m-grouped · 2 years
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❝ pan-de-kro-nal ❞
🦠 Pandechro(nal) — a chronosian identity where one feels as though they are 2 years younger than their chronological age due to having those 2 years "cut out" of their lives by the coronavirus pandemic. Can also just generally relate to feeling as if one's age was impacted by the pandemic.
╭⋄ requested by nobody.
╰⋄ coined by mus. flag by mus.
[ coining: 06.12.22 ] 🦠 [ flag creation: 06.12.22 ]
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[ ID: a banner which reads "READ PINNED BEFORE YOU INTERACT." /end ID ]
[ ID: a flag with 10 horizontal stripes, the fourth and sixth stripes are noticeably smaller. The colors from top to bottom are dark brown, mud brown, sickly green, khaki, army green, forest green, khaki, sickly green, mud brown, and dark brown. In the center of the flag is a khaki circle with a black clock symbol in the center of it. /end ID ]
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A multichronal term where one’s perceived ages are from 9 to 15
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fantasy-store · 5 months
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ongietunem "identities" are terms surrounding ones delusions effecting their perception of things - such as their body, reality itself, their environment, aspects of oneself or relationships and so on - as well as the disconnect one feels from reality due to these delusions.
this uncludes the episodic, non-episodic, self-aware and unaware.
for a term to be under the ongietusio umbrella, it means one has a hard time differenciating their perception of that specific thing from what is real and what they expirience or believe it to be, that one's perception of such is effected by delusions, be it brought on by psychosis, a schizospec disorder or other.
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ohn-gee-too-zio / ohn-gee-too-nehm
the "sio/zio" end is pronounced as a soft z, ee, oh sound.
ongietan+delusio / ongrietan+delusionem
taking the first 6 letters from ongietan, the old english word for perception, taking the last 4 letters from delusio, the secondary latin root word for delusion, and taking u+nem from delusionem, the "noun of action from past-participle stem of deludere" - delusiodere being the first root word for delusion.
ongietan, perception, relates to ones view and disconect from what they should be viewing/expiriencing. delusio/deludere/delusionem, delision, specifies and emphasises the disconect from what is real and what is actually being expirienced.
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how to coin.
one can coin an ongietusio by using the prefix ongietu-, example, ongietucorse.
the following template is optional.
[x] is an ongietunem term/ongietusio relating to one's perception of [x] being affected by [x] delusion. this term aknowledges the disconnect between reality and one's expirience, it does not romantisize nor idealize this expirience.
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ongietusio does not support
transid/transx, "transitioning" from reality to a delusion or any other variation of the phrasing, comparing neirological conditions, mental health or disorders/disabilities to being transgender in anyway, radqueers, discourse, ableism and general bigotry.
ongietusio actually supports
arissomei aldernic -cubi terms chronosian (non/anti-radqueer) queer stances people who have gone through traumatic/stressful events people who expirience atypical dysphoria, hallucinations and intrusive thoughts recovering radqueers recovering paras clusters a, b and c cripplepunk neuropunk lgbtq+ mogai/liom neo/xenic identities (researched) self-diagnosis
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who can use ongietunem terms?
everyone in the "ongietusio actually supports" category
people with diagnosed, undiagnosed, proffessionally and self diagnosed delusions
anyone who expiriences a disorder/condition that causes delusions
anyone who anknowledges this term has boundaries and are not transid adjacent nor arissomei or aldernic replacements/alternatives.
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please note intrusive thoughts can be a side effect of delusions but dont cause nor are they actual delusions themselves. having intrusive thoughts alone does not qualify as this specifies one's entire perception of things being disconnected from what is reality.
also note this is not a term made just for fun, but to actually aid in recognizing the disconnect, aknowledge it and spread a bit more awareness about the kind of expiriences people wth delusions may have. it is a serious topic about mental health, not an aesthetic or choice.
thank you.
id's are all in alt text.
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about delusions(link)
anti rq archive(link)
@acetrappolaswife, @hewasanamericangirl, @docsfallfromgrace, @sage-writes-n-coins-mogai, @archival-arrival, @antiradqueer, @arissodic-archive, @objectumluv, @clusterrune
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transx-mogai-cafe · 2 years
I love you transgender I love you transage/chronisian I love you transabled I love you trace/transrace I love you transethnic/diaethnic I love you transill/transnoso I love you xenomalady I love you transblood/transamia I love you transclass/ciiclass I love you transplural I love you transbody/aldernic I love you transspecies I love you transzodiac I love you transellic I love you transneurodivergent I love you transautistic I love you transpara I love you transheight I love you transweight I love you transbirth I love you transdeath I love you transtrauma I love you transnationality/dianationality I love you transvoice I love you transbirthday I love you transattraction I love you transx/transid/trans-x!
