#cc!eret’s eyes were more work than they looked lol
seraphic-sibyl · 11 months
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C!Eret Week Day 6: Fashion
For c!Eret Week 2023 I decided to share some traditional art, so here are my favorite slays from the dress-up stream but with some c!Eret thrown in the mix. Enjoy!
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itsonlydana · 2 years
Mcyt reaction to you confessing to them while drunk, that's all I have lol
pairing: cc!Foolish x gn!reader / cc!Wilbur x gn!reader /cc!Eret x gn!reader
warnings: alcohol & being drunk
important links: rules + masterlist
🌿 reposts and comments are appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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you two were childhood friends ever since you two sat next to each other on your first day of school and he shared his lunch with you because his mother packed a lot more than he would ever need
after that you stayed pretty close, through school and eventually college, hanging out whenever you had time
it was during the last your of highschool when you realized your feelings towards him had grown into something else, but you swore to yourself that you could never tell him, not wanting to destroy the strong bond between you and lose your best friend
when he started to stream you were his number one supporter, always having his streams on when you studied or worked but always staying out of it
even with his recent growth and longer streams, Foolish made sure that he made time for you
your feelings never changed, they became a part of your life you could work around and that you got used to
until he invited you to a pummel party stream
you two had hung out the whole day, sitting in his room and playing some games to enjoy the weekend. Foolish had asked you out of the blue if you would want to stay the night (which was nothing new) and that he only had to play pummel party with a few of his friends in the evening
in typical pummel party fashion it got out of control very quickly and not only Foolish decided to drink but you as well, laying in his bed while he sat in his gaming chair, glancing over at you here and then to make sure you were alright but also because he just couldn't not. Every time you were over at his and laying in his bed Foolishs heart nearly jumped out of his chest, beating a bit faster than it should for his best friend
Buzzed, the only thing to come close to describing your state of mind right now.
Everything of the past week was forgotten, the only thing you noticed were the cozy blankets and pillows under you and of course the warmth in your stomach, to which you were already accustomed by now. The room was wrapped in a pink bubble where only you and Foolish existed, not that it would be any different otherwise. The alcohol you'd been drinking for a few hours had dulled your senses and left you daydreaming in Foolish's bed, lost in your thoughts that went no further than the desk, and yet (or perhaps because of it) you didn't notice Foolish saying goodbye to the group and walking over to the bed with his glass in hand, where he paused. Only after a while, smiling dreamily and with your eyes closed, lost in the depths of his bed, you realize how quiet it had become and opened your eyes, only to see Foolish standing right next to you. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, his gaze as befuddled as yours, and you swore he had never looked better. Before you could say anything, he placed his glass next to your empty one on his dresser and dropped stomach first on the big bed. He moved around until he was lying with his face next to yours and dramatically spread out over you like a starfish with his arms and legs stretched out over your stomach and legs. Without giving it much thought, you nudged the tip of your nose against his. "Hi" His voice was a whisper, rough from the alcohol and all the laughter from before, and you couldn't stop the goosebumps on your arms. The longer you looked into his dark eyes and felt his hot breath on your lips, the closer you came to deciding to drop everything and confess it all to him. It was quiet in the room, except for the soft buzzing of his computer, there was only the loud beating of your two hearts as you both looked at each other, both lost in thoughts of all the childhood memories, waiting for the other to make the first move You whispered his name, breaking the silence first, and Foolish's pupils grew larger. You could feel his breath catch briefly and then hit your chin hotly, his heart skip and then beat wildly against your chest and you felt it feel right. "I" you started, but when Foolish moved his head even closer to yours, you stopped for a second. "Yes?" he echoed and lifted a hand to your face, gently running his thumb under your lips before he cupped your cheek as if he was afraid you would be able to turn away again. But there was no turning back, you both knew that. "I don't want to be just friends anymore" Before you could think any further about your words, Foolish had already pulled you into a kiss, lurching forward too quickly and slamming his head against yours. The alcohol made you gasp only briefly, then the pain was already forgotten and all that mattered were Foolish's lips on yours and the many years you both had crushes on each other without ever confessing it. The kiss was anything but sweet or gentle, as your friends had told you about their first kiss, it was much more urgent as the feelings between you exploded and you both finally gave in to what had been held back for so long by the fear of destroying something.
