#cause it has Procedures and Formulas that are always the same
le-velo-pour-dru · 4 months
Okay you know what. I'll admit it. I probably don't have autism of any kind XD But I do feel a kinship with those who do in some ways <3
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oval3000 · 7 months
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Chapter 1
Yandere Teacher Nanami x Student Reader
Warning: Abuse, (force) smut. Abduction, violence, rough play, toxic behavior, age gap, everything from all above. Mainly from his point of view...somewhat... modern au- ish idk. College teacher x student.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The bell ringing caused all the students to pack their bags and walk out of the classroom. The janitors, of the school, sweep the empty floors of the hallways. Teachers were gathering their paperwork, making copies, and saying goodbye to other fellow mentors.
Nanami picked up the black, felt, block and started to erase the chalk from the board. All the math equations of the new lectures become just white dust falling to the ground. He closed the math textbook, feeling his eyelids wanting to shut. Another day, another day lecture that half of his students will fail at.
He shoved all the homework sheets half of the class handed, into his black, leather, briefcase. He enjoyed his job. If he didn't he wouldn't continue to be here. He liked being a teacher. He liked math. He liked to teach those who wanted to learn. quote, "Those." He would love his job even more if all of his students would actually pay attention. He wouldn't be so tired if his students would come up and ask for help when they needed it. When he saw the grades of more than 50% of his students fail their latest test, he changed his teaching ways, however, the statistics never changed. They still failed to understand the mathematical procedures of each formula that would give them the correct answer. If only they pay attention and not stare at their phones all the time. If only they take it a little seriously then maybe they would actually walk out to get their diploma.
He offered to help them as much as he could as a teacher. He stayed after school for those who needed help to come in and ask, but no one came. He gave them all a little paper booklet with specific instructions for how to use each formula to each question, yet, he kept marking f's on their test. At least is not 100% of his students, or else he wouldn't even have a job.
He did notice a pattern of those who fail. The same ones that don't even show up for half of his classes. Those who show up high. Those who show up just to chat or use their phones the whole time.
He spends more time scolding them for not listening than to teach them all the things they need. Especially after he taught them how to deal with their taxes.
His one particular class that he always has issues with. He's a teacher, he shouldn't think badly about his students, but that one class he hates the most. His 10:00am class. When his students don't listen, they don't bother to take notes. They're too busy recovering from their hangover from the party they had last night. Nanami knows what goes on with a college student. He was once a college student. Granted that he was never a party animal, he mostly focused on his grades rather than getting hammered on a Thursday night. However, he saw and heard about the wild nights his classmates had. So, he's not shed out when it comes to his students who come in with their eyes red and their hands covering their heads, trying to control their headaches.
He would enjoy his job even more if the girls actually asked for help rather than pretend they wanted help just for them to flirt with him and show their bodies off.
He would instantly tell when they wanted to have sex with him. It's no secret that he's attractive and handsome. A lot of his students would flirt with him and that includes his co-workers. Girls would come up to him with a question by leaning in, seductively, close to him to show their cleavage and wiggle their asses to show more of their cunt. All Nanami could do is to roll his eyes and tell them to go back to their seats.
He found it lame and embarrassing how easily they would want to give in just to pass a simple math class or to just sleep with him. He knows his other male co-workers are the opposite of him. They would easily go at it and fuck their students if they seduce them like that. After all, he caught his fellow colleague fucking a student in his office. His colleague was afraid of Nanami telling so out of fear, he gave him his position, as the head of the math department. Nanami didn't care nor was he going to tell, but he enjoyed the little promotion. At least he's getting something out of it.
He was honestly disappointed that this was the outcome of his career. Teaching a bunch of students math that they swear they don't need. Dealing with dumb colleagues. Dealing with women who want to have sex with him. Dealing with endless useless grading was like a slap in the face to him.
That was until he received an email. An email saying that he's going to get a new student for his 10:00am class. He rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance. Another student who won't bother trying to understand an equation.
He didn't have any high hopes or care. Especially in his 10:00am class that he hates.
He hates it.
He has to deal with another student.
Or so he thought.
When he heard your voice. your soft-spoken voice. He perked up and saw you. You stood there with your bag hanging on your shoulder and a piece of paper in your hand. "Are you Mr. Nanami?" He didn't reply, he just nodded. He was too busy studying you. your form, the way you spoke, everything. "Okay, I'm (Y/n). The new student." To stook out your hand as he shook it. Your soft, delicate hands. "Can I sit anywhere?" He nodded again. Never once has he been so starstruck by someone, a student.
He watched closely as you picked a seat, just a row behind the first one. Still close to the front. Still close to him.
Now the class he hated the most became the one he'll love the most.
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months
File: Re-Animator
Code Name: Elixer of False Life
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-AEF are created by the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare and contained at the Level 2 area of the Biohazard Labs of Site-AE. Samples are kept in eight separate vials all of which are kept in a biohazard box stored in one of the freezers of the Biohazard labs. Any testing with SCP-AEF must be approved by at least one Level 3 Clearance staff member. Dr. Haselhurst is often the one heading these experiments revolving SCP-AEF alongside his new lab partner Dr. West. All their experiments are in accordance with Project Lazarus so their work must never be interrupted.
In the event of a containment breach involving hostile Groups of Interest, all samples are to be destroyed and Foundation staff who are aware of SCP-AEF's formula including Dr. West are to be protected by Foundation security assigned to them. There must be at least 5 living researchers that know SCP-AEF's formula.
Description: SCP-AEF is an anomalous chemical with a glowing green texture quite similar to a glow stick. The chemical is highly mutagenic with the anomalous ability to fuse organic material together and bring it to life. Testing has shown the chemical structure to be vastly complex and quite similar to what Glutamate, Adrenaline, and Acetylcholine if they were fused together with some added elements. Despite these being common chemicals of the brain, they do not work well when fused into a single chemical and are not the ONLY chemicals of the brain, which is believed to explain the volatile effects of SCP-AEF.
SCP-AEF is a chemical can bring life to otherwise dead organic tissue but not without consequences. SCP-AEF has no regenerative capabilities so when someone dies mainly form brain damage they will be brought back to life with the same damage. Unfortunately testing has shown that when someone dies and is injected with SCP-AEF their "Steam" gets corrupted and become a "clone" of the soul. As such, SCP-AEF does not resurrect, it only replicates the imitation of life. Because the "fake soul" is now in control its more like a newborn that forcefully takes the memories within the brain of the corpse. As such it's not uncommon for the resurrected corpse to act they are suffering with multiple mental illnesses at once and have random tendencies for violence. Unfortunately, no matter how fresh the corpse is the result is always the same and it can only get worse with higher dosages.
Surprisingly SCP-AEF can also fuse dead organic tissue together in a kind of Frankenstein like fashion with no stiches needed. It's even possible to gather random limbs and have them fuse together to create a single organism without the need of brains. Though this normally leads to them having insectoid or animalistic like behavior. Such behavior includes running around randomly, randomly knocking down objects, and even randomly attacking other creatures around them. Testing has also shown that injecting too much SCP-AEF into a single corpse can cause the cells to not regenerate but over mutate leading to limbs and organs becoming their own living beings and able to move around and grow on their own.
SCP-AEF was discovered in 1985 when the [data expunged] University reported their hospital being flooded with patients suffering from psychotic personality disorders and were supposedly already confirmed dead. Foundation agents went to investigate and found that the "patients" really were dead but supposedly back to life. Foundation agents were able to find [data expunged] under a pile of mutant corpses. He revealed himself as the creator of SCP-AEF and said he could perfect it with time. Foundation agents took him in into custody as well as the corpses.
