389 · 1 year
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The longest, left-breaking wave in the world, Chicama, Peru
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recherchestetique · 7 months
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It is called Chicama (northern Peru), it is found in only one point on the Peruvian coast, and it is the only wave in the world protected by law. Nothing can be built within two kilometers of that place, so nothing can affect its natural formation.
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Chicama, Peru
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southpacifictravel · 1 year
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The Museo Cao at the Complejo arqueológico El Brujo in the Chicama Valley northwest of Trujillo showcases vestiges of the Moche or Mochica culture which dominated northern Perú from 100 to 700 AD.
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maki621001 · 1 year
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【CHICAMA】 誕生日会に子連れ参加だったけど、ゆっくり楽しめたのでオススメとして投稿✨ 【ありがたいポイント】 ・事前に予約や要望が出来る ・席数も席も広め(広めのソファ席、テラス席あり) ・ベビーカーも事前に伝えておけばイスをはずしてくれているので、そのまま横づけしてくれる ・席会計可 ・店員さんがミルクのお湯くれたりと、サポート手厚め 👍👍👍 そのあとTSUTAYA家電みたり、桜みながら川沿いを散歩して、 甥っ子たちがいる子なれした友人2人が何から何までお世話してくれたり、ハーフバースデーの🎁もありがとう🥺 至れり尽くせりな日でした♡ えり、ゆきちゃん、ありがとう✨ 👶と🐕にやさしい街、ニコ🥚 離乳食沢山食べれるようになったら【#100本のスプーン】や【#kasa】もいってみたいな♪     #CHICAMA#chicama #二子玉川ランチ#二子玉 #子連れランチ#子連れランチ東京 (二子玉川河川敷) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqe98BMvUWk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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calvincrazy · 1 year
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ola más larga del mundo
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debrink · 2 years
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~ Arctic Frame Studio
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zahitdeogo · 5 days
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mutant-distraction · 11 months
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Chicama, occurs in a single point on the Peruvian coast, and it is the only wave in the world that is protected by law. Nothing can be built within a radius of two kilometers from that place, so nothing can affect its natural formation.
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friendswithclay · 8 months
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“Stirrup spouted jar representing a monkey standing on a circular vessel, which is actually annular since it is formed around a central opening. Salinar Culture, Chicama Valley. Rafael Larco Hoyle Collection.”
From: “Ancient peoples places vol. 1 (Peru)” by Bushnell, G. H. S.; 1956.
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principessa-6 · 9 months
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Si chiama Chicama, si trova in un punto della costa peruviana...
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jartitameteneis · 1 year
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Se llama "Chicama" , ocurre en un solo punto de la costa peruana, y es la única ola en el mundo que está protegida por ley. No se puede construir nada en un radio de dos kilómetros desde ese lugar, por lo que nada puede afectar su formación natural.
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mezzopieno-news · 2 years
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Un’onda talmente bella che esiste una legge apposita per proteggerla.
Si chiama Chicama ed è un’onda permanente e regolare che si infrange in modo uniforme in più sezioni uguali che prendono forma a seconda della corrente, del vento e della direzione delle mareggiate. La baia dal fondo sabbioso nei pressi del paesino di Malabrigo nel nord del Perù, crea le condizioni perché questa particolare onda si formi e si arricci in modo unico al mondo e con un effetto davvero spettacolare.
Diventata la prima onda al mondo ad essere protetta da una legge dello stato, dove la norma N27280, detta anche ley de rompientes stabilisce che non si possa costruire a meno di 1 km dall’onda, per evitare di rovinarne la forma. Questa è stata la prima legge al mondo creata appositamente per proteggere le onde e fino ad oggi ha emanato 33 provvedimenti per altrettanti frangiflutti sulla costa del Perù. Chicama è anche la più lunga del mondo ed è considerata il sacro Graal del surf. Con il suo chilometro di frangente, si tramanda la tradizione di provare a cavalcarla dall’inizio alla fine ma pochi riescono a farlo dal momento che ogni onda mantiene la forma a invaso, adatta per il surf, per circa due minuti.
Fonte: Organizaciones latinoamericanas de proteccion de olas
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Chicama, Peru
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spiced-wine-fic · 2 years
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It is called Chicama, it occurs in a single point on the Peruvian coast, and it is the only wave in the world that is protected by law. Nothing can be built within a radius of two kilometers from that place, so nothing can affect its natural formation.
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cosmicanger · 2 years
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It is called Chicama, it occurs in a single point on the Peruvian coast, and it is the only wave in the world that is protected by law. Nothing can be built within a radius of two kilometers so that nothing can affect its natural formation.
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