#conquete messy
thom-web · 1 year
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ccterm1project · 3 years
Don’t Panic posters, individual analysis.
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Alongside other posters this one could seem bland at first. Due to it’s lack of colour, the name of the artwork is ‘La Conquete De L’air” when translated to English the title is ‘The conquest of the air’ this fits the artwork well as within the image a woman is holding a paper aeroplane. Within the image the only thing we can properly distinguish is the woman who is in the foreground, something to note however is that the only piece of colour coming from the image is coming from the flower in her hair, which is a yellow/beige colour. 
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The next poster I decided to use is most likely the most recognizable poster to come out of Don’t Panic as a whole, this is because it was created by street artist Banksy. Banksy implemented multiple different art styles into this piece including traditional street art and traditional portraiture. Above the boy is a halo which looks to have been recently painted, as well as this next to him is a bucket of paint which is the same colour as the halo. 
The art piece’s name is ‘Forgive us our trespassing’ and when you look at the art the boy looks like he is praying to god, hoping he could be forgiven for trespassing. 
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This piece has been created with a mixture of spray paints, almost in a graffiti  style. The paint makes up a woman’s face in a neutral expression. Multiple different paints have been used to make up the shading of her face, the name of the artwork being ‘Unknown’ could be referring to her gaze, looking out into the unknown. With the image being so zoomed in on her face it makes it hard to pick things out about it, which could also lead back to the title of the art being ‘unknown’ as we don’t know what else could be in the original scene as all we can see is her face.
OPEN - C215
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This piece caught my eye immediately because of the bright and vibrant shades of red. Within the art is two people on a swing, one hugging the other. It’s apparent this art has been drawn on something, more specifically a letterbox. At the top it reads “lettres” which means letters when translated.
The artist C215, is a notorious French street artist who has a history of painting images on letter boxes, the art seems to be drawn with a white fine liner pen and a black pen as well.
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This piece of artwork caught my eye due to it’s layout. The entire layout is just a mix of colours in different strengths, the only visible feature of the artwork is the quote. “From a young age” potentially meaning the messy design could be in correlation to the new generation which has often been looked down upon. The only other visible piece of text is the the artists name along with the text ‘Don’t Panic’
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Within the poster it’s extremely apparent of the use of geometric shapes, along with the eyes flooding the image it makes the art seem busy. Normally when you’re shocked your mind becomes busy along with confused which could explain why there are many different eyes looking in multiple directions. 
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Within the image ‘Chaos’ we can see multiple butterflies flying away from a distorted part of the image, this could be signifying their escape from chaos. As we’re unable to distinguish the rest of the image it’s safe to say this is what has been defined as ‘chaotic’ or what is causing the chaos. Compared to the artists other work this is nothing like what he’s made previously, so the title of the work could mean it was chaos making something he’s not used to. 
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Within the image straight away we can notice how much is going on, this creates an extremely busy atmosphere for the art. Despite the title of the artwork being ‘Food’ there is no sign of anything food related. What we can see is 3 men at the bottom holding up 3 cobras, then on top it’s a collection of different people. The men at the bottom seem more poor than the ones above, so it could be a metaphor for the poor holding up the rich?
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In the artwork we can see multiple different people following a larger person, correlating to title ‘Ritual’ we can see the different people almost bowing down to him and leading him somewhere, almost like he’s a figure for them to follow. The artwork is also a lot more cartoon like than most of the other posters I have spoke about. Being a lot more vibrant in colour.
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In the art ‘Save the apes’ the main focus is the gorilla off to the right. In the background we can see a bright vibrant blue colour for the sky. Along with this we can see some eagles, trees and rocks. This could’ve been a real photo taken turnt into an art piece. The art was most likely a promotional piece for saving the gorillas as they were becoming fewer due to hunters and poachers. 
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