Extensive testing with the corpses as well as interviews with [data expunged] allowed Foundation staff to understand the true nature of SCP-AEF. Despite his contribution [data expunged] was responsible for the disaster that took place, so the Ethics Committee requested he be processed into the Foundation as D Class. However, the O5 Council instead pardoned his crimes and had him processed by the Department of Strategic Redemption, He is now a Level 3 Researcher within the Department of Universal Affairs - Afterlife Division as well as the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare - Biology Division. Shockingly, he has become good friends with Dr. Haselhurst. They both have become interested with each other's work and have combined their research in hopes of furthering their goals.
Update 1994 - Under the order of the Department of Strategic Redemption, SCP-ACT has joined in on contributing resurrection and biology experiments with Dr. West and Dr. Haselhurst. The O5 have backed the projects with unanimous vote preventing the Ethics Committee form intervening.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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skydental · 8 days
At Sky Dental NYC, we work to bring our patients the best available treatments. That’s why we offer Philips Zoom! Teeth Whitening. It’s quick, super-effective, and professionally done. For the best teeth whitening in NYC, see the exceptionally qualified team at Sky Dental!
If you haven’t experienced in-office teeth whitening, you may have some questions about it. We are always happy to answer your questions in-person or over the phone, but we want you to feel comfortable and empowered with knowledge. So, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions patients ask us and provided answers to those questions.
What Causes Yellow Teeth? Age, genetics, diet, and lifestyle all contribute to teeth discoloration, along with less common factors such as illness, medication, or trauma. Teeth discoloration is a fact of life for nearly all of us at some point, and age is by far the most common cause. As we get older and our teeth’s enamel wears away, the yellow under-layer, dentin, begins to show through. If you’re experiencing discoloration of your teeth and feeling self-conscious about it, then our Zoom! Teeth Whitening in NYC might be for you.
Why Whiten My Teeth? Teeth whitening patients often have both a reason and an impetus. For example, a patient’s reason may be that they feel the color of their teeth is a professional obstacle. The impetus, meanwhile, could be an upcoming professional event where they’re giving a talk and want to make a great impression. Many patients undergo a teeth-whitening treatment before their wedding, job interview, or high-school reunion. Some want to look their best for virtual meetings, a hot date, or just general confidence in a post-mask world. Whatever your reasons, Sky Dental has you covered!
How Does Teeth Whitening Work? Most teeth-whitening formulas are peroxide based (either hydrogen or carbamide), and they work by penetrating the tooth’s enamel to break up dark-colored molecules through oxidation. Many whitening systems employ laser or LED lights to activate the whitening agent, though some whitener-only systems also exist.
What is Zoom! Teeth Whitening? Zoom! Teeth Whitening is an in-office teeth-whitening system with a relatively high (25%) concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This high concentration is part of what makes it so effective and why it must be applied by a trained dental professional.
We apply a whitening gel to your teeth and then illuminate them with an LED light to activate the whitening agent. The Zoom! system uses a light that reaches all of your teeth at once to create an even and rapid activation. The entire procedure in our office takes just two hours.
Included in your whitening treatment is a take-home whitening kit that will help you maintain that gorgeous smile!
Is Zoom! Teeth Whitening the Same as Laser Whitening? Not exactly. Zoom! uses an LED light that reaches all of your teeth at once. Laser activated systems generally take more time because a laser’s narrow beam can only be applied to one tooth at a time.
What’s the Difference Between Zoom! and Over-the-Counter Kits? Hands down, Zoom! is a more effective teeth whitening treatment. It contains about two and a half times the concentration of peroxide over the typical drug-store kit. Since such a high concentration requires professional application, you’ll only find whitening treatments this effective in dental offices.
How Well Does Zoom! Teeth Whitening Work? Zoom! is our teeth whitening system of choice at Sky Dental, as it can brighten patients’ teeth up to eight shades. Check out some before-and-after images of our teeth whitening in NYC to see this transformation for yourself.
Is Zoom! Teeth Whitening Safe? Zoom! Teeth Whitening is a dentist-administered treatment, and it is safe for your teeth! It will not damage them or increase risk of future dental problems. The American Dental Association says that hydrogen-peroxide-based teeth-whitening products are safe.
Teeth whitening is not recommended for parents who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or children under 13.
Can I Get Zoom! Teeth Whitening if I Have Fillings or Restorations? Proceed with caution. You can get Zoom! Teeth Whitening if you have fillings, with one caveat: If you have composite (tooth-colored) fillings, they will not whiten along with your teeth. So, if any of your tooth-colored fillings are on prominent tooth surfaces, you may want to consider having the filling redone at the same time. This difference in color is, of course, even more noticeable if you have a bridge, crown, or veneers, which also will not change color the way your natural teeth will.
Does Zoom! Teeth Whitening Hurt? There is a zapping sensation commonly referred to as “zingers,” which some patients experience for 24–48 hours after treatment. And because teeth-whitening products temporarily soften your teeth’s enamel, they can also cause some general sensitivity for a few days after treatment. You can prevent or reduce both sensitivity and zingers by usingSensodyne or a similar toothpaste for a couple of weeks leading up to your appointment.
How Much Does Zoom! Whitening Cost? This investment in your confidence will set you back less than a new iPhone. And when you get a teeth whitening treatment at Sky Dental, we include a take-home kit to help you maintain and maximize your brilliant new smile.
How Long Does Zoom! Teeth Whitening Last? Everyone’s teeth are different, but 12–24 months is the typical lifespan for a whitening treatment. The take-home trays that we send home with you will help those pearly whites stay white. You’ll also find that your teeth will stay whiter when you avoid or minimize consumption of staining substances like coffee, red wine, and tobacco.
Who Offers Zoom! Teeth Whitening in NYC? Sky Dental offers Zoom! Teeth Whitening in NYC! Our dental professionals will spoil you with our signature brand of kind, compassionate and efficient care. Call us today to find out about getting a bright white smile that you love!
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Sky Dental(www.skydentalnyc.com/teeth-whitening-nyc)
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parkermckay68 · 1 month
Properly training your new cat takes a unique skill-set that no other animal can prepare you for. If you hope for your pet to be well-behaved, house trained, and playful with others, then you need to spend as much time with it as possible and practice any of the tips you find in the following paragraph. It's not like a dog that you can leave outside on the chain for weeks.
Get a pet water fountain. Cats can be prone to dehydration, and running water entices them to drink. It is an evolutionary habit that developed because in the wild, running water is less likely to be contaminated than a stagnant pool. Your pet will enjoy the water more, and will drink more often. Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. Your cat should have a health check yearly, but should go in more if your cat needs shots. Cats should go to a vet immediately if they have any conditions, health problems, or injuries that need to be tended to right away. Tickticktrader try using dog food or products for your cat. Cats are not the same as dogs, and products meant for dogs can make cats very ill. Be very careful with the flea products you use. Canine flea medications are strong and often made from a different formula than the feline version. They can cause death in cats. After your dog receives a flea treatment, keep your cat away for at least a few hours. An indoor cat who gets a taste of the outdoors will forever want to go outside. If you know your cat will always be an indoor cat, do your best to keep them from sneaking out. You can try to train your cat to stay in your yard when you are outside. Never have your cat declawed. Many people misunderstand declawing, thinking it is the simple removal of a cat's nail. This is not true. In fact, the veterinarian must remove the top knuckle along with the claw during the procedure. This can result in arthritis pain later in life and many behavior problems, such as biting. There are many alternatives from scratching posts to glue-on claw caps that can protect your belongings from a cat's claws without resorting to such a harsh surgical solution. It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on. Therefore, you should create high areas for resting. Placing a cat tower by the kitchen can keep cats from getting on counters. Give your cats easier access to a window in order to keep your curtains from getting scratched. Putting vertical blinds up will allow the easiest access for your cat, but if you need to keep your curtains, use a lightweight rod that will fall if your cat attempts to climb the curtains. It will keep both your curtains and your cat safe. Should you leave the house with your cat, make sure that she is wearing a collar with tags. This way, if anything happens and you two become separated, anyone can find her and know how to reach you. Your cat may not like the collar all the time, but when she's out of the house it can save her. If you going to be gone for more than a day, you should have someone look in on your cat. Leave out plenty of food, but have someone come to make sure it doesn't run out. If you do not have a neighbor or family to look in on your cat, you can usually find a cat sitter for a few dollars each day. Cats are great pets, but their litter boxes can be unsightly and have an odor. If you can't stand the sight of your litter box, then it is time to go shopping. There are many different styles of litter boxes on the market. Some are even disguised as fake potted plants. Not only does it look better, it controls the smell as well. Your first cat will always be your hardest, but the ones that follow will all be pretty difficult as well. Each cat has its own unique attitude, habits, and back-story. All that you can do is try your hardest to train them properly and implement the tips you have read above.
