i hope u know u have destroyed me w ur description of major cleven back there and i expect every detail of major egan’s as well now
Long love our gushing little eager sprinkler Cleven!
Now, on to Major John Egan who will definitely blush up to his ears regarding what I shall relay over the covers of this our sleepover, but who will nonetheless be tuned in with unabashed curiosity to hear what we make of him and to catch -he dearly hopes- some word of admiration and applause for his pleasing proportions…
Cock-versations: John “Bucky” Egan edition
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nsfw (AF!) under the cut:
So we’ve talked about Gale Cleven and his ken doll perfect silicon-esque, beauty pageant pretty cock, how it’s shaped and sized as if to be a dildo, as immaculate as that face he possesses, feels a little otherworldly to be even dealing with it kinda cock.
But Bucky? Oh that’s no cherub for you, that’s a salt of the earth man.
Where Gale Cleven’s appendage could get passed up in a line up of fakes as another perfect fake, there’s something to be said about a cock so singular, rugged and wonderfully human there’s no doubting it’s a genuine -if utterly shocking- article.
If Gale Cleven is a renaissance pillar, John Egan is a gnarled oak tree.
Hear me out:
For one: The sheer size. Tree-worthy, a mighty oak, a stalwart redwood, a hardened maple. But also, a tad bent, and curving up, partly because all that length must go somewhere. And oh -trust me, there’s length. But there’s also girth. But here’s what’s funny, my sweets, length and girth as we have said but were you to lay this cock next to say, bratwurst or the average petite pubic bone, you might be a little shocked by just how large it is. Because when seen in the wild, seen at liberty, attached to the man himself, it appears deceivingly moderate.
It’s the opposite of Cleven’s slim hips and jutting pillar illusion. Instead, with Bucky you’ve got mighty thighs and a huge torso and broad shoulders that could carry the globe. You would be forgiven for thinking he’s nicely equipped while not rightfully proportioning it to you, to the rest of us mortals.
Taken alone or…into oneself, you suddenly realize you’re riding a telephone pole and…now we are back to the tree imagery again. Huge, bent a bit, a tendency to grow and throb the harder he gets, but most of all -we all know and love that very special vein running along the underside of a dick. But for Egan? That whole vein is an extra ridge, like a three leaf clover cock sorta thing: if you’ve seen one you never forget it, and when I tell you it rubs your stretched little rim to madness with it’s extra ridge, I’m not using hyperbole.
Closing thoughts: less of a bright Barbie pink tip like Cleven’s and more of a constant pretty multi shade of purples, all along, sack and all. shockingly huge balls to go with it, even deeper plummy shade for these. perhaps the hottest and warmest cum blast you’ve ever felt, those swimmers have been sheltered and simmered in between those thighs waiting just for you, after all.
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janumun · 3 years
In Between Two (IkeVamp Leonardo, Comte - NSFW)
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Pairing: Leonardo/Comte Rated: NSFW/18+ Tags: dirty talk/sex-versations (these two play-hate/love on each other), heavy petting, manhandling, biting, hand jobs, frottage
Summary: Leonardo does not care for when and where he finds his hands on his golden companion.
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Author’s Notes: @aaviav you know I had to scream. Thank you for this! There’s a lot of verbal biting going on here, an aspect of their relationship I adore and I hope you will enjoy this as well.
(Requests for this event are now closed, dear readers. Thank you to all those who participated.)
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“You,” Le ‘Comte’ begins, mildly. “are an indecent animal.” The hitched curb to his voice as he words indecent, betrays that placid mask he has on. A quick, sharp surge of his pelvis against Leonardo’s is just as not mild.
“Hurtful.” Leonardo’s tipped grin suggests anything but remorse. Gloved digits scraping a path down his golden companion’s sides, gripping and kneading, none too gently, at firm musculature. “Tell me more of what’s on your mind, bello.”
Le Comte’s gaze flitters dangerously — a flash of a sharp smile follows — at the brazen cup of those large fingers at his groin, pressing in harsh at his balls.
And before those devious fingers can stir mischief across his rapidly hardening length, Leonardo finds his collar fisted tight within le Comte’s rigid grasp, movements whip-smooth and just as fast. Wrenching Leonardo down onto his mouth in a reprimanding bite of his lip. Leonardo’s thick grunt has that crooked smile back in place, so very unalike the Comte’s public civilized garb. “Must you be this impatient outside our chambers? There really is no satisfying this licentious appetite of yours.”
“S’ppose you’re without blame? Heh.” Leonardo’s fingers bunch into the fabric in between his companion’s legs. “Look at you, ‘Comte’, lying through your teeth.” Digits streaking over to his belt, he crushes its buckle into mangled scrap, letting it collapse useless to the floor.
He descends to his knees, following the Comte’s tight frown. “Indelicate brute, that was an incredibly lovely piece you just ruined.”
“Real pity, that.” Leonardo’s hands slip across his ass, grin smothered into the now loose fabric of le Comte’s trousers as he bites down, earning him an imperceptible shiver. “You’re loaded, mio compagno. Get another one made.” Sinking a kiss onto his clothed erection.
An exasperated sigh leaves his Count’s gracious lips. “You do seem content to mooch off that very generosity, Leonardo.” Le Comte’s mouth tips into an unkind smile when his accused lover moves to cuss him underneath his breath.
“I can’t deny the thought to put you to good use hasn’t crossed my mind before.” The hand le Comte traces across Leonardo’s jaw is careful in contrast to his austere tone. Before that caress steels into a firm hold. “Get up,” he instructs, coolly. “I do not want your foul tongue on my cock tonight.”
“Heh, such ‘indecent’ words leaving that pretty mouth, caro.” Leonardo rises; his grin, the vicious glitter in his eyes marked and wild. Seizing le Comte’s neck within a large fist, he swings him back into the wall. Holding firm in place. “Finally in the mood to be a wanton bastard, are we?” Shoving his body against his as Leonardo slinks a large palm down the undone waistband of his trousers. His brutality his golden Count returns on a very ungentlemanly smirk of his own.
