#classmates were talking and glancing at me in a probably negative way 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
modernbaseball · 9 months
Also last thing I will say about how beautiful I looked today : in my 21 years of life I think I have looked good on camera like 7 times. So you just have to trust me that I looked good earlier today. I looked pretty in a community college environment but if I put my face on the internet with the likes of the average woman it would fall apart very quickly.
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tookthe-405 · 3 months
On our way
Flashback 1: We were younger…
(I wanted some more backstory I’m sorryyy)
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(Not so loserish)ellie x fem!reader
a/n: some fluffy flashback from when they were 14 to give some happiness :)
Max and Chloe coded!! (Just realised that wtf)
put my whole childhood homoromantic friendship into this 😪
RILEY MENTIONED!?? they did you dirty my love
c/w: compulsive heterosexuality?!(not much though), a chicken heart?😭, a bit of fighting (ofc!), jealousyyyy, panic attack (yes again)
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
(Reader and Ellie are 14)
(4 years ago)
Readers pov:
Whatever negative, people say about eighth grade, it's true. Eighth grade sucks. Seventh grade is manageable. Sixth grade? fine but Eighth grade was a new level you didn't know you had to go through. Few weeks in and its already a nightmare for you and all your friends. Thank god you found some.
When you got into middle school a few years ago, you and ellie managed to persuade joel to send ellie to the same school as you. Which wasn't a hard decision for him, because in a small town in Boston, he didn't have that many options.
But you didn't get into the same class, which was quite scary for you at first. Ellie, on the other hand, is good at talking to people, sometimes a bit too well, and then she says things that she should probably have kept to herself.
However, you had problems at the beginning of the 5th grade. The fear of being rejected by people you studied with for a years had haunted you.
Some of the classes were mixed together and you still remember how quickly you scanned the room, so you could find ellie to sit next to her, and unsurprised there were a few people around her laughing. You stood next the crowd, too shy to get Ellie's attention. She didn't notice you at all at first, but talked and laughed with the classmates around her.
That was the first time you felt afraid of losing her to people who are more In so many patterns. For a few seconds, you just stood there and watched her. Her easy-going but also attentive nature, which attracted people like the light a moth.
It was like magic.
She played with the feelings and laughter like water. Light in her hands, without meaning and purely out of feelings, but so careful. This was her stage, she was in her element, and you would always just sit in the audience, with an astonished and envious gaze.
But then she saw you and brought a gap through the crowd to show you that she had secured a free seat for you, with her backpack.
But today it is no longer the case. Eighth grade is a lot of shit, but you've finally made friends in the meantime. For a matter of fact, you're talking to one right now, but you're too engulfed in your thoughts.
"Hellooo you still there?"
Your body stiffens and you quickly turn away from the window, into the direction of Isabella .
"What?" you completely forgot that you are currently in biology and In the company of a friend… and that you still needed to finish a partner project.
Isabella giggles softly.
“You’re always doing that, what is your head thinking about?”
she playfully taps your forehead with her index finger. You grin slightly and wipe her finger out off your face.
“Nothing I’m okay”
“I Hope so because we Are supposed to dissect a chicken heart and not stare out the window”
A glance at the table and there is the chicken heart she’s talking about.
“Yeah no thank you” you say with a grimace that makes her laugh.
“It’s okay we can google the tasks at home, this is torture.” She sighs, puts the lid over the heart and takes of her gloves, you do the same nodding.
“So” she turns to you again with that curious grin of hers.
“What have you been daydreaming about the past few days?”
You let out a nervous laugh and wave your hand in the air.
"nothing what am I supposed to dream about, so…"
She raises her eyebrows reproachfully, she knows how you lie.
"You don't have to tell me, but is it a certain someone who starts with E?"
Your blood freezes with shock, but also respectful fear, of her alleged knowledge.
"what i don't know who you mean" Sweat forms on your palms and you quickly rub them together so that they don't Stupidly betraye you.
"I guess I hit the bull's eye, I knew you liked him?" Your forehead frown on its own and your stress sweat turn into anxiety sweat.
Isabella nods. "Eliza, you like him… Right"
The first two letter almost give you a heart attack but then you just frown at her.
she seems confused by your confusion, you turn around slow, as you are sitting in the first row, to stare at the boy in the last corner.
He just laughed and pressed the chicken heart into his sitting partner's face.
Isabella doesn't seem to notice how disgusted you are, because she gives you a promising and excited look. Something pushes you to lie, you couldn't control it even if you tried.
"Yes, that's it" a sad smile on your face as you say the words.