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goldsolis71 · 1 month
Properly training your new cat takes a unique skill-set that no other animal can prepare you for. If you hope for your pet to be well-behaved, house trained, and playful with others, then you need to spend as much time with it as possible and practice any of the tips you find in the following paragraph. It's not like a dog that you can leave outside on the chain for weeks.
Get a pet water fountain. Cats can be prone to dehydration, and running water entices them to drink. It is an evolutionary habit that developed because in the wild, running water is less likely to be contaminated than a stagnant pool. Your pet will enjoy the water more, and will drink more often. Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. Your cat should have a health check yearly, but should go in more if your cat needs shots. Cats should go to a vet immediately if they have any conditions, health problems, or injuries that need to be tended to right away. Don't try using dog food or products for your cat. Cats are not the same as dogs, and products meant for dogs can make cats very ill. Be very careful with the flea products you use. Canine flea medications are strong and often made from a different formula than the feline version. They can cause death in cats. After your dog receives a flea treatment, keep your cat away for at least a few hours. An indoor cat who gets a taste of the outdoors will forever want to go outside. If you know your cat will always be an indoor cat, do your best to keep them from sneaking out. You can try to train your cat to stay in your yard when you are outside. Never have your cat declawed. Many people misunderstand declawing, thinking it is the simple removal of a cat's nail. This is not true. In fact, the veterinarian must remove the top knuckle along with the claw during the procedure. This can result in arthritis pain later in life and many behavior problems, such as biting. There are many alternatives from scratching posts to glue-on claw caps that can protect your belongings from a cat's claws without resorting to such a harsh surgical solution. It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on. Therefore, you should create high areas for resting. Placing a cat tower by the kitchen can keep cats from getting on counters. Give your cats easier access to a window in order to keep your curtains from getting scratched. Putting vertical blinds up will allow the easiest access for your cat, but if you need to keep your curtains, use a lightweight rod that will fall if your cat attempts to climb the curtains. It will keep both your curtains and your cat safe. Should you leave the house with your cat, make sure that she is wearing a collar with tags. This way, if anything happens and you two become separated, anyone can find her and know how to reach you. Your cat may not like the collar all the time, but when she's out of the house it can save her. If you going to be gone for more than a day, you should have someone look in on your cat. Leave out plenty of food, but have someone come to make sure it doesn't run out. If Leik's FNP Certification Intensive Review 5E do not have a neighbor or family to look in on your cat, you can usually find a cat sitter for a few dollars each day. Cats are great pets, but their litter boxes can be unsightly and have an odor. If you can't stand the sight of your litter box, then it is time to go shopping. There are many different styles of litter boxes on the market. Some are even disguised as fake potted plants. Not only does it look better, it controls the smell as well. Your first cat will always be your hardest, but the ones that follow will all be pretty difficult as well. Each cat has its own unique attitude, habits, and back-story. All that you can do is try your hardest to train them properly and implement the tips you have read above.
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woodsfitzsimmons39 · 6 months
Properly training your new cat takes a unique skill-set that no other animal can prepare you for. If you hope for your pet to be well-behaved, house trained, and playful with others, then you need to spend as much time with it as possible and practice any of the tips you find in the following paragraph. It's not like a dog that you can leave outside on the chain for weeks.
Get a pet water fountain. Cats can be prone to dehydration, and running water entices them to drink. It is an evolutionary habit that developed because in the wild, running water is less likely to be contaminated than a stagnant pool. Your pet will enjoy the water more, and will drink more often. Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. Your cat should have a health check yearly, but should go in more if your cat needs shots. Cats should go to a vet immediately if they have any conditions, health problems, or injuries that need to be tended to right away. Don't try using dog food or products for your cat. Cats are not the same as dogs, and products meant for dogs can make cats very ill. Be very careful with the flea products you use. Canine flea medications are strong and often made from a different formula than the feline version. They can cause death in cats. After your dog receives a flea treatment, keep your cat away for at least a few hours. An indoor cat who gets a taste of the outdoors will forever want to go outside. If you know your cat will always be an indoor cat, do your best to keep them from sneaking out. You can try to train your cat to stay in your yard when you are outside. Never have your cat declawed. Many people misunderstand declawing, thinking it is the simple removal of a cat's nail. This is not true. In fact, the veterinarian must remove the top knuckle along with the claw during the procedure. This can result in arthritis pain later in life and many behavior problems, such as biting. There are many alternatives from scratching posts to glue-on claw caps that can protect your belongings from a cat's claws without resorting to such a harsh surgical solution. It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on. Therefore, you should create high areas for resting. Placing a cat tower by the kitchen can keep cats from getting on counters. Give your cats easier access to a window in order to keep your curtains from getting scratched. Putting vertical blinds up will allow the easiest access for your cat, but if you need to keep your curtains, use a lightweight rod that will fall if your cat attempts to climb the curtains. It will keep both your curtains and your cat safe. Should you leave the house with your cat, make sure that she is wearing a collar with tags. This way, if anything happens and you two become separated, anyone can find her and know how to reach you. Your cat may not like the collar all the time, but when she's out of the house it can save her. If you going to be gone for more than a day, you should have someone look in on your cat. Leave out plenty of food, but have someone come to make sure it doesn't run out. If you do not have a neighbor or family to look in on your cat, you can usually find a cat sitter for a few dollars each day. Cats are great pets, but their litter boxes can be unsightly and have an odor. If you can't stand the sight of your litter box, then it is time to go shopping. There are many different styles of litter boxes on the market. Some are even disguised as fake potted plants. Not only does it look better, it controls the smell as well. Your first cat will always be your hardest, but the ones that follow will all be pretty difficult as well. Each cat has its own unique attitude, habits, and back-story. All that you can do is try your hardest to train them properly and implement the tips you have read above.
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freshruinsyouth · 2 years
Why the Biggest "Myths" About pound weed May Actually Be Right
All about London Pound Cake Strain
Table of Contents7 Easy Facts About London Pound Cake - Cannabis DescribedThe 9-Second Trick For London Pound Cake Cannabis StrainSome Ideas on London Pound Cake - Weed Strains You Need To KnowAn Unbiased View of London Pound Cake - Cannabis
This details is actually sourced coming from our visitors and is actually not an alternative to professional health care suggestions. london pound cake carts. Look for the guidance of a health specialist just before utilizing cannabis for a health care condition.
The Cookies Fam out of Los Angeles has made one more tasty pressure along with London Extra pound Cake - blueberry london pound cake strain. Aside from tasting like a treat, this strain's THC tests at 26-30% frequently! To develop this high-powered stress, they used Sunset Ice cream, but sadly, Cookies is actually certainly not excited to share the succeeding formula, as the various other moms and dad tension stays an indica-dominant enigma.
Whether it is actually delighting in a track, a comedy, or a discussion, Greater london Pound Covered is actually a great sampling enhancement that may reportedly aid take a positive well-being to any situation - pound cake kush. A lot of say certainly not to be actually surprised if this scrumptious hybrid causes a situation of the munchies either. Developing Greater London Pound Cake must be delegated to the seasoned growers, as this hybrid develops tall and has long divisions that need recurring pruning/grooming.
