#chakotay's daughter
youngpettyqueen · 1 month
making Harry Tom's son-in-law in this episode where Kes is going backwards through time is top 10 funniest and most insane things Voyager ever did
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muizeke83 · 4 months
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So… im writing this story…
Thought I’d draw Chakotay and Kathryn’s daughter I mention in the epilogue.
Nova Janeway, 18yo.
Left is the generated picture of her, I’m on the right. My kids said: mom, that’s you, younger… what do you think? 🤔😅🤪
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok and Seven should hang out like every other day for long stretches of time not saying a word to each other for hours on end. Some days they don’t say anything the entire time they hang out, they just meet at the agreed upon location and do their separate tasks/hobbies there before leaving. 
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isagrimorie · 2 months
Another reason why I love Janeway? How awkward she gets when things turn personal. She is reluctant to interfere in the personal lives of her crew.
She Does Not Want It.
She can gossip a little but if she senses that the crew wants her say in a personal matter.
She immediately has this: NO. Don’t. Do Not Pass Go.
Janeway would rather stay out of personal lives and any couple that want her to be an arbiter between them. She would prefer Not To Be There, Please.
She joined Starfleet to look at Nebulas and do first contacts and maybe phaser a few bad ones.
She did not sign up to be a couple’s counselor.
This is why she has Tuvok and Chakotay for.
Edit: There are of course, a few people she would not mind it with— Kes, I believe is one of the few. I honestly believe she thinks of Kes as a daughter.
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stra-tek · 1 year
Random spoilerific reasons to read Star Trek novels, with little to no context:
Ro/Quark is a thing
A Jem'Hadar joins DS9, tries to fit in but eventually snaps and tries to kill everybody
You learn the origins and final fate of the Borg
A thinly-veiled Dr. House clone joins the Voyager crew
Geordi briefly has 2 girlfriends at once (due to different writers not co-ordinating enough, but still)
There's a TOS book that's a musical
There are YA stories about Jake and Nog making mischief on DS9
YA stories about Worf, Geordi, Picard, Beverly, Kirk, Spock and McCoy at SFA
YA series about the Kelvinverse gang (including Gaila!) as cadets, taking on a drug problem at SFA and a very unique Borg scout in San Francisco
We very briefly meet the people who are to Q what the Q are to humanity
Janeway/Chakotay is a thing
Kirk's first mission in command of the Enterprise! Erm, at least twice.
Kirk was married between TOS and TMP
Her name was Lori
In the future, you have yearly marriage contracts that you either update or you don't and I think that's amazing
Trip didn't die! He faked his death to join Section 31 and go undercover as a Romulan
It's not great, tbh
The ENT books get better after the Romulan wars though, it's proper founding of the Federation stuff
We meet Jack Crusher (erm, the OG) when 4 timelines start overlapping and he's a bit unhinged
Teenage Kirk stole a car and his choice was go to jail or join Starfleet
What happened when Voyager got home? Seven broke up with Chakotay like 30 pages in
Kirk gets cloned, and his clone becomes the sub of an evil invincible super genius and its all very gay
George Kirk was Robert April's first officer on the first ever mission of the unnamed starship with the Naval Construction Contract 1701
Robert is a hard-core pacifist and has to turn command over to George whenever it's time to fire weapons
Data becomes fully human for a couple of days and it's really sweet
They never say "wristwatch" or "phone", it's always "wrist chrono" or "personal comm"
There are gays but they don't say that word because it's the 1990's and Rick Berman runs the franchise
Spock has a son in the past with Zarabeth
Everyone in the post-Nemesis era does spy missions all the time non stop, as if Starfleet has abandoned exploring the cosmos for doing Space Mission: Impossible
Bashir does it better than anyone else, he takes on Section 31 from the inside
Remember Control? It's from the novels, except the novels do it SO MUCH BETTER.
Remember how we never found out who Future Guy was? We do.