Before she can react, the door is opened in a loud swing and ellie is standing in the doorway, grinning, behind her a few boys and girls.
"Hey" she gives you a warm smile that you knwo all to well, her arms resting on the table.
Then she looks up at Isabella emotionlessly.
"Ellie" she replies dryly.
Yes, the two don't like each other very much. Then ellie's smile turned, quickly, sending it back to you.
"Aren’t you done yet?"
"No, young lady, they are not, and you knock before you come in" Ms. Perlow's voice booms through the room.
Any normal student would be scared, which justifies this woman is scary, but ellie isn’t sacred at all.
Grinning, she raises her arms in the air, as if she’s been caught stealing. A few children giggle at her gesture, but the older woman doesn't think it's so funny.
"Ellie, it's the same every time, you make a clown out of yourself for God's sake, leave this task to the boys"
Mrs. Perlow looks away for a moment to massage her temples with her thumbs and pointing fingers, which you felt a bit sorry for, she was soo old. Ellie of course doesn’t care.
She quickly rummages for something in her jacket pocket and nimbly presses a small piece of paper into your hand.
"Okay, till next time, Mrs. Perlow," she calls into the room before disappearing out the door.
"I hope not," the teacher murmurs audibly, however, and whispers break out again, in the classroom.
Your fingers try quickly and unevenly to open the note.
Meet me at the new dinner down the street, I’ve got news and please don’t bring Isabella along
- your favourite person ever
P.S your hair looks pretty :)
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With each step, you tousle the autumn leaves on the ground. It was kind of fun though, so you didn't stop, the scurrying sound of the dead plants in your ear.
Ellie mentioned a new dinner, which you have already drove by once with joel. After a few weeks ago, you passed by the former tourist center, which was soon to be renovated into a dinner.
Ellie thought it was better right away, because there is no one who wants to look around here in a small town Beverly farms. The eastern side of Beverly wasn't really interesting, she was right, but you always thought the little town was cute.
Here is everything you need and you have the sea right in front of your nose.
As you walk down the street with your backpack on your back, you think about what Ellie must have meant by "ive got news".
Before you know it, you'll be standing in front of the new store. "Seth's dinner". It actually looks very cozy, the light inside seems warm and a few people have already become aware of the place.
It seems to you just in autumn, very hopeful? A new beginning that is going well, a small but beautiful change in this small town. When you open the door, the door snorts cold from the air, the pleasant air surrounds your face.
There also seems to be a bar, graceful bottles on the wall and behind the counter. But otherwise it seems to be a normal dinner. Greasy smell of fries, burgers and beacons in the air, but on the order table it is written (in beautiful handwriting) that there should also be donuts and pancakes in the morning. In the evening, the bar opens.
At the counter, an older man is eyeing you, who is drying a glass. You've never seen him before, and he looks spooky right away.
Your head turns in every direction until you see the waving hand of Ellie, who had held a seat across from her in a corner of the table. It looks a bit like the dinners in Joel's old movies.
With a loud noise, you drop your bag and sit down opposite her. You let out a tired sigh, but then you notice Ellie's excited look. You shrug your shoulders uninformed.
"Wait, I want to order before I tell you"
Her legs were constantly wriggling with hustle and bustle and you can't help but smile a little. The waiter came to your table and you two ordered 2 fries.
"Okay, tell me now" you say
Something good releases in your chest, you suppress the distracting feeling before it could reach the surface. The sparkle on ellie's face made you nervous in various ways.
"Okay, but promise me you won't be angry, ok?"
Okay, so the bad nervous feelings won. You strain straighter, ready for whatever might come your way.
"How old are we ellie, you don't always have to say that, when you've done something"
Ellie laughs so bright, that sound that you appreciate so much every time, as if it gives you water just before you dry out.
"remember how We wanted to go fishing with Joel this weekend"
You shake your head.
"You wanted this, not me ellie"
"yes, anyway, and you know Riley, don't you? From my English course"
Your shoulders slumped, just as you were about to answer, your order arrived. The old man from the counter. You automatically avoid eye contact. As he quietly, almost like a ghost, puts down the plates in front of you, he stops abruptly and stares at ellie's legs.
"Can you stop fidgeting like that, it drives me crazy"
His voice is exactly how you imagined it, rough, a little hollow somehow and he sounds like he's been a smoker for 10 years.
Ellie looks after him with a pissed expression on her face and starts shaking her legs even more out of provocation.
