#cause ive seen it before on some gory fics so
liibility · 1 year
könig vampire?!?!?!!???!!
cw bloodiness? injuries and general vampireness i suppose
Your pounding heartbeat reverberated in his ears the moment you were carried in on a stretcher.
König’s first brief thought was to give the person responsible a slow, excruciating death.
His second thought wasn’t a thought but rather a garbled mess of blood, blood, blood as all of his senses locked onto your bloody arm. The breaths he took sat heavy in his lungs with the phantom taste of your blood on his tongue. Even though he‘d fed just last week, he could already feel that deep, gnawing hunger building in the pit of his stomach.
An ache formed in his gums and he could feel two sharp points lightly poking at his tongue. He willed them back, but they stubbornly stayed. Your blood was still in the air, and the scent was thick with temptations.
He wanted to taste you. He wanted to crush you between his teeth until you were a mess of bone and flesh. He wanted to tear into your chest and maul it beyond recognition. He wanted to be the ravenous painter to the canvas of your body and the stain of your blood.
König stood up and almost staggered out of the room, facing away from where you were being treated as best he could. He was no better than the person who’d given you that wound; you didn’t deserve to be dirtied with these dangerous thoughts that consumed him.
He’d have to start feeding more regularly.
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ h.js | assassin!au
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pairing; seventeen joshua x reader
genre; bulletpointed, assassin!joshua, fluff, doctor!reader, mentions of blood
collab with; @kpop–fics
tags; @lunarjihoon
notes; my asssassin!aus are getting waaay to fluffy for a supposedly dark au i’m sorry everyone AHAHA but hope you like this one!!
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joshua assassin!au
did you think you were gunna get some dark shua
he’s the medic ??? of the team 
idk what you wanna call it but
he basically cures everyone on the team
and prevents them from dying lol
no i mean seriously joshua is seen as the florence nightingale of the group 
but ok he does go on the missions too
since he has the most advanced knowledge on medicine and stuff like that ,, he can make doses that can kill their targets
basically poison doses lol
andddd he’s always busy 
he doesn’t have time to rest 
every day 
like every single day
after every single mission
there would be at least one wounded member on the team 
“smh guys can’t you be more careful” 
he usually does the behind-the-scenes work and not the actions aha
& he usually gets really worried when someone gets injured bc he knows how bad it could get
it could go from 
“seungkwan got a scratch on his cheek”
like what the fuck guys
no matter how busy it could get 
it was something he did like doing 
he liked the feeling of being important to the team 
the fact that he could make the members feel better
but surprise surpriseeeeee
he actually didn’t plan on becoming part of an assassin team 
all he wanted was to become a doctor 
since his group of friends pulled him into this 
why not 
they were all childhood friends and had promised to stay as a group when they were still really young
and their friendship had remained strong throughout the years
so sure
they need someone to look after them anyways
it was kinda funny to imagine that they would be nowhere without him 
seokmin would probably have his kidney hanging out of his body or something
but today, it was joshua himself who got injured 
they were on a mission to kill the president of a corrupted company
so all of them went,, since the building was really big
and jeonghan stayed in the car as standby
jihoon too,,, he was just monitoring them aft hacking the building’s cctvs
soo for those in the building
they were moving tgt, although pretty spaced out
joshua lagged behind the group bc he was on the lookout
but suddenly someone just grabs him from the back and joshua managed to kick him off
but that man came back and just flung him
shua was practically thrown against a window + shelf while trying to attack back
and there was a huGEE gash running up his upper arm
resulting in his arm bleeding a waterfall of blood
apparently the company had higher security than they had predicted so
abort mission for real
when they were in the car + when they got back, joshua couldn’t do anything bc ,,,
i mean ,,,
how tf is he supposed to treat himself
soonyoung was just pressing a thick cloth onto the wound but it wasn’t of much help really
everyone else would be able to help with minor wounds but this one was asdfgkl
,,, joshua wouldn’t be able to help even if it happened on another member
it was that bad
and ok jeonghan knew how to stitch wounds up 
but they don’t have anesthetic
so he couldn’t stitch the wound up bc joshua would probably die from the pain first before dying from blood loss
and joshua was just getting paler and paler by the minute
this wound just couldn’t get treated by any of them
“i think we need to get you to a hospital”
cue joshua pouting bc he never really liked hospitals
the doctors never really cared
shua had a few hospital visits when he was younger
none of them being good experiences
like omg the doctors act as if everything can be cured by ice packs
got a bruise? have an ice pack. 
