#choices:stories you play
lovechoices · 2 years
Can I request jealous poppy x mc where she finds out ab what happened between her and ina
Falling Back Together | Poppy Min-Sinclair
| Summary: Poppy finds out about Bea and Ina (request)
warnings: light angst; light cursing
pairing: Poppy Min-Sinclair x Bea
word count: 2,651
A/N: So sorry that this took so long to post! I promise that in the future fics will be out sooner. Also, this is one of the first things I've written after not writing for a while, so I'm a little rusty. I hope you enjoy!
Over the past few weeks, her and Bea had become unlikely friends. It started with just accidentally running into each other in the campus library. They steered clear of each other for the most part at the beginning, but then late one night, one of her heels broke as she was leaving.
She tripped, dropping all her books in the process. Bea being the “good girl” that she was, came over to help her. She even offered to let Poppy wear her shoes until she made it home. Of course, Poppy refused at first, but then the thought of walking barefoot all the way back to the Zeta house made her reconsider.
So, Bea walked her all the way home. Poppy was literally walking in her shoes while Bea was in socks. Her rival tried making small talk with her, but she wouldn’t budge, staying silent the whole way.
It wasn’t until they got back to Zeta house that she spoke. “As much as it pains me to say this. Thank you for letting me borrow your shoes” she said. Bea just laughed a little “You’re welcome. And just so you know, I’m not as bad as I seem once you get to know me”
Poppy doesn’t know why, but there was something in that laugh that made her take pause. Made her think that maybe there was more to this girl than met the eye. She couldn’t let Bea know that though. Could never let anyone know that she had misjudged. So instead, her pride had her spitting out “I highly doubt that” as she started making her way inside. “This was a one-time thing farmville. It’ll never happen again”
Except it did. Bea kept walking her back home. Every time trying to get a conversation going, much to Poppy’s annoyance. However, since they usually had these walks from the library so late at night with no one to see them, she tolerated it. She tolerated it every day until she noticed that she actually looked forward to their late-night walks.
She started engaging in conversation more. They started talking about classes at first but then the subject would change to what kind of music they liked, which books they loved. And Poppy loved every second of it.
The walks became their own little secret. Something that no one else knew about. It became an unspoken rule that they would act normal around the other students at Belvoire. Keeping their rivalry for top spot alive. Occasionally, they would text each other, but that was still something new.
Which is why it isn’t unusual for Poppy to start reaching for her phone to text the girl. That is, until she suddenly hears Bea’s voice, the sound stopping her movements.
She can tell someone is with her. She can hear the giggling and the shushing coming from just a few rows down. Poppy is holding a copy of the book that her walking buddy had so enthusiastically recommended.
 At first, she just thinks that Bea is with Zoey. Until she hears a different voice instead. “Come on Bea. This isn’t funny” It can’t be she thinks. Her mind races because there is no way that voice belongs to who she thinks it does.
Quietly, she makes her way over to the end of the row. Trying her best to sneak a peek from behind the bookshelves, she finds Bea on one of the couches, straddling none other than professor Kingsley. “I don’t think we need that book anymore, do you Ina?”
Ina? So, they are on a first name basis she thinks. Poppy watches as Bea and professor Kingsley play out their little punishment games. There’s an ache in her chest, one that she can’t quite place. All she knows is that she can’t stay here anymore. She needs to leave.
She starts making her way out until she realizes she’s still holding the book that Bea recommended. The cover for “Criers War” staring back at her. Poppy was a little excited when she first walked into Bindings, wanting to read the book they talked about. Looked forward to reading it and then talking about it with Bea on one of their walks but now… She wanted nothing to do with it. Leaving the book on a random shelf, she storms out and heads home.
Poppy feels like she might throw up and her heart is pounding a mile a minute. She’s never felt anything like this before. She can’t explain this feeling. It almost feels as if her heart is breaking. But it couldn’t be that. Could it?
