#comic con stop annoying guests at short notice
messrmoonyy · 1 year
Bella Ramsey being announced for comic con has me debating the possibility of unfortunately being sick on March 4th so I have to miss work and go meet Bella
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derryhawkins · 7 years
Growing Fame (1/??)
summary: A modern AU where the losers are semi-famous for different things, and when they all run into each other at a certain event, all of their fans go bat-shit crazy – wanting the seven to spend more time together. What they didn’t expect even more than that, though, was a well-known and mean journalist to write bad reviews on them all. Their growing fame could soon shrink, they quickly realized. warnings: nothing, really; swearing. pairings: not yet decided a/n: I am excited for this, not gonna lie. To sum up the reasont that they’re famous: Most of the losers are YouTubers. Stan, Eddie, and Bill are this funny famous trio who used to be on Vine. Bev is a make up/FX artist. Mike is a singer on YouTube who’s slowly getting famous. Richie’s in a band. & Ben makes educational history vids with the occasional blog of him & Mike together bc they’re bffs. Hope you guys enjoy!! 
oh & this is like 2.4k words, so beware bc its a bit long.
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3
Day Off
Mike Hanlon laid on the couch in his apartment – head propped up by cushion, a guitar on his stomach, clothes mismatched from being lazy, and his golden retriever laying beside the couch while the black cat was curled between his feet. He strummed the guitar and hummed a tune of one of his songs with his eyes closed. He was simply relaxing, enjoying the time by himself with his two lovely pets. He could faintly hear his friend in the guest bedroom, an occasional yell being heard that made Mike halt his strumming for a short second before starting again. The dark skinned male had no idea what his friend was doing but he didn’t matter. He had a day off.
A day off from working his ass off to get his EP done for his fans – a surprise for them, actually. Mike was a singer/song writer on YouTube who had just recently been signed a record label deal for the next five years. He had been working on the EP before, but now it’s basically officially official that it will all happen. The work was tiresome, surprisingly. He stood in a studio all day, singing his heart out, and it was fun, don’t worry, but he just couldn’t help but feel that he needed everything for it to be perfect. Besides, he needed one more song plus the name for the EP and he had no idea what to do for those two things.
He was in a writing slump and all the names for EP he came up with sounded idiotic. But he had to admit that this all beat working at the family farm. He loved it there, too; he loved all the animals and spending time with family. But he also loved music, and once his grandfather agreed that Mike could give the music career a go, he was ecstatic.
Mike halted his strumming and humming once again as the guest bed room flung open. His eyes opened as well when the sound of footsteps were heard to be coming closer, and as Sandy the golden retriever lifted her head. Not too soon later, Ben Hanscom stood in the living room with a fowl expression and crossed arms. It was rare to see Ben so upset at somethings, so Mike quickly sat up.
Ben and Mike had been friends ever since they started college together a couple years ago. At the time, Mike was working on becoming an engineer with the side job of music - just playing at little venues to get the money with the occasional video up on YouTube just like he had done in high school. But once his videos got more popular and as he realized that music could be his career, he focused more on the music. Still, though, he was working on a minor in engineering with a major for general studies. It wasn’t too much to handle.
Ben had become Mike’s roommate. He was in love, and still is, with history. All his life he had been fascinated by it, and he was glad to know Mike didn’t find it annoying; the boy actually agreed. At some point in time he started putting up videos explaining history and doing little cartoons along with it; the first video got pretty popular pretty quickly, surprising both boys, and now two years later Ben has a contract with a company that pays him. He posts explanatory and educational videos of history. He also has a vlog, just posting there once in a while when there’s a longer time period in between videos.
So, the two boys knew each other pretty well. After two years of dealing with each other, becoming close friends, and slowly rising to popularity together, both of them noticed what made the other tick. What made them annoyed, or happy, or scared, or angry. So Mike Hanlon was pretty quick to pick up on Ben Hanscom’s annoyance.
“Dude, everything okay?” Mike asked carefully, making sure not to accidentally kick Salem (yes he named the cat after the black cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch, okay?) as he moved his legs. Salem was quick to leave.
“We need to go to comic con this year.”
Mike stared for a moment before cracking a smile. “Is that why you’re pissed?” He asked.