Leonardo traces the outline of le Comte’s crooked mouth with a slow thumb. A tight, low gasp surrenders from his golden one’s throat at last, lashes draping his gaze shut at the quick, steady strokes of Leonardo’s fist around his cock. “Look at you then. However do you find it in you to face those kids, ‘Comte’?” Dipping his head to bite at the tender flesh of his ear.
Le Comte threads a harsh fist into Leonardo’s hair, heaving him off of his body. Gold meeting amber, glittering, vivid. His tone insouciant, at odds with the flushed arousal at his cheeks. “Stop speaking already.” Le Comte tips his face, fangs sinking into the plush of Leonardo’s lip in a savage bite. “And fuck me.”
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End Notes: Thank you for reading!
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drarryruinedme7 · 5 years
Malfoy dropped his gaze and took a deep breath. “I’ll be direct, since neither of us want to be here together right now.” He looked up again with his typical scowl at Harry. “Didn’t you notice something weird after our first…um,” “Cock-versation?” Harry interjected. Malfoy blinked and locked his lips, trying to hide a smile. “Only you could find such a way to call it. Nice. Yes, after our cock-versation.” This time the smile broke free on his face and Harry found himself mesmerized by the sight.
A Strong Cock-nection on AO3 
Huge thanks to my wonderful beta for this work: @phoenix4dragon who encouraged me and was really patient with me. ❤️
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jucks72 · 7 years
I 10 cocktail più ordinati nei migliori bar del mondo
New Post has been published on http://patrittilighting.com/calabriawebtv/2017/05/15/i-10-cocktail-piu-ordinati-nei-migliori-bar-del-mondo/
I 10 cocktail più ordinati nei migliori bar del mondo
Cibo. Cibo ovunque. Soprattutto in Tv. Tubo catodico o canale digerente? Sfilettare, mantecare, impiattare: c’è di che farsi una bella indigestion!
E se il cibo ingrassa i palinsesti, e i nostril fianchi morbidi, ora che arriva il weekend non c’è niente di meglio che sgrassarsi mente e stomaco con un bel drink.
Eccolo qui, il collegamento: come ogni anno, anche nel 2017 Drinks International –la rivista “bibbia dei bar”– ha pubblicato la World’s 50 Best-Selling Classics, ovvero la classifica dei cocktail più ordinati nel mondo, compilata con il contributo di più di cento bartender.
Si tratta praticamente dei  cocktail classici più venduti dell’anno nei migliori bar dei quattro continenti.
Noi vi proponiamo, con tanto di ingredienti e ricette, i primi dieci, cioè il minimo sindacale dei cocktail che tutti dovrebbero conoscere e saper preparare. Per padroneggiare la categoria e darsi un tono da viveur.
“My mojito in La Bodeguita, my daiquiri in El Floridita”. Questa la frase che lo scrittore Hernst Hemingway lasciò scritta, negli anni ’40, in un locale de l’Avana, “La  Bodeguita del Medio”, dove pare che il barman Angel Martinez abbia inventato nel 1942 il cocktail amato dallo scrittore americano.
Attenzione, però: la versione popolare in Europa, con la menta schiacciata usando il pestello e il ghiaccio tritato, non è quella originale: le foglie di menta vanno lievemente premute (infatti, se troppo pressata la menta rilascia un gusto amaro), e il ghiaccio non va tritato ma inserito a cubetti, per non annacquare il drink.
Il nome deriverebbe dal mojo, un condimento utilizzato per le marinature a base di aglio e succo di limone, ma anche dal termine mojadito, che in spagnolo significa “bagnato”.
50 ml. di rum bianco 6/8 foglie di menta Acqua gassata Succo di 1 lime (circa 3 cl) 2 cucchiaini di zucchero di canna bianco Ghiaccio.
In un tumbler mettere lo zucchero, la menta e il succo di lime; mescolare con delicatezza per far sprigionare l’aroma della menta, ma senza pestarla. Inserire anche qualche cubetto di ghiaccio non tritato ma spaccato con un pestello. Unire poi il rum, l’acqua frizzante, mescolare con  la cannuccia e decorare con qualche fogliolina di menta.
Il vero cocktail di New Orleans.
Da oltre 150 anni, Sazerac porta frotte di americani ad arrampicarsi sugli sgabelli dei bar, da quando cioè, verso il 1850, venne inventato proprio nel capoluogo della Louisiana. Il nome deriva dal cognac con cui veniva preparato all’epoca, il Sazerac-de- Forge et Fils.
Verso la fine dell’ Ottocento però,  per varie cause, crolla la reperibilità del cognac, che viene sostituito con il whisky di segale, e anche l’originaria spruzzata di assenzio, vietato negli USA dal 1912, viene sostituita da un altro liquore, Herbsaint Liqueur della Louisiana.
Oggi, Sazerac si prepara in prevalenza con il whisky, anche se molti puristi continuano a richiedere la versione originaria con il cognac; dal 2008  inoltre è stato inoltre riconosciuto simbolo ufficiale della Louisiana.
1 zolletta di zucchero 5 cl di Sazerac Rye Whiskey o di Cognac 1 cl   di liquore Herbsaint (al posto dell’assenzio) Qualche goccia di Bitter Peychaud Scorza di limone. Ghiaccio tritato
Prendere due bicchieri da Old Fashioned (o tumbler). Riempirne uno di ghiaccio tritato, aggiungere l’Herbsaint e mescolare. Mettere una zolletta di zucchero nell’altro bicchiere, bagnarla con bitter Peychaud e mescolare fino a scioglierla. Aggiungere il whiskey con ghiaccio e mescolare. Svuotare del ghiaccio il bicchiere aromatizzato all’ Herbsaint e, filtrando il ghiaccio, versarci dentro il contenuto del secondo bicchiere. Guarnire con una scorza di limone.
