#christian haase
bestiarium · 1 year
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The Ovinnik [Slavic mythology; Russian myths]
Slavic and Russian folklore has several domestic spirits, such as the Domovoi and the Bannik. They could be either kind or malicious, but the most dangerous of them was the Ovinnik.
This creature resided in threshing barns, which is where the straw is separated from the edible grain. These buildings were highly flammable and therefore associated with danger and death, which is possibly where the idea came from that a dangerous spirit lives there (or perhaps, and this is just conjecture, the Ovinnik was made up by parents to dissuade children from playing there). In northern Russia, the threshing barn was located a good distance away from the rest of the farmstead, to prevent it from lighting the other buildings on fire should the barn’s furnace accidentally ignite the straw (note: the furnace was used to dry the grain).
Usually, an Ovinnik took the form of a particularly large black cat. Its eyes were red and glowed like burning coals. Other times, these spirits appeared as large wolves. In other sources, the Ovinnik is often portrayed as a human-like creature sitting close to a furnace.
It was the Ovinnik spirit who oversaw the use of the furnace: he forbade the people from lighting it on certain holidays, as well as days with a particularly strong wind. If the people ignored his warnings, he would burn the entire thing to the ground. One story, for example, is about a woman who beat flax on a sacred day and was burned to death as a punishment. In another tale, a farmer outsmarted the spirit and cast it into a burning fire, giving the Ovinnik a taste of its own medicine. But the creature survived and returned years later. Out of vengeance, it killed the farmer’s son.
Aside from burning farmstead to ashes, the Ovinnik had the ability to see into the future and could be consulted at the start of a new year. The spirit received offerings from the people, such as roosters that were decapitated and their blood sprinkled over the corners of the barn.
Although these beings were undoubtedly dangerous, they weren’t always evil. In one story, the spirit found a child who was being chased by the undead ghost of an old woman. The Ovinnik fought the ghost to protect the kid, and the two spirits clashed until the sun rose. In other versions, the spirit is sometimes called Rigačnik and this version offers protection from evil wizards. While this is a different version of the same being, its appearance differs a bit: a Rigačnik appears as a man with short, curly hair dressed in stained, torn clothing. He actively helps the owners of the farmstead.
Eventually, Christianity influenced the local folklore and mythology and the tale of the Ovinnik was among them. The Christians tried to change the public opinion of the Ovinnik by making it into a bogeyman that could only be seen during the morning service on Easter Sunday. However, people kept making offerings to the Ovinnik as a spirit of the furnace. Eventually, the Ovinnik was changed to a kind of Christian protective spirit, and that is why he forbids people from using the furnace on (Christian) sacred holidays, such as Saint Thekla Zarevnica’s holiday, which is the 23rd of September. Eventually, the Domovoy (which is possibly the most popular and well known Slavic household spirit) adopted the traits and functions of the Ovinnik and other similar spirits.  
Sources: Ivanits, L. J., 1989, Russian Folk Belief, M. E. Sharpe, 249 pp. Haase, F., 1939, Volksglaube und Brauchtum der Ostslaven, Georg Olms Verslag, 428 pp. Лисина, Е. A., 2020, ТРАДИЦИОННЫЕ РИТУАЛЫ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ РОССИЙСКОЙ МЕНТАЛЬНОСТИ, ЕВРАЗИЙСКИЙ ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, 2(141), p.491-492. (image source: Ivan Bilibin)
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Am 30. Juni 2017 stimmte der Deutsche Bundestag über den Gesetzesentwurf zur "Ehe für alle" ab. Von 623 Abgeordneten (7 der eigentlich 630 Bundestagsmitglieder nahmen an der Abstimmung nicht teil) stimmten 393 für und 226 gegen die Verabschiedung des Gesetzes, welches gleichgeschlechtlichen Paaren die Eheschließung ermöglichen sollte. 4 Abgeordnete (allesamt der CDU/CSU-Fraktion angehörig) enthielten sich.