"Whatever, Riley wanted to come this time and her parents allowed it, isn't that cool"
You're not as enraptured by the idea as Ellie is and you tap with the tips of your fingers, and an unpleasant feeling in your stomach, on the table a little rhythm.
Ellie's foot bumps against yours and you look up at her even before she grabs your hand.
"Now I understand what the old man means, it really makes you nervous" she Chuckles and you just feel her hand for a moment. It lightens yours gently, but not considerately, as physical contact is normal between you.
Or at least it should be. But her fingertips triggered a wave of heat that spread to your face like wildfire.
You quickly flinch back, worried that Ellie might feel your pulse, which beats very erratically. Your thoughts are circling around, unsure if the feeling is positive or negative. It feels… nice? Exciting and it's directly addictive, you feel your inner self wanting to reach for more, but an indecent anxiety accompanies you every time you allow yourself to think this far.
"so you don't like idea huh?"
Your head goes up. Shes the same as always, reddish hair, green eyes, those freckles… Ellie's own gaze has descended. You never wanted to see her like that. Now you nudge her under the table with your foot.
"No, I think it's a good idea" you lie straight to her face.
The well-known grin creeps back onto her face and she stuffs a french fries into her mouth.
Then she proudly told you how she was sent to the school principal almost twice, but also about how she got a B+ in math and how the subject gets way too much hate.
You tell her that it deserves even more hate and about the weird interection with Isabella.
Ellie choked on a french chip and coughed so hard that Seth almost kicked her out. She said that she would know if you liked someone and that Isabella shouldn’t think she could be more important to you, than she really is.
This gave you a tingling feeling, so that you almost completely forgot about riley
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"I don't understand your anticipation about something like that" Confused, you watch Ellie excitedly digging her fishing stuff out of the rack.
After joel voluntarily took her with him a few times, it became a little tradition and she got her own fishing set, which she takes care of like a mother.
"I like fishing and I like to eat fish, it's a perfect fit."
You're leaning your shoulder against the door of the garage when she bumps her head under joel's workbench.
He can't stow boxes well and safely. But there isn't much space here either, the green pick up truck, tools and the bench on which he has already built the craziest things for ellie.
"I don't get it no, I don't like the hunt and the taste of fish very much"
You always feel like an unnecessary murderer,since you kill the beings and it doesn't give you anything.
Ellie grabs her personal spare fishing line and packs it into her fisherman's backpack.
"Then you can leave the fishes you catch to me… if you catch any at all" She grins at you challengingly.
"Hey!" You point your finger at her. "I'm not that bad."
“No, I wouldn’t want to be reminded of how bad I am either, I get it." She says and you can hear her fucking smile in her voice.
"whatever ellie, i don't like it and it’s not because I’m not good at it"
"Oh no its not that your not good at it, its that your terrible at it"
Annoyed, you roll your eyes, turn around and leave Ellie in the room, but you both have a grin on your mouths. In the kitchen, Joel waits in his typical fisherman's outfit at the dining table, with a magazien about horse races.
He actually just looks like a forester. "Hey little one you ready for the trip?"
You let yourself fall across from him, on the wood table , which Joel must have built and sanded himself.
In the beginning, you had a lot of trouble with him, he was older and taller than most of the fathers you knew.
He was also a bit old to be ellie's father. Which, in the end,turned out that he wasn't. Not exactly.
That's why he was a little colder to you at the beginning, to test you. What does it take you to leave ellie, how quickly can someone get rid of you.
He wanted to know so he could protect her from it.
That's what you're understanding today.
Ellie couldn't afford to lose any more people, and you'd be lying if you said you would have done it differently in his place.
Yes, he was a bit intimidating at first, but after a few months he softened.
Now ellie worries that he loves you more than her, but you know the truth. No one could get close to ellie, just like no one would ever get close to sarah. Probably not even Ellie herself.
You really wanted to know what name would use Ellie for the both of you?
The thought of a name, It scares you both. Because it was more than friendship yet less than- "hey you okay?"
Joel and ellie stare at you.
You nod quickly and look at the clock.
”Didn’t she wanted to be here already?" Your question was more directed towards Ellie.
Then the house bell rang and your hope falls deep and painful.
Ellie's face is starting to shine again, and even though that was one of your favorite pictures, it started to annoy you very quickly the last few days.
"Wait, I forgot my gloves," she dashed up the stairs with her huge hiking backpack and her much too loud shoes.
Her nimble footsteps could be heard throughout the house. Your gaze flicks back to a very concentrated joel, who twitches his head towards the door, to make it clear to you that you should get it.
You let out a little sigh and wander extra slowly to the door, maybe she left. She didn’t.
