carrotcakecrumble · 8 months
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Helloooooo I hope you're doing super fine and that you're reading for 2023 ! 🌺🌟
It's 3 am and I just had to send you send this request if you're okay with it of course 🥰
Do you know the old trend with the corset one tiktok ( y"You bring the corsets we'll bring the cinchers" this is the song ) if not go to 1:33 here she is the one who started the trend I think
Well Y/n is doing it too but for her own entertainment lmao and - Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, Dabi, Shigaraki, Shinzo and Tamaki - walk up on her doing it 😂 - spice it up if you want 😚
Again not pressure and take care of youself 💚💙
Baby I'm so sorry for taking almost two months to get to it 😭 but I hope you enjoy every part of this ❤️
A lovely view
Characters : Bakugo/ Shouto/ Izuku/ Shinsou/ Amajiki/ Dabi/ Shigaraki/ Fem reader
Genre : Fluff/ Suggestive themes
Notes : The main focus here is the characters' reactions rather than a description of the challenge itself. The challenge will be vaguely referred to and only in some of the parts.
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
Shinsou :
_ "Oh! what do we have here?"
You jumped up hearing your boyfriend's amused voice, and immediately turned the music off on your phone.
Apparently, you were too immersed in the cute little performance you've made for yourself, that you failed to notice him walking in on you.
_ "Hitoshi! You're home!" you were too stunned to do anything other than running around the room in a disparate attempt to find something to cover yourself up with, since the corset hugging your upper body had caught his attention immediately.
He stood there in place, arms crossed and gleaming eyes following your every move, while an amused smirk adorned his features.
He did not expect coming home to such a cute surprise, and your reaction was the cherry on top.
_ "Stop staring at me! This is embarrassing!" you felt self conscious under his piercing stare, and what made things even more insufferable was his lack of response, so you started again in hopes of filling the awkward silence surrounding you, "I was just having fun on my own, no one was supposed to see this, least of all you.." you whispered that last part as if hoping he wouldn't catsh it, but to your surprise, that was what brought him to his senses.
_ "What? Why not? Were you honestly not gonna show me?" he was only a few inches away from you at that point, eyes fixated on the curves of your body, and arms reaching out to pull you closer.
Your only response was a shaky breath when your boyfriend decided to latch onto your collarbone, licking and nibbling like a hungry dog, "I'm hurt y/n, to think that you wanted to keep this from me, tsk.." he inched towards the bed with you still in his arms, pushing you down gently onto the soft bedsheets before hovering over you, "wanna make it up to me beautiful?" and the flare in his eyes intensified as he whispered suggestively.
Bakugo :
_ "Babe I'm home." he called out from the entrance, kicking his shoes and dragging his feet as he proceeded to look for you around the house.
He figured you would be at home already, but the quiet empty atmosphere suggested otherwise.
However, it didn't take long for the music to reach his ears from behind the closed bedroom door.
_ "Hi babe I've been looking for.."
He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes widening and mouth dropping open as soon as you came into view.
You were standing in front of your mirror, wearing nothing but a delicate panties that hugged your bum perfectly, and a corset that he could swear has never seen you wearing before.
_ "Katsuki! When did you.. wait let me explain!" you tried to sound calm as you raised your hands up and took a few steps back, but the animalistic look taking over his features, sent shivers down your spine.
_ "Yeah okay go ahead, I'm listening." but he wasn't, because the next thing you knew, he was all over you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing down your neck.
_ "It's.. it's really no big deal, just.. something I wanted to do for fun." you struggled between soft moans as his lips carried on mapping your delicate skin, almost losing your balance when he licked a slow stripe down your cleavage.
_ "I see I see, so am I allowed to join in the fun?" and he didn't even wait to hear your response, sneaking his fingers past the lace trim of your panties and groping those luscious butt cheeks he so much adored.
You couldn't take anymore of his teasing, breathing out a lustful "yes" before claiming his lips in a longing liplock.
Dabi :
_ "Are we done already? Can I take it off now?" you were fuming as you stood there in front of him, upper body clad in a floral corset that you casually put on earlier for a little private show you had planned for yourself, not taking into account your boyfriend's sudden appearance.
_ "Hmm.." was he even listening to you? You guessed 'not' based on the flaming look in his eyes and the lower lip caught between his pearly whites.
He demanded to see what you were up to behind his back, and even after giving him a mouthwatering show -despite your crippling bashfulness- he still wanted to see more.
You were fidgety as you regretted the whole thing, and your furiousness grew by the second.
_ "Alright, give me a little twirl, will you? But do it slowly." he leaned back against the back cushion of the sofa, crossing his legs and gesturing you to carry on.
Did he have a death wish? You were ready to punch that irritating smirk off his face, but for some odd reason you also enjoyed his torment.