In un lontano giorno del 1941, un commerciante di vodka Smirnoff e il proprietario di una fabbrica di ginger ale si incontrano in un bar, il Cock ‘n’ Bull pub di Sunset Boulevard di Los Angeles.
I due, per pubblicizzare i loro prodotti, ebbero l’idea di unirli, versandoli in una tazza di rame detta Moscow Mug, su cui era inciso un mulo, facendo nascere uno dei cocktail più bevuti nel mondo.
4,5 cl  vodka 12  cl Ginger ale 0,5 cl  succo limone 1 ciuffetto di menta 3 0 4 cubetti di ghiaccio fetta di limone per guarnire
In un bicchiere inserire il ghiaccio, la vodka e il limone appena spremuto. Aggiungere il ginger, mescolare e guarnire con menta e limone.
C’è chi dice che fu inventato nel 1942, in un bar di Juàrez, in Messico, in seguito alla richiesta di una donna che aveva in realtà chiesto un Magnolia a un cameriere che non ne conosceva la ricetta, e che quindi si inventò lì per lì il Margarita.
Chi dice che fu inventato per un’attrice, sempre negli anni ’40, che non amava bere la tequila nel solito modo, cioè con sale e limone, e c’è chi narra che  invece fu inventato come regalo di nozze per una signorina di nome Margarita dal solerte cognato.
Qualunque sia l’origine, il Margarita –cocktail a base di tequila e Cointreau, o liquore all’arancia– rimane uno dei più apprezzati ovunque. Da sempre viene servito in un bicchiere il cui bordo è stato brinato nel sale, e preventivamente inumidito con il succo di una fetta di lime.
3,5 cl  di Tequila 2 cl di Triple Sec (liquore aromatizzato all’arancia tipo Cointreau) Triple sec 1,5 cl di succo fresco  di limone  o lime Sale
Prendere un bicchiere e strofinarlo sul bordo con una fettina di lime o di limone. Appoggiare il bordo del bicchiere su un piattino colmo di sale fino. In uno shaker riempito di ghiaccio versare la Tequila, il Triple Sec e il succo di lime. Shakerare energicamente e versate il Margarita nel bicchiere precedentemente preparato.
Nato negli Usa tra la fine dell’Ottocento e i primi del Novecento, è tra i drink più semplici, ma anche uno dei più apprezzati.
Prima del 1914  conteneva parti uguali di gin e vermouth dry. Nel tempo, il dosaggio è variato, e oggi quello più diffuso prevede 4 parti di gin e una di vermouth dry, ma si può arrivare anche a proporzioni di 15 a 1, con un semplice sentore di vermouth dry.
60 ml  di Gin 10 ml  di Vermouth Dry
Versare direttamente il Gin e il Vermouth e mescoalre. Servire con un’oliva verde all’interno e, volendo, con una scorza di arancia.
Succo di limone, dolcificante e il liquore prescelto. Questa è la base di tutti i drink della categoria “sour”, tra cui uno dei più amati è senza dubbio quello preparato con whisky, il whisky sour appunto.
Come affermato nel 1962 dalll’Università di Mendoza, in Argentina, le prime notizie del Whisky sour risalgono a un giornale pubblicato nel Wisconsin nel 1870, secondo cui il drink fu inventato verso la fine dell’ottocento da tal Elliot Stubb, un cameriere inglese di servizio sulle navi che, approdato in Perù, a Iquique, decise di aprire un bar.
Qui, un giorno, ebbe l’idea di aggiungere del succo di Pica, un limone peruviano, al whisky, facendo nascere il famoso cocktail.
4,5 cl Bourbon whiskey 3 cl succo limone 1,5 cl sciroppo di zucchero
Mettere nello shaker del ghiaccio, aggiungete il bourbon, il succo di limone e lo sciroppo di zucchero. Agitare bene. Prendere un tumbler basso, versare il liquido e, volendo, aggiungere in superficie una goccia di albume d’uovo. Guarnire con una ciliegina e una fetta d’arancia.
Molto richiesta anhce la versione on the rocks con ciliegina e mezza fetta di arancia o quella con qualche goccia di albume d’uovo, da shakerare insieme agli altri ingredienti per ottenere una gradevole spuma e smorzare l’acidità del limone.

Uno dei cocktail che si vedono di più nelle serie televisive. Pare sia stato inventato verso il 1870 al “Manhattan club” di New York, durante un ricevimento organizzato da Jerrie Jerome, madre di Winston Churchill, a favore del candidato alla presidenza Samuel Tilden.
Il drink riscosse un enorme successo, e fu subito richiesto in molti locali. Lady Churchill contribuì poi a diffonderlo anche in Europa, dove si trovava per la gravidanza, e rendendolo popolare così come è ancor oggi.
Lo si può notare in “A qualcuno piace caldo”, film con l’indimenticata Marylin Monroe, nella serie televisiva Sex and the city e anche nei Simpson.
5 cl Rye Whiskey 2 cl Vermouth rosso Gocce Angostura
Versare tutti gli ingredienti mixing glass con del ghiaccio. Mescolare e filtrare. Versare nel bicchiere da cocktail ghiacciato. Guarnire con ciliegina al maraschino.

Di sicuro, quello preferito dallo scrittore Hernst Hemingway, di nuovo lui, era servito all’Avana, nel locale El Floridita, come testimoniano le parole scritte all’interno di un altro bar dell’Avana, La Bodeguita, e che celebravano i due locali prediletti dallo scrittore per assaporare i suoi cocktail preferiti. “My mojito at La Bodeguita, my daiquiri at El Floridita”:
Un’altra storia, invece, narra di un marine americano che, scampato al naufragio della sua nave, approda nel villaggio di Daiquiri, oggi Playa Daiquiri. Qui, per placare la sete, fa allungare il proprio rum con del lime e dello zucchero, inventando così il daiquiri.