Bis auf die Stimme der fraktionslosen Abgeordneten Erika Steinbach (ursprünglich CDU, seit 2022 Mitglied der AfD) kamen alle Nein-Stimmen aus den Rängen der CDU/CSU-Fraktion, was bei 225 von 309 Abgeordneten bedeutet, dass knapp 73% der Fraktionsmitglieder gegen die "Ehe für alle" stimmten. (Ja-Stimmen gab es von ca. 24%, die Abwesenden und Enthaltungen machten zusammen ca. 3% der CDU/CSU-Stimmen aus.)
Von den 226 Abgeordneten, die damals gegen den Gesetzesentwurf zur "Ehe für alle" stimmten, amtieren zur Zeit 87 als Mitglieder des Bundestags.
Alle von ihnen sind Mitglieder der CDU/CSU-Fraktion. Im Einzelnen handelt es sich bei diesen Abgeordneten um:
Artur Auernhammer (Bayern)
Dorothee Bär (Bayern)
Thomas Bareiß (Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. André Berghegger (Niedersachsen)
Steffen Bilger (Baden-Württemberg)
Michael Brand (Hessen)
Dr. Reinhard Brandl (Bayern)
Prof. Dr. Helge Braun (Hessen)
Heike Brehmer (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Ralph Brinkhaus (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Alexander Dobrindt (Bayern)
Michael Donth (Baden-Württemberg)
Hansjörg Durz (Bayern)
Hermann Färber (Baden-Württemberg)
Uwe Feiler (Brandenburg)
Enak Ferlemann (Niedersachsen)
Thorsten Frei (Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich (Bayern)
Michael Frieser (Bayern)
Ingo Gädechens (Schleswig-Holstein)
Hermann Gröhe (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Michael Grosse-Brömer (Niedersachsen)
Markus Grübel (Baden-Württemberg)
Manfred Grund (Thüringen)
Oliver Grundmann (Niedersachsen)
Olav Gutting (Baden-Württemberg)
Christian Haase (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Florian Hahn (Bayern)
Jürgen Hardt (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Dr. Stefan Heck (Hessen)
Ansgar Heveling (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Christian Hirte (Thüringen)
Alexander Hoffmann (Bayern)
Hubert Hüppe (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Erich Irlstorfer (Bayern)
Thomas Jarzombek (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Anja Karliczek (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Ronja Kemmer (Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Georg Kippels (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Volkmar Klein (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Axel Knoerig (Niedersachsen)
Jens Koeppen (Brandenburg)
Markus Koob (Hessen)
Gunther Krichbaum (Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Günter Krings (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Ulrich Lange (Bayern)
Paul Lehrieder (Bayern)
Dr. Andreas Lenz (Bayern)
Andrea Lindholz (Bayern)
Dr. Carsten Linnemann (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Patricia Lips (Hessen)
Daniela Ludwig (Bayern)
Yvonne Magwas (Sachsen)
Stephan Mayer (Bayern)
Dr. Michael Meister (Hessen)
Dietrich Monstadt (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
Stefan Müller (Bayern)
Wilfried Oellers (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Florian Oßner (Bayern)
Henning Otte (Niedersachsen)
Thomas Rachel (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Kerstin Radomski (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Alexander Radwan (Bayern)
Alois Rainer (Bayern)
Dr. Peter Ramsauer (Bayern)
Josef Rief (Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Norbert Röttgen (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Erwin Rüddel (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Albert Rupprecht (Bayern)
Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble (Baden-Württemberg)
Andreas Scheuer (Bayern)
Jana Schimke (Brandenburg)
Patrick Schnieder (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Detlef Seif (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Thomas Silberhorn (Bayern)
Albert Stegemann (Niedersachsen)
Christian Freiherr von Stetten (Baden-Württemberg)
Stephan Stracke (Bayern)
Max Straubinger (Bayern)
Astrid Timmermann-Fechter (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Dr. Volker Ullrich (Bayern)
Marco Wanderwitz (Sachsen)
Nina Warken (Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Anja Weisgerber (Bayern)
Annette Widmann-Mauz (Baden-Württemberg)
Klaus-Peter Willsch (Hessen)
Emmi Zeulner (Bayern)
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Political experts expressed concern Tuesday about misinformation spread by "extremist politicians" after Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) said she's "tired" of the long-standing separation between church and state in the U.S.
