#colten sopp
plentyoffandoms · 1 year
Can the reader be in the elite, and Austin and the elite find out about the relationship. But she and Colten try to play it off like there not.
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Colten Gunn x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestlers Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @mith-gifs-wrestling 2nd gif @frentique 3rd gif @beingallelite 4th gif @serpentico
I hope you like it.
WC: 2199
Summary: f/Reader is the younger cousin to Matt & Nick. She is also a member of the Elite & is in a secret relationship with Colten Gunn.
Tyson - Kenny Omega ☆ Monty - Billy Gunn
"What had you smiling this early in the morning?" I couldn't help but jump when I heard the sound of Nick's voice suddenly next to me. I almost dropped my phone but was able to grab it just in time.
"Can a girl not wake up in a good mood?" I scowled at him as I tried to calm my heart rate down.
"Not at 5 am. You, my dear cousin, are not a morning person and we have learned long ago to never talk to you first thing in the morning. Now, what has you so happy this morning?"
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"I was scrolling through Tiktok and saw a baby Giraffe that was falling asleep but it was trying to keep its eyes open," I screamed at myself. What a stupid lie. Nick will never believe that.
"Yeah, they are pretty cute. They could make anyone smile."
His attention was diverted to Matt bringing us all our drink orders as we had a bit until we could board the plane.
"Where were you last night YN? I tried to see if you wanted to join us for a movie night," Tyson asked me. I remember him knocking on the hotel door but I was kind of preoccupied with doing something, or should I say, someone.
"I took a hot bath and then I must of fell asleep because I didn't hear you at all."
"Well, maybe another time then." I just nodded my head at him.
Matt, Nick and Tyson started up some new conversations that I have no interest in. Most likely about what they are gonna be doing for their next vlog.
I just go along with whatever they want to do for them, but I am more than happy to not be a part of every single video.
Even though I am a member of the Elite, the only female member mind you, I still need a break from time to time from the boys.
We do everything together, except for that whole thing with Phil, I was nowhere near that whole kerfuffle and for the first time since I started professionally wrestling, I was alone.
I didn't have my cousins or my honorary cousin there for support but in came Monty and his sons.
Monty knew from past experiences with me that I was not a fan of flying by myself, so he took it upon himself to make sure that I always had someone near me or next to me on the planes.
Usually, that person was Colten, as we were really good friends beforehand. He is also the calmer one of the two brothers and even though I love Austin, I could not and still can not handle being stuck next to his talkative self for hours on end.
But as time went on, I soon found myself developing a crush on the older brother. I didn't notice it at first, but whenever he would smile at me, my hands seemed to get sweety and I found myself stuttering. Then it dawned on me when he was napping next to me on the plane to New York.
I was in love with him. At first, I was in complete denial about it, until one day I just couldn't take it anymore after watching him flirt with some random woman at the gym.
It felt like my heart was breaking into a thousand pieces when I saw him get her number. At that moment, he looked behind her in the floor-to-ceiling mirror and saw me standing there.
He turned around and watched as I bolted to the woman's changing room. I needed to leave and get far away from him as possible for the time being.
But I wasn't expecting Colten to be waiting there, still in his gym clothes, "YN, can we talk?"
"I don't think that is a good idea. I'll see you later."
"Just wait for me. I'll go change and we can go somewhere private and talk."
I wanted to say no. My head was screaming at me to leave, but my heart was taking control and I agreed to it. He didn't take long and I found myself in the rental car and him driving us to some different location when we finally stopped, well I didn't speak and neither did he until he decided to break the silence.
"You know YN, I have loved spending time with you these last few weeks. I mean, we were friends before but now, damn I can't imagine you by my side as you have been."
"I know, it's gonna be harder when they come back," I was trying to stop the tears from falling when I heard him mention we were just friends.
"But," Colten reached for my hand and held it in his, "I want to be more than just friends. I tried to fight it, but damn it has been hard."
"I. I wo..would like that too," I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.
We had our first date that same day and we have been together ever since, but we have decided to just keep it between the two of us.
We didn't want everyone in our business at first and then we just liked the fact that it was just the two of us knowing.
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"Where the hell were you last night?" I heard just before a pillow came down on my head.
"Just out. Met up with some friends and got talking," I groaned as I swatted away my brother, but all he did was hit me with the pillow again.