It's very underwhelming, nobody we know
We find out how the Romulans and Vulcans split
Surak was a Vulcan internet blogger
A Borg Cube eats Pluto
Janeway dies
Janeway gets better
At least one TOS book features a wizard
There's a Star Trek TOS/Here Come the Brides crossover novel
It had cameos from The Doctor (as in, Who), Han Solo, Starbuck and others
Whole book series about Section 31
Whole book series about the Department of Temporal Investigations
One time they do the Bill and Ted thing to escape confinement and it works
Wanna know how Riker and Troi met?
Wanna know what Picard got up to on the Stargazer?
Andorians have 4 sexes and it's very complicated
Data comes back from the dead as Data 2.0, and it was fresh and exciting because it happened long before ST: Picard did it twice.
Lal comes back too and we get father/daughter android stuff! They have a home and everything but keep having to save the universe
One time Mirror Seven is led around on a leash naked on Terok Nor
Geordi becomes captain of the USS Challenger, decides it's not for him because plot, and goes back to engineering on the Enterprise
Kirk is shot on the bridge and dies
Kirk gets better
They watch 3D holos of old Doctor Who episodes in the Enterprise rec room
The Enterprise also has an AI named Moira, which was Zora long before Zora
The TOS crew get together for one last mission. About three times.
There's a Perry Mason book except it's about Kirk's lawyer from that TOS episode
Data 2.0 owns and runs a massive gambling empire on Orion
Spock keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Scotty keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Bones keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
You're on Tumblr so you already know about Killing Time
There's a guy named McKenzie Calhoun and he's a total badass and captains a ship of weirdos and misfits
Kirk comes back from the dead, saves the galaxy repeatedly, has an intersex child (who identifies as male) with a Romulan/Klingon hybrid
Kirk beats up Worf
Kirk's child has superpowers
Kirk's child saves the galaxy at age 6
The Kirk stuff is 100% ignored in the other novels
About 50% of the novels are ignored in the other 50%, and the ones that are meant to be in direct continuity with each other aren't always quite
Just like the TV shows and movies, then
Lwaxana Troi meets Q, and it goes as well as you'd expect
Someone tells Data, yes you idiot you had emotions all along and he's like, oh shit you're right
McCoy is left in command of the Enterprise as a joke by Kirk, who is then immediately kidnapped
Ro Laren is captain of Deep Space Nine
Picard/Beverly is a thing, they get married and have a child named Rene. No running away and raising your kid in secret here
Riker and Troi are married, serve on the Titan together with a bunch of adorable weirdos and have a daughter named Tasha
You get to watch all the 24th century characters die horribly in the end along with their entire universe. Holy fuck it's a bleak horror show. Personally, I love it. But if that's not your cup of tea I'd skip the Coda trilogy
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phonoirlex · 26 days
Kate Mulgrew on the way Janeway looks at Seven of Nine: "And I mean, honestly, if you remember Janeway looking at her boots and traveling up the body, I remember that. . . . So to be honest with you, for the first season that I worked with her, I was just staring at her bosoms."
Here's the whole segment:
In the fifth season, an actress was brought onto Star Trek: Voyager by the name of Jeri Ryan, who played the character of Seven of Nine, and she was absolutely stunning.
And she represented sex. I mean, it was absolutely crystal clear. And I mean, honestly, if you remember Janeway looking at her boots and traveling up the body, I remember that.
Now, I was of two minds, 'cause there's nobody in the history of television series who doesn't want their series to be successful. So I understand the need for sex.
But I had hoped against hope that I could bring it in as Janeway without it. I didn't.
I mean, I went to them in the first season and said, "I'm not having sex. I'm not saying, 'Red alert: into my ready room, Chakotay, let's go, let's go, let's go.' I'm not doing that. I have a complement of 165, I've got to get them home, and what? The captain's shtupping again?" You know? And it makes no sense at all.
So Seven of Nine appears, and she's half-human, and she's half-Borg, and she's [makes noise while waving her hands in an hourglass figure]. Right? So to be honest with you, for the first season that I worked with her, I was just staring at her bosoms. Her remarkable figure.
