#also tell me if im cw ing correctly
liibility · 1 year
könig vampire?!?!?!!???!!
cw bloodiness? injuries and general vampireness i suppose
Your pounding heartbeat reverberated in his ears the moment you were carried in on a stretcher.
König’s first brief thought was to give the person responsible a slow, excruciating death.
His second thought wasn’t a thought but rather a garbled mess of blood, blood, blood as all of his senses locked onto your bloody arm. The breaths he took sat heavy in his lungs with the phantom taste of your blood on his tongue. Even though he‘d fed just last week, he could already feel that deep, gnawing hunger building in the pit of his stomach.
An ache formed in his gums and he could feel two sharp points lightly poking at his tongue. He willed them back, but they stubbornly stayed. Your blood was still in the air, and the scent was thick with temptations.
He wanted to taste you. He wanted to crush you between his teeth until you were a mess of bone and flesh. He wanted to tear into your chest and maul it beyond recognition. He wanted to be the ravenous painter to the canvas of your body and the stain of your blood.
König stood up and almost staggered out of the room, facing away from where you were being treated as best he could. He was no better than the person who’d given you that wound; you didn’t deserve to be dirtied with these dangerous thoughts that consumed him.
He’d have to start feeding more regularly.
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