TV, drinking root beer and eating doughnuts. It wasn’t pretty.
GRETCHEN: He kept repeating something, we didn’t know what at first. We tried to ask him to speak more slowly, articulate, enunciate. And then Gus finally figured it out.
GUS: “I was outkicked by an Ashley.” Over and over again. Just...gut punch.
- SOT -
GRETCHEN: “So we are...in my bedroom right now. Me, Gus, TJ, everyone. And I just showed them [crash in background] — Guys, what was that?”
TJ: “Sorry. Lost control of the Flubber again.”
GRETCHEN: “Glorp. It’s called glorp.”
TJ: “Yeah, whatever it is, it’s awesome. This should do the trick.”
GUS: It was supposed to be a science fair project, right?
GRETCHEN: Yes, it was one of my attempts to invent a substance to replace liquid soap. But what I got instead was a bouncy...well...glorp.
GUS: And remind me what the plan was?
GRETCHEN: The plan was to create a diversion and switch out the kickball with the glorp ball. It’s much easier to kick, and it goes a lot farther. We just wanted to give Vince his confidence back, even if we had to bend the truth a little to do it.
GUS: My job was to switch the ball after Mikey and TJ created the diversion, from the kickball to the glorp ball.
[spy music]
- SOT -
MIKEY: “My foot! My foot!”
TJ: “Mikey! Are you okay? Can you play?”
MIKEY: “No! But if I don’t play, you’ll have to forfeit!”
TJ: “I’m sure there’s someone else we can use.”
[spy music fade]
GRETCHEN: [laughing] Okay, it was a bad plan. It was not the best plan. But it worked.
ANNOUNCER 6 (SOT): “What’s this? Vince LaSalle, disgraced kickballer, appears to be coming out of retirement to replace the injured Mikey!”
TJ (SOT, on phone): “I was just trying to tell him, like, ‘If you don’t kick, we’ll lose the game,’ and he goes, ‘Yeah, well, get used to it.’ And I go, ‘Well, the only thing that makes you a loser is not trying.’ And it did the trick.”
ANNOUNCER 6 (SOT, CONT.): “He’s kicking righty today, maybe a revamped routine to make this try at his career go a little better, and...Oh my! Oh my word! That ball is gone! It’s in the stratosphere! It’s past the stratosphere! Where is that ball! No one knows, but Vince LaSalle has done it! He’s won the game!”
GRETCHEN: Here’s the thing. We all felt incredibly guilty after the fact. Because it was just the glorp ball. It wasn’t Vince. And still, we couldn’t tell him. But then it turned out we didn’t have to tell him.
GUS: I remember this moment so well. I was running back from the bathroom, wondering why the game was over.
GRETCHEN: And we were wondering why you were out of breath. You weren’t the one who had just kicked the ball into parts unknown. But then we learned the reason was...
GUS: I didn’t make the switch. I went to the bathroom, left the glorp ball outside, and when I came back, it was gone.
GRETCHEN: Vince had done it all on his own. His confidence was real.
[SOT - “Vince! Vince! Vince!”]
GRETCHEN: The world’s greatest kickballer was back in business.
[fade SOT]
[theme music]
- SOT -
[phone rings]
HAROLD STEVENS: “Hey, Principal Prickly, this is Harold Stevens at NASA. Look, I just wanted to reach out and say we won’t be charging you for the damage because this seems like a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”
PRICKLY: “Excuse me? Damage? What did those kids get up to this time?”
STEVENS: “Oh, well, the kickball dent on the space shuttle. It won’t be a problem.”
PRICKLY: “What?”
[theme music fades]
Takeaway: I need a Gus and Gretchen podcast YESTERDAY.
The Kid Came Back
Look, everyone. The previous recap was so long, and I don’t want to overshadow it by going too deep into this one. This episode was just...a baby thriller, you know what I mean? All the elements of a creepy story tailor-made for kids, but absolutely no payoff. It was an insult, frankly.
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In short, a kid no one has seen before starts following the gang around, and bad things start happening to them. They decide it’s because of the kid, so they tell him to buzz off, and he starts crying. The gang’s takeaway is that, oops, our bad luck wasn’t caused by this kid! And so they go apologize, and then they learn he has other friends anyway. The lesson is not to tell kids to buzz off...or so we thought, until another mysterious girl shows up at the very end and the gang runs away from her immediately so as to not engage. We never learn what’s causing their bad luck.
Just...skip this one. I hope the next one is better and that we’re not rolling down an infinitely long hill. Who haven’t we checked in with in a while? Have we had a TJ-centered episode yet? I’d be fine with that.
Takeaway: I need to tighten up my scriptwriting so I don’t run out of steam before even getting the chance to make fun of a bad episode, lol.