And then I understood that they wanted it to be a mother-daughter thing, but my daughter doesn't look like that. My daughter looks like a beautiful human being. It was a thing of bringing the male demographic. And it was very successful. They certainly liked to watch Seven of Nine, and I don't blame them. Men like that, don't you? Don't you?
—ubookstore, "University Book Store Presents Kate Mulgrew," YouTube, May 31, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X2cverYupQ.
The question begins around 51:32.
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hauntedmoonchaos · 1 year
Random Star Trek Voyager headcanons?
Janeway created a program that could detect if Voyager were overrun with Borg and the ship would destroy itself if they were. Because after freeing Seven from the collective the thought of her crew being assimilated is unbearable and death would be better than that. Only she and the Doctor know about it's existence.
Every 3 months the crew receive a little gift from a anonymous member of the crew. It's Harry. He thinks it will brighten up people day, give them something to look forward too.
Tom spent a month creating a fun hologram program for toddler Naomi Wildman for her birthday party...she preferred playing in a box
Whenever it's dull on the ship Chakotay ensures Janeway can't get any coffee just to see the chaos unfold.
Tuvok misses his children greatly which is why Kes and then Seven become like his surrogate daughters. He actually teaches Seven stuff he taught his daughter and stuff he'd like to teach her.
B'Elanna has a favourite jefferies tube. She hides her snacks there from Tom.
Neelix on purpose often messes up food dishes to give the crew something to bond. Especially when things are very tense between members of the crew.
Seven can't actually remember what her favourite colour was a child. She said red because she thought it would please Janeway at the time. She eventually learns her favourite colour is blue but never tells anyone.
Naomi learnt a bunch of swear words, in different languages from the computer when she accidentally used one in front of her Mother she blamed Tom for teaching her
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knightotoc · 11 days
Thinking about the fact that Disco Elysium is about two bumbling cops named Harry and Kim, which are also the names of a Voyager character. So here are potential video games starring the names of the rest of the Voyager crew:
Tom and Paris = New Testament meets the Illiad = In a 50s-inspired alternate universe, wealthy American Paris' faux pas accidentally starts a nuclear war with the USSR. As Paris falls from grace, his best friend, scrappy politician Tom, rises to power, exploiting the violence for his own gain. But when his actions lead to Paris' assassination, Tom is destroyed by his own self-loathing. Gameplay is, like, if DEFCON somehow had operatic interpersonal drama. Title: "Incredulity"
Kate, Jane, and Way = On the grimy streets of Victorian London, two tough orphan girls eke out their lives by their wits and tiny fists, until a mysterious cat named Way leads them through a portal in a mushroom-covered waste bin to the magical world of the fairies. Do they trust the fae's promises and abandon their difficult lives, or do they fight these beautiful creatures to return to their real home? Gameplay is a side-scrolling puzzle where you often see both worlds onscreen and how actions in one world affect the other. Title: "The Way to the End"
Seven and Nine = Dr. Magnus has finally recreated his dead daughter as a perfect, obedient robot -- on his eleventh try. This is the story of his ten rejected robots, who were abandoned on a tiny island far off the California coast. Gameplay is a visual novel with branching paths. Title: "Seven Ate Nine"
Tu and Vok = Latin for "you" and almost Latin for "voice" (vox) = The bastard twin children of a Roman soldier and a Berber healer run away from home to explore the fantastical Empire of their father's stories. Gameplay is a semi-realistic open-world survival adventure. Title: "Pax Romana"
Bel, Anna, and Torres = After an acrimonious divorce, you've moved two thousand miles away from your glamorous East Coast home to the middle of nowhere in Arizona for some peace and quiet. Unfortunately (or, fortunately?) you are immediately smitten by your three gorgeous neighbors -- intellectual lumberjack Marta Bel, shy novelist Anna Mustard, and sarcastic thrift-shop owner Jen Torres. Gameplay is a lesbian dating sim with a car mechanic sim B-plot. Title: "The Astonishing Zonies"
I'm having a harder time making somewhat plausible names out of "Chakotay," "Neelix," and "Emergency Medical Hologram," but maybe something will come to me...