4,5 cl Rum bianco 2,5 cl Succo di lime fresco 1,5 cl Sciroppo zucchero
Versare tutti gli ingredienti nello shaker con ghiaccio. Shakerare e mettere il tutto in una coppetta da cocktail ben raffreddata.
Con le sue tre parti uguali di gin, vermut rosso e Campari, il Negroni è probabilmente il cocktail italiano più diffuso nel mondo, ideato a Firenze nel 1919-20 dal conte Camillo Negroni, appassionato viaggiatore e poliglotta che proprio in quegli anni era solito frequentare il Caffè Casoni di Firenze.
Qui pare che il conte, per variare leggermente il solito aperitivo, l’Americano, abbia chiesto al barman, Fosco Scarselli, di sostituire il seltz con un goccio di gin, proprio come aveva visto fare a Londra durante i suo innumerevoli viaggi.
E ancora oggi, il Negroni conserva l’antica ricetta
Apprezzatissimo ovunque anche il Negroni “sbagliato”, con il Prosecco al posto del Gin,  inventato dal Mirko Stocchetto – recentemente scomparso –  nel 1968 a Milano, in seguito all’errore di un cameriere.
3 cl di Campari 3 cl di Vermouth rosso 3 cl di Gin
Prendere il bicchiere Old Fashioned o un Tumbler e raffreddatelo riempiendolo di cubetti di ghiaccio. Scolare l’acqua in eccesso aiutandovi con un colino (strainer) e versate 3 cl di Campari, 3 cl di Vermouth rosso e 3 cl di Gin. Mescolare e guarnire con una fetta d’arancia. A piacere, aggiungere una spruzzata di soda (non prevista nella ricetta originale ma che apporta una gradevole nota frizzante a molti gradita).
Primo posto per un cocktail semplice ma anche molto amato. Elegante, e con una piacevole nota agrumata, Old Fashioned può essere considerato un modo diverso di bere whisky.
Nella sua raffinata semplicità, ha superato indenne più di 140 anni di mode e tendenze, tanto che ancora oggi uno dei drink più richiesti nei bar di tutto il mondo. L’Old Fashioned deve il suo nome ai bicchieri in cui va servito, anche sostituibili con i più attuali tumbler. Pare che il suo ideatore sia stato tal colonnello James E. Pepper, mentre la prima ricetta codificata è stata registrata all’ Old Waldorf Astoria Bar Book del 1931.
4,5 cl Bourbon o Rye Whisky (whisky di segale) 1 Zolletta di Zucchero 1, 2 ml di Angostura Bitter Qualche goccia di acqua naturale
Mettere la zolletta di zucchero in un bicchiere Old Fashioned (o in un Tumbler) raffreddato e bagnarla con l’Angostura Versare una spruzzata di acqua naturale (deve servire solo a sciogliere lo zucchero) e mescolare fino a sciogliere lo zucchero. Aggiungere poi il Bourbon o il Whisky e qualche cubetto di ghiaccio Servire con una fetta d’arancia e una ciliegina.
Per un risultato più aromatico, lasciate cadere qualche goccia di essenza ottenuta premendo la scorza d’arancia nel drink appena fatto, per profumarlo ulteriormente.
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what's mr. cleven like...down there, yk? obv he's packing, but i want details
Oh Nonnie, I love how these asks are starting to feel like a naughty sleepover, come on in, I’ve got the peppermint tea ready and the fairy lights on and posters of the Major staring beneficently down at us from the wall…he might turn a little pink at what I’m about to say but he can’t contradict me, he’s an honest man after all, and won’t countenance a lie
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nsfw (AF) below the cut:
He’s packing alright, but he’s not packing in the grower, holy shit that’s not kosher or legal have a medic on standby Donkey Dick way of Major Egan. Instead he’s pretty much the shape and length and girth of an averagely large sex toy: in plainer words, he’s proportioned like God wanted to really give us recipients a treat both for the feels and the visual. Because he’s quite long, deliciously substantial around but not to the point of toting around a can of Bushes Baked Beans sorta circumference. What lays on his thigh when he’s soft is what you’re gonna get for the most part, he just swells up a little bit when excited. He’s a shower over a grower for sure but hey, it’s an impressive show as is.
Made more-so by the way it juts from those lean hips…
We can’t forget the veins. The veins are gorgous and they ripple and intertwine in ivory skin so prettily the whole of it could be a prototype for a church pillar or the next phallic-coded national monument. But not all of it is ivory skin and blue veins, the tip, oh my dears- the fat tip of him! Blunt and large as anything, I’m deeply distressed to inform you it’s every bit as pretty a shade as his lips and every bit as pronounced as them, too.
And the sheer amount of sputtering dribble that comes from it long before his climax arrives makes for the prettiest glaze all over.
And in case you think I just pulled this out of thin air, enjoy some evidence on at least a few aspects:
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do have any rosie headcanons? especially erm, ahem, *spicy* ones? (asking for a friend, plz/thanks)
Oh Nonnie, don’t I just! come on into the pillow fort, (don’t forget to bring your friend) and be careful not to crush Meatball’s paws.
Massive amounts of gratitude to my darling friends who contributed so very much found herein, some aspects word for word, and who are always there in my hour of need: @suraemoon @faegoddessog
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Well hello hello. Is this a requested description or a love letter? Legit don’t know but here goes…
Cock-versations || Major Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal edition 🥇
nsfw (AF!!) below the cut
General Remarks: let’s just start this off with some entirely accurate blanket statement like- “this is the prettiest cock in the 100th.” Yeah we could get in the weeds and start measuring everyone up to see if The Nazi Prosecutor and Legendary Pilot of 52 missions and the 100th’s beloved Step Dad(dy) Who Stepped tf Up is indeed the biggest, but like, why? Because what we know without that experiment (although Lordy, what an experiment that would be??) is that this man knows how to use what he’s got. And what he’s got is substantial. Must I go on to euphemize the whole “piloting a school bus like a fighter jet?”
