#cello lessons
academiesofmusic · 1 hour
Viola Vibrance: Elevate Your Musicianship with Expert Viola Lessons
Immerse yourself in the rich, resonant world of the viola with our expert-led viola lessons. Whether you're a beginner eager to explore the depths of this beautiful instrument or an experienced violist looking to refine your skills, "Viola Vibrancy" offers a comprehensive and personalized learning experience tailored to your musical journey. Guided by seasoned viola instructors, our lessons cover essential techniques such as proper bowing, finger placement, and posture, as well as advanced skills like vibrato, shifting, and dynamic expression. You'll explore a diverse repertoire, from classical masterpieces to contemporary pieces, developing both technical proficiency and emotional depth in your playing.
For more details visit our website www.academiesofmusic.com
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rafikecoyote · 2 years
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Xena: Warrior Princess 3.08 The King of Assassins
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woundlingus · 5 months
Canon sabriel s13 AU where Gabriel and Lucifer still have the fight in the other world but the whole time Gabriel’s wearing this shirt just to get on Lucifer’s nerves
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cadaverkeys · 2 months
Whenever I figure out how to produce my own music it's actually fucking over for you hoes
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hwaitham · 5 months
da idea for a wolf hybrid!blade x puppy hybrid!reader x owner!kafka threesome fic jus went off like a lightbulb in m mind howevz . . i do not foresee myself writing it /ᐠ◞⸝⸝◟ ྀིマ at least in da near future ; ;
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shittywriterbrain · 1 month
ok the more i think about it the more i'm going insane over calvin's cello skills
the parts by themselves were Impressive. like highly energetic thumb position vibration if i saw that correctly. multiple times. on pitch
and singing simultaneously?? like i've tried playing the cello and singing once (1) and i'm definitely not as good as calvin but i feel like the coordination is much harder than with a guitar
ALSO he was carrying that thing for like one and a half HOURS. idk how much an e-cello weighs but it didn't look very light
my god an addition: not just carrying the cello but also. dancing and spinning and lying down. while playing. How
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lenskij · 9 months
every time I gotta haul my cello in public transport I almost wish I played the violin instead
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tinogiehd · 1 year
what’s a fun fact about you
i can play cello, viola, guitar, and some flute
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lokilysolbitch · 11 months
it is my god given right as an Apollos kid to ask for instruments every holiday
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help i inconvenienced someone and now i’m literally crying about it
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academiesofmusic · 1 hour
Clarinet Cadence: Crafting Captivating Melodies with Clarinet Lessons
invites you to explore the rich and versatile world of the clarinet. Whether you're a complete beginner eager to discover the joy of making music or an advanced player looking to refine your technique, our tailored clarinet lessons offer a comprehensive and engaging musical journey. Guided by experienced clarinetists, you'll delve into essential techniques such as breath control, finger placement, and embouchure development. Our lessons also cover advanced skills like articulation, phrasing, and dynamic control, allowing you to express a wide range of emotions and styles, from classical to jazz and contemporary music.
For more details visit our website www.academiesofmusic.com
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happy two year anniversary of me crying for an hour because of the tma finale!
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deadendtracks · 1 year
my friend is friends with this amazing avant gard cellist/composer and we were at a concert this weekend and Christine was like "you should take lessons from her!" and as;dlfad. The cellist was very sweet and I told her maybe after I build up some stamina (and see if I'm going to stick with it).
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laughinglynx · 1 year
#wooo tag rant!#this feels too silly to talk to friends about (and also feels a little like bragging which I’m NOT but)#but some stuff has happened in the last week that made me sad so. here we are.#for some context: I’ve always loved music. I sang constantly when I was younger (much to my parents amusement and therefore belittling)#I took piano lessons for five years and cello for three or four#both of those my parents were hugely supportive of#but neither of them were really It for me#I really really wanted to sing#finally in early middle school I talked my mom into letting me take a group voice class at our nearby music school#I didn’t think that would go anywhere of course#but the teacher of the class disagreed#she moved her entire schedule around to make room for me to take lessons with her#she immediately had me fast tracked to the basically honors program in the school. super performance based super exclusive#I’m pretty sure she tried to get lesson prices lowered for me#it was. amazing.#and also the first time I really felt like an adult thought I had potential for something?#I took lessons with her for a few years. I was about to be accepted into the honors program. and then I got my wisdom teeth removed.#tldr we don’t really know what the fuck happened but the muscles in my jaw went insane. I was in constant pain for like two years.#I tried to stick with voice but I just. had to quit.#I went back with a different teacher later in high school but had to deal with Constant complaints about it from my parents.#and when that teacher fell through I just. stopped trying.#my jaw is a lot better now. but I still don’t sing much because it all just. makes me so sad.#it’s this constant reminder of pain and having to quit something I’d dreamed about for Years and having my parents just… not care.#I’m just. so angry and sad.#this was something I loved. and I was good at it.#and now I barely sing in private.#I went to a cool chapel a few days ago that had amazing acoustics and was empty. and it was the first time I had fun singing in. years.#but then I tried again today and felt miserable.#idk.#I miss singing. I miss music.
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beachboysnatural · 2 years
Need to practice and make flashcards need to practice and make flashcards. Will not be doing either of those things because I want to do nothing
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shittywriterbrain · 9 months
my dealer: got some straight gas. this strain is called "thumb position" you'll be zonked out of your gourd
me: yeah whatever. i don't feel shit
5 minutes later: dude i swear i just played that on the wrong string
my cello teacher, pacing: the tenor clef is lying to us
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