“Mike, we missed last year, okay? We can’t miss two years in a row! I need to dress up as Star Lord at least once in my life without getting weird looks and to geek over Game of Throwns with other people.”
“I geek about it.”
“You complain about the nudity.”
“Well, I watch the show for the action; not the sex scenes!”
For a few seconds the two twenty year olds were quiet, staring at one another, waiting to see if the conversation was going to turn into a debate that they usually had when Game of Throwns was brought up. Was there too much nudity in the show? Mike often with yes, most of the time, while Ben said it was fine; they once got in an argument about it in a public place and the looks they got made them regret having being so loud about it.
Thankfully, though, neither boy continued on with the subject. Ben uncrossed his arms and shrugged as he said, “Anyway, we’re going to comic con.”
“Alright, fine. Need me to buy the tickets?”
“Ah, no, I have the money. Thanks for offering, though, Mike,” Ben told him.
The taller boy gave a smile and nodded. “Welcome, B.”
“Hey, guys, I have a day off from school and work and editing videos, so here I am doing a live stream! With Stan and Bill!”
“I was forced into this,” Stanley Uris’ voice sounded as he situated himself in front of the propped up phone. He gave a small glare to Eddie Kaspbrak but at seeing the smaller boy smile innocently at him, he rolled eyes and smiled back. “It’s barely started and I already regret this.”
“Aw S-Stan, it won’t even last th-thuh-thirty minutes,” Bill Denbrough said. He refrained from making a face as he stuttered; most of the time he didn’t now a days, but once in a while it would pop up. Stan glanced over at him and shrugged. He had already sat down on the other side of Eddie, one arm thrown around the back of Eddie’s chair and the other in his lap as he held his phone.
The three boys were known for goofing off in front of the camera together on YouTube. It used to be Vines, once upon a time. Bill and Eddie started out there and soon Stan joined and they had both separate accounts and a joint account where they would constantly make stupid yet funny videos together. They got pretty famous, too, so once Vine ceased to exist, they moved on YouTube. Still stupid but funny. Once in a while ranting videos. An occasional vlog here and there. Then the rare live stream, something Eddie decided to do today.
“Anyway, we are here to answer some questions!” Eddie exclaimed, clapping his hands together and giving a smile. “So ask away.”
Bill leaned forward to read one of the many comments.  “ ‘BILL’,” he paused and laughed at the fact that his name was in all caps, “ ‘What’s is like living with Stan and Eddie?’ Oh, wow- o-okay. Not that bad, actually. They’re both nice and neat people. I’m the messy one, they clean up after me a lot.”
“No one likes your dirty socks under the couch, William,” Stan informed him with a teasing attitude. Bill flipped him off but they all laughed.
“ ‘When will Bill’s book be done’?” Stan read the next question. He then turned to look at Bill, who gave a shrug and a nod. Stan nodded back before answering. “Sometime in November! We’re excited about it. Bill won’t let us read it until then, so we’ve been stuck to waiting with you guys.”
“It’s a surprise, idiots,” the tallest male explained.
They then went on and answered more questions. Are you guys going to comic con in 2 weeks? The answer was an enthusiastic yes from all three boys. When will we get another video of Stan with the birds? Stan had answered sometime soon, when the raining whether outside was sunshine instead. Then they got questions about the different types of birds and Stan grinned the entire time answering the ones he could. Then Eddie answered one about how his nursing major was going; despite being popular in the media, Eddie still went to school.
They all did. He didn’t want to be left in the dust, having to work random jobs, when they decide to stop making videos, so he decided nursing would do just fine. Bill majored in English and constantly had papers to write, but still somehow found time to write his upcoming book and make videos with his two friends, even sometimes his little brother, Georgie, back at home. Stan decided to just do general studies but then also decided to minor in World Religions. Between all of that, he also had a wide knowledge of birds.
“ ‘Favorite bands’?” Eddie read one of the comments after complaining about his lack of sleep. “Imagine Dragons,” he quickly answered.
“The Records,” Bill said at the same time, excitement evident on his features and in his voice.
“Who the fuck are The Records?” Stan asked.
Eddie pointed at their Jewish friend, “I’m with Stan on this one.”