Sordid Details: Rosie stands for something else besides shortening that name, ok? This color is like…like Monet specifically invented it for the perfect shade to paint his waterlily and for the gorgeous and graduated pink hues of Major Rosenthal’s cock leading to the impossibly wide mushroom head that’s situated on a very plush pink base that’s almost as wide as it is long and so is in danger of appearing mildly shorter at times? but that’s mostly an optical illusion due to the girth. Yes we said Gale is packing the perfect dildo cock but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so at a certain point one must ask: for some of us, doesn’t a little individuality almost add to the beauty than subtract? Such is the case with the Rosie Cock, it’s just special enough you could pick it outta a lineup but it also doesn’t look so unforgettable as to be mistaken for an elephant trunk or a betting pencil.
For your endearing consideration: beyond being the prettiest color and the most deliciously sized appendage, this man also takes care in his appearance, those short and curlies are kept nice and trimmed for your ultimate sucking pleasure and the pubes are a little surprise in themselves as, rather like his mustache, they have dark roots but there’s a definite glint of ginger to them when you get them out into the bright sunlight or when the sun is really pouring into the window. So, your assignment is to 1. outdoor sex, romantic picnic or lounge chair by the pool it don’t matter just no fox hunting. 2. Let this man throw the covers off after a night of passion and then you yourself wake up early enough to survey the landscape of him, as it were, i swear the prettiness will take your breath away
A Note on the Wielder of the Weapon: back to the whole piloting a school bus like a fighter jet… He’s packing but he’s not a pummeling packing sorta guy like dear Egan who will bully his receivers into orgasms, or Cleven who will soberly and expertly dish them out like they are communion wafers to be reverently accepted. Rosie, no, see, he’s both generous and also -fun. He’s a dork, he laughs when he shouldn’t and trains in his underwear -but one of those times to laugh is sex!! a little levity never hurt sexy times and some of the most truly romantic sex is fond and giggly while also full of expertise, passion and hours and hours of this man wooing the fuck outta you like you’re not already signed sealed and delivered as his. This is the sorta man to be able to line up y’all’s eyes, noses and lips all while undulating like a damn dolphin at the hips.
Finesse, my friends, finesse.
Twinkle Toes aspect: such a fucking tease and a dork at times, as we’ve mentioned. Also between his crazy eyes and his lawyerly self assurance, this man has terrifying capabilities to turn his virtues into villainous weapons. See: gaslighting. He can make you feel nuts for thinking he’s teasing the fuck outta you when he’s just been sitting here with colleagues. (Honestly? This could get intense but that’s for a darker fic at another time.) But to keep it chill and more in character, let us just say you’ve gotta be ready to be wooed for hours on end, and that’s not for the faint of heart. Neither is being discreetly fingered in front of his prestigious associates at dinner or in the elevator. Because he does that, so subtle and yet so intense. He’s 100% a “feral for no panties under that skirt” kinda guy, all the house chores he so sexily helps out with also means he can hide your underwear like a pro just in time for an outing.
In short: he’s all about sex all the time, but not in the rabbit-like aspect of some of his fellows, doing dishes is a natural form of foreplay for this man, he understands the inner workings of arousal, it’s on his mind all the time but it doesn’t mean he’s doing it all the time, and in fact, this is one of the few men who could put it in you for a few strokes, bent over the hood of his Chrysler after dancing and drinks, only as a means to tease you and then put himself back in his trousers and drive home while you get so desperate you actually start calling him Daddy. -not in the modern weird way (no shade but it stands) but in that 40’s sorta way, (which has layers of its own).
If ya know, then ya know.
One more addendum: once he’s inside you, this man’s face displays every wondrous, anticipatory, contemplative and blissful emotion that is part of the orgasmic journey, he also cums an extraordinary amount, you’ll think he’s done at last and NOPE, here comes another rope of the thick stuff. Which means that after the frantic over-the-edge-first-wave-of-cumming bit, he’ll open his eyes again and smile down at you as he works the rest out in a more measured but very lethal way, if you’ve not cum yet or are about to again, this is when he gets you and it’s made so much worse/better because of all the hot and slick stuff he just deposited 🥰 also…humming
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Seeing as you’ve (mostly) given us a tour of Croz’s jockey shorts already, I’m going to stand up on behalf of the Ladies Who Brady™️ and request your speculation on John Brady?
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*Inhuman and decidedly girlish screeches of delight and trepidation*
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nsfw (AF!) under the cut:
Oh my darling, beautiful Brady, how I love him, an all American boy excelling at a man’s job, he’s my husband number…I dunno but he’s up there and he can arm wrestle Croz for top billing. 🤭
Now to business. Speculations regarding the charming attribute (singular) of this lovely human.
Cock-versations || Brady edition (credit to @pearlparty for the genius name and to @suraemoon for being the doll I screamed to regarding this and who helped canonize the below theory)
Hear me out to the end, I beg but to begin: a perfectly substantial, nicely proportioned, beyond adequate and decidedly moderate dick. Justice for the moderates!
Initial extracurricular observations on colouring: pretty pale pole tbh, very veiny, weirdly pretty pube pattern, with coco-rose-blush accents and sack, special treat being when he’s excited his lower belly blushes too and matches his cheeks 🥰
Details of the piece: length is a good, nice, average or a little above. girth is quite substantial and a little more added to that, possessing that extra oomph that makes a difference! with those lean hips it’s plenty impressive to look at when in the act but be ready -he’s massive grower. you might meet him and it’s an adorable, sweet lil thing pillowed on a huge sack (biggest balls in the 100th? maybe, and it’ll make you think the cock is smaller than it is in comparison) when in repose and then voila!!! Six inches or more: at your disposal ma’am. And he does call you ma’am from time to time.