Circulation Kana companions with premier professional planters in The Emerald Triangle that center on tiny batch, store tensions. Circulation Kana's items are actually on call throughout the Golden State. London Extra pound Birthday cake leads coming from a cross between Dusk Sherbet and an additional combination stress. The nugs of the Greater london Extra pound Birthday cake stress are dense, however gentle.
I don't discover a mill to be actually essential with Greater london Pound Cake. There is actually a very light dusting of kief on the bud, yet certainly not so sizable that I 'd make an effort to maintain it, unless I intend on taking in a great deal of the exact same stress. Greater london Pound Birthday cake scents fresh and also citrusy (wedding pound cake strain).
The Facts About How Good Is The London Pound Cake Strain? Uncovered
The same is actually correct within this occasion along with the London Pound Birthday cake tension. The set of the London Extra pound Birthday cake strain that I received assessed at 19. 93% THC and also 0 - garlic cake strain leafly. 05% or 2mg CBD. I first attempted Greater london Extra pound Covered in a forthright. It 'd been actually about 5 hrs due to the fact that I final smoked and also I felt the results of the various other tension diminishing (peach pound cake).
I like this stress the very most as a nighttime strain considering that if I happen to feel very sluggish or even lethargic, I can always turn in and also wake up emotion rejuvenated. My focus is not the greatest when utilizing this strain (dog whisperer strain). Oftentimes I'll acquire embeded the exact same posture for not known durations of your time while smoking cigarettes this or after smoking cigarettes this strain.
If it concerned food items, fashion trend, or even comic strips, I possessed excellent capability to concentrate as well as comprehend. If it was a science video or any kind of form of interview involving Elon Odor, I would certainly be shed within 10 minutes. chocolate pound cake recipe. I ordinarily like hearing Elon Odor speak on any topic, yet the Greater london Extra pound Covered stress does not permit me to comprehend his suggestions and also believed procedures almost along with I can sober - cake face strain info.
EXPANDING RECOMMENDATIONS: Because of its lengthy branches and also above-average flowering time, London Poundcake needs to have to be actually taken care of. By that, our team mean pruning the branches often to stop mold and mildew and mildew and mold coming from forming, which the stress is extremely at risk to as it has a difficult time with humidity also. cherry pound cake strain. Recurring pet grooming will definitely also protect against the plant from losing energy on unprofitable branches. blueberry drizzle strain.
Stress, fatigue, and also depression can likewise be actually handled with Greater london Poundcake. Because of its terpene profile page, having said that, the pressure is not recognized as an excellent pain-reliever. As a mood-changer, the tension is an overachiever. Keep an eye out for this one if you are actually a grower or customer along with low adventure on both faces, Greater london Poundcake might be even more than you may take care of.
What Does London Pound Cake Strain: Genetics, Effects & Reviews Mean?
Been a huge supporter of PC for over a year currently, try to regularly possess at the very least a cart handy. I deal with anxiousness and depression and this powerful woman consistently sooths the vicious spirit! I am secondhand to cigarette smoking, and also this stress is potent and also stuffs a whalop when it involves changing ones mood, the great ol' "switch that frown upsidedown" all is actually appropriate along with the planet pressure, anytime of day.
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Which is actually certainly not for me. Been actually cigarette smoking due to the fact that '93, as well as I choose indicas much more, sativas only do not perform absolutely nothing for me. Thus this is actually a paradise sent tension. And also the preference runs out this globe (biskante strain)... MMM, pound birthday cake Flower, Luvr113 evaluations - Posted Oct. 4, 2022, 1:20 p.
Extra pound covered goes back 200 years, yet the confection never ever took hold of much more than a passing thought coming from me. It resembles a denser model of white potato bread, as well as is basically unnoticeable to anybody under fifty purchasing at a grocery-store bake shop. My knowledge along with extra pound pie ended along with a handful of foolish laughs in my preteen years, and also was that.
So I had not been surprised to uncover something contacted London Extra pound Cake, a combination of Sunset Ice cream and a secret tension, on dispensary racks. Finding Pound Pie, a generic model of the same tension, from internal grows at flowerpot stores was additional of a surprise, nevertheless (frosted gelato strain). Possibly it was actually opportunity for a birthday cake stroll.
It is actually not just as good as Lime Extra pound Birthday cake, either, but that is actually fine. Pound Birthday cake is still a delicious combination in its personal right, and also accommodate right with it my night food selection but it really did not try like extra pound any type of pie, for that concern (cookies london pound cake 75). If our team're being honest, no weed truly tries like pies or even cakes, but Extra pound Covered's natural high qualities were extremely tough to allow me mislead on my own in to just about anything listed here. londonpound cake.
See This Report about London Pound Cake Marijuana Strain Information
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The high is actually exhilarating at to begin with, eliminating my worry as well as increasing my inquisitiveness for a little lower than a hr prior to my hunger is actually keyed and also ready. Even without the munchies, I still ultimately fade. You can find Extra pound Covered at Cookies and clinics holding Cookies stress, however a number of various other cultivators have taken on the stress, too.
It's wonderful, yet not reminiscent of extra pound covered. cookies lemon pound cake 75. Flavor: Like a souped-up model of Kushes as well as OGs from the early 2000s, Extra pound Covered lugs completely dry, resinous tastes of yearn and also lemon cleanser along with a refined tip of wood. Sweeter aspects with berry intimations stay with the edge of my mouth, offering the tension a fruity balance - runtz cake strain.
I am actually engaged and giggly momentarily and my mind is never clouded, yet the bodily leisure slips in within a hr (london cake weed). Although those soothing impacts don't transform me into a zombie, they're still good enough for your smartwatch to contact you out for being a stable piece of spunk.
For cultivators that wish to try this stress, seeds are readily on call online (mayonnaise pound cake). Simply prepare your backyard or even interior compartments and also put your order. The plant has a typical span of 50 shoes and also takes about 12 full weeks to floral, with an average yield of concerning 550 grams per plant.
Rather, you can easily anticipate intensely positive atmospheres from a quite smart high. While you might become a little sleepy, you'll likely enjoy it. This tension is actually all concerning eliminating worry. That stated, it isn't for the faint of center or overall novices (grape pie strain leafly). Conserve London Pound Pie weed for those along with a little bit of resistance already.
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donaldsonlogan · 2 years
Properly training your new cat takes a unique skill-set that no other animal can prepare you for. If you hope for your pet to be well-behaved, house trained, and playful with others, then you need to spend as much time with it as possible and practice any of the tips you find in the following paragraph. It's not like a dog that you can leave outside on the chain for weeks.
Get a pet water fountain. Cats can be prone to dehydration, and running water entices them to drink. It is an evolutionary habit that developed because in the wild, running water is less likely to be contaminated than a stagnant pool. Your pet will enjoy the water more, and will drink more often. Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. Your cat should have a health check yearly, but should go in more if your cat needs shots. Cats should go to a vet immediately if they have any conditions, health problems, or injuries that need to be tended to right away. Don't try using dog food or products for your cat. Cats are not the same as dogs, and products meant for dogs can make cats very ill. Be very careful with the flea products you use. Canine flea medications are strong and often made from a different formula than the feline version. They can cause death in cats. After your dog receives a flea treatment, keep your cat away for at least a few hours. An indoor cat who gets a taste of the outdoors will forever want to go outside. If you know your cat will always be an indoor cat, do your best to keep them from sneaking out. You can try to train your cat to stay in your yard when you are outside. Never have your cat declawed. Many people misunderstand declawing, thinking it is the simple removal of a cat's nail. This is not true. In fact, the veterinarian must remove the top knuckle along with the claw during the procedure. This can result in arthritis pain later in life and many behavior problems, such as biting. There are many alternatives from scratching posts to glue-on claw caps that can protect your belongings from a cat's claws without resorting to such a harsh surgical solution. It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on. Therefore, you should create high areas for resting. Placing a cat tower by the kitchen can keep cats from getting on counters. Give your cats easier access to a window in order to keep your curtains from getting scratched. Putting vertical blinds up will allow the easiest access for your cat, but if you need to keep your curtains, use a lightweight rod that will fall if your cat attempts to climb the curtains. It will keep both your curtains and your cat safe. Should you leave the house with your cat, make sure that she is wearing a collar with tags. This way, if anything happens and you two become separated, anyone can find her and know how to reach you. Your cat may not like the collar all the time, but when she's out of the house it can save her. If you going to be gone for more than a day, you should have someone look in on your cat. Leave out plenty of food, but have someone come to make sure it doesn't run out. If you do not have a neighbor or family to look in on your cat, you can usually find a cat sitter for a few dollars each day. Cats are great pets, but their litter boxes can be unsightly and have an odor. If you can't stand the sight of your litter box, then it is time to go shopping. There are santa for hire of litter boxes on the market. Some are even disguised as fake potted plants. Not only does it look better, it controls the smell as well. Your first cat will always be your hardest, but the ones that follow will all be pretty difficult as well. Each cat has its own unique attitude, habits, and back-story. All that you can do is try your hardest to train them properly and implement the tips you have read above.