have a stomach ache? have an ice pack. 
broke your neck? have a fucking ice pack.
like do i look like a moron to you
ok back to the story
seungcheol was kinda hesitant at first but 
1. he knew their assassin group was pretty private so no one would recognize them 
2. shua was gonna die and
3. shua is screaming
ok not really screaming screaming
but making weird grunting noises
of pain
he needed to live
the team needed him
an hour later 
joshua and everyone else were in front of the local hospital 
andddd you worked there as a pretty experienced doctor
that night
a horde of men just run into the hospital like a fucking tsunami was chasing them lmao
“is there a doctor available?!!!” 
you were the closest to them and you didn’t even have to ask who’s injured
bc this,,, brown-haired guy,,,, in the middle of all of them,,, being held up by 2 guys,,, was literally red
like i mean everything was red
except for his face which was ghostly !!! white !!!
but his clothes were soaked in his own blood and his flesh on his arm was cut open and it was so deep and just
omg it was really really gory
you were pretty shook
“did you guys murder someone or something??”
everyone just gave each other awkward glances 
like um techincally yes we did
you quickly led them to a room and did all the procedures
aka stitching of the wound
but you didn’t allow the whole group of them to follow you in bc you counted 13 of them in total like nonononono get out all of you
so only seungcheol followed
you stitched up joshua’s wound after injecting him with local anesthetic to numb the area
and seungcheol had to look away bc ew
joshua was still really pale tho like the amount of blood he lost was ,,, a lot ,,,
“i think he’s gonna have to stay here for a day or two,” you told seungcheol
seungcheol just nods and leaves and you try to call him back to sign the papers but he juST LEFT 
you were dumbfounded like okay so you’re just ?? gonna ?? leave your friend here ???
but joshua (you learnt his name from seungcheol while you were stitching up joshua’s wound) was asleep
and reasonably so
he would’ve been really weak and tired, considering how much blood he lost
you couldn’t help but stare at him for a while bc he,,, looked ,,, cute
there was a little frown on his face but he still looked pretty relaxed
and his features and everything were just so perfectly sculpted ajdskjfh
ok no y/n you’re a professional doctor stop it
so you let him sleep in the ward after updating his medical reports
and you were on night shift so you were gonna stay in the hospital through the night
you went on your daily rounds and settled more patients
but when you went to check back on joshua about 4 hours later
hE wAs gONe
the hospital bed was empty ,,, with just a few cash notes lying on the sheets
o and a little handwritten note too
which just said “thanks for stitching up my wound & taking care of me”
and the amount of cash beside the note was the exact fee he had to pay
okay maybe a few dollars less but that didn’t really matter
what mattered was that hE wASN’T WELL ENOUGH TO LEAVE YET
the wound would open again if he does any strenuous activity omg
but that worry didn’t last very long bc you had other patients to take care of
you couldn’t keep him on your mind like that
fast forward a few weeks later
joshua’s wound !! has healed !!!
not completely but the stitches are out (yes he did it himself) and the wound’s pretty closed already
but he still wasnt in prefect condition so he was sent on a fairly simple mission
which involved killing someone again
but this target was hospitalized 
so it was an easy task
all joshua needed to do was to insert the poison,,, venom thingy,,,, into that person’s IV
but no 
it didn’t go as well as planned
he realized that the person was staying in the same hospital as he was previously
but he didn’t think much of it bc he was here for only a short while
and his identity wasn’t really recorded soOooO 
he just went into the target’s ward, acting as a visitor, a regular mask covering his nose and mouth
and a casual cap over his head
i mean he looked pretty normal
and the target was soundly sleeping
joshua pulled the tiny vile from his pocket, quietly grabbing the syringe from the nurse’ table at the corner of the room, filling it with the poison and injecting it into the IV
“what are you doing?” 
