itsxicmara · 5 years
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“it’s been a day,” xiomara let out a small chuckle at the memories that ran through her mind from her morning shift. she lifted up her drink up to her lips and took a long swing. “i wasn’t supposed to work but i got called in because we were short-staffed and i legit walked in on this woman putting mash potatoes on her boobs because it helps breastfeed then some guy had his wife and his mistress in labor at the same time. then whole cops thing thinking i know more,” she said shaking her long dark locks. “but how was your day?”
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ch-archive · 5 years
breaking news from chpd! regarding the chhope investigation.
the department has been investigating the murder of hope upton for weeks and solved the case. the victim moved to cape hazel from their parents’ home in cape sienna in late july. in early september, they began intermittently depositing large sums of money in various bank accounts, and chpd later discovered the victim stole the money from the city of cape hazel’s special funds allocated to rebuild the diner. since the funds were stolen, chpd and the city have, in conjunction, been investigating that disappearance.
it seems that former mayor zeff’s recent spouse, mayor tanny of cape sienna, discovered before chpd that the victim looted the funds. because he was the anonymous donor who gifted $1 million to rebuild the diner, he was very upset and decided to take matters into his own hands. on october 1, 2019, tanny tevito murdered hope upton by the lighthouse. it is believed that former mayor zeff may have assisted in the cover-up following the murder. tanny and zeff have been taken into custody and will be tried accordingly.
thank you to the citizens of cape hazel for your patience and cooperation throughout the investigation.
ooc: and that concludes the chhope plot drop! we hope you all enjoyed the mystery. please wrap your chhope threads soon. as announced before, zeff will not be in the rp due to allegations against jeff goldlbum. more info to be released soon.
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mechanicvl · 5 years
( closed for @maiaorion​ ) -- harley tugged his jacket tighter around himself, bracing himself against the chilly evening breeze. for all its shops and tourists in the day, block harbor was just as quiet as any part of town at night -- but this was the first time harley had ever thought of it as eerie. this was the first time he’d felt unsafe in cape hazel.
when he spotted a figure walking in the dark, he stiffened, hesitating. the flashlight in his hand was solid enough that he could probably defend himself if necessary, but, you know, he strongly preferred not to have to. when he recognized maia, he exhaled audibly, meeting her for the last few steps. “maia. hey.” he rocked back on his feet uneasily. “does anyone know you’re here?”
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nvnchalants · 5 years
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flustered by recent developments, charlie did his best to focus on cleaning the table in front of him. everywhere he went, people were whispering about the crime, and frankly, he wished they would stop. forever the empathetic middle child, the news hit charlie particularly hard despite never actually interacting with this hope person. “oh-- excuse me!” he cried out when he bumped into somebody as he turned to move on to another table.
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sawyerphoenix · 5 years
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sawyer hated everything about this mess. since moving to cape hazel, he’d considered the town to be a safe place, his safe place, but what had happened to hope had completely shifted his view of the town he so dearly loved. sure, he still felt at home here, but was he truly safe anymore? he didn’t know. all he knew right now was that he was fucking nervous, his palms sweating almost profusely as he entered the interrogation room with a broken heart.
tell us where you were on the night of tuesday, the first of october.
”i went straight home from work at the daycare centre,” sawyer said, retracing his steps in his mind. there had been nothing terribly exciting about the day, but he was trying as hard as he could to give the police a full picture of what had happened to him that night in an attempt to clear his name and his head. “i didn’t leave the house after that.”
can anyone confirm your whereabouts?
“my boyfriend came over that night for dinner,” he said, “so, solomon matua, i guess.”
what was the nature of your relationship with ms. upton?
“i saw her in passing. she was a nanny, right? so i saw her dropping kids off at my workplace sometimes. i’d mostly just talk to her about how the children were doing.”
how often did you interact with her?
“a couple times a week, i guess. whenever she was on pick up or drop off duty for the family she worked for,” he explained. it wasn’t as if he was close to hope, or really knew her at all, but sawyer had taken the news about her passing hard. not only did he suddenly feel unsafe, but a good soul had been lost, and he found himself grieving despite his very minimal relationship with hope.
when did you last see her?
“i’d say about a week ago.”
did anything seem out of the ordinary either in town or in your interactions with ms. upton prior to tuesday, the first of october?
”actually, yeah,” sawyer said, brows furrowing slightly as he relayed information he’d been sitting and dwelling on for what felt like forever, “i left work at five and the kids were still there. she usually picked them up at around four, and i thought that was pretty weird. i can’t remember her ever being late before.”
do you know anyone else who might have information pertaining to this missing person?
”maybe the family she worked for, or maybe my coworkers. i don’t know if she picked the kids up at all that night.”
do you have any other insights or information about the case that you wish to share?
“no. sorry.”