She stops, replaying every encounter she’s had with Bea over the past couple of months. The way her insides would warm whenever Bea laughed, or the way she started to do anything just to see that smile form on her stupidly adorable face. How her guilt would dissipate after a reassuring glace from Bea’s blue eyes after she made a comment she feared went too far.
She couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment but, she had slowly fallen in love with the farmgirl. What a sick joke she thinks. The first time she ever truly falls in love and the girl is playing teacher’s pet. The image of Bea and professor Kingsley still burned fresh in her mind.
Tonight. She would give herself tonight to feel the full weight of the heartbreak. Then tomorrow, she would go right back to how things were before she fell.
Almost a month had passed since she saw Bea in the library with the professor. It was easy to fall back into the flow from before of hating Bea. Insulting her and bringing her down any chance that Poppy had.
At least, that’s what she wishes she could say. Wished it was easy to see the confusion on Bea’s face when Poppy no longer went to the library to study. Wished it was easy to see the hurt in Bea’s eyes as the insults Poppy threw at her hit closer and closer to home. Wished it was easy to see Bea and professor Kingsley interact so innocently with each other around campus, knowing that behind closed doors something else entirely was happening.
Wished that keeping her distance from Bea wasn’t one of the hardest things she’s had to do.
One night while trying to study for an upcoming exam, Poppy had to fight the urge to scream at her house mates more than once. Usually, she could handle the loud obnoxious noises that would seep into her room, able to block out whatever her sisters where doing. Tonight however, their loud chattering was getting on her last nerve.
Chloe ended up being the straw that broke the camels back as she came barreling into Poppy’s room. “Omg, you like totally have to check out this guy!” she said, shoving her phone in Poppy’s face. With a stern glare thrown her way, Chloe stepped back. “Chloe, sweetie” the annoyance laced Poppy’s voice like venom. “I truly could not care any less about whatever buffed up frat boy you’ve decided to obsess over this week.” She stood, collecting her things knowing that if she stayed, she wouldn’t be doing any studying. “So, excuse me while I go and get some actual work done” She passed Chloe, not giving her a second glace and missing the quiet “Sorry Poppy” that came from her.
She headed straight for the library, figuring that she would be able to get at least a few hours of studying done before it closed for the night. Approaching the library, she was grateful at how empty it was. She’d be lying if she said that a certain blonde didn’t pop into her head when she had made the decision to come to the library. She knew that there would be no way she could handle seeing Bea alone. She didn’t want to.
Especially not here. The library had become a place she held close to her heart. Somewhere she sought comfort, simply because she knew Bea would be there. But now. Now it was tainted with the memory of Bea and Professor Kingsley.
Her hand reached for the door, only hesitating for a second. She didn’t want to be here, but there was nowhere else she could think of to study. Pulling open the door, she tried clearing out all thoughts of Bea so she could get to work.
Poppy took only a few steps before she felt someone lightly grab her arm, stopping her from moving. Turning, she was met with the worried look of Bea’s face. “Hey, I’ve been calling out your name. Did you not hear me?”
No, she hadn’t. She was so worried about running to her, that Poppy hadn’t even realized that Bea was calling out her name. “Poppy?” she asked. Hearing her name come from Bea brought the pain she had been feeling to the forefront of her being, and she felt her senses becoming overwhelmed.
The lights in the library were too bright, the whispers of the few patrons around them seemed too loud. The warmth coming from Bea’s hand as it still held onto her felt like fire on her skin. She pulled away, needing to break the contact. “Don’t touch me” she spat out, moving to push pass Bea and leave the library. She could study another time. Right now, she needed to leave.
“Poppy wait” Bea followed her out. “Hey, I need to talk to you, wait”. She kept moving, not wanting to hear anything that Bea had to say. She just focused on getting back to Zeta house, on getting away from Bea.
She stopped short as Bea cut in front of her. “Poppy, talk to me. What’s wrong?” the pleading in her voice almost made Poppy break right there. She wanted to let lose all the emotions she had felt since seeing Bea and Kingsley, but she couldn’t let Bea see her like that. Couldn’t let her seem weak.