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quicklyseverebird · 5 years
Question for pro-choicers cont
*previous post inserted since the poster has apparently blocked me from reposting.  Or maybe tumblr is acting up again….*
You claim that abortion is murder and, in the same breath, that you intend no moral judgment about the intentionally cherry-picked most repugnant of the reasons people commit murder. How convincing! The joke is that you have the exact same moral hierarchy since you too believe that bodily autonomy may be exercised for bigoted reasons.
Imagine not understanding the concept of “for the sake of argument.”Pro-choicers don’t actually concede the point on fetal personhood, they assume it for the sake of argument with anti-abortionists because it doesn’t actually matter either way. It’s an argumentative tactic, not a concession, but keep imagining you’ve scored the point if it helps you feel better.
Lethal self-defense may be used to prevent death or great bodily harm. You want to talk about great bodily harm? I have a four-inch scar across my lower abdomen from a C-section to deliver the three-year-old that’s playing next to me right now. Earlier in my pregnancy I had a brief cancer scare whose treatment I was going to put off until after birth to avoid harming the fetus. And mine was a HEALTHY pregnancy–I was lucky enough that it wasn’t cancer, and I had no more than the “normal” symptoms in pregnancy. I worked out every day, climbing 15 flights of steps. I still had to write much of my Ph.D. thesis in bed because sitting up was so hard and when my due date came I was in labor for three days, feeling like I was being ground under a wheel the whole time, and in the end I had to get an emergency C-section. I had a hard time moving for weeks. And this was with all the latest technology available.
Great bodily harm? You bet your ass, son. I took on all of this willingly because I wanted a baby with all my heart and that was the only reason I could bear it. Forcing ANY of the above on someone who doesn’t want it when it can be safely prevented is fucking monstrous. ���Imagined peril?” Yeah, right. I’m sure I’m imagining my entire pregnancy and birth and the kid. And mine was, again, a healthy pregnancy where almost everything went well and I had access to the best medical technology and humane medical care. No one can tell when something is going to go wrong in pregnancy and childbirth, and even if nothing goes “wrong” it is significantly taxing and injurious on the body.
Hmm soooo your analogy of abortion to putting a gun to someone’s head is total bullshit and you’re not okay with pregnant people changing or otherwise impacting their OWN bodies in order to end their pregnancies, either? So now you’re resorting to the intent to end the fetus’s life instead of the specific method used. Even if the primary intent is to end the pregnancy and the fetus’s death is a corollary to that, much like the person who refuses a blood or bone marrow donation, right? Does your back hurt to carry around the goalposts like that?
No, the people who use desperate and injurious means to try and end their pregnancies are distraught because people like you denied them a safe and dignified abortion. I’ve noticed before that anti-abortionists think women (while keeping the caveat that not all people who can get pregnant are women, not that most of your crowd admits it) have to be literally crazy not to want to have a baby and you’re sure that if we just knew the truth we wouldn’t do it. Nope, some of us just don’t want to have a baby, because some people with uteruses don’t! Get that through your head lol.
Also, self-defense doesn’t require the fetus be at blame in order to be justified, and here is where your fallacious and disingenuous conflation of conceding personhood for the sake of argument and actually conceding personhood does actual harm. We know, like anyone with the most basic understanding of the world knows, that the fetus does not mean harm and cannot mean to do anything. Their lack of intent does nothing to lessen the actual harm of pregnancy, however, because intent does not equal impact.
Also your coward’s way to wriggle out of the politically inexpedient specter of forcibly hospitalizing and jailing abortion clients is to infantilize and condescend to women instead of demonizing us. Lmaooooo because that’s so much humanizing. Not. This is what it looks like when you don’t have the strength of your own conviction and resort to sexism instead. Too bad, because your fellow “pro-lifers” are indeed jailing women for miscarriages and suicide attempts (link). I’m sure you’re upset by that because these women are just victims, right? Nah you’re not, you’re just out there electing the people who do this, who cut public support for women and babies (CPCs don’t count lmao like abortion scaremongering, diapers, and useless ultrasounds done by unlicensed personnel are enough support to have and raise a baby?? [link]), who make life precarious for families so fewer people will WANT to have babies, and making sure more women will be injured and die from unsafe abortions. Mission accomplished!
      “The joke is that you have the exact same moral hierarchy since you too believe that bodily autonomy may be exercised for bigoted reasons.”
And you got this from my post….how exactly?  No seriously, explain this.
“Pro-choicers don’t actually concede the point on fetal personhood, they assume it for the sake of argument with anti-abortionists because it doesn’t actually matter either way. It’s an argumentative tactic, not a concession, but keep imagining you’ve scored the point if it helps you feel better.”