You took a deep breath and did as he asked, keeping your eyes on him at all times.
_ "Good, now come here." he demanded through a husky voice, patting his thigh with one hand and extending the other for you to take while guiding you to his lap.
_ "So what now?" you ran your fingers through his soft messy hair after settling on his waist.
_ "Now is time for the fun part doll."
And you didn't need to ask any further questions as you felt his fingers loosening the laces of your corset.
Amajiki :
_ "Oh! I'm.. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.. I'll be outside." his face immediately turned red as he stammered his words.
You couldn't understand his reaction though, he has seen you wearing a lot less before, so what was it then?
Was it because the garment squeezing your torso defined your breasts perfectly? Perhaps, but you needed to have a clear answer.
_ "Wait ! Tamaki don't go," you grabbed his arm as he turned around to leave, and stepped in front of him, but his gaze refused to meet yours.
In fact, he kept his eyes peeled on the ceiling and that was enough to answer your question.
You took another step closer, pressing your boobs to his heaving chest, and watched amusingly as he swallowed thickly, "Tamaki, look at me sweetheart, tell me what you think of this."
_ "I think it's.. it's.." and it was as if he had forgotten how to speak properly, but you pushed a bit more nonetheless, pecking his reddening neck and giggling as you did so.
_ "I was just a bit bored and wanted to have some fun, care to join me?" your fingers played with the fabric of his shirt, and your eyes watched as he struggled to keep his own away.
He looked incredibly adorable, all blushing and tense, but you wanted to feel his touch.
_ "You're really stubborn." you pouted cutely, taking his hands in yours before placing them on your corset-clad breasts, and biting down on your lip when he unconsciously squeezed on the perky globes.
And that was when he finally lowered his gaze to meet your own, shy expression still present upon his features, but also was a dark mysterious glint that rarely ever appeared in his eyes.
You couldn't control the shivers running through your whole body, because that look only meant one thing: he was going to make you pay for teasing him.
Shouto :
He was not supposed to see you wearing it, especially if he was going to observe you with that blank expression of his, but there he was..
_ "Shouto, say something already." you were only trying to chase away the boredom as you slipped into your corset and started your private performance, unaware of the piercing stare coming from behind you until it was too late.
_ "What was that?" he finally spoke, closing the door behind him as he walked in, and tilting his head to the side as pure confusion laced his uttered words.
_ "Nothing really, this is nothing." you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, still oblivious of what was going through his mind.
_ "Can you do it again?"
You failed to respond for a moment, racking your brain to no avail until he approached you slowly, placing both hands on either side of your torso and stroking the thick fabric of your corset like a curious little puppy who's facing the world's biggest mystery.
And all of a sudden, his fingers stopped moving and his eyes popped out, "can you even breathe properly in this?! Okay I changed my mind, just take it off it seems painful."
Seeing the look of concern in his mismatched irises, as he struggled to figure out a way to free you from your confinement, was truly endearing.
_ "I love you Shouto." you giggled softly, cradling his cheeks and gazing into his blinking confused eyes.
_ "I love you too, but I'm serious you should really take it off because.."
You had to silence him with a kiss, you truly couldn't help yourself.
He is simply the sweetest.
Izuku :
_ "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to walk in on you!" his sudden outburst startled you, almost bringing a shriek out of your throat if you didn't turn around to face him at once.
His hands flew to cover his bright red face as he stood there awkwardly.
Your reaction was no better than his though, as you sank through the floor and squeezed your eyes shut.
You could have easily heard a pin drop as embarrassment consumed you both and a stifling silence filled up the air. It was only a few moments, but felt like eternity.
Izuku lowered his hands cautiously, not because he wanted to take a better look at your outfit, but rather to check in on you since you hadn't said a word the whole time.
_ "Y/n, are you okay? Do you want me to leave?" he sounded as nervous as you felt, and you knew for a fact that your voice would crack should you attempt to respond, therefore you settled for a feeble shake of your head as you slowly opened your eyes.
_ "Alright then, can I come closer?" he was still being cautious, but your eager nod comforted him.
He was finally able to get a clearer look at you, and again, the blood rushed to his cheeks as you were utterly captivating.
_ "I was just a little bored so.." you had finally found your voice, small as it was, but your eyes remained trained on your clenched fists.
_ "Oh! Yeah I see.. well," he stopped for a second to take a deep breath and place a warm hand on your trembling ones before carrying on, "you look beautiful."
And that was the moment you finally dared looking in his face, with a bright smile and twinkling eyes that warmed up his heart.
_ "You are the most beautiful y/n."
Shigaraki :
_ "What.. the hell.." he froze in the middle of your room, eyes squinting and head tilted in pure curiosity as he attempted to understand what was happening.