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indykings · 5 years
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unsurprisingly, this wasn’t the first time indy had found herself being questioned by the police. the first time had been a complete whirlwind; she was hysterical, aching for what could have been had sasha not ruined everything, but this time, she was determined to remain calm. after all, she had nothing to do with the death of hope upton. surely she had nothing to worry about.
tell us where you were on the night of tuesday, the first of october.
”i barely remember what i had for breakfast this morning, man, let alone where i was at the beginning of the month,” indy said, everything about her cool, calm and collected. this entire thing was a joke. surely the police had better things to be doing than interviewing literally anyone in town. like, hello, check for some dna maybe? dumbasses. “i was probably at home.”
can anyone confirm your whereabouts?
“no. i live alone at the moment.”
what was the nature of your relationship with ms. upton?
”i barely even know who this girl is, and now i’m being questioned for her murder,” indy scoffed, but relaxed back into her chair. she wasn’t going to let a pig get under her skin, but she knew she needed to calm it with the backchat. “i didn’t know her well at all. i probably served her at work a few times and said hello, but that’s about it.”
how often did you interact with her?
”like i said, basically never.”
when did you last see her?
”i don’t remember. we never said anything remarkable to one another, so i don’t know.”
did anything seem out of the ordinary either in town or in your interactions with ms. upton prior to tuesday, the first of october?
do you know anyone else who might have information pertaining to this missing person?
“just check out the town weirdos,” indy shrugged, ready to throw anyone under the bus so long as she didn’t care for them. “sasha would be my first suggestion.”
do you have any other insights or information about the case that you wish to share?
“no. can i leave now?”
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thecdorebabineaux · 5 years
theo wanted to be anywhere but where he was sitting right now. that wasn’t because he was fucking guilty, or something, but because someone had died, he was getting interrogated for some reason, and he had an infinite amount of better things he could’ve been doing. like, he was scared and sad about the whole situation, but he barely even knew her in the first place. did all of his sighing look suspicious to the people interrogating him? should he be worried about that? whatever. there was no time for a crisis, because the entire thing looked like it was starting.
tell us where you were on the night of tuesday, the first of october.
theo had to think about it a bit, since it was pretty long ago, but he managed to remember seeing a movie. “i was at the drive-in with a friend. well, we were like, outside of the drive-in, but we were watching it in his truck.”
can anyone confirm your whereabouts?
“yeah, i guess you could ask harley kane-adams,” he said, trying to not think about the fact that he just name-dropped his friend inside of an interrogation room. “he was the person i was with at the drive-in.”
what was the nature of your relationship with ms. upton?
“honestly, i don’t know her,” theo sighed, already getting tired of the interview. “like, besides town gossip and all that. we’re strangers. we were strangers.”
how often did you interact with her?
“like i said; never. maybe she came to bloom beauty or something, or maybe i bumped into her on the street, but not that i can remember. i just, like, saw her face around town. that’s all.”
when did you last see her?
“i’ve never actually met her,” theo said, unable to resist stressing the last two words a little after getting asked the same question over and over again. “but, i guess i can remember seeing her down the street? in like, early october? i don’t know.”
did anything seem out of the ordinary either in town or in your interactions with ms. upton prior to tuesday, the first of october?
“honestly, everything is out of the ordinary in cape hazel. i didn’t notice anything dramatically out of the ordinary, though.”
do you know anyone else who might have information pertaining to this missing person? do you have any other insights or information about the case that you wish to share?
“no,” he said, sighing. “sorry. hope you find the killer soon.”
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eddydeleon · 5 years
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eddy was used to police investigations, but apart from the sasha incident and a couple of vandalism incidences as a kid, he’d become more accustomed to being the investigator rather than the investigated. still, it gave him an insight he was sure no one else in town had, so he walked into the interrogation room confidently, sure he knew what was ahead.
tell us where you were on the night of tuesday, the first of october.
”i was working,” eddy said with a shrug. he remembered that night shift clearly -- someone had violently thrown up in the bathroom and had left it for eddy to clean by himself. a person doesn’t just forget something like that. “sullivan’s pub, graveyard shift. a nightmare.”
can anyone confirm your whereabouts?
“i was working alone, but i’m sure you could check my timesheet. i don’t think the place has cameras but the boss and the customers know i was there.”
what was the nature of your relationship with ms. upton?
“we spoke a couple of times at the park,” eddy said, brows furrowed slightly. he was still wrapping his head around how something so sinister could happen in a town like cape hazel, especially to someone how seemed as sweet and giving as hope had. “the kids she looked over played with my kid sometimes.”
how often did you interact with her?
“once a week, maybe. i’d see her and sit with her sometimes, ask how the kids were. typical stuff.”
when did you last see her?