Well since I’ve heard members of your group state outright that they know and accept (with no handy little “for argument’s sake” caveats included mind you) the unborn child is a person, etc, would kind of undermine that notion.  Unless you’re now saying you’re lying.  And of course, for your whole argument of self-defense to fly, they must be persons/actors as well to defend yourself against…  But sure, backpedal if it helps you feel better.
32 hour labor, followed by C-section as well, followed by infection and adhesions here.  High five, sister.  Yet I remind you, that your entire argument for self-defense involves criminalizing an unborn child.  A child that had no say in being where it was or what is happening to it.  A natural, biological process.  The vast majority of which were placed there consensually.  I know you always like to go to the extreme cases of rape, incest, medical emergencies etc to make your point, but those are a minuscule fraction of abortion cases.  I’m sorry, you do not get to say, “oops, I didn’t mean that to happen” and then use that, with the natural results of said actions to kill another person. No.  You don’t.  That is sick and perverse.  A life is in your hands because of your own choices.  You DO NOT have the right to kill it because you don’t like the consequences.  Does that mean discomfort, yes.  Does that even mean a chance of medical complications like we both faced?  Yes.  Life is hard. It means having to deal with the results of your actions, even when those involve pain and discomfort.  I don’t get to murder someone because there is a chance I might break my leg.  I’m sorry, I do not see murder—and I maintain it is murder, not self defense—as a viable option.  The fact you do, I find disturbing.
 “Hmm soooo your analogy of abortion to putting a gun to someone’s head is total bullshit and you’re not okay with pregnant people changing or otherwise impacting their OWN bodies in order to end their pregnancies, either? So now you’re resorting to the intent to end the fetus’s life instead of the specific method used. Even if the primary intent is to end the pregnancy and the fetus’s death is a corollary to that, much like the person who refuses a blood or bone marrow donation, right? Does your back hurt to carry around the goalposts like that?”
 I’m not okay with people taking actions to deliberately end their unborn child’s life.  No.  The specific method never mattered, only the outcome and intent.  I don’t see how I ever gave you reason to think I believed otherwise.  Where did I do so?  My goalposts have never moved.  Every example you gave was a deliberate attempt to kill their child.  It’s no different than whether someone chooses to burn or drown their child after birth.  The child ends up dead both ways, the means is secondary.  I honestly don’t understand the reasoning behind most of this paragraph.  “if the primary intent is to end the pregnancy and the fetus’s death is a corollary to that”  Ummm, if the primary intent is to end the pregnancy…that is literally the same thing as killing the fetus, not a corollary.  By definition.  Did you miss-type this?  
Unless you mean re: the gun analogy.  Okay then if so.  No, I do not think refusing a blood/marrow transfusion is the same as actively killing another life.  Is there a fine distinction?  Absolutely. Lack of action vs deliberate action. Ethics is hard, like life. There are grey areas.  Do I believe a person, capable of providing blood or marrow to help another person, should do so if they can?  Absolutely.  I’m listed as an organ donor, was a blood donor for years, and was recently tested to see if I could donate a kidney.  Do I feel the state has the right to force that?  No.  That is not the same as, “I don’t want the discomfort and difficulty this other life might bring me, because of actions I took, therefore I will make a conscious decision to end its life rather than deal with the known, understood consequences.”
 “No, the people who use desperate and injurious means to try and end their pregnancies are distraught because people like you denied them a safe and dignified abortion.”
 “A safe and dignified abortion.”  Wow.  Just...wow.  When you reach for the moon, you really go for it!  And no. You don’t get to pawn other people’s bad decisions, born of a whole spectrum of backstories and circumstances, onto the pro-life crowd.  That’s intellectually dishonest and you know it.  Their reasons are legion.  And I sincerely doubt any of those underlying issues would be solved by abortion. Please, can your brush get any broader before you need a crane to lift it?
 “Nope, some of us just don’t want to have a baby, because some people with uteruses don’t! Get that through your head lol.”
Then…simple solution…  Don’t take action that can result in the creation of another life.  Get that through your head lol.
“Also, self-defense doesn’t require the fetus be at blame in order to be justified… Their lack of intent does nothing to lessen the actual harm of pregnancy, however, because intent does not equal impact.”
I see.  So it gets to die because you were…scared/etc?  It’s not to blame, but you don’t like the consequences, so yup, it has to die. Yes.  That sounds so much better.  “intent does not equal impact.”  When your intent ends with another life’s ending, that’s a very real impact and a very real harm.  But that’s okay here because...you want it to be?  Who needs the self-defense argument more, I wonder?  The mother or the child?  Seems like the only rule here is the argument from power.  Where the person with power gets to determine what is right.  That’s a scary hill to take your stand on.
“Also your coward’s way to wriggle out of the politically inexpedient specter of forcibly hospitalizing and jailing abortion clients is to infantilize and condescend to women instead of demonizing us. Lmaooooo because that’s so much humanizing. Not.”