Bill grinned. “Remember that guy I told you about who made dick jokes and your mom jokes a lot at my high school?”
“Oh, no,” Eddie groaned with a grimace on his face.
Stanley frowned and rolled his eyes. “Your best friend until you came here?”
“He’s still my best friend! I’m bitter that you guys haven’t met him yet, but he’s in a band called The Records. He’s the lead singer, too, and they’re good. They got a record deal last year and they’ve been getting more popular since.”
“Huh,” came from both Eddie and Stan.
“Maybe I’ll give them a listen,” Stan muttered.
“He sounds annoying from all the things you’ve told us about it. But good for his band, I guess,” Eddie said. He glanced at his phone and chuckled at one of the comments. My aesthetic: Bill gushing about his friends and promoting them. He read it out loud, which just caused everyone to laugh and agree with the fan.
Shortly after, the livestream on Instagram ended and three boys piled out of the apartment and went to dinner.
Richie Tozier was grinning from ear to ear by the end of the live stream that had his best friend in it - the best friend that wasn’t Beverly Marsh, of course. He laughed slightly and laid across his bed. It was no secret that Richie watched every livestream, YouTube video, vlog, or whatever that Bill Denbrough was in; they were best friends in high school and supported each other then. He wasn’t going to stop supporting the guy now just because they lived in different cities.
(And, no, he wasn’t watching the smaller boy’s videos daily; just the one’s with Bill. He didn’t follow Eddie Kaspbrak on all social media platforms, either, no he did not).
(Fucking liar).
Richie went to the message app and sent Bill a text.
to Big Bill: aw bill u sure ur not in love with me???
He got a quick response.
from Big Bill: i’m in love with chicken wings, rich, how many times do we have to discuss this
to Big Bill: until the die I day to Big Bill: wait to Big Bill: until the day I die!
from Big Bill: fucking hell
Richie laughed and exited out of the app. He was about to go onto Twitter, to see if there was any drama regarding anything interesting, when his door flung open to reveal his redheaded best friend standing there with a pissed off expression. Richie raised an eyebrow. She should be on a date; he should be having the rest of the day to himself. He quickly sat up and rolled off of his bed and walked over to Beverly.
“Bev, what happened?” He asked. He could slowly feel himself getting pissed at whatever the situation was.
Beverly Marsh was like his sister and damned be any girl or guy who hurt her feelings. They met a year ago, outside of the a club after being kicked out for being underage. Ever since then, they’ve been inseparable. They got an apartment together not even three months after knowing each other; that’s how well they got along. Of course, though, they got into their little quarrels and fights but not once did they say they hated the other or that they wanted to move out. There was like an unspoken agreement to never say those words.
“Do I need to fight her? I will, just say the word!”
Beverly rolled her eyes yet there was a tiny smile on her lips that soon vanished as quick as it came. The scowl was back and Richie could faintly see tears building up in her eyes. “She didn’t fucking show,” she seethed out finally. “I mean, last time she had actually came and gave an explanation before leaving right after. But this time she fucking- I sat there for nearly two hours! It was humiliating, Rich.”
Richie sighed and extended his arms. “Do you need a hug?”
“No,” Bev shook her head. But she glanced up and slouched her shoulders at seeing the look on Richie’s face. “Fine,” she sighed. She was then instantly pulled into a bone crushing hug by the lead singer of The Records. She didn’t hesitate to hug back. “I’m going to go plan out my next make up video later. Can I do yours again sometime soon?”
“Sure can, Bev. Oh, and guess what I got tickets for today,” Richie told her. A smirk formed on his lips.
Beverly pulled away from the hug and looked up at him after wiping under her eyes. She had blinked back most of the tears but still some leaked out.
“Dude, no way?” She asked, excited about it all even though Richie didn’t actually say the words. They have both been talking about it for days now, not knowing if they could actually get tickets.
“Yes way! Get your costume ready, Miss Marsh, because we’re going to comic con!”
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1250
Monday, February 18, 2019
 It's Family Day here in Ottawa. Not everybody gets a day off for this winter holiday. I have every Monday off so not a big deal for me. I just finished reading a new short story by Charles de Lint called "Horsepower and Medicine" spun off of his last novel "The Wind In His Heart". The story revolves around two young women named Santana and Yirah and how one helps the other open up to the beauty around us all. I am biased when it comes to Charles's writing but I think folks would enjoy his books if they gave them a try.