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nyortor · 2 years
How To Gain Expected Outcomes From Glucofort Review?
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The very glucofort can be a sugar nutritional supplement made to positively the victims of diabetes who would like to utilization 100 % natural ingredients compliment balanced blood. With a focused mixture of normal vitamin antioxidant, glucofort could be scientifically that is designed to program the bad cholesterol and inside of a regular spread. Keep going through to find out if glucofort everyday life to the boasting at present in your check out. Via one capsule from glucofort every, people with diabetes as well as others along with glucose management matters can certainly ostensibly help in good condition blood glucose level. It has been produced by any 58-year-old accountants by the name of Bob Taylor. Bob Taylor preferred to result in a biological technique to match healthy and balanced blood. After a period most typically associated with basic research and assessments, glucofort might be the results on the effort. Nowadays, today acquire your supplement via the internet simply because glucofort (evident the same as Glue-COE-furt). Each single amount involved with glucofort includes mixture off herbal remedies, shrubs, and also elements to suit glucose.
This has a mixture off formulation really like yarrow flower, bitter melon, juniper berries, banaba leaf, licorice, white mulberry, you will find - the same as additional juvenile diabetes and therefore blood glucose level nutritional supplements manufactured web based - to guide amounts to all of the samples of participants. It is always basically promoted if you want to people with diabetes who wants to uphold healthy and balanced sugar. Then again, the exact health supplement comprises pure minerals that guidance many health benefits in the frame. Diabetic patients a few fight to regulation blood sugar level the next organic collection. Your individual pancreatic isn’t supplying a sufficient amount the hormone insulin toward strategy a sugar circulating from your keep, ending in high blood of white sugar quantities right meals. This method procedure “helps guide any sugar needs,” depending on conventional site, helping sustain glucose levels during a regular span. It can lead to “improved plasma health” due to a variety of antioxidants inside rule. Each of these anti-oxidants support the circulation of blood in solutions. Whenever it’s more convenient regarding system circulation during your body, it then adds far less strain on your favorite heart and various places, triggering more beneficial cardiovascular health condition. If you happen to look at this fabulous website, one can get progressively info about glucofort review.
This also is equipped with in order to whole stamina and. The particular ingredients is able to refine exciting healthiness, beat low energy, while increasing power source. Most flowers during glucofort feature herbal herbal antioxidants the fact that aid puffiness through physical structure, which could cause major impact for electrical, fitness, and thus general health and additionally physical condition. Per The nation's authorised site, typically the recipe has demonstrated powerful blood sugar level keeping experiences directly on visitors on their 30s, Fourties, 1950s, or maybe Nineteen seventies. The maker in addition lawsuits any baby formula is in fact “100% basic, protected as well as effective” knowning that many have got glucofort without any studies for ill effects. Visit it for a minor blend of plants and flowers, herbs and smokes, nutrients, and then enzymes to help strong stages. Recognized elements have already been connected highly effective blood sugar levels assisting added advantages, yet others can be biological minerals which might reinforce bulge in numerous procedures. One can check out these pages, you can aquire many more knowledge about glucofort review.
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vanity-wagon · 2 years
Decoding Ayurvedic Skincare
“Derived from Ayurvedic formula”, doesn’t this term sound familiar? Well, it is, especially in the array of clean beauty. Ayurvedic skincare has made a special place in the hearts of clean beauty connoisseurs. But a lot of us are not really thorough with what it is. And we have taken it into our hands to decode the Ayurvedic skincare for a better understanding of all our readers.
To begin with, what exactly is Ayurveda? More than 3,000 years ago, India gave birth to a natural medication system known as Ayurveda. The Sanskrit terms Ayur (life) and Veda are where the phrase “Ayurveda” originates (science or knowledge). Ayurveda hence means “knowledge of life” which is used to restore life and balance. It is a very elaborate guideline for any and every disease and procedure to treat, heal and avoid the same. Its three primary classics, Atharvaveda, Charak Samhita, and Sushruta Samhita, include in-depth descriptions of approximately 700 plants! Ayurveda offers a number of remedies to treat skin-related concerns out of which, ‘aging’ has been of great interest amongst people. More than 200 herbs, minerals, and lipids are described in its literature as ways to preserve and improve the skin’s health and appearance.
In ayurvedic knowledge, there are three doshas that are said to determine a person’s skin type. The structure of the body and mind is made up of these bioenergetic or life forces which are:
-Vata (wind)
-Pitta (fire)
-Kapha (water and earth).
Each person has a dominant dosha that shapes their physical constitution and personality. To elaborate a little more on the skin type, a Vata dominant person has dry, rough skin that wrinkles easily if not moisturized on a regular basis. High Pitta people have oily skin prone to acne and rosacea whereas Kapha skin is cold and oily, with a propensity for pimples, whiteheads, and water retention. With the focus on these three Doshas, or as the western sciences describe it ‘skin types’, Ayurveda helps one guide through a beauty regime that is suitable and effective. It also largely believes that the imbalance is caused by shifts in natural urges, stress, diet, etc.
The Ayurvedic regime has always been popular and had a strong influence over the clean and conscious beauty industry, and the rise of the same is only ever increasing. “Over the last two years, we have noticed a marked increase in the inclination towards Ayurveda-based products, as part of a larger shift towards cleaner, organic, and natural beauty,” a spokesperson from a renowned e-commerce platform tells Business Standard. “This shift has aided the surge in demand on the platform and has been accelerated with the pandemic, resulting in consumers becoming more conscious about their purchases, looking for natural but also effective ingredients.” A regime that has ever existed in every nook and corner of the Indian household is now in growing demand across seas and nations. Global Ayurvedic Market was valued at US$ 4.5Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 14.9Bn by 2026 at a CAGR of 16.14%.
Although growing at a blooming speed, a percentage of people still fail to see the elaborative science and efforts behind the same. Free of chemicals and toxins, it is believed to be ineffective, which is almost a lie as ayurvedic skincare has long existed amongst the South Asian community and they stand by it. “A common misperception is that while natural stuff is safe, it is often too mild to work. However, Indians have long used natural materials such as turmeric and chickpea flour for skin care, and perceive them as safer alternatives to chemically laden cosmetics,” says Arush Chopra, chief executive, and co-founder of Just Herbs (an Ayurvedic brand onboarded on Vanity Wagon amongst many others). But with all the power moves that the clean and conscious beauty sector is pulling, ayurvedic skincare is being revolutionized by keeping the roots intact and converging into recent needs of the time.