Driving The News: The controversial far-right lawmaker, who won her primary election Tuesday night, said at a religious service Sunday that "the church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church."
• "I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk that’s not in the Constitution," she added, claiming it was not how the founding fathers intended it.
• "It was in a stinking letter, and it means nothing like what they say it does."
Between The Lines: The letter was an apparent reference to Thomas Jefferson's 1802 missive to the Danbury Baptist Association, in which the author of the Declaration of Independence wrote that the First Amendment builds "a wall of separation between Church and State."
• Boebert's comments do not appear to apply to religions other than Christianity.
Reality Check: The Constitution's First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
What They're Saying: Boebert's claims are "false, misleading and dangerous," Gwen Calais-Haase, a political scientist at Harvard, told the Washington Post.
• She added she is "extremely worried about the environment of misinformation that extremist politicians take advantage of for their own gains."
• Annie Laurie Gaylor, a founding member of the nonprofit Freedom From Religion Foundation, said in an interview with the Denver Post that Boebert's comments paint the picture of a theocracy.
• "It’s not liberty when you start forcing your dogma on everybody else," she said.
• "Boebert did not come to this on her own," tweeted journalist Sarah Posner, who has written two books about the American Christian right. "She’s the product of a multi-decade campaign to elect Christian nationalists to public office and this is a central tenet of their ideology."
Worth Noting: The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Monday that a Washington state public high school football coach had a right to pray on the field with students, which has triggered a flurry of backlash from the left and celebration on the right.
• Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent that the court "continues to dismantle the wall of separation between church and state that the Framers fought to build."
The Big Picture: Boebert, who has been described as a white Christian nationalist, will face off against several challengers tonight for the Republican nomination.
• The QAnon supporter faced criticism and calls for retribution over her anti-Muslim rhetoric last year.
• Boebert's office did not immediately return a request for comment.
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sketchfan · 2 years
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Architects:    Gonzalez Haase - AAS Project:    Christian Wijnants Location:    Berlin, Germany Project Year:    2022 Photo:    Thomas Meyer
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nbgblatt · 6 months
Union wirft Ampel "organisierten Verfassungsbruch" vor
Union wirft Ampel "organisierten Verfassungsbruch" vor | #Union #Verfassungsbruch #Ampel #Bundestag #Haushalt
Die Union warnt die Ampel-Koalition davor, angesichts des jüngsten Urteils des Bundesverfassungsgerichts den Bundeshaushalt 2024 in der nächsten Woche planmäßig zu verabschieden. “Die Koalition betreibt organisierten Verfassungsbruch”, sagte der haushaltspolitische Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Christian Haase, der “Bild” (Mittwochsausgabe). “Sie ist aufgefordert, sich den Realitäten…
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flashlivede · 6 months