 Runaways #18 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Kris Anka (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). That Was Yesterday part 6. Yay, the kids save the world from the Giborim again but not before they are betrayed by one of their own. Way to get booted off the team. This might seem like a good place to stop reading this book if you haven't been happy with it but the last page will make you change your mind.
 Thor #10 - Jason Aaron (writer) Mike del Mundo (art) Mike del Mundo & Marco D'Alfonso (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). As we march slowly and inexorably towards The War of the Realms (coming in 2 months!) we take a break and watch Thor and Odin have at each other. The idyllic cover with all-father and son clinking mugs of mead isn't remotely what happens inside. You'll find out where Thor gets his stubborn streak.
 Ironheart #3 - Eve L. Ewing (writer) Geoffo (layouts) Luciano Vecchio (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Riri runs into a new super villain. Midnight's Fire. Never heard of him. He's a master thief, expert martial artist, has magical ability, superior agility, superior strength, and extrasensory perception. Going to be hard to beat, no? The new creative team for  Riri is doing a fine job.
 Criminal #2 - Ed Brubaker (writer) Sean Phillips (art) Jacob Phillips (colours). This issue was a lot of fun because it happens around a comic con in 1997. The guest artist getting a lifetime achievement award is a piece of work. I wonder if he is based on a real person.
 Avengers: No Road Home #1/LGY #708 - Mark Waid, Al Ewing & Jim Zub (writers) Paco Medina (pencils) Juan Vlasco (inks) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). It's lights out in this weekly Avengers adventure (say that five times fast) not only for Earth but the entire universe. Such a huge threat calls for a special assemblage of Avengers. Voyager/Va Nee Gast gathers together a team of heroes to fight the darkness. Here they are in no particular order: Hercules, Rocket Racoon, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Scarlet Witch/Wanda, Vision, Spectrum/Monica Rambeau, Blue Marvel/Adam Brashear, Toni Ho, and The Hulk/Bruce Banner. The art in this is gorgeous and I'm happy that each new issue will be hitting the racks every week. The big bad guy is new to me so I don't have that "here we go again" feeling. Notice the Legacy number? Why have that on the cover? It's just confusing. Avengers #14/LGY #704 came out Feb 6 and Avengers #15/LGY #705 (I'm assuming) hits the racks Feb 20. I suppose Avengers: No Road Home #1/LGY #708 takes place after those Avengers issues and maybe this adventure will be referenced in the regular series. I dunno. It annoys me.
 Wonder Twins #1 - Mark Russell (writer) Stephen Byrne (art) Dave Sharpe (letters). The Super Friends cartoon where these twins first appeared was on TV long after I stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons so I'm not a fan. I can't say I'm a fan of this new comic book either but it's not targeted at old fogies like me. I think younger readers will like it a lot. The art is nice and the plots are not too convoluted. There is a big boo-boo with how Jayna and Zan deal with Mr. Mxyzptlk however. Plus what the heck is up with the Flash in that one panel? Is he a teacher at their high school? Like I said, this comic book is not for old people.
 Magic Order #6 - Mark Millar (writer) Olivier Coipel (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Peter Doherty (letters). There's a good reason for Gabriel's betrayal and it looks like the good guys have lost. But long time comic book fans know better. I loved how this story ends and I look forward to more stories about this magical family. I hope Olivier gets another regular book to draw soon.
 Savage Sword of Conan #1/LGY #236 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Ron Garney (art) Richard Isanove (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). It's not the same in colour and the smaller comic book size but the old black & white magazine is back on the racks with Conan swashbuckling all over the pages. Here we find a twenty-year-old Conan rescued from a shipwreck by slavers and his half dead body thrown into the hold with the other living cargo. Of course the rugged Cimmerian lives to fight another day. It looks like they have long range plans for this book foreshadowing Conan's meeting with the Serpent Priest Thoth-Amon. The last page is enough of a tease for new and old fans alike to keep reading.
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eric8a · 7 years
Gallifrey One 2017
I’m back home (have been for the past four hours, or so), I’m not tired or exhausted, and I’m waiting for The Walking Dead to start.