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traxanaxanos · 1 year
What do we all think the inciting incident for B’Elanna divorcing Tom finally winds up being? Here’s a few scenarios I’ve been mulling over:
- The Chakotay intervention: Chakotay pulls her aside for a besties intervention. Gives her the whole “this guy is not right for you” spiel but so so earnestly and thoughtfully. She should be happy. She should be cherished. He’s been holding back out of respect for her choices but every-time he sees her she’s miserable about her home life, dodges questions about her marriage to talk about engineering conundrums. Take some time for yourself.
- Goes to hell 2!: A dream conversation with her mom. Or a near-death conversation with her mom. Or an hallucinatory conversation with her mom. Its difficult, like always. They talk past each other, like always. But something clicks. Her mom was probably trying her best most of the time. But B’Elanna can do better for herself, and for Miral. It’s time to walk away.
- Childhood Nun: B’elanna has a run in with one of the Sisters from the monastery on Boreth. Several of them had been keeping up with news on the Voyager and its Chief Engineer once the Federation had re-established contact with the lost ship. They hoped B’Elanna was living honorably under Kahless’ teachings, wherever she was. B’Elanna is not the most stoked to run into one of the nuns from her childhood, and is even less stoked when the nun brings up the Story of the Promise and Kahless’ exhortations that “You are Klingons. You need no one but yourselves.” B’Elanna doesn’t want to be alone, she spent so long needing no one but herself, so it’s not that she suddenly buys into the story but...maybe in regards to the alienation she faces in her own marriage, it would be better to once again need no one but herself. And that way, Miral will not have to follow that same Promise, and become as lonely as she was.
- Impossibly, Lwaxana Troi is here: Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed has a chance encounter with B’Elanna Torres, Chief Engineer of the USS Voyager, daughter of Miral. Possibly they meet as B’Elanna is starting out in her new career as Federation Liaison. Lwaxana causally brushes aside all questions about politics and negotiations, she’d “rather talk about you, darling.” After a long discussion about the nature of loneliness and contorting yourself into smaller and smaller configurations, shrinking yourself just to avoid being alone, B’Elanna subsequently quells whatever border disagreement she was assigned to, and goes and gets the divorce paperwork.
- The “hit the bricks” scenario: B’Elanna just finally hits her limit. If it sucks, get out. No big conversation with anyone, nothing particularly egregious on Tom’s part (apart from his normal behavior of ignoring her hobbies, projecting his fantasies of what a marriage should look like onto her, leaving her to go to do whatever has caught his interest that week, etc.). Something just quietly changes inside her. The dam opens. She deserves better than this. She leaves.
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baylardo · 4 months
idk what all ive written and not written publicly pertaining to my ideas on these cringe naenae lil thangs outside of me n tardi dm’s bc im embarrassed and its still rough and vague hahaha im still exploring things but ive thought a lot about certain aspects and not others. toxic worldbuilding lmao.
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i think the idea has become that philippa is a bit into her captaincy,,,, not fresh into it. her ex-captain sh’Eraz (moid) has been apprehended or killed (idk lol) and shes in command of the Legacy,,,
theres a few ideas im still sitting on like as its been discussed like, the two kids are barely a year apart in age. which means that like her and jj had a one night stand or something and she got knocked up from it but theyre still like not in a relationship,,,,,,, i hesitate bc i kinda like the idea of the alien adopted boy having a few years (or closer to 10 years lol) on their biological daughter so idk. and it all seems REALLY indulgent to keep it all that close. but also,,,,, �� im just struggling to keep it dissimilar to my stuff with kathryn and chakotay and this was like, a way that presented itself haha.