Will and you had been friends for a few years now, although you could ask all your friends what your relationship status was and they would just shrug their shoulders and get a "who knows with those two?" as an answer
they were not completely wrong, there had always been a spark between you since the first time you met, which had been pushed away with the passing of time, but was getting bigger and bigger
you only had to be in the same room and immediately everyone would feel the attraction and everyone would see the wanting glances. All except yourselves
You fell for Will's charms from the very beginning. The way he expressed himself, the devotion to music and generally all directions of creative art and his passion for things like his lore streams to his many bottle gardens he collected on his windowsills
You both were never sure if a hangout was a meeting between two friends or a date, you wanted the latter but always thought the former.
While Will took you on long walks by the sea or to band rehearsals, you made sure he had more contact with the outside world, dragging him from one museum to another where you dramatically analyzed or re-enacted the paintings.
Will loves Lovejoy more than anything, but while you always thought he was writing the songs for the band, he started writing many songs about you. These songs, however, always ended up in his drawer or at the bottom of his notes app
At some point, you came across a note with lyrics written on it, lines that got to you even though you didn't know what exactly they were about. When Will saw you with the note in your hand, he almost fainted and turned pale as a ghost, but you motivated him to keep working on it.
After talking to Phil and telling him about his feelings, the two of them worked out a plan to tell you that he loved you, because as soon as he tried to say it in words, there was just a yawning emptiness in his head and he stuttered around until he gave up. And since it was easier for him to sing, he finished writing the song about you, tweaked it until it was perfect, and made sure he got an open-mic spot in the bar where you wanted to go out with a few friends
Your whole body felt like it was wrapped in cotton wool, nothing felt real anymore as you stood up from the table with your friends and squeezed through the clapping rows in the small pub. Your gaze was fixed on the exit, your ears still reverberating with every single word of the song Will had finished moments ago before he had jumped up jerkily and run off the stage. The alcohol you had consumed throughout the evening made your path an obstacle course and as much as you tried to run straight or dodge the pub patrons, it was harder than you thought when your head was all about Will. Will, who had appeared out of nowhere and completely derailed your evening as well as your emotions. Will with his stupid love song, which he had probably written for some girl, the song for which you had motivated him to continue writing. You couldn't have known he was dedicating it to someone else, then you never would have brought it up. Will, who had nevertheless managed with a song for another, that you wanted to put down all your feelings to him. Will, who looked at you startled as soon as you pushed open the door and stepped outside into the fresh air. The world spun briefly as the cool air rushed into your lungs, still accustomed to the smoked and stuffy bar air, as you had to gasp deeply at the sight of Will. He had his guitar strapped to his back, the guitar whose sounds wouldn't leave your ear and whose melody turned you into a kind of trance as soon as he played just one note, and now he had this instrument that played with you strapped to his back just like that, as if it hadn't exactly convinced you to question your friendship. "Did you like the song?" asked Will, and you didn't miss the shakiness in his voice and the way he pressed his hands into his jacket pockets. "It's good," you forced out, wrapping your arms around your stomach "Really good." Will laughed in relief, a tremor in the quiet chuckle. "Yeah?" The alcohol had loosened your tongue and you couldn't avoid the bitterness in your tone "That special person will definitely like it. Will's eyebrows shot up, had you been a little more alert or sober you would have seen the hint of panic in his eyes flickering nervously back and forth. This was not what he had wanted, not at all. "You know," you continued, your hands clasped in your top, "I always hoped you could write a song about me. Oh that sounds selfish... but it hurts to hear you sing about love. How come you never told me about it? Never mentioned anyone that piqued your interest, although I don't really want to hear that either, because I like you, really like you a lot and it just hurts Wilbur" At the end of your sentence you sniffled softly, trying to blink away the tears that were coming, because there was no way you were going to start crying now. You were already embarrassed enough by the situation. "My love, the song was about you". At Will's words you jerk your head up, stumbling slightly at the spinning world blurred by tears and alcohol, but Will had quickly jumped a step forward to steady you. "About me?" you whispered, suddenly with a very strange feeling in your stomach. "But-" "No buts," Will murmured, wrapping one arm around your middle and resting the other on your shoulder, where his thumb was gently drawing circles to help him focus. "You really thought there was anyone else I'd dedicate a song about my feelings to, when you're the only one who makes me feel this way? That's silly. No, every single verse, every single word and every bit of love I put into this song I did for you. How about we get you a glass of water and talk about it?"
falling in love with Eret was probably both the worst and the most beautiful thing that had happened to you in a long time, but mostly the worst, because Eret had a talent for hiding his feelings.