"Get your ass moving. We have a plane to catch."
I rolled over and saw the clock said it was 4 am. "Five more minutes." I lay on my stomach and put my arms under the pillows.
"Get up Colten. Dad is meeting us downstairs."
I sighed once more and got kicked the sheets off of me and sat up, trying to wake up, "Oh and Colten?"
"Yes, Austin?"
"Maybe this 'friend' of yours should cut their nails just a bit. They did a number on your back," I could hear the smugness in his voice.
I got up and looked in the mirror and I saw what he was saying. YN and I are usually much more careful, but we haven't been together in a few weeks and I guess we just threw caution out the window last night. I remember the pain mixed with pleasure when her nails scratched up and down my back.
"You got like 5 mins to shower now lover boy. Let's go." Austin called from the edge of the bed he was laying on. I just slammed the door in his face, already needing a break from him today.
I was texting YN as we made our way to the airport, the three of us, plus her people had to get to the next spot a bit earlier as we had conventions we were going to.
Austin and now my Dad was badgering me about who I was with last night. "Come on Son, is she hideous?" My Dad jokingly asked me.
I quickly looked over at YN, who was laughing at something Matt said and I said, "Nope. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
My Dad softly smiled at me and clapped me on the shoulder. He is a big romantic at heart and I was glad he didn't notice my little glance at YN, but Austin sure as hell did.
He looked between YN and me and a massive, annoying smile came over his face. "Yeah yeah, I bet she is Colten."
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I kept replaying the glance over in my head and I tried to think back to see if YN has been acting off as well.
I know they spent a lot of time together beforehand, but that wasn't unusual. They were friends after all, but then him and her would disappear for hours on end or always have to be sitting next to one another.
But if I ask them, they will both deny it. I have to get other people involved but she only spends most of her time with her cousin and Tyson and they would never willingly spy on their baby cousin.
I pushed the thought of asking them or telling them my thoughts about my brother and their cousin to the side. In their eyes, she can do no wrong.
That was until I heard the two of them talking.
"Are you certain you saw the messages?"
"For the hundredth time Nick, yes. She left her phone unlocked and being the concerned cousin I am, I saw the messages between her and Colten."
"I knew it," my big mouth blurted out and they both looked at me.
"You knew what?"
"That something is going on between the two of them. He came back to our hotel room late a few days ago, with marks all over him."
I watched as they both cringed slightly. "Oh come off of it, they are both adults, but my main concern is why they kept it from me?" I ignored them as they rolled their eyes at me.
"Well, why don't we don't we just go ask them?" Nick asked, thinking it was a sensible question.
"Like they will come out and just tell us."
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at them.
"I already asked her and she said she isn't seeing anyone. I asked her when I saw the messages."
"You let her know you saw the messages? How pissed was she?" I questioned.
"Very," Matt shuddered as he recalled the memory of them fighting.
"We will just have to wait and see then."
Poor Nick. He is trying to keep us all level-headed but he knows in the end, he can't keep me and Matt from snooping around even more.
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YN told me about what happened between her and Matt and I was so angry that he invaded her privacy like that, I wanted to go and find him and give him a nice talk too.
"Maybe we should just come out and tell them," YN didn't even sound sure about that herself. "Look, whatever you want to do, I will be right there beside you."
I told her as I gently cupped her face in my hands and leaned down and kissed her. "I just know how our families are," She muttered against my lips.
"I know baby, I know. We will tell them when the time is right for us. Not when they push us to tell them."
Which was easier said than done. Austin kept badgering me about it and I told him we were not seeing one another. Then he went to YN and annoyed her so much, she threatened to make sure he could never have kids.
Her cousins even asked us both when they saw us just sitting there, eating lunch. "For the last time, we are just friends. Now go away before I call your wives." YN said, and I was trying not to laugh at their horrified expressions.
Then when Austin and I had a match against them, he turned on me and it became three against one. I could see YN trying to get into the ring to get to my side Brandon tried to hold her back, but she elbowed him in the stomach and he dropped his camera.
She stood between me and the three of them. The crowd, just looking on at us. Only maybe the first row fully hearing what she is saying.
"You happy? Are you three fucking happy now? Yes, we are together but you dumbasses just had to push and push."
They tried to talk to her but she just gave them the finger and turned around to help me. "You did great baby," I told her. "You may now be a heel but you did great."