“Nothing’s wrong farmville. Just get out of my way” she tried to continue to the house, but Bea stopped her again. “No, not until you tell me what’s going on”. She wasn’t letting it go. Poppy pushed again. “Get out of my way Bea” but the girl stayed rooted to her spot in the same way a strong tree stays rooted in the midst of a storm. “Poppy talk to me. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks now” Bea’s face softened. “I’ve missed you. Missed our walks”.
Missed her? Bea had missed her. Probably just as much as Poppy had missed her. A certain warmth made its way through Poppy, the thought that Bea had actually missed her made her feel wanted in a way she’d never known before. The feeling was short lived as flashes of Bea and Professor Kingsley flooded her memory. The coldness was back and Poppy couldn’t help the words that spilled from her. “Please, how could you possibly miss me? Seems you have been too busy with Ina to care”
She reveled in the cycle of emotions that crossed Bea’s face. Confusion, realization, fear, panic, hurt. Poppy drank it all in, as if Bea’s pain would be the only thing to remedy her own.
“You know?” she asked softly. Poppy scoffed “Know what? That you’ve been screwing one of the professors?” Bea flinched at the harshness of Poppy’s voice. “I’d be more careful when hooking up in the library.”
Bea finally looked away, her eyes falling to the floor. “Poppy, it’s not like that with Ina. We were just- “ Poppy cut her off. “I don’t really care what you and Ina do, just stay out of my way and we won’t have a problem” she tried leaving again, but Bea was right there to stop her. “But you do care. You wouldn’t be avoiding me if you didn’t”
You do care. The words spinning over and over in her head. You do care. You do care. She could feel the grip on her emotions slipping. She needed to leave, or get Bea to leave. “I could not care less about you” a lie of course, one that tasted bitter in her mouth.
“You don’t mean that” Bea tried her best not to look hurt, but Poppy could see it affected her. Still, Bea pushed on. “Poppy, I know you feel something between us, you can’t deny it” Her patience with Bea was running thin “Aw, did things not work out with Ina? Looking for a rebound? You won’t find it here”
That was it. That snapped Bea. “Are you kidding me Poppy!? You know you’re more than that to me!” The sudden outburst took her back and her eyes widened at Bea’s almost confession. “What I had with Ina was fun, but it wasn’t real” she grabbed Poppy’s hands in her own. “Not like this. Not like us.”
Poppy stood there frozen, unsure what to say. “Poppy the things I feel with you are so strong that sometimes it feels like I might explode. This past month that you’ve been avoiding me have been hell. I can feel your absence like a weight that’s pressing down on my chest and I, I” Bea hesitated. “Poppy” taking a deep breath her eyes met Poppy’s. “Poppy Min-Sinclair I think I might just be in love with you”
It took her a second to process just what Bea had said. Did I hear her right? Bea just admitted to loving her. Something Poppy had only dreamed about, something she hadn’t dared to even think to entertain but… but Bea is looking at her with so much love and conviction that all doubts and thoughts that what Bea just confessed might not be true faded. She could only imagine how she must look, because suddenly Bea’s face is worried. “Listen it’s ok if you don’t feel the same. We can just be friends, just please, please stop avoiding me I can’t handle it anymore” she rambles.
Poppy just stands there staring at her, still taking in everything. Bea shifts on her feet, the nerves getting the best of her. “Poppy say something please” she begs, and Poppy can think of nothing cuter. She gentle cups Bea’s face and leans in pressing their lips together.
Bea surrounds her, filling up every space and overwhelming every sense that Poppy has in the best possible way.
They finally pull away, resting their foreheads against each other, taking deep breaths. In this moment of just them, everything is peaceful. Everything feels just right in Poppy’s world. From the way their heads are pressed together, to how Bea’s hands fit in her own, to how they moved against each other during the kiss. As if they were simply made to fit together.
Bea breaks the silence first. “So, I guess this means you feel the same?” Poppy just softly laughed as she said “You’re so dumb”. Bea just shrugged, “Maybe, but at least I have you. I do have you right?” Poppy took a moment to really think about it. Feelings aside, she needed to make sure things with Ina really were over. “There may be a few things we should talk about more” she smiled. “But yes, you have me.”