 Coming from someone whose position is to, in essence, demonize and dehumanize unborn children in order to justify killing them for the sake of your own convenience like every genocidal advocate ever, this rings a little hollow. Especially with the body count you’ve racked up so far.  Nice straw man though.
 And wow, one cherry-picked account of a terrible miscarriage of justice and a CA law to crack down on centers providing help and alternatives to abortion (though I do concede that using misleading, and deliberate lies to ‘fight the good fight’ is wrong, and any center that does it—“half” according to that article--should stop immediately.)  Wow, you got me there! /end sarcasm  
Yes, we’re people too, who also make mistakes, and we form a huge spectrum of views of what is acceptable and what is not in this cause, just like your side does.  If I cared to enter the mines, you know very well I could come up with plenty of counter cherry-picked examples from your camp. Women being lied to about their pregnant state, their options, the nature of their pregnancy and the very real medical risks of abortion, deliberately pushing abortions for monetary gain, husbands/boyfriends/parents forcing them to have abortions, and so on. Do I need to do so, or do you have the intellectual honestly to admit those happen too?  
Sexism? Oh please. At least be original with your slogans.
But if you want to compare notes, only one of our sides is responsible for supporting and enabling 45.7 million dead babies between 1970 and 2015 in the US alone.  The body count is clearly in your favor.  And I know you can’t possibly be so naïve as to think diapers or those crisis centers are all the pro-life movement do.  Or do I really need to link to the lists of many many many other programs and help made possible by our side?  And what do you put your money to anyways?  Oh yeah, pink pussy hats and placards.  One side promotes and encourages life, one side promotes murder and death and spreads known lies about the “millions of babies killed in back-alley abortions!” (see https://www.hli.org/resources/doesnt-legal-abortion-save-women-filthy-back-alley-abortion-mills/  )   See!  I can use hyperbole and innuendo too! :D
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Man City aren’t in crisis despite Norwich shock. PLUS: Bayern’s Bundesliga dominance is under threat
There’s lots to talk about in this week’s Monday Musings following a wild weekend. Gab Marcotti is here to recap the big stories around soccer.
Jump to: No crisis yet for Man City | End of Bayern’s dominance? | Fati masks Barca’s issues | Juventus get lucky | Neymar gets rude welcome | Arsenal woe continues | | Neville harsh on Man United? | Chelsea’s youth movement | Dortmund ready for Barca | Odegaard dazzling for Sociedad | Why Firmino’s so special | Conte, Inter keep winning | The sad story of #BlueGirl
Sky isn’t falling for Man City despite Norwich shock
One of the more odd decisions this past summer was Manchester City not replacing Vincent Kompany. “Replace” is perhaps too strong a word. You can’t “replace” him but you can bring in another live body to give you an alternative at centre-back and provide some competition for John Stones and Nicolas Otamendi.
– Ogden: Man City might regret inspiring Liverpool – Miller: Have Norwich shown the league how to beat City? – ESPN’s Ultimate XI: This team would win everything
Many of us pointed this out but hey, it’s Pep Guardiola, so you naturally offer the benefit of the doubt. He must know something we don’t. Maybe Fernandinho (at 34) can fill in too. Maybe Eric Garcia is ready. Maybe Kyle Walker can slide across. Maybe Aymeric Laporte is Iron Man and will never get injured. (Oops: we already know that’s not the case.)
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Pep Guardiola’s side looked vulnerable in Saturday’s shock defeat at Norwich but there’s still a lot of time left for them to get their balance back.
It’s not that Otamendi and Stones are bad defenders, it’s that the way City play can leave them vulnerable, which is pretty much what happened against Norwich in their 3-2 defeat. There’s a price you pay for choosing to play a certain way and evidently, for City it’s one worth paying. The problem is this is a low-scoring sport. Scoring goals is difficult and ideally, you want to make conceding them as difficult as possible for the opposition. With those two back there and this setup, it’s that much easier for them.
Updated Luck Index: Man City continue to be unfortunate
No, the sky isn’t falling. Even in this game, Man City could have grabbed the three points with a bit more luck. Nor will they always face someone as motivated and as intense as Daniel Farke’s crew who, severely depleted by injuries, went all out with nothing to lose. But the reality is that the gap separating them from Liverpool is already at five points, and the last time that happened was back in January.
Is time running out on Bayern’s Bundesliga dynasty?
Is this the year someone in the Bundesliga topples Galactus (read: Bayern)?
Leipzig had their audition on Saturday, holding the champions to a 1-1 draw. The result keeps Julian Nagelsmann’s crew top of the league with Bayern fourth, two points back. But other than the usual drive and running you’d expect from Leipzig — and, after the break, the character that wasn’t always there last season — I’m not sure we quite saw enough to predict they’ll prevail over the marathon that is a whole season.