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antiradqueer · 6 months
So if you're going to make an anti rq/prat carrd could I ask to have @moistmogai 's alternative term for Chronisian added. They coined the term agequirked and has some info about it on his blog. He's an alter in our system and I think he and the rest of us would really like to see the term more widely used. It was coined as a moste straightforward term instead of chronisian and as an anti rq alternative for transage.
/nf /np
only seeing this rn, yeah absolutely i could check it out, im usually weary of alternative labels for rq things but ill check this out.
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alters-journal · 7 months
could you explain how rq compares to cults /gen i don't get it
I'd like to preface and say that I am not an anti radqueer blog and I will not be participating in discourse. There are TONS of anti rq blogs that have MUCH more detailed posts than mine. One of my favourite blogs is @antiradqueer (sorry for the tag).
So a quick rundown of this is that radqueers genuinely allow groomers in their spaces. Child predators and groomers alike. They try to lead in vulnerable groups into their dangerous ideologies and then scare them and manipulating them into staying. Telling them that no one outside of these spaces are going to ever accept them for the way they are. Whether that be paraphiles, traumatized individuals, individuals with intrusive thoughts, trans species, chronisian/agequirked, etc.
Not to mention identities like "transharmful" where this group says things like "It's okay to be transracist ^w^" as in identifying and transitioning into being racist. They spit a LOT of alt right rhetoric and frame it as being radically queer.
Radqueer spaces are also the birthplace of Xenosatanism and if you don't know what that is, it is quite literally a rape cult. They promote the sexual interaction with everything and anything anywhere at anytime of day. Consent or no consent. It's an insult to actual Satanists.
We have been comparing them to a cult due to the grooming and keeping tactics they're using. Ex radqueers have come forward saying that they were manipulated into believing antis were dangerous and evil and that only other radqueers will ever be accepting of them. Their organized abuse tactics are actually similar in some ways to OA and grooming tactics that have been used on me.
Again, please go look into blogs that are actively fighting against this group of people for more in depth information. I am a disability blog.
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homestuckpissmug · 9 months
wip pinned post but better than befur
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u can call me Zomby or Uro I use any pronouns but they/them feel free to use para related neos/xenos on me, we also use furst purrson neos n a cat themed tq n simplification tq.
I'm completely nonhuman we're collectively a troll (from homestuck) do not use human or living terms on us
gr'm a polyfrag system we're physically n mentally disabled (cane and ambulatory wheelchair + crutch user) most notable are gry severe joint issues, being psychotic n autistic
my blog will remain (bodily) ageless
if I fit anyone's age DNI n they interact I'll just block them
I'm proship/profic n a paraphile (both disordered n non disordered) if that bothers anyone block me.
I will block:
radfems, radqueers, anti para or antiship, n pro contact fur paras that can't ethically be done irl, transid (transspecies (alterhuman term) , transage (fur trauma survivors) n transabled (biid term) were nevfur transid n ppl who use these n do not consider themselves transid are welcome on my blog, endos or supporters
some opinions ig
pro mspec monos
I'm anti transid, I am however pro terms like altbodem n chronisian bc they don't have that kinda community behind them, I am neutral but uncomfortable with alternative non transitioning terms fur trace or transethnicity due to being a POC
I'm anti contact on paras that can't be inacted safely or consensually
I am anti radqueer if u a radqueer/pro radqueer or even neutral fur reasons besides just being uneducated I will block u
we're anti endo due to the community currently and historically being harmful and ableist towards CDD systems
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Preamble: I do not consider my dni to be a hard limit for multiple reasons: I allow anyone to reblog my flags to their hoarding blogs, I may make any exceptions I deem necessary and I am open to respectful conversation from those on it for small things i.e clearing up some credit for a flag/term, questions, etc but I am not open for discourse or heated discussions concerning things on my dni. Don't speak to me expecting to potentially change my mind. I will not change it concerning these things. If you want me to elaborate on a topic, I will but don't come at me with negative energy expecting me to return good vibes.
There are many beliefs I have that I have not listed for my own comfort and to avoid further discourse. I'm here to make terms, flags and have fun, not defend my beliefs to anyone with a bad faith question. If you have a question concerning a topic not listed, feel free to ask it but do not expect an answer. Im fine to clarify some things and not others and if my not clarifying my stance on something is a deal breaker for you to follow me, then I'm sorry but you'll have to move on. I'm not here for your comfort and peace of mind, I'm here to make flags and have fun doing so. Now let's get to the meat and potatoes.
Terfs/swerfs/transphobic radfems
Truscum/transmeds/anti-non dysphorics
Anti-neopronouns/anti-xenogenders/anti-pnc people/ anti-he/him lesbian, anti-genderfluid/bigender gays and lesbians/etc.