"I'll see you backstage," I told jer
And I did. My Dad was slapping Austin upside the head and he yelped. YN was sternly talking to her cousins and they were looking down at the ground like a pair of schoolboys who just got caught cheating on a test.
I saw Austin get nudged over to the three of them by my Dad, who took a spot next to me. "You picked a good one there Colten," He said to me, clearly amused by the scene that we are witnessing.
"Yeah, I know I did," I said, smiling as he was very right. Looking on with fondness and love at the woman I love more than anything or anyone on this planet.
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @crowleysqueenofhell @legit9thlunaticwarrior @malakaiblacksgirl1989 @nicoleveno14 @blaquekittycat @1rsolideranna
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andyelson · 2 years
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austxns · 10 months
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this blog is exclusive to dynamitehq, keyfabe/non-keyfabe portrayal & tortured penned by bee.
connections, headcanons & stats under the cut.
girlfriend - @dieselfirstborn
best friend
childhood friend - @heartbrkrskid
exes - @tattoosxbullshxt
ex-fiancee @clavdialxpez
workout buddies
to be determined..
all plots are open and can be discussed via dm/discord (available upon request). potential love interests are based upon chemistry
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bcggvnn · 5 months
Austin Sopp aka Austin Gunn; he's one half of the Gunns and one-fourth member of Bullet Club Gold. In college he was a member of the Lacrosse Team and graduated with a degree in elementary education. His father was always a big influence on him, and he decided to follow in his footsteps. He appeared on the E! reality television series Relatively Famous: Ranch Rules, which aired in early 2022. Feel free to message for connections, ships are by chemistry.
colten: older brother, tag team partner and best friend. acacia: sister in law, always has her back. billy gunn: father kip sabian: ex fling
0 notes
kingxswitch · 2 years
tag dump/connections tag dump // intro.Jay White / 30. Former  Leader of Bullet Club.  Leader of Bullet Club Gold.  He will always think he is the best of the best, his ego knows no bounds.  Definitely had a little reality check in recent years when he was forced to leave Japan and NJPW all together. 
connections tba!
Gigi Dolan - The love of his life, for someone that puts up with his arrogant egotistical  bullshit and doesn’t judge him too much. He wouldn’t have made it through getting kicked out of Japan or New Japan  if it wasn’t for her. 
El Phantasmo -
David Finlay - 
Austin Gunn-
Colten Gunn-
Acacia Sopp- 
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plentyoffandoms · 4 months
Back on ancestry, and this is adorable. From the yearbook
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plentyoffandoms · 4 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Photos do not belong to me.
Warnings: none
Request by: @brideofinfamy. Hope you like it.
WC: 1374
"Hey, baby sis." I looked up at the sound of my older brother's booming voice and smiled as he pulled me in for a hug, which I returned.
"Hello, Eddie. I didn't see you on my list." I mentally went through the list of people I memorised of who I had to do.
"Can't I just see my favourite sibling?" My eyes narrowed him, wondering what he wants. "No, what do you want?"
"My cigarettes." I scoffed at him and shook my head no.
"Nope. You asked me to hold on to them so you don't smoke them. I flushed them down the toilet."
Cue, the silly argument that had anyone who passed the room, looked in and saw us arguing.
"Umm, sorry to interrupt, but I gotta get ready." Eddie and I looked at the sound of the new voice, and I smiled when I saw who it was.
"No interruption, Colten. Eddie was just leaving. Weren't you Eddie?"
"Yes. See you later, Colten, baby sis."
I breathed a sigh of relief when my brother finally left the room. "Should I even ask what that was about this time?" Colten asked as he sat in the chair.
"He wants to quit smoking. So he gave me his cigarettes to hold on to, but I flushed them." I told him as I got to work on his hair.
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"And you didn't think that he wouldn't want them back?" Colten asked me as I started to work on his hair. I pulled his hair back just enough for him to feel it, and I looked down into his eyes, and I almost forgot what the hell I was even going to say, but it came back to me.
"Of course I did, Mr. Sopp, but I want him to stick around for a long time. So that is why I flushed them." Our faces were close, and I could see him looking at my lips until he cleared his throat and muttered his apologies.
I let go of his hair and stood in front of him to work on the front, and I could feel his eyes boring into me, but I didn't say anything, just focusing on trying to get his hair done.