Union wirft Ampel "organisierten Verfassungsbruch" vor
Union wirft Ampel "organisierten Verfassungsbruch" vor | #Union #Verfassungsbruch #Ampel #Bundestag #Haushalt
Die Union warnt die Ampel-Koalition davor, angesichts des jüngsten Urteils des Bundesverfassungsgerichts den Bundeshaushalt 2024 in der nächsten Woche planmäßig zu verabschieden. “Die Koalition betreibt organisierten Verfassungsbruch”, sagte der haushaltspolitische Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Christian Haase, der “Bild” (Mittwochsausgabe). “Sie ist aufgefordert, sich den Realitäten…
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mirandamckenni1 · 7 months
Cringey Christian Clickbait: "Autism Cured by God" Today we're looking at one of the worst channels I've ever come across, a super cringe Christian channel which ticks every 'controversial' clickbait topic, from transphobia to 'curing' autism with God. Join this channel to get stompid emmotes (see what I did there) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBP1symGPqYIqi86gaXiX-Q/join Captions by David Glennon: [email protected] Like and subscribe if you enjoyed! Website: https://ift.tt/xo9XirZ Emma Thorne Extra: https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaThorneBackstage Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/LittleDuckGaming Twitch: https://ift.tt/GiZS7UK Instagram: @emmainashes Twitter: @EmmaTheGoblin Patreon: https://ift.tt/Qq6yh5R Merch: https://emma-thorne.com Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/X8O4iKk PO BOX: Emma Thorne PO Box 78387 LONDON E4 0HY Timecodes: 00:00 Start 01:37 On "Cringe" 05:02 Kaden Pody's Channel 08:40 "Autism set free" Video 18:30 MrBeast Video Huge thank you to my Colossal Quackers and Giant Chickens on Patreon! Alex Aspen Bill Garrett Chad Stewart Chaotic Quakka Childfree Matto Chocolate Jesus Douglas Steingraber 2 Fat Houdini HiMyNameIsSpoon Jaderian Jason Haase Jeremy Buck John newman Kori Gailliot Lord Nibbles Dankworth IX Marissa Arciero Mike Nick Muggio Philip Doherty Robi Groves Samandme59 Sean Hamill supremepotato 471 Vermont1777 A very confused looking badger Aaron Reece Aaron Speer Abigail Hess Alexander C Fairbanks Alltag Amber Ambo aka Fearless Ambassador Andrew Andy is ducking around April Washburn Asinga Skeladale Azku Baked Bads Ben Eiynk Bert Whitehead Bike Murns Brandon Brian B Brian McKemey Broos Nemanic Buddmeister2.0 C Cackles Catherine the Great Ceilidh Chantale Charlie edwins ChickFilADeathFries(John) Chris Davies Chris Simpson cmd Connie Wright Connla "Chicken Maximus" Lyons Cory Garner Danny Danny Van Hecke Darren McHaffie Darth_Rondoudou DasMonitor Dave Kircher Dave Smith David Daylin denny5252 Dr. Mint Dreffed Dylan Sweetland Eamonn Sheridan Ephemeral Entropy Buffer FalcorTheGinger Farron Sutton Faye The Succubus Flash -prez- Bluewolf Flirty Imp Franciszek Stefanek Fulcrum GamingRidge gay of reckoning Geeeee (NOT FOR VIDEOS) George Bush gm gm GrayV Greymond Henry Curtis I climbed the rope ladder to face dictator of the world JadedJabberwocky James Crick James Eastwood Jan Bojarp Jason Metcalf Jason Runcie jedidragonwarriorqueen jghfghjhgy Jilly Gee Jim Lathrop Jo Ro John Fry Justin Rogers Kent Woodward Kevin Levites Kiwi Satan Kristjan Wager LadyKeira Laker Sparks Laughing Sisyphus Lizzy Gayle Lucie Lamprell Lulidine Lynn Dobbs Lynn Shackelford Manny Roman Mark Threlfall Matthew Goderre Matthew Green Mattus McChicken Nuggetus MilesTeg (aka Jim Bennett) Militant Agnostic miss_bunburyist Mogarringa Mordlex 200 