Bea smiled before kissing her again, and Poppy was sure she wound never tire of the feeling. Once they parted, Bea gently squeezed her hand and said “Can I walk you home?” Poppy could think of nothing better. “I would love if you did” she said, feeling peace wash over her for the first time in a while.
The two of them walked along the same path to Zeta house, catching up on everything they had missed in the time apart. Poppy couldn’t help thinking how easy it was to fall right back into the comfortable conversations, and she couldn’t wait to see what the future held for them.
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laraplayschoices · 1 year
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Titanic based VIP in autumn (northern hemisphere) um what.. still won’t be anywhere near Storyscapes story I’m guessing. I’m still salty about them being shut down. 😢
Also I’m guessing unbridled is the friend and the brothers story from untameable with added customisation opinions plus maybe the brother can switch to a sister of the mc of the previous book?
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alccaddsccup · 2 years
what do people think about the cursed heart
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calotta-of-choices · 4 years
It’s so funny to see how many people dragged Poppy’s dirty secret out. Even those like myself who did the good girl route fucking lit her ass up on that stage.
It wasn’t until she acted all high and mighty, emphasising on the name Min-Sinclair, that I was like ‘Nah, we gonna nip that attitude now.’
Also #JusticeForZoeWade
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I finally worked up the courage to delete choices
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estelamontoyax · 3 years
okay pack it up mtfl mc, I'm done w your indecisive hoe ass
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kinda-iconic · 4 years
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Humour me, Kayden... please 😂
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The Undying Centurion
Pairing: None, but implied feelings for MC (so I guess Gaius x MC?)
Summary: Gaius takes a moment to gather his thoughts before leaving New York.
Author’s Note: I just wanted to write something from Gaius’ POV. Eventually, I might write something that goes into further detail, but for now I think this short one shot is good enough. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read!
Word Count: ~1K
Gaius Augustine may be a free man, but he had never felt so trapped.
The sorrow all around him was palpable, the permanent damage he had taken part of thrown back in his face at every turn. For the first time in nearly three thousand years he had no purpose. No one to turn to. No one to follow him.
He was completely alone.
Rheya’s face as she crumbled to dust haunted him. He should be glad she was dead. That woman had given life to the darkest parts of him. She had altered his mind, extinguished whatever good still remained…but she had given him a purpose.
Gaius was no saint. His sins were not cleansed because Amy had freed him from his mental prison. There was still a darkness, an evil, lingering inside.
Try as he may to ignore it, it lingered. For far longer than he’d been autonomous, he’d been under The First’s control, bowing to her every command from beyond the tomb where she lay for so long. Rheya knew the darkness inside of him. She sculpted a warrior, gave the Undying Centurion a goal that he had spent millennia trying to achieve.
And now… now he wandered the ruined streets of New York.
No one bothered to look in his direction as he passed by, his cloak trailing in the breeze. Gaius remembered Amy’s face when she’d watched her best friend die. The death of Lily Spencer would stay with him for a long time. Her name would join the ranks of those who he could not save. Of those who fell to the wrath of his Goddess.
“A puppet has no free will. I did.”
Amy may believe that giving him a second chance was the right thing to do, but Gaius wasn’t so sure. He had spent so long that way, had committed countless crimes, had been forged from the chaos he created wherever he went.
Perhaps the man he had been before was dead. The person he was now, and the person he had been for three thousand years, were one and the same.
“So listen, and listen well. This is not your redemption story. You do not get to become some hero in the last act.”
Kamilah’s words echoed in his mind as he walked long into the night. She was right. He may make promises, may have every intention to do good from now on, but that did not redeem him. Sometimes, no matter how hard one tried, their actions were never enough.