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Thomas Muller, right, and Bayern were forced to settle for a point vs. RB Leipzig thanks to some familiar flaws that manager Niko Kovac has yet to fix.
In fact, a lot of it had to do with Bayern’s deficiencies. Having gone ahead early thanks to the age-old Thomas Mueller-Robert Lewandowski connection, they failed to capitalise on their lead despite having the upper hand for much of the first half. Joshua Kimmich in central midfield alongside Thiago Alcantara gave them a bit more control against the press, but they were sterile in the final third. Leipzig deserved their equalizer after a bad error from Lucas Hernandez (the sort that prompts you to say “He cost how much?”) and while late chances meant it could have gone either way, there wasn’t too much separating these two.
The difference? Well, you try to imagine how they can get better and you can see far bigger margins for growth at the Bayern end. Nagelsmann can conjure up some more tactical voodoo, Emil Forsberg might last 90 minutes, Kevin Kampl might be fit again and maybe they’ll get something out of Patrik Schick. But it’s slim pickings.
As for Bayern, Nico Kovac lost David Alaba to injury in the warm-up. But he still has Philippe Coutinho, who only came on with two minutes to go, and Ivan Perisic, who stayed rooted to the bench: presumably both were signed for a reason. The question, really, is how much faith you have in Kovac.
Fabulous Fati obscures Barca’s issues
Ansu Fati, already the third-youngest goal scorer in the history of La Liga, got his first start for Barcelona on Saturday against Valencia and set the Camp Nou alight inside 10 minutes. He scored with a confident, accurate finish, set up a goal for Frenkie de Jong and came close to scoring two more times. Oh yeah, in case you didn’t know, the kid doesn’t turn 17 until Halloween.
His emergence, and that of Carles Perez, means that Lionel Messi (who was in the stands) and Luis Suarez (who came on and scored twice) can come back into the team in their own time. But equally, despite the gaudy scoreline (5-2) and the excitement over Fati, there is still plenty for Ernesto Valverde to work on.
Valencia are a mess right now (thanks, Peter Lim!), having sacked Marcelino and replaced him with Albert Celades. And they still stayed in the game thanks to Kevin Gameiro, falling apart only after Jasper Cillessen‘s mistake for the third Barca goal. Suarez, looking sharp and hungry (no, not in that way), later added two to put the game out of reach.
Defensively, Barca looked far from solid, not just at the back but also in midfield; the fact that it was the first choice trio of De Jong, Arthur and Sergio Busquets doesn’t bode well.
Juventus get lucky vs. Fiorentina
There’s a ton of ancient bad blood between Fiorentina and Juventus. Throw in the enthusiasm that new owner Rocco Commisso has engendered within the Viola organization, the fact that it was Maurizio Sarri’s official post-pneumonia debut and especially the fact that the visitors lost Douglas Costa, Miralem Pjanic and Danilo through injury during the match (and the first two are especially key to the way they play) and perhaps Juve should be happy with a point.
Why? They were poor for much of the game against an opponent who treats the match as if it was the Champions League final and “Avengers: Endgame” rolled into one. Sarri later blamed the heat of a mid-afternoon kickoff, which is a bit hard to stomach since presumably Fiorentina felt just as hot. It might have been better to just take it on the chin, be grateful for the point and move on.
PSG fans will take time to welcome Neymar back
Neymar made his first appearance of the season for Paris Saint-Germain at the weekend and was greeted, predictably, with boos and insults. It’s what you expect when, after pledging your loyalty to the club, you go out of your way to force a move back to Barcelona. So what did he do? Easy, he scored a “worldie” deep in injury time to secure the three points against Strasbourg.
– Laurens: The definitive story of the Neymar saga
“I expected it, but in the end I forced them to applaud,” he said afterwards, adding that every game will now feel like an away match.
He made his bed, he can lie in it now and won’t get much sympathy. But at the very least, he deserves recognition for the professionalism he showed Saturday. Whether he’ll ever get love from the Ultras given what happened is unclear but that doesn’t mean they can’t reach some mutually beneficial relationship.
What’s obvious is that if you’re Thomas Tuchel, you’re glad he’s back.
Arsenal’s issues are self-inflicted
The statistics say Arsenal conceded 23 shots on goal in the second half against Watford on Sunday. That’s one every two minutes and it’s frankly hard to do. It’s especially tough when you go in at half-time with a two-goal lead, one which, based on what we saw in the first half, was likely more than generous. And yes, they ended up settling for a 2-2 draw.
You can focus on individuals — Matteo Guendouzi, Sokratis Papastathopoulos, David Luiz — all you like and there’s another statistic floating around that says that since the start of last season no team has made more errors leading directly to opposition goals than Arsenal. But this is a team issue.