Mr Cya Mr Smeeth Mr. Creosote Nerd Fiction Niamh Coghlan Nick Ellis NINJARED Nixie Noisy Blue NotMyselfThisTime Novaria Lebedev Nullunit ohsosmooth Paul McGinty paul mueller PaulM Payne309 Peter Kyrouac pewmewnoire pewmewnoire PlatypusBear Plux Quique León RacingPig razbitom Red Ochsenbein Repti-Verse Richard Jackson RileyTheTortoise Rosyna Keller RPGMP3 Rudy Bee samsbro1952 . samsbro1952 . Sarah Chavis Sean Siliconself Silly Kristy Silly Kristy SIRIUSLY SuperSquidHunk taisau Tank Lowe Tax Man That person The Shropshire Lad ThmsR Thomas V Lohmeier Tracey O'Raw Valyrie Ville Paanasalo VinceWasSu Wasatch Witch WeirdyBeardy Will Crouch William Witt Willow the Wendigo Zuhl via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9GOeAgdGoI
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basicyo · 9 months
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Tina Haase (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)
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mevent-blog1 · 9 months
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twins2994 · 11 months
Detroit Tigers @ Minnesota Twins 6.18.23
Detroit Tigers Lineup Minnesota Twins Lineup
1.) Zach McKinstry RF 1.) Eddie Julien DH
2.) Spencer Torkelson 1B 2.) Willi Castro 3B
3.) Kerry Carpenter LF     3.) Alex Kirilloff 1B
4.) Javy Baez SS             4.) Carlos Correa SS
5.) Nick Maton 3B             5.) Max Kepler RF
6.) Matt Vierling CF           6.) Kyle Farmer 2B
7.) Miguel Cabrera DH      7.) Joey Gallo LF
8.) Andy Ibanez 2B           8.) Christian Vazquez C
9.) Eric Haase C               9.) Michael Taylor CF
SP Will Vest RHP            SP Louie Varland RHP
(2-0) 3.08 ERA                (3-2) 4.70 ERA
(2023 MLB Stats)
-Chris Kreibich-
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coghive · 1 year
CAIN, Cochren & Co., Jason Crabb To Headline 40 Days & 40 Nights Christian Music Festival
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Cain, Cochren & Co., and Jason Crabb are set to headline the 40 Days & 40 Nights Christian Music Festival at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum presented by Abraham Productions. The festival will feature a diverse lineup of performers in Christian music with current favorites and legendary artists. Abraham Productions, Inc. is pleased to announce the Museum of the Bible as the platinum sponsor for the world’s largest Christian music Festival 40 Days & 40 Nights of Christian Music at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, August 1-September 9, 2023 in northern Kentucky. As the flagship sponsor of the world’s largest Christian music festival, the Museum of the Bible will be represented at all stages including the huge Answers Center and outdoor Noah’s Village at the Ark Encounter and the newly renovated Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum.  In addition to the sponsorship, Abraham Productions and Sea Walker Media are happy to announce a new multi-day Christian music event that will come to the World Stage Theater and Gathering Room at the Museum of the Bible in the early Fall of 2024. The event will feature iconic artists and national speakers presenting the gospel in the heart of Washington, D.C. Details regarding this multi-day event will be released later this year. Templeton Tours, Inc., the parent company of Singing At Sea, also joins the roster of great sponsors for the World’s Largest Christian Music Festival, along with returning sponsors Christian Healthcare Ministries and Singing News Brands.
