#chemistry my worst pcmb subject EVER
fridayiminlcve · 1 year
kal ka paper raam bharose
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cherries-in-wine · 8 days
Jee prep ke liye precautions dedooo ;)
(12th aagyi par akal nhi)
"12th aagyi par akal nhi" I've never related to anything more than this 😭
I'm the worst person to ask for study advice ngl (I am intelligent, but the way I go about studying is not a good method at all) so I'm sorry I can't really help 😔. This is the most unmotivated I've ever felt but if I do end up with some tips I'll definitely share them <3
Anyways this is what I've gathered from my teachers-
So maths is the most important subject because it'll be used during your time at an engineering college, so the maths section is always the toughest. Chemistry is honestly a fraud, you try to make sense of why these things happen but it's all theory and almost none of it is accurate enough to apply practically irl. So chemistry is the easiest to score among all three sections and they recommend you study from the ncert book really thoroughly (i personally hate mildly dislike chemistry so this doesn't really work for me). Physics kind of lies in between maths and chemistry, it's not too difficult, not too easy (it's my best subject) but if your concepts are clear enough it's very easy imo.
In order to remember formulas my mother (she was a pcmb student and is honestly so intelligent + a great teacher) sits me down and asks me to derive every single one. I used to hate it but oml I've never forgotten a formula after this and even if I do I can just derive it :))
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