If you have error-prone players, you design tactical systems that protect them and don’t expose them. That’s just basic. And that’s on Unai Emery.
Real nearly throw it away before PSG trip
It’s a sign of Real Madrid’s current state that even after playing well, creating plenty of chances and racing to a 3-0 lead at home to Levante, they still required a last-ditch save from Thibaut Courtois to retain their three points. In the cold light of day, you’d look at this performance, note Madrid’s domination, the fact that the goals conceded were against the run of play and chalk up the 3-2 scoreline to the randomness of football. And you might even celebrate Eden Hazard‘s debut and look forward to what is next.
Instead, it’s all fraught nerves ahead of the trip to the Parc des Princes to face Paris Saint-Germain in midweek. Context matters, possibly because we’re in mid-September and we have no real idea what Zinedine Zidane has in mind.
Neville a bit harsh on Man United?
Manchester United squeezed out a victory over Leicester City, but I was struck by Gary Neville’s comments suggesting Ole Gunnar Solskjaer should get at least three more transfer windows “to clean up the trash in the dressing room, because there is trash in there.”
I have a lot of time for Neville, but I was wondering to whom he’s referring given a summer of significant departures. Of the guys who are most frequently targeted as “trash” (or “weeds,” to use another of his terms), Eric Bailly, Phil Jones and Marcos Rojo haven’t played this year. Fred has been on the pitch for 24 minutes, Nemanja Matic has started one game. Who does he mean? Paul Pogba? Anthony Martial? Juan Mata?
I’m also not sure about the comparisons with Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool and how it took him time to produce. He reached a Europa League final after taking over in October and finished fourth the following year. Plus, he had a rather more credible résumé than Solskjaer did. By all means, give him time, but set credible targets and deadlines too.
Why Chelsea’s youth movement feels different
Chelsea’s 5-2 away win to Wolves brings their seasonal goals total to 11 and all of them scored by Academy graduates. Fikayo Tomori, Andreas Christensen, Tammy Abraham and Mason Mount all started at Molyneux and all look poised to play a big part in Chelsea’s season. With more homegrown players — Ruben Loftus-Cheek and Callum Hudson-Odoi, possibly Reece James too — set to return from injury, there could be as many as seven of them in Frank Lampard‘s XI at some point.
What sets this group apart, though, is the fact that apart from Christensen, who joined at 16, the others have all been affiliated with the club since before they were 10 years old. We often play fast and loose with the homegrown label since so many clubs (including Chelsea, of course) cherry-pick top talent from elsewhere at 16, stick them in the Academy for a year or two and then count them as “club-trained.” Technically, that’s true but with these guys, it’s different.
Dortmund look ready for Barcelona
“Bouncebackability” isn’t a real word, but it applies here. Borussia Dortmund had a whole international break to stew over the humiliating 3-1 defeat to newly promoted Union Berlin and with Kai Havertz and Bayer Leverkusen rolling into town, the potential for aftereffects was still high. Instead, we got one of the most dominating Dortmund performances in recent memory. At the attacking end, Marco Reus got his mojo back, Jadon Sancho popped up with his usual two assists and Paco Alcacer scored in his eighth consecutive game, including internationals.
Roll on, Barcelona, this Tuesday.
Odegaard continues to dazzle
Martin Odegaard made his international debut for Norway at 15 years of age and moved to Real Madrid six months later. Too much, too soon? It felt that way to many, given he failed to establish himself at youth level and later spent two years on loan. But players develop at different speeds, and having rocketed to the international stage, he was due a breather.
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This year, he’s on loan at Real Sociedad, where he’s already scored twice and, on Saturday night against Atletico Madrid, was arguably man of the match. He doesn’t even turn 21 until December, but it feels as if this could be the year it all comes together for him. Watch this space.
Meanwhile, for Atletico, the 2-0 defeat reinforces what we already know: losing four or five starters in a summer is tricky to metabolize and there will be days like this when Diego Simeone’s tinkering leads nowhere.
Why Roberto Firmino is so unique
My former colleague Matthew Syed, writing in The Times, made the point that Roberto Firmino appears to have 360-degree vision, a bit like those owls, whose heads seem to swivel all the way around. It’s not hard to see why, given his performance in Liverpool’s 3-1 win over Newcastle.
Some see him as a prototype of a modern center-forward, the “false nine” who is more creator than finisher. That certainly fits with Firmino’s strengths though another, equally formidable strength is the intensity and intelligence of his pressing game. But I’m not sure he’s a prototype of anything.
Most of Europe’s top teams — from Barcelona to Manchester City, from Tottenham to Real Madrid, from Bayern to Juventus — still have a genuine centerforward rather than a “false nine” (to use another hipsterish term). In other words, Firmino is not a trend as much as he has a nearly unique, extremely rare skill set, which comes as a result of his past as an attacking midfielder.