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The Ark Encounter was recently voted the #1 Best Religious Museum by USA Today’s 10 Best Readers’ Choice Awards and the Creation Museum finished a close second. The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are the top family-friendly destinations for people throughout the United States and many countries around the world. Ken Ham, founder, and CEO of Answers in Genesis (parent company of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum) is excited that the 40 Days and 40 Nights Christian Music Festival will expand in 2023 with its evangelistic concerts at both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. Ham declares: “Each of these sponsors is a perfect fit for this incredible event and we are appreciative. Our plans are to continue to build this event and be a blessing and encouragement to attendees for many years to come.” The life-size Noah’s Ark is located south of Cincinnati. The 40 Days & 40 Nights of Christian Music Festival continues to grow in popularity with more than 40,000 attendees in 2022. In 2023, the event expands again with additional concerts being added and a talent roster that is second to none. Concerts will be held daily at the Ark Encounter, and Wednesday and Thursday morning concerts will be presented at Creation Museum.  Performing artists include Cain, Triumphant, Selah, Inspirations, Cochren & Co, Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Jason Crabb, Natalie Layne, Karen Peck & New River, Isaacs, Joseph Habedank, Booth Brothers, Jimmy Fortune, The Hoppers, and more than 100 other popular artists will be performing. In addition to the incredible music, there will be inspiring messages and teaching from sought-after speakers like Ken Ham, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Dr. Jeff Laborg, Pastor Javon Ruff, Comedian Dennis Swanberg, Tim Lovelace, and many others. Ray Flynn, President & CEO of Abraham Productions, Inc. and Sea Walker Media Corporation, said: “We are extremely honored and thankful to have the opportunity to partner with the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in presenting this mega Christian Music Festival at the top family destinations in America. We are also very thankful for our great sponsors Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, Christian Healthcare Ministries, Templeton Tours – Singing at Sea, and Singing News Brands. We are also excited to partner with the Museum of the Bible on this major new event coming to World Stage Theater in the Fall of 2024.” Read the full article
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serotoninhq · 1 year
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the team is thrilled to announce the following mun and muses have been accepted! we’re looking forward to develop this world and its future verses with you.
〔 josh whitehouse, 30, genderfluid, he&them ) jonah torres was seen listening to half-hearted by we three. jonah is a lead singer and known to be ebullient & fanciful ( kass )
〔 giancarlo esposito, 65, cis man, he & him ) arthur winters was seen listening to snow miser vs heat miser by rich chambers. artie is a retired voice actor and known to be curious & disorganized ( kass )
〔 leo suter, 29, cis man, he & him ) rhion abbott was seen listening to toxic by britney spears. rhion is a hockey player and known to be assertive & decadent ( kass )
〔 kennedy mcmann, 27, cis woman, she & her ) teagan prescott was seen listening to stonehenge by ylvis. tiggy is a historian and known to be adroit & loquacious ( kass )
〔 tenoch huerta, 40, demi man, he & them ) cody shaw was seen listening to you should probably leave by chris stapleton. cody is a repairman and known to be vehement & apathetic ( kass )
〔 thomas weatherall, 24, demi man, he/they ) weston murphy was seen listening to strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan. west is a tech specialist and freelance hacker and known to be sociable & non-confrontational. ( beth )
〔 kit young, 28, genderfluid, any ) alistair cowan was seen listening to i don't dance from high school musical. ali is a professional baseball player and known to be excitable & forgetful. ( beth )
〔 berk cankat, 38, cis man, he/him ) kazim ekici was seen listening to can't pretend by tom odell. kaz is an occupational therapist and known to be generous & impatient. ( beth )