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dynimest · 2 years
Highly Informative Factors About Best Vision Pills
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A negative blurry eyesight don’t always like to have goblets given that they think that they search negative soon after dressing in specifications. In contrast to sunglasses, quite a few people consider lens as lens resource individuals a special appear and lovely loving, thought that could have been found that almost all families look and feel disappointed when you finish implementing improved lenses for several many hours. Sub standard vision health contains manifest into commonly used already as a consequence of life style of oldsters. Besides parents in addition to children invest their unique the vast majority of period of time the leading most typically associated with home appliances are televisions, notebook compters, smartphones, or computer games, which means that an individual's attention understanding greater issues. To build cleaner and healthy eye, of us might furnish acceptable consentrate on their valuable sight, much like they will squeeze in a number of break for your attention and also rinse out region in cold h2o as many times as is feasible. A present ebook advertised that any of us at the same time secure unfavorable eye health while in the very old years of age, along with weaker ideas really is a conventional thing in these more mature their age. Many of us don’t seem any will need to slip on technical specs, although others grab the blurry eyesight that what causes loss of sight. Nearly every independent delivers their unique perspective for take away blurry eyesight, simply as a lot of wish to have criteria but some like procedures, still best vision supplements are suggested utilizing a a number of medical experts to only in regard to every. Those persons have more desirable eye-sight also boosted eye health with the assistance of vision supplements. There are numerous great merits about executing vision supplements, as a very vision supplement have the ability to stop damage to our eyes, strengthen eye health, greatly enhance eyes, and provides better human brain health condition. Men and women select healthy vision supplements to have higher eye health, however people customers aren’t turning out to be substantial enough success following using the so many vision supplements. They've been thinking aggravated after putting into effect a great deal of methods, as well as presently attempting to discover the entire best vision supplements that should amount most important improvement perfectly. Friends by using intentions to understand this vision supplements that work to resources seems open-handed to examine this specific tremendous online business.
Assuming anyone aren’t leaving the best vision supplement in the market, chances are they'll has to concentrate on several different points, like service provider recognition, positive aspects, list of ingredients, ill effects, critiques, final price, money-back warranty, and a lot more simply because they happen to be in employment to acquire the most significant procedure by comparing they. The best vision pills review renders it simplier and easier if you are to receive one of the best baby formula without the need for evaluating these problems. Vista Clear, Eagle Eye 911, Advanced BioNutritionals advanced vision formula, Provisine, Eyesight Max, Divine vision 12, Revision, Zenith Labs vision 20, PureHealth Research complete vision formula, vision MD, Performance Lab vision, and Lutenol is the best eye support supplements which every and each woman / man may want to go with to get more effective vision health. There are not any undesirable side effects belonging to the best vision enhancement supplements, as well as people get a hold of such remedies by having an reasonable rate. Far better is to try to visit this site or have an examination of our authorized web site to learn more to the best eyesight support supplements.
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ballodsrojas · 2 years
How to make viral videos on your faceless Youtube channel empire
Hello, this video will be extremely educational. Be ready, my dears, I will be sharing a lot of technical knowledge with you. It's crucial for anyone who lives in the world Youtube videos. Yes, I'll explain the process behind the most viral videos and knowing that, knowing the procedure, you'll be able to create your own video channel with viral appeal on Youtube, or Facebook and maybe on Xvideos and other hamsters, no one knows what you're interested in.. Just make sure to follow my winning formula , and you'll be successful.
We must first determine what you are into. One thing is common to popular video channels that have been successful They follow the lead. If your top channels have millions of subscribers and billions of views, why don't you just follow their formula? They must have achieved something to build and keep such a massive amount of subscribers. So , what are you putting off? Put all those years of watching others doing their thing to work and start doing your own thing today! What are you interested in? Let's say that you are a fan of celebrities, gaming, technology or even beauty. Although each has their own page makeup tutorials, beauty tips and celebrities all can follow the same viral video format. This is true. Check out the following reasons.
Let's look at what the formula is and how can we reach it... This is why you don't have to be doing beauty tutorials, celebrity spying sports discussions, or even know the tiniest of details about technology. You just need to chat about other people and discuss technology. It's really simple, isn't it? It's a very simple and easy formula. Here is the keyword - reactions. This is the main reason behind Instagram and Tik Tok. This is also the reason why Sssniperfox and Pewdiepie became famous. Even after gaming they chat, talk, and talk... It is simply impossible to stop.. They need to talk.
The third step is to apply all this knowledge. It's done! You can now open a video editing software, but if you are in a tight budget, there are free options such as ffmpeg, which can edit videos thru command line even better than all those video editing visual software packages... There's always a way to accomplish this. If you're looking for something free or expensive, there is always an option. But, inserting video into a video isn't as simple as it seems using the ffmpeg program. It's also difficult to figure out how to do so. VLC also has similar tools for video. You can also cut and paste parts of a video.
It is possible to talk about who is talking about another person in the video. Even though you don't offer any views, people like watching all of the details get woven together into a 3 to 5 minute video. Anything too long will cause viewers to lose focus and allow them to move on to the next video. Facebook recommends making videos shorter. Facebook users don't have the time to watch three-minute videos that aren't logical. The rivalries that are a part of Facebook aren't as well-liked on Youtube. Start doing this every 2-3days. Most importantly, do it each day. If you're serious about your channel but don't have any obligations to make videos, then you could create one or two videos per day. https://y2mate.it/ In a matter of a few months, you'll be a viral sensation.
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the-perfectabode · 10 months
How to Make the Best Coffee at Home
Tips on How to Make the Best Coffee at Home
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The first step in making excellent coffee is, of course, picking the beans carefully. But a burr grinder is the defining feature of high-quality coffee, as it guarantees that the beans are ground immediately before brewing.
Have you ever given thought to the ratio of coffee to water? Figure out the exact proportions that will provide a balanced effect, or modify the formula to suit your tastes. The beans' subtleties can really show through if you use high-quality water that has been filtered.
Learn about the many brewing techniques, each of which has its own allure. You'll find out what goes into making each brew, from the delicate balance of a pour-over to the full-bodied flavour of a French press.
How do you maintain reliability? Learning how to regulate the water and time for brewing. This manual equips the reader with the knowledge necessary to make a perfect cup of coffee each and every time. You will have the most success on this trip if your gear is spotless and you are willing to try new things. You'll find your distinctive brew as you experiment with different grind sizes, ratios, and bloom times.
Follow this advice, and you'll soon be brewing up delicious cups of coffee like a pro.
Unveiling the Art of Home Coffee Mastery
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A correctly brewed cup of coffee first thing in the morning is like magic. Even if your favourite coffee shop is fantastic, it can be both fun and economical to learn how to make outstanding coffee on your own at home. Whether you're a novice coffee drinker or an avid connoisseur, this book will show you how to make the perfect cup of joe right in your own home.
1. Choose High-Quality Beans
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A good cup of coffee can't be made without first using high-quality coffee beans. Choose freshly roasted beans that have an acidity level that pleases your palate, whether that's the tanginess of African beans, the chocolatey undertones of South American beans, or something in between. To ensure you're getting the freshest beans possible, look for a roast date and stock up on whole beans.
2. Purchase a Burr Grinder
You need a burr grinder to get the most out of your coffee beans. For effective and even extraction, a burr grinder is necessary to achieve a consistent particle size. To avoid losing the beans' flavour and aroma, grind them right before using them in your brew.
3. Measure the Coffee-to-Water Ratio
The secret to a perfect cup of coffee is finding the ideal coffee-to-water ratio. The typical ratio of coffee to water is 1 to 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces. A higher coffee-to-water ratio will produce a stronger brew, but it's up to personal preference.
4. Use Clean and Filtered Water
Coffee is mostly water (around 98%), thus, using good water is crucial. Water with chlorine or minerals in it might ruin the flavour of your coffee, so make sure you use filtered water instead.
5. Select the Appropriate Brewing Method
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There are a wide variety of brewing techniques available, each of which will change the taste of your coffee in its own special way. Popular choices include:
Pour-Over: Allows you to regulate important factors, such as water temperature and pouring rate, for a more enjoyable cup every time.