Conte keeping expectations down at Inter
Antonio Conte is playing that age-old game straight out of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” — “when you are weak, appear strong and when you are strong, appear weak.” Following Inter’s third win on the bounce (one-nil against Udinese) he said, “We know the game. They build us up now to knock us down later. For us to win the title, other clubs would have to have disastrous seasons.”
– Schoenfeld: Romelu Lukaku talks about his Inter mission
It’s pretty transparent what he’s doing. And yes, Inter aren’t title favorites but he has the strike force he says he wanted (Romelu Lukaku, Lautaro Martinez, Alexis Sanchez), he has two of the best young midfielders in the league (Stefano Sensi and Nicolo Barella) and arguably the best center-back corps. There’s no reason to hide. Own the responsibility.
What needs to happen beyond #BlueGirl
The harrowing tale of Sahar Khodayari, the 29-year-old Iranian woman who set herself on fire (and later died from severe burns) after being sentenced to six months in prison for disguising herself as a man to attend a football match between her team, Esteghlal, and the UAE’s Al-Ain last March, shocked the world.
Like many such stories, it’s more complicated than it appears. There is no written law barring women from entering Iranian stadiums, so she was sentenced for not fully adhering to Islamic hijab laws and covering her head. But equally, since the Islamic revolution 40 years ago, women have been unofficially banned from watching men’s games with very few exceptions, like last November’s Asian Champions League final.
It shouldn’t take the tragic death of a vulnerable person for the world to take notice. The hashtag #BlueGirl is great to raise awareness but it can’t end there, particularly since there has been so much outrage and support for change, even in Iran.
FIFA President Gianni Infantino has pushed Iran on this matter before and the stock answer has been that the “infrastructure” was not yet in place to allow women in on a regular basis. (What infrastructure? Women’s toilets? Surely they have port-a-potties in Iran…) That argument is nonsense as evidenced by the fact that women have been allowed in before. FIFA’s statutes are very clear when it comes to equality and access. They have the power to withhold development money and suspend the Iranian FA.
It’s time to take action and, given the support such action would have within Iran — from much of the population and virtually the entire football world — it feels like a no-brainer.
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trashy-greyjoy · 7 years
Sydnee's Sister watches The 100 (cont.)
She’s on 2x03.
She was more worried about Finn when Clarke closed the dropship, than Bellamy. So that’s a problem…
She hates Kane currently because he arrested Bellamy and “is acting like it’s the ark again”.
She asked if Abby was gonna kill Kane and I for real cackled. Oh honey…
She hates the Arkers pretty much and just wants to watch about the deliquents (her head is in the right place here).
She also pretty much hates all grounders except lincol and anya so we’re doing solid 4th…
She doesn’t love Bellamy as much as I hoped yet which is weird like how can you watch anything past 1x08 and still dislike my boy, but ok…
**conspiracy theory that it’s because my mom is whispering in her ear that he’s awful because she still blames him for Lincoln because she’s an idiot. **
Don’t worry tho, we’ll turn her around.
I’m still shooketh that fucking Finn is her favorite dude. Like… In a world filled with Bellamy, and Lincoln, and Jasper, and you’re gonna love Floppy Hair Collins… Ok.
Raven is her favorite she lives her but lie come on who doesn’t??
Mount Weather is giving her intense anxiety right now.
About Bellamy: “I like how he is with the kids. He loves kids.” homegirl has seen one season and she already knows….
“Murphy’s a dick, but I do really like his sass.” pretty much majority opinion there.
“Just tell me this, are Bellamy and Clarke together yet? Like have they at least kissed? Or done ANYTHING??” // My response: “……. Well….. They hug A LOT….”
“Who’s the girl Clarke escaped with? I like her. I hope they become friends.” (About Anya. Lol oops)
She really loves the octopus but I’m trying my best to plant the seed of doubt in her mind now so that I can convince her she’s actually a demon later on.
Will keep you updated.
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last-name-sanders · 5 years
Cont; This long history,
Believe me I couldn't make this up.