Ever since I started here, Colten and I have slowly become best friends. It first started off with him flirting with me, but most of the guys did, but his idea of flirting wasn't like the usual ones.
No, no. He used a line on me that I had never heard of, and it still sicks out in my mind all these weeks later.
"Your eyes are like IKEA. I could get lost in them for hours."
I sadly broke out into a fit of laughter, but so did he, and he seemed to break the ice between us, and we have been almost inseparable ever since.
"So which line do you have for me today, Colten?" I leaned against my little makeup desk and waited for him to give me his best cheesy line.
"Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?"
I covered my mouth as I let out a snort.
"Oh lord, that is cheesy."
"Well, I am wrong, aren't I? Don't I deserve a kiss." He puckered his lips and blew a kiss at me. I gripped his chin and turned his head, and kissed his cheek, letting my lips linger on his skin just a tad longer than I should.
I cleared my throat and took a step to the side to let him up stand up.
"We still on for dinner tonight?" He asked me.
"Of course. Just let me know where and I will be there."
Weeks turned into months, and a day doesn't go by where Colten and I aren't attached at the hip. People have asked if we are dating, but I always say we are just friends, best friends, to be exact.
Even my darling older brother was on my case. He was sitting in my chair, looking at me as I got set up for the day.
"Are you sure there is nothing going on between you and Colten?"
"Eddie, for the thousandth time, Colten and I are just friends." I felt a pang in my heart when I said that.
"The way how you two look at each other, you would think that there is something more."
"Well, there isn't."
I was sitting in her chair as she did her magic with my hair. I know my hair takes a bit with how curly it is, but she never complains and doesn't seem to hurt me when she brushes my hair.
"So I was scrolling through your Instagram the other day, and I went back years." I groaned when she said that to me. But I have done the same thing to her as well.
"I found this photo." Before I knew it, I was staring at myself from a few years ago.
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"And?" I was clearly confused.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
"Why don't you wear your hair like this anymore?"
Honestly? I don't know why, but before I knew it, my big mouth was speaking without even a single thought from my brain.
"Because, now there is more than enough for a woman to grip."
The air seemed to thicken as she lowered her phone, and I saw her gulp and looked away.
"You coming to the party tonight?" I asked her, trying to ease the tension.
"I don't think so. I may just go to my hotel room and sleep."
"Come with me. I know you don't like parties, but I want you to be my plus one." I didn't have a plus one. Anyone could come.
"I'll let you know, Colten."
I was more than surprised to see that she said to pick her up from her hotel room. The moment she opened the door, my mouth went dry.
She always looks good to me, no matter what she wares, but right now, fuck. Her done, makeup done, in a dress that is showing off her curves.
I cleared my throat and held my arm out. "Your chariot awaits, my lady." I could feel my face heating up when she placed her hand on my arm.
The party was in full swing, and the guys were like vultures when it came to her. The minute I went to get us drinks, they surrounded her, so I am standing off to the side as I watched everyone flirt with her.
"You gonna lose her, Colten." I looked over to see Eddie standing there.
"Eddie, not this again."
"Look at her. She is looking for you." I did look at her, and he is right. "Go to her. You're the only one I approve of out of this godforsaken lockeroom."
He and I both knew I didn't need his approval, that she could make her own choices, but him saying that had me making my way through the crowd, standing behind her and tapping her shoulder.
She turned around, smiling once she saw it was me.
I grabbed her hand and turned, walking to somewhere we could talk in private, but she pulled her hand back, not letting go of mine, but to stop me from walking. I stopped and looked at her, raising one eyebrow at her.
She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her flushed against my body, ready to say those simple words. The ones I have been dying to say for months.
"I like you Colten." "I like you." We both said at the same time.
Neither one of us caring at that moment that we were surrounded by a bunch of friends, family and strangers as I leaned down and kissed her, properly for the first time.
We were so wrapped up in one another, that I forgot we were at a party. That was until someone told us to get room.
We broke out kiss, and we started to dance. All the guys who flirted with her all night left her alone.
It was just the two of us, happy and in our own little world for the rest of the night.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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Adorable 😭😭
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Freaking adorable 😍 😭💜
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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Look at those curls
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
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I would love for Colten to go back to this haircut.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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I love this photo of Colten
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