〔 greta lee, 40, nonbinary, they / them) nari an was seen listening to 'you' by keaton henson. nari is a chiropractor and known to be optimistic & restless ( sol )
〔 christian serratos, 32, cis woman, she / her) candelaria soto was seen listening to 'the less i know the better' by tame impala. aria is a makeup artist and known to be imaginative & reckless ( sol )
〔 morena baccarin, 43, nonbinary, they / them) laila namour was seen listening to 'talk shop' by duologue. laila is a dental hygienist and known to be enthusiastic & disorganized ( sol )
〔 maite perroni, 39, cis woman, she / her) isaura venegas was seen listening to 'telephone' by lady gaga. izzy is an actress and known to be hard-working & provocative ( sol )
〔 mishel prada, 33, genderfluid, she / they) valeria de oleo was seen listening to 'arsonist's lullaby' by hozier. val is a geneticist and known to be independent & secretive ( sol )
〔 ke huy quan, 51, cis man, he&him ) longwei zheng was seen listening to simple song by the shins. wei is a cinematic professor and known to be exuberant & scatterbrained ( rosalie )
〔 harris dickinson, 26, genderfluid, he&they ) keegan kennedy was seen listening to boyfriend by big time rush. keys is a male escort and known to be charismatic & avoidant ( rosalie )
〔 FKA twigs, 35, demi woman, she&they) birdie moreau was seen listening to heavy by peach prc. birdie is a freelance creative and known to be enigmatic & unreliable. ( rosalie )
〔 allison brie, 38, demi woman, she/her ) chloe foster was seen listening to i need to wake up by melissa etheridge. chlo is a singing teacher and known to be musical & irrational. ( beth )
〔 jack falahee, 28, demi man, he/they ) colton haase was seen listening to new religion by all time low. colt is a firefighter and known to be affable & rash. ( beth )
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🇬🇧 In March 2013 I started working for Searchmetrics in their own SEO consulting unit called DSG (Digital Strategies Group). I had the honor to work with extremely capable colleagues. Not only in the DSG, but also in the DSG. Searchmetrics has been a magnet for talented SEOs since it was founded by Marcus Tober (mentioned here only those I had the honor to work with) Björn Darko, Malte Landwehr, Markus Klöschen, Martin Gaulke, Lukas Krawieczek, Svetlana Stankovic, Tina Lange, Boris Wartenberg, Thomas Rudolph, Alessandra Olianti, Felix Oey, Lillian Haase, Sarah Chaya Presch, Kathy Alice Brown, karl kleinschmidt, Tyson Stockton and many others with whom I had less direct contact as well as many other wonderful and extremely talented people in their respective fields like the wonderful Marlene Borst, Katharina Lübke (who could almost pass for a technical SEO today), Patricia Meißner, Christina Eurich, Heike Neu, Philipp Vaßen, Martin Voigt, Ingo Vetter, Daniel Furch, Christian Broscheidt, Stephan Jantz . .. there are so many that I can't name them all adhoc in this post, I shouldn't have even tried - please don't take it amiss if you personally didn't get a mention - I've actually only worked with extraordinarily great people and I don't like to leave you behind. I had some contact with other pre-Ex-Searchmetricians like Moni, Rico, Sebastian, Kevin Indig - now I belong to you (it feels a bit sad).
I was lucky to have been blessed with really great clients - if you are one of my ex-clients - YOU were one of those great clients - and you will continue to be really well taken care of - I really had not only great clients but also damn good colleagues!
Besides my work as SEO consultant, Baidu SEO study creator, input provider to Product and author of various Searchmetrics publications I was also allowed to get in touch with Searchmetrics software customers - e.g. in the context of the Black Belt Certification where I was allowed to meet Andor Palau, who took the photos above.
But my path must continue. 11/30/2022 was my last day as Searchmetrician. Since 12/1/2022 I am pursuing a new challenge. Over the next few days and weeks, I'll be sharing more and more about my new employer, my new workplace, and my new living environment here in Tianjin, China (even besides work, because I know many of my friends, acquaintances, and ex-clients here are interested in how I'm doing here).
I'm insanely happy that after years of hope, planning, anxiety, CV19-troubles, … finally together with my family I can make the step back to China.