After walking for a while, Gaius stopped near the water. He closed his eyes and let the wind blow through his hair, thinking of all the horrible things he had done. Amy’s face came to him, the way she chose to give him a second chance still surprising him. She should want him gone. He had killed her. And yet…
No. Stop it. Whatever attraction he felt for her, it wasn’t meant to be. He’d seen the way Adrian looked at her, known that the two of them were in love. Besides, why would anyone care for a monster like him?
The sun would rise soon. Gaius stood still for a moment, studying the sky. His lips turned down in a frown. Three thousand years old, and gone in an instant. All it would take was some sunlight. Perhaps this was always the way things were meant to be. He’d fulfilled his purpose. Rheya was gone.
“Wait for me!” A voice rang out over the water, stirring him from his thoughts.
With a sigh, Gaius continued on his way. That would be too easy. Too kind. Amy had made the decision to keep him alive for a reason, and he’d promised her that he would do her proud. Despite all odds, it was not his time to go.
“Who are you Gaius? Really?”
The answer was that he did not know. For so long, he thought he did. He thought that vampires should rule the world, that Rheya was in the right. She’d suffered great loss, too. She’d once tried to rule peacefully, before losing it all. Why was it that he got a second chance, while she didn’t?
Gaius closed his eyes again, clenching his teeth when he felt the hot tears running down his cheeks. It had been so long since he felt this way. All the anger, pain, the thirst for revenge…none of it mattered anymore.
Rheya was gone.
He remembered when Amy had reached deep inside, breaking the barriers that had been placed on him down. In that moment, he’d wanted nothing more than for her to kill him. Had it not been for Rheya’s return, he would have let her.
“A thousand years,” he mumbled, thinking of how much he could accomplish in that time. He scoffed, shaking his head while he looked up.
Someone was sitting on a bench several feet away, watching him without a word. Gaius tensed when he sensed the blood flowing through their veins. It would be far too easy to feed with no one else around. The thought tempted him, the hunger he’d been ignoring all night beginning to take over.
Do not do it.
It had been a long time since he’d had a voice of reason. Rheya had not only made him into the worst version of himself. She’d destroyed his conscience along with what kindness he’d possessed. Now, he felt like an empty shell. A ghost of the person he had once been.
Perhaps he wasn’t worthy of a second chance. Some things he could never take back, no matter how much time passed. He was a monster. That reminder echoed in his mind.
You are no hero.
The thought lingered. Gaius felt a lump forming in his throat, casting his eyes to the water once more.
Redemption. His lips curved upward in a slight smile as he considered it. The world has survived. Disaster would not prevail this time. Whatever darkness has possessed Rheya, Amy, himself…it was gone.
He was free.
Only time would tell if that was for better or worse.
With a sigh, Gaius turned his back to the water and began his journey.
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scorpislothbaby · 3 years
So No Ride or Die 2, huh? ☹️
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lovechoices · 4 years
Blade of Light and Shadows makes my dnd loving heart so happy!!
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From getting to choose our race and skill sets!
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To party members and side quests!!
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And let not forget about the LORE!!!!! I'm in love with this book already!!
Oh, and did I mention the artwork
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Blade of Light and Shadows 12/10 so far
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mrsrhys23 · 4 years
Paring: Ethan Ramsey x MC
Warnings: Blood/sutures 
A/N:  I don’t own any of these characters, they belong to Pixelberry Studios. This is a part of @cxld-play and @bi-cookie @choicesfebruarychallenge​​​ The prompt is Pain.
Permata: @desiree---1986 @cordoniaqueensworld @itschoicesstuff @emilypowell001
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Ethan and Casey were in the kitchen both tasked with chopping vegetables for dinner that evening. Casey had expressed a desire to learn how to cook and finally both doctors had the same day off and Ethan had agreed to teach her since it was somewhat of a passion of his. 
Casey finished chopping the ends off the carrot then chopped it in half, putting her fingers on top and used the technique Ethan had taught about using her knuckles to guide the knife down. She glanced to the side, hearing Ethan’s own knife hit the cutting board in quick succession as he sliced his two leaks quickly then moved swiftly into three small  sticks of celery. 
“I’d watch what you’re doing, if you don't want to slice a finger off,” Ethan advised, sensing she was looking at him. 