French Press: Features a sediment that enhances the flavour and creates a full-bodied, robust brew.
Aeropress: A flexible process that yields a robust, flavorful coffee concentrate and allows for experimentation.
Drip Coffee Maker: A simple method for making coffee in bulk that always results in the same delicious flavour
6. Consider the Water's Temperature
The extraction procedure is highly sensitive to water temperature. Maximum extraction efficiency is achieved at water temperatures of 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit (90 and 96 degrees Celsius). Water temperature can cause over- or under-extraction, respectively, which can alter the flavour.
7. Master the Art of Brewing
Brewing times vary depending on the technique used. In most cases, a brewing time of three to four minutes is optimal. Determine the optimal brewing time by experimenting with various durations.
8. Wait for the Bloom with Patience
The coffee grounds need time to "bloom" before being used in a pour-over or aeropress brewer. A more flavorful cup of coffee can be achieved by pouring a small amount of water over the grinds to release trapped gases and improve the extraction process.
9. Be Sure to Keep your Tools Clean
For dependably delicious coffee, it's important to use clean equipment. Keep your grinder, brewer, and other equipment clean on a regular basis to avoid a flavour-robbing buildup of oils and residue.
10. Experiment and Enjoy
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Making the best coffee at home is an art that requires practise and experimentation. Don't be afraid to experiment with grind size, coffee-to-water ratio, and brew time to get your perfect cup. Document your observations in a journal.
An enjoyable adventure, homebrewing the finest coffee lets you tailor the beverage to your personal tastes. It takes a lot of work to make a great cup of coffee, from picking the right beans to perfecting your brew. Don your apron, dive into the action, and enjoy the deliciousness you've created in your own home.
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lailoken · 3 years
“The idea that associating faeries and Witches with the dead related to an initiatory phase of the faerie encounter makes sense of why faeries are often confused with the dead, and why Witches are relentlessly associated with death. The Witch as poisoner of the well and bringer of disease is much like the apples of the Underworld upon which the Queen of Elphame claims "all the plagues of hell are upon," which could even be taken literally as diseases.
There is a risk in passing through the realm of the dead to get to the Crooked Path, there is a risk of an incomplete initiation that brings back demons of madness and disease instead of healing powers. For this reason many of the motifs of Witchcraft have to do with initiatory death and the Underworld, even though it is as much about the realm of Faerie as it is about the world of the dead. What we see in Witchcraft are images of blackness, skulls, bones, poisons and narcotic ointments, curses, animalistic transformations, cannibalism, perverse sex, and sorcerous tortures. This is all the uninitiated or partly initiated ever get to see. Our faerie light, the cunning fire, is hidden from view, but hidden in plain sight.
Initiation in other shamanic cultures involves things like dismemberment, eating of the flesh and blood by demonic entities and heating and forging symbolism. Eva Pocs talks about the way something was often removed or put in during a Witch's initiation in the Balkans. She says the removal of a bone or even the little finger was required in some parts of Europe. Just as Witches sucked illnesses or fairy darts out in the British Isles so did other Witches remove a bone from the body of an initiate, scratch them and take their blood for a pact or take something else from them that would serve as a relic of their personal power. The procedures of healing and the processes of induction into the cult resonate profoundly, and initiation can be seen as a form of drastic healing.
Things may also be inserted into people's bodies, both by faeries and Witches. You can see in the following charm that way back since the dark ages both faeries and Witches have been linked together in the practice of throwing elf shot or "witch shot" as it was also called.
The tenth century metrical charm “Against A Sudden Stitch" (WiÐ fœrstice) offers remedy against sudden pain (such as rheumatism) caused by projectiles of either ése [gods], ylfe [elves] or Witches (gif hit weere esa gescot OÐÐE hit wœre ylfa gescot 0ÐĐº hit wære hægtessan gescot) “be it Ése-shot or elf-shot or witch-shot." This brings to mind the physical ways in which Witches are renowned for putting things in people, such as pins of blackthorn into the heart of a poppet doll. The bewitched were sometimes seen to vomit up pins, and the tangled hair of the one who had hexed them. In this way both for good or ill, Witches and faeries were united in being held responsible for either removing strange body parts like an extra unnoticed bone, or instead inserting magical objects into the body of either a victim or potential initiate. As we have seen, when it comes to the realm of Faerie and humans the only difference between victim and initiate is a strong familiar spirit who acts as a kind of bridge and guide between the worlds.
Eva Pocs gives an account of how death and resurrection experiences were part of becoming known as a woman or man of Faerie. Lady Wilde also spoke how Irish Faerie Doctors often acquired their trade through having spent time in Faerie following abduction. Pocs tells us in her Fairies and Witches at the Boundary of South-Eastern and Central Europe that the living ones, as in people who had not passed through the initiation trauma, were not permitted to gaze upon the Otherworld in Balkan traditions. But the light-shadowed people who were either faerie already, or who had been taken away and "changed" were allowed to know it. The light- shadow was perceived as an aura around the person's head like a halo.
"As far as 'transitory death' and temporary soul journeys are concerned, they, according to several beliefs, mean initiation; if someone has ever looked into that other world,—eg. Has seen the fairies who must not be seen by a living person,—from that time on he/she is considered initiated." Or as another account from the area puts it: “The faeries killed him but revived him, giving him power." 
During these abductions the iele takes out a piece of bone and replaces it with a stake or wheel spoke. One year later in the same location they put back the removed bone. This trope of something being removed or inserted into the body of the initiate is found in many shamanic cultures throughout the world. In some cases the shaman is believe to be in possession of an extra bone that must be counted by the spirits.
These faerie motifs of abduction, initiatory death and repatriation into the community with altered status, and the insertion or removal of body parts and blood are all clues to better understanding how Witchcraft flows forth from the Faerie Faith. Eva Pocs points out the following similarities. Just like faeries:
"The witch, for instance, flies in the form of a crow or a whirl-wind, sits in a swallows nest, where she seems to sometimes be little, sometimes big, and sometimes disappears, she walks on the top of trees as quickly as the wind; or the whole witch company 'transforms into crows and alights on wil- lows'. They travel in green coaches on the top of the trees..."
Of course this close connection between the Faerie Faith and Witches was muddied by persecution of the Craft. The faerie practices were increasingly assimilated into the household and moved away from the wilderness, with Sicilian Fairie Witches going from house to house, rather than out into the forest. Meanwhile Witchcraft was given all of the dangerous Otherwise characteristics, the ones so crucial to initiation that were slowly being stripped from the faerie narrative. In the process the realm of Faerie was losing its teeth and claws, and Witchcraft was being vilified almost out of existence.
All of the negative or dark attributes of the faeries, which were originally part of their primordial ambivalence, were gradually settled on Witches. Cunning practices became strongly associated with Faerie, and Witchcraft with demons, even though originally it is almost impossible to make this distinction in a meaningful way. In this way most forgot that Witches serve with the right hand as surely as they blight with the left, a characteristic shared with the fées of Brittany. Faeries throw darts and blast crops as surely as they bestow blessings and cure the diseases they cause.
LOnce faeries, and the human practitioners of magic who had faeries for familiars, both shared in those characteristics, including the ones that do mankind good, and those that do mankind ill. Faeries, and the Witchcraft that grows forth from it into the human side of the hedge, carry with them all the plagues and poisons of the Earth, and also the potential inoculation and medicine that affects every cure.
Only those who have passed through the world of the dead are offered access to the Third Path. Only he who has walked that path and come back wearing the virid doublet of Faerie and learned to keep silent, can now come back and eat of the fruit upon which all of the plagues of Hell alight to find the secret of their cure. In the Underworld, the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life and Death are the same tree.