Zionists/Pro-isreal/Anti-palestine/anti-ceasefire/Anti-Disestablishment of isreal. No two state solutions on stolen land!
Map/pear/Necro/zoo/anything other than anti-contact/pro-para pride (paraphilies are ok to interact but if your encouraging people to act on them or make flags and stuff, are "contact complex", then you fit my dni)
White christians/carry christo-fascist shit like how everyone should be christian
Cishet men
Racist/anti BLM/anti acab/ Nazi/ conservative/republican/copaganda apologist
Transx/trans id/transrace/trace/transabled/trans species/trans age/radqueers/radfreak/warqueer(this dose not include otherkin/therians, chronisian pple or people with age weirdness due to system related things)
Anti-mogai/believe all microlabels are inherently harmful(why tf are you following me??)
Culture vulture/use cultures you don't inherently have a right to
Disrespect victims while engaging in true crime content/hit on serial killers
Fetishize poc/disabled/LGBT/etc.
You disrespect others for using flags by problematic creators when the flag/identity it's self is not problematic
Supporters of anything of the above/allow interaction of any of the above because you are complicit.
Or if you consume these fandoms/content(even if you "consume critically"):
Harry Potter
Shane dawson
Taylor swift
Jeffrey star
Jenna marbles
Or if you ship:
Anything with endeavor
Dreammare/any incest sans x sans ships.
Fontcest(yes, that includes crossversal shit like kedgeup or honey mustard. It's still a papy and a sans)
Any adult with any minor/pedophilia
Abusive ships( if your glorifying them. If you don't ship them lovingly and your not trying to make them look healthy and happy, ur cool)
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We're The Song, The Sea, and The Stars (we have a whole paragraph of a name if you want to hear it lol)! Our collective names are Pearce, Tommy, Fraser, and more! Our collective pronouns are they/them, it/its, dae/daem, and end/endo/endoceras! We're a minor, we will not disclose our exact age for our personal privacy.
The person who's probably gonna be on here the most is Leo, who uses exclusively he/him but doesn't mind they/them. Leo is an adult in his 20s.
Pfp m/w @your-local-neurodivergent (wife)
Keep discourse the fuck away from us. You may ask our thoughts on certain topics but we reserve the right to not answer.
Please don't use nicknames/petnames on us unless we know you personally
Don't send us NSFW, we are a minor.
You are allowed to ask questions here, if something confuses you, please ask so that someone can explain. Do not be an asshole to people who ask a question, unless the question is in bad faith.
Please use tone tags with us, we have issues understanding tone through text.
We feel uncomfortable with people using slurs around us, so please don't, even if you can reclaim them. The only slur that we are comfortable with people using is qu--r, which we won't censor outside of this post.
We're fine with swearing, but don't overdo it (like saying fuck every other word)
We have ADHD, multiple anxiety disorders, selective mutism, and we're plural.
Some of our Headmates have typing quirks, which likely won't be translated initially. If you ask we'll edit it to have a plaintext version. Please don't translate for us unless it has been specified as alright, because some members with typing quirks feel uncomfortable when people translate for them.
We will not engage in discourse.
We support all good faith identities.
Discourse blogs
Support/Identify as Pedophilic/MAP
Transage (Age regression, Chronisian is fine)
Transabled (biid is fine)
Transdisordered (questioning/nondiagnosed is fine)
Cringe/Flop accounts
Support beastiality
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aestherians · 2 years
I'm a person in a system younger than the body age! I think that chronosian is either harmful or just unneeded. like when it comes to your age online you can just not disclose it and people do that for reasons like privacy, there's no need to have a special label or bring up age at all if it's that distressing to you. the big times I see people who are older chronosian bring it up is usually with lying about their age, which isn't the right way to handle it at all
it also kind of feels like a case where an organized community can be harmful? like when it comes for those of us who experience age incongruence a big part of how to handle it responsibly is considering people who aren't, and chronosian people seem to be really disillusioned to that.
plus the two camps for direct ages are younger than body age, which already has age regression resources or the language to say you're perma-regressed or mentally delayed or whatever term applies, or older than body age which in those cases it can be genuinely really unhealthy to act older than you are and I think a lot of us here who've been through PTSD know that damage it causes, which I never see any recognition of with chronisians.
but those are just my thoughts. I'll probably just say I'm anti-chronosian personally, but I'm not against like age incongruene or age dysphoria since those are just general terms and not an actual community
That does make sense! I don't know enough to say definitively if having the term will be good or bad, but it definitely doesn't seem like a situation where radical inclusivity/acceptance is the way to go.