Casey sighed turning her attention back to the vegetable on her own board as Ethan finished what he was doing. She continued cutting it when she was startled by Ethan’s hands coming to rest on her hips, causing her to slip and ultimately the knife to go down onto her fingers. 
Casey shrieked, dropping the knife down onto the board as blood started to well from the cuts. Ethan cursed under his breath, leading her over to the sink and flicking the tap on. “Here. Run it under the tap.” 
She allowed her boyfriend to guide her hand under the water. She winced as it stung. 
She was a doctor, she was used to seeing blood but she hated seeing her own. She always had. She looked away, feeling the warm and sticky blood following her her fingers kind of made her want to vomit. 
“Are you alright?” Ethan asked. 
Casey hummed, continuing to look away from the sink where her blood was currently going down the drain. Ethan reached over switched the tap off and took her hand into both of his, looking at the wound along her fingers. 
“That’s going to need stitches,” he told her, she groaned. She originally thought it was just a little nip but...apparently not. Ethan grabbed a clean tea towel from the draw placing it over the wound when fresh blood started to pool. 
She looked up to him as her hand took over for his applying pressure to the wound. “Does it really need stitches?” 
“I’m afraid so. I’ll go grab my suture kit, there’s no need to go to Endenbrook so long as you're okay with me doing it?” 
“Yeah,” Casey nodded. Ethan led her to the living room, telling her to take a seat on the sofa as he went to go and grab his medical bag from his car parked just outside. 
Jenner came and sat beside Casey on the sofa, resting his head on her thigh. She stroked his soft fur with her uninjured hand. 
“So much for an uneventful date night, huh?” She sighed. 
So far she had managed not to look at her hand and the nausea she’d been feeling had all but started to despite. She was prompted to look down at her hand when she felt the familiar feeling of blood running down her fingers. Casey balled the tea towel up a little bit placing it back over the cut, of course catching sight of it and all the blood. 
She started to gag so quickly reverted her eyes just as Ethan returned, closing the front door and coming to sit beside her, slipping on a pair of gloves. He lay the tea towel over his lap as he took it off to further examine it and not to get her blood all over him- there were boundaries. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Ethan asked, noticing that Casey was looking away from it. 
“Yeah,” she lied. Ethan prepared the local anaesthetic, warning her about a few little pricks as he injected around the wound to numb if before he began. 
Ethan prepared the suture and all the necessary equipment while he waited for it to take effect. He timed it on his watch, grabbing a pair of tweezers when a sufficient amount of time had passed. He pressed in on either side of the wound, receiving no reaction from Casey. She didn't even know he was touching her since she still wouldn't look. “Am I right in thinking you can't feel anything?” Ethan asked, he knew the answer, the anaesthetic had started to take effect but he didn't want to hurt her in any way. 
“Nope. All numb,” she told him, shooting him a quick grin then turned away. 
Ethan began, weaving the needle in and out with a grace that only years of experience in the field could give you, “You don't like the sight of your own blood, do you?”
“No, it freaks me out,” Casey said honestly. 
“Is it just your own blood that bothers you?” 
“Yeah,” she nodded, “just mine. I don't know why though. It’s always has  since I was a kid.” 
Ethan was silent as he finished suturing then dressed the wound, fastening the bandage with two strips of tape. “There good as new,” he said, slipped off his gloves and disposed of them and everything else. “Technically speaking it's not but it will be in a week or so.” 
“Yeah.” Casey stood walking into the kitchen, heaving at the sight of the blood on the cutting board. She quickly turned a way, heading out and bumping into Ethan on the way back to the living room. “There’s blood over the vegetables-” 
“Take out then?” 
“Sounds like a plan,” Casey grinned. She looked up to him. “Thank you, Ethan, for sorting my hand.” Ethan leaned down, planting a kiss onto her lips. “I love you,”she said, wrapped her arm around her neck. 
“I love you too, Rookie.”
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alccaddsccup · 1 year
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i am excited for approximately zero of these books
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