“probably a week ago. the weather’s getting nicer, you know? so the kid and i have been out and about more,” he explained, his heart breaking for the kids hope had cared for so dearly. sure, they weren’t hers, but he could tell how much she had loved them. 
did anything seem out of the ordinary either in town or in your interactions with ms. upton prior to tuesday, the first of october?
”everything seemed fine to me.”
do you know anyone else who might have information pertaining to this missing person?
“maybe the parents of those kids,” he said, wanting to help however he could. sure, he didn’t know much about the case, but his cop instincts were beginning to kick in. he wanted to see whoever had done this brought to justice swiftly. “it seemed like she was pretty close to the family.”
do you have any other insights or information about the case that you wish to share?
“i’ll let you know if i think of anything.”
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robotz · 6 years
i got a lot of bandaids on my hands from cooking injuries and when i tell that to people they assume im clumsy but im actually just really dumb and im like “oh i need to check if this is done and i know the last time i touched the pan it was really hot and it burned me but this time.. it will not” and then i burn myself
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New set of Rustic decoupaged Tin box, bottle & Chhoping board set.. #vintage #vintagelook #decoupage #homedecor #decor #deco #decoupaged #decorationideas #fevicryl #decoração #tinbox #bestoutofwaste #bottledecoration #bottleart #bottledecoupage #chopingboard #diy #modgepodge #artandcraft #crafts #creativity (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wEqwTnH46/?igshid=15wp0dfxtgvzi
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itsxicmara · 5 years
this wasn’t the first time that xiomara was in a police station. when she in high school, she had to answer a few questions about a tagging done by one of her friends and herself. as well as many things, they have done in high school. the nurse threw up her hair in a messy bun, she then rubbed her hands on her scrubs. her green orbs snapped over when the door opened and closed, a man walking in to question her. it was starting, she was ready since she had nothing to worry about.
“tell us where you were on the night of tuesday, the first of october.”
xo looked at the man, “i working at the hospital, making my rounds.”
“can anyone confirm your whereabouts?”
“yes, my boss and my co-workers can confirm it.”
what was the nature of your relationship with ms. upton?
“we don’t have a relationship with each other. i seen her around but that’s about it.”
how often did you interact with her?
“never, honestly.”
when did you last see her?
“on my day off when i was shopping for things for my apartment.”
did anything seem out of the ordinary either in town or in your interactions with ms. upton prior to tuesday, the first of october?
“i didn’t know her well to think anything was unordinary about the woman and the town seemed like it usually is. it was a normal day.” 
do you know anyone else who might have information pertaining to this missing person?
do you have any other insights or information about the case that you wish to share?
“nope, i have nothing.” 
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smatua · 5 years
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“Are you excited to find out who the new mayor’s gonna be? I’ll be honest, I was a Zeff fan, but as long as his replacement isn’t a murderer, then they’ll probably be all right,” Solomon chuckled. He had his hands in his pockets as they walked the festival.
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ch-archive · 5 years
chtask014 relevant to the recent plot drop surrounding hope upton.
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the police have questions for each and every citizen in cape hazel. at this point, you’re all suspects! not one citizen will escape these questions. ooc: imagine that your characters are in the interrogation room. you can answer these in third person or answer them in first person as your character would reply. it does not need to be a para, you can answer them with a list. please finish this task by october 15, and post the task under chtask014.
from this point on, your character will be a suspect once they complete the interrogation. if you don’t want to participate, please don’t do the task! feel free to continue with your non-drop threads. thank you <3 !
tell us where you were on the night of tuesday, the first of october.
can anyone confirm your whereabouts?
what was the nature of your relationship with ms. upton?
how often did you interact with her?
when did you last see her?
did anything seem out of the ordinary either in town or in your interactions with ms. upton prior to tuesday, the first of october?
do you know anyone else who might have information pertaining to this missing person?
do you have any other insights or information about the case that you wish to share?
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mechanicvl · 5 years
did you sketch hope because she was your next target??
did i what
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smatua · 5 years
( @maiaorion ) Solomon grumbled under his breath as he tabbed between files and windows on his computer. He had virtually no information, and his head ached from the exhausting challenge of picking out clues from what he did have. Just as he started to think it wasn’t possible, he noticed Maia walk into the library. “Hey! Maia!” he hissed at her, earning threatening stares from his neighbors around him. He didn’t notice.
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ch-archive · 5 years
please see chtask016 related to chhope below.
☆゚*・゚ chtask 016
with the recent seize of the gossip blog and incriminating report from the cape hazel police department, many residents of cape hazel have been in uproar. some have written their responses and published them publicly to clear their name, and many have turned to investigating on their own both to protect themselves and to solve the crime.
we encourage everyone to respond to the recent post on the gossip blog with both ic posts on your character’s account, as well as threading with other players about characters investigating together. please tag all related posts as both #chhope and #chtask016. as always, please message the main with any questions.
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