Personality of the user to be considered: this is the sorta post-war husband where you can go round after round and it’s bliss because your cervix isn’t bruised up or indented by cock, so -indulge in all the bouncing and railing to your heart’s content, it’ll feel great but it won’t put you in the hospital or wheelchair. Wahoo. This however, is just taking the member into account, not the attitude of the man attached to it who will, 100% use what he has at *his* disposal to have you limping all through Lent. And you’ll love it, and you’ll have to make up excuses as you shift in your seat at the Brady family table and tardily pass the gravy to his mama…ain’t your fault you’re distracted.
I think he could get quite rambunctious, both in good fun and to wind up a argument, but the Brady cock won’t have you sobbing because you had to take an elephant trunk up you, ya know? *SIDE EYES EGAN* So you could get quite wild rather safely. For instance -I put him down as #1 most likely to lovingly choke you with all due respect.
Or, if that’s not your thing -he’s at least gripping your jaw, squishing your cheeks in one hand as he goes in and out, “look at me, -look at me, keep those pretty eyes open”.
Don’t let the word “moderate” lull you into thinking it’s easy to keep eye contact, hard to do in fact when your eyeballs are taking a tour of the back of your skull because this boy *hasn’t stopped in ages and it’s still pummeling that spot right.there*
But Brady does love a little switching and he’s very tuned in, very intuitive, utterly caring in the end. You have all his attention at all times and he has a goal in mind -and wow will he get ya there.
We love a good all American moderate man of extreme capabilities
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Thrilled to hear there will be more naughty sleepovers! Might there be an entry forthcoming about dear Dougie aka James Douglass? Inquiring minds want to know!
Oooh Dougie my man, yes, yes thank you, I adore this fella! Come on in, bring in the beer and snacks, can’t have a dry slumber party in honor of this fella, that’s for certain. Special thanks to my contributors: @suraemoon @faegoddessog
Cock-versations || James Douglass Edition
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nsfw (AF!) below the cut:
Sordid details: Gosh, how many ways can I describe cocks? The thing is that my vocabulary will run out long before the sheer and varied abundance of cock types has been exhausted. So, while fearing becoming a little repetitive here -I must direct you to the fingers and proclaim: girth. A good average in length but he’s got such a lovely stretch to give and the capable tool is set in a bevy of black curls. Which makes it look pale in comparison, with a little pink tinge and a few startlingly blue veins winding around the pillar. He’s got a seemingly small tip again, by comparison. He likes to get his in some kind of kinky manner but frequency, that’s his highest priority. Pretty substantial balls but they're very tight and round.
A note on the wielder of the weapon: here we’ve got another man who will stand alongside Rosie in his ability and need to make you laugh during. “More rubbers than he can count??” Oh this ain’t his first rodeo and his enthusiasm for the sport exceeds his condom count -and sometimes his talent but eh, whatever. An unapologetic little shit, when y’all have time you’d best prepare to get the living daylights edged outta ya, he’s a terrible tease and now he’s become aware of the galgasm he’s all about going after it in typical bombardier style: accuracy and precision but a deep seated capability to adjust as needed and still be accurate -dynamite combo after some initial bumbling.
Ad libbing the pussy: King of the Quickie, he’s a very eager fella and he’s into some kinky shit, into impossible positions for the hilarity of it and happy to contort himself impossibly too. Quickies are a way of life for this guy, not that he doesn’t like to have long excursions into romance and intimacy but he needs his fill on the hour, so to speak, so he’s gotta sneak it in regularly in between. He’s so smooth about it too, can slip you away so quick, slip into you before you can say “Flynn!”. Now, now, it must be said that he asks so sweetly, he’s a real gem, but then when he’s at it it’s like a Labrador puppy humping a leg. His voice so soft and sweet just to ask to fuck you, because you’re so pretty and distracting and it does things to him, he never forgets how lucky he is to have you despite how frequently he makes use of your allowance.
1940’s Fucbois -they don’t make ‘em like they used to.
A Jabberer: he’s such a chatty bastard when he’s inside you too, chatting between grunts and moans. Some of it's downright looney but it’s all very grateful and very flattering. I mean come on Dougie, lemme hear about how you love how this pussy feels and now onto the score and then yes ask me if I’m down to go boating next week like -yes I can handle that, keep talking to me baby boy. Ain’t stingy with his compliments either so, that’s nice, loves to spin a yarn about how fabulous you are -sometimes that brand of fabulousness should not be shared at a funeral with all your aunts around.
A comment on finesse: He lets out a whole lotta “ya like that? ya like that?” and then he’s one of those unicorn men who actually keeps doing the motion you asked him to keep doing. You ask him to do something and immediately you got it just how you want it, he had to be shown a helluva lot initially but hey, we all start somewhere. We love a fast learner. He’s so down to try new things too, never be nervous or embarrassed to ask for something, you could ask if y’all can do it dressed in tiger onesies and he’s gonna be so stoked. It’ll be funny, you’ll probably get some bruises from falling around- what’s not to love?!
Oral: yeah, he’s a snacker- he’ll go down for sure, he’s also a story teller so best believe he’ll be talking to your pussy, anecdotes, mission funnies, all about the latest canned joke he heard -not saying that it’s the best pussy eating you’ve ever had but it certainly has a vibrating mouth action quality to it, lol. Sometimes you might need to tell him to hush and finish the job. Ya know what happens then? “Right right, sorry babe, gotcha,” -and if you forcefully bring his head back down? well, y’all may later need to discuss why that fed-up action made him blow his load untouched.
I’m not saying he wants you to sometimes act unimpressed so he has to work ten times harder and you still tell him he doesn’t deserve to cum but…he does like it, take it up with him I’m just the oracle
End notes: Just don’t bore this man, whatever you do, and you’ll be the one for him -he hopes. And then you can look forward to a life of ad lib pussy skills, impromptu fucking and improv switching.