_ "Come closer, I'll.. I'll show you." you were torn between your desire to explain what you've been up to, and the overwhelming bashfulness that took over your being. He was never meant to see you like that after all.
_ "Alright." he moved closer to where you stood, a serious look on his face as if you were about to share a big secret with him.
You hesitantly restarted the song on your phone and proceeded to perform in front of him, giving it your all as you wished to impress him.
_ "So, what do you think?" you turned off the music and whispered your query, eyes fixed on the floor and feet shuffling nervously in anticipation.
_ "So this is what you've been doing here for hours?!" the laughter rumbling across the room confused you, and the eyes studying your outfit seemed mocking all of a sudden.
Your shyness was quickly replaced with pure irritation, how could this be all he had to say? And after you graciously allowed him to watch!
_ "Just forget it and leave! I need to get changed." you turned away from him, crossing your arms and waiting for the door to click shut behind him, but the sound never reached you and instead, you felt his arms sneak around your waist and pull you closer against him.
_ "I'm sorry y/n, please don't be mad."
You refused to face him, and remained quiet until his lips trailed soft kisses along your nape.
_ "Stop it jerk." you protested feebly as you stifled a threatening giggle.
_ "You look so sexy in this I'm not gonna lie," a few more kisses on your shoulder, "I'm sorry for being insensitive."
He sounded sincere, so maybe you should forgive him?
_ "Fine." you placed your hands on top of his, craning your neck so you could kiss him properly on the lips.
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textmel8r · 1 month
I'll say something my mom her nickname is Gege (her full name is gehan, she is arabic so yah) when i talk with my friend about jujutsu kaisen and i say "when i catsh you gege" my mom come to me and say "what did i do even" 😭😭😭😭
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phantasper · 1 year
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sorry for not posting do you accept catsh or credit
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asknerdyalastor · 13 days
Sweetie, you have to know what a cat's whisker probe is, it's a part of a crystal radio. Though, I think it's sometimes referred to just whisker, so that might be part of why it didn't jog your memory?
Anyway, it's the thin wire you have connected to the crystal. Cause the crystals rectification property is pretty spotty and you gotta find the right spot for radio detection.
Which also means that if the whisker moves, then then you may loose your connection, resulting in understandable irritation
Did that ever happen to you?
How'd you react?
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"aha of courshe.. I deeply apologize for the confushion. I wash thinking you were talking about catsh! I'm sho ushed to people telling me new thingsh that have been learned about animalsh I just asshumed you were doing the shame."
"of courshe it'sh happened to me! I remember getting sho irritated about having to fix it. It happened quite more often than you'd think! Shometimesh I would get it fixed only for it to move and loshe connection minutesh later! I tried my besht to shtay calm even though it was quite obnoxioush with how much it would happen. But I overcame the obshtacle and carried on with my work."
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i missed the perfect opportunity. i could have named johnny cash johnny CATsh instead 😭😭😭
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hal-in-the-family · 1 year
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"Catsh are amazing because they can have up to nine livesh. Pretty impressive for such tiny, fluffy, and adorable creaturesh to be able to die and live again multiple times. Makesh them rather unique of a living being."
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"...I am right here."
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"I shaid 'fluffy and adorable'."
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"........." She got him there- he can't compete with the adorability of felines.
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dusty-does-stuff · 2 months
the fish are called Joy, Fear, Anger and Anxiety
alongside that we have Terry the catsh*t and Jerry the shapeshifter
we’ve seen Jerry once since we got him
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stiffonenoice · 1 year
woke up again in the floor,cat sits like stone,watching my left eye open, goddamn cathow long has she been staringat stupid me naked and twistedround a throw pillow,and the drink is on the heater all the alcohol,vaporated,along with my blood along with my sad memories,the pain killed inanother night flight, goddamn catshe lives inside and nevergets to fuck her lover lucky then,to spend all…