and i still don’t know when JJ would re-enlist in starfleet!!! nothing compelling comes to me 😩😩😩😩 *nothing that doesnt seem super simpy like when philippa becomes a captain for example and she conveniently needs a chief engineer. ive thought that like, maybe his mother who’s been abhorrently against starfleet since joe’s death eventually insists he go because he so obviously loves and wants to follow philippa or something and it reminds her of joe I DONT KNOOOOOOW. ive also thought that maybe he joins peppa’s ship she captains LATER, initially as a civilian and very much like philippa’s Side Piece who coparents kids and rejoins later??? idk haha. i dont really like that option either fhfjdkks
anywayyyyy current idea is she finds out shes whoopsy pregnant just before leaving earth to go on an away mission, doesnt say anything to anyone even jace just leaves lol,,,, Legacy comes across this planet-size spaceship inhabited by these batlike aliens, the ship is their planet that theyve made capable of traversing space and survives on orbiting stars for periods of time, ao theyre very used to darkness but also theyre like obsessed with light sources lol. its like super advanced solar powered technology. i figure the planet has either one or a few like, densely populated areas where theres these big beacons of light protruding out of the centers of the cities, and then vast parts of the planet that are completely covered in darkness. the aliens probably have some explanation surrounding it like lack of resources or something. refer to the valleys of darkness on the planet-ship as like "outskirts" or w/e.
philippas down there doing first contact things (insert weird atmosphere inside the giant planet-ship granting philippa a unique access to it in comparison to her peers), the bat aliens are nice and accommodating to starfleet,,,,, i figure they have some mysterious visual to them of like, bearing little carnivorous fangs, but being vegetarian. stuff of that nature. philippa's a little bit sus about it but says nothing past like, maybe asking why they dont eat meat and them answering that theyve evolved past the need to consume meat and it's something that they dont look fondly on from their ancestry.
while shes there idk in some sketchy alleyway or being given a tour of a science facility, maybe philippa has stepped away from a tour to do some snooping of her own, she's a little bit problematic and too suspicious for her own good.
a runaway/criminal/fleeing/dying bat lady gives her this weird either egg/pod (she may not know its an egg at first lol) and she gets frantically told some conspiracy type stuff about their civilization being built on graves or lies or something edgy and that she cant let them have this pod/egg, its their last hope of setting things right. the bat lady looks oddly different to the other bat aliens philippa has seen; dont know visually how to contrast it yet but shes more sickly, less clean and less light-colored, more gray and fitting for a nocturnal species who rarely sees light, ravaged, less prim and proper, probably larger and more apparent fangs, etc. but she either runs off or gets captured or killed.
philippa's left more than a little confused about things but i figure she has an intuitive sense of wrongness and hasn't been vibing something she couldnt quite put her finger on regarding these aliens for a while and that kinda confirms a hunch for her. ummm proceeding to them trying to take the egg/pod away from philippa and shes like "ummmm lol no" so she ends up getting chased and her fleeing the city she's in without backup, they cut off access to her ship and comms so shes like Super Alone fending for herself out in the pitch black. POTENTIALLY she has access to starlight, id imagine the big planet-ship is a closed off dome as it travels but it opens up slits or something along its circumference to take in light from surrounding stars. so she can see but shes not emitting a beacon/torch of her own as not to give herself away.
as shes out there and hiding and trying to figure out what to do, how to contact her ship, figure out what's actually going on here, etc., the egg/pod ends up hatching and being like a weird little alien moth baby that is dissimilar to the bat aliens currently residing on this planet. ((((((my initial CRINGE thought is that like, these eggs/pods respond to like, idk MATERNITY so its been dormant for potentially years, and philippas like, secretly pregnant and it bonds/imprints on her as its mother or w/e. if i dont end up going that indulgent route you can just say that it liked the cut of her gib or something lmao. soul-related,,, ummmm good heart,,,,, etc.))))))
i figure they spend a few days together hiding. i think she'd talk to it to keep herself sane lol. maybe kinda confide a few fears she has regarding motherhood, struggles with her mother lol,,,, talk about delivering her sister's baby maybe,,,, other things too like shes just talking to this baby lmao. was talking to jellybeans about the name Moss for him haha, i think itd be cute if she just literally names him after moss. very uncreative placeholder type name that sticks. anyway baby eventually starts crying, shes worried shes gonna get caught with it, she does lmao, but by some bat aliens living in the outskirts of the planet-ship. these bats are all more visually similar to the frantic one that'd given her the egg. they discover what she has (moth baby lol) and they take her to their hideout/camp where they explain their race's history and that of the lil alien she's now charged with reluctantly taking care of. which iiiis...
