#come to the burning shores!
hzdtrees · 11 months
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Salt and Ruins
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meggannn · 1 month
aloy in the slack channel: everyone should be added now and assignments have been sent for the month so refresh your inboxes and ask gaia if you have any issues
erend: Go team!!
talanah: @everyone anyone want to hunt an apex stormbird with me, meet me by the west exist in 5min, bring your own arrows
varl: aloy when are you updating your icons, yours and talanahs are still the default so i keep getting you both confused
avad: Hello Am I Using This Correctly? How Is The Weather Out West?
anonymous: If you continue to fill this message board with prattle, I shall install a virus into the network that restricts you all to five messages per day before all your focuses will crash. Consider yourselves appropriately warned and do not touch the lab door for the next twelve hours, as I have cultures growing and the lab must remain at a certain temperature.
aloy: Sylens I know you know how to use mute so shut up and leave if you don't like it
alva: Hi everyone, and hi Sylens, just to let you know, I don't want to be presumptuous or anything but the plural of "focuses" is actually foci! Quen scholars have debated this rigorously, and colloquially the Old Ones said focuses all the time, but grammatically I just thought you might want to know the more accurate word!
alva: ALSO I'm so glad we can chat here now, I'll upload you all some files here so we can learn and use some terms that the Ancestors used! TTYS!!! (talk to you soon)
beta: Aloy keeps forgetting to respond to my request for admin access formally so I've hacked her account and am assigning myself a fellow moderator of this chat just to tell everyone this is for WORK ONLY. I'll make several separate threads for any other idle chat or interests, but please keep it on topic here.
kotallo: Hello, everyone. Apologies for the message, I'd just like to test that this text-to-speech function works. Send. Oh I needn't say "send"? Thank you, GAIA.
[beta has created #off-topic]
[beta has created #events-and-schedules]
[beta has created #find-a-friend-(to-take-you-down-the-mountain)]
[beta has created #old-world-resources]
erend: can we have one for music too?
[beta has created #old-world-music]
seyka: Hi all, am I doing this right?
anonymous: Enough.
[anonymous has locked this thread]
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h0riz0nstuff · 9 hours
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Surprise DLC Cinematics Aloy Picdump ! :D
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
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The clouds in Horizon Forbidden West / Burning Shores are just ridiculously beautiful. They're not distant animations, they're close enough to fly around and even through! And yet they still react to the sunlight in real time like they're solid objects. Absolutely incredible work.
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wykart · 1 year
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Living vicariously...
We all agree that Beta was watching everything, right?
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i-lavabean · 3 months
Guerilla Games: Seyka is at odds with her people
The Admiral in Burning Shores: Seyka has done nothing wrong in her life ever. I will continue to let her do whatever she wants and nobody can stop me
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"Aloy may have met her match" OH?!?!?!? GAY?!?!?!?!? GAYLOY CANON
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"I'm glad you're here, Aloy. I don't know what I would've done without you."
"There's nowhere else I'd want to be."
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snaplight-anxiety · 1 year
Rand is sooo mad that Moiraine is there it is actually so funny. Min goes “Moiraine—” and immediately he’s like UGH and goes on a rant. When he finishes his paragraph Moiraine appears with a dramatic flair like she’s been waiting for the most opportune time to insert herself from out of nowhere into their conversation. She gives him fanart of himself. He tells her to burn it. She bought it with her own money days ago and has been holding on to it. He says that having the dragon banner on full display is inviting people to kill him. She has shored up the stick it’s held on. She says people are going to be killing him anyway. He accuses her of sending a babysitter to manipulate him. She tells him that though he may be surprised to hear it not everything in her life revolves around him. She is a revered and respected figure to everyone else. He is seething every time she shows up. Min is sitting awkwardly next to them during their entire conversation.
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robo-dino-puppy · 7 months
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bird's-eye view
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foxjockey · 1 year
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y’know who i’m most excited to see in burning shores?
@guerrillagames THANK YOU for bringing this guy back
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hzdtrees · 3 months
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memoir-of-stars · 1 year
In all seriousness, I made the mistake of watching the Aloy x Seyka kiss on YT and looking into the comment section. Of course the dudebros are freaking out again…
And like, tell me you didn’t understand the game without telling me you didn’t understand the game??
Like being mad that Aloy had 'no time for romance' and wouldn’t take any man…uhm, has the thought ever occurred to you that she maybe, just maybe simply didn’t like men??
Have you not played the game and noticed that Elisabet and Tilda were a thing??
How strange that her literal copy turns out to be gay as well mmh??
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gangrel-pride · 1 month
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finally finished it! imma play it again
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foibles-fables · 1 year
thoughts on seyloy???
Very much risking honesty here to say--the ship really wasn't my thing!
Deeper thoughts to come in my DLC post-mortem, but for now, that's my short answer. However, I'm obviously beyond stoked for the explicit queer rep (which, again, comes out with fidelity regardless of your canon narrative choice for the final flashpoint, big ups to Guerrilla Gaymes)! And I'm supes interested to see what this DLC content means for a potential expanded romance mechanic in Horizon Three Dawns.
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ilikedetectives · 1 year
I'm just gonna go out on a limb and hope that the third game will go to the Mekong Delta. Not only to see Seyka again, but the sceneries aaaaa: Angkor Wat (I'd die if I see this in a video game especially PS graphics. It's already old but with the vegetation regrowing over a millennia *scream*), the food (Guerilla pls have more food animation like FFXV. A scene of Aloy seeing durian and using it as an explosive trap meanwhile the Quen screaming "noooo our food" would be absolutely hilarious), Khmer temples, Buddhist pagodas, floating village, flower village, floating market, river filled of lotus flowers, cajuput forest with its famous green river, endless forest of coconut trees. Oh and the potential for spooky scary folklores as side quests, water source dispute side quests, monkey bridge mini games, the brutal mosquitoes, and monsoon season struggles, so much potential for world building content. Forgot to mention the small rivers are very romantic, perfect for date iykwim 👀
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