-Will likely ask you to make him a sandwich after and will pester you to let him watch you and Dorace down the street have a uh…pool fight.
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Is there any chance of a naughty sleepover with Ken Lemmons? Enquiring minds would love to know.
Oh how I labored over this. Not because I don’t love Kenny, I adore him in fact but in many ways I’m realizing I’ve got a significant hurdle to surmount: he’s too good for me so I rarely think of him this way. He’s not possessing the full brotherly vibes of Demarco, but he is another class of his own. I admire him too much to fully lust. Also he is baby.
However, he’s also a grease covered badass so, before I go and baby girlify him too hard, let’s take a crack at this, best of my ability and with the kind help of my babe @faegoddessog
Cock-versations || Sgt. Ken Lemmons edition 🛠
nsfw (AF!!) below the cut:
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What’s this cherubic lookin’ man packing?: my vote is the most velvety soft cock, average length, average girth, lovely altogether AND he definitely curves to the left which will rub you mad, has a verrrrry large sack sporting a pronounced seam up the middle and is oddly hairless (great for tea bagging, cough cough) and his curlies, well, such as they are -they’re extra curly. DUH
A note on the wielder of the weapon: he’s nineteen, ok? Very young and green, is still quite enamoured with the act but his enthusiasm is well earned. BIG GIVER ENERGY! This is good as you two totally took each other’s virginity, and due to his adoration, patience and adept skills for tuning up any motor, you’re gonna have the most enjoyable virginity loss like, ever. 10/10 recommend. You will be so ready for him it doesn’t even hurt and it’s a blissful first thirty seconds as his angelic light shines real bright inside you. Uhem .
Other virtues: what those hands do?! He is pretty much happy and giddy to get you off anyway you ask, it brings him most satisfaction to bring you to bliss, he’s playful and he’s resourceful, his fingers are ten times better than most men’s cocks. You’ve see his attitude about everyone’s successes? Translates beautifully in bed.
Extra curriculars: THIS MAN WANTS TO PUT A BABY IN YOU HARD! I can’t explain it, maybe it’s the Arkansas coming through, his fatherly ways with his little English friends, or the way he just looks like his return would be potent, either way, ten months after he’s home you’re gonna be pushing out twins, I don’t make the rules . First set of twins, i should specify, another follows at some point.
The kids look so much like him you’re more than happy to keep replicating, he gets their little baby footprints tattooed on his shoulder, and spends every night of your pregnancy laying on his belly next to you on the couch talking to your belly. Reading Popular Mechanics to the babes and educating them on the merits of diesel vs gasoline.
He’ll then lean over and kiss your belly and whisper "sleep tight babies" (cuz HE knows there's two in there, even if you and the doctors don't) then he'll look up at you and say "It's mommy and Daddy time" before he rises to kiss you. Lots of pregnant cock warming on the front porch swing, simple but pretty new dresses spread out as a surprise on your bed and the proudest husband over everything you do. “My beautiful wife” -you’ve never heard him introduce you as anything but.
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Ok please please do you have the full pic that you included with your cleven dick post?? I am dying and drooling, have I misunderstood or is that really Austin?
Here ya go sweets.
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…I mean maybe it’s only that way in the presence of Vanessa Hudgens, I mean that’s a very viable theory, I would likely be that prominent in her presence, too, if I had the equipment
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I mean anyone who dedicated their career to putting away Nazis for their crimes has to have that big dick energy, right? 🥴 Ain't no other way.
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Can confirm, my preliminary findings are that this man measures a whopping 52 Missions in length and a substantial Two Silver Stars in girth
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Ok, you've got me on board for the naughty sleepovers but some of us needs us some Benny DeMarcoooooooooo...!
You know you’re onto a good thing when the Benny Girlies™️ (all inclusive) show up for it. And now, I’ll admit this took some serious thought and research, I knew when I began this endeavor there’d be one or two men where I’d have to admit I was a little stumped initially. Or in the case of Demarco, I love him dearly but I had to overcome my almost brotherly feelings for him to dish up what was asked. In the end I think we could say I overcame that hurdle juuuuussst fine.
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Welcome to Cock-versations || Benny Demarco edition. Meatball, cover your ears and go with Mr. Cleven to get some treats for this one, we’ll let you back into the sleepover when it’s safe. Ever so much appreciation to @faegoddessog who came to me in my hour of need with slutty assurances and valued advice and key components found here-in.
nsfw (AF!) below the cut:
Length: quite longish
Coloring: a pretty and olivey-tan but perhaps a lovely magenta tip when he’s about to uh…blast off, as it were, tight, slightly uneven balls ☺️
Circumference: on the leaner side, very pokey, ok? fret not, he has what it takes to back it up so uh, discount him at your own peril. Size queens may find him lacking, cervix itchers are gonna wife him up, let’s be real, it’s Benny Demarco, give him a chance, damnit, your monster dildo doesn’t have his charm and pretty brown eyes either.
A word on the veins: not very veiny, almost a sorta inflated sausage kinda situation, smooth and with a smaller head
Additional aspects to consider: he adores you, he himself is a precious, cocky and confidant man utterly in love, he was adopting a Marvin Gaye let’s get it on sorta vibe long before that was a groove, but brief and to the point with the actual sex but this is an oral king, I’m convinced, soft brown eyes are happiest and most pleasantly vacant when you’re sat on his face and depriving him of oxygen.
Extracurricular observations: this cock? Excellent for anal tbh
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All mota boys - who has the biggest cock? Who has the prettiest? Who uses it best?
Oooooh. Oooh Nonnie Mhmm…this is very volatile ground but here goes, I will force myself to be terse:
Largest: Egan
Prettiest: Rosie
Best Used: Croz -ask this man for the moon and his desperation to please will get it for ya, plus he’s equipped
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Okay I've see your post on Brady and Clevens talley whackers so I just needed to be the one to ask for the Hambone girls and dudes. Like what do you think his you know would be like, because your posts have really painted a picture.
