#chesteban fic
bsaka7 · 2 years
to sing or cry | charles/alex | 3.4k
Alex shows up one week with a bird book and the next with binoculars.
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fenesacha · 6 months
wip title tag
@your-littlesecret tagged me to post the names of all my current wips !
feel free to ask me anything about them <3
1) hallmark danyierre
2) woke up a girl
3) charlandos
4) piarles short fic
5) scuderia
6) [33.16.81] who do you expect me to be?
7) the duolingo family plan
8) oriental rain
9) landoscar werewolves
10) galex fun times
11) eau rouge
12) are you lonely out there?
13) chesteban motogp
14) idle worship
15) could this be piarles post monza
16) reserve driver horror
as you can see i uh. dont finish a lot of fics lol
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chesteban · 2 years
hey this is a little bit of the beginning of my chesteban fic haha. it’s just texts. i read a lot of chat fics when i was in [redacted] fandom, but lmk if it’s unclear what’s happening sometimes i forget that not everybody has chatfic reading skills.
>> Hey Charles, hope you're doing well. Do you think you could ask Pierre to return my stuff before the end of the semester? He's not responding to my messages
<< ya 4 sure!
<< sry este idk whats wrong w him. hes being an asshole. what stuff do u have here? << ill j steal it n bring it 2 u << >:)
>> Thanks, Charles. It's not too many things. Just my black jeans, my FC Barca mug, and my red knit hat. They should all be in his room. sorry for the inconvenience.
<< np mate!!!! << pierres been a massive dick 2 u lol. << & 2 me << & hes late on last month's rent still << idk what happend 2 him over midsem break but i dont like it watevr it was << sry tmi im high asf.
>> Ha ha no worries Charles
<< y do u always do that lol << say my full name all the time
>> Oh, sorry, I can stop if you want
<< n ur always typing out full words << no dont stop i like it :) << also did u watch the race this weekend... insane & i have no1 2 talk 2 abt it bc pierres being a dick and i dont think nicky knows what a race car is << no offense nicky << but also full offense nicky lmao << sry im super high lol
>> Race was crazy this weekend you're right >> I love Nicky but he was my lab partner last year and he’s dumb as moss on a log
<< PLEASE. MOSS ON A LOG. IS THAT A PHRASE. << hot tho.. wish i got in more than 1 drunk makeout sesh b4 he got a gf (now fiancee???) rip me n nicky :( could hav been magic << n e ways pierre refuses 2 do his chores even tho theyre on the CHART. i will eat off a txtbook on principle. 
>> OMG >> You don't have to talk shit about Pierre to me just because we broke up. I know he's your friend
<< no, i want 2 talk shit abt him. were all agreed that he was in the wrong n also wasnt as nice 2 u as u deserve << like he was so rude 2 u sometimes i wanted 2 be like << hey uve lost este privileges hes my bf now << lol << hamilton overtake on alonso was so good ive watched the replay like 12 times
>> Yeah he wasn't always super nice to me. But at least at the beginning I thought he liked me. Oh well! It was only 3 months of my life! >> I don't want you to feel like you have to be extra nice to me because you feel bad, though. 
<< i can choose my own friends, esteban.
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chesteban · 2 years
why was my immediate thought like “oh yeah and esteban is missing two fingers on his left hand” as part of my au thing. why. what. is wrong w me. but also im rolling w it at least in the draft.
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chesteban · 2 years
absolute lame girl shit
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chesteban · 2 years
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chesteban · 2 years
i rly need someone to talk about this chesteban fic w HOW do u write charles HOW do i make him not just myself!!!!!!?????????? and how do i make pierre nuanced and not just an epic monster villain and also i feel like i myself i cannot do good enough writing for this idea i have and i should just give it to someone else but also i want to write it but also it will not be good. lol. 
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bsaka7 · 2 years
OBVIOUSLY I'M A BIG FAN!!! Okay actually i know full well there's not a lot there but charles and esteban are just the two i like best right now and pierre is standing in the middle which makes it interesting. i think it started as a bit ironic (and perhaps still is) but genuinely i do like chesteban a lot. Was SO HAPPY when the pics dropped this weekend. i do think it's neat the way pierre, este, and Charles are connected and think that interesting things can be done with it. of course there's childhood karting and the 2018 amber lounge. they're all such clearly different people and once we're all friends and now have splintered. there's just a good bit to work with in terms of what stays the same and what changes.
do i think Charles and este are friends? not really. friendly? yeah, friendly enough. don't think they talk with pierre around. not sure who likes who more. charles probably feels a little guilty about going fully with pierre but not enough to have done anything about it. probably more interesting in canon than they would be in an au but i can see an au working as well.
given that there are only 6 fics and 2 of them are written by me i should probably be trying to sell this harder. mostly I'm enjoying them a lot because they're a little puzzle to figure out and it's fun to play with the different ways Charles and esteban can fit in between what pierre means to both of them. anyway stream 273k and inbetweeners.
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bsaka7 · 2 years
10 & 23? :))
thank u!!!
10. How do you decide what to write?
it used to be anything i thought of an outline for would get written... unfortunately for me this is no longer true because i think of way too many more-formed fic concepts than i used to. right now it's a combination of how excited i am about something/how much inspiration i have (so like, my last two fics i thought of and sat down and wrote straight through) and if i think it's something that will be a rewarding project and if i think it's something that's a "hole" in the fandom... Definitely also will write things because my friends encourage me/it's something i know they might like (chesteban) or because i see it as a challenge (charlos). I'm.. easily... goadable... into writing fic... idk. if i get the urge i usually just. Let myself write.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
literally i am always thinking of stuff... i would love to write a properly epic college au... American road trip au... my folk au which will probably end up my 2023 f1bb at this rate....outsider pov fic... a big Midwestern small town au... ten million different fantasy fics... i also like bodyswap fics... groundhogs day... i love amnesia fics but i have written 1.5 and left both deeply unsatisfied so idk if I'll try that again...
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