the planet-ship was originally that of the moth aliens, a long time ago they took in the bat aliens that were as in need of light for some reason as much as if not more than they were, they cohabitated for a bit but eventually the bats start like overpopulating or something. ITS STILL ROUGH IN MY HEAD. i figure the moth aliens are super smart, but have a moral code that the scrungly bat aliens dont end up vibing all too much. somehow somewhy the bats end up starting to use the moth's DNA/blood, (maybe via infusion?) blending it with their own through unnatural means, in order to like, artificially augment or evolve themselves, get smarter, thus why theyve physically changed so much in appearance is because theyre like, idk living off of their blood or something to maintain their states of mind.
they also tell her that the lil baby is the last of his kind and he'd likely be safer somewhere away from this place where they cant use him anymore. (maybe the eggs are effectively preserved/ageless and supply the bats with longer lasting access to blood idk) they dont know or understand how philippa got it to hatch (maybe she does know but shes not gonna tell them. shes still repressing/ignoring the elephant in the room (pregnant) lmao). but his existence is kinda a big deal bc it proves what theyre saying and the other bats would likely not want that info coming to light or preventing them from joining starfleet or w/e. maybe their planet-ship is becoming less and less sustainable and theyre like Girl Help Lol.
philippa asks the outskirt bats for their help in getting in contact with her ship and off of the planet and they do. im sure its bumpy haha but i havent thought about this part much it just eventually happens and she makes it back to her ship, she confides in her CMO that she's pregnant (maybe) and he knows her well enough to be like "i know," bc she like, didnt get her medical examination out of the way right at the start of their departure or something and kept putting it off so ppl wouldnt know lol. ANYWAY, lil baby is given special treatment to start adapting his lungs to a new atmosphere which is long and arduous and philippa stays by his side through a lot of it. its not like she cares or is worried or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!
eventually gets back to earth, still hasnt really told anyone her news or the fact that shes kinda adoptively taking care of this baby now. i think we'd talk about her showing up to tell Jace and her initially perceiving philippa with a baby and being like 'omg' and then reading peppa's very loud thoughts and being like 'OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' haha. EVEN MORE VAGUE IDEAS WITH JJ LOLLLLLLL, has to do with my big question mark surrounding his starfleet career and everything, but theyre both like "omg we arent even dating lol hi" about it.
*falls asleep*
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
I don’t buy that the entire crew of Voyager would continue on in Starfleet after reaching earth, I think at least half of them quit.
#In my mind these people definitely stay: Janeway / Tom / Harry#I think B'Elanna / Seven / and Chakotay are toss ups but in my mind B'Elanna and Seven eventually do their own thing soon after#B'Elanna would be like 'Hey Seven guess who quit Starfleet again!' and Seven would be added as a party member#I truly do believe in the freelance engineer/explorer B'Elanna with very special guests lifestyle#but that's also bc I'm simply not a B'Elanna/Tom Paris shipper v_v in my canon they are just co-parents. And also Tom gets with Harry#but then Harry breaks up with him too and it's devastating for a while but Tom finds someone eventually and then Tom enters every room#with B&H in it like 'Oh look out babe - I think that's my ex!' (very loudly as a joke) and they're all pals#I don't know Chakotay well enough to determine what he'd do but I most often picture him like:#'No. Fuck that. I like Voyager's crew but Starfleet can kick rocks.' and as soon as he's pardoned for whatever crimes he just fucks off to#live a quiet life somewhere...just doing his own thing....which is totally not being a political rebel :) definitely not breaking laws :)#Tuvok semi-retires for a time to stay at home with his family and then teach but he has a long life to live and I think he'd probably#still be very connected to starfleet v_v#Tuvok says he's going to retire 'for a time' and Janeway's like 'you better not mean 60 years like the first time.'#I know EMH is doing shit but I can't help but imagine B'Elanna keeping him on her like one of those travel companion fairy characters...