But You can't lie, riley was pretty. and nice. clever too. It annoyed you to the bone.
You look at her for a moment and immediately notice the backpack and the fishing rod. God ellie will love her.
"Hey come in"
You politely open the door for her, before she enters the house she quickly takes off her shoes. Jesus, good manners too.
"Riley, Welcome, we'll leave as soon as this girl finds her gloves" he laughs in his typical raspy voice.
"Don't talk about me if when not in the room," Ellie yells down and Riley giggles. "Thank you for taking me with you this time, Mr. Miller.“
You didn't know Riley, but you can tell right away that she's very intelligent and that you understand Ellie liking for her.
As much as you try to cover it up.
Joel shakes his head. "You can call me Joel"
Riley nods briefly, and Ellie shoes can be heard whizzing down the stairs again. When she sees Riley, she freezes for a moment, even though she knew she would be here.
For a moment you wondered why she did that, but then you got it.
"Hey Riley"
"Hi Ellie"
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The drive to the lake was 20 minutes. And they were the worst 20 minutes of your life. Ellie wanted to sit next to riley so bad she left the front seat to you. She never does that.
From the mirror you could see the two of them laughing, talking as if they have known each other for years.
For the first time, it seemed to you that ellie wanted to share her stage with someone. It's as if she's brought someone from the audience to the stage.
And that someone wasn't you.
You didn't say a word the whole way. Not a word.
When the bluish lake was visible trough the many trees, you wanted to drown in it. Now you still want that.
The weight of your backpack bends your back right now, and ellie and riley never looked happier.
"Have you ever fished before, riley?"
you ask the tall girl.
She nods. "My grandfather used to take me on his trips sometimes."
"So cool," Ellie murmurs.
You thought everything was shit in this place. The lake looks so unwelcoming in the fall, as if it is personally trying to tell you to just give it up.
The old wood of the jetty squeaks and slips because of the humid air and you doubt the stability of the old thing. Joel prepares a place where he can fish in peace and quiet, and gives you younger people the freedom to do it on their own.
As the youngest in the group, it doesn't help that you really are bad at fishing, but you should be able to do connect the purr and the fishing rod.
Actually, you only have to manage to connect a fishing line, the rest takes care of itself.
Too bad you're so bad to make this fucking knot.
and you really try, but it just doesn't work. After a while you get too uncomfortable that you can't do it and you drop your fishing rod loudly on the wood.
Riley looks at you confused.
Joel was back at the car searching for the bait that disgusts you so much that you’re always afraid that the worms are still alive.
Ellie looks at you and stops at your bright red face. You can't read her look, you can't understand so much about what's been going on with her over the last few weeks, maybe even months.
But maybe you’re the problem too.
"Can you help Joel for a moment, we'll come right away" Ellie jerks her head in Joel's direction, as she talks to Riley.
She doesn't give you one last look before she goes past you towards the car.
The freckled girl steps forward and picks up your fishing rod, in front of you while you stare into the air like a little child.
"Whatever is going on with you today, the fishing rod really didn't deserve that"
You look downs a bit again to meet her eyes.
"What's wrong with you Ellie?"
"With me? nothing at all… What is wrong with me?"
Her shoulders tense just a little bit, but you don't miss it.
"The only thing you're talking about is riley, the only one you want to impress is riley"
Ellie takes a few steps back for some reason and looks behind you, probably at joel and riley who are still looking for the fishing lure, out of respect.
"I don't know what you mean"
You let out a snort and look at her. “I don't know you like that and it's driving me crazy"
"Why? Why can't I change, what's your problem?"
You want to seek closeness, her hand in yours to make the emotional distance disappear, but she takes a step back again when you try it.
It makes sense that she doesn't want that right now, but it still hurts incredibly how she runs away from you.
"It's not about you changing, it's good that you do, I don't care about that, but not who you do it with, Ellie" you remark.
For a second, she seems so far away, as if worlds universes separate you. In some summers, ellie and joel visit their family in texas, or drive into town for a few days. The separated time is not pretty, but neither is it gruesome.
Cause you can’t wait for her to come back, and she's just as excited about it as you are.
But I’m this moment, right now, you feel more separate from her than ever before.
"It's not always about you, I'm not your-"
Both of you weren't sure how it happened, because all of a sudden she was in the water. You don't know if you pushed her or if she fell in because of her distance steps. But both would be your fault.
The sound the jetty makes, the platch of the water, the way she is so shocked as soon as her face reaches the surface.