He was not cold to you, no quite the opposite: you were always greeted with warm smiles and hugs, sometimes even an arm around the shoulders or a tousle through the hair, he always made sure that you were fine and did not feel left out in gatherings, but then there were moments when he would talk about your great friendship and you were sure that nothing more could come out of your crush
shortly said: he confused you.
When Tubbo and some of his British friends had flown to the US, a small celebration had been immediately organized to get together far away from the cameras and social media and talk for once without screens in between. The celebration took place on the beach, in a small circle with a bonfire around which you had all sat down
there was plenty of alcohol, maybe a little too much, because the more you drank, the harder it was to find joy in the evening and not fall into the sad spiral of your heartbreak, every time Eret looked at you across the fire and smiled at you
out of pure frustration at seeing him joking with others, while there wasn't much talking between you that night, you exceeded your measure of alcohol a little until you could barely keep your eyes open and your head kept tipping to the side
at some point, when Eret looked over at you again and saw your condition, he immediately jumped up, grabbed a bottle of water and took you a little away from the hot fire, sitting down with you in the sand
Eret wasn't sure how it had come to this, but as he looked down at you, your head resting on his lap and your gaze fixed blankly on the sea before you, he wondered if it hadn't been partly his fault for not keeping you from drinking so much. The bottle of water was already empty by now, luckily you had let him give you the water without much objection and you seemed to be feeling better. Your gaze was no longer as unfocused as before, you no longer seemed to tremble in his lap, and you were slowly able to answer questions normally again. Questions, of which Eret had many. Carefully, he slid the hand he had been stroking your head with lower to your shoulder, and was glad that you were able to sit up easily at his request. Nevertheless, you immediately let yourself fall back against him, leaning your head against your shoulder, and gave an agonized sigh. " Should I get you some more water for your headache?", Eret asked you, but you shook your head -again sighing- and pressed your forehead against the fabric of his shirt. Your hot, slightly faltering breath met his free arm, and Eret was glad that you most likely didn't catch the goosebumps that formed. "Would you like to go home, maybe? We can go to my place too and you can get some rest until you feel better. I'm sure no one will mind if you rest," he suggested. You mumbled something unintelligible against his arm, but repeated yourself directly: "Don't want to go, I feel better. Besides, it's not my head that hurts." Eret watched in amazement as you gazed sadly again at the sea as if you recognized something there that he would never see. It tore his heart to see your otherwise joyful personality pushed away by this sadness. "What else is it, love?" he asked. You took a deep breath before lifting a hand and placing it on your chest. "My heart," you mumbled against his arm. The fact that your hand was definitely not on the spot where your heart should be made Eret realize with relief that it probably wouldn't be a real, physical pain. Otherwise, even in a drunken state, you could have indicated the pain correctly. Still, he wanted to know more. "And why is that?" "If I tell you, you promise you can't tell" "I promise, I won't tell anyone" he promised, slightly surprised and also a little afraid of what you might tell in a moment. He had always thought you had trusted him with all your secrets. "Not even Eret, you can never, never ever tell Eret. Pinky promise?" Eret had to stifle a laugh at the serious face you suddenly put on, holding out your outstretched small finger to him with half-closed eyes. Slowly, he lifted his pinky, interlocking it with yours. It was as if the world stopped for Eret when you smiled sadly and patted his thigh. "My heart hurts because I fell in love with Eret, but he won't love me back" And suddenly Eret knew that the world would be a little better with the next breath, and that his hitherto unrequited feelings were not so alone as he had previously thought. Now he just had to sober you up further and then he could finally confess everything to you.
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