spicy-moths · 7 months
You may know me from my SFW blog @mothgodofchaos. Here is an adult space where anyone with no age/underage in their bio will be blocked. If you want SFW content, go to my other blog.
As of right now, I have no intention on doing requests on here. If you don't have a way to contact me that isn't through here, you don't have the right to make a request. I will do whatever sin comes to mind, and it's probably going to be targeted at a specific person. However, you are still welcome to send in thoughts or ideas you've been rotating, and I may answer them with a little drabble. That is to my discretion.
Additionally, as is with my SFW blog, I do not do RP content of any type, especially not through Tumblr.
DNI if you don't have the ability to treat someone with kindness regardless of their ability, race, sexuality, gender, etc. Or are a minor.
All kinks and such will be in the warnings. Pay attention to what is there, and simply do not read something if you're not into it. It's not that deep.
Shit I will not write: underage, preg/childbirth, age play, bestiality, SH, incest, WS/scat, hard pet play, rape
Consent is sexy, y'all.
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spicy-moths · 4 months
Google: Kneel Training Shock Offer
Murdoch: Glow Wait
Heehoo: Mate
Marvin the Magnificent: Lick
Dictator Mack: Thigh
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