I'm also slightly curious on what you think Bubbles and Douglass have going on but that's beside the point.
My curiosity is peaked.
Reading the words “Talley Whackers” in my inbox sparked such joy. You’ve no idea. Literally wheezed in mirth. So happy you’re enjoying this prestigious and highly scientific series. Thank you for your own submission.
No intimate Hambone discussion would be complete in my own canon if I didn’t consult the darling genius who I consider the Howard Hamilton Oracle: @mercyedes . Enormous thanks are due to them for the majority of the contributions herein.
Now to business. Cock-versations || Hambone Hamilton edition
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nsfw (AF!) below the cut:
Length: don’t ask me why but often it’s the tall, slightly underfed, corn raised depression era rizz dudes who have the big dicks. Now I’m not saying Hammy would be huge, he’s no Third Leg Egan but he’s tall, he’s lanky, he’s got largish hands and a sizable nose -so I’m gonna declare it bigger than average, but not crazy girthy.
Color: Pale, as he himself is pale, and pretty uniform in color but with a pinkish/beige tip rather than the shocking petal pink you sometimes see on white dudes. A smaller head in comparison to the rest of him, and not many veins. However, the veins that ARE there, are quite prominent/noticeable
For your endearing consideration: he has a mole/beauty mark on it, a lil spot perfect for kissing on the underside halfway downish
A note on the pubes: blonde and just a tad darker than his hair. He bleached them once to try to make the carpet match the drapes and it burned so badly he went running stark naked through the bunks seeking help from Murph who then poured Condensed milk on his gential region in hopes to put the burning out. Brady brings this anecdote up whenever Hamilton gets disgruntled about his bright ideas being sidelined and under-appreciated by his crew
A note about the wielder of the instrument: Hambone has got “resourceful sleazebag” written all over him (affectionate). This man loves to watch you do the work, I hope your thighs are strong he’s gonna want you riding him allll the time. Furthermore and more into the freaky side, he's definitely got voyeur/exhibitionist tendencies, doing shit in public places where the risk is super high of getting caught is his jam. Hope you like weird ass foreplay, because it’s all he’s got to offer. He’s one of those guys who you’ll either vibe so well with you’ll drink his blood for funsies or it’s a hard no on the first date.
My modern day side note: probably has a dick piercing in 2024, he also passed out while getting it but, no regrets
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I've got a head canon going on for Ev Blakely to share and who better to share it with but the Chief Organizer of the Naughty Sleepover?
Let's face it, the man is a tall, cool drink of water, but he's married and faithful...well, except when it comes to his own hands...
Picture him leaning up against the back wall of one of those Nissin huts late at night when he thinks no one's looking -- head tilted back, eyes closed, fleece jacket unzipped, fly undone...that long, lean body with that long, lean cock, one hand cupping his balls, the other pulling his shaft in long, shuddering strokes...he's trying so hard to keep his breath under control so nobody hears...
Pardon me while I take a few deep breaths myself...and by all means, feel free to join in this particular cock-versation...
The way I just, like, rolled onto my back like a dog hoping for belly scratches while reading this!?! Weird, concerning, but also a very valid display on my part of docile submission that the absolutely un-presuming force of Ev Blakely elicits.
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I kid you not, dear Anon, I had a mild moment of panic when Douglass was requested for Cock-versations in my sleepover because where one is the other is surely near and yet??? I didn’t have it in me to have a whole essay on this man. Something about him deters me out of sheer respect and insecurity. Which is hot, and foreign for a scrappy gal like me.
The rest of these legends? I can take them -not in a fight. But I’d try a fight, too.
Everett Blakely?
Fuck he’s just too cool and the swag is not a front or a coping mechanism - it’s his essence and his scarves are somehow better than Gale’s and he’s didn’t get shot down by the end of the series -what BIGGER dick energy could we require?
Also- fuck!!!! how valid you are that this man gets off under the stars?!. None of that teenage shower shit for him, smelling of soap and damp and ten different masculine aftershaves with a hint of something else that should’ve been washed away down the drain and yet lingers. What a place to tug one out to. What’s there to remind him of Margaret?
The stars though? Now, Venus’ far off twinkle, that spurs thoughts of the gleam in his wife’s eye when she gets an idea and oh -how very much this man likes his wife’s ideas.
You’re just so right, this man wants a thing? -he takes it and orchestrates the having of it to his liking, universal forces bend to him, not the other way around and honestly that makes me throb in appreciation.
But he’s also fun?! What a combo!!!
He also gives very strong “use your words, honey pie” vibes, maybe it’s all the riddles or the gentle authority figure energy but that’s just what I’m getting from him: and that’s very essential as you are likely to go quite dumb and silent around him and that gorgeous, lanky cock and those endless dark eyes.
The faithfulness aspect?! SO HOT. Not in a home wrecking urge sorta way, oh ho no. Rather -I wanna be Margaret so bad it makes me look stupid and I’m ok with it.
If you’ve got any further thoughts -if any of y’all do on any of them!! this is a sleepover the swapping should be both ways!!- hit me up with them.
Again, legit rolled around in impotent need reading this, Nonnie, I’m so flattered you’d submit it to my box.
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Oh, Dougie! Yes, of course he can't stop talking the whole time he's inside you - don't know if it's nervous energy or adhd but hell yeah he'll keep talking the whole time he's thrusting away while telling you how damn good you feel till he comes, "aw babe, aw hun, aw shit, I'm gonna --!"
Damn, these naughty sleepovers are killin me...
Hehee yeah I took one look at that fella and went -yeah, you’re a chatterbox at alllllll times aren’t ya?
So so happy you’re loving these as much as I am! 🤭🤣
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