#charlie doodling little hearts around “full of anger” vaggie later on without realizing it
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
imaging early charlie's struggles with newly not-as-much-of-a-murderer vaggie like-
Charlie: (shows of a doodle of vaggie) "This is you!"
Vaggie: "Okay?" (she drew FANART of me???)
Charlie: "And this red color-" (points to doodle) "-is you anger level."
Vaggie: "....all of me is in red."
Charlie: (contemplative) "Yes. It's unusually high, for someone of your size."
Vaggie: "Look. If this is about that demon from yesterday-"
Charlie: "It's about that demon from today."
Vaggie: "What, her? She bumped into you! On purpose!! She basically walked herself right onto my spear-"
Charlie: "You threw it at her head from across store!"
Vaggie: "And if it wasn't for her stupid, perfectly-timed sneeze-"
Charlie: "You're lucky she sneezed right then- she was giving you weird looks the whole time I was yanking the spear outta the wall and dragging you away!!"
Vaggie: "I could've taken her."
Charlie: "She was an overlord, Vaggie, and six feet taller than you."
Vaggie: "She'd've been a foot and half less taller with her head missing."
Charlie: "Okay."
Charlie: (drawing a new doodle of vaggie) "This is you ALIVE. THIS-" (taps doodle aggressively) "-is our long-term goal!"
Vaggie: ".....our?" (gay) (disbelieving)
Charlie: "..." (bi) (desperate)
Charlie: "...SO! WHO WANTS PIZZA!?"
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