#not for any character-driven reason but bc it's funny#B'Elanna Seven and the EMH going on adventures...totally not helping Chakotay do anything against very dumb laws#Tom Paris & B'Elanna Torres co-parenting but not being together works well for me because of both their childhood issues#B'Elanna not being able to be with Tom as a romantic partner but NEVER abandoning their daughter & Tom being like a single father but also#a good dad to Miral which he never thought he'd get a chance to be - I just like it v_v#Oh also about the Harry breaking up wtih him thing - I think Harry definitely had a crush on Tom on Voyager but after returning to earth#they slowly realize they work better as friends and with more....options...sometimes you feel less romantically into someone#Harry: What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic. / Tom: He means playboy. This man broke my heart v_v <- they're paling around#sometimes a happily ever after with someone is just being able to keep them in your life - even if you're not dating or married#sometimes family isn't nuclear...sometimes family is your ex-wife and her maybe girlfriend and your daughter and your ex-boyfriend and#that borg child your ex-wife's girlfriend keeps tabs on and your boss and an entire crew you used to serve with and NOT YOUR GODDAMN DAD!#NEVER HIM!#anyway I'm done rambling now thank you;;
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
voyager high school au
i feel like we as a species are really missing an important angle on this much-abused trope.
usually high school aus take our current, fully developed characters and de-age them into teenage equivalents (tuvok is captain of the chess team, harry is in all AP classes but is somehow a freshman forever, seven demolishes at quiz bowl and "steals" the class president's prom date at the last minute because she hasn't realized that lesbianism is an option, etc).
however, if you have to send them to high school, i think it would be much funnier if we imagine them as they canonically were as teens.
janeway is an admiral's daughter who stormed off after losing a tennis match and dramatically walked home like 5 miles in the rain. you just know that if she got a 98 out of 100 on a project (still solidly an A+!) she would go up after class to argue the two point deduction. she might actually be the class president, but idk if the other kids are happy about it.
chakotay is a sullen, angsty kid who hates his dad, hates his tribe, and just wants to go to junior college and never set foot on the rez again. so many internalized things to unpack. this boy is a mess
Passion Punk™️ tuvok canonically got kicked out of the house for saying that everything his dad believes in fuckin sucks
b'elanna also thinks her culture of origin fuckin sucks. child of ugly divorce, regularly suspended for brawling. she may have gotten sent to klingon religious school to scare her straight at one point? i gotta look that up but i'm pretty sure it happened
like janeway, tom is also an admiral's kid. everyone says he has sooooo much potential but he spends all his time crying in his room and reading jules verne
seven is in a massively abusive cult. this one's not funny at all ☹️
harry is the best adjusted out of everyone. great relationship with his parents, probably has had the same girlfriend since eighth grade (who is also well-adjusted). youth orchestra. early decision to harvard. i typed out "voted most likely to succeed," but that's definitely wrong, because it would be tom out of nepotism or janeway out of grit (and nepotism). if it were a category though, teenage harry would be voted "most likely to just have a nice life."
kes is the smartest kid in her grade but you would never know it because she just hangs out with the hippie kids in the woods behind the school, eating moss off trees and planning to run away from home
all we really know about neelix's pre-war childhood is that he had a huge loving family. i'm extrapolating here from the skills and attitude he has as an adult, but when i transpose this into a modern high school AU, i imagine his parents running the local diner and letting all of neelix's loser friends (see the rest of this list) eat there for free.
the doctor sprang into being as an adult so i'm not sure what to do here. you could argue that he was kind of a canonical teenager in season one, in which case he's that autistic kid who everyone remembers showing up to kindergarten with a briefcase and a full suit, having already memorized A thru G in the world book. somehow you never really see him anywhere except on school grounds. this year's special interest is opera.
vorik is also there.