Kind regards, Marcus
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kenomonuve · 2 years
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sgnscoops · 2 years
Gospel Music Today For May 22 2022
Gospel Music Today For May 22 2022
Shawn Porter is the guest on Gospel Music Today for the week of May 22. Ken and Jean Grady host southern gospel news and concert updates. The Feature Group is Heirborn, and Jean reviews new recordings by Sounds of Jericho and Joe Mullins and The Radio Ramblers. An article from Christian Voice magazine is the subject of this week’s News Notes and In the News is Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, IMC…
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dermontag · 2 years
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139 Milliarden Neuverschuldung Haushaltsbeschlüsse lösen massive Kritik aus 20.05.2022, 15:39 Uhr Die Krisen dieser Zeit machen sich auch bei den deutschen Staatsausgaben bemerkbar. Die Ampelkoalition spricht von einer "schwierigen haushaltspolitischen Ausgangslage" und nimmt Milliardensummen in die Hand. Aus der Opposition schallt es Empörung. Der Bundeshaushalt 2022 mit einem Volumen von rund 496 Milliarden Euro und einer Neuverschuldung von knapp 139 Milliarden Euro steht - und wird von der Opposition massiv kritisiert. Union, Linke und AfD werfen der Ampel-Koalition eine exorbitant hohe Nettokreditaufnahme und eine falsche Prioritätensetzung vor. Die Union hält eine Senkung der Neuverschuldung um 88 Milliarden Euro für möglich. Dazu sollten Milliarden-Rücklagen jetzt und nicht erst in Zukunft aufgelöst sowie Einsparungen vorgenommen werden. "Das ist ein Zeichen auch an die Bevölkerung, die im Augenblick viele Einschränkungen machen muss, dass auch der Staat spart an der Stelle, und wir nicht jedes Problem in Deutschland mit Geld zuwerfen können", sagte der haushaltspolitische Sprecher der CDU/CSU, Christian Haase. Seine Fraktion habe bei den Etatberatungen auch ein Entlastungspaket von rund 40 Milliarden Euro vorgeschlagen, sei damit aber nicht durchgedrungen. Die Gesamtausgaben des Bundes in Höhe von 496 Milliarden Euro sind rund zwölf Milliarden Euro mehr als im Regierungsentwurf einschließlich des Ergänzungshaushalts vom April vorgesehen. Die Chefhaushälter von SPD, Grünen und FDP, Dennis Rohde, Sven-Christian Kindler und Otto Fricke, sprachen von einem Etat in einer "schwierigen haushaltspolitischen Ausgangslage". Der Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestags hatte in der vergangenen Nacht die Etatberatungen mit der sogenannten Bereinigungssitzung abgeschlossen. Der Bundestag will den Etatentwurf in der Woche vom 30. Mai bis 3. Juni verabschieden. Grund für den späten Beschluss ist die Bundestagswahl mit Regierungswechsel im vergangenen Herbst. Die Ministerien arbeiten seit Jahresbeginn mit einer vorläufigen Haushaltsführung. "Das ist alles irre" Gesine Lötzsch, die haushaltspolitische Sprecherin der Linken, rechnete vor, dass die "regulären Rüstungsausgaben" - also ohne das geplante 100-Milliarden-Sondervermögen - mit 50,3 Milliarden Euro so hoch seien wie nie zuvor. "Das ist natürlich klar, dass ökologische und soziale Themen in den Hintergrund getreten sind", sagte sie. "Als Linke sagen wir, wir müssen das Geld verwenden, um die weitere Spaltung der Gesellschaft zu bekämpfen." Lötzsch forderte unter anderem einen Preisdeckel für Mieten und Grundnahrungsmittel, höhere Hartz-IV-Regelsätze, bessere Rentenleistungen, mehr Geld für die Pflege-Infrastruktur und für den sozialen Wohnungsbau sowie mehr BaföG. Der AfD-Haushaltspolitiker Peter Boehringer nannte die Schuldenquote von 28 Prozent "schon gigantisch, unglaublich hoch". Er betonte: "Es wäre möglich, ihn praktisch schuldenfrei zu fahren, diesen Haushalt." Boehringer monierte unter anderem, dass sich der Einzeletat des Gesundheitsministeriums im Vergleich zur Vor-Corona-Zeit auf über 50 Milliarden Euro verdreifacht habe. Mehr als die Hälfte seien für Corona-Ausgaben vorgesehen, die im Jahr 2022 nicht mehr nötig seien. So würden mit Milliardensummen leerstehende Test- und Impfzentren finanziert und Impfstoffe gekauft, die niemand mehr haben wolle. "Das ist alles irre", sagte er. In der Außen- und Entwicklungspolitik würden noch immer "Weltbeglückungsprogramme" finanziert.
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