joshua threw the syringe under the bed and stuffed the empty vile into his butt pocket and turned around
out of all doctors, it had to be you
you ran over, pushing him aside, ripping the IV out of the patient’s arm
the patient had woken up, obviously alarmed and confused
joshua looked away, afraid of being recognized by both you and his target
he quickly turned and walked-jogged right out of the room
you quickly told the patient to just go back to sleep first and ran after joshua
but by the time you got out, you couldn’t see him anywhere 
so you just ran down the hallway, pulling out your phone and calling the hospital’s security.
“hello? someone just entered the---”
you didn’t finish your sentence
the door of the storeroom on your right opened and someone grabbed you, placing a hand over your mouth and pulling you in
your phone was snatched out of your hand and that person switched your phone off
the door got locked but the hand was removed from your mouth
you were about to scream but when you saw the perpetrator’s face ;;; 
you recognized him almost immediately 
he was one of the patients you wouldn’t forget easily
besides, he just came in a few weeks ago
joshua smiles a little when you remembered him
“what the hell? why were you in the patient’s room? what did you put into the IV?” 
your voice was getting louder and louder, causing him to widen his eyes & place his hand over your mouth again
he shushes you
“stop speaking so loud!” 
you stare at him like ??? i’m speaking loudly?? you’re the one who just tried to kill my patient???
joshua couldn’t reveal anything so he just ,,
“that guy isn’t good.” 
you were so pissed like did i ask that ????
joshua just changes the topic suddenly like nothing happened 
and he thanked you for the other time
“i know i haven’t thanked you face to face yet, but thank you. it’s a lot better now.” 
you looked at his arm where the wound was, but it was covered by his sleeve so
he smiled at you again and you wanted to scream at him like
stop !!! smiling at me !!!!!
he was so cute you really couldn’t take it 
and so you just snatched your phone from him and left the storeroom 
but not before joshua makes sure you “don’t tell anyone about anything” and “pretend he was never here”
like ok i totally can do that 
he honestly didn’t seem like a bad guy
he seemed to hv good reasons
but no your morals got to you
you had to report him
he nearly killed someone
but before going to the security, you went back to your patient’s room to check if he was fine
but the moment you stepped in
you got fuckign strangled
by your patient
he was shouting something like “are you from their team?! did you just try to kill me?!” 
you were just helplessly clawing at his hands while your lungs contracted
you panicked
but suddenly the pressure on your neck disappears and you just crUmble to the floor
joshua had kicked him in the face and he was sprawled on the floor now
joshua grabs another syringe that was from his jacket pocket and just stabbed it into the man’s neck 
and the man just went unconscious
you were still,,, on the floor,,, spluttering and wheezing
joshua rushed over to you 
“are you okay?” 
he pats you a bit, and he suddenly just reaches around your neck gently, his thumb caressing your sore skin
when you could finally breathe again, you were just
“what was that? did you kill him?” 
joshua shook his head.
“it was just a heavy dose of general anesthetic.” 
that was joshua’s back-up.
you heaved a sigh of relief ;;;  joshua would’ve gotten into huge trouble if the man died 
you got really suspicious of joshua bc of what the man had said to you so you started ,,, cautiously ,,,, questioning joshua
and joshua told you. bc he trusted that you wouldn’t do anything.
and you didn’t !!! bc he just saved your life ,,, he was obviously a good guy
everything he said made sense too sooo okay
so you became a new “partner” of his team
you always helped the members treat their wounds and everything whenever they got injured
it was fun
and joshua liked to make jokes about how “getting injured isn’t bad now, i get to see you” 
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