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grissomesque · 2 years
Once upon a time in the 90′s I was gifted Janeway and Chakotay action figures, which I now, 87 years later, still have in my office. My daughter, with whom we’re watching Prodigy, is allowed to play with them in there, but because she once stuffed Chakotay down a heat vent (relatable, tbh), she can’t take them out of my office anymore.
(When the Prodigy action figures come out, I’ll get her those and she can mutilate them however she wants.)
Tonight, she woke up out of a nightmare and couldn’t get back to sleep. Didn’t have any suggestions for how we could help her. Didn’t want any of the usual things, didn’t want us in there, didn’t want us to leave, didn’t want a story or music or permission, even, to just stay up and look at books.
So I got the Janeway doll, and I said that if she’d promise to take care of it, she could sleep with it.
And she threw her arms around me, beaming. Immediately ready to be tucked back into bed, under her glow-in-the-dark stars, “like on the Protostar.”
And honestly, that feels like the legacy of Captain Janeway to me.
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clementine-kesh · 11 months
If you had to assign riverdale quotes to Voyager characters, what would they be?
janeway: if this were the 18th century, i’d have you beheaded
chakotay: this is coo-coo bananas, but i’m also kinda feeling it
tuvok: listen up, fives, a ten is speaking
the emh: i was born alone, i’ll die alone, i’ll sing alone
b’elanna: in cause you haven’t noticed, I’m weird, i’m a weirdo, i don’t fit in
harry: i do everything for everyone. everything to be perfect. the perfect daughter, the perfect sister, the perfect student. can't I do this one thing for me? (please note that this was said by betty “serial killer genes” cooper. take that as you will)
tom: then you haven’t experienced the epic highs and lows, the triumphs and defeats, of high school football
neelix: sorry to interrupt, sad breakfast club
seven: it’s not queerbaiting, it’s saving the world
kes: i’m getting heavier, denser, and also invulnerable
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midnightlovestories · 9 months
I honestly started watching Voyager with a FULL knowledge that J/C are not going to be canon. I KNEW that. Not that it prevented me from being outraged at them ultimately not being canon, because half way through season 1, I found myself hoping that the ending to this 20-something year old show would somehow magically change and they will end up canon. Because how two people like Janeway and Chakotay, with that mind-blowing chemistry, who are clearly meant to be together, could not end up being canon?
But anyway, I'm rewatching Voy now, and that Chakotay/Seven thing makes even less sense now than it did before. It's so completely random. If Janeway and Chakotay were not meant to be, then surely it makes way more sense to pair Janeway with Seven because, even though I'm leaning toward more mother/daughter vibes, some scenes between them are just ultra gay.
But Seven and Chakotay makes exactly zero sense.
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I just really want a Voyager episode where Lwaxana Troi shows up - maybe Q poofs her over. Maybe the temporal investigations dude is her new beau, maybe her consciousness gets sent through a subspace anomaly and shes a hologram for a while. w/e. I am just dying for this to have happened at some point.
She would flirt with EVERYONE
She would take Seven under her wing and tell her one cannot learn the deep arts of romance and sexuality from a photonic being who is still learning his own
She would sense all the complicated tension between Janeway and Chakotay and she would delight in investigating it and delving into it and poking at it.
Harry'd probably fall in love with her.
She'd probably try to fix all Neelix's cooking bc leola root offends the fifth house or something.
Definitely borrows Janeway's bathtub and then stroll around her quarters starkers while Kathryn tried really really hard to read some department briefings.
She would sit in Janeway's chair and definitely comment on how theres been like some kinda a secret command console on the other side of KJ this whole time masquerading as an armrest and she and Chakotay just share the middle one for an excuse to bump hands with eachother
Tuvok and she would just thoroughly and shockingly enjoy each other's company. bc they both old compared to all these spry young humans and they have definitey encountered eachother before like these two have gossip to swap. And they've both loved and lost love and she thinks his devotion to his wife is the damn sweetest thing and offers to go visit T'Pel for him or something
Just imagine this is after Voyager gets video calling with the AQ and Lwaxana cant help herself barging into some meeting that Barclay and Deanna are at and shocking her daughter all the way from the Delta Quadrant
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