With your hand in front on your mouth you watch as she stares at you indignantly. Thank god she can swim.
Her eyes and the light green of the lake, bite each other just a tiny bit. It almost seems to you as if it was so destined, ellie and the lake. And maybe that was the case, but not in autumn.
You can't imagine how cold the water is and her blue lips testify enough. But Ellie doesn't budge. For a few seconds, she just stares at you. Maybe so that she can picture it again later or to make you realize what you just done.
You two didn't have to check if joel and riley noticed, you can already hear the stomping footsteps.
"Im sorry I-" you turn around so fast that you get dizzy and you almost fall into the lake too , you run so fast down the jetty that Joel can't stop you.
You're not quite sure where you're going. It all looks the same anyway. A play of colours, of orange and yellow on the ground and in the crowns of the trees. The sounds of birds and the dead leaves in the air.
As soon as you don't feel your legs anymore, you stop.
Your lungs sound like they're about to give up on you, and you are about to hyperventilate. It feels like you're always running, if not physical, then emotional.
You run when you're awake, when you're asleep, when you're sitting, Whether that's on ellie‘s old couch or when you have dinner with your family. Something scares you and it's always in the back of your mind, no matter where you are or with whom.
All of a sudden, your chest feels too tight and your head too much, but the world feels too small. It's as if all the air in the world is evaporating in front of you, and you can't do anything but try to get some oxygen with every breath. Your arms rested on your knees, your head spinning and-
Your eyes rush open so wide and fast it almost hurts.
Ellie's clothes are completely soaked, so is her hair and she shivers slightly. And she's standing in front of you? She’s wearing an fishing jacket, a thick one and a wet one, but she doesn’t care.
"Hey it's okay im sorry I shouldn't have said that" she says it so fast, your brain almost misses it.
she doesn't ask if she can touch you, even if a precaution wouldn't have hurt you. At first only your hand, she grabs it very carefully and her cold skin makes you twitch a bit.
After that, she holds your cheek in her other hand to make you look up. You could still feel the drops of water hours later.
"Come here its okay, I’m fine" She takes puts both of her arms around you and one hand rests on your head.
She literally presses you against her. Her hand gently caresses over your hair. You've shoved her into an ice-cold lake and she's holding you like you're gold. As if you weren't a monster - as if you mean something.
Like a lost piece of a puzzle, your own arms sling around her and you put your head into her shoulder.
You cry so often, and you know it. You know how overwhelming it is for you, for the people around you, maybe even annoying, but not for ellie.
The animals of the forest hardly bothered, even if it was like the whole forest when quiet for a short minute. But you might have imagined that too.
"I'm really sorry ellie"
Your breaking voice is very low, though she hears it anyway.
"I know everything is okay I’m fine, I’m sorry too"
Out of surprise, you stiffen for a moment.
"I dragged you out here and hardly spoke to you. You're only here because of me" she explains and You can’t deny that.
You were going to stay like this a little longer, but suddenly ellie's breath hitches.
"don’t fucking move"
Her words run like a cold down your spine and into your ear, all the way to your legs. You were prepared for something that would tear you apart from behind But not knowing what it was almost killed you by itself.
Her arms loosen and turned you around a little in the other direction. Her eyes are still directed forward, into the forest.
When you slowly turn around, theres only a… deer?
You suppress the urge to tease Ellie, expecting that a Serial killer with a pointed hook was standing behind you, but the beauty of the creature was already enough to shut you up. It's still a bit young, probably still baby.
The white dots reminded you of freckles, of ellie.
The same ellie who was still standing next to you, way too close. But by too close you mean “exactly close enough”. Just perfect.
The two of you watch as the animal sniffs around on the ground. Ellie's wet hand prushes yours just a little.
A daring, yet intentional invitation, which you immediately accept.
The deer looks up even though you didn't make a sound.
And it's hard for you to breathe, as well as blinking.
This moment, this gracious moment should last as long as possible. It seems to both of you as if it is looking right into your souls, your hand squeezes ellies even tighter.
"Do you have your phone with you?"
With her big eyes she is still watching the deer. You shake your head.
"That's fine. I think it wont leave us, just for a little while.
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a/n: I tried to make it a little less angsty (I failed forgive me)
anyways hope you liked it pls repost and like!!! Next chapter the road trip will start I promise 🤞 (no hate to Riley btw I love her but let’s be fr reader would be jealous)
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@yourelliewillms @bready101 @liasxeatt @darkerstarsstuff @elliezato @macaroni676 @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @lovelyxbaby @yalaysbee @moonchild184 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @gosomewjere
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