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carrotcakecrumble · 6 months
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:3 :P ;/>|
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wallamascotas · 1 year
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444names · 1 year
animals and their sounds + units of heroes of might and magic 3
Alaby Algroan Anargon Andamurk Angar Angog Angolark Angonet Antahor Antale Antipe Antsh Apegat Apich Aptinder Apybeard Arcard Arcup Arkel Aspet Azeetord Bacorele Balmoo Barayin Barfly Barunie Basnipet Bassh Bater Batfis Batter Beelfly Behoose Berber Berse Black Blacker Blamper Blark Blemot Blizz Blueech Blueet Blugle Boonkey Booppele Bough Buffird Bugloos Butalf Cacchich Camon Candian Cardtal Cater Catsh Catter Caverch Caverd Charay Chargoos Chermon Chick Chidna Chidnag Chman Chmaroth Chunk Clemen Cleon Clisk Cluee Clueet Cockeelf Codyter Cooth Counkey Crabbeet Cragoyak Credran Creet Criordsh Crous Cryster Deark Deberd Debiton Dement Dentaur Denth Dentle Deriorse Deverfin Dient Dilion Docend Dograill Dolder Doraw Drabon Ducker Dunixie Eadeel Eakemuse Echal Eckwig Efowl Efril Egritone Elemee Ellaman Emlibber Entaming Evildell Evipere Faerbat Famon Famonk Finer Finnolab Fispan Fliboose Flynx Fremur Froth Gallo Galrum Gaquing Garrilla Gelest Gentaid Geondrat Ghtickey Giaman Gianar Giantine Girooden Gnocoon Gnord Gnotterm Gobcaw Goldcaw Goldeech Goleel Golfret Gonevil Goyle Gragon Grail Granter Greamse Grefly Greing Grele Gribbird Gricoo Grillion Gritlep Grocent Gronk Guackwil Guangonk Guantal Guark Guideele Guinda Guingon Guiraard Guiran Halfly Hallorsh Hamon Hamper Hamstle Hantaur Harmil Heeck Heetsh Hemedoll Hemole Hishal Hishyele Hoentis Honer Hoodel Hopackan Hornarc Houglorc Hover Hucat Hummigh Humpikey Huntself Hyentsus Icook Impion Impra Iremoss Jagolp Jelemeow Jelfrift Kangoyle Kindog Kinor Koate Koiskiwi Koondeer Krilin Krook Lacate Lacou Lamig Laureah Leent Lemad Lemen Lemmin Licat Licow Light Limper Linke Lionk Lizzly Llizar Lobcater Lodytern Lodyth Lopher Lyfis Macon Magark Maglem Magon Magoon Magut Malet Malis Maloot Maltur Mampet Mandsh Mangman Mantiter Meddowl Medrab Mefly Mendil Migel Mighos Milver Mineder Minein Minevile Mingaton Minkey Minny Minowl Miter Miton Mitorpsk Mitter Mockbird Molpan Mondrat Monfin Mongon Morse Mosaquin Motar Mothow Nackooth Nagpid Nedray Nedrusel Niedpeck Niguit Niper Obblug Ocuda Oguitone Ogulee Oinothog Ordfin Ordtall Oriek Ornat Ortle Panagon Pangdell Pante Pardwoo Parus Peadybat Peark Pedder Pedrayin Peloblus Pergog Phamse Phele Phemen Phover Picork Pigech Pillue Pionfing Piorthum Pithrie Pladook Pladyth Plamon Poisola Poldrus Polep Praireah Primpig Puffer Puredus Purth Queap Queeck Quitcrie Rafox Ragon Ragoraby Ragorel Rayink Redpacat Redrus Reele Remoster Rherf Roarmoll Rolep Roodyte Roosquid Rummin Rumpire Rundeak Rusel Rustopsk Sanne Scork Scrie Scron Scrow Scrusa Scrystoi Seasum Sharagon Shrus Sider Sidergon Siline Silver Simpand Simpitte Skemot Skiwi Skunden Slught Snarmoc Snier Snobbird Snomon Snoss Solfish Spacco Sperse Sprat Squant Squee Squejay Squirack Staile Stipe Stlifow Stlizzly Strift Swalard Swass Swigut Swill Swoldent Swolf Swolfish Swolfrum Swollat Swolp Swolve Swoona Tanda Terbutte Toacker Toarton Torsele Tregar Trewt Tridna Troard Trockle Troug Trowlad Tultand Turrega Twifow Tygog Tyrakel Tyray Valdgeon Vamell Vampite Varrow Vultarf Walabon Wango Warkey Wattleal Whall Whamewt Whamunda Wharkee Whidog Whinferf Whipedo Whird Whise Whispray Whole Wifferm Wiftall Witaurt Witerhid Woleowl Woley Worne Worpyhaw Wyver Wyverd Wyvermin Yapyter Yelemoth Yelod
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moviestandor · 2 years
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asknerdyalastor · 13 days
Yo, do you have any idea about what a cat's whisker probe is? Got any clue why it's called that?
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"hm.. no I don't believe I do dear. Ish thish shome new information about catsh? I'm guesshing it hash shomething to do with their whishkersk, shince you mentioned that word. I would like to learn what thish 'whishker probe' ish and what it'sh for."
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myblckcty · 2 years
Join My Black City in Celebrating and Supporting Catfish Haven. We Shine Brighter Together. #MyBlackCity https://myblackcity.org/catsh-haven/?feed_id=12806 >> southern, Caribbean, Green Valley Ranch >>
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sackboys-moved · 3 years
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Also good morning to nine and six’s cats and nine and six’s cats ONLY
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