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spiderfactory · 5 months
welcome! this blog is for making symbols for:
alterhuman identities
age regression, age incongruence, etc
object sentience
paracosms, immersive daydreaming, etc
atypical dysphoria
maybe queer identities
this is not for term coining! it might involve certain themes or experiences, including ones that don't have an existing term, but these aren't meant to be standalone terms, just symbols to represent them
We will not make symbols for
POSIC, chronisian, arissomei, aldernic, other microlabel-heavy communities (alternatives fine)
entire mental illnesses (will for certain symptoms maybe)
radqueer or transID
kink or nsfw
we won't make symbols for things that our system doesn't experience!
The only real DNI that we have is that we don't want transID or radqueer interaction. the headmate(s) running this blog are also endogenic. we'd also rather they not be used for flags, but we won't really stop anyone.
main is @pepperwebber
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bluepilledprincess · 1 year
Account Information:
Age - 18
Gender - trans woman
About - this account will focus on whatever I want tbh but will probably center on topics I'm interested in like LGBTQ+ related content and Star Wars
DNI - There is no explicit DNI but do note I am pro-inclusivity, but that I will say upfront that I don't view certain traits as conceptually logical subjective identities, like age, race, or disabilities. I thus disagree with the premise of identities such as transage, transrace, transabled, transpecies, and adjacent concepts. However, I do respect how people view themselves (which can pretty much be anything and are identities like chronisian), and I am absolutely supportive of systems. Please also note that I believe queer people should be allowed to have healthy discussions of definitions and concepts and if you are intolerant of others who are being respectful, I completely disagree with that type of atittude. I will be respectful to everyone who aren't blatantly offensive and I don't forbid interaction if you support anything I disagree with. If you want me to clarify anything here, feel free to ask.
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m-grouped · 2 years
Day 4 of @epikulupu's coining event !!
[prompt: Blood + Art]
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Alternidernic | Chronoalterni
Alternidernic / Aldertroll
An aldernic identity related to desiring, having, or identifying as a body akin to that of an Alternian troll from Homestuck
A chronosian identity where one's age is different due to being an Alternian and thus counting their age in sweeps rather than years
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enigmaincrimson · 4 years
Devious doubles? (Doctor Who verse open)
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“Oh by the way... It is entirely possible to disguise a Chronisian Infiltrator as a Gallifreyan TARDIS, lead someone inside, flip the kill switch, and leave them trapped with a dead and utterly useless shell in the Time Vortex.”
“So how can you be sure that is actually a TARDIS over there?”
Admittedly, she wasn’t lying about what she was implying. There was no possible way to tell an active Infiltrator shell from a real TARDIS. That was part of the beauty of the technology. Along with all the other devious schemes and safeguards that were hidden in the design. Of course, even if someone were to get into the actual ship, they’d never be able to get the thing to budge.
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m-grouped · 2 years
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[ image ID; a banner with a 6-color marbling pattern. The colors are raspberry, fuschia, white, purple, blue, cyan, and real. The banner also has a glitch filter over it. /end ID ]
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[ image ID; 2 flags with 10 horizontal stripes. The stripes are all evenly sized except for the fourth and seventh which are significantly smaller. The colors of the stripes from top to bottom are raspberry pink, magenta, warm purple, eggplant, wine purple, cerulean, eggplant, ocean blue, teal, and mint. In the center of each flag is the chronosian symbol in white outlined in eggplant. On the left flag there is also a head emblem in that same eggplant purple behind the symbol /end ID ]
❛❛ ark-eh-cro-dal / ark-eh-cro-ded & ark-eh-cro-nal ❜❜
🌆 Archechrodal / Archechroded –– a chronosian identity where one isn't ancient but they feel as though they are coded to be ancient [ ex: someone who is chronoless but acts or seems like they are ancient ]
🌆 Archechronal –– a chronosian identity where one is ancient
@chronosian-culture-is and @chronosian-info (@ing for reach)
▐ Etymology — ARCHaic CHROno coDED
╭⋄ requested by nobody.
╰⋄ coined by mus. flag by mus.
[ coining: 04.10.22 ] 🌆 [ flag creation: 04.10.22 ]
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[ image ID; a banner which reads "READ PINNED BEFORE YOU INTERACT." it has the banner at the top of this post as its background /end ID ]
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m-grouped · 2 years
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❝ cro-dal / cro-did ❞
🕰️ Chrodal / Chroded — a chronosian term for when distinctly isn't an but feels like they are "coded" to be that age. [ ex; being chronoless but feeling childlike. ]
🕰️ Etymology — chrono & coded
╭⋄ Requested by Nobody.
╰⋄ Coined by Mus. Flag by Mus.
@chronosian-info for visibility + more info on chronosian identities
[ Coining: 04.10.22 ] 🕰️ [ Flag Creation: 05.04.22 ]
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