The convention officially ended a couple of hours ago, I believe. I left before three - but attended all three days.
Friday started off nightmare-ish. I decided to take a shuttle that takes people to the airport to save money on transport. Apart from the dreadful downpour, navigating through LAX to get a spot to get picked up was putting a damper on my day, but I managed to get through all that to get to the Marriott to start my weekend off.
I cut my day short on Friday due to the rain. The hotel which I was staying in was about a block from the Marriott - but even from the short walk to the location of the convention, I still managed to get quite soaked. Thankfully, being dressed as the Doctor in a frock coat, it did a stellar job in keeping me semi-dry. The rain did do wonders for my hair, though.
The reason for me leaving early on Friday was that I started shivering in the middle of a panel. My clothes were still damp, and I figured that if I didn’t get dry soon, I’d wake up with a cold the following morning.
That first bit really did a number on my morale which was not a great way to start off a convention. Long Beach Comic Expo was also happening this weekend, and I was seriously considering heading out to Long Beach instead of attending day two of Gallifrey. I was even looking at the Lyft app to see the price for a ride to the Long Beach Convention Center from where I was.
But I didn’t. I woke up the following morning with no cold. Dressed in my First Doctor attire (for the first time) and headed out.
Day two was great. The day started off with a cosplay meet where I met with some interesting people. I managed to partake in a shot, recreating the Three Doctors promotional shot (a story that I think is one of the best out there). Even after that, I stayed talking to the guy who dressed as Troughton’s Doctor - well after everybody left. I spent the rest of the day attending panels, all of which were just amusing. Nicholas Briggs, throughout the weekend was a joy to hear talk. If I thought the guy was great before, seeing how he is in person just added to my admiration for the guy. And I saw Paul McGann! Not just on panels, but he walked past me several times. I get starstruck quite easily, and that stopped me from approaching him. Also, I felt like he would have been annoyed had I done that - since nobody else approached him, and I would have been told by him to go to his booth and purchase an autograph from him. I didn’t want to take any risk of that happening and having my opinion on him changed. I also took the chance to put out my fanction for people on the tables laid out. So if you people reading this got a little booklet with a small TARDIS on the cover - the story of a Princess Anna/Doctor crossover, it was from me.
Day three (today) was short. There were only two panels early on that caught my interest that I attended. And the gap from the ending of those to the ending ceremony was like four hours. So, I decided to call it a day right there. After I walked the vendor’s room one last time.
I was set on a Dalek from ‘Victory of the Daleks,’ an 16/18 inch Cyberman doll and an Eighth Doctor book. The book, I saw on Friday, but wasn’t there anymore today. The figures, I decided against. I was talking to someone yesterday how space is a problem for me when it comes to collectibles. So, my willpower when it comes to purchases is still good. Plus, that’s extra money in my pocket.
I don’t know how well this captures my weekend. It feels vague. I had fun. But will I attend Gallifrey One in the future? I don’t want to sound like an ageist by saying that I noticed that the majority of people in attendance were older people. People who grew up with Doctor who 30 or 40 years ago. That being said, those people are there for the special guests. That’s not to say that there’s not a big cosplay presence. There is. But given the small space, it felt minuscule. Also, the venue. When it comes to convention, I’m all for huge space. I understand and respect the organizers keeping Gallifrey One at the Marriott. It allows them to keep the show what it is, rather than ruining it by turning it into a revenue con by moving it to a larger space. But the space was small. I honestly thought the entire hotel was free game for this convention. The lobby, conference rooms, and all the floors. That wasn’t the case. I feel bad enough at bigger conventions, passing by the same aisle every one or two hours because I see the same vendors/people. It was worse doing this in a hallway that you could walk in about a minute. To answer the question; no I won’t attend in the future.
I love Doctor Who. In the short time that I have been a Whovian, Doctor Who has taken over my life in a way that no other fandom has. And this is from a lad who has been a reader of comics for over fifteen years. However, Gallifrey One just didn’t feel like a convention for me. Maybe I needed ribbons. I know that ribbon exchanges are a big thing at Gallifrey One - I only scored two.
It was neat debuting two new Doctor cosplays. First and Twelfth. From the First, I can also do Second as well.
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