Even in Britain where we don't find the bone tak- ing motif and only occasionally see an explicit spiritual death followed by resurrection, we do find the passing of the breath, where a Witch's shadow is able to enter someone else, giving them soul, through the breath and mouth, or illnesses is sucked away with the mouth. Witch teats also allow something to be sucked away as a form of nourishment to the familiar, who also sometimes drank the Witch's blood drops. Familiars were sometimes put in another person by blowing them into someone's mouth and we may conjecture during sexual encounters with faerie beings where vital force was being taken out and inspiration put in.
The relationship between faeries and Witches is as much peppered in the language of consumption and assimilation through eating as it is in sexual ex- pression. Witches and their familiars live off each other, eat of one another. Here do we perhaps find the origins of the "eat of me" theme behind the Housel or Red Meal. Where some Witches consume the body and blood of their Devil and his Dame, just as the Christians consume Jesus Christ.
In this natural religiosity of consumption and mutual nourishment we see the foreshadowing of all such edible sacraments. The spirit world is understood to enjoy blood. As early as the 13th century in Ireland Alice Kyteler sacrificed a black cock at the crossroads to the spirit Robin Artisson, her spirit lover and familiar—himself a man of Faerie, a dweller at crossroads.
Jeffrey Burton Russell says of Robin Artisson: “As much like a faerie as a witch's familiar, Robin appeared in a number of shapes, a cat, a shaggy dog or an Ethiopian."
Alice was also said to gamble about on a salve-covered broom (no talk of flying on it only of putting ointment on it mounting it and moving around) so perhaps something was introduced into her body via the salve. Even if the straddling of the broom does not suggest intimate applications of the unguent, flying ointments, regardless of how they are administered are always an herbal formula given to them from outside the hedge, which is put into the body via the pores of the skin.
Another Witchcraft tradition, prominent mainly in Britain that involves taking something out, is the practice of taking blood above the breath. This procedure, where one suspected of bewitching someone was attacked and scratched badly enough to make blood flow, usually above the nose and mouth, was believed to neutralize their power for a time. We can conjecture that the reason has to do with the way power or Virtue is considered to be stored in blood and breath and is connected via an invisible thread to the power of the familiar spirit nourished by these two things. The Witch's power and virtue is expected to leak out in great glut in blood above the breath because so much power lives in the skull. Drawing the blood above the breath can be seen as an attack on the Witchs familiar as well as herself. It is quite illuminating to look closely at the scratching attack on Joan Guppy, whom we have mentioned earlier in relation to Faerie Doctoring.
"They scratched her face with overgrown brambles, saying that Guppy 'was a witch and they came for the blood and they would have it and her life also before ... they left her." Not just blood but "the blood" — witch-blood. This statement is reminiscent of the sweet blood faerie Witches were believed to have in Sicily. We can conjecture that when they say they came for the blood and would have "her life" before they left, what they actually meant was her soul force or magical virtue, as they didn't actually kill her. Witchblood, sweet blood, the power that holds a tenuous thread, like a bridge made of one hair, between this world and the paradise of Elphame—a thread that must cross the abyss of Hell and is like-wise just as capable of unleashing it.”
Sounds of Infinity
Chapter 9: ‘Faerie Doctors and Magicians’
by Lee Morgan
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sevensoulmates · 4 years
I want budfdie to become canon but I cant imagine how because I honestly cant see buck making the first move cause hes confident but I dont think he would risk ruining what him eddie and chris currently have and the same with eddie tbh
See now that’s where the show can get creative. Make it interesting. Don’t make it so straight forward as a simple confession and boom we done. The nitty gritty is where this romance shit sucks me in. 
We’ve seen that the show is not above quick fixes when it comes to romance. We’ve seen Bathena happen over the course of 1 episode. We saw Madney happen over the course of half of season 2. We saw Buck/Abby start and end over the course of 1 season. Depending on when the show decides to make them get together, it’ll definitely be the longest it took for them to set up a couple. 
If you really want me to talk about I personally would LIKE to see it all go down (and not necessarily 100% how I predict it will go down), you can read under the cut. 
If we’re talking wish-fulfillment, I would like there to be something that comes up that changes the buckley-diaz family dynamic (like a love interest? or a new baby?) Suddenly Buck’s attention is not completely on Eddie/Christopher. Or maybe Buck is forced to not spend as much time with them if Eddie is the one with a love interest. Whatever way, something happens and the dynamic they’ve come to build and love has to change. And not-a-one of them likes it. At all. It feels off. It feels fractured. It feels incomplete. It’s just not right but they can’t figure out why. 
Then I would like something to happen that makes Buck realize his feelings are romantic. Not sure what. Could be a near death experience, could be a buckley-diaz family moment, could be a love interest jealousy, etc. Something happens, Buck now realizes his feelings but keeps it quiet. Buck’s abandonment issues are likely to really shine due to this. Don’t tell Eddie your feelings, because rejection will literally mean losing the two most important people in his life. 
Then, I would like for the story to progress with Eddie learning to let Christopher be an independent person, and Eddie learning how to be the Eddie’s who entire identity isn’t Christopher’s Father. I would like him to seek Buck out more for one on one time that doesn’t involve Christopher. This could be clouded by things going on in the background like a love interest, or whatever dramatic things are happening with work (ie. like the lawsuit/street-fighting arcs this season). But Eddie starts to find himself needing and wanting Buck even more now that he’s trying to figure himself out outside of his role of Father. And then whether or not they have a love interest happening on the side, or any other dramatic things, I just want them to WANT to be in each other’s presence so much that they are fighting to carve time out together. 
And then I would like something to happen in one of two ways: 
1.) maybe something exceptionally funny happens, like a crazy stupid call, or something with Christopher, or maybe Buck and Eddie babysitting Baby Madney and something funny happens, etc, anyway they’re busting up laughing, just enjoying themselves so completely in each other’s presence, that they both naturally lean into a kiss. OR
2.) something big happens work related. another near-death experience. something triggering for one or both of them. or maybe failing to save someone and it hits them hard. And they just naturally seek out comfort from the other, and in that comfort, find themselves kissing.
I truly don’t think the show will have them doing much verbal confessing to start out with. I think it will be something physical like a kiss, that will force them into needing to figure out what they are to each other. This might lead them to seek out a separate love interest (man or woman), or it might lead them to distancing themselves for a time. But because they’ve come to find that they need the other so badly in their lives, they can’t just avoid each other. Last time they were this separated Eddie fell into street-fighting. So, they decide to slowly see where things might be able to go with them. No telling anyone. No letting it effect work. No letting it effect Christopher. If one or both of them feel that it might not work out romantically, then they both mutually agree to going back to being best friends who are still always there for each other and always there for Chris. 
AND THEN, once they DO decide to tell people. I want to see some drama happen on the work related front. I do not want them to just slide back on into work easy peasy. I want there to be ramifications, perhaps consequences having to do with fraternization (I’m pretty sure I read this in a fic somewhere). I don’t want it to be as easy as “okay sign these papers we gucci now”. I want there to be an adjustment period where they are now forced to fight for their relationship on a professional front as well, not just a personal one. I want them to have to show that ‘hey we can be professional as work partners at work while still being romantic partners outside of work’. 
And this doesn’t have to all happen over the course of 1 season (like season 4). Could happen over the course of multiple. I’m pretty sure this formula has been done somewhere in some fics, idk man. I’m not a procedural show writer, but these are some general thoughts I have about them potentially getting together in a way that’s both in character and could actually be plausible. 
Along the way some other things I would like to see happening on the buckley-diaz family front:
a throw back to the grocery store scene involving an apology on eddie’s end and an actual discussion of buck’s feelings of abandonment as well as eddie’s.
pointed differences between buck being a father to chris vs. an uncle to madney baby
eddie actually learning of buck’s past
soft hugs, warm kisses
someone acknowledging buck, eddie and chris as their own family unit
chris and buck individual bonding moments
acknowledgement of buck being chris’s other father
chris having more moments of friendship with the other firefam kids specifically denny and harry. I want them to be bffs. 
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