December 26 1977 my 16th birthday. The night I met guy who still to this day the only man I love and have ever loved. To this day 02-02-2019. This night if my 16th birthday is when it all began for me and him. I can remember looking into his dark brown eyes and seeing someone who needed to be loved right. and love him right is what I did from that day until this present day. Yes I have to say it was all on me bout falling completely in love with a guy who made me no promises ever. He never treated me bad or lied to me I knew from the start he was a player. I was fine with who he was.it easy to except him for him my love was not a demanding kind love.he was also 3 years older then me I was a very young just turned 16 year old girl.and he was a very mature 19 year old. he worked a 40 hour work week then and he still does to this day. He could do as he pleased.i still had to be home when my dad said to be home. That's how we got caught-he got caught spending the night with me. He had never been caught because he had to be at work at 6:00 am. My father who was spending night at his girlfriends didn't come back home until 6:30 a.m. no way we would be caught.we thought..it was a Tuesday we ( him and I still talk about it to this day) will never forget.we didn't wake up in time because Tuesdays were his day off he didn't have to go to work and we over slept untill my father woke us up. Thank goodness my father had to leave for work so there was no time to deal with us. Had to wait untill later...it went ok as it could go.my father's girlfriends started stay over at our house from then on. So that really put the breaks on me and him we both still live at home.i wouldn't be 18 for 2 years and he would be 21 in 2 years.and yes being a young 16 now getting closer to 17 was not old enough to handle what he was doing. He didn't hold it against me being young.we would meet now and then here and there and always end up spending the night together. It made me fall more and more in love with him.and by now iam 18 and can stay out all night.and those nights so long ago are like yesterday.so clear in my mind like we are still 18 & 21.he always had money for a room.i think we have stayed in every motel in our home town and any motel with 60 miles from were we lived.its amazing to me how the memory's are so clear and fresh after all the years that have past.it has to be how much I truly love this man.that I hold every moment we have shared so close to my heart and keep alive in me.
This is truly how our long history began. Innocent and pure a 16 year old girl who fell in love for the rest of her life... This is only the beginning..there is almost 40 years now. And I just only started to tell you about our long history...that I couldn't make up.
Our frist date,he took me over to meet his sister,and her 1st husband and there 10 months old son.I was so nervous because his mother was there too.i was so young yet thinking I was so grown up..scared to death is what I was.i wanted to be perfect.the perfect date,woman, friend,lover...I knew then I loved being his woman when I was with him.he always knew I was giving him everything of myself to own for his self and only him...I have always known down in my spirt that I was going to be a homemaker that loved her man and family.yes its very old fashioned beliefs.that we both wanted for our adult life's before we ever met. it was a Hugh building block in the beginning of our foundation.it always something we were sure of.who each ones role is. Oops
I was side tracked from our first date.the house that went to to meet his family...years later became our family home all our children were brought home from the hospital to live and grow in the house of our very first date.our first movie we went to see was Saturday night fever.oh I love that movie.when we would watch it many many times through out the years it is forever timeless and we're 16&19 again and forever....
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twiddlebirdlet · 6 years
I’d like to believe they’re not even friends and never will be because she overdid it with the thirst but don’t forget it took him 4 months and the DW trip at the end of it to finally put an end to her nonsence. If he minded the articles, he’d end whatever it was sooner imo. On the contrary, he helped her spread it. So it looks like whatever
“Oops pushed post button by mistake. I was saying that whatever the reason was for him to cut her off, we don’t really know and all we have is hope he finally saw what kind of person she is and won’t let her get to him again but all we have is hope he learned from his mistakes. I don’t know of I’m ready yet to say we’re in the clear, he let me down once already.”         
I think for many, we’re just going to need more time, and more distance. I know we had around ten months last time before she appeared again, but we can only hope he learned his lesson, and perhaps after awhile, she’ll be a distant memory.
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[Album] B In The Mix (China Unofficial Edition)
Disc 1 01. Toxic (Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix Edit) 02. Me Against The Music [featuting Madonna] (Justice Remix) 03. Touch Of My hand (Bill Hamel Remix) 04. Breathe On me (Jacque Lu Cont’s Thin White Duke Mix) 05. I’m A Slave 4 U (Dave Aude Slave Driver Mix) 06. And Then We Kiss (Junkie XL Remix) 07. Everytime (Valentin Remix) 08. Early Mornin’ (Jason Levins Remix) 09. Don’t Let Me Be The Last To Know (Hex Hector Club Mix Edit) 10. I’m A Slave 4 U 11. Don’t Go Knockin’ On My Door 12. I Love Rock ’N’ Roll 13. Oops!... I Did It Again 14. Can’t Make You Love Me 15. Stronger 16. I Will Be There 17. {You Drive Me) Crazy
Disc 2 01. Someday (I Will Understand) 02. Someday (I WIll Understand) (Instrumental) 03. My Prerogative 04. My Prerogative (Album Version) 05. My Prerogative (Instrumental) 06. Me Against The Music [featuting Madonna] 07. (I’ve Got That) Boom Boom [featuring Ying Yang Twins] 08. Showdown 09. Breathe On Me 10. Early Mornin’ 11. Toxic 12. From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart 13. Boys 14. I’m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman 15. I Will Still Love You [featuring Don Phillip] 16. ...Baby One More Time 17. Outrageous 18. Brave New Girl
Unofficial release in China
There are some mistakes in tracklist
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